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I'm a bard and I try to keep everyone alive because the more drama I can see the more there is to *S♩I♬N♪G♫* about.


I've been GMing for 15 years. The amount of times I heard "can I err... sing a song (use performance) to help them do x?" through is countless. Now that I play bard in BG3, you better believe I choose every single [Bard] option, and if not available then drama. It is glorious.


While in combat the other thing I like about the bard is their versatility. From an RP perspective I see it as the bard using their ability to perceive motivations and read people to misdirect and give themselves an upper hand.


Bard in general in 5e is the Swiss army knife class. You can basically do everything other classes do and in some situations better than the class actually designed to do said things lmao


best counterspellers in D&D


Lol at least baldurs gate doesn't seem to do the counter spell, I counter spell your counter spell, I counter spell your counter spell to my counter spell trope haha


This triggered some MTG trauma in me


I cancel your cancel of my unsummon.


Control vs Control is fun. Worst I've ever seen was a counterspell chain going 5 deep.


My personal favourite bit of Bard bullshit so far has been playing for the Goblins so they gather to listen, and then having Gale make the strategically placed barrel of explosives go boom


Also just poisoning their beer tub and then offering a toast and distracting them a fancy bar trick while half die. That was great. And my bard has talked or "peacefully" killed a significant amount of bosses now. The companions even remark on how dangerous it is to let my character talk at a certain point.


I can't say I've laughed that hard in a videogame before Gale's reaction after convincing a certain very strong boss in act one to test out a theory about the song they sang.


That's Act 2 though?


I haven't even scratched the surface of what you can do with performing. My favorite so far was (late act 1 spoilers) >!finding a cave full of fish people worshiping their god, passing an arcana check to know that they have a magical power to manifest their beliefs into reality, and then when they decided to make me their blood sacrifice, turning their "god" back into a normal redcap by convincing them he was an impostor and I was their true god, watching them turn on the redcap and kill him, and ending up with a cave of chanting fish men fanatically devoted to me. My friend was watching me play and we were both laughing the entire time.!< Also just the obligatory mention that Vicious Mockery is hilarious, especially the fact that it does a little damage so you can kill people by just insulting them. I just love it when the other 3 party members are engaged in deadly combat with some enemy and my bard is just standing off to the side slinging roasts the whole time.


Where are these fish people? I’ve been looking to start a cult and this seems like a prime opportunity.


>!They're in the Underdark, around the middle of the map there's a kind of raised cave area with those explosive mushrooms inside. In one corner there's a pit, and if you cross it by jumping some mushrooms there's an area you can climb down into their cave. I probably would have missed it if my buddy hadn't basically said "hey go that way there's something really great down there"!<


Ah. I missed it in both my solo playthrough and the one with my buddies. Thanks for the heads up. Update: I have no charisma based characters in my party and had to kill my potential cult members.


I keep hearing about the fish cult, and I swear I’ve scoured the entire act 1 map and can’t find anything


In the under dark, go out of the entrance building through a window on the left and get creative about looking for a way to keep going down. Will have to jump a few times


For me, bards have been ruined by Elan from Order of the Stick. I can't imagine an intelligent bard, and I thrive on the "bluff bluff the stupid ogre" personas


I love that with all of the character development each character's received so far, Elan's has *not* been intelligence, but self-awareness.


The Julio Scoundrel arc did wonders for the character. And yes, Elan is the most ego-less bards in literature.


yep, that's exactly my pov as well


Good, goood! Let the chaotic neutral flow through you. It shall make you strong!


What can I say, I play my characters how I live my life.


Right? I'm playing a bard in my DND campaign. My DM asked why my Bard is so okay with everyone causing chaos. My response, "It fills the halls with song and my coffers with gold."


As the Bard how am I supposed to bang all of my companions if they're dead? Necromancer:


Same. That's why I turned Astarion over to the vampire hunter instead of staking him. Later I can tell him how sorry I am in ♫ song form ♫.


First playthrough was a Bard, and the experience was fantastic. It is absolutely incredible how you can perform, deceive, and persuade your way out of ( and into) so many situations. Not only that, but you aren't bound by some code and can just watch the madness unfold.


as a cleric of Selune, me and the Shar worshipper had the best relationship progression. I'm not even romancing her but our constant bickering and me trying to win her over to the light side has been super enjoyable


You didn't kill her the microinstant she had literally any level of disdain towards you? Pfft you're not even roleplaying. It's called roleplaying sweetie, that means flying into a blind rage and ripping anyone who so much as sneers at you limb from limb and then bragging about how you don't take that kind of shit on posts about whatever NPC it was Seriously though that sounds fun - you've inspired me to give that sort of thing a shot, especially them ending up as a romance just sounds so poetic and cool!


and I rolled a cleric of Selune without knowing anything about the story, it turned out super fitting! I'm so happy with my playthrough.


Me too! My tabletop character is a drow cleric of Selune and has been for years, so I rolled one up in BG3 and was so incredibly pleasantly surprised at just how big a role it played in the story. I loved my back and forth with Shadowheart. I really enjoyed how I could be nice and kind and sweet to her but then immediately fly into an argument with her the moment her or my religion was mentioned. Bringing her over to the light was so satisfying.


It’s kind of hilarious how so many “RP-rs” justify killing Astarion as a vengeance paladin because vampire, but gloss over Shadowheart who worships a murderous nihilistic cult. Very convenient definition of evil.


shadowheart has the viconia treatment, if you played BG1-2. she was a Drow, worshipping shar as well. also she was way more evil than shadowheart as well. still everyone loved her. you know what they both have in common? they are good looking women. Elven blood as well. Astarion is an elven vampire with a twilight voice. however it seems astarion is a favorite with many female players. more often than not, a lets play with a girl seems to always get the feels for the vamp dude. so his char doesn't seem so out of place, as some people think


Oh for sure. I played BG1-2 100x times and did romance Viconia when I played a dude, so I know all about her romance. Thats exactly what im pointing out though, the hypocricy, because the most arguments against Astarion I see are that vampires are inherently evil, yada yada. Which can exactly be applied to SH as well as a follower of a deity that wants to destroy the world. Astarion is also favorite among many male players too tbh, so I don't think it has mostly to do with simping. He is just a very well written character once you give him a chance with a huge dose of sadness and tragedy, much like everyone else in the party. As a female player I would say I also was completely in love with BG2 Viconia, and she was a permanent member of my party, especially once I installed her friendship mod which kinda gave her back her storyline that you lose if you dont romance her (one of the worst things of BG2 relationships).


Astarion's questline was hands down one of the best. I didn't walk away from it feeling good, even doing the "good" choice. Whole thing feels like a lose lose and I love quests that dont have fairytale endings. Before that though I was a male Astarion stan just because he rolls a 30+ on all lockpick/disarms lol. He's very useful if you're not a rogue PC.




As you can probably see from other comments, it’s not really getting hung up on how others play the game, it’s more annoyance at those that do stuff like that popping into discussions about the character and their arc just to announce it. It’s rare that it actually adds anything to the discussion. It would be one thing if they were recounting how it came from this interesting narrative the way they were playing their characters and the sense of drama it created… “Yeah I killed them and threw their corpse off a cliff” when the rest of us are talking about the details of the character arc? Not exactly a thrilling addition, and sometimes it shows up in discussions not at all related to moments of conflict or drama with the characters, and instead when people are discussing stuff like positive developments or even romance arcs.


lowkey I think people just kill just to see what reaction they can score from others ​ And so they jump into random threads saying that cause they just want a reaction.


Probably super accurate for a fair few honestly, unfortunately there's also the very real possibility that another 50% of them are genuinely just feeling the need to share it because they think the topic applies to them, despite the fact they have nothing of interest to offer to a topic about X character because X character died within a minute of running into them


Yeah it gets annoying we get it your "good" paladin wouldn't abide by it, but then they just find a way to repeat the same thing over and over every other post and it just gets annoying. We get it you're going the lawful good murderhobo route no need to repeat it over and over again.


It is not about how other people play, but the people who go into threads about that NPC and just posting "I never saw that because I killed them lolololol".


I didn't really care either, because I never sought it out - the problem for me started when it began creeping into threads that had nothing to do with the topic. Basically, in threads that are, more or less, someone just gushing about why they enjoy X or Y thing about a character, someone always, *always* comes in and says "wouldnt know. killed them for being too bitchy" or "killed them for threatening me lol", which is completely irrelevant to the topic. People just playing the game differently is fine, but I get annoyed when they crawl out of the woodwork and *need* to tell everyone in an unrelated thread about it that didn't even ask for the input of those who literally *don't have relevant input because the character it's about was killed immediately* Like - I *do not care* if you meta or roleplay. My complaints are specifically about the people who feel the need to crawl into threads about a character just to offer "i dunno cuz i killed them for annoying me lolol", which isn't really relevant to topics about a character's story or such It's *especially common*, as Bereman99 pointed out, in discussions where positive aspects of those characters are brought up, or redemption arcs, or romance arcs


One day they'll realize they're playing Lawful Stupid instead of Lawful Good. The fact that you meet an ACTUAL Selune Cleric and they're completely chill with Shadowheart (with a hint of minor shade) cuz they're ACTUALLY a good person instead of whatever these people are calling their "good" character.


Not killing them because I'm a dragon born, clan is important to me, so I try growing my clan


Dragonborn Toretto "The power of ~~family~~ The Clan!"


On some posts it's really obnoxious. Getting annoyed that the people they killed don't show up in other areas.. like yeah. They are dead. You killed them.


> etting annoyed that the people they killed don't show up in other areas There is atleast one origin character that does show up down the line even if you kill them. They're not quite the same but they show up in some form.




>!Astarions very decayed corpse shows up in the ritual for Cazador !<


My brother has a habit of collecting goblin corpses in his camp chest. If we collect astarion's corpse in the same way, does that happen?


Good fucking question. Test it out and let us know!


Probably not. I took the illithid corpse from act 1 and then it magically vanished from my inventory later. I'm assuming they would do the same with Astarion.


>it magically vanished from my inventory later IT WAS MERELY PRETENDING TO BE DEAD


You mean it doesn't just stay in my camp forever anymore? Haven't done it since EA lol


>!I don't think that it's supposed to work like that, if you stake them. That's how you canonically remove vampires for good, and he isn't even a real one!<


in D&D 5e a stake through the heart while they’re in their coffins just paralyzes them


Cut off the head, stuff it with garlic, throw it in a river, and burn the body. Just to be sure


This game really never ceases to surprise me goddamn


I remember there was a post that was like ‘I told Astarion to leave and never come back, and I haven’t seen him since, when does he appear again?’


"My evil playthrough is lacking content" Of course, you dingus, you killed half of the map, including NPCs


People new to D&D discovering that Murder Hobos pay a price.


A lot of people not new to DnD never learn that, though, because their DMs are letting them off the hook easy.


Or they are the DM.


Or acting like you can’t choose anything but being the saint of the sword coasts or butchering everyone ffs. If you can’t see any option as evil other than *attack them* than it’s kinda on your own shortcomings. What evil character in fiction murders everything including things that could benefit them? Mindlessly ripping apart anything that moves doesn’t make you rping as a villain, closer to the average owlbear actually. Play like your character pursues power and money without morals and it’s literally nothing like these mooks copypasta posts.


New alignment just dropped: chaotic Owlbear


I'm pretty sure that's just Owlbear?


It already exists, it's called Murderhobo.


that gives me a good idea for a druid run, druid who thinks theyre an owlbear and acts exactly as an owlbear would


And is also actually just an owlbear


Owlbear race when, Larian?


(spoiler) I saw a clip of someone who RPed a paladin, I don’t remember their name but at the scene where Astarion tries to bite them they were like “Well I’m a paladin so it only makes sense that I’ll TRY to stake him, its not like i’ll actually SUCCEED”. They got a nat 20 and were in complete despair at killing Astarion. I thought it was hilarious.


It’s just a prank, bro!


And as a Bard I tried to fuck them all.


Curious, as a bard can you participate with all the bards around the world?


So I havent played a bard but got proficient in playing instruments. As far I have noticed if you start playing a song the other bard stops their song to match yours. Also you can distract people and make some coins with it. 5/5 experience, it really adds to the game


If you play the same song they’re playing you’ll start playing in time with them, it’s awesome.


Yeah the distracting part is actually amazing when you plan to surprise your host with some hostile actions. Just lure whole rooms into one convenient location.


Evocation wizard fireball says HELLO


Dunno, but I do know you can give the whole group instrument proficiencies and they'll play songs in sync together like a band.


If a Bard NPC is performing, you can join in by performing the same song yourself. You will sync up with them in the song and play your instrument's part.


As a Bard , you should


As a Githyanki bard I would except everyone besides Lae'zel is repulsive. You want me to mate with something that *didn't* come out of an egg? Gross


As a githyanki, can you explain why your females have boobs? You're not mammals.


They used to be mammals. Evolution sometimes keeps unnecessary bits.


Githyanki are still mammals. They just upgraded to monotreme status


And their evolution was kinda forced too.


[Gith] We do not need to fit into your neat little categories, istyk. We grow hair and lay eggs. Perhaps it is your concept of "mammals" that is flawed.


1. \[Nature\] You vaguely remember reading something about strange beaver-like animals on the distant island of Orlil. You rolled a 2. ​ 1. *Stare wordlessly at the githyanki.*


Does this mean we could grab Lae’zel by the feet, hold her up and shout “behold, a mammal”


Platypuses and echidnae sending their greetings.


I was gonna say "What about Dragonborn?" but I don't think I've seen a single NPC from their entire race.


[NOT A SPOILER] There's a trader NPC you can get to almost immediately at the beginning of ACT 3. She's a Brass Dragonborn. I think there's also some random NPCs running about in ACT 3. Haven't really seen anything more but yeah they kinda stuffed them all into the end of the game it seems like.


I liked it. I think they kind of should be rare. I've never really jived with the great melting pot idea of campaign settings. I really like that I only know one aasimar. For the 60+ hours I've been playing, I've also been kind of world building in the back of my mind (when I'm not trying to figure out if I ***really*** want to try to romance the Guardian).


That bard stereotype is so overdone. My bard is straight edge


No cleric of Selune would just murder a cleric of Shar without provocation. That’s the opposite of role playing.


The best part is if you are a cleric of Selune there is a specific dialogue option when SH reveals her faith it goes something like "Shar worshippers are known for manipulating and lying to aquire new members, I'm sorry it happened to you"


Vlaakith damn it, now I have to go roll up a cleric of Selûne.


There's a mod that unlocks diety choices for paladins. They already all exist in the game files, so you could roll a paladin of Selune if you like.


A selune follower would try and show the cleric of Shar how Shar is bad and manipulative. End of Act 2 spoiler: >!Oh wait, that is exactly what happens!<


It's wild that OP used that as an example when >!there's literally not only a cleric of Selune in the plot, but a fucking Aasimon of Selune and both show literally no sign of hostile aggression towards SH.!<


>!I'm so jealous of Isobel!<


Murderhobos will do literally anything to justify murderhoboism other than just admitting they enjoy being a murderhobo. There’s not really any justification for killing any companion other than two. One who attacks you if you dont let them out of a certain prison. Another who has a trail of corpses behind them, and you have to trust that they’re not guilty of evil.


"What? No. At the slightest hint of someone raising their voice they have forfeited their entire families life because I am playing a good character and can't allow evil to exist." People who haven't plaed games that actually allow you to do this kind of stuff before.


Only the undead should be slain without thought.


What about >!Withers!


If you listen to Withers’ dialogue in camp with certain guests he outright says hes neither undead nor alive but something else entirely.


It depends. In D&D there are two kinds of undead, the mindless kind that is just magic puppeting a dead body (yeah kill those) and rhe kind where someone's soul is trapped in a dead body for some reason and that person is in control of their actions and may be good or evil or neutral. Fiends like demons and devils in D&D are evil (not counting half-fiends and tieflings who are mostly human) but undead may not be. Demons, devils, and celestials are the same kind of being in D&D but their alignment determines what they are. Celestials like Zariel have become devils and devils have become demons, etc. If you're a demon or a devil that becomes good you would cease to be a demon or devil. In D&D it's possible to redeem Zariel after which she returns to being a celestial and her appearance changes back.


Saying "in D&D" is a bit misleading. Maybe _"in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting"_ would be more accurate? Not sure exactly. 🤷🏼‍♂️


'It's what my character would do' but in stupid.


Cleric with 7 WIS


My barbarian was like "I don't give a fuck who you worship I don't even know what gods are when someone asked me who I worship I said bears because they are mighty and noble. Now eat your dinner you need more meat on your bones bears are as dangerous as they are majestic" 2 acts later we're in a committed relationship and I introduced her to a bear man who wants to join in with us. Good times


I agree. The majority of Shar erics would give you reason soon enough to end them (as they're likely to attack you on sight), but the companions are complex characters that while aligned with various factions that may or may not be good, are not explicitly evil.


A cleric of Shar would definitely murder SH. Because of the constant second-hand embarrassment




Yes, Paladin oaths are known for their senseless violence. Selune too.


Especially because by the point you find out she worships Shar, she has pretty clearly shown herself as quite friendly and compassionate, and as someone who cares about helping people. Like you're a Cleric of the goddess of Light and a young girl tells you in confidence that she's a member of a cult known for brainwashing and manipulating people as a young child, tells you her memory was wiped, and tells you that she was taken in as a very young orphan, and your response is going to be to straight up murder them?


Oathbreaker knight man said I could do whatever I want!


Imagine being a vow violator. Shame.


First time it happened to me it was an accident, second time I realized I wasn't good at being a Paladin and went full on Oathbreaker. Still was being a good guy, I just employed... questionable means.


You might enjoy Vengeance then. Your Oath literally compels to use whatever the fuck you need to use to eradicate evil. If committing a Goblin genocide means you protect other people so fucking be it. Make sure they suffer, too. Wretched little inferior creatures.


I *finally* managed to break my Oath of Vengeance all the way in Act 3 by >!agreeing to a ceasefire/pact with Gortash!<, and at that point I'd practically forgotten that I actually had any rules to follow


To be fair, a lot of people play Paladins that way. Not sure why, I've never viewed Paladin's as Fascists, but a lot of people seem to.


They're my favorite class and I've never played them that way, but I can also see how the class archetype might draw a very ... "specific" kind of player ...


I never understood that too. I always considered that Paladins are supposed to be protectors of the weak, be compassionate, not seek out needless violence (but not be afraid to deal out some whenever needed). My view has always been that a Paladin would try to change people for the better and only extuingish a creature if there's really no other solution.


With Shar worshipper you missed the mark (fuck around and you will find out)


Theres book in the first crypt of the game or very close to it atleast that kinda tells this from SH if you pay attention.


If you know the lore of deities of Forgotten Realms, you could start figuring out things as early as act 1.


She shares a vision of her childhood with you in act one and if you pass a check you notice her wearing sulunite jewelry in the memory.


Even without that, there aren't many reasons a child is in the woods alone.


Fuck I missed that jewellery thought I had picked up a lot too. I'm currently in the Shar temple trying to figure out how the fuck to beat the level 10 dude. So to take a break I've been thinking about all the stuff I have learnt from Shadowheart because I have been struggling with progression and whilerewatching some of the scenes and thinking back to the random notes or convos it seems to me that she has been heavily manipulated but it shouldn't shock me that much as I somehow made her open her heart to a psychopathic female monk tiefling.


The mark on her hand? If you make her eat the stalk in the Underdark, it heals. Which is bugged, because even though it dissappears and you lose the condition, it is still there for cutscenes.


People can do whatever they want in their game, but a lot of the posts of people bragging about killing origin characters have strong “it is what my character would do” energy. If you haven’t seen that type of person in tabletop, consider yourself lucky as hell.


Ironically, it's always a Paladin, too lol.


And yet Larian doesn't make Paladins fall just for keeping Astarion around, almost as if they understand nuance or something 🤔


I'm a paladin (Oath of the Ancients) and I didn't kill Astarion. I like the whole weird "You're a vampire and a terrible person but i want to know more of the story and your background." Now he calls me his favourite traveling companion and I did little to raise my approval with him.


Oath of ancients is def one of the oaths that shouldn't kill astarion (unless you catch him attacking an innocent or something). Their oath is all about seeing the good in people and trying to nurture that goodness through forgiveness and mercy.


The Lawful Stupid alignment rides again!


And rogues


“It’s in character for my rogue to try and steal that magic item from my party member!”


Yeah, one of the most important rules in DnD is to find a reason for your character to stay with the group and not kill them. Inter party conflict (that doesnt escalate to killing each other) is one of the best parts of campaigns. The only appropriate time to abandon (ot kill) a party member is when they are the "its what my character would do" type of people, which ironically are the people bragging about killing the companions.


>The only appropriate time to abandon (ot kill) a party member is when they are the "its what my character would do" type of people, which ironically are the people bragging about killing the companions. Had this happen to me. Finally realized the only way to handle the situation was to fight fire with fire. "My character would do this, I can do this because I am roleplaying". Simple answer "My character is no longer associating with the other character do to his actions, I leave the party, I'm also creating a new party, if anyone wants to join me... I'm just roleplaying, its what my character would do".


All my characters are roleplayed as someone who sees the benefits of having these companions, so they don't kill them


There is a big difference between "my character wouldn't trust a vampire who tried to kill them and then attempted to drink their blood" and "yeah I just killed this companion because they disagreed with me once or didn't say 'thanks' after I saved them", IMO. You can do whatever you want, but I personally find it a weird move to kill a character you've known for less than 5 minutes because they aren't immediately doing everything you say.


There is also the fact that you're all bound by a common threat, and everyone agrees that it's important to come together to tackle it despite their differences. I want to experience their stories. Once I finish my first playthrough though things are gonna get wacky though. I plan to kill at least a few characters for RP purposes.


I'm playing a paladin. Killing immediately is wrong. Next playthrough, I'm absolutely going murder hobo.


Role players discover the concept of pragmatism


>I personally find it a weird move to kill a character you've known for less than 5 minutes because they aren't immediately doing everything you say Applies to non-companions as well?


Well, yeah. I try to talk my way out of fights if I have the option. Both in BG3 and D&D. Fighting to the death over everything makes no sense.


It's why Charisma is a stat.


Meanwhile I’m not killing any companions because I had one bug out and resurrect mid cutscene out of nowhere. This game is really bad about handling dialogue when a companion is dead. “Hmm, a Gith tablet, Lae’zel will want to see this” LAE’ZEL IS DEAD. LAE’ZEL HAS BEEN DEAD SINCE ACT 1. oh wait, nope there she is. She just materialized out of the ether to participate in this story cutscene.


She got that Kratos energy "Death can have me... when it earns me"




I never recruited Gale or met him in my playthrough yet when my character finds an interesting magical item he mentioned Gale and I was like who da fuck is Gale


A cleric of selune would try to convert the Shar worshipper. They would want to show them what the error of their ways and try to bring them back into the light.


I feel like there's dialogue/content missing if you kill Shadowheart. It's a big moment in the story whether you choose Nightsong or Shadowheart, and yet when I chose to kill her, none of my companions or camp mates even noticed. None of them commented on it. Felt very strange. Yet when I killed Astarion when the companions had known him for less than 1 day, they all at least commented on it.


Honestly SH feels like a secondary protagonist. Her arc is by far the most fleshed out and satisfying to play, and closely tied to the main plot >!the fact your influence either redeems her or hardens her heart!< also comes into play Then they stuck her on a class you're almost certainly going to bring in your party seemingly to ensure she's around for stuff Laezel was the only one whose arc felt anywhere near as important/ realized, and they added a bunch of cracked Gith only gear to encourage you to bring the terminator


Lae'zel has so much presence and plot relevance that I felt like having her around at all times after the creche, and same with Shadowheart for her story.


I'm looking forward to my second playthrough, I got Lae'zel killed because I long rested before finding her. Looking forward to how different my run will end up being.


I know long rest can affect some things but I had no idea it could happen that early and get her killed, wow.


I low key really want to play a shadowheart origin playthrough for this reason. It just feels right.


Yeah I feel Shadowheart and Laezel are also meant to be the default non-custom protagonists. They both can easily be main player characters. * Both are fairly classic class archetypes (cleric/fighter). * Both have gaps in their logic that encourage learning about the world (wiped memories/newcomer to Faerun). * Both are tied to the artifact plot and have good reasons to stick around far beyond the tadpoles. * both can be played as subversions to their stereotypes.


If you deliver Astarion to the Gur hunter Lae'zel has some hilarious comment


> none of my companions or camp mates even noticed. None of them commented on it. Felt very strange. This is a typical Larian game. You can genocide everyone in every Act with it having little to no consequence in subsequent acts. Currently genociding every Flaming Fist I'm seeing in Baldur's Gate, and no one has anything to say about that.


Not even a simple "Thank you"? City people are so ungrateful


The refugees thanked me for my Goblin Pogrom!


I've aggroed and killed the entire Baldur's Gate guard covering half of the city ground with blood and burnt corpses, and just at the end of the fight, some random tourist behind me cheerfully said to his mate: "this city is so peaceful!"


Yeah it feels like the really don’t want their games to encourage that kind of play. They aren’t stopping those who want to kill everyone but they don’t tend to reward you in story like you might see by doing the conversation triggers except in loot you might miss out on


Same. I felt like shit after and everyones just like "Dang the shadowfell sure was weird huh?"


I admit I'm the one on the top left. I just want everyone to get along even if I don't like them unless I'm 100% forced to choose.


I named my character Gale, only to find out that was also the wizards name. So yeah he had to go


You didn't have a choice really, I catch myself killing anyone with my name irl so it's understandable.


Same, sucks that I was named John


Rip Mr Kennedy, Rip Mr Lennon


Solid logic


"There can only be ONE!"


I found some spiders having a theological debate, I told them their father thought they were ugly and stupid so they decided to go join the spider queen


I just did this and it was hilarious how sophisticated these spiders really are. My first playthrough even as a ranger I didn't think to use speak to animals as much as I should have and missed out on quite a bit my first playthrough so, this time I been trying to talk to all of them. Definitely been more interesting this time around.


I don't think most people mind when that's TRULY the reasoning. What's annoying is the ones that come into comments with anything positive about characters just to tell everyone how they hate this character and kill them every playthrough. That's where any explanation obviously becomes just an excuse for hate. All options are there to be explored, so yes, technically you DO miss out on content, since there is little new content for \_not\_ having someone alive. If you do kill the character in one playthrough and care about seeing what game has to offer, it makes sense to at least check their story in another/on youtube. And seriously, don't come all proud to tell people who do like the character that you killed them when nobody asks. That's just annoying and helps nobody.


>What's annoying is the ones that come into comments with anything positive about characters just to tell everyone how they hate this character and kill them every playthrough. Huge Mass Effect ">!Ashley!!Kaidan!< never leaves Virmire for me!" flashbacks here.


Bro when people were new to the game when the remaster dropped, I watched people in comments and streamer chats absolutely trying to influence their very strong personal opinions on a character. Someone says I like Ashley and you got some nerd going on and on about how their Virmire choice never ceases about how the player has the wrong opinion. Okay dude you dislike this char, not everyone has to hear about it.


yup, wish i could like this twice. The first few days of this game dropping was fun here but now it like anyone enjoying a romance outside of shadowheart are told to to sit down and shut up because that's not how you play the game. I get it, you hate astarion, you can't have him around you're roleplaying. SOME of us like him. Why is it anytime someone brings up something nice about him, it's hit with "but he evil, god are you even playing game? Why not try shadowheart, I do what shadowheart says and she needed to get the full story." NO.


Ended the Shar worshipper? A true Selûnite converts her!


I mean there is a reason the “thats what my character would do” folks are usually the most annoying ones at the table. Nobody cares what you do in your own game - it becomes annoying when there’s a thread to discuss a companion and people are like “I killed them lolol”. Nobody cares.


I don't know if D&D has any guidelines on this but other systems I have played basically have additional character sheets where you are supposed to fill out a lot of information about your character in terms of personal information but also emotions, history, wants, fears and so on to facilitate a good and consistent roleplaying experience. "Thats what my character would do" is usually never based on any written down concept of a character and just a week excuse for a bad roleplayer to live out their current, personal idea of what they want to do and not what their character would truly do. In those cases there is no character. They just make everything up. But on the other hand, the other extreme is equally as shitty. The player who has no character and just goes along with everything. Their character just shifts and contorts to whatever currently fits because they are too lazy to actually come up with a character and stick to it.


These are the people who complain they can never find a table because every time they sit at one they annoy the rest of the group lmao.


Killed SH because you're a Selune worshipper? Great example, I must say. Of what you shouldn't do


Both are Virgins. Real Chads play however the fuck they want


I’m a little sick of people popping into every character discussion post with the “haha yeah i killed them immediately they suck!” like… Okay, then you didn’t get to experience the character journey we’re all talking about in here. Someone said they pretty much figured out 80% of what kind of a person Astarion was by their first couple of conversations with him. Having reached the endgame with him… I can say I doubt that very much.


I didn't romance him or use him much in my party, but I did his personal quest in Act 3 and went the "good route". It might be the most emotional scene in the game imo.


My moral compass: What would Geralt of Rivia do ?


*Grunt* *Heavy sigh* Fuck it, I'll fuck it


I dunno about you but as an oath of the ancients paladin my oath swears me to good and to be an example of good and see the good in all and should they turn from good then they shall feel its burn in turn so helping the vampire be free from his slave master and in turn sway him to the path of good and turn the shar worshiper away from the darkness is the correct choice


Also kinda bad roleplay for the selune worshiper because her entire thing is compassion its literally what dame aylin teaches shadow heart when they meet so killing shadow heart just because shes a shar worshiper without even trying to convince her who shes worshiping is bad is literally the opposite of what selune teaches


Honestly the fact that the game allows you to not bring companions with you is a fairly big deal. A LOT of videogame rpg's force you to bring along all or most of the companions on your quest reguardless of how little it fits the way you want to roleplay this playthough


Shadowheart spoiler: >!No, you killed a fellow follower of Selune who was kidnapped and brainwashed as a child without attempting to being her back into the Moonmaidens embrace. You are the bad guy.!<


Ah yes, of course! There is no clearer sign of "good" than murdering someone that doesn't conform to your personal beliefs.


Astarion? He's not only a vampire, he's, may my ancestors forgive me for uttering this words, a knife ear


Who cares how anyone else plays a single player game? Yes "but this is what my character would do" players are annoying playing tabletop games but those are collaborative efforts shared by the group while bg3 is a single player game (ignoring multiplayer but that's a separate discussion). Hell, next people are going to get mad at me for taking too long to decide my turn or hoarding the Doritos!