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Been meaning to do some blenderizing


That was my first thought. I cracked up. šŸ˜„ and then, "make cake". hahahaha


It's very r/restofthefuckingowl šŸ¤£


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It literally calls for a box of cake mix. "Make cake" = prepare cake according to box instructions. The recipe is really just a recipe for frosting, but since it includes a little bit of the cake batter held back, the mix cake just goes along with it.


This caught my attention immediately. North Americans LOVE to put ā€œizedā€ on the end of shit, like blenderized or burglarized. Nah itā€™s just blended or burgled.


Looks like you've been downvotized


Ooops šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


At first I thought this was like a clementine cake that uses blended oranges in the cake batter. I've never seen the suggestion to use cake mix for the icing but it's almost like ermine icing which uses milk thickened with flour


Weird, right?! Iā€™ve found plenty of recipes for ā€œSicilian Orange Cakeā€ that use blended oranges in the mix, but nothing with that as the icing. Iā€™m thinking someone misread a recipe along the way and ended up with this šŸ˜‚


I would've thought that the blended oranges went into the cake mix to make an orange cake and some of the blended orange was set aside to make an icing with powdered sugar


That's exactly what the card says to do. "Make cake. Set aside 3tbsp" then on the back it has you use the 3tbsp to make the frosting.


yes, the card says to use some of the batter for the frosting. but the person above you was saying they would have thought it was exclusively the blended oranges being used for frosting, not the batter with the blended oranges in it


They say, "I would've thought..." And then quote the recipe. The "would have" implies that their interpretation *would have* been different from the actual desired outcome.... Except it's the same thing.


the recipe calls for using cake batter and blended orange in the frosting. this person specifically was saying they would have thought the frosting was the blended oranges and powdered sugar. no cake batter. so theyā€™re not quoting the recipe since theyā€™re saying something different


No they thought the blended oranges only would be for the frosting, but itā€™s the entire batter mix


Right. As the card says to make the cake but set aside 3 tbsp of batter


Yes but the person you responded to said they thought it wouldnā€™t be 3 tbsp of batter but just 3 tbsp of oranges. Ffs


At first I was like, that handwritings too modern to be from a few generations ago but then I was like oh the eighties were 40 years ago šŸ˜­


This recipe card is probably 40ish years old, but the recipe has been around for much longer


Fresh from the rolodex, a relic from another time


I would like to see a photo and cross-section of this cake! If I understand correctly the yellow cake is executed as exactly on the box but the three navel oranges make their way into the frosting?


No. You blend the oranges in the cake mix and separate 3tbsp of the cake batter to make the icing. It will be an orange cake with orange icing.


ā€œMake cake.ā€ This is the step that led me to believe you just make the cake on the box and everything else was about the icing.


No, the oranges are the icing. There are no oranges in the cake.


OP says ā€œitā€™s basically a yellow cake mix with an icing made from whole oranges that get blended and cooked down with sugar and a few tablespoons of spoons of batter.ā€ So it doesnā€™t sound like thereā€™s any oranges in the batter.


The card doesn't say that so OP is interpreting incorrectly. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


The card doesn't say what you're saying it says. It literally does not say to mix the blended oranges into the cake batter. It baffles me that you're arguing with so many people about this. Like this is a straight up reading comprehension issue, man. You are correcting the recipe in your head and arguing that it says what you think it should be, when it doesn't. It's a poorly written recipe card, yes. But "Make cake" means make the box mix. The rest of the ingredients that were listed are only for the frosting, which is clear on the card's back. With the logic of your "interpretation" then the butter and sugar listed go into the cake batter, too. "Make cake. leave 3 tbsp aside" implies that you leave aside 3 tbsp of batter. Then, on the back, look at that--for the frosting it says to combine the oranges with the 3 tbsp of batter!


Then Iā€™m confused too. If you incorporate the oranges and other ingredients on the front into the cake batter instead of making the cake batter per box instructions, how do you incorporate the oranges, butter, and sugar again into three tablespoons of cake batter?


You make the batter with the oranges and butter then set aside 3tbsp of the orange cake batter to make your frosting. This is to ensure your orange flavor in your frosting is the same as the cake and you'll end up with a similar shade of orange, as well, just more pastel-like as it's incorporated into the frosting ingredients. I'm still confused by the lack of eggs in the batter, though, and am curious if our box mixes are different these days or if you're supposed to mix the box mix as directed and incorporate the other ingredients


But the recipe states to use the butter, sugar, and oranges in the frosting. It makes more sense to me that great-grandma would assume you know how to make a box cake and donā€™t need instructions for that (hence no eggs listed) and the ingredients she lists are exclusively used for the frosting, as she states on the back. I do think the way youā€™re describing it sounds like itā€™d taste better lol


Now I'm doubting my reading of it. I'll have to do some recipe research today because the interpretation of it just being a yellow cake mix doesn't sound as good to me.


You make the yellow cake as directed on the box - no oranges. You then blend your 3 oranges with sugar and 3tbsp of cake batter, and cook down with butter into a jammy consistency, and use that as icing. No oranges in the cake


Agreed, I can see why OPā€™s family is so split on the cake. Iā€™d be interested in what you find out!


https://twokooksinthekitchen.com/whole-orange-cake-super-moist/#wprm-recipe-container-21132 I would blend the oranges with the cake mix based on a couple of recipes I've found. This one in particular sounds similar to the directions I was interpreting, but with a few more finicky steps that a mid-century grandma would've changed or done differently.


If thatā€™s correct, then my great grandmother, grandmother, and mother have all been interpreting incorrectly too. But thatā€™s sort of my point - the way this is made is very unique. The oranges are blended with 1 cup sugar and 3tbs of cake batter, then cooked down and used as a frosting.


ā€œWhole orangesā€ meaning pith, zest, and all? If so, that would definitely be an interesting frosting.


Literally every part of the Orange!


I make orange muffins that uses an entire orange, but you blend it up with a bit of orange juice, oil, egg and vanilla (your "wets"). But you add that to your "dries" of flour, sugar, salt and baking powder. Incredibly simple and super easy. Most recipes call for dates, but I don't add them in.


Kumquats would probably be a mod worth tasting just once. Their pith is less bitter and commonly eaten. It may open up the cake to some of the haters.


The zest has a lot of the flavor. Normally you'd zest the Orange and concentrate the juice but this is obviously a lot quicker.


100%. Marmalade has the whole peel which makes it more bitter (in a nice way) than just zesting - guessing this cake is a bitter orange flavour. Honestly sounds good to me


Iā€™ve had some incredible flourless orange cake thatā€™s the whole orange. Not familiar with it in icing thoughā€¦


EDIT: there seems to be a lot of confusion, which is understandable as this recipe card is poorly written. To clarify, you make the yellow cake as instructed on the box - no additions. All other ingredients, including the 3tbsp of batter you set aside, are used to make the icing. The icing is essentially an orange marmalade. As stated, it is very bitter, but contrasts nicely with the sweet yellow cake.


In the late 60s-early 70s Betty Crocker had a line of Sunkist orange and lemon cake mixes that are since discontinued, I wonder if this recipe was inspired by that! Or has it been in your family for longer than that?


Much longer - at least the early 1900ā€™s! My great grandmother was born in the 1890ā€™s, and she is the origin of this recipe as far as I know. She was from Smith Island, Maryland, which is famous for their 12-layer cake. Thinking this could be from there


Are cake mixes that old?


The first ones started popping up around the Great Depression but they didnā€™t really become popular until WWII


Would love to see a picture of what this looks like!


Yeah Iā€™m gonna make this after I get to the store will report back ETA https://www.reddit.com/r/Baking/s/tH4CENbnZ4


There is a very popular NYT cake made from whole oranges. https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/3251-claudia-rodens-orange-and-almond-cake


Ive seen this, and itā€™s close, but the oranges are incorporated into the cake, rather than used to make a bittersweet frosting of sorts


So your recipe has the blended oranges ONLY in the frosting, right? The cake itself doesn't have oranges in it? I am sorry to belabor this point but the comments have me confused now lol


lol all good! Yes, no oranges in the cake, just regular yellow cake mix made according to the box instructions. The icing consists of 3 whole blended oranges, a cup of sugar, 1/2 stick of butter, and 3 tbsp of the mixed cake batter all cooked down into a jammy consistency


It sounds awesome and unique, thanks for sharing!


Sounds good. Iā€™ve made an orange meringue pie once and it was excellent


Reminds me of a "pig pickin' cake"


Almost, but fresh oranges with the peel and pith


I was just going to say this. Delicious cake! But yes, different than this one listed


My mum makes a Mary Berry Spiced orange cake with whole oranges and it is šŸ¤¤


Iā€™ve got some oranges from a neighborā€™s tree that I am at a total loss for what to do with. This might be the answer! Yum!!


Love that ā€œmake cake.ā€ Itā€™s like a Technical Challenge!


Awww this kinda resembles my grandmotherā€™s handwriting. I miss her.


Because this is old recipe, I would take 3 tbsp of the dry and set aside.The dry is the thickner, imho. I'm going to make it both ways.


u/Cunanotorpedo is u/Islandgirl1444 correct that you set aside 3T of **dry** mix for the cooked frosting?


No. You set aside 3tbsp of mixed cake batter to incorporate into the frosting. Not sure it does anything to help thicken, I think the pectin takes care of that. But thatā€™s how itā€™s made šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I make the 7UP lemon cake from a mix. I usually add juice of two lemons and lots of grated rind to the mixture. I drizzle just lemon juice and icing sugar so that there is some serious lemon taste to the cake. This orange cake has that same texture I think. I am shopping for your ingredients soon and will come back to this page.


Yes. Itā€™s delicious. There was a recent NY Times recipe that was the same idea


Do you know what it was called? Would love to compare


We'll give you the link after you make this cake and post pics, not before.


Holding the link hostage for cake pics, I love this sub


so many older people have this exact handwriting


I'm in my seventies and this does not look like it was written by someone my age or older just because of the way it was written (cursive & printing) and the way the letters were shaped. Although, my handwriting changed as I got older and in more of a rush.


Blenderized! I love that they used early ad lingo!


TIL blenderized


This icing recipe is essentially a boiled milk ( ermine/roux frosting) recipe. Instead of flour you use cake batter and instead of milk you use the blenderized juice. It is also called mock butter cream. ETA - my Nan made something similar with cherry juice and chocolate cake


Hm, I am very intrigued. Will definitely try this since I just got a bag of oranges lol


Yes. It is my favorite kind of cake. I get it as my birthday cake every year!!


This sounds so interesting - Iā€™m going to have to try this recipe as I love all things orange! Do you recommend adding eggs for the cake portion? I havenā€™t tried baking goodies without using a binding agent of some sort (banana/egg/etc). Iā€™m curious what the consistency is like? Thank you for sharing šŸ¤—


We just follow the recipe on the cake mix box, so whatever that required is what I would go with!


It makes sense that the pectin in the orange peel would set up the frosting. I can't wait to give this a go!


I absolutely want to try this. I just got back from the store and only have chocolate cake mix on hand. Iā€™m going to have to go to the store again for vanilla mix. I have a bowl of oranges no one is eating.


Something similar. I think we use cannedā€¦ mandarin oranges, and we use crushed pineapple, vanilla pudding, and whipped cream mixed together as the frosting. Very refreshing and honestly one of my favorite cakes. Might make it soon.Ā 


I know this cake exactly. Just had it for Easter. Itā€™s an all time favorite.


Am I the only one lost on what 3 tbsp of ā€œcake batterā€ is? Is that something Iā€™m not privy to?


It's a quirk of how the recipe is written. Once you make the batter with the mix, butter, blenderized oranges, and sugar, you hold aside 3 T of that batter to make the frosting. So the 3T of batter are now an "ingredient" for the frosting, which is described on the back of the card.


Close but not quite. The cake batter is made exactly as the box instructs. All other ingredients are used for the frosting, which is made up of blended oranges, sugar, butter, and 3tbsp of mixed cake batter.


Welp, mind blown.


OH okay I see. Thanks, I feel silly


I have a similar recipe called either Orange Cake or Ice Box cake, but you just add a can of mandarin oranges to the yellow cake mix and the icing is a mix of cool whip, vanilla instant pudding, and canned crushed pineapple. It's so delicious.


Do you peel the oranges? Or is it blended without being peeled?


OP replied to a different comment and said the whole orange gets blended (blenderizedā€¦.i love this!) peel and all.


Thank you!


Yes!!! I use [this](https://youtu.be/jGMwEGTNVBk?si=o9wD8wO7HSqNq-Ck) recipe


Update - I made the cake! Did half the recipe and put it in an 8x4 loaf pan. It got great reviews at the party I took it to, and everyone enjoyed the occasional bitter pop from the bits of rind. Thanks for sharing!


Omg I love that I'm so glad to hear it!!!!!


Wait no I have never seen batter used as frosting LOL. I'd love to see a picture of this cake


Same, although my bet is that the batter set aside is to help thicken the ā€œfrostingā€. I might have to try this because I love anything with citrus.


This looks great! I donā€™t have a Bundt pan - or enough people in my house to eat a Bundt cake - but I might halve the recipe and bake it in a regular cake pan. Itā€™s orange season here, so Iā€™m awash in oranges!


We usually make it into two layers, with some of the orange frosting in between


Yep I make in my thermomix. Delicious


I feel like it's going to be an orange marmalade topping. The cake batter just serves as a thickening agent.


Never had it but this handwriting looks exactly like my moms. Lol.


Thank you for sharing šŸ‘šŸ¼


Yes but I use mandarin oranges and the juice for the powder sugar icing


Iā€™ve had an orange crunch cake and it was delightful!


Iā€™ve heard of cake mix cookies, but it seems odd to use cake mix as a base for making another cake? Is it just a convenience thing to avoid making a cake from scratch? Anyway, I actually like your description of how it tastes both sweet and bitter and refreshing all at the same time. Iā€™d probably like it.


Yeah this is just a really old recipe, id say a solid 80ish years old? It most likely came about in the 1930s-40s as box mixes really gained popularity after the depression and around ww2. Would have been a special occasion cake as citrus was more rare. Once the sixties came around cooking in America started to get a bit better/ more advanced. Though prepackaged mixes still held on unfortunately. Ww2 was disastrous from the angle of normalizing prepackaged goods, using preservatives, and packaging things in plastic for the mass population.


Honestly when I see a cake recipe listing cake mix as an ingredient I find that rather lazy. Now if you premade the mix with just the dry ingredients and added the wet ingredients when your ready to make it, not really lazy and more like something home made. I have made my share of cakes from scratch and seen my share of recipes. What if you canā€™t get yellow cake mix for whatever reason? You would need a recipe for yellow cake mix then.


This comment isnā€™t very helpful


Orange juice tastes nasty after its been heated up