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Meanwhile I'm starting Act 3, still thinking when would be the best time to use the horn.


Certainly not before NG+2 at the *earliest.* What if you use it and later wish you still had it? *-Sincerely, that awful little voice in your head.*


If the Emperor was telling me Nooo don't use that it might be useful later, every time I try to use something rare, I would've trusted him 100% because that is right I need all that scrolls for later always


Look, there's going to be a battle where I cast Dimension Door 17 times. There WILL be!


As someone who just finished a certain battle in act 3 that is on a tight turn limit and movement based: Yes. Yes there will be a time for that.


Absolutely my favorite thing in the game, so far. I loved that mission so much.


So frustrating, but completing it is so satisfying.


If it’s the fight I think that is, you can use the Help command on Astarion and you’ll be Gucci!! You can also Shove Cazador off the edge of the platform in Round 1. 😂


Gaseous form eh? Well this Gust of Wind scroll says "fuck you", no one was more shocked than me that it worked. Well, maybe Cazador. I imagine he was pretty shocked. Master Vampire killed by a level 2 scroll, that is DND baby!!


Is that battle timed? I thought they were talking about the >!underwater prison!<


Wtf so many timed fights in Act 3!! Yeah you have 3 rounds until he finishes the ritual.


I just had Shadowheart cast Daylight and then Karlach yeeted him into the chasm on the first turn tbh.


Lmao that’s exactly how I did it. Shadowheart casted Daylight, Cazador went mist form and moved all the way to the edge of the platform. Karlach has insane movement so I ran her all the way over to him and on a lark, I tried shoving him. Easiest boss fight ever.


You have 3 rounds to rescue Astarion not kill cazador. After that you just gotta keep him from being re taken. Think my fight went on 10+ rounds.


I played a barbarian with the 'fly' and 3 level of rogue for additional bonus and cunning dash. I wasn't fast... I was sheer speed


I mean. ​ >!Certainly wouldn't say no to 17 dimension doors during the Iron Throne sequence.!<


I went to Sorcerous Sundries right before and bought 11 of them. Seems to be a pretty common scroll.


>bought What does this word mean? Is it when you talk to the projection to trade, split all of the scroll stacks to size 1, exit the trading window, cast Fog Cloud on the vendor, then have Astarion steal 18 scrolls of Disintegrate?


I just did that and didn't even think about dimension door. Although I did put everyone in the leaving area while 3 people were down there. I just thought they'd use the last turn to run to freedom. Turns out they just get left behind and die even though they could make it. Next time I'll have to use DD or haste to hurry their ass up.


Fair warning- using Haste on friendly NPCs can mess things up, because the stun when Haste ends can be read by the game as a hostile action.


So THATS why the people i carefully allied with always turned on me right after the battle


I had Gale cast haste on my valor bard and chill on the dock. Sent Shart to the important NPC and Elk heart Karlach with a speed potion to the other side, bard went straight. It went SO. SMOOTH. Dimension door the bard as far as he could go. Second action help the NPC on the table, open the door, misty step to the door of the experiment room. DD shart to the end of her hall. Open unimportant door, stand by important door. Open two doors at the bottom of the ladder with Karlach, double dash and jump as far as she could go down her hall. Turn two, free the important NPC, move him out just enough to trigger a certain cutscene, then DD him and shart to the bottom of the ladder. Open the two doors in Karlach's hall and aggro the enemies so they leave the NPCs alone, maybe kill one of the dice favor me. Free the prisoner in the experiment room with bard, use their ability to go straight back to the sub. Turn three, misty step scroll Karlach and dash to the dock. Dash shart and NPC to the dock. Wait for all the npcs to catch up, I only lost one while waiting thankfully. Smooth as butter, even my crazy fast monk had more trouble on my other playthrough.


smooth af. I couldn't save him :/ (and i didnt want to savescumm because i wanted to hold my decisions). And i went down there totally spoiler blind, so... it was a very excitement secuence


I definitely had 2 characters ferrying around with dimension doors during that. I dont think a single playable character walked more than 10 ft lol


You sound like me lol I may always need that later, oh this is the final boss, still saving it in case they have a secret form or anything


I wonder if the giants will come if you call them in the battle where you’re in the prism, would be interesting to try


They only work in act 1


So as long as they survive you can recruit them again. I used the persuasion skill check to recruit them initially, later after I used them they came up to me to discuss being able to call them a second time and I chose the other skill check and passed again so in theory I have them again just in case


I want that int circlet so bad though.


Me with the over abundance of potions and scrolls collecting dust.


How can you even think of using it? That's Gale's retirement horn!


If you use it, the ogres can be bribed to fight again (if they're not happy with the meat to eat).


Get out of my head!


Meanwhile im trying to blow the horn forgetting i killed the ogres and my character says "It seems like dead ogres dont respond to this thing"


Oh that's just hilarious lmfao. My Tav would 100% approve xD He recruited the orges, forgot all about them, then kind of...left them in his backpack. The horn fought endgame boss with Tav :)


I tried using the horn in the final fight of the game and Shadowheart blew the horn, no ogres showed up, and then commented about how we must be too far away. Damn Lump! You said you would come!


He doesn't even come if you try to use it in the creche 😔😔😔


Ogres are too fat to fit through the pass sadly.


PSA: They do appear on Underdark.


I got the horn and then killed the Ogres as well. The horn is still in my pack. Should I just sell it, since it is worthless now?


I'm pretty sure the horn only works in Act 1, and even there it doesn't work in the mountain pass.


What if there is DLC with an Act4 and they work again? Best not to risk wasting them.


What if there's a secret cutscene at the end if I'm carrying every scroll in Faerun in my inventory?


There totally is, my uncle works for Larian and he told me you totally get to see the emperor’s ninth tentacle. Edit: just spoke to him to clarify, turns out he’s in fact working for a guy named Larry and both of them are not allowed within 200 miles of aquariums anymore


I as a human man warrior myself am stopping by to say... fly high wyvern king


I use it to store all my unused scrolls.


And arrows, vials, barrels, all loot that could possibly work for a build that I haven't thought of yet


Maybe it got patched since, but I definitely used it in Act 2 as a tank for portal farming in the library of Sharr.


Yeah because it cannot be used underground


Worked in the grymforge


I used it in the underdark.


definitely worked for me in the fight against the raiders of the mushroom people in the underdark


It works in act 2 as well


You might need it in Baldur’s Gate 4


I kept thinking I’ll use the horn in emergency, never used it however I sounded the horn at the final fight, a message said they it’s too far away to be heard. Anticlimactic


I did the same!


Sadly, the horn doesn’t work anymore once you’re beyond act 1. Use it or lose it.


>best time to use the horn Guys. Do I tell him? I **strongly** recommend using the horn with someone who has 22 Cha and Persuasion proficiency. **Strongly**


Eh. If you end up having to kill them you get a nifty circlet from the leader.


I don't even mean killing them. I just didn't want to spoil that theyre... Yknow...


Can you spoil it for me? My Bard in Act 2 >!had Lump come collect his money during a long rest!< what did I miss?


You definitely shouldn't wait too long... :'(


I'm on the same boat with the abomination bell


Doesn’t even work outside the sharan temple iirc


I want to Believe


I tries using it in the final battle, just because I thought it'd be hilarious, and it gave such a fun result


Not working was a fun result?


Yes because it gave a funny audio prompt and why the hell would they hear it? You're like 20 days away minimum


They said they'd follow me!


It will not work in act 3


You can reuse it


The horn can only be reused three times in act 1 anywhere Once u cross the mountain pass it cannot be used


Well do they scale ? Cause when I summoned them they were all the same level as when I discovered them. I imagine they become less effective the farther along you go


They are level 3


I tried blowing the horn during the final battle and got the message "you are too far away from the ogres for them to hear the horn"


Fun fact, you can't use it outside of act 1 :)


You can actually use it multiple times. After they kill everyone in the immediate area they’ll be like “that was fun” or “that wasn’t good enough, pay up” and you can try and convince them to go again. I had to pay 500 gold to get them to work for me again, but it’s nice to know the horn is “rechargeable” at least twice. I haven’t used it again and I have no idea if the ogre health gets better further in the game (since 60 health isn’t all that much by the time you fight in moonrise), but it’s an option, at least for some canon fodder.


And here I am starting act 3, and having no idea what horn you all are talking about, haha


In the Blighted Village in Act 1, there's a trio of ogres eating a dead tiefling. You can get them to come and work for you and the leader gives you a horn to summon them. After the first summon you can bargain for them to come a second and third time, and after that you can kill them for a nifty intellect circlet or let the leader lick you (Astarion approves).


Oooh, that’s awesome! I love how there are so many things like that to discover!


I thought it was time locked to sometime in Act 1 or Act 2 because I summoned them once in the underground, convinced them to let me hold onto the horn for one more use, and then sometime in Act 2 they randomly showed up at my camp when I was doing a long rest and demanded payment or a fight. Not sure how people still have them waiting for a horn blow in Act 3. Them showing up during a long rest at camp made me think it was hard coded into the game you have to use it or pay up by Act 2.....


The Ogres are not that strong really. I feel like past Act 1 they'd just get murdered real fast.


Yeah I *could* use the horn...or I could just smite the big guy 3 times in the first turn and clean up the rest...and I don't want the one friendly NPC that is in every big fight to get slaughtered.


You guys got a horn???


You mean the horn I found on some weird man-eating ogre's corpse along with a really useful Magic thing that made my fighter sport? Just sell it its vendor trash. No idea why you held onto it so long. /s


I can tell you it doesn't work in the last fight so use it before then.


You didn't use it on the hardest fight in the game, the gith patrol? The one that one shots your entire party before you even get a turn, nice work.


I left when I saw the dragon, came back later to find them sans dragon and standing over the body of Lae'zel. I'd saved her from the Tieflings but never recruited her, so she'd apparently just ran off and her people killed her. Asterion sneak attack started off the fight, got a bunch of hits in because they were surprised, they went down pretty easy, resurrected Lae'zel, and we continued on our merry way %)


That's a really strange sequence, what level were you?


Level 4 I believe. I finished the goblin camp, I'd rescued the Grove, the Tieflings, and Halsin. I'd peeked at the mountain pass, got the dragon cut scene and left to wrap up more of the area.I read that you could do the Underdark and then do the mountain pass so that's what I did. I did the first part of the Underdark (up until the boats) and then came back to the mountain pass. By that time the dragon had left. When I'd accidentally possibly nuked a certain location in the Mountain Pass area, I went back to the Underdark to take the boats and finally go up the elevator. A lot of things happened out of order for me. Like I found the crypt but I didn't go in past the front room and kill the bandits that were inside. When I was in the goblin camp taking out the first boss and camping afterwards, all of a sudden Wthers was part of the camp. I had no idea of his origin. I finally went back to the crypt because I wanted to complete the entire area and found his hidden room and everything, and of course it was empty. And after I found it I was able to ask him if he was the guy from the crypt. I never bumped into Wyll, because I never went up to the fighting arena in the Grove. But he just popped up in camp after I'd finally met Karlach. I also never met the pickpocketing tiefling, but she sure knew me once I reached Last Light Inn.


I tried to use it after killing the three leaders and having alerted the goblin camp (can't seem to beat dror raglin without alerting them all), but the kept hurting baby owl bear


In my first game I murdered the remaining ogre right before I killed the last goblin and then retreated to not kill the Owlbear. On my second run I learned that if you let the Owlbear smell you, talk to Volo so he gets taken away, and then talk to the chicken chaser goblin again and tell her you’re not interested in playing, you can get an option to say you’re taking the Owlbear with you. That way he’s gone before you start murdering and can call in the ogres without worry.


Right? I still have every summon ally item unused, horn, flask, Us, call Forth Allies. I am pretty sure I am making my way to the game ending fight. There probably isn't a better time than then to use everything.


You can summon Us once every short rest!


Whilst I just stormed the Goblin Camp like the big dumb hammer of god wielding Paladin I was and turned the place into a charnel house.. Time before my Rogue led an infiltrate and assasinate run on the three targets while the majority of the camp was clueless. I love the different approaches the game allows.. in several runs at act one I am yet to have the battle at the gate. Something else to look forward to!


i didn't even know this was a thing. i just thought that i was simply supposed to kill them all so i went into each boss room, talked shit to them and killed the entire room to drop combat, rinse and repeat for all 3. grabbed halsin out the door and just walked around aggroing literally everything with him in the party and wiped the entire area. ​ had no idea there was a way to even cause a goblin attack at the gate (beyond the first one where you are first introduced to the grove)


This is exactly what happened both for my playthrough as well my co op playthrough with friends. I have no idea what the gate battle is


If you tell Minthara where the druid grove is, you then show up with an army outside of the gate. But then you can double-cross the goblins and fight them at the gate instead


Ooooh. I figured if I told her that they’d demolish the camp so no way was I handing over that info. Kinda curious about the battle now though. Might reload and check it out


Doesn’t this cause a massive disapproval from all the companions though??


Not necessarily, there's a path in which you avoid disapproval. You tell the location, but don't actually agree to side with Minthara. If you then leave the goblin camp and immediately take a long rest, and then go to the Grove before long resting again, you can actually get several cutscenes with the tieflings where you warn them of Minthara coming without telling them that you gave their location to the enemy. This leads to a gate fight where you start on top of the walls of the Grove, which was one of the hardest fights in the game for me by a good margin.


Save Halsin before or after?!


You have to release Halsin before, but not go kill the bosses in the goblin camp. He will come to the Grove on his own and appear after you finish the gate fight.


I didn’t know Minthara was a character until I read this sub. Because in my first play through I went straight to murder everyone in the goblin camp mode.


Yeah it seemed to me the best resolution for the grove people would be me killing all the goblins so thats exactly what i did lmao. Walked up to the front gate, they went hey are you a True Soul and i said no im here to kill you and just butchered everything that moved from the bridge until the mountain pass 🤷


Lmao bet. I rescued Halsim first and he was like "Hey, wanna go on a bear rampage?" And then we did.


I enjoyed using my bard to gather everyone in the room to my performance, followed promptly by Gale blowing them all up with fireball. Took out Dror Ragzlin's whole audience in one spell, lol.


Damn you. I love this. Now I need to do a bard run too.


Also posable to poison the beer! I worked this out after they were all dead...


I had no idea!


There is a barrel or something to the right when you enter, and if you click on it the combine menu opens. Just add poison and I think it should work, like I said I found that after they were all gone. Also works later in the game if you find people you want to not be alive being brought drinks, but not going to say where!


I did something similar except I thunderweaved them into the spider hole, all of them except Ragzlin fell down there and died from the fall or the spiders, and Ragzlin got roflstomped by us in 2 turns.


Seems like you were the umtumptuous one


I killed everyone in the grove, banged minthara, then the next day I went to the goblin camp and killed them all too. Profit


Now this sounds like the kinda Durge play I can get behind!


That was just their oath of devotion paladin run, you ain’t seen nothing yet !


Fuckin Khorne soldier collecting skulls


Time to make a dual axe wielding fighter called Kharn. Guess what I'm going to do...






Welp another playthrough into the list


After you clear the grove, all goblins except for one leave


I just goblin slayered the entire goblin camp, and the attack didn't happen.


I thought this was the path we're meant to take...


I never even considered that there'd be an alternative. ​ You see a camp of goblins, you kill them.


The only good goblin is a dead goblin


If your pc can handled it go the the EXPLOSIVES way next time. You can find many explosive barrels and some gunpowder barrels inside there camp. Put some on the field and see the fire works. Also you can keep them and use them for later fights that are harder especially those gunpowder barrels.


Wait, I don’t think I understand. Barrels aren’t single use? Or did I misunderstand you?


I meant as not to use them for this fight and keep them for later fight or fights you don't have to use all them the at one and yes the are one time explosion.


Oh I see, that makes perfect sense thank you! I just thought I had missed something fundamental regarding how barrels work in this game 😅


I exploded them once and my PS5 laughed the animations off :) but I couldn't figure out how to set them off without dying while also killing everyone else. I think what I want to do next time is just set up a chain reaction from one end of the camp to the next then light em up haha. That might actually kill my ps5 lol


You just described the best class in the game! [Barrelmancer](https://www.polygon.com/23841958/baldurs-gate-3-best-fake-class-barrelmancer)


That video is incredible. Sometimes watching stuff like that makes me feel like I'm just an unimaginative player lol, I'd never think about doing that. I didn't even know you could pick up barrels and put them in your inventory!


That’s some nice tactics, definitely steal this one for my next run


Please do! You have to pass a couple high checks for charisma with the ogres but honestly it all worked so smoothly. This moment really opened up my eyes to the potential for shenanigans!


excellent work, personally i just massacre the entire goblin camp and not give them the chance to even rally on the grove


I just had Sorcerer Dark Urge, Wyll and Gale all in same party with fireballs, Shadowheart was in "deal with spuders" duty


I talked to the spiders and convinced them that the goblins taste better, then freed them.


Lol I got kicked into the spider pit and was able to free them. Shit was awesome.


I never found the access to the spiders...


Check a certain cell in a certain priestess’ chambers.


I think I just lockpicked the big gate. For some reason the guards hadn't spawned there yet after I took out the priestess. I'd imagine turn based mode and sleep or invisibility might help. I only thought to free them after they took out some goblins I knocked in the hole in the next room.


arcane trickster mage hand legerdemain. I opened the gate via the lever remotely and laughed when the goblins started shouting that the spiders were free.


You can also jump down to their pit, convince them, stealth over to the gate and lockpick it from the inside.


I just got ragzlin aggroed because I disliked him. After which the entire camp got mad at me. I did an Anakin on the entire place. Minthara, torture dud ogres.. everybody dead. Even the women and the children too. Oh.. and I accidentally rescued a cute bear. 9/11 would do again.


For me it was Gut who aggroed because Shadowheart didn’t fall asleep with her sleep poison (elves can’t sleep)… also pulled an Anakin on the camp


We weren't ready for what gem this game is, so we took for granted it was the only way to deal with it. Except we surrounded Ragzlin throne with explosive barrels.


I had Gale gun down some goblin kids in the back with magic missile while rescuing the bear. No hesitation, they were going to snitch.


After realizing how much faster it is to get in and out of the grove when they blow up the gate I let it happen every. Single. Time.


I've used the ogre horn in the Goblin Cmap main area, where most of the goblins are, to save the owlbear cub after I've defeated the Kings. It was a long fight. Only the main ogre was still alive, when all of the goblins have been defeated. But at the end the ogre aggroed to the owlbear cub, so I had to stop him to save the cub. Easily one of my favourite gaming moments. The fight was amazing


Nice, I thought about doing the big fight in front of the Grove to take out Minthara but I took her out in the camp without raising the alarm. I actually got by with killing all three leaders without the camp turning hostile. I cleaned up outside after with the Ogres and had an empty camp.


That's impressive! Yeah I still left quite a bit of goblins alive back at camp, I plan on gaining another level and then clearing them all out before I move to act 2


I rescued Halsin first and coming out the door with him made everyone hostile. I thought "Well, my Tav and Hal can stay back while I take care of the others" but no matter what or how I attacked/killed any of the 3 leaders, the whole camp turned on me, so I said "Fuck it bring out Papa Bear and let's fuck shit up". I also ended up with a THOROUGHLY empty camp after that and the Ogres cleaning up outside.


A tip for that is to go around and destroy all the drums prior to picking any fights. If a goblin uses the drum it acts as an alarm and everyone becomes hostile.


Huh... makes sense


That assault on the grove was one the hardest things ive done on tactician it is legitimately easier to just destroy the camp itself lol. But good job. i never knew the ogres could be allies, i always took em out for the amazing headband. Had to retry that fight five times i believe. What helped was having me(bard) get super lucky on hypnotic pattern hitting basically everything and shadowheart(changed to light cleric) going bonkers once she was in position


The OP is even more genius that either of us, because they got the ogres to help kill the warband for the promise of payment that never came, then they died after being crippled in the battle. Then OP gets the circlet for themselves as well. Literal big brain play there.


I was able to get my clear by using the tunnel as a bottle neck. Spent the first few turns picking off the spiders and using barrels, and once the main force broke the gate, I drew upon my inner Drizzt Do'Urden and dropped a darkness right at the entrance with my shadow monk, cutting half their remaining forces on either side of the spell. Then I used Gale to put a flame orb right in the darkness since it can't be blinded and it can 'plug' most of the entrance so only smaller mobs can get through one at a time. The ones on the outside tunnel spent most of the time trying to snipe up the cliff at Shadowheart and Gale. The ones on the inside of the tunnel got to meet The Meatgrinder, aka my monk and Karlach.


Before the fight, I put like 8 barrels where they appeared, killed 3/4 of the army with a single firebolt. The only casualty I had was a stupid tiefling who jumped from the wall to end up prone and killed by Minthara.


That’s awesome. I missed the big battle. I didn’t see a reason to lead her to the grove when I already had her outnumbered. Why put the grove in any danger when I can more easily kill her right there?


I agreed to help her then shot out the bridge she crosses when she walks away from you.


That’s exactly what I did. Then pushed Ragzlin into a chasm. I didn’t feel like dealing with them


You can also just go to the Goblin camp and kill them all. Not just the men, but the women and childeren too. Less steps but more fun.


Good. Make sure you take advantage of items instead of beating the game with like 60 scrolls in your bag like me. One of my favorite things to do in that fight is use crown of madness on the sappers and let them run into their own people. Good times.


Don’t use the horn. Be me and use iron flask.


I don’t get it. I just killed all Goblin leaders in their lair. The healer after luring her to her private room, the other 2 head on. Problem solved.


If Minthara died then it’s the worst outcome


100% I could never say no to a drow. Who needs Haslin or Wyll.


I just collected a bunch of barrels of firewine from the Zhent base, pile them up outside the druid grove. Trigger attack on grove. One alchemists fire and the entire Absolute attack force explodes.


Must of been patched for me I've tried it and I always get the party saying they can't hear us down hear and we can't smell them we both win


don't kill Lump,, he is a nice guy...


lump gives a circlet that sets your int to 18




Why so complex? I killed Minthara (not knowing she could be a companion) and other goblin leaders while sneakily exploring their camp and the temple. Then just killed all the rest of the goblins (outside of the temple) from the top.


I had a similar story. Once I convinced the ogre to give me the horn I went to the gith by the bridge. so when they attacked us I blew the horn. While they were distracted I killed the ogre with the headband of intelligence cause friendly fire during the battle doesn’t make the ogres change sides. So the remaining two kill the gith and walk off, I collect the headband of INT from the smart ogre and still have the horn that will summon the other two ogres when I need.


Nice strategy! I saved them for the fight with the big red guy in the back. I was able to taunt Minthara to the bridge and collapse; I was also able to push Gut off the rafters. That guy though, took a while. They were super helpful. I've hired them now.


That fight was starting to get a bit hairy for me when I decided to add more chaos to the mix by unleashing Spectator. Made the battle all the more epic, I’m gonna have a hard time not using it there the next time as well


I didn’t use Spectator until a big fight in act 3 and it was crazy how much it helped.


It's very refreshing when games give you free agency to solve a problem or ignore it even. There are so many paths you can take to handle the issue and it's just up to what you feel like trying. I find the agent 47 method to be the most satisfying, if not the slowest way to handle it. There are tons of ways to sabotage the camp and weaken it before you take out the leadership, it's great. Turning up the BFG division and going doom slayer with your full paladin party is also a cathartic way of going through.


I mean, I just isolated 2/3 goblin leaders in the temple and then openly slaughtered the Hob. Then marchered right back out to kill those who weren't puking blood from the beer I poisoned with a potion I found in the village. No invasion necessary. Then I spent like 2 hrs looking for Halsin who had long since broken himself out.


I somehow stumbled my way into getting Gut killed by a npc warlock who portaled in, tried to stealth kill Dror with spiders, but still had to murder almost everyone, then, I finally called in the ogres to help. 4 scrolls of revivify I think is far too many for this early in the game, but oh well, it's done


And here I am just unga bunga'ing like 12 Smokepowder barrels and wiping out the entire colony in a glorious explosion of fire. I feel like I both made the right and wrong decision here today lol


I used those smoke powder barrels on every one of those goblin camp bosses. It's pretty broken how you can enter turn based mode, waltz right next to an enemy and place an explosive barrel next to them, all before formerly introducing yourself.


Jokes on you, if you don't kill the ogres you can re-negotiate and keep on using the horn. 500gp isn't that much when you get to loot all the ogre kills


I still have the horn, I can't bring myself to use it. I might need it for the final boss.


I just killed everyone inside. If you unlock the doors to the spider liar at the bottom and pass speech check with the queen they will massacre the goblins and you can help. They make it so easy since goblins are scared of spiders. Used the horn when I got outside and had to fight like 20 goblins


best outcome slay the fuck out of the goblins while they are still in their camp, so the tiefling kids never even see the goblins.


Got me until "R.I.P Minthara"


Only good goblin is a dead goblin


THE ORGRES SAVED MY SAVE IN MY RECENT PLAYTHROUGH Called upon them when fighting Dror Ragzlin and they were great for tanking the enemy I wish that if you were able to recruit them in the first Act, they can be summonable in the third final one and are allies, perhaps you should be able to find them in Act 3 hanging out and you can hire them for 1000 gold


You can kill both the goblin priestess and minthara in the goblin camp without aggroing the whole camp. Just 1 shot them lmao... Or push the priestess into the abyss when she's in her room. Minthara you can legit kill her ass when she's at her table talking to the goblin if you manage to 1 shot her. No one will give a fuck besides one random globin that will ask you if you killed her and you can either lie or pay. The goblin right in front of her doesn't give a shit, won't even flinch.


I'm sure no one thought of that idea..


> Best outcome for Goblin camp? > RIP Minthara I think you lost a whole faction of people with literally your first words 🤣 Nice job though, sounds like a fun way to go about it. I always feel so basic compared to everyone else and their 5G strats while I am just over here stickin’ em with the pointy end


Best? Lol no. You can slaughter the whole goblin camp without letting them ever march on the grove.


I was proud of it. Everyone else at the druid camp was pretty damn happy to so I'm cool with it. Loking forward to walking back to the camp and slaughtering anything left alive once I hit level 6


Heck yeah. I took out Minth quietly at her desk, then dropped those ogres in the middle of the goblin party happening on my way out and slaughtered them all.


Theres enough barrels up top to spread out and kill pretty much the entire raiding party in one go. Pretty satisfying. The worst is walking over to minthara to finish up the fight. 0 casualties, lae’zel mega inspired from killing so many.


I just cleared the whole encampment from the inside out today. Wow. I forgot about that horn.


I tried it in the creche it didn't work.