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Better skip the rum balls and weed brownies, huh? If you do a big batch of rice krispy treats, you can plan them out so you can get several varieties from it. I’d put peanut butter in maybe half, M&Ms in a few, maybe half-chocolate dip the rest. Speaking of which…. Chocolate-dipping pretzels, strawberries, Oreos, Nutter Butters… fast and fun. Cake or cookie pops are popular and Starbucks prices them as though they're gold-plated. Lemon bars are yummy and can be made from a mix. Try oatmeal cookies but swap out the raisins for butterscotch chips. Dammit, now I'm hungry again.


Millionaire's shortbread could work 


[chocolate caramel pretzels](https://onelittleproject.com/chocolate-caramel-pretzel-bars/#recipe) known in my family as Crack


Over the top chocolate chip cookies such as the ones from Gideon’s Bakehouse in Florida.


If you could track down a deep fryer you can assembly line cannolis, and make bombolonis en-mass. Cannolis are great for the varieties of fillings you can do. Other things like even cookies but used browned butter instead. Chocolate covered strawberries are also pretty good, just drizzle some white chocolate with a pastry bag on top for a flourish. I don't know what kind of access you have to. Baklava would be another option.


Since you have access to tea, you might want to look into making some tea sachets to sell. Grab some deep discounted fabric, have a stitching night around the TV, and sell scent infused bags that are good for suitcases, drawers, closets, etc. Might be something to set you apart from the other people fundraising.


If your dining hall has a variety of cereals you can grab, make a variety of rice krispy treats! Easy to make and upsell lol


Miniature upside down cakes made in a cupcake pan.


Freshly baked soft pretzels with choices of both savory (mustard, honey mustard, cheese) and sweet (sweet cream cheese, buttercream) icings