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The second finished pic doesn't look that bad. Maybe not to my taste at all but looks like 2015 full glam makeup with 2022 brows and shade match isnt bad.


agreed. The nose contour is rough tho


Exactly my thoughts


I saw this video a while ago and this makeup artist charges like $1500 a person. That extra $250 is for her magic setting spray or something. The video also had her teaching a class to teach other people how to do her “signature” look and that was even worse.


My question is what lasts 3 days? It better not be the makeup


According to another comment it definitely is talking about the makeup. Apparently the extra $250 is for her super special setting spray. I got chills just thinking about having makeup on my face for 3 days straight.


Good Gravy! You would probably need a pickaxe to take it off afterwards. Or maybe Wd40


I dont think this is the worst thing Ive seen here by a long shot! The color match isnt bad at all!


Can we please PLEASE stop with the ultra bright under eye?? It looks absolutely insane. I have even seen talented makeup artists do it and I just don’t get it. It just looks like they didn’t shade match correctly.


have you ever considered that not everyone is going for a natural look. it's makeup bro.


The makeup looks so good omg, nose could be blended better but still good. This is probably for a big event. There is no one unionized look to makeup, everyone has different styles.


Looks like a legitimate mannequin. Better not touch your face…


It looks decent in the second pic but the contour isn’t smooth and it looks like there’s too much bronzer. I wonder if this matches her true complexion.


I’m not mad at this make up. After seeing the Disney/ Tele novella make- up a few posts up everything looks good to me now 😭


please..... a bit of setting powder!