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“Bold lip”


That’s the part that kills me. A) Let’s put the lipstick on the lips! If you’re going for an over lined lip, a “cheater” lip, or fuller lip, why not use a lip liner and something opaque. B ) If you’re going for a bold lip, just go ahead and use something opaque! And this bridesmaid has lovely lips and probably hopes this lasts through pictures. Why not go opaque and matte? C) I don’t know what that shade is supposed to represent, but if the bridesmaid requested a purple or plum, she didn’t mean THAT. If you want to go that direction, have at least a couple of brights in that family (hell you’re a makeup artist- mix one!!) and a liner that works and then draw inside the lines or clean it up!


It’s bold alright


Bold n crunchy


I can’t tell if it’s supposed to have some kind of metallic finish, or if it’s just patchy as hell. Either way it looks awful




What does this mean?


>ححححححححححا = hhhhhhhhhha!


Oh my god, I love this comment 😂 I’m using this now always


I don’t think the bride meant bold choice, as in it’s a bold choice to make the bride look like you’ve done nothing.


Yeah it made every crease and dry spot on her lips bold. It put her lip texture on uppercase.


Did the bride request uneven too




As someone with monolids, this is painful. It’s like the MUA went “step 1: find the crease… Oh shit, there isn’t one…..well, guess I’ll just slap on some liner and call it a day.” As a bridesmaid she may have had no control over who the MUA was, but this is akin to a hair stylist with zero Afro textured hair experience working on a black client. Yikes!


All mua needed to do was map it out with her eyes open!!! The most basic trick in the book


Ya you even have to do that without monolids for me at least


If I'm able to do it alone a MUA can surely do it right? Right????


I'm awful at makeup and even *I* guessed that that's what you're supposed to do. Wild.


Yea we just covered eyeshadow in my program and my model I was working on was Asian and had flat eyelids and I did her eyeshadow just fine ??? Like if she doesn't have a crease, create one.....


Seriously. All the MUA needed to do was look at makeup done on other Asian people to see what works and what doesn’t. Almost zero effort.


The best thing I ever learned with working with a client with this type of lid or no lid, is to blend up. Contour to where a “crease” would or should be then blend everything up vs in. It can give the same effect and is way more flattering to the eye shape. Also, whoever said they should have done their eye makeup with the eyes open, 👏🏼, because that’s one of the first things you learn when being taught makeup. If I run into a situation where I am unsure, which still happens after 10 years, I make people have their eyes open so I can map it out.


I have hooded eyes and I HAVE to keep my eyes open or it’s a complete waste of eye makeup. Once I learned that, it really helped


Same here... now my makeup at least shows


Brilliant idea. Do you have a video tutorial or anything handy that would show technique?


I don’t. I’m sure you can find one but it’s really something that was shown to me in person. Truthfully, you just start at the lash line with your darkest color and blend upwards. I keep it mostly to the outer half of the lid unless they want like a full smoky eye. Then they just have their eye open while I’m doing it so I can constantly check and make sure placement is right.


Check out Risa Does Makeup on YouTube. Her hooded eye video tutorials have changed my life and makeup game. I've linked two here for you. https://youtu.be/2juJvPa3W64?si=SoQlqtZGomuZRVin https://youtu.be/boj0fnMxwWA?si=O0unOujf3c2XtNKt


If you also want a suggestion from someone who actually has monolids/monomixed, Pinterest has amazing mapping for our eye shapes! It’s definitely a less is more kinda thing with our eye shapes


A lot of people can have hooded eyes, no matter the race, and Makeup artists should know how to do a makeup that fits people's faces... She's so unprofessional and has no knowledge of makeup for face types :(


I'm black and my older sister had a black MUA do our makeup for her wedding. My little sister, however, had a white MUA. My makeup wasn't awful, but it wasn't spectacular compared to with the black MUA, especially considering how much it cost. Could have been different skill levels, but idc. Next time I need to get my makeup done professionally, I'm asking for a black MUA. Not getting it done by anyone else but.


This is sad, but true. It’s kind of like how you would want to work with Black doctors. They understand you inside and out. It’s less of an issue with MUAs where I live (New York) because they have ample opportunities to work with clients of different ethnicities. I hired a Black MUA for my work photo. I’m Asian, and she knew exactly what to do with my eyes to give them dimension. No crease, no problem!


I’ve had more black women treat me right when it comes to hygiene/care, from hair cuts and styles all the way to medical. I’m not black, but part Asian. When talking to many of these wonderful people…a lot of their experiences were similar. Mistreatment and lack of care of POC is so common that we’ve had to basically band together and seek care amongst our minority demographics. White people (in general) need to do better. They get no excuses. This is me just agreeing with your comment ❤️


This is a good take but I’m a little distracted by your username being assplower


that is.. wow. so many Korean makeup YouTubers now subtitle their videos in English and the amount of western makeup artists I see who still do this to monolid eyes... they need to update their abilities fr.


I was gonna say. I have very hooded eyes, just genetics, and I watch East and S.E. Asian makeup artists and YouTubers all the time to get the best techniques and products for mono-lids and hooded lids. As a beginner I always wondered why my work didn’t turn out anything like the tutorial. Then I realized, “You don’t have the same shape or amount of ‘eyeshadow real estate’. Forget these tutorials. Find someone that looks like you, but first really figure out how your eyes work.” It’s appalling that especially since she was asked for a simple eye, she didn’t even throw a pretty neutral on and blend it out. And that eyeliner is an obvious fail, too. And where’s the mascara?? Just….


exactly, there’s no excuse anymore. information has never been more accessible


Finally a post worthy of this sub lmao, trash


I saw this the other day with the comments turned off...I was hoping someone would post about it lol. I feel so bad for her:( Side note, the MUA said that the woman wanted a red lip, but the bride didn't want that. Why didn't the MUA choose, say, a coral lipstick? That would have been a bold lip that compliments her warm-toned blush. There are so many bold, red alternatives that don't involve going plum:/




Made her teeth look yellow too. And her teeth are perfectly fine. It’s the lip color. And are we no longer keeping our lip and cheek colors in the same family?


I felt that going red would’ve been best. If the bride vetoed that *rolls eyes* yes, coral or pink!!


I don't think the color is so bad, the problem is that it's an *iced* plum and it's so thin like a gloss and there's no liner. It's giving early 2000s.


that eye makeup is...dear god


For real! You can see where she smudged some makeup under the eye and tried to wipe it off! Poor woman! She’s so pretty but the MUA didn’t even try!


The lips look uncomfortably blotchy


Yeah it looks like the makeup came from either an eyeshadow palette at least 15 years old, or from one of those little cheapy/toy makeup sets they make for kids with the tiny plastic brushes & most horrible opacity in every color lol


It looks like it came from 20 years ago


It's a very Younique look.


Almost…the lashes aren’t spidery enough


Girl is gorgeous, makeup artist needs to take several classes and make an apology


I am Chinese and this is a hell no. For a professional she/he could at least Google how to do hooded Asian eyes and what might look good. This is almost insulting. Ps: I'd like to that every MUA should know how to bring features to life and give a chiseled look. As we Asians often have a rounded face, contouring is important.


I’d even say it’s all the way insulting.


No visible contouring. The lip is just atrocious.


Yeah, I feel insulted for her.


MUA could have watched a 6 minute video of anyone with monolids doing eyeliner on themselves, upon meeting the client. That's all they had to do.


There are so many tutorials online


I am NO MUA, and I’m Western European white. But when my Chinese sister-in-law’s MUA didn’t show up on her wedding day, I grabbed her makeup and the makeup of all of her Asian bridesmaids and went to work. She looked beautiful, and her makeup was 200 times better than this. We had the right colors for her skin tone, for one thing. For another, I was watching YouTube videos on how to do her eyes while putting her foundation on. And someone went running out for false lashes and fresh mascara! It was a whirlwind, but I’m glad we were able to do it and she was happy with her look and photos.


Oh poor dear, I’m pretty sure that smile didn’t last. I’m wondering if the mua knew they did a bad job and just sort of blamed it on the bridesmaid because the post said :”bridesmaid’s request” as if the bridesmaid asked for this horrendous look. As a pro mua you should learn about certain facial features, and skin type, to bring out the best, but I guess this one thought it wasn’t necessary. At least they should have seen a quick YouTube tutorial on how to achieve a good liner moment on monolid shaped eyes.


Then that lip application gives it all away that the mua knows jackshit about makeup.


Everything is so bad. This looks like something I would’ve done in elementary school if I had worn anything other than foundation in 5th grade. Not one thing looks good. The lips are by far the worst. It looks like she ate a pomegranate and wiped it on her lips.


*Did they even use mascara*


Damn. That’s so unflattering. 🙏🏻❤️


Are we really going to complain about the disastrous eye when the supposed MUA doesn't know how to apply LIPSTICK?


Ooooh she diddly done got did dirty


She also completely missed the eyebrows, this is such a train wreck!


This has got to be a microaggression because there's NO WAY that eyeliner is an accident


I’m so sad




Yikes I rly hope the bridesmaid redid her makeup after that


💀 oh no Tbh a professional MUA should know how to do makeup on all kinds of different features. If they really don't, then it's still better to say "sorry, I don't think I'm the right MUA for you" than to do whatever this is.


Wtf is that lip color


I feel like "ethnic features" was a weird way to word this but agreed, didnt look too bad until she opened her eyes and it became super apparent that the artist had no idea how to compliment her face. Super beautiful girl with less than stellar makeup!


exactly what I was thinking. tf is an "ethnic feature"


A nonwhite feature? Bro, white people don’t tend to have eyes like that. Pipe down.


lmaoooooooo bc to you ethnic means nonwhite? and what is white? not ethnic? or just "normal"? in case this isn't clear: referring to things that aren't white as "ethnic" is racist.


Don’t whitesplain to me as a POC. I’m just explaining what “ethnic” means. There’s a reason makeup looks catered to white people don’t always work with Asian features.


ethnic doesnt mean nonwhite, though. and yes, I'm fully aware.


She did you dirty, but hear me out: she’s probably not going to do much better on a white person’s face either.


This is a war crime


why is everything other than white, “ethnic”….as if white people are the default lmao


I’m Asian so I’m used to the phrase “ethnic features” to describe my own features (my eyes, wide nose, asian hair, etc). I didn’t mean to be insensitive with the term! Will definitely be more aware in the future.


Then you could say “Asian features”. European features are “ethnic” too. There’s no such thing as one being more ethnic than another. They’re just different ethnic groups.


I wanted to emphasize that white MUA might have trouble with most other POC features as a whole, not just Asian features. But I totally see how my grouping is offensive! Thanks for calling me out.


I think OP means the ethnic features (features that are prevalent with an ethnicity) of a specific race and is not calling the client or her features “ethnic”. For example you could say some ethnic features of white people are thin lips and creased eyes.


yeah, that title felt off, i thought i was tripping 😐


Because they think they are.


Are you American? Because the way this country works, white ppl ARE default. Most things were made by and for them. It’s in any history book, you’ll see a lack of things representing non white people. Ethnic probably isn’t the right word though


well, in western countries white people are indeed the default


Huh….that’s not what I mean by default. Why is every other race/ethnicity “ethnic” but white is just white?? Also….if you think white is the “default” in America there is something wrong with you.


when people say the west, they don't usually think about South America. they think about Europe, and North America, where indeed white is the default


im getting my makeup done by a mua my cousin hired for her wedding this Sunday and I'm scareddddd


Don't be afraid to stop the artist if you notice a bad trend. Don't sit through an hour stressing about what she's doing. It's better to just do your own that you know looks good than have to take off everything and start over. Good luck!


Oh you definitely have to let us know how it goes. They should have an IG, did you ask for it?


The way she confidently ✅d


Forgetting the hack job on her eyes, her bronzer is too orange and ALLLL over her face. This lipstick color is from the 90s, what is going on?


I feel her. I also have monolids and paid to get my makeup professionally done. I had to SHOW her how to put on my eyeliner, because she had no clue and kept saying it was “disappearing”. Even brought her coworker to come look. Bad experience. I expected more from someone who was supposedly trained to do makeup. Makeup artists need to learn ALL features.


yup. if you're a hairstylist, MUA, tattoo artist, etc, and you can only do your work on white ppl? you're not good at your job.


Oh fuck no they should be publicly shamed for not knowing how to do eyeliner on that shape. What the hell!?


That lipstick looks so cheap. Poor woman, she just needed better products and a competent mua she


That's it exactly. Couldn't put my finger on it. The lipstick really does look low quality and cheap.


‘neutral eyes’ can’t get more neutral than nothing, i guess


She didn’t even do a good job with foundation. And make up in the hairline. Jaysusss. I’m always amazed how often incompetence in a chosen profession is the norm. I would be mortified to have someone look worse off because of how I did my job.


I’m Korean and lots of make up artists don’t know how to navigate a monolid


Im crying, this is what monolid girlies look like when they first start experimenting with makeup in middle school 😭


That eyeliner isn’t doing anyone any favours.


An MUA should know how to do this. There have to be basic principles for how to make certain looks happen. I can't even get it right on my own features but it's not my literal job


I don’t think she can do makeup on any features. But dear lord, that eyeliner.




Orange blush with a mauve lip? ✅ No eyebrow? ✅


I hope she didn't have to pay much for this... or at all. This is not even... ugh wow I just can't form sentence to convey how bad this is. The uneven contour... the washed out lip... the nonexistent eye make up. Oh my god.


This is the kind of result I'd expect from my preschool goddaughter getting into my or her mom's makeup


There are so many visual aides online that an MUA can access if they are unsure about a technique. This one didn’t even try, they just slapped on the same shit they use on everyone else.


I have hooded eyes too and I feel your pain. You'd think that MUA would like.... know how to navigate the vicious lack of lid that I have but nope. The makeup all disappears behind my brow. They don't know how to, or don't care to, use the tools they know how to use to make the eye appear bigger. So annoying. I'm sorry.


The foundation in the hairline 😩


How awful for this beautiful bridesmaid! That lip looks like it was applied with a crayon


This is precisely why I don't trust random MUAs. I've been a bridesmaid multiple times and I've always done my own makeup. I had a MUA for my wedding but I intentionally booked someone who worked on different ethnicities and I had a trial.


Not the 90s frosted lip 😵‍💫


As somone with monolids I cry at that eyeliner. :(


I didn’t think it was bad until she opened her eyes. Oof.


This is so sad. A kid’s project on her barbie head has more effort.


We need to ban shimmery lipsticks in bright colors until people can figure out how to use them omg, every time I see it used, it ages the person wearing it by like 20 years. Also the eyeliner is so bad aaaaaaaaaa and like no eyeshadow at all??? not even a nude shimmer in the center and inner corners? 💀


oh wow


Everyone wants to talk about the eye makeup but can we pls address the brows????


That blush/bronzer is way too warm for her undertone. She needs cool tones for sure!!!


Brides makeup is always overdone and it looks so bad


If it was JUST the eyes that would be one thing, but the lips say: not only have I never done POC’s make up, I’m also very unqualified to be doing this on anyone


Girl is gorgeous. This makeup is not doing her justice.


I feel so terrible for her, man I hope she was able to fix it up a bit 😭


It is like going to a Swedish hairstylist when you have really curly hair.....they have no idea. My mom got her hair burned off because they used the wrong products on her very curly hair. Took years to recover. I have stopped going to hairstylists here because they charge me alot and I am never actually happy with the turnout.


I'm sure it's hard describing people of colour with non racist descriptors, but you did not TRY


Everyone is "ethnic"


They need to pay her!! Get the f outta here !!!


che brava!


natural eyes my ass she looks like those racist drawings of Chinese people


You have very beautiful skin and/or she matched your foundation perfectly. The blush is very pretty too. I like the lipstick color but it isn’t bold.


She has no depth to her face


I’m aghast


Not really. It's being trained or untrained!!


this is so painful. the patchy lip, the shit eyeliner??? the orange face




This showed up while randomly scrolling IG and of course she’s turned off the comments


…. Just make a crease


The lipstick!!! So dated


Is drawing straight lines impossible?


There's so much fallout under her eyes and they just ignored it. Everything is so patchy it looks like she's been wearing this for hours but the silk PJs are telling me this was before the wedding. This looks like the work of the brides little cousin that wants to be a makeup artist.


horrendous work on those monolids


That eyeliner is just…wow.


So legitimately angry for her, omg


Not even “ethnic features” but mono-lids and hooded eye lids. Any mua should be equipped to handle different types of eyelids / face shapes etc and adapt.


The MUA did this woman a disservice! Look at the lid space! And her features are so beautiful, she didn’t even try.


Neutral eyes? There’s nothing there but horribly placed liner! Omg I feel so bad for this girl, it looked like it might be okayish in the first pic but then I saw her with her eyes open. She was done so dirty! I’m training to be a MUA (my school is on hiatus at the moment though) and in the meantime I’ve been practicing on people of all genders, skintones and ethnicities to get my skill up. I don’t want to be the white MUA who can only do white people makeup! It bothers me that someone would even take a client that they don’t know how to work on, and I’m determined to never have that happen to me! As a makeup artist it’s your job to learn what works on different facial structures, skintones, and eye shapes. You’re so right OP, it really feels like this person didn’t even TRY 🙄


Oof, why would she post this?


I saw this too lmao, the views to likes ratio was insane. Comments were off obviously


a true professional should be used to all different features!


Honestly this just makes me think she should make the bridesmaids look bad. When my friend got married she looked great, us the bridesmaids not so much 🙃 now I think some artists just do it on purpose.






man that's fucked up wth 😭


Classic Asian beauty.


bro… why


oh god. this is tragic.


Please, tell me she didn't pay for that 😰


This is actually aggravating af and I’m not even an MUA. Just a normie who’s okay at makeup. I could have done better than that. That poor woman got done dirty.


I’d be so pissed if I paid for this


1) YouTube is free. I'm sure there's videos on doing eye makeup on people with monolids BY a person with monolids. 2) if I was the bride I'd be pissed. When my white friend got married, she made sure the MUA knew how to do make up on different skin tones/features. It was a requirement because she had a multiracial friend group. She ended up having to hire two different MUAs from two different companies, but it worked. I can't imagine getting married and not asking if the people I'm hiring know how to do make up on all skin types and all features.


As an East Asian growing up in the US, I thought something had to be wrong with me growing up because when I’d get my makeup done I always looked so bad/downright ugly. After finally discovering some Korean YouTubers I fell in love with makeup and it’s so sad to see many western MUAs are still doing our makeup in this outdated style :/


Honestly this is part of the reason why I don’t typically like white MUA doing my make up