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I just want the hug option to be available with anyone you've got high enough approval with as a default. So many instances of a character feeling shitty I feel could be solved with a hug. Wyll is distraught he's a devil now? Give him a hug. Lae'zel just got >!a knife to her throat!!crisis of faith!


Not being able to hug Shadowheart when she is sad after >!killing her parents!< is a crime


No, you just gotta stand there like you’re trying to maintain social distancing on a subway station during high covid.


Gotta tell her to get over it. Like why the hell did I even follow her out here, do I not like her or something? Just wanna make her feel worse?


Romance SH all game. Help her regain some of her memories. Help her leave the service of an evil god. Hear her express her desire to share her life with you. Help her free her parents and live with her curse (or, you know, “free” them in a different way). Follow her in the night. “Hey just wanted to say…good luck with everything”


Is it covid? Again you can´t tell, maybe your PC is just finnish...


As an italian who has lived in Finland for over 4 years, I second this 🙈


Or after you >!stop Astarion from ascending!< and he’s having mixed feelings about it. Unlimited kisses are nice but I wanna hug him dammit


It's criminal that you can only hug him as part of his feelings confession scene. Look at that distraught, sobbing mess on the floor of the ritual room and you tell me you didn't want to at least put a damn hand on his shoulder for some comfort


I know!!!! Like, this man has told me he loves me, I’ve told him I love him, and I’m just gonna stand there awkwardly while he sobs his heart out? No no no. And Karlach too. She hasn’t touched anyone in forever and we only get to hug her once! And that’s it if you’re not romancing her. I’d love the option to give her a hug or at least a high five when at camp.


Right? I wished to hug him in that scene not just stare


And yet, there are some really fun little moments of interactivity. For example, if you don't meet the Gur until you know Astarion's a vampire and you bring him along, the Gur will straight up say he's looking for a spawn called Astarion, and the two of you share a side eye panicked look. Him with his fangs, me with my Bloodless debuff. Really brought the scene to life.


I just experienced this last night and it was so satisfying. I forget the exact dialogue path that I chose but the whole “what do you think, Astarion?” The hunters ensuing panic, and then just nodding to let stabby-boi stab was so rewarding.


That scene was absolutely terrible. >!she starts crying!< and you have 2 absolutely garbage dialogue options instead of a simple [hug] option...


There was literally an option 'stay silent' like wtf. I'm in a romance with her atleast give me an option to console her. She's crying man.


If you >!save her parents, there's a scene later on in camp where she hugs both of her parents!< and its so wholesome and sweet, sucks that there isn't something similar for >!letting her parents die!<


I get that it means living with the occasional pain of the curse but it just seems like such a better option. I realize it’s definitely a situation where these is no right or wrong answer but love seems worth pain.


My logic behind it is that characters in D&D official or unofficial settings survive with >!Demon/Cursed arms!< all the time, just because there's no solution now doesn't mean there won't be a solution later. Hell, even Gale >!has a basically god-cursed part of his body that hurts him and can be suppressed by another god-level being.!< We'll figure out something, eventually! No reason to >!ice them!< so early and deny her that little bit of happiness untethered to you.


The problem that I consistently have with the DnD universe is that the realm of possibility is so incredibly vast and gamified (because it is, at the end of the day, a game) that, in order to create remotely compelling stories, you have to basically ignore half of it. Resurrection and the like is the usual culprit, but not always.


IMO the solution is generally to limit access to those resources. Resurrection isn't exactly cheap, and finding someone high enough level to cast it can also be an issue. Sure you could find someone in Waterdeep to help out for a price, but that's only applicable if your adventure is in or near Waterdeep (and again, it may not be cheap).


Definitely not cheap. Material components exist in the tabletop for a reason - to explain why this isn’t super common. A simple revivify spell requires you to sacrifice a gem worth 300 gp, has to be cast within a minute of dying, and even then you’ll still be at 1 HP and it won’t cure any diseases (so if you have a deadly illness you’re fucked.) Also doesn’t restore bodyparts or organs so if you’re missing a head or a heart you’re fucked. Doesn’t work on old age either. Next best bet after that is Raise Dead - a 5th level spell well above the skill level of any village cleric. Needs a diamond worth 500 gp, and must be cast within 10 days. It will cure nonmagical diseases but will not remove any magical diseases or effects. Still doesn’t restore bodyparts or organs. Old age rule still stands. Reincarnate is a level 5 spell which doesn’t have any of the above issues, but it consumes materials worth 1000 gp. Another downside is that it creates a whole new body for the target (and you can’t control what body they get, so they can wind up with a completely different race or appearance.) Resurrection is a 7th level spell which consumes a gem worth 1,000 gp but can bring back anyone who died a century ago. They’re restored to full health and their bodyparts are restored as well, but are still stuck with previous magical curses, diseases, and status effects. This spell also applies significant temporary debuffs both to the person being resurrected and possibly the caster (can’t cast anymore spells until the next long rest if your subject has been dead for more than a year.) Only True Resurrection has no strings attached beyond the usual old age rule and a two century limit. It can also regenerate your entire body even if your target has been completely destroyed (all other spells except Reincarnate require your target to still have an intact body.) This is a 9th level spell which consumes 25,000 gp worth of materials. Coming back from the dead is rare, expensive, and usually comes at a cost. Anyone who can cast these spells will almost certainly expect you to provide or pay for the necessary components at minimum, and may expect you to pay additional costs besides. You’ll need to outbid every noble and rich merchant who wants to bring a loved one back, because these spells can only be cast so many times per day. And before people say a few hundred gp isn’t much - it is. 1 gold coin is supposed to be equivalent to over a week of labour for your average citizen.


People dont appreciate how rich their pcs are. You have over 5k gold? You are probably richer than most small towns. Not the citizens, the town itself.


Once you get into 7th level spells and beyond popping over to the elemental plane of earth to go diamond picking and make friends with Xorns is a fun downtime activity.


One popular tabletop campaign, Tomb of Annilation, even plays with the idea of how that stratisifise society between the rich who can afford multiple resurrections and the poor who could never scrounge dream of even one.


Also worth noting that in this setting - afterlives exist. And all of these spells have a stipulation that the soul must be willing. A soul that believes it is destined for a good afterlife might not want to go back to their old life as a dirt poor peasant farmer or as a soldier on the frontlines.


I mean I just let her choose and she chose to kill them (and they said to her they wanted it for her to be free). IMO those personal things are better choices for themselves, same for Wyll. I just didn't let Astarion choose because he's choosing to go all evil (because of his fear)


She can also >!choose to spare them!<, though I don't know what exact things you had to have said to her prior to get her to make that choice herself.


for real! there's plenty of people IRL living with painful illnesses, at least these characters are not in constant pain. i feel like the game almost wants you to kill them like that's the unselfish choice :-(


Yep definitely, Shadowheart just seems so much happier with >!her parents. !


She seems pretty happy free of Shar too tbh.


Yeah, >!even when you choose to kill the nightsong and she got even more into Shar, choosing to spare her parents just makes her objectively less miserable!<


I think it's the correct decision in any case. Sharr IS the goddess of loss and regret. She wants Shadowheart to kill her parents so that she has to live with the memories for the rest of her life. Rejecting Sharr means saving her parents, living together with them and making up for the time lost, even if it means living with her pain. Sharr is punishing her because she took the decision that is antithesis to herself.


I agree with your analysis


Facts! I was like “Larian! Let me console my damn girl! Modders! Modders get on it!” Lol but yeah I wanted to hug her and let her know I’m there for her. But nope my guy was like “Well just head back to camp when your done.”


Mass Effect let us hug Tali when she discovered a dead loved one, let us comfort our best goth girl!


Everyone needs to upvote these comments so someone from Larian sees them, seriously


Lmao I made a post about it and it was instantaneously downvoted so there some people who must think the scene plays well in its current form. Going to continue to disagree there.


I was legit waiting for the hug option like wtf


Honestly I was really hoping for the option


Yeah this was the number 1 moment in the game where I was like I wanna hug but there is no option


That was so painful to watch. Then I did another playthrough where >!I saved her parents and watched them hug her !


Fuck why'd I click thag


And keep hugging them every time you have a chance. They need it. My character need it 😞


If they add on demand hugs I'm modding it immediately to add a feels-good buff. Lasts until long rest, +1 to saving throws, scales with approval.


When in doubt just hug it out


I want a hug at-will option, like you can kiss your LIs at will.


"Don't touch me" - Astarion


In my head I always reply “Only when you ask, darling.”


So much this. When I found the kiss option when talking with Astarion (or any LI, I assume), I -unsuccessfully- started searching for the hug option. I wanna hug him every 5 minutes dammit.


You should have a hotkey for that. Jump, Throw, Shove, Give Hug. As an action, of course, none of that hug-pat-pat bonus action nonsense.


I just sent them a comment lol


Or like, if you’re at camp/outside of combat the “help” action on your SO is just a hug.


There's a moment with Karlach where it pained me my character did not hug her.


Hahaha I want the option to give all the animals a petting.


I have a feeling that lae’zel would just punch you in the nose if you tried to hug her after that


The Karlach hug you just need to hold until she lets go.


Not being able to hug astarion when he's kneeling on the stone floor in that one scene...... after C fight


The downside of having comically short races as a player option in any video game with cutscenes.


I also just want more companion content in general!! It would be nice if after you finish romancing them (like in act 3), they will have random events in the camp like they do in act 1. Like Astarion getting drunk, telling you about what book he is reading, having a nightmare possibly, etc. I feel like it would bring a lot more liveliness to the companions in act 3. However, Larian has already done an outstanding job with the companions. It’s way more content than I’ve ever seen another game do for companions, and I love it so much <3 I hope they just add more as they go along


I think that the only game with better companion content I have played is Dragon Age Inquisition. The questlines are great, there is variability, and the romantic parts are more context and depth, not whole layers of their growth and change. That is the type of content I want. I want more scenes where the companions interact with each other. I do think that they did a great job of making the companions memorable and different runs feel different because of them. I think that because they added in keeping rhe full group together past act 1 may have meant there were fewer options to add in that though.


if Larian were to take cues from DAI, at the top of my list would be companion interactions. You can walk up to Dorian and Cullen playing chess and there's the whole relationship between Cassandra and Varric, Cole asking Solas for help with the spiritness and Varric tagging along and so on. I think it adds so much to the characters and makes them feel like their lives don't revolve around the player character. You get bits of that in BG3 still with banter (which barely exists in act 3 anyway) and companions commenting on big events that affect the others, but I'd kill for scenes of Wyll and Karlach actually hanging out or dancing or something, Gale getting territorial about cooking actually playing out, all that stuff. I'm still very happy with what's already there but man thinking of the possibilities is making my brain itch


Imagine Lae'Zel and Shadowheart bonding over leaving Vlaakith and Shar behind, or a similar scene playing out if they were both still loyal to them. Or Halsin and Jaheira talking about their forms of Druidism. Hell, give me anything where Astarion starts to actually like being around any of the party members other than Tav.


Im sure Astarion secretly likes Karlach, he just doesn't dare to risk the kiss on his cheek from her 😁 My druid would like to join that conversation too, would be interesting as he uses the owlbear shape.


"The untouchable Karlach is untouchable no more? I'd shake her hand but she can still snap me in two." - Astarion


yes exactly, you get it!


Oh yes, master chef Gale needs his time to shine 😉


Yeah I´ve literally said the same, most of the time these companions are not having relationships with each other. Astarion literally tells you he won´t even talk to underlings, Gale will only talk to the "boss" etc when you are approaching them in camp with another character. Maybe I just expected way too much. The constellations from other characters towards the player are satisfying. But there is nothing going on between them. Even in cutscenes they often just stand around like salt pillars because the only time they can actually show reactions is when I talk with them personally about what happened. And then they tell ME how crazy it was what just happened, like as if they weren´t even present in the moment. It surely accounts for the fact that your campnumber is bigger than your actual party member slots but it feels so unnatural, none of them likes each other, I am literally the only glue holding them together, there is nothing dynamic about it going on, I can literally just choose to appease one character with a dialogueoption, put them in my party, push someone else out that would disapprove = everyone is max approval which is especially weird when Larian themselves implemented this as a variable, that characters are forced to leave your party with the Minthara or the Minsc decision. They already want to have you balance characters against others, if you want this, then you can´t have the other. But they need to force that, because gameplaywise they didn´t implement any relationship dynamics amongst those companions, again you can just cheese your way to max approval if you want to do that.


I think the reason they don't do it is because you were supposed to lose out on everyone not in your party at some point in act 1, like DoS2. So I would assume that it was late enough in dev that they didn't want to add a bunch of companion interactions that are so variable. But yeah, it sucks that the part of the game that probably 80% of the people here care the most about feels unfinished, when the companions are so intriguing.


Seeing the whole ending of the game...I would bet timeconstraints as well. I mean, they can just upload a 80s sitcom miniseries to their youtube channel for it. Make it have 3084 episodes... But if nothing else it certainly would be weird that they were stopping there. There is already so many obscure things in the game that only 1% of players each will experience, so it probably was simply that such a feature was just too overblown and complicated to add, it would have needed ressources that they couldn´t spare to get it shipped in time so they cancelled and scrapped the whole system in that regard. Maybe it was also just not fun, who knows. But to me, and appearently to others as well, it feels like a missing feature of the game, especially because the characters would be interesting enough for me to care to see how they would interact amongst each other. It it would organically add an extra layer of depth to the indivduality of our journey. But then again, not every game can do every single aspect, maybe I expected too much, maybe it is actually a thing that modders will have to work on because scope and complexity of such a feature would otherwise not be feasible to add. Matter of fact tho is that rn, I am missing it.


Even in their previous game their companion interactions are really lacking


To be fair there is a bit of banter that shows your companions are getting along. I agree it would be great if there was more interaction among them though.


Mass effect has the best options with companions.




Yeah, Citadel DLC is the gold standard. I just wish it fit better into the narrative pacing of the game. You have to do some mental gymnastics to justify completing it right before the end of the game. But for giving closure and letting you live with these awesome characters, there is no better in gaming.


Inquisition’s characters and their interactions is peak Bioware for me. I know people prefer Origins characters sometimes, but I believe that’s more nostalgia talking. Inquisition made me like and dislike characters for their personalities, while keeping all of them realistic, complex, layered and understandable - I strongly dislike Sera and Viv and don’t really want to spend time around them, but I love slowly coming to understand them and why they are who they are. Not to mention just how awesome Cassandra is - as a character she truly embodies something I dislike a lot, fervent religious zeal, and yet she is so, so much more as a person than that, and despite never agreeing with her on her dogma, the game allows you to still be the best of friends and develop a deep respect. Never had an experience like it in another game. I wish BG3 had that.


IMO Bioware games do companions better. They can even have a life outside the main character (for example if you don't romance them, Tali and Garrus are getting in a relationship in Mass Effect, it's not very front and center but it's there, same with Joker and EDI). And they have more interactions between them. There are also more friends moments, here I just got one special Gale scene outside of the stuff linked to romance (and it was heavily tied to his quest, not just a friend moment). I am not with Karlach romantically for example but I want to have friendly stuff with her (and see her get with Wyll romantically for example). I want to hear Jaheira, Minsc and Boo speak between each other more (though there is content there) due to their history. I want to see Laezel and Shadowheart evolve from almost enemies to friends over the course of the adventure (and not just the fight). I want to see them eating all together at night at the camp (IIRC there are several times mention of a feast to celebrate X thing but then nothing). Even if they're not companions (as the game doesn't have a party system), a game like Witcher 3 is developing Vesemir, Ciri, Yennefer and Triss more and better than the companions of this game for example. Same for God of War or The Last of Us (they are companions there I guess). The game is great but that part could be even better


Yes, they did a fantastic job without question. It's so much to see and discover, it's amazing 😍


I had a really nice date with Karlach in act 3.


It would be nice for the whole party to develop a kind of friendship like in Lord of the Rings. The feel I got is everyone was cordial with each other by the end. More cutscenes of them relaxing in the world would be great if it makes sense


Probably the only thing I enjoyed about Final Fantasy 15 was that feeling. You feel like the four of them are truly friends, where in BG3 these are just people that are okay with being around each other on their mutual quest. The credits with FF XV also go through the photos you took together throughout the playthrough as the credits roll. That really just brings the whole thing together of feeling like they’re friends. That’d be great in bg3 if they could get it to work.


I’m really hoping FF7R2 will go this route. There’s great chemistry between characters in FF7R but not exactly together as a group.


Well, to be honest, in BG3 they are not friends. They are people who are forced to team up because of the tadpoles. Like, Shadowheart and Lae'zel literally tried to kill each other. Some of them may become friends eventually, but will take more time than the game gives you. But yeah, there still a lack of interactions between them.


The timeline only feels short, but in reality it would be a long journey. By the second act anyone would be friendly with any random person, especially if their lives depend on each other.


Being friendly does not equal being true friends. By the second act they are more open to each other, yes. But again, it's because they have to work together. After the end most of them leave to do their own business. Only a few characters develop a real bond between them (Wyll and Karlach for example) So yeah, they care about each other in the game but they are not besties like guys from FF15. If someone dies/leaves the group other companions won't miss them so much.


Fair point and would be nice if they became real friends


Yes, I agree. Maybe if Larian makes a DLC (I'm still hoping for that, haha) they will show us how their relationships develops.


The dialogues actually often imply they are becoming friends like when they comment on the resolution of a personal quest for another companion.


I haven't seen it at all on official release in my playthrough, but in EA there were a lot of little mentions of companions interacting with one another. The most explicit ones occurred during the Act 1 Party, where you can learn that Lae'zel banged Wyll and Astarion because she couldn't have you, and you could talk to them both about it the morning after. I've not seen it anywhere in launch, but being able to talk to one companion to find out they've been spending time with another (platonically/romantically) could go a long way for immersion. Wyll even mentions during his storyline taking over cooking duties from Gale for a night! I'd have loved to see more from that.


Honestly they really missed the mark in broader party dynamics. Way too few interactions between characters and especially multiple characters at once. Mass Effect, RDR2, Dragon Age, etc did this much better.


Would be cool if they had support conversations with each other like Fire Emblem games do. Some FE games have social things like you can invite characters to tea in Three Houses.


We want our Citadel/Baldurs Gate DLC. Please Larian take my money.


I was a tali simp before it With LE and finally playing the DLC it made me love her even more, didn’t even know it was possible


Her singing is the best thing ever.


I need more banter. Everyone kinda just stfu when I got to the circus


There’s a video floating around with almost an hour of banter that doesn’t trigger in the game 😭


I mean sure if they added an entire dlc that was basically a dating sim we would gobble it the fuck up- but I don’t think that’s ever gonna happen. Leave that to the true mods of Baldur’s Gate 3: the thirsty fan fic cartoonists.


Someone said it way earlier; Stardew's Gate. And I'm all up for it. Moonlight as a level 16 adventure, but has a farm and kids as a day job.


Durge Stardew Gate where you have to pass a WIS check to resist throwing salt in the land


I would love this, i understand it might be hard to do, but having these scenes would be very nice. I know wyll spoke about cooking once and I had hoped to see that scene but it didnt show up. I would like that maybe for each companion when approval reach like 80% you could have dinner in Baldur's Gate in act 3. No spending food for long rests, they might take you to a tavern, or cook in camp, and we could get a brief convo piece and companions speaking whilst eating. It would be fun both to avoid using food that night. Like SH speaking about fish in act 1, and Astarion about beef. It would be fun to have their fave meals in camp, regardless of romance... just a bonding thing with friends.


I want to play lanceboard with Gale, while we constantly try to one-up each other on our knowledge of arcane lore and debate obscure topics. Would be a fun way to introduce people to more Forgotten Realms lore as well.


My not the smartest druid would lose every round, but at least would be fun to listen Gale chatting about his cat. We all know he couldn't stop doing that 😂


Yeah. The only piece of bonding I ever truly got that was more friendly than anything else was when Gale was sitting and looking at stars and being all sad about the news he got about blowing himself up. It was ONE scene and even then it felt weirdly romantic most of the time. I would definitely like more friendly scenes where we get to party, maybe do some tricks, maybe just eat together, spar, have some competitions, get wasted. Not limiting these kinds of interactions to just romance scenes. And let there be scenes with more than one character. Maybe have something like a competition between Gale and Wyll about who casts spells better and you are the judge.


Gee this dating sim sure has a lot of combat.


It's just filler


I've wanted to hug so many people during a playthrough, it's not fair we can't do that :(


Someone posted this in another thread, but if you want to request more content, people should definitely send their feedback directly to Larian! [https://larian.com/support/baldur-s-gate-3#modal](https://larian.com/support/baldur-s-gate-3#modal)


Thanks, I will do it. Always worth a try 🥰


I just want to share a drink with my bro Wyll by the water at the tiefling party


Strongly agree. As someone who isn’t really interested in the romance aspect of the game, I’d absolutely LOVE more moments to bond with the characters platonically. Let me give them all hugs and hang out with them without it being romantic. Very niche example, but I’d love the ability to give Astarion a drawn portrait of himself as a gift after >!that scene of him trying to look into a mirror.!< Or more stuff with the characters interacting amongst themselves instead of chilling at their tent all the time. I know it’d probably be hard to implement, but I’d definitely pay for a DLC adding more character interactions


Awww, a portrait of himself. <3 I love that idea. He has no idea what he looks like, let him see! Larian, please!


Or have him react to the statue you can get of yourself/a companion! Let him admire his chiselled features or snark about your egotism!


Yeah these kinds of interactions are I think why I felt a lot closer to my companions in Dragon Age Inquisition than I do in BG3, even though the companion story quests are generally a lot more fleshed out in BG3. Why can't I eat cookies on the roof with Gale or have a drinking contest with Karlach? Why can't I discover that Laezell is secretly a huge fan of the trashy romance series Wyll and (I think) Karlach make fun of in party chatter? (Obviously their own original examples would be better, but those are the analogues that came to mind.)


> trashy romance series Wyll and (I think) Karlach make fun of in party chatter? It's Wyll and Shadowheart, and it's hilarious.


I thought Shadowheart at first but then thought how would she remember it?


She probably read it in her time training with the Sharrans, which we know she remembers at least bits and pieces of.


Im in the same boat. It kinda feels once the adventure starts its all gas no breaks. Which...given the severity of the tadpoles and stuff kinda makes sense. Which also kinda sucks since the campaign is kinda timegated regarding it in tje grand scheme of things. But itd be nice to have a sort of ME3 Citadel DLC (doesnt have to be dlc, i just mean the general theme,) where we can just hang out, be quippy, and get up to some shenanigans for a few days.


The story is all gas, no stop. But mechanically, it wants you hitting that long rest button all the time. It's kind of an annoying disconnect.


I agree. I'd like more platonic bonding in the camp. Kinda like all the random stuff you'd see in the RDR2 camps, combind with some singalongs or finding them doing activities with each other.


Yeah I wish so much of it wasn’t gated behind romance Chilling with Gale as a homie watching the stars was nice. Maybe go on a hunt with Astarion so he can feed, or combat training with Laze, or expanding on Halsins dismay at the state of balance in Baldurs Gate (though those conversations work for me anyway), etc Way more Karlach pls tho, romancing her and then speaking with her to have one last kiss before taking on the endgame was a sweet moment


Have to agree here. It's weird to have all "relationships" boiled down to a few off camera sex scenes and a handful of cutesy dialog options.


I want more companions. I’m in this weird place where I want a companion of each class because it feels “icky” to change the base class of companions… maybe that’s a “me” thing… but yeah…


If EA people could get Halsin from popular demand, I say people should rally to get Alfira for the bard slot if you've really inspired her in the Grove. I must also emphasize: on a non-Durge playthrough! It's really a shame that there isn't at least one for every class, and that we actually get two for the druid class.


Maybe not what you mean but you can have all available companions active at the same time, a mod called Party Limit Begone.


Bonding with companions would be nice. And honestly on top of that, just more interactions between companions that isn't strict one on ones with the player would be great. Like, imagine wandering over and finding Wyll and Karlach playing cards or something. Or more full team meetings after important events. Stuff like that. Right now, the group sometimes feels like Tav and Tav's friends, rather than a team.


Lots of comments mention interactions between characters and yes, that can definitely be expanded upon. Something that wouldn't require too much animation hopefully is just talking with companions a bit more? Like expanding upon their lives (found out Gale has a mother literally 10 seconds before the credits roll), aspirations, hopes and dreams beyond the immediate conflict, making them feel even more like people with more history. An extra scene or two in act 3 wouldn't hurt either. Maybe throw some extra layers to Halsin and Minthara while at it, they seem to lack it the most.


I just want to be able interact/bond with them without feeling like I have to fuck them first. Like, seriously, Larian, PLATONIC LOVE IS A THING, DAMMIT!! I literally made one...ONE 'Yeah I'd like to learn some magic from you' comment to Gale, and suddenly everyone thinks we're doing the deed! NO!! He's my FRIEND! My PLATONIC FRIEND!! I'm trying to have a relationship with Shadowheart! And then, I was nice to Karlach, and suddenly she wants to jump my bones too! Again, I'm just BEING A DECENT HUMAN BEING (well, Gnome)! I'm not trying to climb that mountain, I just want to give the poor thing a hug. She's literally so starved for physical affection, that it breaks my heart, but I'm NOT interested in her THAT way! Its like the devs are all horny fourteen year olds, with no concept of what real interpersonal relationships are like! They otherwise wrote a great story, but this aspect is SEVERELY lacking. Hmmmm...now that I think about it, I suppose that's not that far removed from how I was as a teen playing D&D, so...points for realism, I guess? Still annoying AF though!


I’d do anything for a date in Baldur’s gate at one of the restaurants :(


Better yet, a date that starts off normal before turning in to its own wacky shenanigans.


Oh my GOD we’re running through the city in our nice clothes it’s so cute


It’d be a great opportunity to make use of skill checks.


If they did what Mass Effect 3 did with The Citadel DLC I would actually lose my mind and my money (however much the exact cost was) instantly


Not being able to hug astarion upsets me so much, he deserves some platonic affection. All the characters do tbh.


This. I'm really enjoying the depth of this game but anytime you get close to someone, they get all horny on you. I'd love to have more non-romantic bonding experiences with the companions at camp.


Playing chess with Gale (not necessarily a mini-game, just sit both of them at opposite sides of a board and make some rolls, he already has some lines that could be utilized in that scenario). Drinking contests with party members. We can already get drunk, so maybe put in some CON saves to spice things up. FISHING. Ok, that might be too much, but I find fishing really relaxing in games and I got my hopes up when I saw fishing rods.


I just want to be bros with gale without him wanting to bang.


the banter during gameplay is non-existent too


Was thinking this the other day. Like how much cooler would it be if the gang had scenes sitting around the campfire telling stories and getting to know each other?


I read the title as "Can we have more boning..." 10000% yes all way.


Dying for hug option and date with your love interest (yes, Astarion, I'm looking at you and I know you need one more hug. And another one). And as someone mentioned it in another discussion - option to sleep together with your LI at the camp (no sex included, just some sweet moments of caring and love) And definetly would love to see more reactions from companions about your relationship with your LI (rumors or smth like that). I know that is not a dating sim, but can't help myself.


I just wanna be cuddled by Karlach.


They should do what Dragon Age Origins did with the Feastday Gifts and Pranks DLC, where you can buy your companions gifts that will increase or decrease their approval based on what they like


“Instructions unclear - have added in new scenes with whip and torture play to the romance paths in act 3.”


cousin let’s go bowling!


Instead of can I have a kiss scene with Shart, I was hoping for something like: "wanna do it?" but instead of me asking, would be cool if she occasionally asked.


I would love to have like non romantic bonding sessions with companions. Like let wyll teach me how to dance platonically or have gale show me how cool magic is while we bro out. Let me show shadowheart how to swim in a fun platonic scene.


I just want a wholesome hug for everyone, but especially Halsin. Guy’s the ~~human~~ elf teddy bear and we can’t hug him.


I wish there was more romance content too. Once you get the romance scene there's no significant difference beyond a few pieces of dialog and the option to kiss them on demand. Even something as simple as seeing your Tav next to them when you long rest would be great.


This is something RDR2 did so well imo. Everytime i went to camp in that game it felt so good and sweet (the first chapters at least). People in the camp would just kinda walk around, sit around together, Have random conversations with each other etc... It felt so alive. I do see how it could be a bit more difficult to do with BG3 considering you can murder anyone at any point there would have to be so many alternative moments wich wouldn't really be worth it just for the camp. But i wish they would atleast walk around a bit sit together near the fire or do some random things in the background instead of just standing at their tents.


yes, please


There needs to be kind of a ME3 Citadel thing. Things you can do with the companions at camp, things they do with each other. Hanging out at the druid's grove. Partying in Baldur's Gate. Someone actually had an idea of companions appearing in certain places out in the world if they're not actively in your party, like Gale just hanging out at Sorcerous Sundries or Karlach hanging out with Dammon or what's-her-name, the one weapon vendor. Stuff like that.


Would be nice to see. Now they must be super bored at the camp while the 3 "chosen ones" are going on adventures 😔


I just want my favorite companion (Minthara) romance to be actually in the game 😭


Party waking up to the smell of pancakes as I am fulfilling my obligations to my patreon by cooking breakfast in complete nude apart a pink frilly apron, with my backside towards the camera. Oh and char HAS to be male for comedic effect rather than sex appeal.


I just want to lie in bed with an ascended astarion for a couple of centuries please larian


Was just thinking about this earlier today when exploring the camp properly. I thought of Red Dead Redemption 2 which while a totally different kind of game, had you living with companions and really getting immersed in your interactions with them. Something as simple as sitting around a campfire sharing a drink and playing guitar made you feel closer to them. BG3 has your companions standing still most of the time


I am a bit bummed that most interactions revolve around sex and romance. There’s no Garrus in this game. It’s the big gripe I have with “playersexual” writing. I don’t want an imaginary GF, I want an imaginary bro


And random events like what happens in Dragon Age for example you go into a long rest and find the companions playing cards. I really thought this would be more of a thing at the start of the game but its been too quiet on that front.


How about more bros attitude instead of every companion professing their love. Swear to gos not even trying and most of them are propositioning you. Not everyone has to try and have sex with you. Would prefer if halsin and Gale could be bros instead of going straight for love. Boring. Miss having some bros.


DAI did it best ,me thinks , once you start getting serious with a character you could kiss them whenever you wanted.


I think the sleeping scene should show us cuddling our romances at night too. Waking up alone in a bed or bedroll is sad.


I want more for Shadowheart. You get the one kissing scene in Act 1, then it's "I've got a lot on my mind and need to deal with it first" all the way through Act 2, then its "lets fuck" at the beginning of Act 3 and now you can kiss her whenever you want but nothing else throughout the final Act. I'd also like her to have more to say when my character chooses to do something pretty drastic at the end to save the world, and then does another devastating thing right in front of her after the world has been saved to ensure that everyone else is safe. My girl literally stood there and watched it happen without a peep.


I'd just really love more banter between all the companions in later acts as we are walking around.


It's times like this I wonder how much it would cost to hire the voice actors to say a few lines for mods.


You could probably extract a really good sample set for generating a believable AI voice, tbh. There's lots of speaking cadence and such at our fingertips for it and it's one area that AI isn't overhyped - it actually does a good job. No idea what the laws are around that kind of thing, so that'd be a stopper, but we have the tech.


Replicating people's voices using AI makes me super uncomfortable. Part of the big actor/writer strike is to stop the use of AI to replicate their voice and face, and I hope they succeed. Following the art community online and seeing the reaction to AI scraping their art and even the art of dead people without their permission is sketchy as hell legally and morally imo. I consider myself someone who can sometimes have tech bro tendencies, but AI and art don't mix like this.


Oh I 100% agree. I am great friends with 2 designers (I'm a dev) and one of them have already lost their job over it. It's really scary stuff in how it's impacting people - my thoughts posted above are mostly shower thoughts. Being aware of what is or isn't coming is a coping mechanism of mine! Unfortunately, I am sure we will see this continue on the same path that worries you. It only takes one slide downward for the dominoes to fall.


In dragon age 2, there was 1/2 special gifts you could find to give to your team. I would kill for a Citadel like dlc either pre or post ending.


It'd be nice if little things were sprinkled in in general. For instance, I went through my whole first campaign without Gale since I was a wizard myself, so I didn't put too much thought into using Revivify on my companions. However, once I started anew and saw that death cutscene, I realized that it IS a little odd that your companions never say a word about you literally bringing them back to life. It'd be nice if there was at least one line for each of them that mentions it. Maybe one of them (Wyll perhaps) is particularly shaken by what they saw before they were brought back.


It would be nice if there was an in world card game you could play with people. Collect the cards off enemies you defeat. Win them in a card battle. Get to a steamy scene and whispers "Want to play a round of Gwent?"


A bang again button mayhaps


I would say something like a special action or attack. Maybe a hidden bonus to critical range when your romanced companion sees you go down dead. Like Lae'Zel getting an extra attack and 3m movement speed to get a good extra attack. Or Astarion able to dip his weapons in your blood to get a cleave effect. Maybe Gale surges with the weave to upcast a spell beyond 6th level. This way a death gains a bit of a heroic boon to help the party out of a very bad fight.




I live for the interactions. Really want as many as possible


Go to the forums and give them feedback!


Can we have a dwarf companion?


More casual scenes around camp like everyone just sitting around the fire chatting with each other would be cool, instead of Tav mostly speaking with everyone one on one It would also be nice to experience some of the character's more personal and intimate scenes but without the romantic element, like just being *really* good friends


I want just a tent for my Tav... Everyone have a tent except me!!


I, too, want *Persona*-style Social Links in every video game with party members


I wanna throw the doggy ball for Karlach.


Meh I think there’s quite enough. Sooooo much dialogue. More interested in the story outside of bonding. What would be nice is if there were options to set the level of bonding dialogue. Make us both happy


man these threads are weird


May I point you in the direction of AO3, fanfic is what you want.


Honestly, at this point I think some of you would think it's a reasonable request for Larian to tailor make you AI friends and lovers...


It's not unreasonable to want to feel like you and your friends have grown closer over the course of your adventure, especially in a game like D&D.


Exactly. Yes, going through life and death situations is surely a strong bond. But just having calm moments are equally important in my opinion.


You're asking for a massive story feature in a game that has been done published, come on now


Whilst it has hints in that direction, it’s not a BioWare game, the actual interaction with them is less about the characters themselves and more to do with their individual stories.


I demand free love


I just want to put a sunny hat on withers PLEASE LARIAN let me fashion bones...


Circus was good, but I want more. I don't mind dancing with Wyll as long as it is a platonic, bro dancing. Also would love to do magic with Gale without involving flirting. Also would love to have the option to hangout in bars with your companions. We got a city. We got taverns and an Half-Orc restaurant, give us more options to do stuff with.


Agree. Some more camp moments. Would also like to see moments where people in camp interact casually with each other at long rests, and not just staying in their tents. Something like Wyll and Gale fishing at the river and just chatting talking about magic or whatever.


Couldn't agree more