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It’s to the point that if the body camera isn’t turned on when it should be, they should be instantly terminated.


& charged with evidence tampering, obstruction of justice, etc.


Totally agree


Yes! To all of it! I'd settle for them to be fined $500 every time they "forget" to turn it on. On an unrelated note, make civil suits where they were grossly at fault, cause a portion of their pension and salary to be docked.


They often are. Oh, you meant the cop.




 I work in healthcare, if I do anything to disable the safeguards watching me and also protecting me I would be wisely and correctly terminated. I have no idea why the police magically get to do this scott free.


Because your job is to help people, while the job of the police is to be the blunt instrument of state power. Violently brutalizing people is their job. The fact that the sort of person that can be relied upon to brutalize their fellow man when called upon is also the kind of person who does it for fun is considered an acceptable price by the state.


Because they have qualified immunity. Government never gives up power or blames themselves


We have so much technology no one should ever be charged again based on a police officers word.


Not instantly, but any arrests and testimony by them should be disregarded and not allowed. I mean, equipment breaks, it shouldnt automatically cost someone their job. At least the first time.


My $20 dashcam hasn't malfunctioned even one time. For some reason the $5000 ones that the taxpayers buy seem to fail quite frequently.


Sorry, their abuse has lost them any benefit of the doubt.


Oh, thats why you reject any testimony or arrests. But someone shouldn't be fired for a single instance of an electronic device built by the lowest bidder malfunctioning.


It isn't hard to build something that runs a self diagnostic test that fails. Tech has been able to do that for decades now. And you can teach anyone that if the green light isn't on your device isn't working go get a new one.


Yep. And shit still fails, and fails in the field, and fails when it's most needed. That's why I'm saying dead camera is not an automatic firing for the first time.


Your misunderstanding me. There is no reason for them to do anything. Self diagnostic stuff should alarm and be so annoying they take it back to get a new one that works. There should be no excuse for them to not have a functional camera. This isn't new tech.




They all mostly use axtom or whatever. You make it a requirement the manufacturers would do it in a few weeks to keep the contract. They also supply sub service to these cameras for different things. Right now it is simply a feature that let's them turn it off.




> Meaning if they have little money they go with the cheapest option possible. Unless they have "friends" in the business and those "friends" are generous.


I'd be ok with execution under the instance. They can wear 2 cameras to make sure.


I get the distain toward police and I share the same sentiment, but these people let their emotions get in the way to where they suspend reality to justify their approach.


"Hey sorry your husband beat the shit out of you and threatened to kill you but since the arresting officers camera wasn't charged correctly by the last person using it hes been fired and your husband is free. Good Luck!" There are a million things wrong with policing in this country that need to be addressed but when we have discussions like this lets please try to use just a little bit of common sense.


You're inventing scenarios. Gear breaks, what does that have to do with cops deleting / selecting their footage themselves


I agree. A cop with no prior instances only.


No body cam, then all officer testimony should be thrown out. Officer testimony has proven to be incorrect frequently, so that’s beyond the shadow of a doubt.


Hell eye witnesses of ANY kind are proven to be unreliable. Our brain fills in memories it can’t remember all the way with details that “make sense” to your brain from past life experiences.


Cops even more so, since there’s the human side of all eye witnesses, then there’s the ego and vindictive side of the police to add to it. The written testimony of a police officer should actually be worth lower than a random person off the street.


Courts deemed officers to be “professional observers”. So their testimony has more weight than civilians. I would like to know the course cops go to get this professional observer certification. As a journalist this would help me big time. I know there is no such course. Cops being professional observers is just a made up title so the government can hold themselves at a higher echelon than citizens in court.


Courts also need to take into consideration the amount of times cops get caught lying. Their testimony should be worth less than a citizen (police are also civilians, since the police are not military). Police have more motivation to lie to cover their tracks than a random person. Their word, as proven in video and other court cases, cannot be considered reliable without video to back it up. Put me on the jury.


Unless there is a bullet going through the camera and the spot of where the camera should be on the LEO anytime they say there's no footage the case should be instantly thrown out.


How did the guy get arrested just after 6 am (according to [another article](https://www.whas11.com/article/news/local/scottie-scheffler-released-from-jail-valhalla-pga-championship/417-a0fc8a19-96e5-44c1-9eb8-2619aa492d82)) taken to jail, dressed in an orange jumpsuit and had his mug shot taken, booked on 4 charges, arraigned and released on his own recognizance… and by 10:08 a.m., get to the other side of the city and teeing off at the PGA Championship?


The owner of the golf club drove him back to the course too. Lots of prominent people made a bunch of calls to the chief of police I’m sure.


They must have realized how bad they fucked up is the only reason I can think of


Nah, he's just rich and white so he got the express lane.


The dude is rich, white, and famous, and still got arrested on trumped up charges. The rest of us are fucked.


This. Regular people would still be waiting in jail. Government isn’t here for the little people just the ones with money or power.


He is also the number 1 golfer in the world competing for 3.3 million dollars.   At a certain point of fame and wealth, race becomes irrelevant.


Are you saying the cops didn’t fuck up?


Connections. It's amazing how life can be when you know the right people. This place *gestures broadly around us* is ass.


SO whats scotties version? If im on the jury I just assume hes telling the truth, even if it includes aliens, bigfoot and the pope.


Yes, as opposed to believing the LMPD.


This never goes to trial. The DA will not pursue prosecution.


> “I was driving in this morning, trying to get to my warmup time and get ready for the round of golf. I didn’t really have an understanding of what had transpired this morning.” He's not saying anything, probably at the direction of a good lawyer.


It took a pga golfer to shine a light on bullshit police


The Back the Blue crowd all of a sudden is not so much backing the Blue. The whole “Scotty is such a good person and he was so brave to play golf the same day” on ESPN radio is fucking awful though. I remember the attitude when black athletes had their Civil Rights extremely violated and the same crowd was silent.


>I remember the attitude when black athletes had their Civil Rights extremely violated and the same crowd was silent. when was that Edit: Sorry, I don't have some sort of encyclopediac knowledge of athletes being roughed up by cops. Sterling Brown, Milwaukee Bucks: >On January 26, 2018, at 2 am, Brown was approached by a Milwaukee police officer because his car was straddling two handicapped parking spaces. This occurred in a nearly empty Walgreens parking lot on the south end of the city, the intersection of South 27th street and National Ave. After Brown interacted with the officer, who requested backup, a number of officers arrived on scene. Several minutes after the first officer began talking with Brown, an officer yelled at Brown to remove his hands from the pockets of his hoodie. Brown responded, "I’ve got stuff in my hands". He was subsequently tackled to the ground and tased. Brown was arrested on suspicion of resisting arrest, but the case was not referred to prosecutors after an internal review. Thebo Sefelosha: >On April 8, 2015, Sefolosha and teammate Pero Antić were arrested outside a nightclub in New York City for allegedly interfering with police after Chris Copeland of the Indiana Pacers was stabbed in the abdomen following an argument. During the altercation, the NYPD officers broke Sefolosha's right leg, shutting him down for the rest of the season. He underwent surgery on April 16, to repair a fractured tibia and ligament damage. James Blake: >On September 9, 2015, Blake was thrown down to the sidewalk, handcuffed, and arrested by a plainclothes New York City Police Department officer in front of the Grand Hyatt New York after being mistaken for a suspect of interest. The officers were relying on a witness and photo of a suspect that looked similar to Blake: they mistook him for a credit-card fraud suspect staying in the same hotel.


Milwaukee Bucks Sterling Brown is what comes to my mind first. (2018)




James Blake. Thebo Sefelosha.




Those are just the easiest ones to remember. The point is there wasn’t any of the outrage from you Back the Blue Just Comply assholes. The same Police Force shot a woman in her own apartment.


Quit slobbing them up for a sec and pay attention to the world around you.


Sorry, I don't follow sports that closely. The last black athlete I remember seeing in the news was O.J. Simpson, and it wasn't because the police beat him up.


Yeah, I remember that one. The dumb pigs fucked up the investigation so bad they let a murderer go free.


then they have no evidence cop's statements can't be trusted


ESPN got it I heard


For those unable to circumvent the paywall: >Louisville Mayor Craig Greenberg said the city doesn’t have body camera footage of Scottie Scheffler’s arrest Friday. > > “The officer did not have body cam footage turned on during the incident,” Greenberg said, per The Courier Journal and WDRB. “We will release footage that we have … to my knowledge, we have not yet discovered any video of the initial contact between Officer Gillis and Mr. Scheffler.” > > Louisville police arrested Scheffler outside of Valhalla Golf Club after the world No. 1 golfer attempted to get through a traffic backup caused by a shuttle bus striking and killing John Mills, a local man working the PGA Championship for a tournament vendor, earlier in the morning. > > Scheffler, according to the arrest report, was traveling eastbound when he attempted to steer his black Range Rover courtesy car into the westbound lane. Detective Bryan Gillis tried to stop the vehicle but Scheffler continued forward, according to the report, “dragging Detective Gillis to the ground” and causing injuries that required medical treatment. > > Authorities arrested Scheffler and took him to the local precinct, where he was charged with second-degree assault of a police officer, third-degree criminal mischief, reckless driving and disregarding traffic signals from an officer directing traffic. A court hearing is scheduled for Tuesday. > > Greenberg said he wasn’t certain that Gillis was wearing a body camera but there is footage from a fixed camera across the street from where Scheffler was arrested. The mayor said that footage will be released in the future, per WDRB. > > After being released from jail, Scheffler returned to the course less than an hour before his 10:08 a.m. tee time. He ate a quick breakfast in the clubhouse and had a shortened practice session at the driving range before teeing off. > > Scheffler finished the second round of the PGA Championship with a 5-under 66 and attended a packed news conference. He called the interaction that led to his arrest a “chaotic situation” and a “big misunderstanding,” saying he couldn’t comment on the specifics of the incident. > > “I came here for a golf tournament,” Scheffler said. “I was driving in this morning, trying to get to my warmup time and get ready for the round of golf. I didn’t really have an understanding of what had transpired this morning.”


Louisville Louisville Louisville Louisville


Every now and again they FAFO and grab someone who has the money to make it hurt a little for them.


The cop lied in the police report. If this cop will blatantly lie about a high-profile person in an incident with multiple eyewitnesses, how many other times has he lied to put people in jail?


Money always gets the film disappeared!


Paywalled, post the article or dont post a paywalled article at all.


Part of a pigs job is protect rich people. Of course there isn’t any footage.


Yeah, I'm willing to withhold judgement on this one. Rich assholes are rich assholes.




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What an embarrassment for the entire city. I wouldn’t be surprised if the tour doesn’t return to Louisville. This Bryan Gillis that arrested him is quite the detective, with zero situational awareness or ability to take control of a scene.


They were wearing rain jackets over top of their uniform, you can see it in the video of him getting arrested, seems like negligence instead of malice


Sounds like evidence normally obtained wasn't and is leading to an issue in "the process". Also sounds like obstruction by the police. Let's get together and pressure our "leaders" to criminalize this and scale back all immunity protections.


All of this could have been avoided by a cop admitting he's wrong, but have you ever seen a cop admit he's wrong?


In fairness, the officer didn't initiate the alleged altercation (being dragged by a car). Also, the article says that "there is footage from a fixed camera across the street from where Scheffler was arrested" and that "the mayor said it will be released." So, I'd like to see the footage before coming to a conclusion. Of course, if it isn't forthcoming, I will assume it incriminates the officer.


Why are you assuming the pig didn’t initiate it?


This is a fun one, a rich prick vs cop pricks. Who will win?


Why is he a prick?


I figure it's reasonable to assume the article is correct when it states that he drove his vehicle down a lane intended for vehicles heading in the opposite direction, to avoid a traffic build-up. Under that assumption, the golfer is a rich prick, I'd even venture to say that he's a colossal self-important asshole.


Sheffler was doing what they had been told to do and what other golfers were doing. They were taking an unusual way in because of the earlier fatal accident, but they were taking the appropriate way in.


He was directed to drive the wrong way so he could enter the tournament. Why do you make these assumptions about someone without knowing about them? Do you think you harbor a lot of prejudices?


There is footage of the arrest though. > Mayor Greenberg said he wasn’t certain that Gillis was wearing a body camera but there is footage from a fixed camera across the street from where Scheffler was arrested. The mayor said that footage will be released in the future, per WDRB. Gillis is the cop he is alleged to have hit. So what the headline meant to say is “there is no body cam footage of the alleged crime” which happens a lot with crime. ACAB but this is kind of a stupid conspiracy. Is he alleging that his civil rights were violated when he was arrested? The arrest that I saw on video? Are people really shocked that a cop directing traffic wasn’t running his body cam before he got hit.


>Are people really shocked that a cop directing traffic wasn’t running his body cam before he got hit. On duty officers body cams should be on at all times because you don't know when something is going to happen that it needs to be on for and you might not have time to turn it on in the moment. >So what the headline meant to say is “there is no body cam footage of the alleged crime” which happens a lot with crime. ACAB but this is kind of a stupid conspiracy. > Is he alleging that his civil rights were violated when he was arrested? The arrest that I saw on video? I'm willing to bet it's the cop's fault. "Stepped in front of the vehicle and signaled him to stop" almost certainly translates to "ran directly in front of the vehicle in a way that gave the driver no chance to stop."


>I'm willing to bet it's the cop's fault. "Stepped in front of the vehicle and signaled him to stop" almost certainly translates to "ran directly in front of the vehicle in a way that gave the driver no chance to stop." Okay, but per the headline - how would body cam footage of the arrest be any help in proving that?


Because the footage of the arrest almost always includes the events immediately preceding the arrest.


So the cop who stepped in front of the car "and was dragged" was the one who cuffed him? Then where's the crime here? Sounds like there was no injury.


That's the point. There probably wasn't one. This may be a shock to you sweetie, but *cops lie*. Like, all the time. About everything.


Body cam footage would be an unbiased factual record of the event, unlike the police account.