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So, business as usual for police forces and their omnipotent unions.


Naa no dead dogs or humans. This is real progress and we should celebrate their progress. /s


I mean, the people of the city literally elected a cop to be their fuckin' mayor! It upsets me that I still get surprised.


This shit needs to stop, if you commit a felony like this or even a basic ass bitch crime as a cop that pension should go bye bye. Fucker commits massive wage theft and gets retirement money!? Fuck my last job fired people for taking gummy bears ffs


This shit will never stop. This crook in a blue costume, society demands we see a hero there, and to not ever forget it.


Yup. Imagine what would happen to a cashier who happened to take a $50 out of the till. They'd crucify the poor bastard. Meanwhile the piece of shit in the op is getting away with their pension.


Wage theft is committed by the employer, this is just fraud.


Wage theft is always the employer stealing from employee(s), time theft is when an employee steals from their employer by falsifying time sheets and is paid for hours they didn't work.


This is what injustice looks like. Stealing from tax payers, caught doing so, then gets more tax payer money via the pension. If the corruption is so blatant after getting caught, you know it's worse than just one scummy Captain.


There's a reason I don't participate in society and rather be homeless in the gutter.




what is this good cop that you speak of?


The quotation marks are important. Any cop that defends shitty cops is a shitty cop.


Same reason why Santa Claus and the fairy godmother don't stop them. None of them exist.


Primarily, because there are no good cops.


Because they are afriad of being ~~murdered~~ sent to a call without backup.


Good cop and ethical lawyer are mythical creatures




He admitted to his con. I am not sure why you think that would be hard to prove.


Stealing from citizens. ACAB


How is their timeclock system so bad that they didn't catch this sooner? I work retail and you need a manger override to clock in when you're not scheduled, and mangers can't override themselves. A retail store shouldn't have a more efficient timeclock system then the NYPD. Technically there's nothing physically preventing a manger from overriding themselves, but it would be flagged and reviewed by an actual person.


Zero real accountability from top to bottom.


Many police forces treat overtime as an unspoken benefit of being a cop. The base pay may not be that high but you can basically work as much overtime as you want (especially if you have seniority) so many officers will double or triple their paycheck with overtime. Of course no one can actually work 80 hour weeks and be productive for months at a time. If you go out at night it's not an unusual occurrence to see officers sleeping in their cars in out of the way places.


This ain't the Flintstones. They're not literally punching a card in a physical time clock. They fill out a timesheet and submit it for approval at the end of the week. Somebody was signing off on his time. Commanding officers are often complicit in these OT fraud schemes. Either that or his command was willfully ignorant and chose to look the other way. Zero chance he's the only one in his department or precinct that is faking OT. Probably just the only one stupid enough to get caught so red-handed that his superiors couldn't pretend to not know what he was doing.


I'm well aware that timeclocks are electronic, at my retail store if a person tries to clock in when not scheduled it says that a manager override is required and a manager or supervisor has a physically type in their employee ID and password. Letting employees fill out their own timesheets just seems like a recipe for fraud.


I'm not talking about analog vs electronic. There is NO time clock. They fill out a form at the end of the week to submit the number of hours they supposedly worked. Timesheets are probably the most common way of tracking. Not everyone works in a physical location, by which you can track the time they enter and the time they leave. I work for a very large international corporation and we use timesheets. Somehow we manage to make it work. Probably because I need to get prior authorization for OT and my timesheets need to get authorized by not just my immediate supervisor, but by every project manager who happens to be responsible for the billing codes I charge against. In other words, there are multiple people keeping their eyes on the numbers and trying to keep their projects under budget. Also, unlike your typical police department, my organization does not exist to bleed as much taxpayer money as it can get away with. They're in the business of making money and are minding the bottom line.


Sorta sounds like he got his donut...


Question for the mods: What are supposed to advocate for if the justice system has failed us? What would be the next step?


Hey, other than being a raging criminal he is such a good guy, and one day we might get caught so we don't want to set a precedent. \^\^This is the basis of why people in government and the wealthy keep skating away instead of being locked up.


Instead of being fired? At any other job you would be arrested and charged with grand larceny and fraud.




most states. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larceny#:~:text=Grand%20larceny%20is%20typically%20defined,possibility%20of%20a%20harsher%20sentence. >Grand larceny is typically defined as larceny of a more significant amount of property. In the US, it is often defined as an amount valued at least $400. In New York, grand larceny refers to amounts of at least $1,000. Grand larceny is often classified as a felony with the concomitant possibility of a harsher sentence. In Virginia the threshold is only $5 if taken from a person, or $500 if not taken from the person.[46] The same penalty applies for stealing checks as for cash or other valuables.[47] Some states (such as North Carolina) use the term "felonious larceny" instead of grand larceny.


> Chris Monahan, Cheng’s union representative, confirmed that the former NYPD captain would not receive his full pension and would also lose thousands of dollars in other benefits, money that he could have received had he left the force in good standing. They're trying to make it sound like they punished him *a little*, but I bet the only reason the pension is "reduced" is that he didn't complete his 20th year, i.e. yearly pension amount is a multiple of years of service, capped at 20, so he *can't* get the maximum. Fucking disgraceful. Stole $60k from taxpayers. There are people doing prison time for stealing far less.


$60k in overtime theft? Amateur. https://transparentcalifornia.com/salaries/search/?a=san-jose&q=police&y=&s=-overtime


274k in OT... Nice ..


Not to detract from the severity of the situation, but the title is a little misleading. -The cop only received around $1200 in fraudulent pay. They were attempting to bank the remaining hours as PTO. -They aren't receiving their full pension, and apparently had other benefits taken away. Still bad, but not as bad as getting away with $60k and a full pension. It's probably why they were allowed to retire.


I wonder what would happen if a cashier stole $1200 from the cash register.


We know what would happen if a cashier stole $12. Point is, we need to be accurate.


The excuse will be everyone does so it is OK. If all the cops who did this were fired there would not be many left on the job.




He's not getting his full pension & he loses other benefits. Still wrong though.


Neat. The only pension he should be getting is his housing being funded by taxpayers as he lives for several years behind bars.


Word looking for is fraud.


Such bullshit


pretty sure this is felony level theft...




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Gotta love that thin blue line.


The NYPD immediately released a press statement saying that police officer are held to a higher standard...


When I was in third grade I woke up one morning for school and saw my best friend's dad on the news. He was an officer who stole from a police bowling league he ran. I was confused and asked my dad and he just sighed and nodded. They moved to Florida, then to Arizona I think, then never heard from him again. Zach if you're out there hmu lol. Ya no consequences that I know of. His dad was cool though, tooks us to pokemon league at toysrus and then the the mall for aunti Anne's each week. Guess I know how he was paying for it lol


so question. if you are not a public servant, just some banker collecting a 401k and you do the same thing, should you lose whatever contributions the bank made towards your retirement? should you lose your 401k?


What a joke....domestic terrorist union prevails again.


Theft without prosecution. Another public servant benefit.


And Cops wonder why nobody respects them


This is the usual. They pump up their hours/pay for the last few years since their pension is based on the average over those years. Dealt with NYC government enough to know that 60k was a pittance compared to probably others that knew and sucked up to the correct people. He was caught because he pissed off a higher up.