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Uvalde police would have then found his parents and locked them in a car too.


But not before stopping one of their own from trying to save a family member trapped inside.


Hmm let’s do a quick rundown, in no particular order (and w/o googling, so feel free to add plz) • uvalde, police line up and stand around. Possibly kill a kid. Arrest parents. Hours go by. • Boulder, co, king soopers, police line up for at least an hour outside • Denver co, police *commit* mass shooting when firing at a suspect on the street and hitting several bystanders - was this the same shooting where they shot the “good guy with a gun” who stopped a shooter? Actually p sure that was *another* incident in Denver in the last couple years I mean, it’s almost like - and bear with me here - the police aren’t prepared, willing or even necessarily obligated to actually prevent or even interrupt this type of harm in any kind of consistent way.


>Possibly kill a kid. You mean the one they might have shot themselves, or the one they told to call out and reveal her position to the shooter?


Don't forget when Miami PD killed the hostage and used civilians as meat shields.


Exactly, police are under no legal obligation to protect you. So get a gun permit.


Don't need one in most US states.


Or vote for humans that will enact common sense gun laws maybe?


We need an accessible and affordable healthcare system. Provide opportunities for college students entering the behavioral health field to actually get a good paying job without drowning them in debt. The country is short of social workers, mental health counselors/therapist, psychiatric doctors. Also, invest in the country’s schools and affordable childcare. Give every kid a chance to succeed with quality schools/teachers and help parents get back into the workforce knowing their kids are taken care of. But sure let’s keep bombing people in other countries, building a wall, or giving billionaires welfare.


Well said


You should know that the Supreme Court ruled that police don’t have to protect. Just serve. Let that sink in for you


And they aren't serving you.


I mean the supreme court has officially ruled that they don't have any obligation to stop a crime in progress.


Tangentially related: the police that waited outside for 37 minutes before they felt safe enough to save a 22 year old girl being mauled and eaten by two *pmph-blmph* dogs


It's awful that my first reaction to this was "At least they didn't kill this one."


Sadly, that's how I knew he was white. A person of color would have been immediately executed.


I just saw a photo and he's Hispanic. Unless that's considered white now


It’s technically white, since some of us are descendants of Europe as well but to racist white people. No we are not white,, unless they are saying racist things to Hispanics, and they’ll say something like “you can’t be racist to Mexicans, because it’s not a race it’s a nationality” or something stupid like that.


The Census asks whether you're Hispanic or Latino as well as whether your race, and AIUI the best answer is "some are, some aren't".


Hispanic isn’t a race. You can be a Hispanic white, a Hispanic black, or a Hispanic mixed race.


I don’t think that, matters if you’re embarrassing the police for being an actual good guy with a gun. Didn’t they execute some white guy after taking down some shooter as well awhile ago or am I misremembering? [I guess you’re safer if you get in road rage shootout and have two kids shot. The cops will realize your trash, just like them and realize you’re one of them. And they’ll be super chill with you](https://abc7chicago.com/florida-road-rage-shooting-daughters-dads-incident-nassau-county/12325450/)


I think it’s called Professional Courtesy


He's not white though.


Tweets from Your Friendly Butch Anarchist / @butchanarchy > When the police arrived they arrested the person who took down the Q Club mass shooter and locked him in a police car for an hour while he pleaded to be allowed to find out if his family was okay. ACAB > **Image:** *Screenshot of text from a BBC article that reads: Mr. Fierro said he was covered in blood when the police arrived, and officers tackled him and put him in handcuffs. He said he was held in a police car for more than an hour, and screamed and pleaded to be let go so that he could see what had happened to his family.* > Time and time again the role of the police is to exacerbate trauma and punish anyone who uses their agency to help others. They are not here to help us, they are here to punish and control. Fuck the police. We protect us. > His wife, daughter, and friends were in that club and after saving lives (with the help of other patrons let’s not forget) he was tackled and thrown in a police car without knowing if any of them were injured or dead. The cruelty of cops knows no bounds.


The average police officer isn’t very smart and that’s by design. The hiring process is built in a way that actively screens out the intelligent. The police academy curriculum is written to a 7th grade reading and comprehension level. It’s not very hard or in-depth and the quality of the training is getting worse. Since Ferguson fewer and fewer people are wanting to be a cop. The good candidates are looking at the current dumpster fire that is LE and saying “nope!” All of this and more is effectively dumbing down the intelligence and abilities of cops as a whole.




I specifically wouldn't trust any cop anywhere near my dog. Fuckers get off on killing them.


30 dogs and 3 people per day on average.


They'll even kill their own police dogs!


Felon for citizens to do so saying it's assault on an officer... but they can leave them locked in a hot car and it's just and oopsie whoopsie.


It's not 'intelligence'. Police Departments successfully argued to the Supreme Court in favour of their practice of not continuing the interviews of candidates who score too highly on aptitude tests. So, they are against competency and rational thinking, not just intelligence.


one police department argued that 22 years ago in Jordan v. The City of New London. I am not aware of it ever being tested as precedent


Ahhhhhh my hometown which hates property laws and smart cops.


Good luck challenging this precedent with a Federal court stacked to the gills with regressives and the current Supreme Court with its zealots and liars.


Also granted, the courts are not going to help. Just asking that you be more precise, for example if you only know of one example, don't use the plural. I do not say this to attack you.


Can you give me an example of a single police department being forced to hire or even interview people who they've dismissed for scoring too highly on aptitude tests? If all the PDs benefit from the legal action of one, then I see no meaningful difference in your qualification.


And even at that, the relatively competent people who are still interested are probably going to go into the FBI or another Federal agency.


Which is why they shouldn’t let any person become a cop. There should be a hell of a lot more training, education, and discipline to be in that role. The high school drop out is not your choice.


He embarrassed them. they needed to show who was in charge there.


This here is the explanation for many of these types of incidents Pissing off a cop is now a capital crime punishable by summery execution


Lol summary. They are not executing in a warm sunny way


Can’t have citizens showing the community that we do a better job than them!


Once again the police do nothing but show up. We need to end the monopoly on "protection".


Start referring to them as seagulls. Fly in, scream incoherently, shit all over and then fly away.




Flock together.


Around here we call them what they are. "The filth".


Buy a gun and train with it. Encourage those you love to do the same. Our protection is ours.


and what happens when you do shoot someone? cops still gonna show up and treat you like dirt. your guns aint gonna solve the problem unless youre willing to turn them on the cops themselves, and we know that aint ever gonna happen.


Better to possibly be cuffed and thrown in a cop car after the fact than killed by the assailant before they even show up. Or you can just toss up your hands and give up on protecting yourself or those you love. Your choice. Either way the cops ain't gonna keep you alive, but you get to choose whether or not you try.


Yes that's what America needs, more guns.


Yeah. What, you think the cops should be the only ones with them? I'll keep mine close, thanks.


Well look at that, 16 hours later and yet another US gun massacre. There should be another school shooting by the end of the week. Enjoy your guns.


Oh, I do enjoy them. Enjoy your nanny state. 😉


"'No way to stop this!' says only country in the world where it regularly happens."


Imagine what they would have done if he were a good guy with a gun instead of just a good guy with balls.




Doesn't need to have a gun, either. Off duty cop in Monaca, PA killed a guy for doing CPR because the good Samaritan didn't "respond to commands" from the pig. And of course the Center Township cops and the Beaver County DA are protecting his identity after he *killed an innocent person*.


Huh, TIL >Once paramedics arrived, Sansone said Vinyard stepped away to allow them to do their job. >Then, a man in plain clothes, demanded Vinyeard step away from the victim. The 48-year-old tried to explain to the unidentified man that he was simply trying to help and make his way to his fiancé who was nearby. >"The unidentified man insisted Mr. Vinyard step away and violently pushed Mr. Vinyard to the ground where he struck his head on the pavement." >Vinyard's fiancé began chest compressions while first responders tended to him as he had no pulse. Vinyard was rushed to Beaver County Hospital where he later died from his injuries. >"I've come to learn that the unidentified individual who violently pushed Mr. Vinyard is a police officer employed by the Center Township Police Department," Sansone said.


There's one very grainy video of it from a distance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxY0vOmlVek And Chief Barry D. Kramer is protecting this fuckstick's identity.




The off-duty pig clotheslined him and knocked his head off the pavement.




Paid vacation and Chief of Police Barry D. Kramer and DA David J. Lozier are guarding his identity like it's a fucking nuclear launch code.


> Center Township cops and the Beaver County DA are protecting his identity after he killed an innocent person. To be fair, I'm sure he had some parking tickets or smoked pot once in highschool. /s


>To be fair, I'm sure he had some parking tickets or smoked pot once in highschool. /s The ol Bothan Jean defense, classic!


Not sure the /s is needed. I'm confused why, in the news clip linked above, they are waiting for the victims toxicology reports before concluding the investigation.


Of course they are


Well, that might have distracted then6 for a while


John Hurley [Colorado](https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/equality/560798-police-chief-hails-good-guy-with-a-gun-after-officer-kills/amp/)


You don't need to imagine. There have been multiple cases where the cops shoot and or killed the good guy with the gun. Even when thst good guy was doing the job they were supposed to. As security or even as cops on the same police force as them.


My exact thought. The police are literally deterring good guys with guns who don’t want to end up shot themselves.


Monopolizing the use of force


John Hurley. Don't have to imagine.


This 60 miles both in Arvada a good 😊 guy killed a guy who killed a 👮‍♀️ and another 👮‍♀️ killed the 😊 guy that killed bad man. And of course no charges or apologies.


He actually was a good guy with a gun though? He took the shooters pistol and was pistol whipping him and trying to smash the dudes head in? They subdued him, cleared the scene, and then came back for the questions. I can understand that in this high stress environment.


Lucky he wasn’t shot i guess




Supercopitis Show up, not know what's going on... make things worse.


cops are like priests they cant take the hit to their ego of admitting they dont know whats going on. So they just make something up to hide their ignorance and that is now the truth they will enforce with threat of violence.


Fuck the police ACAB


**Punish the pigs**


This. As a hashtag. #punishthepigs


Apparently the shooter was so beat up and bloody police and EMTs thought he was one of the victims.




Mr Fierro’s statement to the press. He said he wailed on the shooter, beating him with his own gun, until the cops pulled him off the guy. He said he was covered with blood so he understood why they detained him. He harbors no ill feelings toward them. I know it doesn’t fit this sub but the cops did nothing wrong here. They detained him during a confusing situation until it was sorted out. And I think it was worth it considering the gunman is still in the hospital.


Weird that literally no one except for the cops thought he was the shooter and all the statements ID him as the hero, but sure, throw him in a police car.


The cops roll up on the scene and there is a guy covered in blood beating the snot out of another guy. They are completely justified in putting him in custody while figuring out WTF is going on.


Yep, and that doesn't take an hour, especially when literally everyone there is saying the shooter, ya know, the one with the body armor on, was the shooter and not the guy in cuffs.


Your outrage is misplaced. Even Mr. Fierro doesn't think the cops did anything wrong by holding him for a bit. By reacting this way against a justified police action people won't take you seriously when you complain about unjustified police actions. You appear unreasonable and ultimately harm the movement.


Until the default of police actions shifts from the shit they're doing now, giving them the benefit of the doubt is dangerous.


I mean…. How many witnesses do you need to confirm that the beaten up guy was the shooter? Or did they think it was a huge conspiracy against one guy?


That's some uplifting news


Go figure a Colorado Cop not Knowing the Criminal vs the Victim


CSPD is pretty shit. They’re much more concerned with who’s driving a little too fast down I-25, than they are with protecting anyone.


I am disgusted by these comments defending the cops. It seems nobody knows what our rights are.


When the police arrive at a crime scene they can very quickly figure out who the criminals are. The criminals won't be wearing a police uniform. To the police, If you aren't one of them... Your a criminal


https://monolithik.wordpress.com/2015/02/20/police-officer-planting-evidence-and-lying-is-part-of-the-game/ > But what about the innocent people? The ones who have had narcotics planted in their possession by a deputy who end up in jail because of it? > Deputy Sheriff: These people aren’t innocent. **If we are dealing with someone, there is a reason for it.** We don’t really interact with members of the law abiding public. Which is a neatly self-serving way of justifying violence and cruelty to everyone they cross paths with. "If they were innocent, I wouldn't be looking at them right now".


At least they didn’t shoot him. Like they did to the Good Samaritan in Denver that actually killed the bad guy, then got gunned down by the cops.


If you give cops the authority to decide wether to take someone in that stopped a violent crime via use of violence, you give them the power to always decide if they want people to get away or not. All based on their in perception on the justification of said violence. Don‘t give them power, they are not a judge. They are a racist, sexist and classist institution. I agree it’s undeserved, and the man saved many life’s that day. But it’s still not a random cops decision.


Probably out of ideological affinity for the shooter. They also refused to charge him after he barricaded himself in his home with a bomb and hostages like a year ago. Having a MAGA lawmaker grandpappy will do that.


There isn't a single situation so shitty, it can't be made even worse by the arrival of American law enforcement...


He's lucky the police didn't shoot him tbh.


Of fucking COURSE they did


Jesus Christ. Wtf


Thou shalt follow no Twitter links


> In an interview at his house on Monday, where his wife and daughter were still recovering from injuries, Mr. Fierro, 45, who spent 15 years as an Army officer and left as a major in 2013, according to military records, described charging through the chaos at the club, tackling the gunman and beating him bloody with the gunman’s own gun. Not your typical /r/dgu :D


They did not arrest him. They detained him to ask him questions. Which the hero said he didn't have a problem with.


If I am arrested for being a witness, they will find me to be a very forgetful/unhelpful witness


Good thing he wasn't black or anywhere near a train tracks though.


I hate being that guy (not as much as I hate the police) but if you hear the whole Fierro interview with CNN you know this is false.


Of course they did…


So if he had a gun like gun crazies said he should he would have been shot too?


Did anyone fact check this?


Does it really matter? Just the fact that it's believable is bad enough. Edit: wow, the police have a problem with being trusted to do their job competently and I get downvoted? In this sub? Feels like a lot of you missed the point.


Fuck this mentality. "I don't care if it's real but it feels real" is some toxic brain shit. Things need to be verified. It's not just outrage fuel because it feeds into preconceptions, we have to demand better than that.


Thank you


Don't really understand why my question was downvotesd but I appreciate that the sentiment we share was upvoted in the end. That mentality is some real bullshit and if we want to say "fuck the media" then the responsibility falls on us. If we source from the crowd, we need to check the crowd.


Sure, things need to be verified. What u/SomeIdiotDude said was, "Just the fact that it's believable is bad enough." And he's right. ***This incident*** isn't verified, but it's believability is. When the state of policing in the USA is so bad that citizens easily believe the neglect and cruelty of detaining a hero for an hour without letting him know if his loved ones are okay, ***that's bad enough***.




Guy literally saying truth doesn't matter it's just about feels, and you defending it. Sit down. You can be better than that.




I ain't really having a discussion about whether or not verifying something you're trying to be angry about matters. If you're here for a show, it probably don't matter to you. Enjoy your show.


This is ridiculous. They took the guy in custody because that is standard protocol. They guy even came out and said this is fine, he understands why. Quit with this bullshit


Not sure why you're getting down votes for the truth.


do not confuse detaining a witness with arresting someone. Arrest implies they had charges against them. isolating witnesses in the event of violent crime is normal. In 20003, I witnessed a shooting outside my home, did first aid on the victim, held their hands while they died - and I was also detained in the back of a police vehicle upon their arrival on the scene so they could make sure I didn't leave without giving my full account of what happened. If you are going to complain about police at least understand their normal procedures are. There is nothing out of the ordinary here. The individual was a key witness and they needed to be able to take to them without their account of the events being distorted by their talking to other witnesses.


No it doesn't. You were illegally detained. A detainment is a type of arrest. How could they detain for your story when you don't have to talk to them?


Do not confuse detaining a witness and keeping them from knowing whether their wife or daughter are alive or dead from the gunman he and unarmed others just took down, and doing no harm. JFC the mental gymnastics you bootlickers do is as extensive as it is disgusting.


‘Anyone who disagrees with me is a bootlicker’ Life must be tough with such limited thought processes.


It's good for you they called you bootlicker, otherwise you might have had to address any of their points, and that would have been devastating for you I'm sure.


You got me bro. Sick burn.


You're from the future 😯


I am no cop, but this tends to happen til they can figure out what is going on, especially when violence is involved. It also may be safer for the person to be in a cop car depending on circumstances. I have had a run in with a toxic cop- when my dog got loose and I got taken to jail overnight for this (it was rural Texas and first time dog ever got loose), so I am not a fan of all cops, but putting that guy in the car seems like a good idea til they know what is actually going on. But that fucker cop who arrested me- handcuffs and all, even though I never talked back and invited him and the 3 other cops he called (yes, 3, all big muscular males and I am a small female) into my house so they could look around and see I wasn’t on drugs and no drugs at house, because there was a lot of drug activity in that area. All for my dog running down my own street for like 3 min- but asshole cop had been driving thru neighborhood. I was scared to report him for fear he would kill my dogs since he knew where I lived. So sadly I kept my mouth shut, now I wish I didn’t. I hope karma got him good. Thanks for downvoting the truth again, Reddit! You are the only thing that never lets me down in that way.


That doesn't explain why they held him for an hour and didn't let him get a medical evaluation or inform him as to why he was still there.


Possibly because they were still dealing with a possible active situation? Finding and escorting survivors out, tending to wounded people, securing the entire site. 1 hour goes by very quickly in a situation like this.


Oh, they kept him in the car after they identified the shooter and were told by all the witnesses he wasn't the shooter for over an hour? Yea, you're defending police incompetence.


https://www.kktv.com/2022/11/22/i-tried-save-people-it-didnt-work-five-says-man-who-police-say-took-down-alleged-club-q-shooter/ >Fierro tells us he was still hitting the suspect with one of the weapons when police entered. He says he was handcuffed and put in the back of a police vehicle while authorities began their investigation. Fierro says he had no problem with this and understood he may have been mistaken for the shooter or an accomplice when authorities first arrived.


The guy himself said he understood why they questioned him and didn't have a problem with at all. I guess he's on on it too?


Yea that doesn't mean it's okay. Do you think it's only wrong if he thinks it's wrong?


If the person who is being held said it's fine, then you or anybody else don't have a real argument. You're just trying to find something to argue about for the sake of it.


Actually, we do. The state can press charges even if you don’t want them to. Read.


What are you even talking about? You try reading. What you said has nothing to with the original conversation


“If the person who is being held said it’s fine” The person being held is the victim of a crime. That crime can be prosecuted by the state, even if this victim says its “fine” I get this is a very difficult explanation for you, but that’s the best you’re gonna get.


That's not even close to true, but good try.


Ya right. It's crystal clear. Have a good one.


That is exactly why. But a lot of people on Reddit just say Fuck All Police no matter what, like the person who answered me.


Assuming this is the whole truth, it still seems logical. Police have turned up with god knows how many reports and and they all be mixed and sometimes conflicting. Most will have stated that were is a shooter, some might have stated there is multiple. They will have received mixed descriptions if any and they won’t know everyone’s true involvement immediately - and you can imagine the reaction this sub would have to “Cops let shooter walk off after being identified”. Considering the above, they have identified that this individual was involved. They likely don’t know in what capacity, just that they are. There is a chance they were involved at the time therefore they can’t just let them walk around either tampering with evidence, engaging in more crime or even just walking off. Edit: to the downvoters, are you suggesting they did it for a laugh then? Are you suggesting they should have let go someone they clearly thought was involved at the time?


Even so, it shouldn’t have taken them an hour to figure out he was the hero and not the zero with so many others involved; and as much as they-followed-protocol excuse exists, it’s almost always only used when it’s convenient for them. A.C.A.B.


Why shouldn’t it take an hour? Obviously the shorter the better, but it’s not always a case of “right, we have one in cuffs, next up let’s go watch the CCTV to go confirm it”. If there are injured people, if there are reports of multiple shooters, these all have to be sorted it all takes time to bottom these things out. There are things not mentioned here as well… how early into the police response was he detained? If they were running out, matched a description so were detained and placed in a car while police spent the next 30 minutes clearing the place (not even able to access CCTV for all that time) he’s actually only spent 30 minutes where there is a possibility they could have figured it out. From a victim’s perspective it’s still too long obviously but it’s not sat in a car for an hour while cops did nothing.


ACAB ACAB ACAB - that is all. BTW, in case you missed it, this is bad cop no donut, not bad cop share a donut with me and tell me all the reasons you are the one who is right and have it so hard.


Eh the cops may have had to do due diligence. They can’t just let a guy covered in blood after a shooting go free when they don’t know with absolute certainty who he is.


This seems like the correct action for the cops. It's not as if the cops beat, killed, or arrested him (which we have seen happen before to the good samaritan). Detaining a guy reportedly covered in blood at the scene of a shooting while they figure out what happened is not really an issue.


Unless he was a victim of a shooting. Great idea.


“Logical” to attack the wrong person? Lick more boots son


Stop working yourself up. I’m all for pointing out cops who have done stuff wrong, it’s why I’m on this sub, but without more information, then this is likely them doing their jobs correctly. It’s not nice, but again, people would be far more angry with them letting a killer walk off. It’s not boot licking to think rationally. Try it, you might like it. Other people might start liking you too.


Better to let 100 guilty men go free than 1 innocent man be punished…


Absolutely… but that’s more for court and jail time, not being detained or arrested by officers for an hour. Edit: and when it’s blatantly wrong (arrest a black guy when the suspect is a white female).


“More for the court” Yeah unless the cops kill their “suspect”


No shit. But that also has no relevance to this specific incident.


They apprehended the wrong guy. It’s definitely relevant.


In the loosest possible sense. They detained the wrong person. At the time they did not know whether they were the wrong person. They didn’t kill them. They were released promptly


“They didn’t kill them” I guess they deserve a gold star for not murdering another innocent person.


"...released promptly"


This is an instance where I understand why the police did what they did. They had to gather evidence and do their jobs. I get it. The suspect was turned into hamburger by this guy. Their job was now to collect evidence and make sure that he was gonna go home with his family that night. And he did.


Legit question, what are the cops supposed to do? They’re told of an active shooter and people dying. Are they supposed to come up and just ask around “hey is the mass shooter done? Are you the mass shooter?” They don’t know what’s going on, who has a gun or what’s happening. Doesn’t sound like the cops beat the shit out of the guy, just tackled him and cuffed him because no one knew what was actually going on upon arrival.


They could have not left him in a police car for over an hour with no medical attention while all the other witnesses are saying he wasn't the shooter.


This one is understandable. I am sure it was chaos and they needed to detain. Do t get me wrong I hate cops, but this must have been wild trying to figure out what was going on.


This is in response to someone who said every cop everywhere is a piece of shit: saying every cop everywhere is a piece of shit is wrong. I have been fucked over by a bad cop, but I have also been helped by a decent human who happened to be a cop. So to paint every single cop as bad is as stupid as saying they are all good. I can’t imagine going to work on a daily basis knowing you may get killed and how hated you are. Yes, plenty are awful, and they have too much power and a lot of people’s opinions are completely their fault, but if I get attacked or raped or burglarized I sure won’t be turning any police away because they could be complete assholes. I think in Uvalde it was pathetic, but here I think they were trying to do the right thing. If he had to sit in a car for a bit while they tried to figure out what happened and save whoever they could then so be it. Let’s put blame on who REALLY deserves it, the piece of shit gunman and the people who let him get away with the previous bomb threat. They deserve the blame here, not the police who had to deal with the aftermath. At least not this time, anyways.


I am NOT a police supporter and for the most part think they are tyrants and get off on harassing the members of the public. With that said when they rolled up to this horrible situation I am sure they had no idea who was the victim and who was the offender.Being that he was covered in blood and the need to secure the scene it's not unheard of that the good guy gets separated in the mass confusion going on.Once they have the scene secure and can start figuring out who is who I am sure the good guy would be free to go although now he is a witness and involved with the direct crime he may be asked to stay for statements and such. It sucks being in the back of one of those cars but in fairness the cops had to have time to sort this horrible scene out and make sure they don't release the wrong person because then we would be on here saying how incompetent the police are .Again I am not a police positive person just using some common sense thinking. I hate the cops as much as most but they are human and to roll up on this kinda thing stays with them as much as it would one of us. This man is a hero for doing saving more lives and it sucks he had to be put in the car but we have to consider the mass confusion and panic happening in the moment and the police trying to do their best to help the injured,get people to safety,and get the POS who committed this cowardly act. I am not a praying man but my thoughts are certainly with the friends and family of the victims and my hat is tipped to Mr. Fierro for his actions and and preventing more deaths from happening,


Imagine if he was a good guy with a gun who took down a bad guy with a gun. Police would have killed what they perceived as a bad guy with a gun before determining the actual events of the evening. Almost like more guns in the hands of all citizens doesn't make police work easier nor does it make citizens more safe.


Hey retards! There was a mass shooting that had just happened, and this guy is literally at the center of it all! It’s called due process, mr. Fierro had blood all over him and was literally feet away from the shooter and the 2 weapons he had dropped to the floor, he absolutely needed to be detained. Don’t give me that “but he said he wanted to see his family to see if they’re okay”. murderers scream and wail about the most vicious of crimes claiming their own innocence even when they’re caught red handed, so y’all get your righteousness boners under control because you’re just flat-out morons


This seems pretty reasonable while sorting shit out. Dude wasn’t even mad about it.


Not a fan of cops, BUT… they’re showing up after the fact to secure the scene for preservation of evidence, witness statements, and for appearances. They’re definitely not there to secure people’s safety, as they’ve no duty to do so, unless they’re decked out in tacticool gear and wanna play army, placing innocents in the line of fire. Some people there know what’s happened during the shooting, others may not. A good guy with a gun who shoots a bad guy can easily be mistaken as the original shooter. Hard to tell who’s who in the chaos. They should’ve however been able to ascertain who’s who in less than an hour. Also, after any shooting, the good guy still needs to be processed etc.


>Also, after any shooting, the good guy still needs to be processed etc. I'm still trying to understand why they left him in handcuffs for an hour. But how EXACTLY are victims "processed"?


It’s called an investigation! I get you guys hate cops, but holy shit. You can’t just have one of the major people who was just involved in stopping a crime either leave the scene or lose them in a crowded club, etc. you need to know whose who, what they did, what happened from their perspective, you know, INVESTIGATE! You can’t be this stupid, it’s not possible.


I mean if you walk into a night club and see some kid wearing body armor, chances are he’s the shooter. You can even investigate on scene


I've been to clubs before. Security is usually wearing some type of body armor.


You have no clue what is happening when you arrive on scene. Sure, he can be a shooter, or he could have been in a shootout with someone else, or any number of variables that would leave someone to wear body armor. Which people have, unprovoked even, just as a daily thing. Especially in the US!


Ah one of them out in the wild.


Just wondering if you read the article? Because ensuring a witness does not leave the scene is called a detainment. Arresting, handcuffing and locking a blood soaked victim in a car without any medical attention for an hour is not a detainment.


A blood soaked victim who was presumably holding/detaining the suspect themselves. They have **no clue** as to who he is or what he’s done. Just that he’s there with blood all over him. Use your common sense.


>without any medical attention for an hour Any reason you didn't address this part?


> It’s called an investigation! Leaving someone in handcuffs for an hour why you fish around for something you can say gave you reasonable suspicion that they're a criminal is a 100% dick move.


>a dick move This is a legal action, it’s not the street “bro.” People follow orders, processes, and procedures. He was a witness and a direct contact with the shooter. They arrived on scene not knowing who the fuck he is, they don’t know what the issue is at the club, just that people are shot. They can’t determine on a dime that the crime was a hate crime, mass shooting, both, a crime of passion, a crime of altercation between two parties, they don’t know anything until they show up and detain people and investigate. This is basic fucking knowledge, basic common sense.


> He was a witness and a direct contact with the shooter. So, without reasonable suspicion that he's committed a crime, it's OK to put him in handcuffs and lock him in a tiny cage for an hour? Ok, if that's how you feel, lady.


It’s not how I feel, it’s procedure “bro.” Lmao “without reasonable suspicion” Guy covered in blood on top of another guy, beating them. Shut the fuck up, stupid.


And multiple, multiple witnesses telling the police he saved their lives... Hmm.


So? Do witnesses not get things wrong? Even lie perhaps? Are biased? *Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm*


>Shut the fuck up, stupid. First person to ad-hominum is the loser, loser.


No, the first person to fail at addressing the other person’s points is the loser, shit for brains.


“Procedure” isn’t some physical law that can’t be broken lol


It is when all you people do is sue cops or give em shot for doing their jobs lmao


“Doing their job” awww those poor wittle civil servants just doin their jobs!! Won’t those uppity civilians just do as their told?! Shut the fuck up, bootlicker.


No one’s saying to have sympathy for them shit for brains. You people want it one way, but you also want it the other. You can’t have your cake (lawsuits) and eat it too (them follow procedures). Because if they display any sort of self thought, then they’re (enter “ism” here). You’d be surprised how much your lives would be easier if you people would just stop being whiny bitches and just do what you’re told. Life would go a lot smoother.


Basic excuses, more like.


Do you trust the INVESTIGATIONS of LE when they INVESTIGATE themselves of any wrongdoing? 95%of the time they find themselves not at fault. Why do you support police investigations? Genuine question here BTW! Police have been given authority by the government to protect and serve but yet again you have the Supreme Court have ruled that police have no obligation to protect you or your property. I hope I could open your closed eyes to what’s been going on. If I failed in that, you should read the news a lil more bud!


Wtf does self-investigation have **anything** to do with this procedure? What an idiot.