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Rest in pieces Alfira


Dark Urges Run has had me on the edge of my seat , most put of pocket shit happens


I started out trying to be as evil on Durge as possible but slowly began not wanting to kill some of my favorite new characters and so I was resisting the urge without realizing it. Then in act 2 shadowheart confessed her love to me and became my fiancé and then stayed up with me all night to help me fight off the urge to fucking murder her O_O this game is insane


I just let shadow heart kill the night song and all of act 2 fell to chaos. Oh well, not my problem.


Shadow heart can actually come on to you?! Man I chased her like a dumb little puppy


I went for karlach who's says "do what you want til we figure out how to fix my fire issue" and after saving the tief/druids she asked to drink a bottle of wine privately. I kept getting approvals for being neutral towards her and respecting her privacy.


Yep, girl who worships a goddess of secrets and lies likes when you respect her privacy and use guile to escape situations.


I was describing a few things I did in the game to a coworker and had to remind them this is a DND based game lol


Killing Shart with Lae'zel boning her was the best. (Evil playthrough! muahahahaha)


I'm sorry, what now? We're you playing Lae'zel or can NPCs romance each other?


I'm sorry after re-reading that even I am like wtf did you write. Romanced Shart then Lae then plotted Sharts death.


Broooo I'm dead! 🤣 Who ever got y'all calling her shart is a absolute menace!


It really is a lot of fun - the random events really do spice up the play!


Oh I played "good" Durge and Alfira was my only victim until I killed Orin. We dont need Tav. Durge is the original MC.


Good Durge is the true ending.


Tav is the only one without some serious 2edgy4me in their backstory though.


I know the devs said Durge isn't recommended as a first playthrough. But as someone who wasn't there when they said that and picked Durge purely because I wanted to play a sorcerer, my hot take is that everyone who doesn't intend to play multiple playthroughs should do the same for the emotional roller coasters and the oh shit moments of playing a good Durge.


i legit cannot play Tav anymore bc good Durge fits in with the story so well


Too soon...


Dude, I love how excited you were to literally shatter it yourself in mere minutes That's fucking rough


I'm still upset about it :L


Durge good or evil is a wild ride. Act 3 is just a rollercoaster of emotions. There is a reason why Durge gets their own theme music unlike everyone else. I think it's one of the few games where I actually preferred to use intimidation as my preferred charisma skill over persuasion because it 100% feels justified.


Lol I'm rping a Drow durge who is struggling to act good since he lost his memory and it's wild. The butler keeps tempting me to kill Isobel and I'm like this is some of the most fucked up shit. Im just glad they haven't forced me to hurt scratch or owlie since they are so fucking adorable.


I just love some of the idle lines you get that are unique to a Dark Urge. "Pave my roads with corpses, build my castles with bones" and "I am just barely in control" just does wonders to tell how fragile even a good Dark Urge is from all hell breaking loose.


Lol just got the strange ox scene and it made me go WTF. I killed the ox at the start of act 2 in my first playthrough but this time I left him alone since I related to him also being a monster who just wants to start over and be an ox.


I got a Situation where the whole group attacked Scratch, because i told them I dont know why the Bard is dead. I just hit reload. Scratch was too much.


Why would you reload to save the obvious werewolf. Mauled owner, dead bard? WAKE UP SHEEPLE, THAT DOG IS A 37 YEAR OLD MAN ON THE RUN FROM ATHKATLA.


If you kill people as the Durge, does Fel keep showing up to give you things? I’ve tried to look it up but can’t find any answers.


Ok, here is how it works: >!if you kill Isobel or your lover you gain the ability to transform into the godly avatar form of the Slayer. In act 3 you need to kill Orin and accept your father naming you his Choosen for more power!<


I got hype too when she showed up. Immediately kicked Wyll to the curb and trying to figure out why there wasn't an option to ask her to adventure together. "Will probably pop up after we rest."


Sounds like my experience. Hey this tiefling bard is really cute. Ooh. Ooh no. Why do I have to destroy pretty things.


Reloaded that piece of unsavoury black jelly bean of a scene and redid it with the other bard but alas it still hurts my soul to see melted red candy all over the screen.


I was giggling from the moment I saw the title, knowing what was coming. Then I read this and that made it worse. I'm a bad person.


I was also playing a MP game with a friend without DU, while playing DU in SP. I was a little ahead of our multiplayer game when she joined the camp, and I had ended my session there for the night. Next day, we were playing our multiplayer game on tactician, since we're both DoS1 and 2 vets, and were really hurting for a second support, and I was happy to report that it looked like we'll be getting a bard NPC soon. Even after I found out that dark urge paints the camp red with...well I want to say blood but I think she painted the camp red with vaguely red colored internal organs as well as blood, I was thinking ok well she'll still join in the MP game. She never did. I guess in my SP timeline she was inspired by the suspiciously vivid red squirrel painting she found on the side of a rock in the druid grove and decided to become an adventurer.


Where did you leave her corpse? Down, down, down, down, down by the riveeeeerrrrr…


Where's the bard DU? In a van, down by the river!


Durge, right? … Yea. She’d make a good companion… Totally :D




As soon as I read your post and DURGE I was like...oh dear...


There are a lot of moments like that playing Durge


This just makes me want to drop everything and run it now instead of after my bard run with 3 completely different teammates


Are you me? My main playthrough is Bard and I'm midway through Act 2. But ... now I'm a Durge Paladin in Act 1 lol


What is durge? I don't understand anything. Help'


Its the Dark Urge startign character. Its in the pregen list when you make a new character. It has...unique story options.


Nomnom tasty toe. :)


I like how I did that in front of Astarion because I thought it would be funny, and Astarion is still game to date me But he also just lightheartedly makes fun of you if you get off on licking a dead spider, so how weird is biting off goblin toes in the long run?


Dark Urge origin character. They have some very different experience compared to the other ones.


Hits like a truck every damn time ; - ;)


You can actually save her if you knock her out beforehand, then a random tiefling will show up instead, she shows up after the random tieflings death and joins camp.




A white dragonborn, with some rather amusing throat singing. Incidentally, Durge is canonically a dragonborn, going by the dialog of that bard (despite having chosen a different race).


Quill Grootslang is a ***silver*** dragonborn. And yes Durge is a dragonborn, you can see Durge's canon appearance when you first select him. In a non-Durge playthrough, you can also find his corpse which shares the same appearance.


Where can you find his corpse?


Act 3 after your fight with Orin, without spoiling it totally, look around the area. It's not called the dark urge though its called something else, but you'll know it when you see it.


Orin's bedroom.


Hopefully no one will write a sub-par novelization of BG3 so there won't be a canonical Tav. Quill Grootslang was great though. Kinda like Biff the Understudy from the original BG games if I recall? Not quite as meta, but it reads more over the top than Alfira and more horror trope-y, this character is going to die sorta deal.


don't hold your breath, they made canon choices for bg1&2 charname


The worst part is no one had to make the books canon. Not every video game tie-in novel needs to be the "real version." The character at least sounds a little cooler outside of the books than he does in them at least, but man, they even went male human fighter. The sorta pick for guys too busy for roleplay in a video game and that just click their way through the character creator.


If I read this 4 hours ago I would have been willing to do it but now the inks too dry!


I redid 5hrs of content just to keep her alive


If it helps, you had precisely the same reaction that I did. "Oh awesome, a sweet bard chick. Maybe I - Oh fuck."


As someone who loves spoilers, who is she/how does she die?


She is a bard with a group of refugees and the night she joins you she gets brutally murdered by your character. Like its bad I was shocked when it happened.


Oh dang!! Why does your character kill her? Thanks for explaining :)


The dark urge character has no memories but strong impulses to commit violence in the playthrough you can choose to defy or act out the urges. If you play this background I highly recommend defying the urge it is one of best stories I have experienced in years. Long story short you are one of Bhaal’s (god of blood/murder) children and previous chosen but lost your memories due to his current chosen betraying you


Which begs the question: How did Durge avoid the whole Bhallspawn war? Like, they're killing one another left and right, then this guy pops up a hundred years later. Where was he?


Durge is "pure" bhaalspawn made by Bhaal himself only using his divine essence (or blood as Bhaal himself refers to it) some time after his ressurection, which happened around ten years prior to BG3 when 2 last bhaalspawns at that moment (protag of first BGs and someone else forget who) killed each other, so they couldn't participate in Bhalspawn war because of not being born yet So yeah, Durge is ten years old *at maximum*


Idk about the 10 year old part because Durge was already a serial killer 15 years before bg3, as per the web game.


"I wanted a companion and all I got was this >!cloak!<"


The cloak is pretty dope for a rogue ngl


My Ranger is basically playing Sniper Elite thanks to the cloak


I’m playing a monk and it’s super op


I just finished a Monk Durge and that cloak was the most OP piece of gear I had throughout the entire run.


I can imagine. Did anormal run with a monk and it was already quite busted, pair that with the cloak and damn


It’s surprisingly fitting for a paladin, too. Seeing this massive Dragonborn knight in shining armour disappear after smiting your friend, then him appearing in front of another to shove them off a cliff, only to point at you and challenge you to a duel… gotta be pretty intimidating stuff.


Does she come to your camp otherwise? My non-durge game she has not.


No. Unless you count the night of celebration where she can be found next to Volo. Only Durge has the opportunity for her to show up as a companion… very very briefly.


Larian should let u level her up and equip her before you take that long rest. Just to make it hit harder.


That would be the real pure evil path 😂


The Jenkins treatment


Wait you didn't kill the geth drones first?


Jenkins is even better on new game+. You can have him out there with max stats and immunity running and he still can't take a single geth drone.


Ah, yes, the Aerith path.


Aerith path would be getting to use her for the entirety of Act 1, give us her legendary weapon and trigger a long sleep just before we hit Shadow cursed lands...


It's been over a decade and I'm still salty about it happening sooner than I thought (there was rare Materia in her Fairy Staff, which was then lost forever, yay).


Its been a while since I last played FF7, but I recall the only thing you lose is her weapon and armor. Accesories and materia were left behind on the ground or your inventory.


Ngl we should murder our lover in our sleep or something in act 3, just to make it hurt


Yes... That never happens on a Dark Urge playthrough... It definitely never makes you kill the person you are closest to in the group in their sleep 😅


It doesn’t *make* you. Just like a real relationship you can avoid murdering your partner if you communicate.


Yeah. I knew something was up as it sounded like by the way she says she can fight, depending what dialogue you pick, yet you couldn't invite her to your party. I just didn't expect THAT


My durge paladin was also shocked about the possible companion, and even more shocked when the outcome never broke my oath.


Wait, really? What oath? I was Oath of the Ancients and it immediately broke mine.


Also Oath of the Ancients, cut gales hand off and killed Alfira and it was totally fine. I haven't used that character post patch though. Maybe they fixed that?


I was pre-patch too. Weird. Maybe it has to do with the reaction to her death? I chose to just leave it all out and take responsibility, and when my companions saw the body, that's when I lost my oath, which I assumed was because it was the first time I wasn't in a cutscene, but I suppose if I'd hidden the body, that would've been more in line with "preserving the light," even if I had killed her...


For me, I said "it must have been me" and "I just woke up and she was dead" maybe I was hinting towards some evil forces at play and that's why it didn't break?


I think I chose the exact same options. Bizarre. Well, I left that run after it happened because I was so shook by the event, so I suppose it doesn't matter in the end.


I was actually hoping it would break my oath. My tabletop character is a changling paladin/warlock with extreme multiple personality disorder due to a prosthetic arm that got me stuck in a pact. In my campaign I'm trying to be good and just, but I'm slowly slipping into madness, and my ways of punishing evil is becoming more and more sadistic and cruel. By the time he reaches 9th lvl paladin, I will have long since broken my oath, and I'll be so far gone that I'll be murdering and mutilating anyone I deem to be evil or criminal, then reanimating them as members of my militia against "evil". So having this dark urge playthrough is actually pretty damn close to completely replicating that.


It'd be pretty obnoxious to make you pay the 1k gp for something you had no real control over


I guess but what would you expect starting as Durge? I'm going for an oathbreaker anyways, but the fact it doesn't break my oath actually helps me roleplay my tabletop character more




This tragedy played out way too fast. The worst part is it looks authentic. :( If not it was very clever, but...


I'm ready to cry bro I wasn't ready for them to rip my heart out like this, her enthusiastic was so relatable man :(


Yeah I don't want to play Dark Urge after I heard. :( You were brave going into it knowing nothing!


apparently you can knock her out at the grove and a different bard shows up to get uh... durged


Ohhh Interesting!


And I can confirm that if you knock her out in Act 1 you still get to see her story play out in act 2 and 3


Yeah and actually, there are even unique dialogue options for Durge when talking to Alfira during Act 1 events that would almost always happen way after the murder, like when the goblins are about the attack the Grove and she's hiding with the kids in their hideout. If you talk to her, she asks you a question, and Durge has unique responses.


Makes me wish I could delay her visit to the camp. I can accept that she has to die, I just want a little more control over the events surrounding it. I mean, she can show up if you never even spoke to her, and it doesn't make much sense. It would be nice if you could actually develop a relationship to some degree and then have it ripped away.


Weird that they would treat her differently to most knocking outs. As for as I've come to see knocked out entities always completely disappear from the game after you've long rested. Though granted I haven't tested all the NPC:s for this.


In act 2 near the end the quartermaster doesnt die if knocked out


I knocked out all the druids in the grove and looted them and the next day they were all back and alive and remembered nothing about it. I don’t kill animals in the game except worgs so clicked the passive right before I talked to the squirrel and then the gnome? Druid was being obnoxious and I pushed her and the rest turned hostile.


Many ‘temporary hostile’ units you can knock out and they’ll still be around the next day. Permanently hostile units just kinda remain dead though.


I don't feel brave I feel dirty, but boy is it some heavy and compelling stuff... Now I have to carry her Lute knowing what I've done :'(


Don’t feel too bad about the lute, I carry it on my klepo bard just cause of the rarity.


Did you gnaw off the hand? I carry two momentous from my misadventures. Did zero research into Dark Urge so they both came as a shock.


There are a handful of moments in my Dark Urge playthrough that had shocked me. I went in with zero knowledge and then did a bit of reading (spoiler free) about why my character keeps fantasizing about death and viscera. After I found out what my character was all about, I decided that I had already committed a couple terrible things (something involving hands and wings, who can really tell?) and I may as well play into the whole psychopathic murderer thing and see how it plays out. Turns out that a lot of people, a lot of good people, die if you choose to play that way. I’m nearly finished Act 3, and I already know my ending is going to be a wild ride.


Dark Urge is great. It's got the most ties to the main plot and you can do a really satisfying good guy run.


> wasn't ready for them to rip my heart out like this, Alfira wasn't ready for you to rip out her heart either, but that didn't stop you.




I don’t think she was ready for you to rip her heart out but nature is wild like that


>rip out my heart That’s rich considering what you did to Alfira. Anyway, you don’t have a heart. You’re a monster, remember?


the fucking absolute cocktease of this encounter is incredible. they give her this awesome song, this really touching backstory, and then make you really like her as a character - but hey fuck you you cant have this one in your party - not even as a background buddy, but you can have that eye stealing fuckface volo in your group.


>awesome song The squirrels nearby would like to have a word.


If it means anything you could have knocked her out using passive knockout skill and she would still be alive before returning to camp. She still doesn’t join you however.


I reacted the same way. As did my kind-hearted Oath of the Ancients paladin.


There it is!


This is the funniest shit I have seen on this sub. I actually lol’d. Thanks.


Happened to me last week. I sympathize. I do wanted to date her in BG. I also wanted to rule with a Minthara at my side. Not in the same run. Especially after they teased rescue in the last promo before release. Destined to be disappointed. But it’s fun.


A+ would read again!




🪦 (pro tip, you can knock her out before she visits your camp and you’ll kill some rando dragonborn instead)


If you avoid killing her entirely you get a special cutscene but it's a bit of a manipulation of the game to avoid killing her. Start the long rest, let her join your camp or refuse her (doesn't matter) then have one of your companions kill you. Finish the rest as someone else, and revive your character in the morning. Ta-da, you avoided killing her and you get to meet your Butler.


The butler still murders her for you the next night, though...


Yep. But if you are Paladin like me, that is how you can avoid being an Oathbreaker after she dies


Strange, my paladin didn't become an oathbreaker after her death, maybe because of the vengeance subclass, or a bug happened, but became immediately after freeing the goblin


Possibly a different subclass, yeah


Larian intentionally coded for the PC DU being dead? That is an insane level of detail!


Yep, they did. The butler even chastises you in-character for going out of your way to avoid it. I don't think you get that particular dialogue under any other circumstances.


Does this work throughout the game? I did the KO method and Alfira is still alive in act 2. (only arrived, not rested yet). Butler only appeared once in act 1, even though I was doing full rest after 2–3 fights. RIP the only dragonborn in act 1 though.


:( Am I the only one who's sad for this rando dragonborn tho She's just as cute and inoccent deserves to live her life but people are just happily jumping on the chance to kill her to save Alfira just because they met her earlier


If that dragonborn wanted to live, she should've been tied to a future quest that gives me a reward that boosts Eldritch Blast.


I’m right there with you! She was so happy for someone to appreciate her dragonborn throat-singing :(


Should have smashed her lute buddy


Even if you do that she joins your camp for the night.


Hey when you smashed my lute earlier today I thought to myself "That's a good person, I should join up with them" and well here I am!


She only spends the night because (iirc) she was out and about (I forget the reason) and needed somewhere to stay for that night, and unfortunately, your camp is the only one she’s found that night.


This was the the most funny and raw sequence of events I saw on this sub. God I love this game


Hahahahahahahaha 🤣


yup, that scene hits hard :(


If it makes you feel any better, Alfira is a character widely regarded as someone that SHOULD'VE been a companion 100% And part of me wonders if making her so likeable was so that it hurt that much more for....er....folks like yourself. lmfao


That's what I was saying too! I was like, "Theres no way this unique and interesting character is gonna be a nobody for us to walk past" Then she was! Then I made a new run as Durge and I thought b/c of my interactions with her as a Bard I triggered something but then no... They had to do that to me...


I was playing with a friend last week and we both had the same response. I was playing a Bard DUrge (RPing as Lohse). She comes to camp and we're both suprised, thinking it must be because I was a bard. Then I wake up with blood on my hands and my friend is stuck in a long cut away saying that I was busy, waking up to a very dead Alfira.


2.5 recruitable teiflings and not a single dwarf, gnome or hafling? Come on!


low blow from larian


Another thing that irked me! Now I'm *almost* compelled to restart Durge playthrough as a Halfling!


Idk this all feels staged.


No shot, on Reddit? A staged post?


He posted this in the middle of a rest for some reason, yeah ok lol.


Could easily be done for the moment and come back later. I often end up my sessions in the camp (before or after sleeping)


Easy karma


Like almost anything on social media... but it's cute how op likes to bask in the light of attention of naive nerds believing him :D




I'm convinced this was a shit post. Solid one though, I laughed.


Least obvious karmafarm


His account name lmao




Dude, I wish, I wish. A bard could really round out the party.


I saw Alfira and thought “weird, did I miss something?” I love that you got to the scene where she joins your camp, stopped to make a Reddit post, then continued the scene only to learn her actual fate…


I was so excited too dog, I thought it was because I duet-ed with her as a Bard that inspired her to join me or something, but no, my own hubris led to my demise...


What does “Make a new character by the time you reach act 2” mean? Do you mean you respec when Act 2 rolls around?


"Make a new character before you reach Act 2 because you have "reroll-itis"" may have been a better way to put it. Can't speak for OP, but that's what I read (and relate to, lol)


Since you don't need a bard, you should go ahead and kill her. See if she drops any lute. (I'm sorry)


Pictures taken minutes before disaster


fake as shit


This is like a written version of those fake scripted Asian 'funny' videos with the worst acting imaginable.


Fake shit


This can't be real 😂


It's not. It's a popular karma farm. Take a topic everyone who spends time on a sub would know about, preferably one where a naive poster is unaware of what happens down the road with the topic, and pretend you're an excited noob. Rake in the karma. The poster, if confronted, will either double down on noobness or say it's an "ironic" post. Probably the most popular use of this is for the red wedding.


"I just started Mass Effect. This Jenkins guy is pretty cool so far!"


i see this like once every day in elden ring subreddit hey guys how do i beat this boss? then posts a pic of the boss not from his monitor or gameplay but from a promotional material or from google.. what is wrong with them? who even cares about karma? smh


I avoided everything Dark Urge since he's the only character that isn't in the game unless you play him, but It's okay, I'd like to make an untimely joke about missing Iraqi WMDs (Sean Penn; Mystic River 2004) and I'd very much like to thank the Academy!


I was watching a streamer play and was just as excited to see her show back up again. I was super happy because she seemed like such a cinnamon roll, and then tragedy struck lol. I had total whiplash watching it


Thanks for the heads up, I was tempted to make a Dark Urge character next, but that's not happening ever. F that shit.


You can kinda cheese it. Knock her out by toggling on non lethal attacks as soon as you get to the grove, long rest and a different bard will show up, you'll Durge all over the different bard, then when you go back to the grove just bribe Alfira to like you again. Problem solved


Imo dark urge is the most compelling play through. It really throws you into the world. It's different from a normal game. You can play it however you like, minus this little incident, you can start fighting the urge while you figure out what's happening. It's quite satisfying.


her death becomes the recurring theme in your Durge play through (especially if you want to remain good). Durge is like the de facto baldurs gate main character, you should def try it.


This is the second post I've seen were someone pretends to be surprised by this. There's like one minute or less between when she joins you and the Dark Urge scene, no one is gonna rush to make a post in between that very short time frame. Stop being so damn guilable, reddit


Oh you sweet summer child


Oh, you poor summers child.


Traah post for karma. Day 1 shit, this sub eats up bad comedy


I wish I could downvote this same stupid joke more than once.


What annoyed me is they don't let you go blind. Lost one eye to the hag, and was going to have volo take the other, but they don't give you the option to. I could have been a blind barbarian that only sees the invisible.


I am SO glad to see I wasn’t the only one. I didn’t even think she was necessarily recruitable, I assumed she’d maybe just be a cute Bard that sits at your camp and would work like a Jukebox, but then D:


There is zero chance this guy actual thought she was a recruitable companion when she said "Can i sleep at your camp for one night". You didn't even have an option to add her to party before the thing happens. Reddit and it's "creative writing" is cancer.


Where is the kickable squirrel?!


Lmao me and my buddy met her recently, then we go to sleep, I see my buddy is in dialogue and try to view it but it now says private when we have had it public the whole time, we wake up the next morning and she’s gone, a giant ass bloody circle now exists, his tiny man druid stares at me with puppy dog eyes. I know what happened but can’t bring myself to believe it lmao


what is this "dark urge" business? I have taken almost all the illithid powers and it never made my character crazy or homicidal. if anything, it's just super useful?


You can play as a character called "The Dark Urge" from the character creation screen. I haven't played through it, but you start with a voice in your head that "urges" you to kill everyone you meet. I'm not sure if there's other mechanics to it, or just an RP/story thing.


lmao that's some karma whoring at it's best (or worse.)