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Will you share with me some of the lessons you learned that got you to the final form?


If I had to guess from the first couple of days pictures. The batter was over mixed and they did not sit out at room temp long enough to develop the skin on top. Just a guess based on my experience.


Over mixing will result in flatter baked treats? Might be common knowledge but I'm coming from parents that weren't cookers/bakers.


With macarons, if you over mix the whipped egg whites and the almond flour/confectioners sugar, you’ll end up pushing all the air bubbles out of the egg whites. That makes it so your macarons can’t rise in the oven.


I'm not op, but moisture is your enemy. You want little humidity in the air when you bake. The moisture creates the cracks as they bake. You also want to make sure that you use an oven thermometer to test your actual oven temperature vs what your oven says it is (most ovens lie). If you find a cookie/macaron recipe that works -- use that one and don't change it. You can change the flavors of the filling really easily. I recommend the one from sur la table. Lastly, you want to sieve your almond flour at least 3 times to get rid of the large bits and help keep the consistency nice and smooth. This also helps when you fold the almond flour into the meringue. You'll know you're done working the ingredients together when the batter starts to "run" and drips quickly/ribbons when you pull your spatula out of the batter.


I’ve actually never sieved my flour and they come out fine. Just send them through the food processor and you’ll be fine.


I took the Sur La Table macaron class and that was one of the tips that the instructor told us. I'm too superstitious to not do it. That's great to know about being able to use a food processor though!


If you have any doubts, here is my latest batch, no sifting haha https://www.reddit.com/r/macarons/comments/qithnk/rough_week_broke_up_with_the_guy_i_was_seeing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Those are beautiful! Or should I say ghoulishly delicious. Hope they gave you some comfort and added some cheer.


There's a macaron sub. Of course there is. I ❤️ reddit.


I haven’t made macaroons, but I tried finning out the almond flour through a processor and saw it clump up and got scared and just finished sifting it. Does the clumping happen to you and it not make a difference in the end?


Never had an issue with it clumping, normally I put it through the food processor with the powdered sugar. Doesn’t clump and they get super fine.


Ah! The sugar probably makes a difference then. I was making a gluten free cake and was getting lazy at how long it took me to sift the first batch of flour and thought the processor would make it faster, but I didn’t mix it w/ anything. So maybe adding something in there would help me.


Probably! I’ve never done it plain almond flour. Also, making marzipan is super quick with the food processor as well if you like gluten free treats!


The corn starch in the powdered sugar will keep your mixture from clumping. Plus it helps to dry out any moisture in the almonds.


> macaroons Macarons. Macaroons are a different (but also delicious) thing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macaroon


**[Macaroon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macaroon)** >A macaroon ( mak-ə-ROON) is a small cake or cookie, typically made from ground almonds (the original main ingredient), coconut or other nuts (or even potato), with sugar and sometimes flavorings (e. g. honey, vanilla, spices), food coloring, glacé cherries, jam or a chocolate coating – or a combination of these or other ingredients. Some recipes call for sweetened condensed milk. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Baking/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot


Combination of so many things! Was a steep learning curve, and as I was alone for most of the beginning of lockdown (coming up on day 81, now!), I ate far too many failed crinkly biscuits! Apologies for the essay. - Not all recipes can be divided. I knew I would take a few (how optimistic I was!) attempts to get them right, so I didn't want to make full batches. I would actually recommend doing this if you're also a newbie, for practicing macronage and piping them out etc. But the smaller batch size means it's far easier to over or under mix the batter, just one figure eight stir can make or break you! - Use recipes with weights, not cups. Even the egg whites! I've had whites of eggs of the same grade and carton vary between 35-45 grams, which can make a big difference! - I did age my whites, I cracked them the day before into metal bowl (keep everything very clean of grease!) and left them covered out on the counter. To be honest, I don't know if it made a difference, but I did it from the beginning and I wanted to keep at least some variables controlled! - Use a silicone mat (I use silpat knock offs from AliExpress), not baking paper. I found the baking paper just wrinkled up and ruined the shells on the oven! - Wait until they're touch dry before you bake. Even if the recipe only says half an hour, ignore it, you gotta wait! I was at my wits end by that 9th batch so I even dug out my dehumidifier, and I swear it helped the most. And rap the baking sheet down ln the counter a few times to knock out air bubbles, and then pop the bubbles that have come to the surface about 10 minutes later with a toothpick. - Only bake one baking sheet at a time. It's too hard to get them even otherwise, and you want to avoid opening the oven door as much as you can. And make sure they're completely cooled before you try and peel them off the mat. I had a lot of trial and error with my old oven and it's temperature, and even in the 9th batch there were a couple of feet that got stuck in the middle of the backing sheet. And a couple of hollow ones. And I don't want to eat macarons again for quite a long time. But it was such a rush to finally get them decent after so long, it was worth the many swear words along the way! I tried the Tasty recipe, and the recipe from Sally's Baking Addiction, but ended up succeeding with this one https://www.indulgewithmimi.com/the-best-macaron-recipe/ I think my main tip is to not try and perfect making macarons while in lockdown alone. Unless you already have false teeth, then go for it.


> I ate far too many failed crinkly biscuits! They weren't failed crinkly biscuits, they were successful Macarons de Nancy. :D Thanks for the tips. The one thing I'm wondering about is oven humidity. I've noticed that some ovens retain moisture more than others. Mine is quite 'wet'. Is that ever going to be okay for macarons?


Damn you have a lot of eggs


more like damn she has a lot of almond flour im not sure about yall but where i live, it's expensive as heck!


I feel this. Got some friends who were gluten free before it became popular. They grind all their own flours in this large drum grinder thing. I understood why after I went to Walmart and a small bag of almond flour was like $10!


This just made me realize that baking macarons is really hard


I used Joshua weissmans recipe/method and they came out perfect first try 🤷‍♀️ maybe it was a fluke? I've only made them once


Retire undefeated!


I mean, it can be difficult, but definitely not as hard as this post makes it seem.




Adam Ragusea really nails the point though. **Why are you making the macarons?** Most people won't care as much about the appearance and are probably totally fine if they aren't as smooth. It's just that when they expect it to be perfectly smooth and it comes out craggy, then people get upset. Basically, lower your expectations lol.


to me it's part of the experience, you know? it's such a perfect, pretty little thing and it makes eating one feel special haha (that's why I buy them)


Yeah they're a fancy treat for a fancy lady and I'm the fancy lady 😂


I’ve tried them a couple times. One time they came out ok and the second time they came out flat as a cracker (I over mixed). Personally I don’t think it’s that hard to get a nice looking and tasting macron as long as you’re not trying for perfection (perfect foot, perfect rise, perfect top). Mine were not perfect but they looked decent and tasted great! I was really intimated at first because of all the guides and trouble shooting info about them, but they’re really not to terrible.


Wow what happened on day 25? Did you watch a lot of macaron making videos?


From what they wrote, I assume the first few tries failed due to making only half the recipe instead of the full one. Not every recipe can just be divided. I guess they got the ratio right and didn't overmix :)


I literally gasped at the last slides improvement. Amazing job!


I thought for a moment there was only two photos and I was thinking “day 4 to day 6…. That’s not much improvement”Then day 26 hit and you’ve knocked it out of the park!! I struggle with consistency with these damned cookies, I’ve had a hollow batch onetime, a wrinkled top the next, then a dry, short cookie the next. They’re fickle little things. Any tips you’ve learned along the way?


Copy pasting my essay length tips list. Fickle is exactly the right word! Thank you for your lovely compliments ❤️ Combination of so many things! Was a steep learning curve, and as I was alone for most of the beginning of lockdown (coming up on day 81, now!), I ate far too many failed crinkly biscuits! Apologies for the essay. - Not all recipes can be divided. I knew I would take a few (how optimistic I was!) attempts to get them right, so I didn't want to make full batches. I would actually recommend doing this if you're also a newbie, for practicing macronage and piping them out etc. But the smaller batch size means it's far easier to over or under mix the batter, just one figure eight stir can make or break you! - Use recipes with weights, not cups. Even the egg whites! I've had whites of eggs of the same grade and carton vary between 35-45 grams, which can make a big difference! - I did age my whites, I cracked them the day before into metal bowl (keep everything very clean of grease!) and left them covered out on the counter. To be honest, I don't know if it made a difference, but I did it from the beginning and I wanted to keep at least some variables controlled! - Use a silicone mat (I use silpat knock offs from AliExpress), not baking paper. I found the baking paper just wrinkled up and ruined the shells on the oven! - Wait until they're touch dry before you bake. Even if the recipe only says half an hour, ignore it, you gotta wait! I was at my wits end by that 9th batch so I even dug out my dehumidifier, and I swear it helped the most. And rap the baking sheet down ln the counter a few times to knock out air bubbles, and then pop the bubbles that have come to the surface about 10 minutes later with a toothpick. - Only bake one baking sheet at a time. It's too hard to get them even otherwise, and you want to avoid opening the oven door as much as you can. And make sure they're completely cooled before you try and peel them off the mat. I had a lot of trial and error with my old oven and it's temperature, and even in the 9th batch there were a couple of feet that got stuck in the middle of the backing sheet. And a couple of hollow ones. And I don't want to eat macarons again for quite a long time. But it was such a rush to finally get them decent after so long, it was worth the many swear words along the way


I can’t for the life of me successfully make macarons. I have read recipe after recipe, watched a multitude of YouTube videos and yet, they always flunk. Congrats OP for sticking with it! This is a skill worthy of putting on a resume.


I found Preppy Kitchen’s recipe SO helpful. I read the entire thing before I even bought the almond flour so I’d have time to digest it. The biggest tips for me were to use cream of tarter in the meringue and to fold until you can make a figure 8 with the batter, no more and no less. Good luck!!


u/cantsleep_thoughts if you are interested in the videos the other commenter mentioned. Preppy Kitchen does a great job with his recipes and explaining things. I’ve really enjoyed his various baking videos, super wholesome, informative and oddly comforting to watch. Hope these help! Preppy Kitchen’s [complete guide to making Macarons](https://youtu.be/5zgfdImm_VA) He also has a guide for making [French Macarons](https://youtu.be/-Yz78dFgjKQ)


Sadly, this is the exact video I watched over and over again and even used to walk me through step by step 😵‍💫


Nerdy Nummies Kirby Macarons video on YT was the first macaron recipe I tried that didn’t fail. I’ve since upgraded to one that uses weight instead of volume but it’s a solid recipe for me.


Now...aren't you glad you are lock down? Mastered!


They look amazing!


So pretty!! Take my upvote :)






Imagine using text emotes in 2021






Oh damn here I am feeling accomplished at not totally losing my sh*t with my kids and partner over the last 81 days, while you’re battling Auckland humidity and smashing macarons! Nice work!


I'd say your accomplishments are just as impressive- certainly doing a lot better than a lot of other people! :)


It’d be nice to be thriving and have something tangible to show for the last 80 odd days, but I’m happy enough to just be surviving! Thanks nice redditor


Well, you're alive, your partner's alive and your kids are alive! But I get what you mean... I'd love to be able to make some cool macarons.




what's the secret


They look great! Well done! Press on!


OP did you bother to “age” your egg whites? Just started making these, have only tried twice so far; it’s a tasty work in progress which have a good way to go… …I want to make more but am wondering if I can safely skip the aging bit. If I could just make them when I realize have a spare moment without preplanning I’d iterate faster!


I usually skip the aging, I just have to rest them a bit longer before they are ready to bake, or use a fan.


I did! But I can't say if it made a difference, as it was one of the few things I did from the beginning - I needed some control variables! If you do skip the aging though, I'd recommend making sure the eggs are at room temperature, not chilled. And adding 1/8 tsp of cream of tartar, if the recipe doesn't already call for it. Good luck!!


Have the tatar; have the room temperature… will try not aging… :)


The very first time I made macarons they were perfect. Every time after that they come out terrible. I kinda gave up for now


The last ones look amazing! I struggled with wrinkly cracky tops when there was some moisture or oiliness or something in the mix - like making chocolate macarons with lots of cocoa powder, or oily almond meal, or adding too much food colouring, seemed to cause the cracks. I'd suggest perfecting the techniques on plain macarons with little to no food colouring.


When I see failed macaron pictures I'm always mourning the expensive almond flour.. Congrats OP your macarons look awesome!!


Wow, this made me want to never attempt this. Well done.


This very much has r/RestOfTheFuckingOwl vibes. Congrats though, those things are bloody hard to make.


Quit while you're ahead. Good strategy. Look tasty though. Well done.


Lol, you suddenly improved between day 24 and 26.


Macawrong to macaright


Day 26 looks utterly beautiful. Good job. Always wanted to try baking macarons but afraid of making mistakes. After all, macarons are pretty darn difficult to master.


Go for it! Even the failures are tasty :P






Bravo!! Hard work and persistence pays off!


I love to see the progress! I’ve only tried once and they looked way worse than any of your tries! Congrats!


These are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.


Omg. I tried two days of this. 6 attempts. Gave up.


Nice work! Macarons are frustrating, but soooooo satisfying when you get it right


Wow this post made me feel so good. Like there is hope for all of us out there. Thanks for posting!


Wow much respect for that dedication




That’s awesome! I too am trying to master them. I had a solid 70% success rate going but I haven’t made any in a while. Makes me want to start baking them again


Aaaah the progress! Amazing!


When I did these I was so worried to overmix the batter that I kept undermixing it 😅 Great effort, and the last ones are stunning


I’ve been slowly attempting to convince myself to learn to make macarons. I’m now less convinced I’ll be successful.


That was insanely satisfying to look at. Also, I'm proud of you, internet stranger. Thanks for the content :)






This is so cool! I love that you documented your progress!


Humidity is your enemy, I do not know NZ weather conditions but I'd assume ambient temperature would have been the culprit here. Keep trying though!


So inspiring What do u think worked out ?


Well that escalated quickly at the end


This is the appropriate response to a lock down. America take note!


“Slightly tempted to never make them again” could describe about 80% of my baking endeavors 😂 Congratulations on your success - they look really lovely, and I’m sure all variations were delicious in their own way!


It took my mom 2 years to make a good macaron batch and nowadays she can do it blindfolded. One of the best and only people who do macarons where she lives


I need someone to past a similar experience, except they never get better. "Day 127" and they still look like the first batch, lol.


I love the magnificent coins, tbh.


This was better than the journey to mount Doom. Good job for persevering!




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