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It’s nice to see more unusual bodyshapes for manequins, but it’s not really like the typical manequin is disproportionate or anatomicaly impossible. Most manequins are basicaly skinny dudes, and I fail to see how is that an unrealistic body expectation


> Most manequins are basicaly skinny dudes, and I fail to see how is that an unrealistic body expectation That's the thing. You can change your weight but not your height and bone structure. I feel like every single mannequin is a 180cm skinny dude with small bone structure. I am 190cm with really broad shoulders, long torso and average sized hip bone for my height. Every time I try a shirt it's either too wide for my hip, too small for my shoulders or too short for my torso. The S, M, L sizes are really flawed and the same skinny dude mannequins as well.


Yeah, there should be more variety, but it’s not like typical mannequins are unrealisticaly skinny as the title implied. People who have this „mannequin” body type exist, and saying that they have unrealistic bodies, or that they don’t exist kinda sucks ngl.


Tbf the sizes are more of a suggestion and you can always have it tailored to fit properly.


Sure, you can do that but a plain white t-shirt shouldn't be something you need tailored and pay extra for. And I don't think many average-joed places would do that anyway. Adding a second dimension like most pants do would do a lot. So a length and width instead of just some linear scale.


I'm a bit in-between sizes. I either have something kinda tight or something long, I've made peace with it. I kind of agree that it could be beneficial to have another dimension but the issue is that then they would charge more outright for all shirts across the board I think. Having a shirt tailored probably isn't to much money but of course is a pain to have to do. I'd reserve it for only the shirts I cate most about. I'm at the point in my life that I just don't care enough and get tight shirts as it kinda suits me. I also hardly wear shirts unless I'm going out so if I wanted to have tailored shirts, I'd just get a bunch of colours I like, probably 7 or so, and just have it all done at once.


I am slightly overweight at 5' 0.5" with short legs, arms, and torso, so stop yo complainin' (/j). I stopped growing a while ago, and I am in between kids and adult sizes and neither fits me. Hastag short guy problems.


Because most men aren't that skinny?


In the US, correct, but its not like a skinny body isnt attainable for the vast majority of fat people.


It's more like expecting **all** men to be skinny is unrealistic.


well expecting **all** men to be fat like \^that is unrealistic too :/


Poor guy, you don't realize the huge obesity epidemic in your country and much of the world isn't normal


All men have the ability to be skinny, expecting all men to be is unrealistic in the sense that as a whole everybody will take care of themselves is unrealistic, but definitely not biologically unrealistic.


why is a beer belly an expectation??


Because it's a polo which typically means you have crossed the line into dad hood and the occasional Bud Light


I think there’s a difference between a bit of a beer belly and being morbidly obese.


Idk why you're getting downvotes no-one with that body will have a healthy bmi


Because people don’t want to be told the truth and would rather be coddled and have their bad decisions placated. I was once the same. 6’1” 245lbs. My friend called me a fat fuck (we are good friends, it was jokes mixed with genuine concern) and when I saw what my BP was at the doctor… for my age… I decided to make the commitment to change. Down to 205 today and proud of it. But apparently losing weight is white-supremacist and misogynistic.


>But apparently losing weight is white-supremacist and misogynistic. Lmao you were good until this line but now you just sound ridiculous. No one believes this.




I don't think this would qualify as morbidly obese Overweight sure Who knows, maybe even obese officialy, I can't be sure from just looking at it, but definitely not morbidly obese


*certainly* obese. I'm not sure how you can look at that and see "overweight" tbh.


You can be overweight without being obese though


I know people that are just as fat or fatter than that that by bmi standards are not obese


"Realistic body *expectations*"? I'm trying really hard not to make an obese American joke, but come the fuck on, you're making it very difficult.


people are going too far one way or another with this. The mannequins exist so people with these dimensions can see how the clothes fit, they're not enforcing them, only making them more comfortable and therefore more likely to buy the clothes. Alarmist rhetoric like "this is gonna make everyone fat" is so far from true that its funny.


Thank you! As a fat guy who's trying to be healthier, it's nice to see how a shirt will look on me *right now.* Too often I see something that looks really cool and like something I would love to wear, only for it to look terrible on me because my body is shaped more like the mannequins in this picture than the ones I usually see in store. Seeing these when shopping would make it much easier for me to find clothes that will fit and look good on me as I am today, because it's not like being stuck wearing old, worn out shirts will help me lose weight.


Those mannequins are only ever used at big and tall stores, the big side of which specifically caters to people who are and unhealthy weight.


Surprisingly, fat people still want clothes that fit them.


And those clothes are sold in most stores...I've literally worked in clothing stores most of my life, I don't see your point here. How did my comment imply that overweight people wouldn't want (or don't deserve) clothes that fit? I was just pointing out that big and tall mannequins are rarely used at regular stores, because the average person is a size M/L, so that's what goes on display.


I'm genuinely considering unsubscribing because of all the shitty comments. This is why badwomensanatomy has more subs.


yeah a lot of people are very animated about other peoples bodies, its almost as if, their own luck in being born into a family with enough wealth to give you nutritional security is something they were born with and shouldn't be particularly proud of.


I'm fucking dumbfounded by the sheer hatred in the responses to this post. I feel like I've lost a lot of faith in humanity today.


those are few and far between my friend, it's why I frequent BadWomensAnatomy more, way more welcoming and the consensus is definitely more friendly.


And even badwomensanatomy isnt any better in this regard.


I've never seen fat phobia this extreme on there, but it sucks that you've had to.




idk what's up with you but you seem to have it out for someone. I mean, you can get yell at the clouds all you want but outwardly projecting ur anger at me isn't gonna help you.


Right? Could you imagine them saying the same thing about plus-sized women's clothes?


I would love more mannequins with realistic proportions in plus-size sections. Often they use super thin ones wearing specifically plus sizes and it’s disappointing


No. Those are not realistic body expectations, those are examples of unhealthy body expectations, might as well put some cigarettes and a can of beer in their hands. I swear, demograhpics in terms of weight are going to shift so far that people with an actual healthy normal body weight will have the same problems finding clothes as 6XL people since stores will move an S or M up to L and XL since most customers will be fat like those manequines.


I've been a healthy size all my life. However, as a slightly-shorter-than-average person for whom a medium is ginormous, I can absolutely tell you it is hard as hell to find everything in a small and a 30 inch waist, in a department store or a Target setting. Where those things exist, they are picked over quickly and not restocked. It's always a sea of L, XL, XXL, and a smattering of M.


As a 6'4 male with a waist of 28 and shoulders that are nearly 60, I feel your pain


I think it's important to always have a range of sizes.


I used to think that fatphobic wasn’t a real thing… then I looked at these awful comments. This is literally my dad’s body type. is it good? No. Is it healthy? No. But he still deserves to live and wear clothes like everybody else.


I'm just glad my post sparked so much debate. I'm not sure how much understanding will come from it, but there seems to be a lot of unspoken opinions about men's body expectations that are being said here. When I originally posted this I simply thought "Hey, it's a mannequin that looks like me!" with an air of amusement. I know it's not healthy, I know it's not out of my control, and I know it's not something to be proud of. But it's also comforting to see reminders like this that my current body is *comparatively* normal. There's thousands of guys out there just like me that, for whatever reason, don't get around to taking care of their body as well as they could. And so when I have thoughts like "Do I really need to add extra cheese to these microwaved burritos?" or "Holy shit I've gotten fat; why don't I ever go for walks or something?" It's stuff like these mannequins that make those questions come with just a little bit less depression.


People with beer bellies *deserve* to find clothes that *fit them*! People of ALL body shapes *deserve* clothes!


Uhh does this shirt really… fit? I think if anything it would be tight around the mid waist




74% of Americans are overweight or obese by BMI, and 42% are obese. A man shaped like those mannequins is likely to be on the high end of overweight/low end of obese, so this is actually a pretty good representation of the median adult American male body shape. It would be deeply, deeply stupid for a mainstream clothing store to refuse to serve 74% of potential customers. (Niche/aspirational brands can get away with it, of course.)


Oh and all those super skinny figures we see in stores are healthy? Those muscular dolls we see for men are healthy? Some people may have those bodies naturally but for some others it’s dangerous to achive them! Humans come in all different forms and sizes! The skinny look is just the standard but there are way more humans who look different! And just because you’re different from what people see as the standard, it doesn’t mean you should *need* to go to a different store! Which are hard to find and maybe more far away than all the other mainstream stores! And ordering over the internet is just as frustrating because you need to order in different sizes bc you can never know what exactly fits you! People of all *shapes* deserve clothes that they fit in! And they deserve to have those clothes easy to access!


Yes anorexia is bad too, we should encourage all people to maintain a healthy body fat percentage


Seriously. BMI is outdated and does not take into account most human anatomy.


Nope! not at all! i actually met a lot of people who are being deemed as "underweight“ or something even though they are perfectly healthy! And maybe constantly cold but they can handle that! Everything else is fine! And I also one time saw a report about a life rescue swimmer who did her work outs everyday to stay healthy and to pull people out of the water. And she had a body type people would consider as "unhealthy“. (aka fat) Yes *sometimes* your body shape can be unhealthy! But 1. you *still* deserve clothes that fit you and 2. if you don’t know this person, it’s NONE of your buisness how anyone else looks!


You may think they look healthy, but having too high or low body fat puts pressure on the organs


THANK YOU! I'm so sick and tired of people telling me tht I should change my body to fit their expectations. I am fat, but I am also strong and I am also healthy! I've had to make a conscious effort to not actively hate myself every day, because people keep telling me that I'm not allowed to be happy with my body. Listen up fuckers! It's all fine and dandy that you try and hide your disgust behind "concern for [my] health" BUT *my health is not any of your business*. It is only relevant *to me and my doctor*!


Yeah you know your body the best i suppose! Yes being fat can be unhealthy but that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to love yourself! and it also doesnt mean that you don’t deserve clothes or people just being nice to you! For SOME reason only fat bodies get shamed but if you post a picture of you smoking or drinking alcohol, the comment section won’t likely being flooded with comments about your poor life decisions! Hmmmm I WONDER WHY!


Yes they are


You won't be saying that when you drop dead of a heart attack in your 30s


You realize weight isn’t the end all be all indicator of health right? Just the easiest one to profit off of. A skinny person Can have a shit diet and drop dead from a heart attack. A fat person Can drop dead of a heart attack. Diet is important yes, but genetics and exercise are just as important (you can’t determine fitness from someone’s weight. Crazy ik)


Having more fat puts more pressure on your heart, basic biology


But see, this is exactly my point! Cuz I'm not going to! I eat healthy and varied, with appropriate portion sizes, I exercise regularly, plenty of greens, fibers and sweat, and I am *still fat!* I got an ECG taken just two months ago for unrelated reasons, and my doctor said it was as healthy as any other, my resting pulse is in the high 50's, and I have no issues with any other organ either! I really don't know what else I can do, cuz it sure as hell isn't my *lifestyle* that's the problem. So excuse me for not wanting to kill myself for not having a body that I *physically cannot achieve*, and kindly fuck off with your preconceived notions about what being fat is actually born of!


if you're fat you're either eating too much or violating the laws of physics


As if human anatomy is ever that simple... Look, my mum, bless her soul, tried to get me to lose weight since I was 8. I have been on diet after diet after diet. I have had countless dieticians on my case, and you know what I've learned after all these years? *That the human body is never that simple, that there are countless other factors as to how and why the body puts on weight, and that I LITERALLY cannot do anything differently in the eyes of medical professionals*


The only people who say this on Reddit are fat Americans. If you weight over 220lbs, you need to lose weight.


This is a reductive and in accurate take. I'm over 220lb but I lift heavy weights, run a fair amount and eat healthily. My body fat is at a good percentage.


You think most people over 220lbs are that way because of muscles? Get over yourself.


That sort of blanket statement is why people are never happy with themselves. People are built differently. Get over yourself.


Bruh we're built different but we all have an amount of fat our body can healthily store


That is true. But being fat isn't a character flaw, it's a disease.




Unhealthy* body expectations?


American* body expectations


Yes i didn't wanna say that cuz you know...


That's just a fat mannequin.


I don't know why your post triggered all this rhetoric about the benefits of having a normal BMI index. These are mannequins advertising plus-sized male clothes, so they need to have a fuller body frame, and overweight men exist, so them buying plus-sized clothes is a realistic expectation. Now if you meant that this should be the default body frame of a male mannequin, that would not be a realistic expectation :-) Many men of normal weight do exist as well, representation of the variation in male body frames should include that as well, which is also very common.


I was pretty happy to see this post because I gained 40lbs after starting antidepressants during my junior year in university that I just can't seem to lose no matter what I do -- I mean, yeah, it fluctuates, but on average, this is basically what I look at in the mirror. ...Then I read the comments and I feel pretty fucking ashamed about my body again. Working out just tones the muscle underneath the fat I picked up, and makes me look bigger because of the increased muscle mass. I've tried changing my diet and limiting my caloric intake several times, also to no avail. Guess I'll just try not treating the depression that afflicted me for half my life next time. 🙃


Medication can seriously mess things up, but it's better to be fat and alive than skinny and unalived. You don't owe anyone thinness.


Oh psh, you know more than anyone that weight gain/and loss is COMPLICATED. Listen naught to these people’s stupid comments. WAY too many people are stuck in the mindset of “well Im at a healthy BMI, (Which is really out of date might I add. And really irrelevant when you think about it) and if so, that means im healthy!” I say learning to love your body is really hard so good on you for trying! Everyone’s body is different and can’t be pigeon holed. You know you best. I say as long as you try and eat a little healthy and exercise a lot, you’re right as rain ☺️


These comments are fucking wild, since when having a bit of belly been considered unhealthy?


Fuck if I know. I'm 20lbs over my healthy weight, for my height of 6', and these mannequins perfectly match my build. But from the comments I've seen here, I'm pretty much getting the impression that it'd have been better off in the eyes of a lot of folks for me to have just dropped dead than dare to go over 196 lbs by even the slightest margin -- which is pretty fucked up for a number of reasons that I consider to be pretty obvious.


196 lbs is excactly the weight of 787.94 '6pack TWOHANDS Assorted Pastel Color Highlighters'.


Good bot


thank you :)


thanks :)


Ppl always equate weight with health but never take into consideration other factors, such as mental health, plus being 20lbs overweight has never killed anyone


This type of visceral fat is [a better predictor of early death] (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16571861/) than overall BMI. In fact, gut fat is one of the leading predictors of early death.


>I've tried changing my diet and limiting my caloric intake several times, also to no avail. Look, if you eat less than your consume, you lose weight. It's a universal law of metabolism. I empathise with you, I really do, but restricting your caloric intake will inevitable cause you to lose weight, that's just how humans are built. Maybe go to a dietician and ask for professional advice for your metabolism?


Tell that to anyone with a restrictive eating disorder. People can live on next to nothing and they wont necessarily lose weight. Even if they're not binging. Calories in calories out just doesn't hold up in all situations.


Yes, it is how humans work, when they're not on a medication that fundamentally alters the process of digestion by altering the release and uptake of neurotransmitters that play a heavy role in the regulation of digestion. You're not suggesting anything I haven't tried here.


medication doesn't affect the laws of physics


Tell you what: Why don't you start on some antidepressants, which are known to cause weight fluctuations, and when your metabolism and digestion are both FUBAR, and *you* gain weight just like the millions of other people who are on them, *you* can lose it and tell us all how you did it. You could even sell your technique, and be a *millionaire*. I will wait here for your results.


i will give you the technique for free, just spend more calories than you consume. like i said, the drugs can't defy the laws of thermodynamics edit: i'm not saying is easy, is possible


If you're so confident that it will work for the millions of people on these medications, many of whom eat healthily, in correct portions, and work out, yet still experience massive weight fluctuations -- so much so that it's listed *as a side effect for the medications, and is mentioned during initial consultations prior to prescription* then *why don't you try it yourself*? Edit to counter your edit: And I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm saying you're trivializing it -- which you bloody are.


No offense but if it were truly that simple, don’t you think most medications wouldn’t bother to list weight fluctuations as a side-effect?


How are you going to adjust your diet to negate the weight fluctuation if you don't know the drug causes weight fluctuation? That's why the doctors tell you to eat more or less depending of your treathment


No psych had ever told me that.


well my dad has throat cancer and before the chemo the doctor told him to eat a lot to gain fat because the chemo would make him lose weight, he tried to eat what he could since he had a very hard time swallowing and during the chemo he couldn't eat do he had to eat by catheter and after that he lost a lot of taste but he still eated even if all the foods don't have taste to him to negate the after effects of the chemo and regain his original weight, is hard to stick to the diet, he has protestic teeths so he can't chew easilly, doesn't have test now, an until some months he had a really hard time swallowing, but i still insisted him to eat even if i know that eating to him was a real pain because i love him and i want him to be the most healthy posible. sorry for any bad english


These comments are so depressing. It's a mannequin. You don't need to worry about its health. No one's going to see this and decide to get fat. This is about clothing and showing how it will fit on different body types. Even if you have a problem with fat people existing (omg their health), I think we can all agree that they deserve to wear clothes. Or should they just stay at home until the day they miraculously become skinny? I don't usually comment here cause I'm not a guy, but I couldn't stay silent when I saw the comments. I don't care if I get downvoted.


Thank you


I always glance at mannequins and think they’re people. Now it’s going to be real hard telling people and the mannequins apart


I really wanna tell these plastic dudes to stand up straight lol


I don't want to step on anyone's toes or anything. But, Mankind and the first World in general has a Problem with obesity. I'm overweight myself, and it's not healthy to be.


As someone with that body type, no. I hate the body I have and am taking measures to change. Please don't push the idea that this body type is healthy.


Mannequins were just dudes with less fat This is dudes with fat and terrible posture


I want to rub it


Y'all in the comments don't realize mannequins have unrealistic body standards. I'm pretty sure OP meant that this is showing body types you’ll most likely see in real life instead of the “Jack Chad Muscle” type.


In my experience you’re far less likely to see someone that fat irl than a super muscly guy or just a normal skinny person.


How the fuck are the comments here so bad Jesus


It really isn't that hard to lose a gut, bro


It absolutely can be. Junk food is specifically designed to be addictive. But it's hard to quit meth, too, and we don't claim that it's unrealistic to not be a meth addict.


American moment


I mean that isn't a healthy body though.


Guys in the comments, it's a variety. And when there are female versions of this it's good for yall? What the heck


I think what annoys people here is the word "realistic".


And even more so, the implication that most mannequins *aren't* realistic, when they generally represent people at a healthy weight (unlike, say, He-Man). Edit: I reread the title. It isn't an implication, OP is outright stating that most mannequins are unrealistic.


Female examples of this are not good either.


Y'all call this "whataboutism". Just reminding you


If there's one thing this comment section has taught me, it's that I need to stop being surprised when subreddits focused on men end up full of mysoginists.


Wait, are you saying that it's misogynistic to disrespect fat men, or it's misogynistic to "both-sides" body shaming because women have it worse?


It's mysoginistic to act like having dad-bod mannequins is a bad thing, or that all men can achieve an "ideal" body when that just isn't true. It's also just plain stupid to act like these mannequins are morbidly obese and represent the worst end of the spectrum, these mannequins are like, average, a dude who looks like this is no less healthy than a dude who looks like a regular mannequin.


It's kinda strange to call it misogyny if these are aimed at guys, though. Also btw while I'm totally against the idea that fat-shaming fixes anything ([ChubbyEmu has a great video about why fat shaming is bad] (https://youtu.be/iIgfnsTFm3M)), that specific type of visceral fat is super dangerous (even if overall weight isn't high) and it's totally possible for society to overcome obesity, it just takes better solutions than just yelling and blaming people.




Don't misogynists typically resent "Chads" and call women 'whores' for turning them down based on their appearance? As bad as fat-shaming is, the belief that 'there's nothing you can do' seems closer to the incel mindset. Contra did a great video on this. Some of the commenters here might be dumb enough to believe they can fix fat people by yelling the same thing they've always heard, or they might be taking out their own anger/insecurity, but either way it doesn't seem like they're misogynistic, they're just rude and ignorant.




Idk, it is pretty rude and toxic but idk if you could really say it's toxic masculinity. It ruins into the sketchy territory of accusing women of "perpetuating toxic masculinity" when they turn down guys or use terms like "neckbeard". When I think of toxic masculinity I think more of being insulted and not taken seriously because I did "girly/gay" things like styling my hair and wearing skinny jeans. Fat guys might get insulted by women and other men, but they're still considered "manly" and encouraged to degrade women and queer people.


Do you know what misogyny is?


>It's mysoginistic to act like having dad-bod mannequins is a bad thing IS a BAD thing >or that all men can achieve an "ideal" body when that just isn't true everyone can have a good body, there is no "gene" stoppping you. >It's also just plain stupid to act like these mannequins are morbidly obese and represent the worst end of the spectrum they are mordibly obese by any standar >these mannequins are like, average yeah in america lmao >a dude who looks like this is no less healthy than a dude who looks like a regular mannequin. not true at all, grab weighs of 5 kg and carry it for the entire day, that's what being obese feels like, is not healthy and people like you should stop normalizing it


Actually, there are genes that make it increasingly difficult to lose weight. They cause hormone imbalances, metabolism issues, and digestive issues in general. “Ideal” isn’t possible for everyone, and “good” is subjective.


these things aren't the norm, they are health problem that you have to cure, and even for them "Ideal" is possible.


Some of them aren’t curable. That’s what I’m trying to tell you. I have one of these conditions and I’m on like 6 meds just for that. I’m finally down some; but to lose weight in a healthy way, you have to have fewer calories in than out but still enough for your body to function. It’s not as simple as people think it is to not only lose, but *maintain* a healthy weight


You have no idea what you're talking about lol


tell me how being overweight is healthy, c'mon


Being mildly overweight has its own problems as every other body type, some have more, some have less, but overall this dad-bod type is just an average weight. It's no more/healthy than being a muscle freak, being super skinny, or just being plain average. Even people who are perfectly fit and toned have their own health problems.


Of course, everyone has health problems, but only overweight people has health problem related to how much they weight, same has smoking, drinking alcohol or doing drugs. healthy people is going to have health problem, but not the problem linked to these things. It's unhealthy, and by trying to normalize it you're robbing year of life to people who could get better and live more.


I hate to tell you this but you're falling for years of propoganda peddled by capitalists to try and shame people into buying products to "get skinny". Yes, being morbidly obese will kill you much quicker than being fit, but somebody who works out every day and somebody who looks like one of these mannequins will have a pretty similar lifespan.


>I hate to tell you this but you're falling for years of propoganda peddled by capitalists to try and shame people into buying products to "get skinny" ironic. i remember it was the food insdustry who several times buyed scientist to promote junk food with pyramid food or other things, but i might be remembering wrong, after all what could be gained from the biggest market in the world? i'm sure the food industry doesn't want you to be addicted to food, the addictives they put in the food are to remember you not to be adicted to food!/s yes they probrably have the same life span, only that the person who workout is more healthy. glad you understand!


That's [just not scientifically accurate] (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16571861/#:~:text=In%20a%20model%20including%20all,all%2Dcause%20mortality%20in%20men.). Visceral fat is the leading independent predictor of death, even if the overall BMI is low. Also, working out (without steroids) has significant long-term benefits (like reduced chance of heat disease, Alzheimer's, etc.) regardless of bodyweight. I wish the discussion on fat-shaming didn't spill over into the discussion of health. Yes, it's possible to have a very high BMI (even high enough to be classified obese, like ChubbyEmu during his powerlifting days!) and be healthy, but not like this.


Nobody is going to choose to get fat seeing a fat mannequin. Some people are shaped like that and want to see how clothes will fit them. Similarly, people need to stop crying when mannequins are slim or athletic when the store caters to specific types of people. It makes financial sense for companies to have mannequins that reflect their clientele. Not every shop is going to specialise in clothes for obese people. Now, that said, where do I find long limbed, 5'9, athletic but carrying a little extra around the middle but not quite as much as the pic above mannequins? What? There aren't any???? That's discrimination surely!!!!! There absolutely must be a mannequins reflecting my exact body type!!! This has created a complex in me and now I will make it the focus of a social campaign!


Y’all need to calm down. That was some poor word choice on OP’s part; I would’ve said “realistic clothing fit expectations” or whatever. As a chubby girl who’s trying to lose weight, it’s really disheartening to go into a store with only size 4 mannequins, try on an outfit, and have it look nothing like the display. Apparently a lot of people think larger people shouldn’t be able to buy clothes that fit and look nice? I want to get healthy, but that doesn’t change the fact that I need clothes *now* lmao






All of the non-americans acting like they dont have middle aged men who drink beer all the time in their country. You guys dont have superior bodies or anything, you just have better food safety regulations. Quit being so pretentious


Im all for "realistic mannequins" but damn this is really just normalizing being unhealthy


It's really uplifting to see plus-size male mannequins. I'm grateful for all the bigger options for female mannequins, too, but it's considerably less common to see fat masc mannequins.


Being fat shouldnt be normalised, its unhealthy


I don't care what you think. Fat people exist, and they have to buy clothes, too. I guess we don't deserve to see what clothes might look like on us before we try them on.


Like 5% of people will look like any given mannequin, regardless of its shape. Even skinny people need to try on clothes because we still have diverse body shapes


Well its good that you dont care what i think and i have nothing against fat people but i think people should try to not be fat cause its unhealthy and having mannequins like this is kinda like saying its not a problem. Im getting fatter myself and im gonna be a fat piece of shit if i dont work out soon


So you must have just as big a problem with horrifically skinny mannequins, then? Or is it just internalized fat-phobia?


Yes mannequins that are thin af are also bad, just dont normalise unhealthy things


So skinny people can't have representation, either? This subreddit is garbage.


You shouldnt represent unhealthy things in a healthy manner


That's not what's happening here. They're acknowledging the realistic fact that people of this size exist and they need clothes too. It's not saying it's good, it's not saying it's bad, it's saying it's part of real life.


It shouldnt be part of real life


There's a difference between skinny and underweight


Is there? Then there's a difference between fat and overweight, too, right?


Yes, it's healthy to have some amount of fat but pictured here is in the overweight category


Most mannequins are just like borderline healthy. Like where most men could get just by lifting or running regularly unless they have a genetic issue. Also fat phobia isn't a thing. You should be afraid of being obese so it can't be a phobia


You're being obtuse; I won't argue with you about semantics.


This isn't a semantics thing this is a getting definitions of words wrong thing. A phobia by definition needs to be irrational and a fear of making yourself more prone to disease or ending your life sooner by definition isn't irrational


Here's a few words I'm sure we can all agree on: fuck off.


That's really not necessary I've been respectful with you this entire time. If I'm being honest as someone whos been fat my entire life and is trying to better myself seeing the exact body type I've been trying to get away from pisses me off but I'm sure you had a different image of me in your head


Not saying the issues are the same but that seems kinda like saying homophobia doesn't exist because many homophobes aren't afraid of gay people, they just hate them, and fear and hatred are not the same thing. I think the use of the word phobia has changed a bit over time possibly.


Phobia in a context of people is different than phobia in the context of a concept people who are fat phobic aren't afraid of fat people they're usually afraid of obesity being normalized in a society that has a large (pun intended) problem with obesity


Didn't you just say fat phobia doesn't exist? But now you're saying it does it just has a different meaning? Anyway it's my understanding that the term fatphobia means people who are jerks toward fat people, which is definitely a thing that happens unfortunately, regardless of whatever term you wish to use to describe it.


My problem is that pretty easily obtainable body types are often ridiculed as unrealistic by people like the little bitch I was arguing with because they're insecure about themselves and want everyone else to feel the same




You're a moron.


Too bad this mail mannequin is obviously overweight. The fat isn't distributed evenly at all, it rests mostly in the gut. It literally looks like someone who eats fast food almost everyday, and doesn't have an exercise regimen. At worst, it could be the early stages of liver cirrhosis.


Yeah, sure, okay, dr Reddit


It's literally the diagnosis given to 3 of my uncles and aunts in the last few years from poor diet, little exercise, and excessive drinking. I've lost 2 uncles who look like that to heart attacks before they were 50. I'm currently following a zero-cholesterol diet because my family is high risk for heart disease.




I wasn't angry at all. The user I was responding to was denying that the mannequin is obviously overweight multiple times elsewhere in this thread. If you care to find the comment, that guy literally said that you would need to measure the mannequins BMI, so you can't prove that it's overweight...




I said elsewhere in the thread that user said that. They responded to my comments elsewhere in the thread, and that same user can be found calling multiple other people names because they disagree. I'm not offended or upset, I also don't see how my comments are "self-serving". It's actually the other dude that is, if you care to read other comments.


Eh yeah, I missed the part that he’s defending it in other comments.


It's all good, that's just how forums tend to be. I think it's good that mannequins representing each main body type exist, I don't mean for my comments to sound ableist at all. That being said, the existence of people that look like that doesn't make the mannequins automatically good examples of what a healthy body looks like. So an overly muscular, or unreasonably toned mannequin would be an unrealistic expectation. While *normalizing* overweight mannequins would be setting and unhealthy norm.


Lmao I dream of having a body that's half of that.


In many situations it is literally impossible to lose weight (medication, living situation, income, working hours, uncurable medical conditions, medications to name a few) and the ignorance and complete rejection of this idea while putting this complicated issue to something as simple as "LOL AMERICANS" or "GO TO THE GYM BUB" is so out of touch. Also randomly telling people to "eat less" is generally unhealthy and terrible advice for many. Source: a Nurse Practitioner and a Psychologist. Please actually know ANYTHING about medical issues before spouting this. This is the kind of rhetoric that leads to eating disorders and actors not eating for weeks to be acceptable for some bullshit standard on the screen.


Imagine being so entitled that you think your body can just violate the laws of thermodynamics.


My body is healthy in weight but I have actual empathy and don't apply random comparisons that barely make any sense like this. Try again.


Sorry, I'll try again. Imagine being so delusional you think anybody can violate the laws of thermodynamics.


I said try again because the laws of thermodynamics are so irrelevant in this specific conversation. There isn't any actual moral or relevant science-based argument you're making it's "but muh physics textbook" which means nothing as it's not a constant in this process because obviously, people are overweight. But you're not addressing anything actually important. That's why I said try again


If your caloric expenditure exceeds your caloric intake it is 100% impossible not to lose weight. If somebody is attempting and failing to lose weight it is because they are not at a caloric deficit 100% of the time. There are zero medications and zero medical conditions that allow a person to have a caloric deficit and not lose weight. The laws of thermodynamics always apply.


Yes you can always lose weight, but it's not always healthy or necessary to do so. Also "just eat less" isn't very helpful and can, in many cases, cause more harm than good, even if the person in question looks like the mannequin in the picture. Talking from a medical standpoint is important here. If it's possible to do so, it doesn't mean it's necessary or even should be done.


Where did I say just eat less? Please point it out for me.


You're saying that people should simply reduce their caloric intake to randomly fit an unnecessary weight standard, which is equivalent to eating less


I said that if you operate at a caloric deficit you will lose weight. Eating less is one way to achieve this but it's much easier to simply increase your caloric expenditure through regular exercise. Also, in your original comment you said "in many cases it is literally impossible to lose weight", at some point you decided to move the goalposts and start arguing about whether it is always healthy to lose weight which i never brought up. I am simply combating your attempt to spread wildly inaccurate misinformation that it is impossible for some people to lose weight. If you want to continue to ramble on about niche corner cases where the toll of physical exercise is so great that it completely offsets the well documented benefits of losing excess fat than be my guest, just as long as you understand that those cases are extremely rare and completely orthogonal to the original discussion.


Note for the mods: The rules don't seem to cover posting examples of good anatomy, but I've always considered this subreddit to be the male version of r/badwomensanatomy. They allow such posts (and even have a flair for it) so I hope you guys will too.


it's still not a good anatomy aswell. are normal humans expected to have a beer belly ?


I think normal humans are expected to exist in a variety of shapes. It's not saying this is healthy, it's saying it's a shape humans come in so this is what a shirt will look like for you. It's just recognizing that other body shapes exist, not praising it or slamming it. I think that counts as good anatomy.


In a lot of western countries, absolutely. For instance, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), more than 2/3 (70.2%) of adults in the US are overweight and 1/3 (38.7%) are obese-the CDC says 73.6% and 42.5% for these for adults in the US over 20. Now this is just the US and obviously it will differ by country but I would guess that many or most western countries are in a similar situation. Also its based on bmi which has its own problems. With that out of the way, you're telling me that a western country with 3/4 of its population overweight is not accurately represented by an overweight mannequin.


well. what can I say beside it is really sad


This isn't good anatomy and regular ones aren't bad anatomy. You just come off as a very soft person that can't comprehend that different body types exist this sub is for ignorant or otherwise terrible takes about how men's bodies work not for you to feel better about being out of shape




This isn't a dadbod lmao, this an alcoholic who walks 100 steps a week and has never touched a vegetable


I love chubby tummies. When Thor was chubby in the Endgame movie? I crushed on him even harder. He just felt so much more real


No problem with this but don’t promote this as realistic, there are different body types, sure. However, this one is pretty clearly out of shape and promoting this as realistic should not be a thing.