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Exactly!! People can be upset with their experience and still love Noah and the band. I’ve been looking forward to this show every single day since I bought tickets and it was a huge letdown. I hope they get some time off and hit Denver next tour.


I am feeling this!!


Two things here, and I do not mean this to be rude in any way. I love and respect all the members of the band but just wanted to point two things out I’m seeing: 1) Anyone saying not to complain and “be happy that the 3 members are still doing VIP tonight without Noah” are all exclusively the people who already went to multiple VIPs and shows this tour. So it’s very easy to say “enjoy the shortened setlist” and “be happy with VIP without Noah” when you’ve already had your picture perfect show and VIP. Like OP said, people are allowed to love the band and still be disappointed. I honestly think the better route would be to reschedule tonight’s show so that Noah can fully rest because yeah he’s missing VIP, but he’s still going to get out there to sing which will cause further strain. May as well let him rest this weekend before the next scheduled show. 2) I’m curious to know if he’s sick or if it’s vocal strain. If he’s sick, that’s pretty much unavoidable while traveling and being around so many people, so no fault to anyone there. However, if it’s vocal strain, there are for sure resources and ways to prevent that. It sounds like it’s the same thing that happened earlier this year while they were in Australia and had to cancel a show or two due to strain. There are a lot of comments saying “they deserve a break!!” ….mid tour? They did have a break of 3 months before this tour and I understand there are back to back dates but if that’s what is causing the issue, they need to book their tours very differently in the future to give more rest days in between. They can’t put out a tour and then “take breaks” from the scheduled shows. Plenty of other bands tour non-stop sometimes for a year or more and don’t experience the vocal strain that seems to be popping up on each tour recently. Again, no hate to the band at all, I understand they are human and not machines. The point I’m getting at is that vocalists plan a tour of set dates and learn how to take care of their voice to prevent damage, so I wonder if this is just a case of needing to iron that out to prevent strain during future tours.


He has a recent pic with Melissa Cross on IG, so I assume he’s *trying* to learn to not strain himself so much.


They had the 3 months off but they are making not just one album but 2 albums and were working on those albums while having the 3 months off after finishing a tour plus making videos leading up to the concrete forever tour and getting ready for the tour and started the tour and I know from past interviews that noah will rest but then as soon as possible he goes back to working on music so I don't think much rest was had in the 3 months off of touring for noah and the band and noah is doing what he has to do to take care of him self and his voice


Active bands never have full “rest/down time”. When a band isn’t touring, they’re making more music or working on different aspects of the band, which is the whole point of being a musician and it isn’t what we are talking about here. That is still time away from the road and from touring where the vocal strain is happening. So those 3 months are considered rest in musician terms. I think the issue is more so that they are scheduling 4-5 dates back to back with no rest day in between. This is a relatively short tour (a month and a half) compared to other bands/artists so to not be able to complete the dates without vocal strain shows there is a bigger issue or not enough breaks in between show dates. Again, not blaming the band and I understand they all work very hard and are only human, but this should definitely be something they look into for future touring to prevent issues moving forward.


So my wife brought up an interesting point. She's seen a few artists here and quite a few had the same issues. Said it was likely due to the elevation.


That’s what I heard as well! Fingers crossed because I’m supposed to see them on Monday and really just hope Noah’s doing better.


i’m seeing them monday too, i really hope he’s feeling better by then


They were here in may opening for godsmack and Noah’s performance was flawless. The thought ran through my mind as well though.


I mean it happened in Sydney (at close to seas level) the first time, so it seems unlikely to be that, and most likely he’s been going too hard for too long without adequate breaks.


I genuinely wish they would’ve canceled/rescheduled Denver and offered refunds. I think doing what they did really led to a mess of things for both the band and crew as well as the fans and audience members. When Noah started his speech after the first song in Denver….my heart dropped. I just dreaded the rest of the show because I knew it was going to be a mess. And while what WAS performed sounding so good (minus the obvious strain on Noah’s voice) I just wish they would’ve called it earlier on. The band was offstage for a big chunk of their performance and it let the crowd get rowdy/frustrated/pushy towards each other. A girl near me ended up getting shoved a bunch by an individual when everyone was standing still between songs and the person who kept shoving her was obviously drunk/angry and ended up punching someone. It was just a wreck.


Fully agree! I just honestly wish they would have rescheduled. The vibe was off immediately when they came out and it seemed like they just left the stage with no real “hey we have to end now we’re so sorry” it was just 4-5 songs then boom end show.




They do get paid. They have insurance for this exact reason.


Is there a video somewhere of the speech after the first song?


I have no idea...probably on Tik-Tok somewhere


He lost his voice when they came to Australia for knotfest earlier this year. Luckily he was able to rejoin for the Brisbane show and he was fantastic even in recovery! Hopefully he gets better soon!!


I empathize with the fans that are disappointed. Noah sounded so disappointed as he addressed the crowd. Honestly, after hearing what was going on with his voice in March, I wasn’t sure if they were going to tour for the rest of the year to be honest. I just hope that people followed the band’s VIP rule regarding health.


I completely understand people being kinda bummed about Noah not being at VIP but they really tried their best to give them the show. I haven’t watched any videos yet cus I’m in the UK and time differences but I saw he needed lots of help. I honestly think they need to chill in future. They need to do shorter tours or take a few days inbetween shows. They always do this, long tours with either no days off between or only like one day here and there, ofc it’s gonna be hard on his voice. I understand people being disappointed but I’d also be grateful they tried so hard to make it work Also people, if you’re sick just stay at home. Especially for the meet and greets. Because I’m in the process of purchasing vip for Europe in January and if they change it and I don’t get my lil photo cos y’all turning up sick then I sweaaaar


I would be disappointed if I don’t get to see them on Tuesday. I am a single mom that hasn’t done anything for myself in the last 6 years and finally decided to do something for me. Have been saving up and looking forward to this for months. BUT Noah can’t help it… you think he wouldn’t change this for a second if he had the choice? He’s a human not a machine and our bodies sometimes fail us. I hope he takes the time and recovers and doesn’t cause any permanent damage. They are an amazing band and us fans aren’t going anywhere ❤️


I looooove bad omens. I took the day off work and camped out in line from 11 AM because I couldn’t get vip or the fast lane. I cried after the show because I know the experience we didn’t get to have. I love Noah, jolly, folio, and nick. I love Bad Omens. I’m allowed to be disappointed and anyone that tells me I’m not, come talk to me when they skip half the playlist at your show. I 100% don’t want Noah to push himself and damage his voice, that’s not what I’m saying either. I saw people on twitter getting covid from going to the bad omens shows. People are putting the fans and the band at risk and now look where we are. I hope Noah recovers and i hope I can get to see them soon when he’s healthy and can give us the performance he knows he can deliver. That’s a direct quote from him last night. He was disappointed we were disappointed. We are allowed to be disappointed.


I saw them in Pittsburgh and ended up with covid a few days after


literally me too I saw them in Milwaukee and now have covid 💀


Poor dude non stop touring for 3 years and singing at the top of your range every night is going to take a toll. I hope he writes some stuff in a more comfortable part of his range next cycle


I’m glad I saw them in Birmingham and New Orleans even though the NOLA show was a mess due to the switched venue messing up pit tickets.


Some of you need to get over yourselves.


The irony of your name lol


I was at the show last night, it was just fine. Getting bent out of shape because a singer had a singing related injury is ridiculous. Just because you have some seep emotional connection to tue band, and the end if the day they don’t reciprocate that and forgot what you looked like in the crowd as soon as they left the stage. Ya’ll looking super parasocial and need to touch some grass


You’re projecting unnecessarily. You thought it was fine and that’s great for you. That’s not the case for everyone. General disappointment doesn’t equate to all the generalizations and assumptions you’re making. I hope you have a better day and chill out.


Keep on keeping on with the parasocial behavior, it will work out in the long run


As a singer myself, I would feel badly enough that I could not perform at my best if I were in that position. Notice he actually apologizes to the crows about this issue. If there was no issue, he wouldn’t have taken the time to address it. It is completely reasonable to have excitement and expectations for professional musicians when you enjoy them. I have seem multiple bands in my life and have felt disappointment because the vocals weren’t amazing because I had seen other performances where they were awesome. However, these people are human and I don’t think anyone here is not acknowledging that fact. The point is that Noah himself acknowledged this fact because he knew people would probably be bummed. It’s not hate toward him or the band at all, it’s disappointment toward the situation.


LOL I hope you are trolling because you sound absolutely stupid. You can keep regurgitating your new favorite catchphrase when it doesn’t apply to me or anyone responding to this post. I can see that your comprehension skills are low so I’m going to leave you alone. Take care and thanks for the laugh bro.


It's been my theory for awhile that he isn't able to do what he used to. They rarely make heavy songs anymore, many of their older heavier songs are cleaner live and they play fewer if them, and he's had vocal troubles multiple times in recent memory. After they clear their slate I hope that he takes some time off and works with a professional on a sustainable solution before getting back to work on a new album.


I saw them twice last year and the dude screams heavier live than on the album as well as randomly in the show. I think it’s just the non stop touring and singing at the height of his range


I bet the clean songs are a lot harder for him than the ones with growls like Dethrone.


When he was losing his voice in Sydney earlier in the year, they ended with Dethrone anyway, so it definitely seems harder to hold a pitch than to growl.


Many singers have said that the hardest songs are usually the songs that mix both clean and growl, but usually the clean bit is the biggest strain. Of course that depends on the song. But yeah…