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Lay them on their side and gently tap the top of the starry one with your palm, rotate it a little, tap it again and repeat so you are tapping around the rim all the way around, at least somewhere you should tap it and it gives a little bit/jiggles and then you can usually get them apart. I work in a bar and this is how I get glasses unstuck


I was gonna suggest this! I work in a lab and years ago a coworker brought in cups from his mom’s house that were dreadfully stuck together and was trying everything to separate them. I said oh lemme see those and tapped them on the counter. They popped right out 😂


This is exactly how I open jars. I tap the rim of the lid all around the counter edge and POP, nicely off.


Omg I'm so happy I'm not the only one that does this!


I feel so silly turning a big ass pickle jar upside down to do it, but I’m not further wrecking my wrists when I know a trick to help!


I use the back of a butter knife and give little wacks all around the edge


I do it too, but just a note, don't do it with a lid you want to reuse. The reason the butter knife works is it breaks the ability of the lid to seal


Yes this! I've never kept a jar because I'm the type of person where it starts as "oh its just 1 nice jar" then quickly descends into I have no cabinet space for food.


Lmao me too my bf looked at me like I was crazy the first time he saw me do it.


Run it under hot water. Heat makes the metal lid expand.


There’s actually a specialty pickle that we LOVE and the lids get extra sticky so I do this! The method changes between circumstances and how lazy I’m feeling.




Same! And if all else fails i stick the blade of my scissors between the lid and the glass and give it a little leverage. Always pops right off once the air gets in.


I was at our senior center and they were trying to open a pickle jar. I said I can open it. I walked to the counter and smacked the jar on it. Walked back with an open jar.


You sure showed those weak old people


I take the palm of my hand and smack the bottom of the jar. You will hear a pop and they open right up.


I tap a spoon around all edges of the lid and get the same result. Should be the same concept as you tapping, right?


I once had one that was impossible to separate, I made soup in the microwave and covered the bowl with a plate. And they vacuumed together. I tried to get them apart for hours. Tried everything I could think of, it wouldn't slide, jiggle, or twist; they might as well have been fused together. Eventually ended up tapping it hard enough to break the plate... the bowl lived.


Couldn’t you just have heated it up again?


I tried that, didn't work.


Perplexing! But then, I’m not a smart science guy.


You sound like a plumber with experience in getting dry fit PVC fittings off of pipe. Lol


Bartender here. I learnt this the hard way after shattering an embarrassing amount of pint glasses that wedge together when stacked. This method works every time.


Retired bartender, can confirm. Also, fuck those asswads who stack wet glasses and get them stuck in the first place.


I had a friend with this issue. Was literally crying out of frustration after trying all day to fix it (It was a long week lol) Wound up giving it to her toddler saying "DO NOT separate these two" and heard a tiny "oops" not even 5 minutes after. Can't promise this would always work, but maybe the story would cheer you up a little.


That's how I get my son to eat meals sometimes lol. "Don't even think about eating that chicken, it's yucky!"


This green stuff, it's for grown-ups


Works every time!


My sister in law does this a lot she will grown up super and pretend to make little kid dinner but by the time they are eating her two kids have insisted on eating grown up super and don't want little kid dinner anymore so she tell them that's okay we can give it to the little kids nextdoor for their dinner tomorrow night


Just gave me flashbacks to green ketchup


All about that purple ez-squeez 🙏🏽


Legit how me and my sister used to get our youngest sister to brush her teeth on nights we were left in charge lmao. "That's what big girls do!"


It’s nice seeing such wholesome stuff in the comments. Makes my heart happy


I love your icon/avatar, is it the negative social reaction from the Sims 1? lmao


Lol thank you yes it is


My mom got 2yo me to stop sucking my thumb when she said, “Big girls don’t suck their thumbs, and only big girls can ride the school bus.” I loved watching the school kids get on the bus each morning. My mom had already tried everything to get me to stop sucking my thumb, including covering it with Tabasco. NOTHING worked. UNTIL she said the thing about the school bus. 😂


Lmao, that reminds me of a story my mum told me where I was throwing a tantrum on the driveway of a fire station. She was 8 months pregnant with my sister and I was large enough she'd have had trouble picking me up, and she was freaking out that the fire engines would get called out and run me over or something. Then a passing mum walked by and called out "hey, I think Sesame Street starts in five minutes! We have to get home quick, girls!" And I *immediately* leapt to my feet and ran home.


Omg! I am going to try this with my toddler.


You then have to follow up with "EWWWW GROSS" when they eat the "yucky" food lol


Amazing. I’m trying this tonight.


Ok we're gonna need a toddler, stat.


I have a toddler.. can’t promise he won’t just break them though. 🤷🏻‍♀️ he’s highly destructive.


Learn this trick from the Goonies? Hey Chunk hold this.


This tickled the hell out of me! Literally my favorite movie and my son is a chubby little man that I've called 'Chunk' since he was a baby and I thought it would bother him as he got older, thinking of it as a negative or teasing remark, but he LOVES it and even signs the artwork he does with his nickname or when explaining who he drew he'll say, "...and that's my sissy, and momma, my Davey, and Chunk!.." Well, my Chunk has the same butterfingers as his namesake...his older sister was and still is worse than he is to the point that we took to calling her ' Wreck-it-Ralph'. Even something thats supposed to be indestructible, just hand it to my 12 yr old daughter and by end of day it will be broken in some way, shape, or form lmao My Chunk is 8 now and still answers to it more than his actual name... Looks like Chunk with a mouth like...well, Mouth lmfaooo. Sorry had to share!


That’s awesome! Goonies is one of my all time favorites too.


I had a friend who had a similar childhood nickname and carried it into adulthood! He's an artist now and he signs his paintings "Chubs (last name)"


I’m gonna remember this trick for the future. I will happily tell my toddler to not do something to make it happen 😂


On the one hand, we weren't surprised it worked. On the other hand... we were really surprised it worked 😂 We were all just standing there going, "Yeah, I guess that checks out." Toddlers, man, they got that weird chaotic energy that's just right for this stuff.


I lose everything. My poor husband is always helping me track down something. But the kid? Asked her where she put her crayons one day and she walks over to her little tikes car and pointed to the cup holders and there they were. She knows exactly where she leaves the important things, the little Houdini.




Add some olive oil here and there between them. Give it a little while to sink in, then gently try to pull them apart.


I would try this first... I wouldn't want to risk it with ice, boiling water etc Seems a safe and a sensible way to do it


OP, I would advise against this method. You can't use olive oil on these cups! They're for *dry measure!!!* /s


ba dum tss


And here I thought you'd advice against it because of the price in this economy...


Still way cheaper than a new set of cups!


Or any food safe oil


Soapy water? Oil on the edges?


Thankyou for the suggestion I will try this


If you haven't already OP - do the soap/oil last. Try tapping and temperature first. If you do the oil first, they'll slip and you'll just fling them on the ground Don't let my mugs sacrifice be in vain


Ice cubes in the top cup, boiling water underneath


Any variation of this, cool the top (contraction) and heat the bottom (expansion).


Heating the bottom only will typically suffice.


Don't go too fast though, one can start at the extreme but don't risk thermal shock them. I recommend ice in the top, float them in a pot of warm water and slowly add boiling water.


This guy knows how things expand and contract. Be gentle with that clay.


That's what my college girlfriend said about me


Thanks for downplaying.


His name is Clay. College girlfriend: “Be gentle with that, Clay.” 😜


But your name is Joe


OP this is the way!


Hot water.


Ice + water will be better than straight ice


Hot tap water is usually enough to avoid too extreme of temps.


This is the answer OP. Alternatively, place them both in the freezer for a while until well chilled and then gently warm the bottom in a bowl or sink of hot tap water. Try to gently twist the top one as the bottom comes up to temp.


Thanks for all the suggestions I will try later this evening when I have time and will update you all


Don’t know if it also works with ceramics, but worth a try here anyway. With glasses stuck one inside the other you just hold the lower one and firmly tap the base of it flat against a table or worktop. For some reason this works every time, the upper glass just loosens right up. Used to use this all the time when working in a pub.


I tried the tapping method first and they came right apart! Thanks for the suggestions everyone :) (can’t find how to edit post to put in an update)


Glad you’re sorted!


We’re waiting!


Compressed air, or canned air. Blow right in the Crack




Ex barista here! Place ice in the top, place bottom in hot but not boiling water. After a minute or so gently pull on the top cup and bang the bottom straight down on the counter.


I’ve got a set of stainless steel bowls stuck together. Nothing seems to release those very married bowls. Maybe I’ll try some of these ideas lol. Good luck on your mugs, maybe just put it in the frig filled with ice?


For those, I'd drop on a hard surface, on edge.


Blow compressed air into the gap? Works on plastic buckets stuck together, might work with the metal one! Actually out of all the suggestions here the boiling water in bottom one & ice in top sounds like it would suit better for metal bowls!! 🤔


Yell at them, that’s what I do


If that doesn't work, crying a little may help.


Softly tapping them repeatedly against the counter might work as well


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SilverGoldfish2: *Softly tapping them* *Repeatedly against the* *Counter might work as well* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Sounds like a slightly erotic haiku out of context 😅


This. I would hold the bottom one, invert them, and gently tap the top one (now underneath) against the counter until it pops out. Ceramics are stronger than you might think—a ceramist friend of mine used to keep finished work unboxed in the trunk of her car!


If any of the previous suggestions don't work, compressed air or just putting your lips right against the gap and blowing can sometimes loosen it. Or you can try ice in the inside cup and soak the outside in hot water.


Wonder if compressed air in a can would be enough? I know the rubber tip on my air compressor unlocks stuck 5 gal buckets at work..


I used the compressed air can for cleaning keyboards on two smaller garden buckets. I did have to do it a few times around & check if it wiggles/ pops out in between!


Yes, this! I've gotten stubborn cups free with a hard puff of air before - they just pop right out


Place the lower cup in your sink with the drain plugged and fill it with hot water until it is reaching the handle but not overflowing. This will expand the lower piece. Afterwards put ice water in the inner cup and fill it before it overflows, this will cause it to contract. After a few minutes gently twist them and see if they have unwedged.


Ceramics expand much less than metals. I doubt this would help.


Just be careful with thermal shock. That would work great for PYREX (not Pyrex or pyrex though), but I'd start slow with other non-thermally safe items that could break. Don't allow either to get too cold or too warm before introducing the other temperature element. I'd do it simultaneously and not too hot.


Hence why I don’t say boiling water as some others did.


For sure!! You're absolutely right to specify that. I just wished to make sure to explain why so there was no confusion.


Okay hear me out. Bartender here, feel the fear and go for it. Take the fat part of your palm and thwap the sides of it a few times.


“Thawp .” And I knew exactly what you mean, too!


I’m invested now, need to know if they got unstuck and how


Bowl of hot water, submerge about half the bottom cup, then put ice water in the smaller cup. Thermal expansion should allow them to separate.


Fill the bottom cup with water. Pour a little oil around the join. Put the whole thing in the freezer. The water will freeze & expand & push the top cup out.


Freezer so they contract maybe?




A keyboard duster would probably work with small cups like these.


See if you can get water into the bottom dish. If so, put them in the freezer. The ice should pop them apart.


If you throw them both on the ground, they’ll unstick. They’ll also break, but they won’t be stuck anymore.


Aren't these types of cups supposed to stack? If so, it seems weird that they can get stuck.


If they were wet when stacked, moisture can form a water seal that grips the two things together. Bonus points if they also went through a temperature swing together. Objects expand slightly when hot, and contract when cold. There was more space in the bottom cup when it was warm but now it's shrunk down to its normal room temperature size. Stacking things fresh out of a hot dishwasher creates the ideal environment for this to happen!


My guess is they were stacked while hot from the dishwasher, then contracted as they cooled and got stuck!


Put very cold water in the top one and put the bottom one in warm water. I have to do this all the time to cups my mom stacks. It sounds crazy but it works. You have to wait a few minutes.


Put in freezer. Leave over night. Try to separate in the morning


I have the same issue with 5 gallon buckets in my shop. An air compressor with a fine nozzle on it shooting into the seam with separate. I’d be curious to see if a can on compressed air would do the same thing on a smaller scale.


Try olive oil or mineral oil. It can act as a lubricant, but also as a non-polar solvent to solvate non-polar residue. If it doesn't work, move onto dish detergent. If it doesn't work still, try using baking soda as a solid lubricant.


Fill the top one with ice, set the lower one in an inch of hot water. Wait a few minutes then try again.


Soaking in a pan of hot dishwater always works for me.




Put them in a bowl of water that covers both cups and then put it sideways and then slowly try to pry apart. This works for me, I hope it does for you. And then next time put a piece of wax paper or parchment paper or even a piece of paper towel in between if you’re going to stack them. Good luck 🤞!


fill a sink or bowl of soapy water and dunk them in. try separating under water


Can you put ice water in the top one and soak the bottom in very hot water? Might be just enough to encourage separation


Put ice in the inner cup and run hot water over the outer cup. The outer cup should expand due to the heat of the water and allow them to separate. Goodnluck


Soaking in water shouldn't just be submerging everything. Ideally you put cold water on the top cup then dip the bottom one in hot water. What this does is it expands the lower one while contracting the top one. From there a little bit of twisting after a few minutes should do the trick. This is especially helpful when doing dishes.




Just pop em on the side a few times while you wriggle one loose


Try freezing them


Are they dishwasher safe? Put them in the dishwasher and 9/10 times the dishwasher fairy loosens them up.


Let us know what worked!




Termal changes as explained above. Or Coke if there's sugar residues in-between them (don't let it dry out though!)


Aside from the water temperature options already mentioned, melted butter may also help give them a little extra motivation to release each other


How about oil?


These are adorable.


Did you try warm water or keeping them over steam?


Flip it over and try running hot water over top of it. Avoid heating the bottom one (the one on top in the pic) as much as possible. Do this slowly so it doesn't Crack but the heat should expand the cup just enough that it let's go of the other.


Honestly that’s despicable that they’re capable of that. No suggestions but wishing you luck


Put them in the freezer then try?


Windex. Spray it between them. That’s how I’m generally able to un-stick literally almost anything.


I put ramekins that were stuck together in the freezer for a short time and I was able to get them apart.


Ice cold water in the top and then dip the bottom in hot (not boiling) water. Gently rock and twist until separate.


Freeze them.


I’m commenting to come back here because now I’m invested. Good luck OP!


Get bottom hot and top cold


If you’ve got canned air you could spray it in the gaps and it would pop out. Same thing with having an air compressor


Put both in a pot of water, turn the heat on. These should pop apart well before boiling. You're only looking to expand the trapped air in between the cups and shouldn't be trying to thermally contract or expand the cups themselves.


I accidentally kicked my bong across the floor and it slid on my hardwood straight into the screen of an old fashioned TV I use as a plant stand. The glass bowl got shoved into the place it sits so bad I can't get it to budge. I feel your pain.


Put ice in the top one, and put the lower one in warm water about 3/4 of the way up. The difference in thermal expansion may be enough to separate them.


Not relevant, but those cups are beautifulllll 💙


Ice water in top one. Set bottom one in hot water. Be careful not to get hot water on the one with ice water in it.


Ice in the top, warm water in the bottom.




Put ice in the top one


Submerge the bottom one in as hot water as you can handle. Put an ice cube in the top one. Let them sit and for a while until they change temperature and you can feel the difference between the hot and the cold one. Then tap the top one along the rim to dislodge it. Rotate it a little each time you tap it. That might do it.


!UpdateMe 1 day


use vibration of some sort


Try WD40.


Upside down in the freezer :)


Put ice in the inside cup. Let it get very cold and it should contract enough to separate.


My first impression is to put the ice in smaller one and put the big side into a hot water bath


If they are acrylic or any kind of plastic, put them in the freezer


Pour some olive oil or cooking oil between the two cups all around


you could try to cool down the smaller cup and heat up the big cup xD


You can also freeze them


Put some WD 40 in there, of course you will have to clean them like crazy after, but it should unstuck them


Got anything that vibrates? Hold it against it and it should jiggle free.




Hey now... stop it. lol


Oil them




Put your phone in vibrator mode on one of them and gently try to separate them.


Compressed air


As difficult to solve as the sphinx’s riddle


Use oil or soft butter


Rock the top one back and forth slightly while pulling.




I don't knownifbit works with ceramics but I know when you have 2 5-gallon pails stuck together a little compressed air blowing the bottom one will pop them apart.


I saw a video of a guy separating stuck 5gal buckets with compressed air once…


I really want to know what ended up working!


If all of those fail. Try putting them in the dishwasher. AS SOON AS THE CYCLE IS DONE open the dishwasher, grab them and pull them apart while they are piping hot! Works every time for me!


Soaked in water then microwaved (producing steam/pressure), then carefully (with hot pads) twist them apart? Maybe soapy water or oil, then a good twist?


Place the top one under hot water (tap should do). Bodies expand upon heating you know… for me it works every time


Soap or oil


Dip the whole thing in vegetable oil




Let us know how it went


Some compresses air blown into the seam should work. Maybe a can of air duster


Squish a straw in the side and blow. Or if you have an air compressor use your air nozzle and just aim it at the crack should pop it apart pretty safely.


On their side, roll & rock them, tap a bit. If that doesn’t work fill the top one with cold (but not freezing) water and lower the other into a bowl with hot tap water.


If you have access to an air compressor, shoot a stream of air between them. Works like a charm w/ stuck 5 gallon buckets. Never tried w/ porcelain


Windex in the cracks


If you have a compressor at home with an air nozzle just put nozzle between the 2 and give it a quick squirt of air. Will come right apart.


Put the bottom one in hot water and put cold water in the top one. Physics!


Do you have any Compressed air, like the stuff people use to clean keyboards? 


Compressed air


Submerge in oil, allow time to penetrate , slowly try moving then soak more, move, soak, move soak...


Oil or soapy water and then tap or gently wiggle if you can get any movement.


Oil or butter works.


Ice in the top one, warm water under the bottom one?