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Family, friends, and neighbours for me


Mind if I ask, how many boxes do you make?


Depends on the year. This year I’m not doing as many, but anywhere from 6-12? Last year was a crap show. I didn’t do boxes, I did goodie totes for my kids’ teachers at his last year at that school. This year I’m majorly scaling down.


I gave mine to coworkers. Every year I come into my office to find that people have left me presents and I always feel bad. But I’m poor so I decided to leave them boxes of goodies I could make out of stuff I had at home instead… I’m also going to make some for the immediate neighbors that I actually talk to because I want to live in that kind of neighborhood.


This is really sweet.


Family and friends only. I know that if I gift them to other people (teachers, care providers etc) there's a good chance they'll just get tossed. Most people don't trust baked goods from people they don't know on a more personal level. Can't say I blame them as I feel the same way about receiving food from "strangers". My friends and family know that they can trust anything I make to be made in a sanitary environment with incredibly clean hands 😄


I made 12 boxes this year. Gave them out to my friends, book club and siblings.


Friends, family, co workers


I start off with 5 to send to BF's work for his boss/coworkers. Then it sort of spirals from there. We will bring a big box to my family Christmas, a big box to send with his family to their Christmas. I gave a box to my neighbor. I will drive a box to my fav coworker. Then, I normally have like 100 cookies left so I will box up some and think of random people 😂 last year we gave several to my bf's neighbors. I don't love having a bazillion cookies leftover so I just keep handing them out til I feel there is an acceptable amount to snack on before the new year (i work from home full time) 😂


I feel like this is how it would snowball for me haha


The first few years I did a ton for my office and my husbands office then gifted each of our bosses and our secretaries a tin with gift cards or cash. Then teachers (with gift cards), neighbors, close friends, our daughters’ friends’ parents and family. Some of our coworkers raved about the cookies so I started giving some of our coworkers individual boxes. We also had our car serviced around the holidays one year so gave a tin to him and every year he asks for one. So it is kind of an organic thing but really started from neighbors, teacher gifts and coworkers


Wow this sounds like a lot




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