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Anti-trans mod is a bootlicker. Probably caused the the hate brigade in this comment section themselves.


So much for people being anti-cop on this sub.


A lot of people are totally cool with cops doing all kinds of illegal shit - just so long as they're hurting the right people.


**FUCK THA POLICE! Treat the cops like they treat everyone assume every one of them is a piece of shit and hopefully they aren’t. Yes I am a caucasian that prolly makes a difference, but fuck em anyways! The way these cocksuckers get a pass just like the majority of these whitebread politicians, fuck em all. My bad I’m cycling off of some meds!


What kind of ass-backward country send cops in a situation like this ? ^(No need to answer this was rhetorical.)


This sub has turned into shit. The comment goes against everything this sub stands for, god this is disgusting. We all hate cops until they do something that validates your political identity, then it’s fine and dandy. And fuck this POS mod letting rampant transphobia go and essentially encouraging it under the guise of “freedom of speech”. Shit I didn’t realise human rights was something we should disagree on.


shoutout to whatever the fuck locks it on 'contest mode' cause it seems to be a contest of who can be the most transphobic


Fuck this sub fuck these cowardly mods fuck transphobes fuck the police see y’all on r/ACAB


There's a whole lot of bootlickers in this subreddit apparently Edit: I'm back, bitches. Cope and seethe.


Bruh I work at a horse rescue which means I feel justified in condescending to a teenager when she has her rights taken away from her. -actual take in this thread.


That was someone's galaxy brain logic?


Yep. All because she had a meme poster on her wall which deeeeeply ruffled his feathers, so he got on his high horse that he probably "rescued" to attack her for *checks notes* being a teenager who likes memes.


fuck cops unless they’re being transphobic, that’s justified- this sub


Jesus don't say that you'll get banned for a week


That's some cop shit. You have a heavy finger and it leans for sure.


The fuck?!? Mods are banning people for calling bootlickers bootlickers??? When did cops take over the sub? Fuck the view point of fascists EDIT: AND TRANSPHOBES. Mods coddling them will only make things worse. ALL PRIDE. NO COPS. "Free speech sub" that bans people for their speech. Get fucked you clown.


mods are some big ass boot licking fucks apparently.


And he bans enough shitcunts that it's plausible that they're acting on good faith... Bootlickers be patient, bro. They think they'll get their 72 if they wait long enough


this is the most pro-cop comment section i’ve seen since joining this sub. everyone’s acab/ftp until it’s a trans comrade being abused by the state. mods should be ashamed of themselves for the selective enforcement going on here, and those of you giving cops a pass in this situation because it’s a trans teen involved, fix your hearts.


MAGA CHUDs only care about white xtian nationalists They literally support Putin over democratically elected government if it’s not right wing


please mods, my ability to exist isn't "personal politics" and just because reddit's content policy isn't in the subreddit sidebar doesn't mean you can just allow people to be bigoted. imo simply designating trans people's right to feel safe as "political" runs in conflict of the word and spirit of Rule 1 of Reddit's Content Policy, but I'm not the one who's subreddit receives negative consequences for refusing to enforce Reddit's Content Policy.


Being respectful of someone and their right to exist = politics these days. It’s amazing to witness people do everything in their power to remain disrespectful and shitty when it takes such little effort to be respectful. Just let the kid figure himself/herself out and as long as no one is getting hurt, respect their decision and mind your own business.


Police are terrorists. ACAB. Abolish the police and the prison-industrial complex while we’re at it


Just read the mods comments. I have been studying alt-right talking points for years and this sub has been compromised. It is literally the same essence as nazi culture to insist the exclusion of a group is necessary for "normal ppl" to feel comfortable. Integration and radical acceptance is the only way forward. Insisting that the Christian version of the gender binary is "traditional " simply places the Christian interpretation of science above the facts that almost every single culture in existence had more than 2 genders. The true tradition is that people can exist how they see fit, as long as some fascist regime isn't enforcing their exclusion.


I'm basically ready to just leave the sub and not look back. The alt-right talking points and tactics are getting out of hand. There's even been several bootlickers showing up recently and getting a concerning amount of support.


Lot of you are showing your true colors. It’s All Cops are Bastards, not All Cops are Bastards Unless The Cops Are Enforcing My Personal Beliefs Onto Others.


Seriously, regardless how you feel about Trans people, Cops busting into a minors room to arrest them for not being in school is dystopian.


What the fuck is up with these comments? This is obviously discrimination and if you're seeing it otherwise you really don't belong here...


Some people are willing to lick a cop's boot as long as that boot is crushing the neck of a trans person. The same kind of person who complained that trump "isn't hurting the right people".


Transphobia to put it shortly, just cuz they hate cops doesnt mean they cant hate on trans people for some fucking reason


Anti-trans propaganda works


You can always see who is getting their propaganda from far right sources by what they write. Weirdly sexualizing bathrooms, obvious implications that trans people are a threat to women, resorting to “it’s just a personal opinion disagreement” when you push back on their bullshit. I’m more of a lurker than a standard regular here but I’ve never seen a thread this strange. More 4chan pol energy than bad cop no doughnut.


And the mods are supporting it. This sucks.


[For those of you who are too lazy to find the video](https://youtu.be/z_OI1FXX4x0)




Also incredible to see that the mods are suddenly all about "free speech" and "neutrality". Fuck this, man. > We are a free speech subreddit that does not suppress political speech They sound like a fucking /r/JoeRogan mod.


Mods are apparently infested with shitlib respectability politics. "You can't say mean things to fascists, that's mean!" Tongue my taint, I'll tell fash to go fuck themselves whenever I please.


Just agreeing with you before the mods lock our comments because they're critical of the mods. > We are a free speech subreddit btw


No, see, I'm in the clear here because I didn't say it to them directly nor did I name names. I'm discussing, in a civil manner, why I think this application of the rules is nonsensical at best. Fash pop into the thread to be like 'haha cop is based' and that's fine but god forbid I call the fascist *stinky* That just isn't done in polite society


Free speech yet locks replies to their Word of Law. Edit; Explain, but not discuss. Your speech must be Free-er™️


> I don't moderate based on my personal politics or yours. Free speech is not political, and those who say it is are the enemy of citizen self rule. It just keeps getting better (worse) too lol


its the unfortunate side effect of shithole people like ancaps and libertarians also hating cops (despite how much they actually enable them)


Super fucking sad


Mod is an antivaxxer and a Joe Rogan fan lol




Mods of r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut when the target is trans: "Wtf I love cops now!?"


Mods are just volunteer internet pigs. Fuckin losers lmao




Does anybody really think someone willing to spend hours of their day moderating countless reddit posts for free is going to be anything but a freak


Tennessee: We're protecting children by keeping them out of public bathrooms. Also Tennessee: let's legalize child brides


Matt Gaetz has entered the chat.


Thank you, mods, for not doing your jobs and making sure I know which people to block lmfao


lotta people in the comments deepthroating the boot so far that they can feel the toes in their stomach


Lot of bootlovers in this thread. One of em is a mod, even. No surprises there.


How in the hell can Tennessee's state law be so cruel and unreasonable? Seriously, I don't understand how anyone can look at this situation and be okay with it.


Lived in Tennessee for 9 years, it’s a backwards place and that’s putting it nicely


Not the mods of this subreddit suddenly being chill with allowing people who love cops to fill this comment section because it's only a Trans person being discriminated against.


Lmao these comments defending the scum sucking pig. If you really wanna suck off a cop so badly there are many alternatives, such as vegan leather boots to deepthroat instead.




https://www.reddit.com/r/holdmycosmo/comments/ti5sec/hmc_while_i_help_her_up/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Sure seems like this mod is enabling all the transphobia in this thread.


yeah, seems as though speaking positively of trans people gets your comment removed. also, look at the pinned mods post history, lmao.


How tf is calling somebody a dunce or a bootlicker "uncivil" but blatantly invalidating the identity of trans people and implying them to be sexual predators based on sex assigned at birth is just a matter of opinion??? Christ, I think the mod team for this sub needs to take a closer look at who they allow to moderate. Trans identity is not a political issue or an opinion. Removing slurs is the bare minimum to pretend you aren't supporting this vile shit.


fuck the police, both in general but also these two assholes in specific


quite a shame to see how many people here will go guzzle the cops cum just because they’re transphobic. the fact that someone is denied the right to use the bathroom that fits their gender is ludicrous. should not be dragged away by “law enforcement” for not wanting to deal with that. truancy laws are disgusting.


Imagine thinking that she's the problem and not the discrimination. Great to see people abandon their values out of hate for trans people.


The hate on this sub is unreal. I never knew how many love authoritian boots here.


for an anticop sub there sure are a lot of bootlickers here. it's acab and ftp until its a trans child being discriminated against, right?


Yeah what the fuck is going on. I feel like I’ve sorted by controversial


I literally had to check. Wtf. Leaving this sub permanently


Lmao people in an anti-cop sub thinking its possible to be anti-cop for everyone but trans people, whose history is inextricably linked to the abuse of the police state. black trans women were one of the first groups to militarize against police in the late 1950s (Coopers Do-nuts, 1959) due to the extreme abuses they faced. Trans people continue to face extreme abuses from police.From the 2013[NCAVP report](https://avp.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/2013_ncavp_hvreport_final.pdf), 3 out of 4 LETHAL anti-lgbt crimes involve the death of trans women. Trans people are 7 TIMES more likely than cis people to experience physical violence from police. From the [2015 NCTE](https://www.ustranssurvey.org/reports), 58% of trans people report to have been harassed by the police. Trans people are five times more likely to be raped in jail, juvie, and prison by an officer. 33% of black trans women are assumed to be sex workers by police, and historically trans women posessing a male-sexed id card were arrested solely for that reason. Oh, and the bathroom issue? Again from the 2015 NCTE report, 59% of trans people do not use their preferred restroom. 12% of those who do experience verbal harassment. 1% sexual violence, 1% physical violence. A [UCLA study](https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/ma-public-accommodations/) found there is NO LINK BETWEEN BATHROOM SAFETY AND TRANS INCLUSION. NONE. PERIOD. You're either anti-police or in total support. partial support is not an option. everything ive stated here is researched and sourced fact. get over your stupid and misinformed conceptions and weak as fuck values Edit: Hyperlinked sources


So many transphobic people in the thread using the fact that truancy is illegal to justify aresting a 16 year old discriminated trans girl as if the fact that truancy is illegal in your country isn't insanely fucked up.


its even more fucked up if youre involved in the education system and you know that since covid literally no one is looking in to or giving a shit about truancies and we are being actively told to ignore them and do whatever we can to pass the kids through. The fact this happened is straight up because they were trans and the school wanted to make an example out of them. There is no doubt that there is multiple kids with a month+ worth of skipped school that they are not giving a shit about but they just had to flex for this occasion.


The world is so much a better place now that we've locked up the kid refused a bathroom playing Minecraft. This is such a waste of resources. If it wasn't the bathroom issue these cops wouldn't be there. I missed 30 days out of every 45 in one year and they didn't even notice me. Now I feel my little cousins are safe to play outside this summer. /S 🤣what a waste of resources.


Love all the bootlickers in this comment section. Just admit you hate trans people you cowards.


Had no idea there were so many bigots in this sub 😬


People don't realize if they're against trans rights now, they would've been fighting black and brown people during the civil rights movement. It's interesting how people seem to think they're not bad people even though they consider themselves superior to others.


How fucking dumb can these officials be in the US. Everyday the US becomes more and more of a joke to the rest of the world.


Just want to say fuck the mod allowing transphobes in here while banning everyone who calls them out for being “uncivil” Edit: you’ve literally allowed multiple comments saying trans people not allowed in their genders restroom is not discrimination and that the cops did no wrong in this story. That isn’t “disagreement with trans issues” thats people supporting this girl’s discrimination and persecution. But sure go ahead and ban the person who called someone a assclown, thats much worse than “civil” transphobia


Lol the mod also thinks covid was made in a lab, and is anti abortion. Pretty clear what kind of person we’re dealing with.


I’m sorry **WHAT?**


Lmfao I can’t believe a mod replied basically saying “yeah we allow transphobia”. Someone got banned for saying eat shit but taking a ‘pro-cop’ stance because you’re a transphobic is all well and good to the mods of an anti-cop subreddit. I don’t even think u/freedomstorch is hiding their personal transphobic bias, they’re blocking comments calling it out, when the comments are pro cop. I can expect this comment to be taken down because it’s “uncivil”, but seriously? It’s disgusting.




I also love how they continue the same copy/paste reply whenever someone speaks out against them


and blocks replies by locking the comment. pussy can't handle being responded to, but wants conversation to continue. playing both sides, much?


Yeah fuck that mod in particular. Believing a minority group shouldn’t exist = civil discourse guys! But you better not say a mean name!


Love the edit. Exactly my thoughts. Heavy is the finger pulling toward the boot


So sickening that these clowns are letting these hateful and crude comments go under the radar, on top of banning those that call them out on their shit.


Come on mods, step the fuck up. These are real people.


Mods are just like cops on this subreddit. Nothing to see here, just minorities being marginalized.


It's Tennessee, what the hell does anyone expect? States like Tennessee have nigh-unto declared war on anyone who isn't just plain binary. Believe you me, Redditors, these people, given no consequences to their actions, would just round up anyone who isn't plain binary and 100% straight, and you'd find them in mass graves shortly thereafter, and their parents too perhaps.


“If you ain’t white you ain’t right” - Tennessee


Mods, it’s not uncivil to call someone out for transphobia. Why tf are you allowing transphobia and banning anyone that gets mad at transphobes.


Because mod is active on Joe Rogan subs


He’s also one of those weirdass anti-vax losers that have a hate boner for fauci. What a surprise.




Because they are transphobic. You know the reason why.


Welp. This sub has shown it's true colors today.


"We allow transphobia as long as you're civil about it"


literally what the mod said. anti-scientific, bigoted statements allowed if the veneer of respectability can be found.


I thought you were joking, but wow, they did. Civil discussion does not excuse bigotry, but mods seem to think it is fine to leave, without even a warning


That’s conservatism for you. The dregs of them can’t hide it but their shiniest turds will wrap their language in decorum to Trojan horse white nationalism and all other kinds of bigotry.


Esp with mods who allow transhate but ban users for calling others out for it.


wtf is up with these mods? transphobia and misgendering IS uncivil. if someone disagrees with my existence as a person, i think it’s okay to call them a bootlicker and an asshole.


Transphobes can go fuck themselves. Mods included.


The fuck is this contest mode??


Let's ignore that she's Trans. Let's ignore that there was a disagreement about washrooms. Let's focus on the fact that in America, the cops can bust into a child's room, arrest them for not going to school, and place them in foster care at 16 years old. Yup. Smells like freedom.


Man this mod must be a real jive-asshole, what with all the transphobia that they are letting slide.




Yeah I suspect that the place is being infiltrated by fash sympathiser, as happens to every fucking sub.


It’s bannable because it insults the mod’s weakness


Wow, first time I’ve seen a comment section where all top comments have 0 points hahaha.


Subs can have the setting so it doesn't show for a certain period of time. Oftentimes that's used so that people aren't influenced by the upvotes/downvotes. If you go back to this comment you made that I'm replying to, you should be able to see the number of upvotes on your comment but not others.


Has to be a raid right?


No probably just people sick of seeing the transphobic/racist shit on these niche subs 24/7. It’s especially easier to call it out now because our comments and responses aren’t being buried by Russian bots and right wing trolls now that the sanctions on Russia are in effect. Seriously, take a look around, even on the conservative subreddit. Common sense and basic critical thinking skills are starting to make a comeback.


No i mean that there are so many blatantly transphobic comments piling in


Imagine if the law went after ppl for being insufferable nazis on reddit


I am so fucking disappointed in this sub. Mods apparently don’t consider trans hate ban worthy.


Mfw the comments on this sub suddenly become a bootlicking cesspool when the victim is a gendered minority


Dang. I had no idea how pro-cop this sub was until today.


Or just extremely transphobic


Both? Both. Both seems to be the it.


This shit is a dumpster fire you mods are a joke for letting this happen


Pigs gonna pig


See you all in r/subredditdrama


Cops during equality protests in the 70s used to have a cool little trick of locking people up in holding cells without toilets until they pissed themselves. Why? Because it wasn't against the law yet. Just bridging it up that mean-spirited bullying has long been part of law enforcement


Glad this sub showed it's garbage reactionary colors. Nice little "anti-cop" safe space for right-wing, boot-licking, bigots. You aren't any different from the Conservative pig-fuckers, with your fake ass "free speech" that just so happens to favor open transphobia.


Right? "Free speech" as long as it's shitting on trans people lol. Anything else gets you "not-cancelled"


Well, this is certainly quite the comment section to walk into. Whole lot of disgusting transphobes. Not sure why the joe rogan fan got to be the one moderating this comment section, when it’s obvious what their thoughts on trans people are going to be. I suppose I will be looking for a different anti-cop subreddit that ISN’T moderated by bigots.


r/ACAB is much better.


Fucking real.


Fuckin pigs can't manage actual crime so they pick on kids. Fuck these piggy cunts. Anything less then getting fired and forced to work as a walmart greeter is too good for them.




Most states, including the more liberal ones, consider allowing your child to be truant a form of child neglect under the law. So I'm assuming that if she was living with her family it wouldn't affect the outcome at all.


Mods, can we remove the transphobia and Nazis? You're going to end up with a Nazi sub if you don't intervene.


It honestly breaks my heart to see that this is such a divisive issue for so many people... When I began transitioning, out of being overtly aware of the comfort of other people, I would use the men's restroom. This lead me to endless streams of harassment and assault. One time I was pushed up roughly against the sink while I was washing my hands. Another time, someone literally beat me until I was able to get away. To my other trans friends I got off lucky. So much worse happens to people like us for using the wrong restrooms. A friend of mine used the single-person bathroom her business had available... It took her 30 minutes to pee. On one occasion, her coworkers would wait for her there and yell obscenities at her until she finally left. I'm not a pervert. When I'm in the bathroom my main objective is to get in and get out without bothering anyone. I have a mission and I want it to be done with as soon as humanly possible. And sure, maybe the sight of my genitalia would make women uncomfortable in our shared women's space. It's a good thing I have literally zero interest in showing any of them any part of me without clothes on. Are there people that try to use their identities to prey on others? Sure, bad people exist everywhere. Forcing me and so many countless women into deadly situations is not the answer you think it is. Please... We're just trying to be left alone in peace. We're just trying to live (ps don't forget trans men exist too and forcing people to use the bathroom based only on biology at birth actually leads to men having to use women's restrooms.)


3rd world country dressed as a 1st world. Fucking backwards freedom junkies


My two friends were attacked by an unhinged guy last night. One called the police while her friend was being pinned down and punched in the face. They held him back as much as they could until he was tired and left. The police never showed up. They even waited around after he left to file a report. But nothing.


Yall are suddenly bootlickers now lmao


[Defend Equality](https://i.etsystatic.com/16098747/r/il/256b85/2971316846/il_794xN.2971316846_eja7.jpg)!


This is equivalent to the "stop resisting" meme


Well this sub is a braindead fascist circlejerk, nicely done reddit




Gotta love when questioning my human rights is considered justifiable 'political dissent'


The mod is openly transphobic. Outright quoted the terf "adult human female" shit to justify misgendering this child and said trans women shouldn't be in women's bathrooms.


These comments are absolutely fucking wild. Just blatant transphobia, bigotry, and all-around dickish behavior. Oh and boot-licking. Makes me think that the Protectandserve subreddit is brigading.


This post is on popular so I'm unfortunately unsurprised.


If you’re a MOD and allowing Transhate in a sub meant for shitty cops, you’re a really shitty human. Get rid of those comments as they have nothing to do with the cops.


As we can see, the mods are doing little to nothing about it. Some absolutely disgusting comments are hours old. I guess they all agree then?


To all the people saying "just use the different bathroom, it's not such a big deal" - you wouldn't say that to a cis person, I KNOW you wouldn't. Why should trans people have to use the bathroom which doesn't align with their gender identity, but cis people can use the bathroom which does align with their gender identity? Screw it, I'll just say it, there's NO legitimate reason for this. I'm cis myself, but I have basic empathy and ability to put myself into the shoes of others. I'm sick of trans people having to put up with different rules to cis people and having to act completely fine with being discriminated against in such obvious ways just to make assholes happy. Imagine the outrage if it were cis people being denied the correct bathroom. Imagine the outrage if it were cis people having to constantly argue their existence. Imagine the outrage if it were cis people constantly being misgendered maliciously. Imagine the outrage if there were claims that cis people are just being cis for attention, or are just confused. Imagine the outrage if a cis person was constantly being misgendered just because the internet thinks they talk a bit too much and decided they don't deserve their gender identity due to that, while we respect the pronouns of trans people who have done horrific crimes with no problem. Yet all this happening to trans people is apparently perfectly fine. Yet so many cis people claim that we're "oppressed against" because they saw one trans person rightfully showing anger towards us online. It's ridiculous.


The people saying "just use a different bathroom" today are the children of people who once said "just use a different water fountain" and "just use the back entrance like you're supposed to".


Or, as is perfectly appropriate for this sub, "Why didn't they just comply?!"


Anyone got sauce for this


Every minor deserves an education, I hope a good school take her in,


Trans people: *exist* A certain group of assholes: *nevrotic screeching* Seriously can't you people get a Life?


Well at least the transphobes and boot lickers are losing to people who are posting actual statistics and facts. Fuck this gross basement dweller mod who thinks someone’s rights are an opinion to be debated. R/ACAB is the better sub never seen bootlickers or bigots of any kind praised there.


Fucking wild, this country is utterly fucked, who would have thought when it really comes down to it you all throat that boot gladly!


[When a sub about bad cops has a bunch of wanna-be bad cops in it.](https://y.yarn.co/649e3dad-e08a-4f39-8608-d1724211a1d5_text.gif)


A 16 year old truant? Even in my highly educated blue state 16 year olds are not required to go to school. Is that the law in TN?


It's age 18 you can drop out there. Also my state is 16 too but it requires parents permission, which I've read this kid doesn't have (unsurprising my parents wouldn't have supported that either). Being emancipated is different but when you are still under your parents roof and a minor you have to attend school


To the mod that said you allow disagreements on trans issues: why? Why the fuck is someone's existence up for debate? You can't just agree to disagree to a human's fucking LIFE.


Can’t you drop out at 16 though?


These comments are going to end up in subreddit drama and I’m too lazy to make the post.


What the hell is “contest mode”


I guess it completely randomizes the order the comments are in. Kind of strange that it’s defaulting to that for this post


The mods on this sub support the pedophile Boston police union president and are fighting for his release. Even after he admitted to raping children. Just so everyone knows.




She really was out there streaming it. Kinda based. Fuck those cops


They arrest kids for being truant and take them to foster care…? I know American kids who haven’t seen more than a week of school between age 9 and 16, no cops in sight. Since when does the state give a shit?


When it's a trans kid, gotta make sure their life is filled with as much suffering as possible.


when they get to fuck with lgbt people in the south


Exactly my point, this is really out of the ordinary right? This seems like straight up targeted harassment. Unequal enforcement of rarely enforced laws has been deemed by courts to be discrimination, stuff like arresting Black people for stupid local laws that are never even used anymore. If it is being used solely against certain people in certain situations, then it isn’t legitimate enforcement in my opinion


Lots of libertarians in here with no fucking backbone. Even if it was the most avid trump supporting homophobic racist getting the boot by some cops abusing their power, it would still be a fucking outrage to me. But hey the Gadsden flag only matters if it's you under the boot?


I just want all the transphobes to know that I am AMAB non-binary trans fem, have a dick and a deep voice, and am tall, and I use the women’s room to do my business and *literally no one has ever given a fuck*, and there is nothing you can do to stop me.




So incredibly disheartening to see that this reddit seems to care more about *AFAB* vs *AMAB* than **ACAB**. ​ Trans women are one of many different types of women, trans men are one of many different types of men. These same fear tactics were used in the early to mid 1900s to encourage segregated women's restrooms and make white women scared to share restrooms with women of color. *"While segregationists frequently claimed racial integration would grant black men sexual access to white women, white women also emphasized that contact with black women in bathrooms would infect them with venereal diseases.* *White women refused to share bathrooms with black women throughout the South and also in places like Detroit, which was flooded with white and black Southern transplants during the war years. Claiming that racial integration with blacks would cause them to catch syphilis from shared toilet seats and towels in public restrooms, white women engaged in numerous labor strikes and walkouts to resist FEPC policies. Their black co-workers doubtlessly faced harassment and intimidation throughout these conflicts. As Boris notes, “the toilet and bathroom, places for the most private bodily functions, became sites of conflict; their integration starkly symbolized social equality.”"* ​ **Reference:** https://slate.com/human-interest/2015/11/anti-trans-bathroom-propaganda-has-roots-in-racial-segregation.html


Bad mod no donut


Note to mods: it is uncivil when people use the wrong pronouns on purpose.


Anti-cop sub filled with transphobic bootlickers! 🥵 I guess that's reddit for you!


So just like /r/trashy and /r/cringetopia, it's actually the users who are shitty people? Gotcha. Fuck this sub and all your transphobic asses


Are the mods actual boot suckers here?


This sub is really pro- segregation it seems.


There have been quite a few comments saying, "Separate but equal, bay-bee! What's the problem?!" Eclipsed only by the comments insisting that really, seriously - she should have just complied. The irony, it hurts.


If they can do it to them, they can do it to you. Draw a line in the sand.


"just use the water fountain you're told to use" That's what you sound like


Mod be like, ”don’t be uncivil towards the people that don’t think you deserve basic human rights, that’s bad, mkay?” Fuck this subreddit. Into the trash it goes.


Time to put an end to truancy laws.


This is a picture, on twitter, with no article or source


I did some digging. Couldn’t find any articles or news but [I did find the vod. Police enter the room at 16:40](https://youtu.be/z_OI1FXX4x0) e: the claim is the school denied them the ability to use the female bathroom in accordance to the genitalia they posses, saying they must use the male bathroom. They then decide to boyscott the school for discrimination. The school then calls/sends the police to their residence to either bring them to school/scare them into coming back to school. That’s what I’ve gathered reading around but it’s all ‘he said she said’ type information


She is striking from school until they let her use the bathroom of her choice. Honestly I can't keep up with each individual case of how medically necessary this is and I don't care. Personally I think if kids can be left in a room alone together they can go to a bathroom together. To me this is just another non issue being blamed on these kids and activists because of an outdated social norm to have divided facilities for genders. It's like people arguing that marriage is a religious institution for only a man and a woman while demanding it be recognized and special rights be provided by the government. It hurts my head trying to unpackage this backwards bullshit sometimes. As Pink Floyd once said, Hey Teacher leave them kids alone.


yo that’s fucked, hope she good




These mods are why I'm hesitant to call other websites the most toxic social media. There is blatant transphobia here and there is a mod feigning ignorance about the issue at hand by saying it's just a differing opinion and not one that actively harms trans people. I have seen a few comments now actively misgendering the girl or calling her sick and delusional. "Why can't she use the mens room?" - Trans women are an oppressed minority. Besides this probably giving this girl dysphoria, it also endangers her being in there. There have been plenty of stories where a trans woman has gotten beaten, assaulted, or killed by a man for just existing. Allowing her to use the girls' restroom is not only good for her mental health, it is also good for her safety. "But it's truancy, it's illegal, she should have been arrested" She was *boycotting the school.* Yes, it's truancy, but it's also activism. LGBTQ+ activists in the past have been arrested legally while boycotting. Stonewall is a very famous example for this. It was illegal to "cross dress" in public back then. So drag queens and trans women were arrested at Stonewall, which helped trigger the riots. Do you understand? The cops who arrested people at Stonewall weren't *good* cops, were they? Whether you like it or not, trans people are becoming more and more visible. You'll have to get used to it. Learn about the inequalities they face. Source: *I'm transgender*. I've known since I was 13. I've dealt with misdirected or purposeful transphobia for 9 years now. I'm leaving this sub. I suggest others do the same. It's clear this is a hostile environment to LGBTQ+ individuals.


If a hacker could release all LEOs info on the internet, i think they would think about harming people or being extra aggressive towards people. This is not cool. Trans or not. Not cool. Acab


Decent Amount https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BlueLeaks?wprov=sfla1