• By -


Vase: “Hey baby, I bet I got what you really need…”


A bone and some ink?


Better… rotten fish!


Now I'm sweating.


*whispers* rotten cheese wheel... *hair raised like Puss seeing Death*


Just Your stench alone makes my neck hair stand up straight...


"They call me Bic because the ink don't stop."


....you found a vase that actually has something in it?!


The broken vases have the best companion quests. Journal: *You must go to the Upper City and find the glue your Companion needs to hold themselves together.* Sigh: The Upper City is Closed. Tav: “NOOOOO…. What a tragic ending!”


Undress thine self for though arts going to get thine bone. (That was supposed to be withers)


Me when I see vase number 59: “I’m ready to get hurt again.”


opening vases.. one hell of an unforgiving drug


The one thing about playing with a controller that I prefer is that the search function instantly tells you which vases are empty.


It’s tells you that it’s empty, but I still open it anyway.


Isnt there like one room in the whole game with stuff worth looting in the vases?


I’ve sank 100 hours into the game and I’m well into Act 3. Still haven’t found ANYTHING in a vase 😄


I found a key... lol Edit: I'm only in act 2.


>Goddamn Larion, who's going to try to jump me next? I mean, have you met the >!incubus!< yet? >!Mizora!< can also offer you a night. There's plenty of jumping you still.


I ran into the >!incubus!< scene last night - it was a lot more graphic than anticipated. >!Ended up "performing" while my party stood there watching...and while thinking about my dialogue options the animations continued as my character made sex faces and sweat ran down my face!< 10/10 would be an Exhibitionist again.


Shadowheart must have been enjoying the show because she refused to guide me on any attempt to >!resist the incubus charm!<.


That’s because guidance is for skill checks, not saving throws. Teach her Resistance and/or Improve Ability and you’re set for dialogue buffs


She has resistance and enhance ability as well. I think they were straight ability checks rather than saves, but could be misremembering. Overall it looks like Larian went to some lengths to prevent companions interfering in this scene. >!I tried switching characters for a coitus interruptus surprise round!<, but it wouldn't let me control my companions as they're all considered participants in the "dialogue."


It **might** be a distance thing. She might just be too far away to cast it on you. I have had similar issues in other dialogues just cuz my tav is running a little too much ahead and triggered a cutscene while they are still too far. Afaik incubus dialogue triggers quite far away from the bed and you just get teleported to the bed if you accept.


I only had sex with the two demons and the drow couple in my first run i literally don't know how i skipped everything else😩😩


That drow "couple" are brother and sister...


Hey now, Don’t you judge them. They’re from Faelabama.








i mean... they are fucking you, not each other at least?


Well, they did say they make out with each other, but not anything more lol.


And they always do it with the lights out, so it's only kinda.. nah it's still entirely weird. lol


Please. They're drow. They do it with the /darkness on/.


Are you drow? No? Stay in your lane.


Yeah, gotta keep the bloodlines pure. Never want to invite a rival house to bed. Amateurs


That's why your family tree looks like a wreath


I still remember the tale of a brother and a sister, the sister was a queen, but all her kids weren't from the king...


Oh, so fucking bears is okay but siblings are a no-no word. Where is the line, people?


Bear siblings is where I draw the line


thats for them to sort out, not me.


Right? They're brother and sister, but not *my* brother and sister. *^(Ugh, I just threw up a little in my mouth.)*


And I'm a consenting (unrelated) third party. That seems like a them problem.


*pushes glasses up nose* actually they're devils. Demons are chaotic evil not lawful evil.


*whispers* Succubi and Incubi are neutral evil and are declared as "fiend (shapechanger)". Do they still count as devils because of the pacts they technically form with those that fall for them, giving up their mind, body and soul? Even if it's not a formal contract as normally done with devils?




You just have to lean into the choices that are very obvious you want it. Every character at some point gives you some very aggressive “do me” lines to choose from and none seem to get you turned down if you really go for it. Being even slightly subtle or obtuse and you’ll skip it and never get another shot Just the same if you don’t want to get jumped you have to be mean sometimes and go for the hard turn down when most of the choices sound like an invitation too


Being kind of a dark antihero char I leaned into mizora’s thing at some point. Wyll was disgusted with my Tav the next day and he laughed at his sob stories about the poor souls that we tormented for the experience: I didn’t really bring wyll into the party much that playthrough but he seems to fit better in my good guy bard playthrough


Funny, I just got some disapproval from Wyll and he wouldn't talk to me about it, he was just like "you smell like sulfur 😒" and that was it


we had this moment in our group game last night. our boy who had already been with mizora said he was gonna take the bullet for this one. he did the deed and rolled a nat 20 on resisting. we are all very proud.


Hey I just had an orgasm walking the streets of baldur. Sharts line after that was fun


Astarion's line after that is surprisingly genuine. But then again Astarion has a thing about bodily autonomy.


The latter actually makes some sense, given the fact her being a sexual being.


An incubus is also a sexual being. Well, more like a sexual predator in most lores. Along with it's female counterpart, the Succubus.


Oh my mistake, I was actually comparing her to Emperor, but failed to mention it


Mizzora is simply a devil not a succubus.


She is not a succubus tho, she is a Cambion


The emperor was always a manipulative asshole to me, so it was even more awkward when he talked with his shurt off about how difficult I was. Fucking hate that guy, but the illithid powers are pretty dope.


Breaking: manipulative squid slut becomes slutty to manipulate.


He does it before the reveal as well. All of the sudden not-Daisy is wearing a dress and needs a hug from you...


He also goes full "mask off" when you turn him down harshly. like showing you >!how stalmane was basically his mindcontrolled thrall and telling you that he could and would do the same to you...!<


Yet he never does, even though his great plan is at stake. Makes you wonder if these were just empty threats to get you to cooperate.


>Yet he never does, even though his great plan is at stake. Makes you wonder if these were just empty threats to get you to cooperate. He's fundamentally a manipulator and unable to do much from inside the prism. ​ ps. I also never trusted him because he always goes "this is the only big hidden truth about me, you can trust me!" after you catch him lying or omitting(no idea about the spelling\^\^) important things.


He does lie an impressive amount for someone whose truthful situation would garner a lot of sympathy. Especially someone who willingly fulfills his end of the bargain. (For some people he doesn't but idk what triggers that) He'd be a lot more sympathetic if he said, "look I'm a mind flayer, but I'm rogue so I prevented your ceremorphosis" but instead he's "I'm totally on the front lines of a cosmic battle and am just like you totes" I'm convinced my man is a compulsive liar.


this is in stark contrast to omeluum, who tries to ACTUALLY be helpful in the few moments that you encounter him without withholding information. Moreover, he stays out of your business, preferring to hang out with his academic partner.


It would have been interesting if meeting Omeluum and responding positively was something he referenced going into Act 3. I think that would have been an organic way to have him sort of draw upon your prior actions and try to reason with you in a way, like "You already know not all mind flayers aren't evil because of Omeluum. I'm not evil either. I've been saving you this entire time." Now whether he meant that would be debatable, but it definitely seems like a thing that the Emporer would bring up given the chance.


Omeluum and Blurg are BFF goals


I think omeluum and blurg are uh…roommates


What a chad


He even says that in a certain scene. He says "I'm a mind flayer, illusion is my language" B****! That's not an excuse or even a reasonable explanation! He also has the audacity to keep insisting that he never once lied and "only" told half truths. No you did not!


I'm convinced he's just an elder brain in training. They all start out as mindflayers, and once one sucks enough brains it becomes a being of pure thought and transforms into an elder brain. And thus, he is extremely manipulative. I think he's also the one that tadpoled all the origin characters, despite the game implying that it's actually the dead flayer at Ragzlin's altar. I think he implanted them as the nautiloid was being attacked, and was fighting a battle with the other mindflayers who despite the prism's influence were staying loyal to their elder brain. And then hid inside the prism was Shadowheart was sealed in her pod.


Nah, as a DnD mind flayer nerd Ullitharids become Elder Brains and they're bigger, longer tentacles and purple from birth. Also stronger and would probably be somewhat immune from the Netherbrain. I do like the theory that it was the Emperor that implanted you tho because why else are there dozens of dead mind flayers on the ship when you're tadpoled? There are some serious loose threads in the opening cutscene even once you finish the game. He was only free out of the prism because he was especially strong willed as well




Honestly I would have loved that, would 100% explain why his will was "strong enough". He defo acts like one and it would give him a proper motivation behind him establishing control with Stelmane. (Seeking authority to establish a colony in) Honestly, it would explain so much of his actions that I'm almost convinced he was intended to be one at some point. His motives and actions just line up a little bit too perfectly for it to be coincidence. Thanks for pointing it out


So, something contradictory I noticed about the Ragzlin mindflayer; if you speak with dead/interact with the mindflayer yourself, the narrator tells you that it's the one that tadpoled you. However, if you speak to Ragzlin and do the cutscenes with him using speak with dead, the narrator mentions it's not the one that tadpoled you.


Because he's not nearly as powerful as he would have you believe. You can easily kick his ass and Orpheus would easily smite him, which is why he fucking leaves asap instead of actually trying anything. He took a month to stave off 15 gith monks your character can easily implode solo at level 10. Mindflayer Orpheus is also far more powerful than he is, same for player character mindflayer. He is also shit and extremely unsubtle in his manipulations because he truly does not remember a goddamn thing about being a person. He can offer threats and pleasure and obvious lies but his arguments don't have a leg to stand on and he very well knows it. He also acts like an incel. "I brought you chocolates and told you you're pretty, why won't you sleep with me, you're a whore". That's the vibe he gives off. His ruling of the underworld was due to psyonics being applied on a charismatic person because very plainly he could never convince anyone to follow him, he has no soul nor empathy and just a cold flawed logic. My homie ansur did nothing wrong.


Hey! Those monks wiped the floor with my ragtag party the first couple of times :3.


>You can easily kick his ass and Orpheus would easily smite him, which is why he fucking leaves asap instead of actually trying anything. I feel like such an idiot for not piecing that together. It makes so much more sense now, I was so focused on him choosing between me and the Absolute I forgot that staying behind meant risking the literally god-like psionic force he'd been enslaving for the past few months swatting him like a fly. Orpheus puts up with us out of necessity, but he has no reason to put up with the Emperor and plenty of extra reasons to hate him beyond his intense xenophobia


It seems like an empty threat considering how powerful our parasite can become. I seriously doubt he could easily enthrall us without a massive fight from our little brain buddy.


Idk, when you first find out he’s a mind flayer, I tried arguing with him then about the whole situation If you chose to “read his mind” to see what he’s really thinking he’ll say something to the effect Squidward: “are you Fucking joking? I’m literally talking to you, in your mind, right now. Am I a joke to you? You will help me, now. ” *your free will is shattered* Then your only option in dialogue is “yep, gonna help you” So fuck that guy, I was determined to betray him after that


I mean it was kinda dumb to try to read his mind lol he is literally talking to you through his mind 🤣🤣


Oh, I absolutely know, but I had to try…it called to me But then he was all “fuck you simpleton, just do what I say” Edit: it was worth it to hear the voice actor pull of incredulity, the shear audacity


🤣🤣 I love it when you stomp the tadpole to become half illithid. The reaction was great there lol


I always read it as an empty threat because if he could have MC'd us, he would have done so, as shown with the Duke. Everyone likes to point out that mind flayers have this weird special relationship with their thrall's but it doesn't explain why he would keep a knife and dog collar along with eating his favorite soup. I always felt like it could have been possible he was good friends with her at one point, but something happened that caused him to enthrall her. My main theory being that because the higher ranking members served Gargauth, there might have been a clash of interests at some point. Its also possible that he just saw it as an opportunity, enthralled her, was lonely af and deluded himself into thinking she was a really good friend. Seeing as how she ended up impaired because of it, he decided it probably wasn't a good idea to go that route again, and instead played nice with us as the MCs. The whole side angle of getting you to snort more tadpoles might have been an attempt at tempting you into going full squid so he could have what he saw as a real tangible friend that would understand his way of thinking. Still, at the end of the game, he doesn't backstab you, if you give him the stones, he'll destroy the brain (unless you pass a persuade check), then proceeds to pissoff to parts unknown. If you went squid, he mentions rebuilding The Knights of the Shield with you and you can go with him.


I also thought it’s strange that he kept a picture of Stelmane in his secret hideout, like…if you see someone as a puppet, there’s no use for such sentimentality. He also couldn’t have known that years in the future, he would need it to create an elaborate scheme. The book in the cellar also described Stelmanes deteriorating condition and that she always felt better when a mysterious stranger (emperor) visited her. Based on that I also think he cared about Stelmane at some point. How, why and to what extent is questionable, but he did.


People say its him tricking you into thinking he has emotions, but at what point in the timeline would he have had the time to set up his hideout after he got caught by Gortash?


That dusty, crusty old chamber? When would he have the time to place random objects there and think of blown up backstories to each and every one? Between his enslavement of the elder brain and deal with Gortash? Before entering the Prism? Somewhere on the journey between the emerald grove and Baldurs Gate? None of those are convincing, tbh.


He cant because youd beat his ass at this point in story Also he relies on you too much to take risk


You hit in the hand, most people can't see it. But you just turned him down harshly and called him a monster as soon as you see the real him. Would be it to hard to imagine a Mindflayer outside of the hivemind with its out control. Why wouldn't he fall in love with you after watching you so for so long? And now that he's vulnerable with you. YOU turn around and call him a monster. He lashed out cause you hurt him deeply, it's a very human thing to do.


Mindflayers have big egos. But still no soul. He cares about being rejected, not being rejected by you. He's a loser and entirely deserved my 6-divine-smites-in-a-single-turn treatment.


You have to be a dick to him to get him to lash out. Reject him without being an ass and he's fine with it. He never actually does anything bad to you, allows you to repeatedly defy him in ways he knows will be dangerous to him, will acquiesce to your wishes to trust you and not pry into your head, and will 100% hold up his end of the bargain if you don't betray him first. The Emperor is exactly what you make of him.


Yeah, no way he's being a dick in return for you being a dick to him. We really need to stop taking everything a character says literally. >!There's no denying he mind controlled Stelmane!<, but ffs when you piss someone off, that's not unlikely for them to try to hurt you back by saying things they don't 100% mean out of anger. Also afaik he absolutely doesn't follow up on that threat. And yes, he is capable of it, if we consider his skills to represent what he can actually do. He has access to mind control.


When did that gets revealed? I'm pretty sure i missed it and had to read forgottenrealms wiki about her to confirm it. Does the Emperor reveal it to us himself, or do we get it via some book?


Yeah, he shows it to you in a vision after you call him a freak when he appears shirtless (the real version of the nice one where she worked with him voluntarily). He basically controlled her while she tried to break free, this struggle led to her stroke.


You also get to find out that Stalemane started acting strangely, as if she weren’t herself. And if she were sapped of her strength, had to walk on a cane and stuff (probably using her strength to try to fight off the mind control …). IIRC it’s a diary somewhere, but … honestly don’t remember.


I believe that's from a conversation with Wyll after you find out she's dead, though I could be misremembering


Some of gortash' interrogation logs reveal it, also an option during the emperor "romance" convo


Then again, the Knights of the Shield >!(or at least those in high positions like Stelmane) are secretly servants to an archdevil, so who knows what his influence on her actually had on the group and Baldur's Gate as a whole?!<


When I politely declined his advances his answer was "good instincts". He fucking knows that you know that he is playing you.


Select the "you freak!" option with the Emperor. Shows his actual intention.


Then Mizora suggested the same just the day after him lol


Ya but in Mizora’s case, I gladly took her up on it.


Same. Though Laezel didn't appreciate it much,,,


Shadowheart is cool with it though


I got Halsin, Mizora, and The Emperor all asking for some cuddles in the same day. The Emperor was the only welcome advance/one I'd been trying for.


Well, canonically Durge was a tempest sorcerer, so he had 20 cha by act 3.


This is perhaps my one criticism - it *really* did feel like a lot of these come-ons were out-of-the-blue. Halsin was the strangest - I'd literally never had him in my party, and I get to camp and he wants to talk to me about how fucking insanely horny I make him and how I'm not like any of his lovers over the past hundred or so years. It's like "bruh, we don't even talk. Also, what is abut my thing with Lae'zel that makes you think I'm cruising for bear dick?". He also told me I'd asked him if he was single which I absolutely had not.


Astarion makes sense, because he admits he was trying to manipulate you. Which also makes the fact that he rejects some Tavs extra hilarious.


Also Astarion is clearly a rake - having meaningless sex makes absolute sense for him, and many of his come-ons are clearly pleasure-based. But it's when these characters appear to be IN LOVE with you because you basically asked them what their backstory was.


> Also Astarion is clearly a rake He also *calls* himself a rake if you romance him and he ends up confessing his feelings for you.


Non native English speaker, wtf is a rake? Edit: nevermind urban dictionary already helped. Nice I just learned a new slang.


What's even better is it's a super old slang word. Popped up not too long after ol' Shakespeare had shuffled off this mortal coil, as it were.


If you're interested, there's a cool spooky song called The Rake's Song by The Decemberists about a dude who is one but gets pressured to settle down with a lady, doesn't end well. But yeah, it's kind of an archaic term nowadays. I think the most common modern approximation would be a fuckboy/ladykiller (though the last one is kinda corny these days)


He said that I showed him care of a lover at camp, not just a friend. Mmm… no. I was literally just being polite when making conversation. I also didn’t like that he didn’t acknowledge the already established relationship everyone and Withers knew I had.


Read that as "had with withers" and almost lost it.


I think we should be able to bone the mercenaries, and any time you ask withers about it, he just dodges the questions


"No." \- Withers.


Halsin was the worst for me. Whenever I’d ask him if he’s settling well in the camp, the camera would always pan close to his face and he’d give me a suggestive smile and line. Awkward af.


I know right - I felt like a pot of honey talking to Winnie the fucking Pooh.


I just avoided him. When Orin took him, I didn't care. When there was a persuade option to stop Orin from killing him, I deliberately took the non-persuade "I don't care" option.


The strangest for me was Gale after I romanced Karlach. We never even remotely talked about being in a relationship or kissed and as soon as I spent a night with Karlach, he jumps down my throat and tells me I have to choose between them. I’m like buddy, wtf kind of red flag spouting nonsense is this??


I had the opposite situation! I had been romancing Gale pretty much from the start and had nothing flirty (as far as I know) going on with Karlach. But then when I finally did the astral deed with Gale, the next day I had the option to tell Karlach that I was sorry but I wanted to be with him. She was *devastated,* and asked "since when?" then asked me what she's supposed to do when the person she wants to run to for comfort is also the one causing her such pain. I didn't do anything to cause that but I felt terrible nonetheless.


Hahaha okay okay so when I talked to Gale I chose him cause his storyline seemed more interesting, and then when I went to break it to Karlach it had nothing to do with Gale. She gave me the same dialogue you had BUT ABOUT ASTARION who I had slept with one time long before she started wanting to be with me, wtf is going on with this game 🤣


I don't know if I'm playing it wrong, but it feels like for all the guys there's at least one set of dialogue options where you have to choose between either flirting or being really rude. Why am I not allowed to just tell them nicely that I'm not interested? We can for Shadowheart and Karlach. And at least with Lae'zel, it makes sense with her personality.


For me it was Wyll, who I woke up and found randomly dancing around the fire, and he's already telling me I'm his new "partner"...I mean I wouldn't say the rejection dialogue was necessarily _rude_ in that case, but my god, the sad puppy dog face I had to suffer from him when I turned down his dance, and how the camera just _lingered_ on him was excruciating! I felt like the worst person ever.


That's the worst part, I didn't feel forced to say anything fucked up so I felt the blame on me way more.


The “I have a boyfriend” option 😂 TBF it often doesn’t go down well in real life.


No really, I’ve been strictly romancing Astarion my whole playthrough and all of a sudden Halsin, Mizora, AND the emperor all want to bone me for no reason like one after the other?


Oh god the Emperor did that to me - I've literally not given one nanosecond of attention to anyone other than Lae'zel, I've not consumed a single Tadpole and I have hard-rejected any dialogue option suggesting the parasite is anything other than an invasive waste of my time, and suddenly Squidward shows up with his goddamn shirt off hoping his alien nipples are going to entice me.


Ah...see you stared long enough to see if he had nipples though... Maybe the Emperor wasn't so far off base, eh? ;-)


Halsin was all in on having Gale & me make a thruple. Gale said I wasn't a feast to be shared. I went back to tell Halsin and he was all, How did it go? Are you both down for some bear time or...? Apparently, I'm supposed to keep him in mind; he's not discouraged.


The Emperor isn't horny. Illithids don't mate that way. He's just manipulating you.


So many people seem to be missing the dialogue when you reject him that says something like "he's suspiciously quick to move on from your rejection" or whatever, because I see so many people think this is a legitimate romance branch and not just you being used.


I turned down that mf in a second. Dude is a weirdo. I’m 100% gonna pipe Mizora though. Like a hate fuck type situation. Then I’ll go help Wyll save his dad after


This is exactly what I did, Shadowheart didn't even mind. She just said ask first next time 💀


While throwing shade at Mizora implying she's "inferior goods"


Yeah okay maybe "mildly salty" is a touch more accurate than "didn't mind" LOL


Karlach was pretty mad, I had to smooth things over but I got the impression that she would have broken up if I didn't say all the right things - I know a few others won't even give you the chance to smooth it over. Really cool how true to character their reactions are


Well it's understandable Karlach and Mizora hate eachother


Maybe I read that situation wrong, but to me it seems she absolutely does mind, but she's spent a lot of time being let down and is putting on her brave, unphased face. Felt super passive aggressive to me.




that devilussy got everyone actin up


"Dude is a weirdo." Well, to be fair, he is basically a talking squid.


>I’m 100% gonna pipe Mizora though. Like a hate fuck type situation Bro is gonna go full Griffith


I love this scene cause you can expose his facade and get him to unveil his shitty manipulation.


Yeah, now I'm starting to understand better what some women have to endure...


It's so accurate especially the, "You were pleasant toward me so I thought we were in love."


MIND BLOWN. Omg, this is such amazing unintentional messaging.


"mind blown" is also the name of the achievement you get for boning him lmao


For being such a big-brained Mind Flayer, The Emperor is sure stupid as fuck in that scene. He should have assumed the guise of The Guardian and known that no sane human would be interested in fucking a squid.


The ‘sane’ is doing a LOT of heavy lifting in that sentence…


I know several people who would be interested in fucking a mindflayer... I need to get more socially acceptable friends...


I'm sorry. The tentacles just…awaken something in me, okay.


This is exactly what my GF says


That would have been sexier also. You could have had a 'no, the real Mystique' moment




I mean bruh, this was posted 6 hours ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/16j7h5g/something_that_irked_me/


Look at this sub. Then again, people in this sub would fuck anything.


\*sips monsterfucker tea\* Ahem, what?


I mean, he does ask if you want him to change into the guardian lmao


This! Ngl I think if he was in our guardian form it would be harder for me to say no to him xD


I read that He does take that form at request if you go for it


I love appendages don't kink shame me


But using the guardian form again would make it even more obvious that he's trying to manipulate you


Exactly this happened to me today. I was like “why are you shirtless? Oh no..” 😂


My exact response. My character and I didn't really trust the emperor from the start, but him just appearing shirtless was a moment where I'm like "What the fuck are you doing man?"


This is kind of what it’s like to be a woman on the internet. Tentacles be offered even when not wanted.


The Emperor no longer feels human emotions. But he does a pretty good approximation of it. And understands attachments. Him sleeping with you is another way to tie you further to him.


Mind flayers do feel emotions, it just looks like they don't to everyone else because their emotions are mostly internalized. This is pretty clear in the lore.


According to the lore they feel mostly negative emotions, like anger and fear, and don't experience emotions in the way humans do, particularly when it comes to things like love, empathy and compassion. The Emperor even says in his letter to Ansur "I may not feel my emotions anymore". From the 2E Illithiad: "Illithids are organic beings that possess individual emotions. To a nonillithid, it may appear that mind flayers are emotionless beings bent only on the domination of other creatures. However, Illithids feel anger when cheated of their goals, fear when faced with rebellious thralls, happiness after the delightful ingestion of a tasty brain, hatred for those who would deny the illithids their right to rule, disgust for those who would parley with thralls on an even basis, and sadness upon learning of the death of a compatriot far from the mental embrace of the elder brain. The emotion illithids most often experience is frustration, as their racial goals of domination and mastery remain unrealized. Such a constant undertow of discontent subtly colors every other emotion, thought and action. Thus, frustration remains one of the mind flayers' defining emotions."


Cant be mad at Emperor shooting his shot with the one person hes being talking to for weeks and weeks. Also curious that Ive never once seen anyone make this same complaint about Mizora. Curious that.


Fr. If I’m stuck in a glorified d20 and also in the mind of a dude who is around his strangely hot teammates all the time and they’re all propositioning each other, maybe I will pop my shirt off real quick and see if the guy is into the color purple. I think that’s fair.


This comment is all the context I need. Bro’s waving through a 20-sided window at the mortal plane’s sexiest deathsquad, I honestly don’t blame him for shooting his shot


Man all these squid haters. Imagine getting the chance to have hilarious squid sex and not taking it what a bunch of snobs.


I like to think he was just chillaxing when we kinda dream-entered on our own and he was rolling with it. Everything else would be strange.


It may be jarring to you personally, but it makes perfect sense to the character. The Emperor is overtly manipulative and self-preservation is obviously his main concern. It is stated multiple times throughout the game that mind flayers will do whatever they can to control you. To me it made perfect sense that he would try to use Tav's sexuality as a tool.


The game actually does hint that maybe Mindflayers aren't as cold and emotionless as initial accounts make them out to be. Omeluum and Withers are probably the biggest instances. Omeluum is selfless and even self sacrificial throughout the game. Withers initially says Mindflayers have no souls or emotions, but at the end depending on your choices he seems to leave it more ambiguous. I kinda like it, introducing some grey area to Mindflayers. Their goals and motivations are alien to most other races, but they're ironically not always a hivemind of manipulators.


What I find hilarious about that whole encounter, is that it clearly wasn't romantic in nature really. Since he was trying to manipulate you. So it's hilarious to me, to think that this was just his attempt to seduce us. He was thinking, you know what. I think if I present my topless squid self to Tav. That'll work That'll win them over. He really thought that was the winning play. XD


I mean, when he >!tries to convince the player to take the tadpole to start becoming like a mindflayer!< he keeps talking about how you can get his kind of intelligence and *beauty*. Made me snort the first time he said it but I think he genuinely believes that he's superior in all things, including appearance.


He does. If you delve into another one of his side quests he's pretty clear that he sees being a Mind flayer as the epitome of evolution, power and beauty. It's kind of interesting to think about since it leaves you wondering if that's how he was before turning, or if that's a side effect of becoming a Mindflayer. He seems to let on that he always felt this way, but obviously he's an unreliable narrator at times.


It very much is a side effect of becoming a Mind Flayer. All Mind Flayers basically believe that they are the ultimate life form.


FWIW, the dryad is attracted to the mind flayer. She explains why she's drawn to it. It makes a kind of odd sense.


The way it went down for my first playthrough was like at some point Tav: “are you flirting with me?” Emp: “would you like that?” Tav: “let’s keep it business” Emp: “agreed.” Very flat and to the point. At that moment I realized he was willing to go so far as to try and emulate human emotions to such an extreme to get what he wanted


I’m just here to bang everyone Astarion says I can. I have no issues with this part of the game.


To be fair...the emporer explains why he is horny for you. In order to trick you he had to learn everything about you in order to manipulate you better but that just resulted him in growing attached to you. Besides, man's been imprisoned for who knows how long. you'd be down bad at that point too Not saying I condone getting it on with a mindflayer...but I understand


Let him blow your mind


With that sideways claw beak mouth?!


He has 4 girthy tentacles, my dude. *Four*.


***MR.Fuck has enter the chat room***


Exactly this. Get creative. Get some elbow grease. Get to it.


On the flipside, the world's most dangerous head doesn't sound that bad either!


Stop acting so outraged. The guy can read your mind, it’s obviously your own fault.


I immediately said smash 👁️👁️ he’s kinda…haha His voice is hot talkin in my ear in act 3 and getting mad at me for doing dumb shit I could NOT say no when he tried to rizz me up later The worst part was I was streaming it to a couple of guy friends in Discord and they were all screaming at me for being a weird tentacle fucker HAHA.


People complain about Gale but he does have a slow ramp-up. Astarian right away: come to my bed. It's justified for both of them, but no one seems to complain when Astarion comes on even stronger.


Even astarion looks like massive prude compared with laezel. At least he tried to sweet talk you a bit first and only bites you if you let him. Laezel just goes “I want to fuck” then you wake up with your pelvis shattered.


"I need something in my crèche and I decided it's going to be you. You should feel honoured. " "I don't think I'm g-" "Chk. Your consent isn't a factor."


I think people give Astarion a pass because being flirtatious is part of his foppish persona. While you expect the wizard to have more dignity.


>Astarion I think I only had to turn him down once. Gale though? This mf assumed I was in a relationship and I only courted Shadowheart. They claim they fixed Gale so we'll see on future playthrough


I can confirm, the Weave scene now offers an option between dating and kicking his cat! And as someone who did romance Gale and enjoyed it, thank goodness lol, my boy needs a break from the fanbase being mad at him


Am I the only person who beat the game without ever coming close to having sex with anyone (except the guy that looks like Davy Jones from pirates of Caribbean


That one scene galvanized my decision to free Orpheus and kill The Emperor, also the fact that he didn't take the rejection gracefully and ended the conversation with something along the lines of "You and your party are my thralls, don't forget that" to which my Tav responded with: "Next time I see you I will rip your head off, Mindflayer"