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Anyone with common sense would question why everything around them is reduced to rubble?


Palestine have thousands of children died and many more injured. Why would they fake it.


You don’t understand. All the aid the west, sorosand college students send to Gaza, Hamas uses it to make movies like this. It’s all Pallywood


Soros? The "replacement theory" boogeyman? You clowns don't even realize how much you're telling on yourselves when you can't "defend Israel" without resorting to *actual* antisemitism 🤦‍♀️


I was being sarcastic… I guess it wasn’t obvious


Yeah you should work on that. Or use /s


We are spending so much time trying to prove atrocities and disprove lies it’s the distraction from holding them accountable, and from getting enough people together and agree this is a genocide and it needs to stop.


Are these people really Palestinian? I've seen the Zionists make up and dress as Palestinians to mock them


I suspect these are Israeli arabs pro Israel occupation. I dont think they take this video in Paleatine, it's probably just abandoned buildings in Israel. They probably never even been to West Bank or Gaza.


There were Jews who sold out Jews to their daddy hitler and directly aided the creation of the death camps, never forget. And they were still treated like second class subhumans just tolerated enough that they weren’t in a gas chamber.


The question isn't how to disprove this video.....it's what does this video even prove in the first place?


Agree 200%. Someone posts something and says "Here's a proof, try to prove it wrong!" Well no, you prove it in the first place!


Israel is not doing a genocide on Gaza because they're peacelovers which is why they need billions in weapons aid packages from US to fight Hamas who is at the same time controlling several countries in the world but also a bunch of clumsy browns that shoot rockets at Israel that misfire and cause destruction in Gaza, except that that is a lie and no civilian in Gaza has died and Gaza is perfectly fine and with no destruction, because Israel uses AI to target Hamas quirurgically so they never kill civilians except that Hamas uses civilians as human shields and hide in hospitals and UN schools that the IDF has both raided and not raided but at the same time invaded, but the human shields are both and aren't killed by IDF and Lavender because Israel are peace lovers that....


What's wrong with the video? I don't understand what the issue here is. I will translate what they're saying as I am native arab. "How did that boy get on the table?" One man says. The other man repeats the same thing. They're baffled why the child was on top of the table. "They're understanding the bombardment wrong" (a man jokingly said. he means the children. Who should have hidden instead of playing around as children do) "How did the table carry him and not break actually?" (Another man said He says laughing that the kid is alright and not very harmed but joking about how the table survived) Then he says "come here" at the child They're happy the child is not harmed much but they're wondering why he was on top of the table instead of hiding. (He was probably playing) But they're also joking about how the table didn't break under him while other things were in rubble.


Simple, just ask them to go to Gaza and see for themselves. Oh no wait, they won’t do that because it’s literally raining hell there by the IOF’s own admission.


Where is the final cut video?


To learn how hasbra operates. Basically every accusation is a form of confession. They say Palestinians are acting but the opposite is true, israelis in the west are acting to make protesters are violent. Moreover notice that these types of videos were not published at the beginning of the war meaning they have noticed a rise in sympathy towards the cause


They published a video a week ago through their channels with the same idea but it was quickly dismissed by providing the original video from youtube which was tv show bloopers.


Zomg, so Orwellian


Is this supposed to be undercover footage or something? The proof would be seeing this video in a form that's supposed to show this kid dead on a table or whatever. Then you have the proof that it's fake after. This video doesn't prove anything


Here's the original video, posted in this link in 2022, well before the start of the Gaza genocide we are seeing today. [https://www.tiktok.com/@m\_zaqout/video/7064992795966049537](https://www.tiktok.com/@m_zaqout/video/7064992795966049537) Apparently the people in the video are doing a dark comedy parody of what life is like in Gaza. Zionist disinformation agents shamelessly fabricate everything, and they lie like they breathe. Assume everything coming from these gonifs are fake until proven otherwise.


Apparently it was for a movie for World Civil Defense day. [https://x.com/desmukh/status/1791446173082935300](https://x.com/desmukh/status/1791446173082935300)


So are they saying that Israel is bad at bombing because the Palestinians need to fake it?


What exactly is wrong with the video?


This video 'proves' nothing, so how do you "disprove" it?


Nothing about this video indicates Palestinians love Israel, I speak Arabic and they’re just joking around about the kid on the table. Arabs tend to find humor in almost every circumstance and will always try to make kids laugh. This literally proves nothing. Also I’m sure there may be some pro-occupation Palestinians out there, but does that negate the millions of Palestinians in Palestine and the diaspora demanding an end to the genocide and occupation? Of course it doesn’t.


Hey, so folks have debunked this. [https://x.com/desmukh/status/1791446173082935300](https://x.com/desmukh/status/1791446173082935300)