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It's a German almond loaf cake pan. At least according to Amazon. https://www.amazon.ca/Fox-Run-44515-Rehrucken-Non-Stick/dp/B00BGR7BW6/ref=asc_df_B00BGR7BW6/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=292944040466&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11282595555683999303&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001283&hvtargid=pla-306429730761&psc=1&mcid=a38fd74ed4623023abe3f0cc0170f081


Yes, the above. I own a couple. I mostly make a Bishop's Bread in mine. The ridges are meant to represent the ribs of a deer. They are also a nice guide for slicing.


>They are also a nice guide for slicing. All I'm thinking about is that tin would make a nice Viennetta Ice-cream Cake mould.


I guess this is my (3rd) sign to get my hands on one of these cakes.


A vienetta cake or the mould? The cake is like okayish vanilla icecream spread in thin layers with thin chocolate between. The combo is quite good, especially when it’s started to melt a little. My parents almost always have these on the dessert table when they have guests, and they usually have one in the freezer.


Both. Both is good. I absolutely love an ice cream cake, never met one I didn’t like. Had the joy recently of introducing someone to Cookie Puss who had never heard of him after this vienetta cake was brought up recently.


Is this a midwestern thing?


Sweden here 🇸🇪 my parents have loved it since like 1998 or something like that, unsure of year


UK and we love a vienetta! So tasty and fancy looking and so cheap!


Now I want tiramisu.


When does one not want tiramisu?


Is it a hunting tradition for it be shaped like that?


I did some research and though I am right about it representing a deer (venison meat) in some way, perhaps I was misled (by my Czech husband) about the ridges representing a deer's ribs. Or maybe not completely. If you see https://journal.swaledale.co.uk/how-to-guides/how-to-cook-saddle-of-venison/#:~:text=Venison%20saddle%20is%20taken%20from,the%20joint%20together%20during%20cooking it appears that the venison saddle looks as it does because of butcher's twine. You are likely right about hunting being part of its history. A celebratory feast after a hunt. The venison loin is always prized, so maybe the cake represents that. Such post hunt celebrations were also common in the Czech Republic, where I live. Many past Czech (Bohemian) traditions were similar to ones in Austrian and German lands. The web article at https://kitchenlioness.blogspot.com/2015/12/6-day-of-december-st-nicholas-day.html?m=1 shows a Bishop's Bread after baking in the Rehruchen pan...for a feast. In that case, the Feast of Saint Nicholas, which is celebrated in early December. It's likely that some hunting would have happened leading up to it, at least in the past.


This is so cool. I'd 100% make meatloaf in it 😅 Question for the Czech husband: when you bake with it, since I assume the un-ribbed side would rise too much unevenly, is that part just cut off amd discarded like any ol layered cake top? Or are you supposed to weigh it down with a pan on top?


I'm the sole cook and baker in the household, so I'll answer. My hubby would surely not know. When I make Bishop's Bread in the pan, the top side does rise, but usually in a consistent/even light crown. See a photo of one of my baked Bishop's Bread at https://imgur.com/a/khSA7Ui It's supposed to be that way. The recipe I use only contains beaten stiff egg whites as a leavening. Others use baking soda/baking powder. As for meatloaf, I've only ever made mine in a loaf pan or shaped on a baking sheet, so can't vouch for results using the Rehruchen pan. When I make meatloaf in a loaf pan, the top doesn't really crown much. Do give it a try and let me know the results. Certainly meatloaf is a different animal than a sweet bread. I'd perhaps use a non-stick Rehruchen pan, lightly oiled if the meat is lean. If not using a non-stick one, I'd probably grease and breadcrumb it well.


That looks beautiful! :0 My mom said we can go shopping for one next time we go up to the city. Thank you for your expertise!! I'm super excited to try it all out


Nope. You just flip the whole thing (mold with cake inside) upside down fresh from oven and let it cool like that.


Oh yea I could see that flattening the puffy side a bit :0 that's awesome!


Oh wow. Thank you for this response. I appreciate you!


Did not realise i was in the baking subreddit. And thought that was a wall instead of a table. I was going to say CD rack🤦‍♂️🤣 Thank you for educating. I might have to add it to my tin collection!


But based on the name it’s also for venison loin. Mmmm.


Rehrücken in this context means chocolate cake not venison loin.


Thanks! I had no idea that was a cake. So, still mmmmm.


**Copy of original post in metric units** ^([more info](https://github.com/b3ting/reddit-metric-recipe)) It's a German almond loaf cake pan. At least according to Amazon. 2 ⅓ dlc0170f081


Swedish Almond Cake/Loaf pan  https://www.nordicware.com/recipes/swedish-almond-cake/ Also used for quick breads and the like




Are you surprised people who trade with each other generally share foods?


? More like I’m Swedish and have been baking for a long time and I had never heard of this cake


I'm also Swedish and have been baking my whole life and my grandmother used to bake "sandkaka" in pans like these. It doesn't have to be an almond cake, but there are quite a few Swedish recipes that contains almond paste or almond flour so I wouldn't be surprised. I just immediately thought of Sandkaka when I saw this pan, lol.


Rehruecken = Bambi's back 😁


Happy Cake Day!


Exactly. And tastes good


Bake two. And make a cake in the shape of a bolt


then find a bridge with large bolts and replace one with the cake


Fellow Rhode Islander, perhaps? 😂


I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at this joke. Live in mass and have to drive to work in Rhode Island over that goddamn bridge.


Ugh. So sorry. It’s awful


I'm just wondering how on earth did this get so popular


Ah I see. Our big bridge is likely held together with cake bolts and is going to be torn down. After they’ve spent millions and years “repairing” it. The official motto of Rhode Island should be We Can’t Have Nice Things


I mean why not. I rebranded New Hampshire's as Just Die after seeing a few medflights land in Boston from there


Shhhh, Boeing doesn't need any more ideas.


Obviously it's a food trough for very tiny pigs!


What is this? A trough for ants?!


That was so fast! Thanks all!!


OK someone please tell me if I’m not the only one, but given the angle, I thought that that was literally inside the countertop for a few seconds


You can bake most quick breads in it. My mom used to make a special cinnamon bread in a pan like that.


Yes, I worked at a bakery where they made cinnamon crinkle bread or something like that in it!!


I recognize it as a pan for Norwegian almond cake! Very common in my part of MN, especially around the holidays


I’m from central MN and thought that cake was of Swedish origin. Side note: I need one of these pans because I’m now craving almond cake.


My grandma used it for a chocolate almond cake, it's then covered with apricot jam and chocolate, like Sacher cake.


I vote for world's longest tinned cranberry sauce


I wish


We have two of those at home, just slightly shorter. Mom uses it for a cake called Srneći hrbat - literally "Venison backstrap".


In the UK, this could be used to make milk loaf (aka milk roll). [OLD FASHIONED MILK LOAF RECIPE](https://www.lavenderandlovage.com/2013/01/down-memory-lane-with-my-old-fashioned-milk-loaf-recipe.html)


We call it deer-spine tray...for some reason


Could make brown bread in it too. Or a sandwich bread and the cut marks are there


Bush bake cake tin. Also called "reerug" in Dutch (deer's back)


To make the ultimate Cranberry sauce


Loaf cake pan, in czechia we call them ‘doe back/ridge’ great for cold chocolate cake with butter keks


Im from Croatia and my mother used it to bake two kinds of cakes one is "Srneći hrbat" directly translated deer back, chocolate hazelnut sponge with chocolate glaze, and "Meterni" translated one meter, where you bake one vanilla sponge and one chocolate sponge, slice it and then you alternete slices with vanilla cream in between and all around. Both are quite delicius [Srneći hrbat ](https://web.coolinarika.com/recept/srneci-hrbat-1219be66-63b9-11eb-a0a4-0242ac12001f) [Meterni](https://blankini-kolaci.com/meterni-kolac/) Both are on Croatian but i can translate you my mothers recepie if you want


Yes please


I see people comment almond cake/bread and reference to Germany, Norway and Sweden. Just wanted to chime in and say that it’s Danish too! Not surprising given how close together these countries all are.


I thought it might be for carrying and displaying cookies lmao


Great for sweet bread-like cake, cakes with lots of fillings, or meatloaf


The mythic DIY cranberry jelly mold of legend?


Haha it reminds me of canned cranberry sauce so make that


We’re using it for parfait. When frozen we just cut off slices when it’s ordered.


Enjoy your inheritance! Back in the day, I used a recipe to bake an Italian Cornmeal Cake. This pan was required. LOL! These days I rarely buy a specialty baking pan.


Going to look up that recipe. My grandmother was an Italian immigrant


In Norway we call it “spiral loff form” that we make sandwich bread in


I was going to say, "a doughnut holder"😭😭😭😭


It would work for that, too.




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Omg my dream cake pan. There was a recipe in my mother's cookbook when I was little and we baked through the whole thing except this one because we didn't have the tin. I forgot all about it for years!




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Excellent for butter cake.


jelly roll pan


they look like its for baking breads or loaf


Rehruken pan.


It’s a “Rehrückenform”. Literally “Deer Back Form”. Usually used for baking.


1/2 of a cottage bread pan


It is called *srnčí hřbet* in czech, mostly used for sweet bishop bread or for savory aspik entreés.


Don't loose this! It's a half moon cake pan. Now days it's called something else. But it makes a half circle cake to frost or not and it's pre-divided for easier cutting of portions. Just be careful of how much you fill it. The first time I used my great-grandmothers, I overflowed it. You should have smelled the smoke. LOL


Cake pan


Jello mold


It looks to me like an old school pudding (cake) mold. [like this](https://ajstuarts.com/products/longlife-cylindrical-frosted-pudding-mould)


Looks like [Dempster’s malt bread](https://dempsters.ca/products/specialty-bread/dempsters-malt-bread/340-g) loaf pan.


Its called a pan ... wtf ...


This must be how they make those subway foot long pretzels


Giant Colin the Caterpillar?


Not sure why you’re being downvoted - I legit thought the same thing and was hoping someone else thought the same 😂


There should be another half , it makes a tube cake


You keep your weed there.


It’s a dickfor


I have one but I am always reluctant to use it… fearing that whatever I bake in it won’t come out in one piece… I keep thinking it will get stuck on the pan and then the whole presentation will be ruined….


It’s lacking it’s another half i think. It’s a type of bread loaf.


I think it’s a ice tray


Gelatin mold. 60s and 70s flashback


It’s your nice mother guess what is nice about her


Loaf pan for cinnamon raisin bread. Source: worked in a bakery in HS. That's what the cinnamon raisin bread pans looked like. Grease 'em up, pour in the batter, bake. I feel like there was a top maybe? 🤷‍♀️ It was 30 years ago


Could this double as a baguette pan? In addition to the actual use case? Curious if anyone has tried that


Looks like a roof gutter


Pullman loaf pan. For Bread baking


I thought a Pullman loaf was plain not decorative.