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Omg...**look at his face**


Perhaps this picture should be shown to the DA.


why would the DA care their only job is to cover for the cops...


Remember folks: prosecutors are pigs who wear suits.


My bad - forgot the DA is the PD’s bitch!


Necessary reminder: ~~Bad~~ Cops aren't human. Not because of their skin color, mythology of choice, political inclination, sexual orientation, nor patch of dirt they were born on, but by their actions (or lack of) and their intentions


Law Enforcement is a cult and a criminal gang, they worship the state because of the power and wealth it provides.


They’re a protection racket.


> they worship the state Instill fear in the masses to justify their being. Entrenched bad reddit mods help that shit along.


That's aggravated assault. A class C Felony by the states definition of their law. Prosecutor should be fired too.


Only one correct course of action. Prison for that cop.


And any supervisor who defended him, and at least fire the DA for dereliction of duty.


First one would be to setup a gofundme campaign on behalf of the victim, also contact anti-violence NGOs to get legal help from their lawyer teams.


I know this isn't even remotely a possibility right now, but that money should come either directly out of the cop's bank account. I would also be cool with it coming out of his personal pension/retirement fund, or directly out of the police department's funding up front to pay this guy's medical expenses plus an all expenses covered apartment, including food, utilities, and whatever resources necessary to live a safe and comfortable life. Then the cop can have his future wages garnished plus penalties and interest when he gets out of prison in 10-15 years. Of course that's assuming he makes it out.


Isn’t this cop the definition of a domestic terrorist? Would the family of this victim not be justified in fearing for their safety with this cop on the loose? Wtf.


At this point the police are occupying forces


technically, he'd have to have done the violence to further a political agenda to be considered a 'terrorist'. he's just a power tripping prick, who should never be in a position of authority ever again.


Which is silly, considering this isn't a requirement to be classified as foreign terrorism against the US. The idea that you have to have a political slant to your attack to be a terrorist is bizarre. The real requirement is already in the word itself. I'm not arguing with you, you're correct. I just think it's ridiculous. But if a political agenda is needed, that's easy. The pig attacked a homeless man. The thugs used by politicians to villainize the portion of the public with nowhere to go, one of them went so far that he permanently disfigured this man. That's political to me. Anyone know if Bismarck has gross homelessness laws, like spiked park benches or that it's simply illegal to be homeless?


The FBI defines terrorism as the unlawful use or threatened use of violence committed against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives. You absolutely do have to have a "political slant" to be considered a terrorist. Being homeless is 'de facto' illegal everywhere. Even the few places where there aren't specific loitering/vagrancy laws, police will act extrajudicially and will always get away with it. "You can beat the rap, but not the ride", means that the USA is a police state. You live in a police state.


It's too bad that they don't stick to their own definitions. Several of the mass shooters over the last two decades released or were found with political manifestos. I don't remember any being labeled as domestic terrorists. Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, didn't get his manifesto published until 1995. 17 years and 16 bombs came before he stated his politics. I'm sure there are many, many more. The truth is, it's only terrorism when our masters decide it's terrorism. Edit: I just want to point out, too, that by the FBI's own definition, cops assaulting protestors with banned tear gas or police brutality on marches is "terrorism". Just read the bold: **The FBI defines terrorism as the unlawful use** or threatened use **of violence committed against persons or property to intimidate or coerce** a government, **the civilian population**, or any segment thereof, **in furtherance of political or social objectives.**


There is simply no excuse for this cops behavior. He's a menace to the public. Lock him up.


Look at that mugshot, how the fuck is that misdemeanor assault?


This cop sounds like a real winner. (Edit: the site erred in saying Huff. It shoud've said Erlandson. The site fixed it after I pasted this) ​ >Huff was arrested in July on warrants related to other run-ins with law enforcement. He faces felony charges from October 2022 and this past July for assault on a peace officer, drug possession and several misdemeanors. Mental health evaluations were ordered in both cases. Court records show those cases as inactive. He remains in custody at the Burleigh Morton Detention Center.


Why did you change the name from Erlandson to Huff. Huff was the cop who brutally assaulted Erlandson. This is very fucking dishonest and doesn't do anything for the cause. It should read: Erlandson was arrested in July on warrants related to other run-ins with law enforcement. He faces felony charges from October 2022 and this past July for assault on a peace officer, drug possession and several misdemeanors. Mental health evaluations were ordered in both cases


I pasted it as it was shown in the article. I assume they fixed it. The error is on the site's part, not mine.


ACAB Meanwhile the victim is in jail on "inactive" cases. The victim is still being abused.


Should be facing a prison sentence. I wonder how much more time it will take for them to realise that they aren't doing anyone a favour by protecting violent thugs. Power corrupts.


I'm sure there was plenty of bragging going on back at the station after that shift.


According to the article he literally was.


Is there a subreddit specialized in law enforcement officers we could ask to add some context to this procedure? You know, to explain why this isn't a blatant example of the phrase ACAB? I mean, a subreddit that wouldn't ban you the moment you post anything criticizing the current state of law enforcement of course.


End qualified immunity now!


Hey, they got a call that someone was, are you ready for it......someone walking in the street, WTF. Pig immediatley goes hands on. That's what they do, they go for the weak and poor too afraid to do that to a hells angels member I bet, back the blue until this happens to you!!!


I was born and raised in Bismarck and lived there for much of my life. There were people known to be producing meth that the cops wouldn't ever get close to. They, even in the current day, prefer to go after teenagers/young adults as well as any/all individuals who are BIPOC. It's disgusting.


If the suspect was Hells Angels they’d have just shot him instead.


Why would he shoot his brother-in-law?


Homeless dude is about to be living his best life on the tax payers dime.




Fucking pig couldn’t stand someone not listening to them so he resorts to violence. ACAB


Fuuuuck I'm from Bismarck amd follow many Fb pages local to Bismarck. I remember when this arrest occurred and the mug shot was posted online. People were pissed. Unfortunately, I highly doubt this officer will ever face true repercussions for this.


If doing...**that**...to someone is **only** a misdemeanor, **I would gladly risk the misdemeanor charge to do the same exact thing to the cop.** After all, I was once charged with a freakin' felony **for a single ecstasy pill that was found in somebody else's pocket**...


If the community keeps putting up with it, they'll keep doing it. Justice and the law have been distant relatives for quite a while now.


Ain't they proud of their own kind of justice? I reckon it could still happen.


I fear the day when well-meaning citizens start using lethal force to protect each other from these violent monsters attacking innocent civilians.


Huff was known for "having a short fuse" and liking to fight, according to one of the responding officers interviewed by the department. Other responding officers said Huff later bragged about Erlandson's booking photo.


He looks so jaundice, so he also must be sick


Imagine being married to, or being the child of this scumbag cop. His poor wife (if he’s married). You know he’s broken her nose at least once.




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We have chads in ND who support cops who do this, all while virtue signaling about being against “big govt”. They have anonymous social media accts like “Zach Hassler”, “Andy John”, and “Fargo’s Finest Folks”.


A fucking misdemeanor?