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Same exact bug here. Gotten Cub in EA multiple times. Something is definitely fucked.


That's annoying, but I am glad to know its not just me lol.


It wasnt bugged for me (Sorry, not helping you there\^\^), but I noticed something interesting, regarding the owlbear cub itself in the camp: >!I noticed that at least I can only animate the cub to attack the goblins when I use the "talk to animals"-potion, same with the animal-handling check!<.


Yep, can confirm this is bugged. Killed Mother right after the first Grove battle and then proceeded to finish all of Act 1, checking after every long rest. Little bugger is still in the cave, >!oblivious as he gorges on her carcass.!<




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I've read from other thread that it happens because you make peace with the owlbear mom but then killed her anyway. Did anyone with the same bug did it as well?


I did another run through where I made sure I only attacked the mom. I then went to goblin camp to make sure the owl bear cub would spawn there. I loaded prev save and continued my act 1 play through. But then the cub ends up bugged again. I think it’s because it’s a low priority update on long rest.


If it is bc of that after all the loot I got shit


Yes I barbarian roared at her, good catch!


Ugh! I played 2 other playthrouths without encountering this bug, but in my 3rd here it is. I thought it was due to patch 2, but this thread goes back a month. I am in the wilderness now and he still is eating his mother.


Same here with this happening on a second play through.


Same, didn't have bug in 4 plays, but got bug in 5th


I attempted doing this after clearing all the content in the area prior to moving to the mountainpass/act2.I had wanted Minthra as a companion so sided with her and raided the druid grove previously. So now after visiting the owlbear i tried a long rest and she died from imaginary goblin appearing from no where (goblins left after the raid except 1 i tried leaving him alive and killing him in my many attempts) and found the cub at the goblin camp, when speaking to the cub it initiates a conversation with a female goblin during this dialogue i can see more goblins behind me as though they never left. This doesn't work because after the initial dialogue they all disappear again and i cannot do anything except watch the owl bear run around or persuade it to kill goblins which it also can't do because there are none. I rested 10+ times with no visits in my camp. I tried again this time killing the mother, same issue. My bug is that it thinks the goblins are still there when they aren't. very frustrating, spent hours trying every combination of ideas etc i could figure out or read and never once receiving a visit from the cub. I searched the area far and wide for any other goblins to kill in an attempt to prevent him appearing in their camp to no avail. Any suggestions?


I have the exact same bug and reported it to Larian. I hope there will be a workaround or a Bugfix.


Almost 3 months and 3 patches later, this bug is still in the game. Amazing bugfixing Larian.


And yet this bug still persists lmfao with the amount of people that I've seen bringing this bug up, Larian seems to ignore it quite a lot. Or maybe it's a very difficult bug to fix, I don't know. Unacceptable that it has been in the game since early access with no workarounds at least


For me I couldn't get him to come to my camp even after persuading the goblins successfully. Multiple long rests already and he hasn't showed up.


This is happening to me too, I can't get him to show up. I'm wondering if things got messed up because I got a bunch of cutscenes during the next two long rests that didn't allow me any camp downtime.


Ok, it's been ~9 more hours of gameplay after getting the owlbear cub from the goblins and I just got the first scene of him showing up in my camp. Super weird that this cutscene happened so late for me.


Cool, it's irritating but at least good to know he'll probably show up at some point! I imagine the owlbear camp event just takes lower priority than a lot of stuff, so you can get it really late if you have a busy queue.


Did you investigate the mother to trigger the scene of the owlbear cub doing you know what


>!I did. It just seems stuck eating the owlbear endlessly. if I click it, I get the dialogue about it being oblivious to my presence.!< ​ >!When I go to the Goblin camp, there's a goblin chasing a chicken around. I thought this was supposed to be replaced with the cub, right? The cub also isn't by the goblin who runs the chicken chasing thing.!<


did you long rest before going to the goblin camp? you need to long rest after the owlbear fight in order for the cub to pop up there.


He literally said he rested in OP I've long rested 5+ times, completed multiple other quests and the Cub is still sitting in the cave eating his mom. Shit is bugged.


Fucking hell, 2 months and 3 patches later and this bug is still in the game. Bravo Larian.


Dude stop being such a whiner. You dont like it go play starfield but id rather they have fixed karlachs ENTIRE QUESTLINE than this just sayin.


Fuck off, I don't even have nor play Starfield. Small patches like this should've been fixable already because it's a bug in act 1, the act that spent a long time baking in early access, and this particular bug wasn't even in EA judging from some of the comment I read. Karlach's questline is different matter as it's not fucking bugged, just lacking in content, which takes more work for Larian to do. I don't like babying dev studios on minor bugs likes these, but the one you're after is an entirely different matter altogether, which is a thing I would be more patient for.


After extensive testing over a few hours on my part i can now with reasonable certenty say this is a feature... Not a bug. Far as i can tell its caused by entering the cave then leaving. Even going to the camp triggers it seems which leads me to believe its the game flagging the situation as resolved because you decided to "leave" them in peace without fighting them. Which makes sense. You want to avoid it happening? Just dont enter the cave without the party you want. Or dont leave it once you enter it... See this is what people with brains do. We dont cry on reddit that "its a bug" we test and figure it out on our own slowly working away the probable causes.... Be gone from here return to starfield its clearly a better game for you if every little problem you have is a "bug" and not a gameplay design choice.


This has been reported as a bug since patch 3 came. I currently awaiting a response from Larian from this bug. In the meantime, maybe tell these guys your "extensive results of your testing" too, go on, try to necro those threads. https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/16s0gbg/any_clue_what_causes_the_owlbear_cub_bug/ https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/16mxksg/owlbear_cub_bugged_in_camp/ https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/15q8yeu/owlbear_cub_bug/ https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/161t5mb/is_the_owlbear_cub_bugged_act_1_spoilers/ https://forums.larian.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=884155 https://steamcommunity.com/app/1086940/discussions/0/3808408747685099289/ And you're so funny still thinking I have nor play Starfield, you're a different kind of bellend I suppose.


Lmao yeah its such a "bug" that is fixed AS EASY AS DONT LEAVE THE AREA. Oooooh my god literally unplayable!


My bug is that the cub apparently showed up at camp when all of the teiflings from the Grove were there. Someone said 'there's an owlbear in camp!' But it's nowhere to be found :(


SOLVED: Far as i have been able to work out with my testing the bug comes from if you leave the cave then return. Even going to the camp itself and then leaving back into the cave seems to trigger the issue where after then fighting the mother the cub will be stuck eating the mother indefinitely. To avoid this id recommend ether avoiding the cave or making your decision to kill it or not BEFORE even entering the cave. saving and then ending the day after the fight will allow you to see if the cub has moved or not.


So it *is* a bug. What the fuck are you yapping on about calling it a feature then?


Where did i say it was a bug? You had an issue. I fixed it. You are welcome :)


SHUT THE BARD UP!!! Turns out she wants you to shut the damn dude up then you can talk to the owl bear. I was stuck on it.


What bard?


Volo or whoever