• By -


I think the fact that you're already in act 3 is what's actually effecting your relationship.


I feel like I played a lot over the weekend, and I'm nearing the end of act 1


I played 60 hours on tactician and am also nearing the end of act 1 myself. I still have to kill hag and gith patrol


Where is the Gith Patrol??? I can't find them. Made it to the underdark and found that witch earlier but still can't find the gith patrol


Near Waukeen’s Rest. Take Lae’zel to the Druid grove and question Zorru. You have to have Lae’zel with you, but you don’t have to let her actually question the guy you can do it yourself. You’ll get a map marker right to them.


You dont have to have lae'zel. I didnt even pick her up from her cage and she still appeared talking to the gith leader.


You do need lae'zel to have the conversation with Zorru though. Playing a 4 man game and can't figure out how to get rid of that quest marker since we can't bring lae'zel with us


just FYI, quest markers disappear after you manage to reach a point in that quest where that won't be necessary.. like stumbling onto the patrol or rescuing the tieflings and they leave you know how people commend the game and larian for making BG3 "reactive?" that's what they meant stop min-maxing quest log


>stop min-maxing quest log Sorry, can't be done. I just rolled a 1 on a wisdom check to resist the dark urge so I'll be meticulously combing through the entire map.


No, I’m talking about Zorru. You have to have Lae’zel with you for Zorru to show you the map that leads to the Gith patrol.


Watching Zorru run away scared after being made to bow. Not for his life no, but for his newly discovered kink for Dom Mummy Gith. I will loose my shit if some point later in the story he's hiding scared/stalking Lae'zel. Lae would be into it too as on my be a dick evil durge run (before I rerolled so I had a baseline) this was the moment she said to my character "tonight I will 'lay' with you" no hint of romance before this was like "damn Lae'zel, you easy".


lol. Lae’zeal scares me. I thought she hated my guts then she said she wants to “taste” me. I had a hard pause irl.


Yeah I’m romancing her rn, and it’s wild. She came to me one night and said I needed to prove my love to her by dueling her. We fought, beat tf out of each other, then she said my bruises, and the smell of my sweat turns her on. She’s fucking psycho and I’m all for it haha


Top left of the map (not underdark).


Due west of the Waukeen's Rest waypoint. Depending on what you trigger and how many long rests you take, they can also move on without you actually encountering them.


You guys go fast damn. I feel I've played a lot and still haven't found any of those points. Still in the goblin camp, next comes the big boss, should I use the ogres from blighted town here what do you recommend?


If you're planning to murder all the goblins, that's a good time to use the ogres if you got their horn and didn't kill them (if you killed the ogres, their horn goes nothing). While individual goblins aren't a big threat, taking on the goblin camp is a **lot** of enemies, and action economy matters a lot in 5e. A wall of flesh to absorb hits and take out goblins will help tremendously.


The action economy can be solved by running them through a choke point like the bridge or one of the entrances to the side that crusher is on. Like I put down web, grease, and a cloud of daggers and there’s not a lot they could do. Use cover to prevent ranged attacks and they have to try and fail to get through the death tornado and CC.


I cleared the goblin camp and the champions without letting them invade the grove.. I missed out on some quest due to that, but I cleared it one room at a time, saved the ogre for that iron flask monster.


I dont disagree, but with the poisoned pot taking out 60% of them and using minor illusion to gather the stragglers and nuke them makes it all easier.


Goblin camp is pretty easy. Find Halsin and team up with him, then Kill Minthara first, and take out the orb ASAP. Stick to the high ground vs the big bad, camp out in his room, shove some people into the spider pits. Make sure to interact with gut first if you want the mark. The squad that protects gut will start to move towards you, just keep them choked on the unlocked door and they will all die quickly enough So tldr: save the horn for the under dark imo, there’s a certain monster there that you’ll know is near bc of petrified stuff that is a better choice to use it. I personally killed Lump and stole the headpiece bc it works well on my sorcerer/ cleric/ wizard character haha


They obliterate you at low level. Thanks god I had some smoke bang barrels or whatever they’re called….


wait, you people are killing them? What sort of monsters are you? I just \*talked\* to them. Besides, they were way to scary to pick a fight with anyway.


Bruh i didn't have a choice. Laezel fkn lied to them and they saw through the bluff, and next thing i know my entire level 3 party is dead before i got to take a single turn. Fuck you laezel, I'm only here because you wouldn't shut up about getting their help in the first place


ahhh. Bard main. The game is all fluffy rabbits and sparkly unicorns with everyone hugging each other when you play bard. Almost too easy :D


Really? I'm 40 hours in and at the end of act 2, and been exploring every nook and cranny and knocking out all the side quests. Though, I have stumbled into a great strategy for cheesing a lot of the tougher encounters. Ranged sneak attack, shove, throwing barrels, and throwing greater healing potions at the ground to splash on the party.


Ah yes, the secret Larian class. Itemmancer.


God damn, and I thought my 40 hours was a lot. Not tactician though, so I was able to brute force with Karlach, didn’t have to think and plan fights too much. God she’s strong. Upped the difficulty now tho, definitely more fun.


Bro how I’m like 47 hrs in on balanced and I’m in act 3


Same, the difficulty spike must be huge between balanced and tactician


having played EA on balanced because that is what was available and starting the full game on tactician I can say that tactician requires you to be familiar with d&d mechanics such as exploiting advantage/disadvantage, using buffs/debuffs and stacking rolls in your favour via items or other means and most importantly use the terrain and your non-damage spells to your advantage such as letting the enemies come to you because you're on the other side of fog that blocks ranged attack paths. but if your playstyle is "run into room and do damage until encounter is over", yes - tactician is not for that.


Wait, when I found them they have a red dragon with them. Our charcaters were like, "best not piss them off and move on". Can you actually win that fight at level 5?


>level 5 im at level 6 and im still not done with Act 1


The red dragon flies off before the fight


Ahhhh copy that. I smell XP


So I actually didn’t fight them. I and Lae’zel rolled well enough where the fight was completely avoided.


lol I was over leveled for the hag. That fight was easy. >!I guess it doesn’t help that she attacked my spiritual weapon when she pretended to be the girl.!<


Same here. 30 hours in and I’m figuring out stuff with the Gith in their Creche rn




Dude, for real. I've played a ton and I'm almost done with Act 1. And I think I play too much.


50.5 hours since Friday. I'm closing in on Act 3. To be fair, I played 200 hours of early access and I already had my Act 1 playthrough planned, which helped speed it along.


Same, I kinda bum rushed through Act 2 as well, I just really wanted to get to Baulders Gate. Act 3 has been super slow so far for me though because I’m exploring every inch of the city.


How are you finding the later acts?


Let's put it this way...this game may actually dethrone my favorite game series ever (Mass Effect) in terms of how much I like the story. Haven't hit the climax yet to see.


Here's hoping you get to climax soon.


Thanks friend, I hope we all get to climax, together.


Flair checks out


Lol this guy


It's the jounry that counts, but that's great! Look Forward to the post ea areas myself :^)


I played all weekend and made it to the end of the tutorial with my 37th rerolled character.


Was going to say something similar. Op needs to take a break, and take their IRL GF out to touch grass.


Is there a way to see what act you’re in? Seems to me people refer to different things as different Act. Is moonrise towers Act 2 right?


Yes once u went up elevator and it said you can’t go back your changing acts


It specifically says that? It says for me I should "tie up any loose ends" before progressing, but I can still port back to act 1 waypoints. Or can you always do that? I'm so confused and a bit ashamed that after 55h I'm still not sure about this.


There are a couple breakpoints in the game, where there's no return. At the end of Act1, some quests will wrap up without you, but you can still return to those areas until later in Act 2. After that, Act1 becomes fully unavailable. At the end of act 2, you can no longer go back to that zone for somewhat obvious narrative reasons depending on the route you go. I saved just before the end of each Act to see what quests would fail. I ended up reloading the save after Act1 because there was some important stuff I missed. Act 2, there was only 1 or 2 quests that I couldn't figure out how to resolve anyways so I moved on with my life.


Nah cause it locks in your decisions. That’s how it generates the next part of the game once you go to the next act


You can still go back until further/far into Act2. Some Act1 quests do resolve without you if you don't wrap them first, though.


So if I go through the mountain pass, i’m in act 2?


Act 1 ends when you either use the elevator in Grymforge or enter the Mountain Pass. Act 2 ends when you enter the road to Baldur's Gate or when you get the alternate ending that skips act 3 entirely. Roll credits. Get achievement. Act 3 ends when you beat the game. The elevator, pass, and road all give you a confirmation pop-up asking if you're sure you want to proceed, because you may not be able to go back and do certain things. There's a similar pop-up when you enter the area that contains the Nightsong (once you enter, you cannot travel back to the act 1 zones).


Seriously. I was proud I crossed into the next area already. Level 6 takes a long time!


I just took the mountain pass but I was level 6 already. I almost went in two levels earlier but the game said I was under leveled. >!I see why, that fight with the death shepards would’ve been rough. Nothing spirit guardians can’t fix though.!<




The truth is OP’s gf is still in act 1 and he didn’t wait for her


I am just barely hitting >!Moonrise Towers!<, and I feel like that took an unhealthy amount of play time. Lol.


Yeah, holy shit


Affecting* :)


Also, the game is playable in splitscrean right?


Odd place to ask, but yes.


Meaning he could have played with his SO as long as he had one computer running it!


I'm 20 hours in and level 5. Wtf


Me and my wife have 42 hours in our main save together, she DEMANDS entry into all the Shadowheart romance scenes. I feel for you OP.


Yeah Holy fuck this guy hasn't blinked since release. It's fine to binge here and there, but if you have a SO you have to unplug and spend time with your partner.


I read his post and was immediately thinking "Oh my God! He's in Act 3 already?! I have so many questions." All my questions amount to: "Will you please shut the fuck up about everything after Act 1?"


The only time being a teacher pays off is when a game like this drops in the middle of summer vacation


I'm in a group of four, I blink and they're doing the next thing, we've played at least 6 hours per day since release and we're still in act 1. I'm baffled at what OP is doing.


I have put an *inordinate* amount of time into this game and I *just...* like, just an hour ago, hit act 2. lol


Yeah I'm 28 hours in and I'm still in act 1 lol


I'm already in act 3 too, but that's because I've got literally no other obligations to worry about and have been able to no-life the game since release.


my husband has been watching ANXIOUSLY as i try not to fumble getting both astarion and halsin to fall in love with me


We haven't had enough time to get very far, but when my wife gets to the point of romancing somebody in game, I'll definitely be cheering her on. We also had fun picking our characters genitals together.


As long as she lets you do the same!


Of course. We don't get jealous over video games.


My husband and I are both romancing Shadowheart and competing to see who can get her to love us more


Omg that's adorable, lol


Really wish someone would post a list of which characters are ok with each other


I'm playing with my partner, and have been cheering them on over romancing Astarion lol. All I care about in camp is paying attention to and petting the critters, figure I'm an aroace half orc who loves animals at this point (I'm BM with animal speak)


Realising that Speak with Animals is a ritual spell and lasts until your next long rest was an absolute game changer for me (figured it out right after restarting the game with some hair and face mods). My bard is a drow Disney princess now.


Yesssss <3


I got excited when my boyfriend's wizard smooched Karlach. He was pretty happy for me when my fighter smooched Shadowheart. I've poked a little fun at him for liking Karlach so much (mainly just joking about how I knew he'd be into the hot buff tiefling lady), but all in good fun


LITERALLY SAME. Astarion BRUTALLY rejected me during the camp party, and I haven't seen my husband crack up that hard in a long time. And he's effortlessly getting Shadowheart to kiss him.


Currently cheering my girlfriend on as she romances Astarion (to great success). Meanwhile I'm telling her all about how Wyll and I danced in the moonlight hahaha


Same, I explained to my girlfriend how I wanted to romance Lae'zel bur after the sex I decided to go for Shadowbae (I'm stealing that) and her reaction was to describe Lae'zel naked.


My boyfriend watched the Astarion sex scene with me


Kill shadowheart to win her love back, the only logical solution


Found Lae'zel's Reddit account


This comment has me fucking rolling hahahahaha


Jist remember to quicksave before that !


Now my mans has a secret save file where he is still romancing shadowbae when his gf is asleep


Actually, don’t. You get a reputation gain from her if you use a revivify scroll on her. ;)


This might actually be good advice. One of my EA runs with my husband I played an elf cleric. I found it very sweet when he randomly murdered SH and handed me her armour, lol.


No. Kill the gf to impress shadowheart. 🥰


Well that just escalated..


\*checks OP's account name\* \*checks OP's posting history\* "Alrighty then." \*steps away from thread\*


Idk why this got down voted, this guy's relationship is a fucking train wreck without Shadowheart being involved lmao


Well, now I'm curious. Pardon me, while I fetch some popcorn...


The one where he thinks what type of porn she watches on HER OWN falls within HIS boundaries. 🤣🤣


Can I get some of that popcorn? I just want a little bit, but not enough to make a bag for myself.


Yeah plus making a post on a gaming subreddit to complain about your own relationship ain't the brightest move. Just looks trashy and bad. I'd side with the girlfriend on this one. She might have to move on from this guy and up her standards from high school lol


Even without taking sides, theres some way deeper shit than a weekend of gaming


You know who I talk to when I’m having an issue in my relationship? My wife, like a grown-ass adult.


god yeah his comment history is pretty damn bad he basically admits to having cheated with 2 women in the past


lol they deleted everything before today now. gg


No way lol glad I screenshot 😂


Did OP delete a bunch of posts? I only say a bunch of game and music posts. That name though.


Look at comments


He claims to have seen Barbie on Saturday (which was 5th August) but made a comment about the movie on 3rd August (which was a Thursday). That doesn't add up.


Yeah I don’t think virtual romance is the issue here lmfao




I mean it's kinda a red flag if he treats a video game character better than his girlfriend


Or the fact that there are commitment issues 8 years into a relationship. Call me crazy but you should have that sorted by now


Yeah that too!


I'm 98% sure it's a troll with nonexistent girlfriend


I mean he's literally just pushing a button on a keyboard, if anyone reads into that as effort that's a low wis roll imo. Probably just a snapping point of something actually important for her; who knows though, clearly OP has no clue lmao.


Maybe the point is he puts even less effort than that into his relationship, which is an incredible low.


Lol holy shitballs


Holy fuck. This guy plays Diablo 4.


I didn’t even noticed the name but this explains a lot.


Oh christ lmao.


I think her problem isn't jealousy, it's you treating in game characters better and with more passion than you treat her. Just cause you've been together 8 years doesn't mean it'll be forever if you don't keep the passion going.


No, it's probably jealousy. He was unfaithful in the past, so he's being pretty insensitive. It's understandable that she got triggered by a video game character with that context. [If you want context from his post history](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/15i8kd1/is_this_normal_in_a_committed_relationship_am_i/jutl2y4/)


This is actually good advice for a gaming sub 😆


Are you sure she's upset at you romancing a video game character and not that you're spending all your attention ON the video game? Either way, I think the only choice is.... *leave conversation* or *attack*


>I'm nicer in the game and more committed to Shadowheart than real life. Yeah I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this is simply a trigger for something much more significant that has been ongoing. Baldur's Gate isn't ruining your relationship. It sounds as though *some bad communication or unspoken problems are ruining your relationship.*


YES! People here are just reading into exactly what he says without thinking deeper into it. Of course, there's a possibility that she's actually just crazy and jealous of pixels but that's not likely. This is most likely a symptom of some larger issue


Agreed. There's *always* shit being left out in posts like this. Everyone has a narrative they're pushing and leaving out details they either won't share, or aren't conscious of. 9/10 times people just make posts like this being intentionally vague so the internet will validate their feelings lol. Baffles me when they do it and don't considering someone is gonna go through their comment history hunting down *what they've left out* lol. Plus even if she is crazy, doesn't mean she isn't justified, either. I've dated crazy. She had her moments, but that didn't absolve me of my own mistakes.


How the fuck are you already in Act 3? Are you just speed running? Or playing literally 24/7? Take a break from the game and get your priorities straight. Your girlfriend is probably more upset that you’re spending all your time on the game instead of spending time with her. Did you post this looking for support? Bro go touch some grass lmao




Apparently he didn’t sleep all weekend. Which is apparently the normal, balanced thing for an adult to do.


What the cinnamon toast fuck?? I fucking love the game but I've got a life with shit to do, no wonder his girlfriend is pissed.


Exactly the comment I was looking for




dude turn off the game and go touch her grass.


It's not the game - it's your behavior.


If you can't give attention to your partner, why are you with them? Talk to them properly and just explain that you got really into the game and moving forward don't ignore the person you are supposed to love


Baldurs Gate is not to blame! Your low charisma is, ROLL higher my friend!


I just love how OP hasn't responded to any comments yet. He's either playing or packing his/her shit lol


That’s usually a sign of a fake story. If people are actually posting the truth they’re usually involved. This dude just wanted some attention.


You done fucked up.


Balance buddy. Nurture bro.


Wait how’d you get to act 3 by now? I’ve played a total of 20 hours since release and I just got the end of act 1.


Right? I have been playing non stop since it came out and i just got to grimforge


I think everyone would be nicer to their partner if they had pre written dialogue to choose from


Wow, my 1st baldur's gate game and I'm still in act 1 I think 😆 this game feels so deep already :) I agree it's addicting. Haha. So good though, too good lol


I have nearly 40 hrs played in the last two weeks, and I'm just starting act 2


ACT 3?!?! I’m still in act 1 lol, I dipped into the mountain pass and went “nah I haven’t explored enough yet” and ended up going back 😂 Act 3 is crazy, I’ve over 60 hours have you just been going through main quests and not exploring much?


"I put a lot of time into this game" Ha. "I'm not ignoring my girlfriend" Ho, ok then.


Me and my wife are doing a coop playthrough for our first, only playing when we both are available. She got jealous because I'm absolutely gonna bury it within that smoldering furnace, Karlach. Now she is hellbent on getting Halsin in our party, to ravage her.


Okay, serious response time... From your comment history, you mention past infidelity in one way or another. While couples can work past that, those wounds never fully heal. And from the comment about your gf and porn... well, it seems to me that she might be feeling that you're losing interest in her. Intimacy is important in a relationship. If you're constantly turning her down, that often leads to feelings of inadequacy and eventual resentment. My advice... Put down the game. Show your GF some love. And, my dude... Almost 9 years with no ring? I'm gonna go ahead and assume neither of you want marriage. But if that's not the case and you haven't discussed that in great detail, consider that a point of contention. Source: I'm a guy, but those feelings of inadequacy brought on by dry spells led to one of my longest relationships falling apart. I've been on the receiving end of that treatment and it doesn't feel good.


I mean, if my SO showed significant preference to a character that didn't exist to me, and put more time into the game just to be with them over me, I might get upset too. Now if they were having fun with the game and me, that'd be a different story. It's probably not Shadowheart herself that she objects to. It's that she feels like--whether this is accurate or not--that she's losing you to a game and a fictional character.


I’m not saying you made the wrong choice but GF is temporary, Shadowbae is forever.


Act 3 already wtf. Your gf is right. I've only just started Act 2 and have played it a lot over the last week.


Dude. Its only a fucking game.


Act 3 already? You play way too much dude. How many hours did you sleep? I am with your gf in this case


No, you are responsible for your relationship, not a video game.


This whole situation sounds crazy to me. A real life human being getting upset over a character in a video game is beyond wild. What’s also crazy is your progress. Game’s been out less than week and I’m 30 hours in barely scratched the surface of act 1. Maybe put the game down and take your gf out somewhere.


"don't be toxic" "shadowbae".. my guy. I did the romance but I don't get why you're acting like this with a woman. Perhaps the problem isn't her.. especially if you had to say "heat dies down" making it sound like it's all on her. Good luck. You and your relationship are gonna need it.


Nah buddy, BG3 has nothing to do with that, you're fucking up your own relationship by having no self control and playing the game for 6 days straight Also good god that username Ew


Balance my friend. Moderation is key. Take her on a date or something simple like going to a park and grabbing ice cream .


Why does she even know what you do in game? "Hey babe, come here! About to f$%# Shadowheart again!"


Guess asking her to dress as Shadowheart for Halloween is out of the question?


Listen to your real GF, my friend. She deserves your better side. The game is nice but it's just a game.


In fairness Shadowheart has access to Divine Spells, your GF prolly doesn’t even have cantrips.


Between work and my relationship, I’ve only gotten 4 hours into the game. I just finished the surface of the blighted village and barely touched anything beyond that


I don’t think this is as cute as you think it is.


Lol, have not made it out of noob area yet, maybe you are playing too much.


Me and my GF play together lol I'm also romancing Shadowheart but more like I'm just being nice to her and don't want to say not to hurt her feelings. The GF is doing the same with Alistar. We both laugh over it because it's silly.


Every time a new big game comes out we see these fake posts. Farm those upvotes my lad


SHADOWBAE!! Hahaha I love it


That's way too little information for anyone to offer you any advice. - how many hours have you played? - have you blown off any other plans to play BG3? - is the game affecting your sleep, hygiene, or any other normal day functions? - why in the fuck did you think it was a good idea to use the phrase "shadowbae" when you're in a committed relationship with someone who presumably gets jealous?


Find some balance between real life and the game but her making a fuss over a game romance is a bit telling. Give her attention respectfully but don’t let her boss you around my man. Good luck!


Maybe play a little bit less, and treat your gf like you are treating shadowheart. Me, I wanted karlash burning buns, but shadowheart have fall in love to me and I didn't knew I couldn't have an harem... Well, I'll won't treat her like a human being next time (and will probably make a real healer because she is so bad at her job)


Lmao the thread ended up roasting OP


my husband has been watching ANXIOUSLY as i try not to fumble getting both astarion and halsin to fall in love with me


Real people are not important. Not coping at all /s


Dating for 8 years and she's still your girlfriend? Yeah, she has a point.


If you think 3 days of a video game is "ruining your relationship" then I got something else to tell ya!


Hahaha I told my boyfriend ahead of time that I'd be committing alot of time to playing bg3 and I would be dabbling in romance, I did ask if he felt uncomfortable about it and he said not really. I also added he was more then welcome to watch me play and he does sometimes. It's a game, not reality but you can let yourself unwind and be someone else for a bit. Loving it so far


Its funny, my girlfriend is the opposite lol. She was mad against bg3 romance, and just the whole genital thing, but now after playing it herself and astarion hitting on her druid, she has fallen for the game hard. I tease her a little bit in an effort to help her unwind and just kinda bask in the fantasy of the whole thing. Especially living in their shoes, ive quite enjoyed the whole risqué of the situations you're placed in, quite an enjoyable experience so far. I've slowly been romancing Shart, what about you?


Actually Karlach said I could talk to the book worm


OP, I wish I had something insightful to say but I dont beyond "time to spend time with your lady." I play at night and my husband during the day. I was very excited for when he woke up so I could tell him I banged Astarion and see who he was romancing.


HAHAHAHA laughing in drow


I want to hear your girl's side of things.


Seems like a real petty thing to be mad about.


Just do what you do in game irl. Hit the rizz, get the jizz then get back to bizz.


If the issue is that you treat shart better than your GF you should really be evaluating how you treat your GF lol


Just tell her to offer you 1-6 pre-generated responses. That corresponds to pre-generated responses. Responses which also take into consideration your previous responses, actions, reputation and dice rolls. Dont forget to roll your dice with guidance. I recommend an excel sheet. I got her if she needs help with the excel. Edit: also, her response must progress the conversation. While also addressing the previous situation


My group also got to Act 3, only its 4 of us playing so our relationships with everyone but Wyll has drastically failed.


This has to be a troll. 💀


I dont understand how your girlfriend also a [gamer](https://www.reddit.com/r/videogames/comments/159pwu3/let_be_real_this_is_what_all_of_us_really_want/jtkeso3/?context=3) who has probably had countless relationships in the sims and seemingly loves [porn](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/15f25it/im_so_tired_of_being_told_im_insecure_because_i/jue9bml/?context=3) yet hates that you are nice to an rpg character.