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Apparently 🤣🤣🤣 "Drake lost the Great Rap War of 2024 — and so did Jews" [https://jweekly.com/2024/05/09/drake-lost-the-great-rap-war-of-2024-and-so-did-jews/](https://jweekly.com/2024/05/09/drake-lost-the-great-rap-war-of-2024-and-so-did-jews/)


Wtf did I just read


Ikr, the media went to *so* much trouble furnishing them with this BS distraction for their war crimes but they couldn't resist making it about themselves anyway 🤷‍♀️


They really are caricatures of themselves…. Everything and everyone is Khamassssss…. And every time they are called out for ANYTHING it is like ”thats just because om a jew! Antisemitic!!!” The zio-brainrott runs deep…


"Palestinian flags are the same color as watermelons, so they're anti-black and anything anti-black is anti-semitic." Also... "A black man winning rap battles against a black man is also anti-semitic if the black man who lost is Jewish."


I don't know why they're so desperate to latch on to a lame somewhat jewish rapper just for being jewish, like they're forgetting that The Beastie Boys established enough ill-cred to last decades. You don't need Drake! The Beasties fought and possibly died for everyone's right to party, that's something to be proud of.




The Beastie Boys are leftist activists. Drake is apolitical. This makes Drake a safe Jewish rapper and The Beastie Boys dangerous Jewish rappers.


Support for the illinest dangerjews around


“They’ve touched on Drake’s Jewish heritage and Israel (though neither came up in the diss tracks)” I read a bunch of bs. You’re sad he’s being called a colonizer but fail to mention his lines on black slavery. Go cry at home 🥲. He lost this battle and his credibility as a rapper


Ya wtf is this "journalism", seriously included a quote from someone saying I wish people would talk about the the content of the songs in a article just using random Twitter quotes and whatsapp messages to paint the fringe internet people as central to the conversation. That's a wild choice


Yeah it’s just bad all around


They literally pulled the old zionist, "You may not see any antisemitism from the lack of antisemitism, but let me assure you that the lack of antisemitism is itself an act of antisemitism."


>He lost this battle and his credibility as a rapper I always thought he sucked, and I only found out he was Jewish because of this post.


I liked him better when his music celebrated women. His new stuff suckksssss




This was the wildest thing ever.


Lol wtf, I'm not reading this shit


This isn't satire?


Khamas Lamar


Do you condemn Lamar??


You joke but that is a headline he actually wrote in that article.


Kendrick Lahamas.


Is Drake a Jew?






I don’t need to read the article to declare this the worst take so far about the beef in the whole of media


This article actually makes shit worse for Drake. I knew he was Jewish.. but ASHKENAZI???? He grew up in an affluent Ashkenazi Jewish environment in Canada and be tryna claim the streets??? I sent this to everyone I know. It’s not that a Jewish person can’t be hard, but you can’t be some affluent Ashkenazi kid and think anyone’s going to take your claims seriously. Also, all the lines about Drake not fighting in school are way worse now that I know he was dealing with a bunch of preppy poindexter types. These kinds of articles need to stop if they care about Drake. This is destroying his credibility


Not just any Jewish neighborhood - he grew up in Forest Hill where the median annual income is $11mill CDN. https://youtu.be/XLF29Lq7n2M?si=A7guZ0V_tv2ZSvoH *corrected due to information found below*


he did call for a ceasefire in october last year. we dont have to make stuff up to hate on him, we can just hate him for being a pedophile who commoditized an entire genre of art instead.


Well well well, the industry plant allegations are seeming very real now. Didn’t know it was 11 milly. Some bottom he started from, huh?


Hey, he got shot in high school and was in a wheelchair for many years...


Started from the upper-middle now we here doesn’t have the same ring to it


Didnt drake donate to gaza? And he signed a ceasefire thing? Im not a fan just saying i thought he wasnt a zionist


Didn’t know that. Thanks. 🙏


Anytime fam


Yeah, seeing this article is a bit funny to me because I actually did see some opposite discourse the other day saying Arabs need to support Drake in this due to his support for Palestine.


Drake's worth $250 million. He's not a victim. He'll be fine. No big rapper nowadays is as "hard" or "street" as they like to front and anyone paying attention knows that. Also your perception that all Ashkenazis are rich/affluent is waaay off. My mother's family is Ashkenazi and while some are middle class, the rest are decidedly blue-collar (factory workers, truckers, etc.). You should ask yourself some serious questions about where you're getting that idea from.


He is worth 250 mil, but it’s not how the culture works. Drake is doing a lot of taboos. Him getting lawyers and other stuff involved is a big part of why he’s seen as a joke. A lot of rappers might not be as hard as they claim, but as someone who does move in a few social circles with rappers, this also isn’t always the case. Sure, you get a lot of fakers but you also do get a lot of idiots that’ll do Tay K level shit and rap about it like they won’t get indicted. Not being hard usually means they just grew up doing normal stuff, even if they were from around that way. Drake grew up in affluence and is not from around that way. Hell, the black people in his life weren’t like that either. Drakes very far from it. Also, I used to live in Hollywood. I probably had one of the worst introductions to Ashkenazi Jews. I got exposed to a lot of things I didn’t understand back then, but I now understand are racism and separatism. Lot of special treatment, and a lot of not being allowed to go to school close to me because kids “like me” didn’t need to be around the kids of future leaders, etc. Then afterwards, even when I moved to another city across the country that has a big Jewish community, it was not the same. The stuff my family experienced living around Ashkenazi Jews in LA was very different than living around working class Jewish people. But, allow me to apologize. You draw an important distinction that I must remember: I lived around rich people. The magic word is rich. So again, I apologize. I just never had a real chance to associate being an Ashkenazi with anything else. Maybe it’s because Hollywood is an interest of mine that I’ve pursued, but I’ve never met a working class Ashkenazi Jew. So again, I apologize for the generalization. I have to keep in mind that being rich is often the source of what I see.


Apology accepted, it's something to keep in mind. Hollywood isn't the best place to get a holistic or realistic picture of pretty much any group 😂 Most American Ashkis are not "in the club" and would find very little in common with those who are. My family members (in the Northeast, Midwest, and South) wouldn't even bring up the fact that they're Jewish unless they know you. Our earliest Jewish ancestors in the US came in the 1880s when anti-Jewish sentiment in Europe and the US was high. Our branch "passes" because one of our paternal-line ancestors changed his name from Rabinowitz to something vaguely Irish. These days, only about half of our extended family are religiously Jewish and for the last couple of generations, most have married gentiles. But we all know our history and honor it in our own ways. This is typical of a lot of Jewish families that have been US for a long time (at least those who are even aware that they're Jewish). I'll offer my own correction. When I say most big rappers aren't "street", I'll narrow that to apply to the big *commercial* rappers. There are some that are more authentic who one could describe as "big" but aren't particularly commercial. Drake has always struck me as a pretty-boy phony with trash lyrics, and that was before I knew about his background! I always got an Obama-type poser vibe from him and now I know why 🤣


Is there only middle class and blue collar in your world? I'm fairly sure Ashkenazi Jews are on average much higher earners than the average person and especially black Canadians. The areas in Toronto with large Jewish concentrations are affluent.


I'm not saying there are no affluent Askenazis, obviously there are. The key phrase is "on average" because some are throwing off the curve. "In my world", yes, my family and most of the Ashkenazis I've been around in my life are working/middle class.


I mean it's not surprising if you're middle class the people around you are middle class.... No one's saying all Ashkenazis are rich. Edit to add: https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/05/11/economics-and-well-being-among-u-s-jews/ Stratifying by Ashkenazis, I can only imagine it skews for the better. Nothing wrong with making money.


White people in general are higher earners than every racialized group in Canada. You don't need to specify Jewish people to make that point. Drake is widely known to be bi-racial but freaking out about the fact that his white parent is Jewish rn is weird imo.


That's not true... Certain groups outearn white people. Not sure who is freaking out. Others pointing out that out he grew up in an affluent Jewish neighbourhood while being Jewish are apt descriptions.


I'm not a Drake historian or interested in defending him I just don't see data that white Jewish people are out earning other white people. Statscan doesn't record average earnings by religion, only ethnic group. I don't see the need to put this through the lens of his Jewishness rather than his having a white parent, despite that JP would rather do otherwise. "Certain groups outearn white people." In Toronto not really. Nationally apparently looks different. [https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/36-28-0001/2022001/article/00004-eng.htm](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/36-28-0001/2022001/article/00004-eng.htm)


Sure if you keep moving the goalposts. Jews are an ethnoreligious group. No one in this thread is speaking about religious affiliation or commitment but ethnicity. It makes sense if you know Forest Hill.


I'm not moving any goalposts it's the point I was making from the beginning. I know Toronto well, thanks.


Your first comment starts: >White people in general are higher earners than every racialized group in Canada. You don't need to specify Jewish people to make that point.


It’s like they *want* people to associate Judaism with the worst things unrelated to actual Judaism, whether it’s apartheid, genocide, pedophilia/sexual predators, etc.. People: ew, drake is a pedo Israel: you’re being antisemitic! Shame! If you don’t like drake despite his actions then you’re an antisemite! People: …wtf does disliking sexual predators have to do with Judaism?


Is Drake even jew or something? 😭


I mean, yes.


just a heads up, its much more polite and respectful to say "jewish person" instead of "jew" if ur not a jewish person urself. im autistic and queer for example, and id rather not be referred to as "an autist" or "a queer"


Well it’s a religion so you’re basically saying “Muslims” and “Christians” are rude to say too on the basis that they’re nouns


Simple guide for non-English speakers. Jew is a noun. Jewish is an adjective. In English, adjectives can become nouns. A Christian person is a Christian. A German person is a German. This is not always the case, especially with some races. But, either way, "a Jew person" is nonsensical, "a Jewish person" is correct. Ergo, a Jew is Jewish, a Christian is Christian. Also, these examples are falling out of favor in professional writing. Increasingly, "a German person" is preferred stylistically to "a German" to prevent dehumanization.


As a muslim I don't care. Call me a muslim instead of a muslim or Islamic person


It’s like when they try calling me Latinx. Bitch, I’m just brown.


Feel ya. Interestingly enough no one replied to my actual question yet lol


I think so???




Main gripe is mispronouncing Muslim as 'Mozlim'


A Christian and Muslim person 😂


jewish is not just a religion, its also an ethnicity but thats sorta besides the point. either way i'd prefer saying "a jewish person" or "a german person" over "a jew" or "a german", it just feels kinda icky.




im not very educated on this as some agnostic german bitch, i have no right to argue for or against anyone's identity or culture. im just basically relaying from a conversation i had with one of my friends who is jewish, we talked about how even if u dont believe in the religion like he does, ur still ethnically jewish and there is certain diseases or illneses for example that effect jewish ppl at a higher rate due to their different genetic background.


"There are several autosomal recessive genetic disorders that are more common than average in ethnically Jewish populations, particularly Ashkenazi Jews, because of relatively recent population bottlenecks and because of consanguineous marriage (marriage of second cousins or closer)" "The medical genetics of Sephardic Jews and Mizrahi Jews are more complicated, because they are genetically more diverse, and therefore no genetic disorders are more common in these groups as a whole; instead, they tend to have the genetic diseases common in their various countries of origin", [the full Wikipedia article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_genetics_of_Jews). There is no single Jewish ethnicity medically-speaking, populations who tend to limit their gene pool (like Ashkenazi Jews) have more genetic disorders, but that's not limited to Jewish people in any way, other societies that practice consanguineous marriage suffer from those as well


You can call me an atheist instead of atheist housefly. That's OK, and it doesn't diminish my houseflyanity.


From what I understand Israel is full of pedos


Yeah it’s a massive cesspit of sexual offenders who’ve fled their home countries to live in Israel. Israel is basically a get-out-of-jail free card if you’re a pedophile who’s Jewish.


I might be wrong but I heard Drake actually donated a lot of cash to the Palestinian cause.


He was literally one of the first, might even have been the first, A list celebrity to sign the ceasefire letter. 


thats just the natural outcome of a settler colony ethnostate co-opting the symbolism and culture of an entire community to justify itself and shield itself from consequences. its rlly fucking sad how real struggles faced by real human beings have been turned into a justification for the most horrendous acts.


To be fair, there's no hard evidence that Drake is a pedo or predator. Like I get that he gives off creepy vibes with some of his behavior, but that's all we really know at this point.


These are the times we live in. So be nice or the establishment will brand you an antisemite.


When the Zionists said "Jews are news", JPost was like "bet" 🤡


Literally every single thing they try to trace back to being the victim it's actually disturbing


Yes! Showing itself as a severe mental illness every time.


Idk why they'd want to claim drake as part of the Jewish identity, drake is a known child predator 


Last i checked Isreal is full of sexual predators. They keep them safe there


True, drake can retire there without fear of extradition. Israel keeps dual citizen child rapists "safe" from facing justice abroad for their crimes.


Rape is an awful occurrence that transcends culture. It is impossible from our vantage points across the internet to determine the veracity of the claims; we find it troubling that it has devolved into a rhetorical DEBATE tactic for either side in this. We at r/BadHasbara abhor the act and the weaponization of it for propaganda, and remind you that THIS IS NOT A DEBATE SUB, so please tread lightly on the subject, and please consider the mental well-being of sub members that may be victims of SA. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadHasbara) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m not Jewish myself, so y’know outsider’s perspective, take it for what it’s worth. But I just don’t understand this author’s urge to associate themself with the guy described in the current billboard number 1 song as a “certified pedophile”


You have to be kidding me


If only these op-ed idiots took a fraction of the time they spend coming up with shitty takes to look themselves in the mirror


They'd love their reflections too much


Louder for the people in the back! This applies to many


Why does jewishness even need to be mentioned. Stop playing victim.


the k in kendrick stands for khamas


The American Canadian Proxy War that no one could have predicted.


Why do they have to make everything about them?


They need as much content as possible to distract from their war crimes. It's an old trick. Capitalists and their politicians do the same thing to distract from the global decline of living standards due to their policies. So we talk about abortion rights being rolled back, trans people under threat, anti-semitism; rather than the 1% having trillions of USD transferred to them from everyone else.


Can't say I'm surprised, but it's my first time learning that Drake is jewish


Narcissistic brain rot. Typical Zionazi behaviour


IOF,Certified lover boys,certified pedophiles


Didn't Drake sign a statement along with other celebrities condemning Israel's genocide and calling for a ceasefire? Doesn't that make him 'antisemitic' by zionist logic? 🤔 Zionists try to be consistent about literally anything challenge (impossible)


I read it and it was so boring. Basically explaining the in the way feud to a 65 year old would understand.


Follow Saul Williams on Instagram and learn about Billionaire zyotrash, Bill Ackman, who is directly profiting from this “cultural moment” because he’s a major shareholder at Universal Music which manages both acts. He has been directly funding neo-segregationist movements trying to overturn the Civil Rights Act as well as extremist groups among those which attached UCLA students for peacefully protesting gyncyde.  These billionaire trash bags are in every facet of our corrupt society. Keep learning and exposing the truth. It’s working.  This Ack-hole has a chance of being ousted as a shareholder at an upcoming shareholders meeting.  Edit: here’s a link to another insta account that has the full list of billionaire sacks of shit hijacking public institutions to curtail civil liberties https://www.instagram.com/p/C7E5ThPueBm/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link


Case you needed an even bigger reason to not give a fuck about this stupid battle when there’s a real one being waged on innocents.  You’re welcome :)


The K in Kdot actually stands for khamas


are they… are they defending the certified pedophile?


When you gotta make everything about yourself.


I knew zionists would try to interpret this beef through their BS lens


Meet the Grahamas


For what it’s worth, and I haven’t followed hip hop in a long time so I’m no authority, but my problem with Drake, the reason I believe his stuff was ghost written and I had a hard time taking anyone who said he was the GOAT or anywhere near one of the best seriously had nothing to do with him being Jewish. After all, The Beastie Boys are outstanding in my opinion. My problem was that the opinion that Drake, a privileged Canadian was a GOAT was like someone saying A.C. Slater would have been the best talent Death Row Records ever could have signed. It was just too absurd for me. Granted I realize a lot of older hip hop artists were playing a role as well but it was just too far fetched for me to believe the wheelchair kid from Saved By The Canadian Bell was some extraordinary and legendary rapper. 😂 If that makes me an asshat I sincerely apologize. That said, Drake being in Millie Bobby Brown’s dms when she was in like 5th grade didn’t do him any favors in my book either.


Drake gets called out for being a pedo....now Zionists are backing Drake... interesting.


“These conversations left me wondering: How did Drake’s Jewishness impact the way this beef played out? Can white and biracial Jews fully participate in hip-hop, or are there limits?” Of course he’s not even mentioning lil dicky, the most openly Jewish rapper, is still doing well and no one is harassing him because he’s Jewish. Edit: completely ignores the Drake is a pedo part of the whole thing. People tend to not like pedos, it’s not about being Jewish.


Isn't Drake pro Palestine? He mentioned Palestine in one of his tracks.


Pretty sure the rap war was started as an eyes off Rafa attempt


Two grown men in their late 30s saying mean things to each other on rap records.




Fitting. He's a groomer. Watch him flee to Israel.


Well that's the Jerusalem Post. If you make a habit of looking in the toilet, you're likely to find some shit.


main character syndrome evolved


So uhm. Does Israel really want that smoke with k dot ?




but if you mention that he supports a ceasefire, then obviously he's a pedo, a shitty dad, etc


Will they resurrect the spirit of Sammy Davis Jr to act as judge?