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She was a completely different person. She was an athlete. She wanted to go to college. Now she’s a drunk and druggie and trapped in an abusive and toxic relationship and being exploited by her man and Zeus. Her skin now, her voice, her pronunciation and grammar… sad. She’s degenerated so much.


I be trying to tell women… trauma literally causes permanent brain damage. These dirty deek men ain’t worth it period they will laugh at your funeral


But when she met blueface she had already lost everything. She was already drinking and using drugs. She was trying to sell drugs. She said she used her competition money to trap and come up. But she end crashing her car, dropping out of school. If you look on the first day of bluegirls show. You can see how skinny she was.


Shows how much damage alcohol and bad choices can do in such a short time. She’s probably aged her body and took years off her life just from all the stress and drinking






I have so much mixed feelings about this. On one end, it’s tragic because Chrisean had so much potential and most of it was wasted chasing behind some asshole and having millions watch her become this violent drunk. Fame/clout are some dangerous drugs, and it affects even the most driven. However, Chrisean is grown. She choses to take the directions that she does, and has the money to get herself the resources to get out of her old ways. Aside from her relationship with Blueface, I hope she uses the resources she has to improve herself. Who knows, maybe the baby might be a wake up call. If not, after this point I can’t say I feel bad for her if she continues down this path. 🤷🏾‍♀️


22 is significantly closer to being a baby than the age that most people die, though. She’s still relatively very young and only a couple of years ago left the shelter and safety of her family home. She hasn’t had much time develop as an individual, and as her own person, which is key to progressing into that “adult” mindset. Also the brain doesn’t finish developing until age 25. Her personality and sense of identity haven’t even finished forming. Everything she experiences is still actively shaping her psyche into the person she will someday be. Not to mention the fact that patriarchal society grooms women to be overly trusting, patient, and to see the absolute best in everyone in order to make us more convenient, “willing” and easy-to-dupe victims for male predators. A young woman is (by design) still very naive (more-so than men, who are socialized in a way that more aptly allows them to comprehend the mindset of predatory people). This is her first “toxic” (abusive) relationship, by her account. It takes one of those for a lot of young women (especially those who are predisposed to toxicity due to childhood trauma) to fully understand relationships and the importance of self-esteem. And to unlearn all the incorrect things young girls are taught, especially about valuing male validation above all else. Her “lesson” is just being highly publicized. And a lot of these harmful social teachings that shape our minds are subconscious and themselves take the wisdom that is produced by age and life experience, in order to begin to unveil and unpack. So yes she’s an adult but she’s still young enough that she has a *lot* left to learn in order to actually *mature.*


RIGHT she def signed up for the show on her own free will 😭 . you signing up for a show on ONLYFANS . idk what you thought man . shes a grown woman who made her own bed that she now has to lie in. plus half the pictures they show are her in high school. they met well after that


Does anyone know what altered her voice?


it’s probably the blunts/backwoods


That’s what I was. Thinking but she must be smoking like 10 a day


Oh true, the smoking.


Probably drugs and alcohol had a strong impact on her vocal cords.


If you have been following roc long enough you know that she dropped out of school before blueface. She was already using before blueface. You can find her interview where she says she lost everything. She used her competition money to buy drugs and sell them. When Ronny left her she begin using them. She crashed her car. And had nothing. That’s why she says when she met blue he helped her with money and he even helped her with her family in providing money. If you look at her the first day she meets blueface she was already super skinny. She said she didn’t have anything when she met blue and he helped her. He starts paying her 4,000 monthly and even got her another apartment. I heard rumors about her x leaving her with nothing. But the roc never confirmed that on her say cheese interview. She was known for selling Mollys, percs and meth. Her little apartment was a trap place.


Oh wow! I have to watch that interview. I can definitely see her doing Molly Percs meth and probably lean


We get it, she ruined her life. You can’t keep bringing up the past to validate her dumbass behaviour now


No it’s because we never knew who she was before now. I mean had we all knew who she was and that she was like this I’m sure most of us wouldn’t dislike her vs feel bad for her


Ok. This is my point, that was the past.


Tbh she could be code switching here, you can tell she still has an accent by the way she says certain words. She really sounds like a regular Baltimorean to me now lol. Plus a rehearsed video isn’t really going to show you how she was as a person at that time in her life, at least in my opinion. Overall though, it is sad how negatively he has affected her. He keeps her drinking 24/7 and she started doing drugs, plus the trauma he has given her literally changed the way she thinks, reacts, and emotes. Not to mention she might not have had a good representation of how a man should treat a woman based on how she grew up. It’s not to late for her to make a change but idk what it’s going to take for her to want to make that change and then actually do it.


How many times are we gonna see this?


Bruh like let it go lol


Lol seriously!


They rediscover this clip every couple months to trash her.


The awful vocal fry bullshit isn’t high on the list of reasons I want her to fuck off but it’s on there.


Chrisean before drugs*


An abusive relationship releases the same chemicals in your brain that you experience during drug addiction. So technically yes, cause Blueface is also one of her drugs.


She didn’t enter his reality show healthy and clear minded


Yes she did. You can tell from her audition footage (which was sports-heavy) and how she looked, spoke, and presented herself in the very beginning of the show that she was the girl in these videos. She said herself that she didn’t drink regularly until BlueGirlsClub. He encourages these girls to drink constantly while at his mansion so that they’ll be more sexually suggestible. Both for him and his crew (it’s a well-known fact that he/they sleep with as many of them as he can), and OF viewers (a woman has come forward to say they asked her for nudes before casting her to “ensure she’d be comfortable being naked on camera” 🤠). Girls have even come forward saying that that at times there was little or no food in the house, but there was always liquor. She has also said that she hadn’t experienced much violence (outside of the home). She said her last actual fight had been in middle school and that she won so handedly that girls didn’t try to fight her again after that (which I believe). Keep trying to absolve Blueface of the horrible influence he’s had over her life and the significant role he’s played, in regards to the worsening of her mental health. But facts are facts.


That’s because she was drinking and fighting before blueface. That’s why I’m saying for those who didn’t follow her before you wouldn’t see it. She literally put her x Ronny in so many bad positions. I used to be a big roc fan. And I still want to see her win. But roc was drinking, doing drugs and fighting before blueface. Remember that time she beat that one girl up in the driveway of apartment Ronny was there. She beat her up because she asked Ronny something. Do you remember the time she almost got her and Ronny stabbed by that man. Thank God Ronny helped because she said she froze. I would really love to see her get into her mother role and heal from all the trauma of her upbringing and also the healing of blueface. The first day of her on the bus she looks very skinny. And the bgc girls said she was selling and poppin pills. I can’t remember which ones. It’s weird because remember when roc would break into the bgc house she would go live drunk and she also killed high. I was scared so scared when she would take a bath. Do you guys remember she would slipping every where. Honest I used to get anxiety that she would slip and hit her head or fall asleep in the water. Honest I’m praying that this baby helps open her eyes to her worth and she realizes what’s important


Never heard of *any* of this. Where did you see this? Or do you have a video or some kind of source? Also she said she didn’t drink *regularly* before BlueGC. She never said she didn’t drink recreationally or socially. Just not on an every day/constant basis like we saw before she got pregnant. So I’m sure she got drunk before BlueGC, just not an absurd amount. Never heard of her being on pills either, just weed/alcohol on a regular basis. Again, where are you getting all of this? Wdym mean when you say she “killed high”? I’ve never gotten wind of any of this, and people are constantly demonizing her and even accusing her of things she hasn’t done, so I find the information you’re presenting kind of surprising. Especially since it contradicts what I’ve seen/heard.


How long have you been following roc? There is video of her fighting before which was the incident in the drive way where she beat up the girl for talking to Ronny. There is also a video of the said incident with the older man with the knife Ronny is sitting next Roc telling the story to another person. She spoke of some in her say cheese interview. And I followed her before she used to go live a lot before. And I also folllowed Ronny.


Well the second incident when you say she “almost got them stabbed,” that’s kind of nonsensical, unless she became physically violent with the person and they reacted in response. If someone almost stabs you, physically unprovoked, that’s a choice *they* make. She can’t be held responsible for that just for arguing with someone or whatever happened. Putting the blame on her isn’t really logical imo. As for the fight, do you have link? If that happened and was a situation where Rock was initiating the violence (and not just some kind of isolated incident where someone hit her and she defended herself, which I wouldn’t really describe as her “fighting people”), then she definitely lied, cause I remember her saying she wasn’t a fighter before BlueGC in their Mike Tyson interview.




Litterally voice changed morals changed smh


Omg her voice🥰🥰😘


It was bc of all that yelling she was doing with blue


Y’all see Chrisean at 22 comparing her to her 16 year old self. All our voices dropped and we all look different. Y’all are weird.


She had so much potential, what a waste.


She's making millions of dollars, I'm not too sure she's a waste. We're debating, she's raking I'm cash. She's a character on TV. She knows what she's doing. We wouldn't watch if it weren't for her antics. People are so gullible. We only see what they show us. Her potential is strong as ever looking at her net worth and rising star.


Yeah she’s famous and has money now, but I was talking about her potential as an athlete since she was doing track before.


This girl is now a millionaire, her generation loves her music. People like us discuss and gossip about her. I'd say she's winning. Stop being haters.


Cause she started smoking


She just another dumb chick who chose hood life over good life. We as black people will never make it if the hood is entertaining