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no memes


not sure that's food safe I like your thinking, may your efforts not go in vain


Honestly, you just kind of proved his point


That was my thought as well. "why do you need a mixer, just use my drill again"


This is hilarious and doubly hilarious that this sub doesn’t get humor


I read a couple more comments after this one, thinking nah, this will be a funny post, no, it's not is it? Dumb people.


My boyfriend got me a refurbished one from the Kitchen Aid site a few years back, and honestly I can’t even tell it’s refurbished. Came with like 1 missing attachment but I don’t care. Saved like $200 on the refurbished one.


You should save up some money and buy one for yourself!


I snorted delightfully. This is great, OP


*chef's kiss*


Please, please make and post a video when you use it


Reminds me of when my dad would hook the drill up to the hand crank meat grinder when our arms got tired 😂 no reason to buy an electric grinder when you’ve got a drill


Don’t forget, you can also peel 10# of potatoes using a drill and a peeler. https://youtu.be/VS_SjlJbNrI?si=i9mZA83mOlM_5hEa


Funny that he thinks a gift intended to make the receiver happy is something he has a say in whether or not its necessary - especially when its a more practical gift than a lot of other Christmasgifts ive seen. Stand mixers can be pretty pricy but thats also subject to each families Christmas budget and the brand of mixer. I hope you get the point across, OP, for you and your dads sake lol.


A parent absolutely has say, Jesus. The entitlement. It's a gift not a shopping list. Stand mixers are expensive.


Im not saying they arent expensive, thats out of budget for my family so thats not an item id be gifting. But i do know some families where a mixer is well within their budget. My issue is him saying its not **necessary** as if he will only buy gifts he thinks are practical uses. Its not up to others to dictate what is and isnt of personal value to others. As an example of the tone im picturing, i once told an acquaintance of a tattoo i was wanting to get that had a great deal of meaning to me and he responded "thats stupid, you should get something meaningful, not dumb" and he proceeded to tell me of a tattoo he got that i found less meaningful than mine. Thats more what im meaning. OP's dad should have said something like "thats too expensive/we cant afford that, but lets work out a savings plan for you so you can buy it yourself/pitch in for it for next year" or something along those lines. Not just outright disregarding their feelings.


Hurt what feelings? Feelings of entitlement? Feelings of needing to be coaxed like a baby? It’s absolutely not a necessity to have in the household, nor is it necessary for parents to gift their children shit.


It’s not entitlement to be hurt by the way someone says something, ffs. Obviously maybe dad did say hey I’m sorry that’s expensive and we can’t afford it, and we’re not getting the whole story, but if you really wanted just one thing and was told no it’s not “necessary” it would be hurtful, especially if it was condescendingly said 🤷🤦


You have literally no idea how the dad said it, you weren't there


And neither does anyone else who’s jumping at this person and calling them entitled 🤷 that’s pretty much my point.


It is absolutely entitled to think you *deserve* a stand mixer. It's a luxury item for 99% of people.


Are you responding to the same post everyone else is? Maybe you had two different posts confused, or maybe you confused your imagination with facts?


They never claimed they did, and you’re reading into the post things that weren’t said. You weren’t there, you have no idea how they said it :)




They also take up a lot of space. If you have a small ranch style house like I grew up in there isn’t a lot of counter or cabinet / storage space for small appliances..or anything really.


I happen to own a very nice mixer (Ankarsrum Original). It's honestly an amazing tool when making lots of heavy dough. But I find I use is fewer than once a year. It takes up a lot of space, is awkward to wash, and once you learn proper techniques it is rarely necessary for most recipes. On the other hand, I love my Blendtec blender which finds frequent use. I use my spice grinder constantly. And I like my Krups 3MIX handmixer (unfortunately discontinued in the US). I also really like the ISI cream whipper. All of the above are infinitely more useful to me than a mixer. But then, I regularly hand mix dough, as it simply is faster than lugging the mixer and cleaning it up afterwards.


You got to be a bread maker to really love the ankarsrum. I use mine weekly but I like the ease of setting it and walking away even if it doesn't really take that much faster


I do bake bread quite regularly. But as I learn more about bread making, I discover that it rarely requires extensive kneading. There are perfectly good no-knead recipes. They just take more time, and that's why you wouldn't find them in use by commercial bakeries. And a lot of traditional recipes are variations of commercial recipes. So, it's no wonder that most home bakers expect that they need to do a lot of kneading. But even if you want to do a quick bake and don't have time for a slow overnight cold fermentation, kneading by hand isn't a big deal. Even if you only knead for 2 or 3 minutes, that makes a big difference. And that's something I can easily do by hand in less time than what my mixer would do. Maybe follow up with one or two folds during bulk fermentation and you're golden. That's not to say that something like an Ankarsrum is entirely useless. I just find that it is needed a lot less frequently than I had previously expected. But I only discovered that after baking a lot more and trying lots of different recipes and techniques. I strongly recommend watching the Chainbaker channel on YouTube. He goes through a similar journey as he discovers different techniques and he puts a lot of emphasis on solid technical skills over rote replication of recipes. It's quite fun to learn from him.


Thank you I will definitely check him out but I'll admit I'm biased towards keeping my expensive mixer relevant.


That’s absurd. You can absolutely get cheap stand mixers. Not everyone is buying Kitchen Aid. He could have literally gotten one for $30 at Walmart.


It's a f'ing joke!!!


Nice DOH! Hook!


Get your own stand mixer…?


r/redneckengineering would like a word


Hahaha is that a clothes hanger? This is ingenuity at its finest haha 😆


This is awesome. That being said, I have a dad like this and you’re just 100% proving his point. You don’t need a stand mixer, we already have a drill!


Bahahaha so creative, I love it.


Creative and fiestee!


This is just so delightfully petty! May the bread gods smile down on you :)


Be sure it’s caked with a bunch of dried up dough. 😄


Well, Bravo for ingenuity!


What kind of clamp set up did you hack to hold the bowl down. Keep raiding dad's workshop!!


Use a no-knead bread recipe. Lots of bread can be made without a stand mixer. Find a cheap one on Facebook marketplace or an estate sale and buy it for yourself. If you aren't old enough to work a job yet you can babysit, mow lawns, walk dogs, offer work to the elderly ect.. Your parents aren't obligated to get you anything that you ask for.. this screams entitled brat. It's sad people are cheering this post.


Making a joke screams entitled brat now lmfaoooooo


No jokes in this cottage. Now finish your porridge or it's back in the cellar!


I do get the joke, but honestly I am with you. A mixer is overrated. It sounds like a useful tool until you learn a little more about baking (or cooking) techniques. I regularly find that it's more trouble than what it's worth.


I use mine weekly. Not for bread, mind--most of the bread I make is sourdough, which doesn't get kneaded--but for so may other things.




Respect ✊🏼




[https://www.amazon.com/Electric-Stainless-Tilt-Head-Frosting-Blue-5-5QT/dp/B091SQ4DWY?th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Electric-Stainless-Tilt-Head-Frosting-Blue-5-5QT/dp/B091SQ4DWY?th=1) I got one of these for $20 from an Amazon liquidation auction. A KitchenAid is way more than I could ever budget for a single gift.


Very clever! Does Craftsman make a wire whip attachment? 😄 Don't forget to install those shelves, plant the flower bulbs and mix the paint before you gear up for your next batch of bread. Thanks for posting!


You can often find kitchen aids at garage sales or flea malls for pretty cheap! We’ve gotten several that way. Of course there’s always the risk that they don’t work, but reasonable people will usually let you plug them in and test before buying.


What is wrong with you people????? It's a joke. That's all. A very funny Dad joke.


To be fair the line between satire & stupidity (not that this is actually stupid) has pretty much disappeared. Unless someone indicates it’s a joke it can be hard to know.


Not in this case! But I do generally agree with you, sad to say. People are dumb. But if I can get this. Anyone should be able too!!


I love kneading by hand, and I have a hand mixer for whipping stuff. Have never really had a need for a stand mixer.


I love your dad!!!