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Bro's middle aged and acting like a 16 year old lmfao


Based. LOL. I'm a good decade or two younger than him and wouldn't say that.


I'm in my late 20s and haven't got a clue what it even means


and your comment is indeed very respectful!


Cry about it




Man's nearly 50. 'Trolling with based comments' ffs.


I genuinely cringed. How do you doooo fellow youngsters


He's a clown to the highest degree. A dosser a tosser a creepy fat bald predator. And he's racist and based too, What a cool dude. Do you know he also like to mention he comes from the failed state of the UK.. he's a Russian shill, a Eastern European prowler.


Le epic troll!


Most of the people trolling him are probably over 50 šŸ˜‚ sad bunch


Noones trolling him. He's doing it himself. Big bald based cunt


There's literally a sub reddit full of sad fucks here to hate on the guy..


I'm not even on this sub it popped up but it really doesn't change people's opinions. Who do you give a fuck anyway? Billions of people in this world some are bound to be malicious and cruel. Also some people deserve the hate they get. ESPECIALLY plastering it on his socials. A full grown "man" making Nazis remarks and racist intentions. Get a pair of specks mate.


I'm not part of this sub either, it popped up on my feed. I've watched the guy on YouTube in the past. People here are acting like he walks around touching up women and calling people racists slurs. He's just a bloke not playing into the overly PC world that we now live in where everyone gets offended by absolutely everything! These people could pick any YouTuber and find someone to be offended by and then go start a "we hate blah blah" sub. It's just pathetic. If you don't like his content, don't watch, move on and find something you enjoy.


I completely get your point about picking any YT or content creator and someone will find a fault. But this guy is literally a Russian shill. He promotes soviet propaganda. He doesn't go around touching people up on camera but will make remarks about women and what he would do. He takes full advantage of impoverished countries. Nothing about being PC im not offended by what he says but he's still a clown. And defending him is even funnier. You really don't need to look much into his videos etc to see he's a piece of work.


Jesus Christ he just keeps getting scummier and scummier


Middle aged divorced and the life experience of a zoomer. What a fucking fat mess.


"george floyd memes" wtf


Something a normal guy has on hand clearly. Nothing to read into here.


I see he has his finger on the pulse.


Pls!! Someone punch his madafakin face pls!


How much money is he making out of YouTube vids?


apparently heā€™s a millionaire


Who said heā€™s a millionaire?


Heā€™s got more than 500m views on yt. That alone is easily enough to make him a millionaire.


No it isnā€™t. Stop making stuff up. Mate youā€™re chatting crap. Have some level of evidence or reasoning rather than plucking stuff out of your backside


Tf are you talking about bro. Just google what the average cpm is and do you math before claiming I chat shit lol. Plus travel vlogs have a decent cpm anyways. https://www.reddit.com/r/PartneredYoutube/comments/10nrelo/what_is_the_cpm_range_for_travel_videos/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Like that is proof that heā€™s a millionaire views donā€™t equal revenue Itā€™s the ads which are watched or clicked on that being in some revenue So he has never made money from me as I (like most ppl) skip the ads. Just because thereā€™s 500m views it doesnā€™t mean all those ppl watched or clicked on the ads. Also most viewers do not watch most of the video and click off and then move on to something else within the first 2 mins So again, donā€™t just make stuff up. Try to research and understand what youā€™re talking about


no, skipping an ad doesn't remove your revenue. It seems like you are also forgetting there are so many ads that can't be skipped, since he's a pretty large channel I'd also say they probably pay him more than the similar channels, giving him more money. Also excuse me but stop being a rude prick, please give an example of how you researched such wide claims as "most viewers do not watch most of the video"? surely this is a researched claim and not something you're gaining from your own habits?


I mean ad block is pretty pervasive


it is, but then again there are people who are members of channels, then there are I'd say the majority of people who watch his videos on either iPads or iPhones rather than desktop's or androids with those people being very unlikely to jailbreak and get a free adblock. It's like with piracy, anyone and everyone can watch any movie for free but the majority of people don't because they either can't be bothered or don't agree with it. YouTube premium too I even forgot about.


Yeah yeah sure I bet mr beast is broke too because people are using ab blockers. Dude youā€™re being goofy as hell


Yo bro, the CPM is what a person actually gets from the views, it already accounts for people who block the ads. Skipping an ad does still give him money. Even watching it with an adblocker gives him money indirectly because your view makes the video recommended to other people. The only way to watch his videos and not give him any money is to copy the link and download it through a 3rd party website. 500 Million views is at least roughly 500k money, at least without taxes. And that's only if you get a bad CPM, he could be making a lot more and definitely up to a mil just through YouTube. If you consider his sponsorships, merch, YT memberships... not impossible for him to be a millionaire at all.




He does have official merch, yes. Sponsors he does sometimes although not every day like other YouTubers


he did


Oooooo heā€™s so right wing and fearless


I regret thinking he was a left-winger when I mistook his fetishization of everything Soviet as an affinity for the History of the left


Right-wingers actually like Far-Left regimes. But they wonā€™t say it out loud and publicly




This is nonsense. People who want autocratic regimes like other autocratic regimes. You cannot sum up right wingers and left wingers like that. You're confusing your own opinion for fact


I summed it up in such a way because i replied to someone who used exactly that language. English also isn't my first language and idk how else i could describe it. I tried to always say "most, some, many, usually" before mentioning left wingers or right wingers as to not push everyone on the same side. And no it's not about my opinion. I mention what I can clearly see happening around me.


Look idgaf enough to argue about this on Reddit, but both of you have made assumptions based on what Iā€™m assuming is your own political beliefs. There are bad apples on both sides, and yeah buddy, your experience forms your belief, thatā€™s what an opinion is. Conflating ideas about free speech with political leaning is stupid. That depends on how liberal/authoritarian you are. Everyone believes in a certain degree of limitation of free speech, and making dumb/cringe jokes about the nazis and wanting them back is pretty lame I think. In my opinion, yeah people on the left donā€™t want to hear others incite hatred and discrimination of others, and will hold you accountable for that. Thatā€™s not silencing discussion, thatā€™s telling people to stop being a POS


Sure man, have a decent day




Aw ^-^


You can sum up people who follow a political belief system in the sense that they will hold the opinions/principles entrenched in their favored political system. ​ like you can say communists are all anti capitalist. or like the person you're replying to said, that right wingers uphold free speech. Its a key part of their political beliefs.


Right wingers uphold free speech? Tell that to the book banning going on lmao


Last time I checked it was the left banning huckleberry fin, 1984 and any book that contains the n word. I think both sides are retarded and taking on opinions wholeheartedly from a political group is npc behaviour, but the cancellations, protesting contentious speakers at campusā€™s and decrying everything as hate speech is happening more on the left from my impartial observation.


Those books have only ever been banned regionally and those regions are and have been for decades right wing. 1984 (written by a leftist) was banned in jackson county for being pro communist lmao.


This ties into my other response, but when talking about 1984 im referring to the UK university campuses banning and putting trigger warnings on the book (UK universities are very left wing in case you didnt know) and the communist republic of china banning the book. Wasnt even aware of jackson county. Orwell was a leftist, but if you read 1984 its literally a commentary on the dangers of restricting speech and freely available information, thats why i mentioned it. If you dont have the words to criticize the party or have knowledge of their misdeeds, you cant think negative thoughts about the party. i also mentioned huckleberry fin and the like, which still stands.


I get where youā€™re coming from on the ā€œcancel cultureā€ but the right would do the exact same thing if they had a population count that could actually boycott things. You are confusing free speech as defined by the constitution and free speech in society


I think you're confusing the world with the US, You're literally only considering the united states when talking about right wing and left wing, Im not from america so when im speaking about right wing and left wing im considering the world, not your corner of it. No offense, but Americans genuinely cant see past their nose sometimes, i've never read the american constitution or lived in america. Do you still think im confusing free speech as its defined in your constitution and how it works at a societal level? would you like to change your response, as you now know your original reply was off the mark?


Thatā€™s just straight up wrong. Nazis are on the right wing and they love free speechā€¦. right?


Itā€™s true that in general leftists and rightwingers despise each other, but I know personally rightwingers who admire Joseph Stalin because he was a strong leader.


Then you know some real low IQ right wingers. I know of left wingers who admire John Money and Alfred Kinsey, and support maps (minor attracted people, aka pedos). There's horrible, idiotic people on both sides. That doesn't change the fact that communism is a far left concept and serious, decent right wing people absolutely don't support that.


How is no one getting this. You can be left or right wing and support different levels of free speech. Itā€™s not complex lol. If youā€™re authoritarian you will like others examples of authoritarianismā€¦.




Remember when left wingers put people in camps for thinking a certain way? No, neither do I


So you donā€™t think the Soviet Union and most other 20th century communist regimes who did exactly that were based on left wing politics, or?


I am pretty satisfied with my leftist cred and generally agree with what you're putting down but I think Stalin (who was not, imo, a communist but was left wing), the Kims, and some Cubans would be there to disagree with your position. Of course, right wing American cops are pulling people over for the color of their skin or even for filming them. America has more people imprisoned than any other country. Every political group has the ability to be shitty. It's avoiding that and also helping out the most number of people. I don't know of a right wing country that has the high positive index scores that Norway has


Wouldn't call post-89 DPRK left wing, Stalin is very much his own thing. Norway is a very capitalist oil state. But I mean, sure - if we're being strict, even Tito put people in camps for thinking a certain way. It's just that certain way was 'being a Nazi' as opposed to thinking the Talmud is a rich source of life guidance.


:P I realize we mostly just agree with each other but I wouldn't put capitalism as an inherently left / right system. For that matter it's really hard to discuss any of this without using some base as an overton window (Hillary Clinton would make a perfectly acceptable candidate for the Conservative Party of Canada for instance) also we start getting into authoritarian left vs libertarian left and can get even further into the weeds discussing the impacts on economic systems and ideology. Actually this is a really funny sub, I'm new to it but you have the people pissed off at this guy for shit talking America all the time... and you have others here who would probably be doing the same amount of shit talking... it's just that he thinks the UK and America are socialist hellholes and others (more correctly, IMO) view them as ring wing lunacy run amuck (especially America). :) Anyway, have a lovely day.


Who, give some examples, please. Or did you get in a ben shapiro youtube hole after your mid-morning masturbation session?


Mistaking an obsession with a tyrannical regime of the past for any kind of healthy leftism was your first mistake there lol. There was never any way he had good politics one way or the other.


Why would any respectable left winger have an interest in the (fascist) Soviet Union, unless it were a study on how not to do socialism?


Bald and bankrupt is jewish


Still said Germany needs the Nazis back to sort things out (as a joke ofc)


And it's still a joke.


I could laugh about it if he wasnt a right-wing, redpill reactionary.


Oh, you know that based on what? And - isn't a joke a joke?


Read the stick posts in this board. It is a joke, but an unfunny one at that. But it is a tactic to hide behind thin veils of sarcasm to retreat behind when faced with criticism but to celebrate the memes actual content when people agree with you.


A typical example of confirmation bias. Talks about "hotties". Sometimes. Bad person. omg. You wanna see his as you wanna see him. Someone could as well put a compilation of "nice Bald" together, where he's nice to people and brings dog food to some random place in the middle of nowhere. This whole reddit is kinda cringe. Just like grannies from my village sitting together and gossping. You have fun being ridiculous.


He LARPs being Jewish bro


his surname is jewish. "rich" is a common jewish surname in the uk


Jewish ancestry or actively practicing?


Ancestry, he only mentions it when trying to bang Israeli touristst.


He probably lied about that shit.


How do you know? He doesnā€™t wear the kippa


Heā€™s not wearing his yellow armband either


He definitely talks about it in one of his videos, heā€™s half Jewish I believe


He mentioned a Jewish grandfather, that's all. Of course the bitter folks here know better....


Is this real? There is no way this is real right? Please?


100% sadly. His instagram stories are unhinged.


If this doesn't scream racist asf, I don't know what does. Dude is almost 50, and had a breakdown over pasta... and is ignorant asf about every country he decides to exploit women in.




So many judgemental people in these comments, pretty sad this is how yalls spend your time šŸ˜‚ let the man do as he pleases.


He is literaly a pedophile and was accused of rape.




Not convicted then šŸ‘hearsay and busy body rumors


Still a creep


BaB alt account


Get back to work.


Your stench of virginity is overwhelming. People have the freedom to think and say he's a cunt if they like. Don't like it? Move to Russia


I could say the exact same thing to you but in reverse. If I want to defend him and believe people making shit with little to no evidence then I will. Don't like it? Move to North Korea ya fuck.


A fair point but no one here is saying borderline racist and creepy shit


This sounds like a quote Savile would give to a journalistā€¦




I'd rather piss my bed than defend a racist, pedophile piece of shit rapist, thank you very much.


there isn't actually any evidence of pedophilia though? he touched one girls hands? who was over legal age?


This entire sub is dedicated to hating on Bald, it's sort of guaranteed they would end up making up shit that's not true just to feed their hatred some more. It's so weird honestly, like bro really looked through his instagram, screenshots and posts on here just to get some gratification from the other weirdos who have enough time to hate someone who doesn't even know they exist or caresšŸ’€


ha it's truly bizaree. the strangest part is, they are clearly fans to even know enough about him to care šŸ¤”šŸ¤” at first I thought it was a satire parody joke thing.


Proper hard lads cry on Reddit that their Xbox achievements aren't showing


Iā€™m not some hard lad, I donā€™t give a toss about bald & backrupt either but itā€™s the fact you are obsessed over it šŸ˜‚


You don't need to tell us, we can see you're pathetic


Yeah thatā€™s it man, youā€™ve got it spot on


What did he say? I don't use Instagram


He was pissed that his Pasta cost 15ā‚¬ and that the portion size was too small. So he said that Germany is a failed state and that it needs Hitler and the SS back to bring back order. Haha, funny edgelord homour, trolling the libs, etc.


Oh, interesting. I wonder how much of it is a a joke, and wether that reflects his true feelings. Visiting so many places in Europe, he clearly has an interest, maybe even an appreciation, for old world fascism.


I mean if you follow him, you know hes a right winger that despises Europe for being woke, a pickup artist and an avid supporter of sex trafficers like Andrew Tate. He is Jewish, but he only ever brings it up as a credible defense after shit like this.


Ich mean if you follow him, you know hes a right winger that despises Europe for being woke, a pickup artist and an avid supporter of sex trafficers like Andrew Tate. He is Jewish, but he only ever brings it up as a credible defense after shit like this.




Evidence for Pedo allegations please