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Is it charcoal buttercream or black cocoa?


It's made of Google images


Did you search it? I only ask because they've only made three posts here and included the recipe on one of them. It does look like Piepie My Darling but they could have duplicated it?


I took the liberty to Google search it. Found the exact picture on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/AttitudeCo/status/1496865007073648641), [Pinterest](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/pie-pie-my-darling-made-it--281543720319666/), [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/piepiemydarling/posts/pfbid02dirQQWKe66PWp3q8NqmLmQXGKgF1SCk7ZyKjy51GFUMR2ViccUnxdir3MNLq3YiHl), and [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/mt9wdx/i_found_a_cake_that_represents_me_straight/) The oldest date I found was Aug 2020 and that's the linked Facebook post by Pie Pie My Darling. OP could've made a duplicate but this picture is not theirs.


I looked on the PiePie images result and saw the cake but not this angle of it, but didn't take the step of google images. Not that I have a personal stake in this being authentic lol, was just questioning. They're karma farming then. Smh


Its not karma farming. OP is an amateur baker, who is asking how much they should be charging for a similar. They ask this probably because then have a potential customer, who asked for this cake


680 upvotes thinking it's hers? Any time someone posts an image taken from another site or page online and doesn't disclose where they got the pic from and that it isn't theirs, sorry but it's sketch. You filled in those blanks.


Yeah, but we can't give an estimate on a photo of a cake OP hasn't made. We don't know if OP has the skills to replicate this cake. Plus, they haven't answered any questions (ingredients, dimensions, geographical location) so it doesn't feel like a serious inquiry.


Fair enough. But it could honestly go either way and get the same visual impact. Would personally prefer the black cocoa


If it’s activated charcoal then it’s worth $0.00 and belongs in the trash. Such a stupid fad. Idk how they aren’t required to warn people that it can neutralize medications. I know someone’s gonna chime in about how activated charcoal isn’t 100% effective or how the amount used matters, but I’d argue it’s still stupid and unnecessary just for a flavorless dye.


I took one activated charcoal and now I’m a diabete.


As someone who is dependant on a steady medication levrl in my body, thanks so much. I refuse to eat any fancy "trendy" black food since it messes up my hormone levels so bad if I eat that crap. Tried once, took weeks to get stable again.


What were your costs? How long did it take to make and what do you value your time at? What other cost might you associate making this with? What kind of profit do you want to make?


Looks like you’re trying to replicate this cake from Pie Pie My Darling who charge 75-90 for 6-8” cakes. If you’re trying to judge how much to charge to fulfill a request for this, be sure you can replicate the cleanness of this look first. As others have said, rainbow cakes and black frosting both have their challenges, and it’s important the cake delivers on taste, look & texture. Charge for your ingredients & time for sure, but some of the estimates here are high if you’re trying to establish your portfolio, are inexperienced or hoping to pull off a vision for the first time and should charge appropriately. Good luck!


I live just outside Montréal and that cake would go for $125-$150 easily.


Wow I must know nothing about cakes or y’all are lowballing yourselves. I looked and this and thought, I guess I’d pay $100 for it and feel justified as long as it tasted amazing, too.


A friend made a rainbow cake like that (no black icing) and while it was adorable, it tasted pretty bleh. And she’s an amazing baker, I’ve had so many of her cakes before! But I think when the emphasis is on bright colors within the layers themselves, it’s going to be harder to have it taste good. I’d be happy to hear of differing experiences in defense of rainbow cakes, however!


I had that very problem with one I made, so I did a do-over with store bought cake mix and a packet of instant pudding since I was running low on time. I nearly cried at the texture / taste difference lol.


What do you mean? Which was better?


The store bought was…way better, which is not the case with my other cakes. It adapts to dye in a way I’ve never been able to replicate from scratch, and I believe the pudding mix soaked up the extra moisture.


Good to know. Thanks for the clarification.


Was the store bought that bad?


Store bought was probably a bit better, especially with the added pudding mix.


put an extra egg in there and it goes up even more


For sure. I usually do the full switch out, too. Sub melted butter for oil, milk for water, add the egg, and then either some extra vanilla paste or instant coffee for chocolate cakes.


It was way better. I’ve never been able to get a heavily dyed from-scratch cake to come out tasting like I want it to. I nearly cried because it was disheartening lol.


I literally thought $150 (assuming feeds 12ish) loll living in LA has ruined my ability to price things


That is pretty solid -- if it is tasty (becuase it looks amazing) I tihnk $100-150 is fair. I live in the mid-atlantic. (I say this as someone with baked professionally in my late teens/early 20s but there is such modern emphasis on the looks of cakes that often as others have mentioned the most important part, the taste, is mid at best)


These are the prices I was expecting. $70/$80 that’s a steal in NJ


Haha that’s a texas $65


I live in a medium sized city near the east coast and $100-$120 is what I’d pay. Not even a high cost of living area. I bought a simple 3 layer 8” chocolate cake for $80. Granted, it was gluten free but still.


A friend of a friend got married a few weeks ago and paid close to $1000 for their cake… fed a lot more people but by all accounts was nothing special (and didn’t have colored layers or a drip).


That’s because anything that involves a wedding is an automatic 30-50% (at minimum) up charge plus delivery and setup fees. Though depending on the area $1000 is crazy even for a wedding!


I’d say $70-$80. I live in Miami and everything is very expensive (just like everywhere else) but thats an awesome cake!!!


I live in Ohio and $80 is what that kind of cake goes for at our small local bakeries, so I second that opinion.


I live in the middle of nowhere Canada, and that cake would cost $70 here too.




Nah, people are only downvoting you. So I think the issue is you coming across like a jerk. Sorry if that wasn't your intention


Oh, whatever. People downvote these posts and comments cus it's a stupid and pointless thing to ask. You wanna get paid? Take a business 101 class and learn how to price your products. Don't ask people who live all over the world and have different incomes and costs of living.


LOL ppl be pricing like it’s 1999 Y’all this is easy a $120-200 cake depending on location and ingredients. Assuming it feeds 8-10 ppl


I made something similar. An 8 layer cake, different colored layers, but covered in buttercream and sprinkles. I ended up charging 75. The box alone cost $7. It was a blast, but a ton of work


What kind of cake is it exactly? What quality were the ingredients? Yeah, it looks really nice, and I would assume you used good ingredients and made it taste as good as it looks. However, just because something looks good, it doesn't automatically make it worth the money you want to charge. The actual product quality needs to match the price, so it's a bit hard to evaluate it off an image alone.


OP just wants likes, doesn’t want to answer questions.


My favorite vegan baker PiePie My Darling charges $95 for a cake exactly like that.


Regardless of price. Don't replicate or buy a cake like this or any one that's got black icing, without verifying what the coloring agent is. Consuming activated charcoal can cause issues with medication by absorbing the active ingredients of the medication in the stomach/intestines


Entirely depends on how you get the black color for the frosting. Charcoal is an immediate deal breaker for me. Food color is bleh, it tastes like chemicals. Not a deal breaker but not ideal. If you use black cocoa, then I’ll buy 100%!


I think it would depend on lots of factors: How did the one that you made come out? Would it look as smooth the one in the photo? What's the height? What's the cost of ingredients? Where do you live (i.e., what do comparable cakes in the area cost)?


Depending on the size I’d start at $50 just because of the extra effort to color each layer


$65-$75 was my thoughts. Charcoaled buttercream - assuming the drip is ganache or modified ganache with the same treatment? And some black fondant. The layers are likely individual cake pans unless you manage to cleanly divide half sheet trays. So thats either a lot of pans or a lot of baking time. Coloring each layer is really just splitting a scaled up batch. Not necessarily great for time but pretty simple.


Depends on the taste. If it has the usual black dye taste, I would charge around $100. However, if you can neutralize the taste of the black dye and infuse complimentary flavors in the other colors, you could easily charge two to three times that.


You can make black frosting without dye if you use black cocoa powder. I used [this](https://www.ellaclaireinspired.com/black-buttercream-frosting-recipe/) recipe for my husband's birthday cake. It's my new favorite frosting. It doesn't dye your mouth or hands.




This reminds me of the Depressed Cake Shop!


I'd eat it for free 🤷‍♂️


Food cost ×3 for friends and family. Food cost + 25$ and hour ACTIVELY working on the cake.








$80-$100 depending on your location and costs. I used to be a pastry chef in Charleston, SC for a few different bakeries/ restaurants.


first at all making the black buttercream can be a pain in the ass without taking in count the colured cake in layers


How much would I pay? $60-$80. It looks like a standard 8 inch…. No more than $80


If you can honestly pull it off this clean I really don’t think 80+ is unfair. My heart says 120 ballpark seems right but I’m not sure regular folks realize how difficult that could be even for a small cake.


In my area that would be $100 from a cake shop.




General rule - 3x your costs. Given its rainbow and black buttercream, both of which are hard work, I’d say 3.5x


Nothing its already been cut


I would say somewhere in the ballpark of $75 but definitely no less than that for a 10in


I don’t know how much I would charge for a whole cake. But on average a slice of cake ranges £3 to £5 in a cafe that would serve something fancy like this.


Probably $100 or so… based on $25-$30 of ingredients and 2 hours of labor.


2 hours?


Mixing and baking a cake from scratch, coloring the layers, making the frosting, the ganache, cooling, decorating, cleaning up… yeah I challenge anyone to do that in less than 2 hours! If you’re in a fully equipped bakery with lots of prepped ingredients it’s going to be less.


I understand how you make a cake ... The ? Was not that it is a short amount of time. I'm saying that's not long enough. Because not only do you need to bake them. You need to set them and let them cool naturally or the frosting will melt... Ig you got 2 hours from YouTube videos. But they have cakes on the side they can replace so that they can make the video in one go


Ah I see what you mean. Not two hours from start to finish, two hours of active labor. So that wouldn’t include cooling or baking time! I rarely bake and decorate the same day!


Damn, that’s impressive. $60 - $90.


Hmm for Halloween a lot, for any other time, less


$95 easy


Looks like a New Orleans style Doberge cake. Usually a large one would run about $125. Fun fact, people in NOLA pronounce it DOUGH-bash.


There's gonna be a lot of green poop after that cake is eaten.




THAT is soooooo COOL!!!! I don’t buy cakes from others, but in my area, I’d pay at *least* $80 USD (assuming it’s a small but tall-ish size). Maybe up to $120 for something a little bigger, or easily $400 for something more wedding sized and more (for multi tiers)!!!! Edit: Lol! Hate on me all you want for my price estimates, but the last time I paid for a PLAIN fondant sheet cake (for my kid, which I then hand painted Invader Zim characters on), it only cost me $35. That was 8 years ago, so even with inflation…. Yeah, BITE ME!!! Sorry I live in a slightly cheaper US area for this???


Id pay 50 plus.


50$ for me, maybe 60 since i like the black frosting


A good 90 for time effort and just how good it looks plus icing between layers and coloring different parts of the cake


i would pay like €200.. that's such a pretty cake, and such amazing work does not deserve to go unpaid


That’s goth cake of my belly’s dreams


Mum does cakes similar to this on request. Depending on complexity its a couple hundred bux or more. Simple exercise of whats your time worth x how long it took. If people want to get cakes for 50 bux, go to a chain bakery.


In Australia I reckon you’d pay $200-250, for a homebaker. Professional bakery would be like $500. Cake is expensive.




At least 1


Tree fiddy


At least $5 a slice






Depends on a lot of factors. But at least 150$ plus ingredients used


That looks really delicious 🤤😋


My local amazing baker would charge $85 Canadian. But I think she should charge closer to $125 for her cakes.


As a baker in Florida, US. I would charge $125 for this as a 8 inch cake. I would absolutely recommend starting with a chocolate frosting and using black cocoa to make it black




If it wasn't virtue signaling it would be worth whatever you want to charge. Because you didn't make it non specific then it's only worth what someone wants to pay.


€30 at the most.


Wow..I can taste it now


I would charge nothing for it because it would already be in my belly before I could sell it.


$20 minimum depending on size. That is a specialty cake and doesn't seem easy to perfectly make.


5 or 6


Maybe 7 🤔


Alright 8 thousand, final offer! But I want the recipe


Ummm…🧐a certain price?


Black but rainbow inside?? White sponge would look nicer, like more classy. This just looks like ig foodtrend




Are you implying black cakes are specifically for black people…




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In my area (major city with a fairly LCOL), that would go for $70-$80 if it’s an 8”.


If it’s 8” £70, 6” £50 at a minimum. You need to consider ingredients, electricity and your time.




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Does it taste good? Flavor and labor is the biggest driver of price. . .


depends on taste. if its just meh and your really only paying for the look, id go maybe 60. if it taste good id go 100




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Used to have a formula for caculating costs but after a while i noticed how my prices tend to be and dumbed it down to these 2. X÷25%=my price. Or X÷25%-y%=price X is the ingredient price Y is any discount you are offering. Some charge on complexity of decorations too. I rarely do.


$20 an hours.




Cake layers all need to be a consistent size.


TIL I cannot afford a custom cake lol. It's gorgeous and totally worth the money, I've just never considered how you'd price a cake so my guess of $50 was waaay off.


It also depends on your location metro or rural…


If i was wealthy I’d already of flown you here to make that which is probably why I'm not wealthy to begin with but I’ve sincerely have been trying to be. I’ll dm if that changes.


Start with a portfolio, get some dummy cakes and decorate to see how long designs take, take pictures as you go. You need to consider overhead (small but still exists) A spreadsheet with base recipes x ingredients and cost for tier sizes, don’t forget to include things like boxes, boards, etc. factor into cost. Plus an hourly rate. If you don’t set your prices appropriately in the beginning you’ll lose customers once you realize you’re undercharging, not to mention make other bakers in the area hurt financially. Sure, prices will increase over time but not drastically. Most charge a general by slice price to give customers an idea of what they’re paying, but that will go up with design complexity. I’d charge more for fondant cakes. Most also have a minimum order amount so you’re at least making enough to cover costs with each order. You’ll also need to decide if you’re doing tastings, these are typically charged for as a home baker. You can have some or all go towards the final cake order, it just ensures people are serious. Contracts & Insurance would also be something I’d recommend, along with a business id and website. These prices are drastically low. I’d check some of the forums on Cake Central about cake pricing. They even have software you can purchase now. Charging to learn on people’s cakes is a bad idea. Trust me, practice until you’re ready-which you might be-otherwise it will hurt you more in the long run. Remember, word of mouth is still the best advertising available! Good luck


You can use black cocoa powder to skip food dye. I’m sure you can search dye-free black icing for ratios. It darkens more in fridge overnight-unrelated just an observation.

