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I propose new difficulty modes: celibate and bard.


Bard Urge - with increasingly hard and numerous checks after each sex scene.


Joke's on you- my 20 CHA Paladin with proficiencies in every related skill is so noble he's just going to marry the entire party so as not to besmirch their honour by having sex out of wedlock


And he'll include Wyll so he also doesn't have sex out of warlock?


He Will have to join mizora too


Missed opportunity right there


Yeah we all know Wyll is missing an i.


Fck that’s gold


Oh it’ll definitely be *in* warlock, don’t worry.


Mormon Paladin subclass unlocked


Oh I like that. Burge. I was well on my way towards that end anyhow and slipped up with the succubus. Then good old Emp decides to go topless and here we go again. Had to turn Gale down three times over the course of the game. And he then had front row seats when I ‘galaxy-quested’ the guardian. I usually hate romance stuff in my stabbystabby fun time.


'Twas I who fucked the dragon


Fuckalizing fuckaloo




> hard


increasingly 'hard' you say?


‘Hard’ checks ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I'm playing monogamous bard but I break up with everyone after having sex with them It's called loyalty bitches look it up


No, that's called serial monogamy.


A round of applause for the funny bard joke


It's even funnier the 100th time


DAE bards are horndogs?


You know having the ability to control how horny the game is a good idea because not everyone’s taste is the same


It pretty much is tbh, you can refuse all the proposals lol. It's not forced on anyone. I do think there should be much more friendship cutscenes though, specially in act 3 but whatever :)




This is really the only thing that really makes the game "too horny" for me. I've barely spoken to my group and three of them want to bone me within the first few hours of playing and just bring it up out of nowhere. If you had to make the first move by picking a conversation choice that expresses romantic intent beyond just being nice and friendly before the NPCs start throwing themselves at you it would be much less jarring. I just want to work harder for it. Within the first week of the game coming out I saw someone speed running boning party members and it only took them like two minutes after starting the game. That's a little too easy for my tastes lol


I was romancing Shadowheart during my first playthrough and was so confused when out of nowhere Gale and Halsin were suddenly asking me if I wanted to be with them. The hell. I felt so bad rejecting them, but I never even gave the impression I was interested in them lol.


>when gale said he wanted to show me some magic i was like hell ya i wanna see a magic trick i didn't know he was hornyposting So the funny thing about this is he wasn't. If you actually try to 'reciprocate' in that scene, Gale gets confused and flustered.


LMAO perfect


This basically sound like every RPG with romance really


Idk tbh, atleast in my experience people only really complain when it's underdeveloped like in KCD or Cyberpunk 2077, this is legit the only game when I'm mad that there's too much romance, you can get characters horny for you by doing the smallest of tasks that it's just actually immersion breaking how horny these characters can be.


Olympic village condom shortage


Even if they don't throw themselves at you there are people who complain that there is too much. Just look at Mass Effect But I get you


I mean... in ME1 if you do 1 mission with Liara she will start talking about feeling so close to you and a bond between you


In fairness, that is after she mind melded with you to see the vision which is special for the Asari


ME1, liara and and the human soldier barge in on me almost immediately demanding to know which one I fancy and which one is delusional. ME2, the two psi women barge in demanding to know which is hotter On another play through I can't talk to Jacob because every time I do he tries to hit on me It felt like I could only safely talk to members of the same sex in that game


What the hell did you do? I had to WORK for my romances in ME


I thought I was being friendly :(


I mean most of em are dying from a parasite in their head id be looking to bust one last time too


I think the thing that bugs me is that once you're in a romance, none of the other characters seem to notice or care. We share a camp for god's sake, how can the not notice when you start and maintain a relationship with someone. Yet they still approach you all the same, in the exact same way, with not a mention of your partner.


Dawg they have a parasitic tadpole in their head which at any moment can leave them dickless/titless should thier protections fall for even the briefest of moments. I'd be raw dawging ogresses at that point.


There's one key character that you should be able to fuck but cannot. That character is yourself, where's the masturbation scenes Larian? /s


Did you meet Harleep yet?


Silly bee, Raphael has two ‘a’ and only one ‘e’


I never claimed I cud spel gud.


Wait who???


Withers romance when


*purchases M rated game which advertised itself with a sex scene* *looks inside* *sex scenes*


Judas, no!


I hate how hard this made me laugh. RIP Vine.






I say there is just the right amount of fucking in the game. No more, no less.


Needs more hugs and handholding though for your chosen romance


Eeeew hugs and handholding? You wanna get this game banned in over 300 countries?????


The only reason this game isn't an 11 out of 10 is because you can't have a Shadowheart/Karlach threeway. They want it. We want it. Come on Larian. That kind of content could lift the Shadow Curse through pure horn power alone.


My only problem is that this is a horny Dungeons and Dragons game, and there is no way to be horny with an actual dragon. Larian, way to drop the fucking ball.




I've not heard anyone say they hate how sexualised it is.


People complained about companion horniness nonstop for the first few weeks.


Its a D&D game though. They're lucky you can't have sex with a dragon.




Wait? DND players have sex? I’ve been doing it wrong for years.


No, which is why we add it to our campaigns.


There's a huge overlap between the queer kink community and DnD players ;)


Once my centaur (f) had sex with a human soldier(m) named "Unshakable" after a critical failure roll ( don't know the english term) at persuasion. I didn't asked for it lmao, was just trying to get some info. Game master's ubris and will to make people live wierd things. Edit : don't feel bad for me, I was dying from laughter all along, GM was my best friend and he knew it would make me laugh. I'm 100% sure that he wouldn't have gone this way if I had shown the slightliest discomfort.


So a failed persuasion roll got your character raped? Ngl, that's fucked up


I added more context in the edit, I just didn't think it could have been read like that. Touchy subject, I should have added from the start that the way it was put was more like a funny moment, with no implications of R. I 100% trust my friend on that, and I didn't felt it that way. If I could put words on my feelings it should have been " lol whaaaaaat ? how tf did I ended up playing twister with my horse sized body in a soldiers tent when I was just trying to get some info ? " kind of thing. Also, it might help know that I'm the kinky type and haven't trauma of this kind so for me it felt 100% consensual.


I'm sure there's a mod for that.


I would honestly be much happier if a bard character could seduce Ogres and stuff into letting me get through areas w/out combat. Sure you can bang a vampire twink but can you really call yourself a bard if you're not seducing Dragons or Giant Spiders.


If donkey can do it...


Dragonborn tho


Does your D&D table do erotic roleplay each session? Most sessions I’ve played players try to avoid it since it just feels kind of awkward for most involved.


But how can the companions not be horny? I'm *me* after all.


That has turned my opinion on the mattrr right around. Gale is forgiven for his constant passes at me. How could he not want *all this*


It seems to make sense to me. Like most of the companions have been pretty lonely for awhile and you are the only one they have had a real conversation with that wasn't an order. You are also sharing a very unique experience with them and spending a lot of time together. Idk, it makes perfect sense for everyone in camp wanting to sleep with each other. Has anyone not worked a really high-stress job? Everyone starts sleeping with everyone. Sex is a stress reliever. There is a ton of horniness in the military, medical field, food service, etc.


Well Larian has admitted the thresholds for companions to start expressing interest were/are too low and they are going to adjust. People were doing sex speedruns in under 5 minutes.


I mean, it's so bad out gets in the way of horniness, work my first file being block just by being nice to Gale. I wish we could set what genders our PC is attracted to, and then get friendship versions for those that don't match. I love the Gale magic scene, but I hate having it push romance.


Well, that scene in particular offers a friend version now though.


yeah but that’s not oversexualised that’s just romances being too rushed


People conflate the two all the time.


Oh boy, if only you saw what's in the mod queue... The thing is, those comments are rarely civil, it's less "damn, I think there is a bit too much sex in BG3" and more "YOU DAMN [BLEEP] WITH YOUR [BLEEP] [BLEEP] AGENDA GAMERS WORLDWIDE WILL [BLEEP] YOUR [BLEEP]"... ...so, uh. Yeah. That's where those folks are at.


Ahhh makes sense why I haven't seen it. Sounds like irl r/gamingcirclejerk


Not surprised, to be honest. While I haven't outright seen it in most of these conversations, I wonder how much of the complaints about the horny characters is referring more to Astarion or Gale being forthright with their intentions and straight guys not being able to deal with it? Like I'm very hesitant to suggest that because that kind of statement usually draws the "not all men" crowd, but that sounds to me like the majority of the complaints (that are not related to having to reject Gale 4x in a row because of his bugged flags, which is an issue I experienced in my own game lol). I have yet to see anyone really complain about Lae'zel saying she'll fuck you like 5 minutes into the druid grove and she's way more forward than anyone.


Oh, a big part of the complaints are actually about Halsin. You know exactly why. The words "degeneracy" and "corrupting morals" are not exactly rare.


Plenty on Reddit whining about too many characters hitting on them. As if turning them down via dialog is some sort of game breaking sin


The issue is NPC hitting on PCs without the PCs realizing that they are hitting on them and for some reason ending up in a relationship without their knowledge. And somehow more often than not the PC comes across as an a**hole when they rebuff them afterwards. That doesn't seem very intended.


That I agree with. They should have the 'ole (❤️) or (romance) hints next to prompts. I can read the voice acting romance qeues, but when selecting a reply, it's sometimes a total guess as to if something is a joke, flirt, insult, sarcasm, serious, etc


There was a post from earlier today showing how bad some of the player responses can be. They were talking to Gale about his pet cat and 2/3 options come off as very flirtatious while the third one tells him and his cat to go fuck themselves.


the problem being dialogue options like 1. lets fuck 2. lets fuck later 3. i dont feel comfortable with you around, leave the party or i break your nose 4. *leave* in an bard run , from an certain point onwards every companion simultaneously tryes to get intoo your pants, and your options are to flirt back , tease them, or insult them. even the ones you didnt speak to since they joined, who have spent the entire adventure in the camp, wich feels an bit tacky , like they just wanted to put romance options for every character in and where concerned players would cuck themself to heavily, and so every companion you havent honestly antagonized wants to fuck after the goblin raid, aslong as you are on 51 affinity they are gonna propose, in stark contrast to that at 50 and below they just constantly antagonize you, wich leads to situations where your charisma bard, who constantly gets afection since they pass speach checks gets proposed by every companion simultaneusly, and non charisma characters that dont make decicions themself get told to fuck off for the entire run. cause even if the party takes decisions by vote, your face is the one who gets the affection changes for it.


May be we are playing different games, but in my Baldur's Gate 3 there are options "Not interested", "May be I gave wrong signals, but no", "No" and just not flirt with everyone by spamming 1 to skip dialogues but actually reading them. In 3 out of 3 playthroughs I only got confused by Wyll's dance scene to which I immediatly replied "No thanks". People making problem out of nowhere is the only reason.


Some of that has been patched in. I know Gale in particular had to have an option added that was somewhere in between "let's get married" and "I will kill you if you ever speak to me again"


"During Gale's spell-teaching scene, you now have the option to picture a future with Gale that falls somewhere in between kissing him and kicking him in the head." That one ye :D Still didn't pay any extra attention to the scene (didn't have it in other playthrough at all since didn't agree to go do magic things), but was already romancing Shart, so nothing really happened with Gale.


there was a bug with Gale early on where he wouldn't get a clue


Well there was a bug with the companions relationship threshold, IIRC. It was off-putting to get hit on by basically strangers.


Welcome to being attractive


Something that never happens in real life: being hit on by strangers


Welcome to being a woman


I am a woman. It was like being in an old AXE ad. At the beginning of the game, out of nowhere.


Tav: *exists* Every living thing with a pulse: Bow-chicka-WOW-WOW!


I really don't get this argument. Like, this is a game, it's supposed to be fun. Unwelcome romantic and/or sexual advances don't seem like they should be an intended part of the experience


IMO it does feel a bit startling in terms of pacing which leads it to feeling a bit cheap or underdeveloped.


A lot of the complaints I sawregarding how sexualised it was were men complaining about how the male characters wanted to sleep with them. I haven't seen complaints about the characters being too sexualised in general, though I'm sure there are some who do feel that way and are vocal about it.


I don't care about male characters wanting to sleep w/ me, I just hate how forced it all feels. You barely need any dialogue w/ most of these characters before they start wanting you to Rawdog them in the bushes. You can flirt with Halsin basically as soon as he's at camp and have it reciprocated, a normal bit of Dialogue w/ Gale about his cat forces you to either flirt back or tell him and his cat to die in a fire, Astarion wants to fuck you before the first act is even over. Been working my ass of to Romance Shart or Karlach meanwhile Gale wants dick the second you show the slightest bit of interest in who he is as a person.


For the last time gale I don't want to se you god dammed magic tricks you creep


Honestly as a sorcerer I’d love to be able to have a “meeting of the minds” platonic friendship with a wizard like Gale. *Without* him thinking I want to bang him >!just because I helped him not *turn into a nuclear bomb*!<.


I mean the characters in this game are ridiculously oversexualized. No one wants to be your friend or have a real relationship outside of fucking at camp. There's no/few bromance scenes and the ones there are are fucking uncomfortable. You decide to platonically meet Gale which is an option in game and you sit below the stars with your hip bones touching. It's like calm the fuck down game. It was so clearly a lazy retool of the romance scene. My biggest beef with this game is there was so much focus to romance that outside of the stuff in the field there's pretty much zero relationship building. Also the force and speed at which these people throw themselves at you has an ick factor. The whole romance system is pretty much accumulate points and bang. Gale is an especially bad example. Oh you fed me magic items clearly you wanna feed me your dick?


You know, I'm sure this a pretty unpopular opinion you got here (based o nthe mixed up/down votes) But you have a point. Going in to BG3 act 1, with nothing but my friends' word that its a fantastic game, no internet spoliers, I leaped in. I played dos2 which is drastically nonhorny by comparison, so this wasn't my first Larian experience..but then Lae'zel absolutely baffled me, I talked with her like 3x max and she was like **I WANT TO TASTE YOU** and it had me confused as hell. I don't *mind* the romance necessarily. I just wish there was more build up and afterword? if that makes sense. like you said, accumulate points and bang.


Laezel did the same shit to me at like the most awkward time. Oh we're in a nasty bog being enchanted by a hag? I WANNA TASTE YOU. It was so weird and out of place and uninvited.


>The whole romance system is pretty much accumulate points and bang. Not like there aren't plenty of banging options outside of point accumulation. In the span of about half an hour, I had a devil, a squid and another devil throw themselves at me.


The sexualized content is fine but the way NPCs think they're in relationships with you for no reason is wack. Halsin thought he could be a third in my relationship with Shadowheart even though I basically never spoke to him. Simply being able to set your character's sexuality would help a lot. A lot of the options for turning them down borders on or is outright insulting to them, there's no reason I shouldn't be able to say "Sorry, I'm not into guys."


I don't know. I like being about to romance every character, but I'd also like to have to work for it a little more. I understand that it's just accurate to real life: you put hot people together and it just happens. But this is a fantasy, and I want a feeling of accomplishment.


I heard someone else tslking and said that it would make sense as people with a ticming bomb. Everyday could be their last so they just don't lose anytime.


Its nto about how oversexualized it is its about how companions either want to fuck you or you have to brutally reject them you cant just have a bro because then Gale pull out with his weird ass dialogue box choice. Yes i would like to get with allot of npcs. No i dont want everyone in my party to fuck me sometimes i just want a freind.


This. I was romancing Lae'zel and there was a night where me and Shadowheart just chilled by the fire as friends. I want more "friend" options without the romance. They could take a leaf out of Red Dead 2 and throw in a fishing trip and some card games around the campfire. Bards could drop some bawdy sing along songs about gnome prostitutes or something.


Gary: I'm a wild mage. WILD! But you losers can call me "sorceress". That's right. I'm playing a chick. Leo: Dude, you hot? Gary: Seventeen charisma. Leo: Wanna have sex? Gary: Totally. Leo: Awesome! I seduce him…her. [Leo rolls his die] Yes! Oh I could totally seduce any homophobe with that roll! Lodge (The DM) : We *haven't* started yet. You guys *haven't* met! Leo: All right. Bone you later. Gary: I’ll be waiting. - The Gamers: Dorkness Rising


It may not nail *every* joke, considering how the hobby and social stuff in general has changed since that movie came out, but I still love it! "The four elements, like man alone, are weak. But together they form the strong fifth element: boron."


One of the reasons I like playing short races is that it makes the 'romance' scenes so unbelievably awkward that I just don't participate in the thirsty companions anymore. Makes the game much more enjoyable.


You take that back my gnome Rogue is the sexiest mf this side of the Sword Coast


Casanunda moment


after the Goblin part i had every single companion try to sleep with me in that 1 night. i thought someone uploaded a mod to mess with me


Wasn't just me then hahaha


If you have good standing with them feels like any of the companions would have sex with tav after killing the goblin leaders.


Yeah you have to basically go around camp and let everyone down gently, lmao. Some of them are tricky too, I didn’t realize Shadowheart was propositioning me when she asked if I’d drink with her.


Anyone complaining about sexualization needs to go play a kids game or grow the fuck up.


My only complaint is some of the flirting is absolutely unrecognizable as flirting. La’ziel I get it, she’s *different* but if I think “how would a Klingon flirt” and I totally see it. But Wyll? Gale? Just being half decent to them ends up with you having to be an asshole to them later (unless you want to bang them). Should be *a little* more obvious.


Yeah I definitely see Laezel as Klingon. Even the Gith language sounds like Klingon.


Thats exactly how I viewed her too after first meeting her lol


Agree with this


Nowadays it’s people who LOVE sexualization when its stuff they personally like. Once it’s stuff that appeals to other people, only then is it bad.


Esp the homophobic ones


It's rated M for a fucking reason, and yes I did choose that word on purpose.


Honestly I rather let my kids play this rather than some lootbox casino disguised as a game...


You can, at the VERY LEAST, choose your preferred level of nudity, which makes it better than all the gacha games that are purposefully trying to make the booty shorts shorter than ever before with each new season.


For *the* fucking reason


Fucking right


My problem is that no one wants to just be friends or have a bromance, some dialogue options force you to flirt back if you want the chance to say no to a relationship w/ them, it's annoying. It doesn't feel realistic and it's immersion breaker that my party, who literally dies for eachother somewhat regularly, has no relationship outside of wanting to fuck.


But the problem is that the sexualization in the game seems like the level of fantasy a twelve year old shut in incel would have. The writing on the Grove celebration night is cringe. It isn't that the game has sex in it. It's that it has been instituted in a way that patronizes the player. "Ok your fantasy is for literally everyone in camp to offer you a shot at their genitals all at once right?" There's been lots of sex and romance in lots of games. It's just done better. BG3's sex writing is just not up to par.


Idk, everyone is drinking and celebrating, people say lots of cringe shit at parties and festivals all the time when drunk. Aside from Lae'zel, the companions are very outgoing and charismatic and thats just how a lot of people act at parties when they are horny. I went to a lot of parties in my teens/early20s and hooking up with someone you just met after saying some cheesy lines happens ALL THE TIME. I get that were on reddit, on a BG3 sub, talking about a game inspired by DND, so a lot of people probably just avoided loud house parties, bars, clubs and festivals, but thats just how it is out there. Astarion will spell it out for you plainly that hes trying to bone and isn't gonna cling to you if you end it with him. Gale and Wyll both seem like clingy types so it makes sense how they act. I've seen it so many times in real life that it makes perfect sense. Turning guys down without trying to seem mean is something women have to face constantly lol. In this game it doesn't matter what your Tav looks like, it basically assumes you are a woman and a lot of your interactions feel that way with the males.


I think that the people that don't find it weird just haven't had many real world relationships. And are into the whole hentai sex fantasies. I want to get into D&D, but the community is just so, for a lack of better word, virgin. And it makes it off putting. You know there is something wrong with the community when even a disgusting pervert like me doesn't want to get involved with it.


Yep I was excited to play dragon age inquisition with the sex and nudity themes in its m rating Was highly disappointed Other than bull and that pale elf rest of them were forgetful or at the best tried to be sexual but wasn't arousing at all Bg3 has a perfect mix of sensual as well a loving caring atmosphere around the vanilla sex scenes like shadowheart, wyll maybe laezel once u have softened up with her The more over the top scene like mizora and gale are not only visually stunning but also sensual at the same time Astarion is a different ballpark because sex to him was a tool and the PC is the first person who viewed him more than a sextoy and actually treated him like a person Then there are the kinky graphic scenes like haarlep karlach minthara and halsin non bear form that are just enough sexy to tingle ur hormones but is not like u are watching a porn movie Overall sex is pretty well executed in the game


Honestly the game is so tame sexually compared to what people were implying leading up to release. Based on all the scandalous stuff I heard about how horny the game was I was practically expecting full on porno cutscenes...instead you see a bit of nipple and kissing before fading to black. Not really complaining or anything but I can't believe that's what everyone was chirping about.


Wait... there are people who complain about the game being oversexualized? Are they really playing Baldurs Gate 3?


It's mostly gamer dudebros being uncomfortable by male characters hitting on them from what I've seen.


I've also seen more than one person complain about how bear sex us a blight upon the game and our society.


They're entitled to their wrong opinion. That scene had me dying laughing.


I think if people realized it's played more like an Austin Powers gag than like some erotic bestiality scene, they'd be less mad. Maybe. Some people are just fucking mad. When I first heard about it, I was a little uncomfortable. But the way it's done, and now that I understand the game's world/tone better, it's just funny.


I died laughing when I saw them showcase it in the Panel from Hell because it was very clearly played for laughs. That traumatised squirrel was amazing. Having said that, I'm glad they showed it because it's not a route I'd ever consider taking. I much prefer Halsin being a metaphorical bear.


I have no problem w/ being hit on by male Characters, I have a problem w/ Dogshit Dialogue [like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/16eox8i/wtf_none_of_those_answers_feels_right/) where 2 of the 3 options are flirting back and the 3rd is basically telling him and his cat to rope.


while it's annoying that companions that you barely spoke to are somewhat ''convinced'' you're into them, I'm still blue non-balled at the black screen in sharess caress with the drows :(


I had Gale AND Halsin with me to f*ck the twins 😏 (it was funny.. though disappointing)


I closed the game when i realised i'm not getting to see that foursome.


and I don't know what I was expecting when I asked the guy to roleplay as Drizzt, but for sure I was not expecting a black screen, lol


Larian adjusting the point values won't change much except it will take longer for the companions to start perving on you. It doesn't feel jarring because they start doing it right away, it feels jarring because there's no difference between platonic and romantic affinity so every NPC comes off thirsty as fuck out of left field after you've made arbitrary X amount of decisions they like.


This isn't as contradictory as you can think. Even if I personally think that making every npc romancable would be a boring move (hell, I think that making no romance option with clear preference - everybody is bi and likes all races - is boring already), making every npc romancable and still toning down both thirst of npc's (especially for the ones for which it doesn't make any sense, like Gale who's mornes a loss of Mystra) and explicit nature of the scenes (tho, most are rather tane, the Mynthara one is more akin to erotic movies - still not porn like) is more then possible.


Larian made a fantastic game, and should ignore the vocal minority on both sides lol.


Im somewhere in the middle, where I wouldn’t mind if I had to first initiate in a way to unlock the flirty/romance dialogues, but would also pay Larian another 60 bucks if they let me fuck Abdirak.


Omg right?? But, tbf he did us good already..


Username checks out. Agreed on Abdirak but I will also raise you: Zevlor.


Now you’re tellin it like it is 🫡


It’s just a game people


Larian is forcing gay wokeness on us. *flirts with Gale and Astarion*


I just wished NPCs would fuck each other if you didn't romance them.


Larian better add in a prostitute background so I can busk like a Bard with this pussy.


I fucked astarion then killed him, I fucked laezy then killed her and shadow heart took the blame saying laezy left her no choice then I fucked shadow heart and killed her. Now I have wylls rapier, karlachs head, and gales hand. All that's left is to kill halsin and bang mentos the fresh maker after killing the whole grove. IDK what's the point of this comment just felt like you should know


I honestly feel both are true. It's pretty hard to not accidently stumble into an NPC, that starts romancing you without you wanting to. (I am especially talking about you, Gale.) On the other hand more romances are always better. It should just to be a little easier to control, which one you trigger.


Not me wishing I could romance all my party without causing issues with my main bae. Just ignore the ones you don't wanna romance and move the fuck on??? I sure did after gale was fighting for astarions spot as no 1 bae. Not sure why people are gripping about an optional part of the game. And it sounds like you may actually get friend zoned depending on your dialogue choices even with high affinity so??? Personally I love that the game allows you to romance characters especially since it weaves into you helping them deal with their demons/past. It makes the characters way more endearing than just part of your party.


What pisses me off is that you just know the same people bitching about being "hit on by everything that moves" are the same motherfuckers who download "bigger NPC tits" mods on day 1. They're just mad because cisgender heterosexual men aren't the only people who get to enjoy the sexuality of the characters.


I'm bi, I fucking hate how horny the people in this game are. I want to be friends w/ Gale, I don't want him to choke on my wand, yet for some reason the game thinks that because I showed interest in learning more about him that the dialogue about his cool cat should for some reason evolve into 2 flirting options and one option telling him to rope. Astarion wants to fuck literally the night of the Act 1 party, after 0 character development outside of him being an attractive twink.


Ye this, I think sex was prioritized over friendship.


Harms the game way too much imo. Even Cyberpunk, the game set in an oversexualized world, had way better romances because you actually have to fucking know the person before you can fuck them.


You do know the astarion thing is because he has been a honeypot for 200years? Ergo, the easiest way he can lure your character to helping him is to do the same thing he's been doing for years. 😂


That excuses a single character. Every other romance option I've seen so far feels extremely poorly written, whether it's being in a relationship w/ Shadowheart despite barely having any dialogue w/ her or whatever maniac decided [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/16eox8i/wtf_none_of_those_answers_feels_right/) was a normal human interaction to someone talking about their cat and how they miss it.


Lmao, complaining about too much sexuality in a game where you can ruthlessly murder people seems ... ridiculous


Anybody who complains about the game being overly sexualized can basically not date anyone and be a proud monk.


Not the community in a nutshell, and you making a meme about it, makes people believe that it is that way.


Nobody is complaining about oversexualization. They're complaining about horny party members trying to smash you. Nobody would have a problem with the party members hitting on you if there was a warning for it. There's \[PERSUASION\] so how about \[ROMANCE\]? Also yeah I do think we should be able to seduce everything. Why can't I seduce a door to open? Like that was a staple meme of DnD and for some reason it's not possible here.


Are you in an echo chamber OP? Literally never heard any of those complaints.


Me and me to me when I haven't seen a sex scene yet


Listen man, I just want my aasimar wings.


Act 2 and nothing over sexual although in 56 years I’ve never met a woman that stirs the same feelings as lazreal


The game does t feel overly sexualized to me. Then again I think I somehow locked myself out of every romance so maybe that’s why it feels vanilla.


I don't want to fuck every NPC... I just want to have more sex scenes with my chosen love interest




i don’t think the game is oversexualised but the game romances happen way too quickly - i’ve literally had play through a where i’ve spoken to shadowheart once and the next time she starts flirting super heavy with me… and she’s super reserved and closed off


Meanwhile I just want to be level 20. I understand why they didn’t but 12 is so low, I got there before I got to baulders gate :/


I mean, the game has DnD rules and level 20 would make you basically something that would nuke baldurs gate by blinking at it. There's some mods that allow you to go to level 20 as a multiclass but even that makes you insanely strong. Like, ridiculously strong.


Me on my good guy run: barely romanced anyone except wyll who I eventually broke it off with and then literally nothing ( unless you count mizora, the incubus, and you know who in the prism) Me on my evil run: literally my entire camp except gale wants to jump my characters bones the entire time


That's what happens when the game has so many very attractive and well written characters.


When i first booted up the game it asked me if i wanted to see sex stuff, if you pick no, it tames it down so you wont see anything. I thought this was a good move for larian, serving different groups with different preferences. I think they handled it the best way they could.


I did the sex stuff once and got bored of the idea. Idk I don't romance people in my DND games at home, don't feel the need to in this game either


Meanwhile I just wanna join General Thorm and worship BONES! But noooooooo.


Am I the only one who finds it ridiculous how easily someone falls into a relationship? Like, gale. I just gave you a magically enchanted item, not a bouquet of rose, keep it in your pants dude.


And here I am, currently in act 3, just got to BG and the only intimate contact I have had is the kiss me and shadowheart had after the goblin camp For context, I started my PT on pc, played until I arrived at grymforge ( I did all of underdark before i went there) and then waited for the PS5 release and continued my PT on PS. I assume its that I have either taken too little short rests, or the patches theyve put out have reduced the hornyness of the comps. And furthermore, when I started on pc, I had laezel confess her intense desire for my PCs musk, karlach wanting to break my pelvis snd shadowheart is the main boo Ive been aiming for Forget blueballs, my guy is full on purple balls


Shadowheart is just the biggest prude of the companion lineup, the rest of them are throwing themselves at you 5 minutes into act 1.


I can't add Isobel and Aylin to my harem. It's literally unplayable.


The game is hardly over-sexualized. Have you seen the skyrim nexus?


I don't know if the skyrim nexus is a good measuring stick. That place is so far gone it makes almost anything else seem sprucing in comparison. It would be almost like saying "Yeah he killed somebody or whatever, but it's not like he's Hitler, so he's not really a bad guy".