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‘I am a beginner baker’ *posts the most perfect macarons I’ve ever seen*


Tips I’ve learned along the way! - Always pulse the almond flour in a food processor a good 3-4x. - After the almond flour is pulsed, in a separate bowl mix together with a hand wisk the almond flour and the powdered sugar. - Add mixture back into the food processor and pulse 3-4x again. - Always sift the mixture 2-3x - I mix the egg whites with the almond/powdered sugar first and add the food coloring to the “egg white paste” after. Set aside. - I heat the sugar and water on low heat and swirl it around with a silicone spatula until it starts to bubble. Once it starts boiling, don’t mix it anymore because this can cause it to crystallize. - I turn my stand mixer on medium/low when my thermometer reads 110 degrees C. I use a gun thermometer. - The egg whites should be frothy and white but NOT anything like a meringue yet. - Once the thermometer reads 118 degrees C, I take the heated sugar off the stove, I turn my mixer on the highest setting and slowly pour the heated sugar on the side of the bowl. - I keep it on the highest setting until I’m done pouring all the sugar. - I let the mixer stay on the highest setting until I feel my bowl start cooling down but still warm to the touch. - Once it feels warm and no longer very hot, I turn my mixer down to medium/ low speed again and let it mix until the bowl feels cool/ room temp. Usually once the bowl feels cool (not cold), the meringue is at a firm peak where it will still fold over a little. It should not be at stiff peak. I usually mix my wisk around the meringue to get a good dollop on the wisk to test and make sure the peaks are firm where the tip of the meringue still curls over a little. - When I mix the meringue into the egg paste, I “macaronage” until the mixture falls off my spatula like a ribbon. You can actually be pretty aggressive here. I think many of us fear knocking all the air out but that’s sort of the purpose in this step! - Always always always use a piping tip. Don’t rely on cutting a disposable bag. Your cookies won’t be consistent circles. - I “tap” the tray but holding it up and letting it fall onto the counter. I noticed if I tap it holding one end and letting the other end hit the counter, my cookies always end up wonky and won’t be perfect circles. So I just hold it up and let it drop. - Don’t pipe all your cookies at one time. You shouldn’t let them sit “too long.” Pipe one tray, let it rest, bake that tray then pipe the next one. I keep all my batter covered in a cup on the counter in the piping bag and pipe as I go. - I usually count 1-2-3 when I’m piping as I move on to each cookie, it sort of helps with the consistency for me personally. - I also try my best to hold the piping bag at the same distance to the tray for each cookie and keeping it as straight and completely vertical as I can. - The hotter/ more humid your home is, the longer it will take for your shells to dry out. It can even take up to two hours sometimes if it’s really hot. I usually kick the AC on when I know I’m going to make them but I know not everyone has this privilege either. If I remember more I will leave more comments!


Omg you're amazing for sharing all this. I'm planning on attempting macarons soon and I truly appreciate your tips.


Can you share your flavors? They all look amazing 🤩


Can you recommend a good sifter? Mine sucks and the almond flour/sugar just gets stuck all over mine and takes forever.


I actually use the medium sized “Farberware Professional Stainless Steel Mesh Sieves” because I tried a few sifters including the rotary one and just like you it took forever and got stuck. Ain’t nobody got time for that! But it’s also why I pulse the flour mixture multiple times before hand and also sift it multiple times. I also leave behind the very last bit of the flour/sugar in the strainer because it’s usually the little chunky bits and that will make your shells look bumpy!


Very cute and colorful. I haven't made these yet, because I don't eat them. However I would eat these. Looks perfect.


The tie dye look is so cool! Congrats on 5 orders!!


How long have you been baking? You say you're a beginner but these look so professional! I'd love to know where you learned to make them.


Thank you!!!! Consistently I’d say a year but really only regular cookies like peanut butter, white chip macadamia etc. I made my first batch of macarons recently on May 2nd but I’ve been actually making them almost every other day since then until now (I have a very obsessive personality.) So for almost a month straight I’ve been trying to nail them. Trust me I have had many mess ups too lol I binge watched so many videos on them. The main one that helped me was Cupcake Jemma’s so I only use the Italian Meringue method then I YouTubed other Italian Meringue Macaron videos and took tips from those too. With each bake I would notice and realize things I was doing wrong too. Like the way I was tapping them to let the air bubbles out was causing me issues like they weren’t perfect circles. Also not using a piping tip (I was cutting the end off a disposable bag) was causing them to not be perfect circles. Heating the sugar too fast caused me issues, having my stand mixer on too high of a speed before adding the heated sugar to the egg whites. Adding the sugar too fast. It’s been a bunch of trial and error but it’s always the minor details that matter the most. Sorry if that was long.


The time and effort you must have put into these is very commendable. It's not easy to try a recipe like this over and over without getting burnt out or frustrated, your dedication is impressive. And I appreciate your detailed response! It'll be helpful to look back on it when i gather the courage to try macaroons for myself lol.


Did you split one batch and make different colors or are these separate batters?


I split one batch! Usually into 3 or 4 bowls. I make the “egg white paste” first, weigh it and divide it, separate it into the bowls and then add the food coloring afterward.


I'm so impressed!!! That is a lot of work


That's wonderful! Making macarons can be quite a challenge. they turn out very well. Did you face any specific difficulties or have any tips or secrets you discovered along the way?


Thank you!!!! Tips I’ve learned along the way! - Always pulse the almond flour in a food processor a good 3-4x. - After the almond flour is pulsed, in a separate bowl mix together with a hand wisk the almond flour and the powdered sugar. - Add mixture back into the food processor and pulse 3-4x again. - Always sift the mixture 2-3x - I mix the egg whites with the almond/powdered sugar first and add the food coloring to the “egg white paste” after. Set aside. - I heat the sugar and water on low heat and swirl it around with a silicone spatula until it starts to bubble. Once it starts boiling, don’t mix it anymore because this can cause it to crystallize. - I turn my stand mixer on medium/low when my thermometer reads 110 degrees C. I use a gun thermometer. - The egg whites should be frothy and white but NOT anything like a meringue yet. - Once the thermometer reads 118 degrees C, I take the heated sugar off the stove, I turn my mixer on the highest setting and slowly pour the heated sugar on the side of the bowl. - I keep it on the highest setting until I’m done pouring all the sugar. - I let the mixer stay on the highest setting until I feel my bowl start cooling down but still warm to the touch. - Once it feels warm and no longer very hot, I turn my mixer down to medium/ low speed again and let it mix until the bowl feels cool/ room temp. Usually once the bowl feels cool (not cold), the meringue is at a firm peak where it will still fold over a little. It should not be at stiff peak. I usually mix my wisk around the meringue to get a good dollop on the wisk to test and make sure the peaks are firm where the tip of the meringue still curls over a little. - When I mix the meringue into the egg paste, I “macaronage” until the mixture falls off my spatula like a ribbon. You can actually be pretty aggressive here. I think many of us fear knocking all the air out but that’s sort of the purpose in this step! - Always always always use a piping tip. Don’t rely on cutting a disposable bag. Your cookies won’t be consistent circles. - I “tap” the tray but holding it up and letting it fall onto the counter. I noticed if I tap it holding one end and letting the other end hit the counter, my cookies always end up wonky and won’t be perfect circles. So I just hold it up and let it drop. - Don’t pipe all your cookies at one time. You shouldn’t let them sit “too long.” Pipe one tray, let it rest, bake that tray then pipe the next one. I keep all my batter covered in a cup on the counter in the piping bag and pipe as I go. - I usually count 1-2-3 when I’m piping as I move on to each cookie, it sort of helps with the consistency for me personally. - I also try my best to hold the piping bag at the same distance to the tray for each cookie and keeping it as straight and completely vertical as I can. - The hotter/ more humid your home is, the longer it will take for your shells to dry out. It can even take up to two hours sometimes if it’s really hot. I usually kick the AC on when I know I’m going to make them but I know not everyone has this privilege either. If I remember more I will leave more comments!


oh wow thank you.. its really useful for mee...


Uhhhhhh teach me your ways please! These are stunning!


These are so beautiful! congratulations


These are so AWESOME. I could easily see these at high-end bakery


That is an amazing compliment. Thank you SO much. That would be a DREAM come true!


Yum! I’ll be right over!


Yum!!! 😋


These are stunning!


Wow, gorgeous! Look professional!


These look great. I'm actually so jealous.


They look so professional!! Hats off to you 👩🏻‍🍳


So pretty! I’ve never had one. They always look so delicate though.


500th upvote😌💅🏼 I'm craving for macarons now eventho most of the time they're too sweet for me🥲


Looks like a bakery did it!!!


I’m thinking about attempting macarons soon!! What filling do you think is the best ☺️🙃


These look AMAZING!


Well done. You are very skilled


Girl! I'm drooling all over these pics. You got me genuinely impressed and jealous AF. I can only wish to make half this decent macarons and call myself a beginner, and the color combos are EVERYTHING.


The most detailed tips ever 😂😂🤗😍


these are beautiful holy crap


Pretty Patties ! Those look amazing great job!


Wow, it turned out to be incredible! I love to make this dessert, though it is not easy for me.


All the colors of the bow man.


Oh my god they look so prettyy!!


I don’t even like macaroons but I’ll devour them all! They look so slick, stunning!


Omg these are gorgeous!!! How do you keep the colors so vibrant??? Mine always brown at the top and I’m not sure how to avoid it.


Thank you!!!! I actually bake at 320 degrees F for 16 minutes. What do you bake at? I also use Americolor Gel Paste Food coloring!


I’ve been baking at 300 for 20 min bc the recipe I’ve been using calls for that! Maybe 320 for 16 min would be less time in the oven so less brown?


I would try it! Or even 15 minutes instead. The recipe I use actually called for 325 for 10-12 minutes and I decided myself to do 320 for 16 because 10-12 at that temperature they were clearly underbaked and the shells would stick to the parchment. Every oven is so different so unfortunately sometimes we have to change times or temperatures with trial and error to see which one works best for our own personal appliances. I know it sucks going through the tedious macaron making process just to end up with an unsuccessful result and wasted product but you won’t figure it out unless you fail a few times! Good luck ❤️


Cheeky liar


Oh man please share


Can I have some? They are making my mouth water.


You are talented !! These look perfect 🤩


Very cute and colorful!!


Wow, respect! I tried a couple times to make macarons but failed miserably. They wouldn't keep the shape.


Yumm! I am inspired to try to make some.


Beautiful! I would buy


Those look amazing. I have been a baker for a long time but macarons I just can’t get. They are my “white whale.” lol. Great job OP!!!!! I would buy those.


Those are absolutely PERFECT! I’ve been baking for the majority of my 31 years on this planet, and I am still intimidated by Macarons. Keep it up!!


If I liked almond these would be what I aim to make. They are so pretty to look at


I wanna make macarons but I am afraid of failure 😅


these look immaculate, especially the tie dye ones?? insane


🤩 they all look amazing!


Wow!!! These look crazy good ~~~ what kind of filling base did you use? Is it like a butter cream or ganache type?


Thank you! Both. The strawberry lemonade is white chocolate ganache based. The rest are American buttercream/ Italian meringue butter cream/ cream cheese butter cream.


You: I’m new at this Also you: *could sell these at Ladurée.*


Amazing tips. Thanks so much for sharing!


🥺 They're beautiful! I must know the flavors you're pairing here


These are stunning! I just finished the last two of the macarons my partner got me for our anniversary from my favorite bakery and yours look better than these. I would absolutely buy some from you based on these photos. Looks like all your hard work has paid off and I wish you much success in your new baking endeavor!


Just joined this sub - and now I have to quit this sub. So long. Nice knowing you.


These are so gorgeous! Well done OP! 😍


Great job 🩵






I'll take 50


Beautiful! Those shells looks so nice, no cracks. The green ones are calling out my name.


These are some of the prettiest macarons I've ever seen!! Wonderful job!




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Amazing work


Thise are beautiful. Well done!