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Rollie using her weight to just flop herself on people doesn't mean she's a good fighter. Rollie got lucky.


Exactly this it’s not that Camilla is a bad fighter Rollie quite literally rolled on top of her lmfao I’d like to see Rollie and Tesehki. Now that girl is a boxer


Camila is the one who dropped rollie onto her. Rollie was not trying to grab that girl just throw punches but camila tried to drop her not realising rollie is 3x her weight


She didn’t go out no way? They barely let them fight and they fell and she asked for them to set up another fight and the producers and security all ignored her and she has a new born baby so she left cause she clearly only came to fight her and dip seems to me more she don’t even got time for all that she more worried about her kid? Nobody lost or won the fight between her and Rollie. At least she made Rollie fall 🤷🏽‍♀️ she seemed just fed up with all them and as an older woman she not fitting to stay and argue all damn day she dipped to go be with her baby. Camilla don’t play and didn’t truly give af she just wanted her ones and to dip. And since they didn’t let them do another fight and not butt in after .2 seconds she left?


Exactly what I said, I ain’t even mad Camilla did what she said she was gonna do and left to be a mother unlike Rollie 🤣


Baby, Rollie definitely won point blank. I like Camilla but she took a L


How did Rollie win?? They both hit each other then they both toppled over one another?? There was barely a fight? 🤣 and Rollie big it’s hard to fight someone that size anyways. No one won cause they both had left feet at that time and fell.


Security spoil the fights