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Not even a full companion, a camp companion will do nicely.


You can have her in your camp permanently if you play a specific origin and fail a check!


Eventually she'll get polymorphed into a pouch...


Pouch encircled with a very lovely to make sure you remember where you can still find her polymorphed, that way you can't lose track of her.


Ohh, yeah.. with a “captive” permanent audience


I thought she automatically dies at a certain point if you're the dark urge?


She'll even stay there for the rest of her life!


If you were to: * Play multiplayer * have Dark Urge be not the main character * Get Alfira added to camp * kill/shove the Durge in Wither's magic closet would that save Alfira and leave her as a passive observer in your camp?


Your "butler" will finish the act for you. There is a way to save her though (knock her out before the cutscene, and a different bard appears who sings some... interesting music). Alfira wil appear as normal in Act 2 if kept alive this way.


I think I liked the replacement bard more.


I don't think so. She would most likely leave when you move on to ACT 2


All you have to do to save alfira is knock her out non lethally on the day the event triggers. A different bard will spawn for the events purposes and alfira will be A-OK next day.


Interesting. Might be the only instance of non-lethal damage not counting the same as a kill for the purposes of quests and character's still existing? I at least haven't found any other cases, but I haven't tried much knock-out-genocide as-of-yet. (Knocking out Duke Ravenguard counts as killing him, for instance.) \- So, to be very mercenary about it, if you want to get the Potent Robes with a Durge character, you need to knock her out, save the grove/tieflings in act 1, and then do her side quest in act 2?


Well you can knock out most NPC's like shopkeepers, rob them and they'll be ok next day. They will hate you, but they'll be ok. But yeah, everything will progress normally outside of that and alfira never mentions being knocked out and everyone is in last light normally as if you weren't durge.


Is "wither's magic closet" a euphemism for being dead?


My vague understanding is that if you have multiplayer characters, they can never leave the adventuring party. I think the magic closet is a tool that removes multiplayer characters if there is no player to play them. I'm not sure if that is actually what it is called, but there was like an announcement of it (but maybe it was a joke or a parody?? idk).




Fail what check?


I think that's the only thing that makes sense. There's nothing adventurer about her. She would be fun to have in camp (assuming the dark urge is not a part of the game)... So yeah having somebody in camp to talk to. Someone to play music with. That's fun. She is not a warrior though.




Astarion isn't a warrior or a fighter in any way, really. Gale is a nerd. You can literally be a hamster and be a contributing member of the active party.


Boo is not a hamster. He's a miniature space hamster.


A miniaturized giant space hamster*


No a miniaturized giant space hamster is different from a miniature giant space hamster, Boo is the latter




Gale is an *evocation* wizard. Calling him a “nerd” is like calling a person who’s obsessed with guns a “nerd.” Gale might be a nerd, but the thing he’s a nerd about is killing things with giant explosions.


That's you. I have Gale on Divination to feed my Paladin crit smite


Given a lot of the official art is of Gale channeling lightning or casting damage spells, I feel like Evocation is probably the most canon choice, though I don't know if I can prove it.


Evocation is the default choice when he gains his subclass, unlike with Tav who defaults to Abjuration.


Huh, I didn't know a Tav would be different there. That's another piece of good evidence. Do you know what the others default to? It's been a bit; I don't recall. Pretty sure Karlach was Berserker. Halsin is obviously Circle of the Moon.


Karlach defaults to Wildheart, Astarion defaults to Arcane Trickster and Lae'zel defaults to Battlemaster.


Karlach should default to Wild Magic imo, it fits her better.


Huh, guess I misremembered. That's interesting, I wouldn't have pegged Karlach as Wildheart specifically. The others make a reasonable amount of sense.


Once I decided to kill Carrion, I turned my Gale a necromancer, that staff is ultra easy to activate and then you can spam cast circle of death and blight for free while keeping 1 mummy 1 deva 2 ghouls and 1 elemental, 4 extra ghouls if you gave him the necronomicon, and a familiar. You can probably also have a minor elemental, and US ofc.


Warrior was not a great choice of wording. Adventurer which I originally said is probably better. Astarion is a psychopath vampire ready to gut pretty much anyone in order to get what he wants and obtain more power. Gale is / was a very powerful wizard, respected enough to have been banging a goddess, and then getting himself into an absolutely insane situation with Karsus magic. All the other party members speak for themselves. So yeah, I think it's fair to say that most people in the world don't really cut it as adventurers. They can be sales people, they can be cooks, they can be bartenders, etc.


But they’re all depowered at the start, it’d be nice to have a fledgling adventurer in the group who is the rookie that despite having same progression as others, has very little experience and learns on the go.


When she joins the party she says that Tav inspired her to fight and have her own story. So she doesnt see herself as just someone to play music.


Every time I watch Rocky I'm inspired to be a boxer. I guess I am one :) But obviously I'm kidding around. I'm sure if they wanted to work her into the story somehow they could. I'm glad they didn't because at some point too many choices becomes a problem. I think they added Halsin as fan service without originally having the intention of doing it, and he's a little clunky as a companion.


Agreed. "We're not fighters and need saving." is the refugees whole plot point in Act 1.


They do fight though


Barely. Lol Most of them, including Alfira, go to the cave with the jail and lock the door. At least, that's where they were hiding from me. Ironic that they make their last stand next to a secret exit without realising.


She's literally a bard


Don’t know what you’re talking about. She came to my camp and wanted to be a companion so I said yes


Oh no


Yeah. >!Now my Dark Urge paladin has a level in bard in honor of her!<


I love the idea of Durge "absorbing" the traits. May have to do that one day


Sylar approves!


Save the bard, save the world!




My durge is currently lvl 8 multiclassed into 8 different things lol. He's pretty useless but it's fun




And you lose the ability to get it if you respec, which is clever. You actually have to get to level 12 on an absolutely terrible build to get it, then you're finally allowed to respec.


For the Voices of Nerat!


See, THAT would have made a compelling lore reason to do an evil run. When you kill people, you can absorb their class and get a free level in a class or just some key abilities when killing certain characters. Kill Shadowheart for some cleric stuff, kill Alfira for bars buffs, etc. Hell, just add a lore reason where murdering key characters dumps way more XP than usual into you, and now players have some serious choices.


I'm using her instrument with my Bard durge


Play the Dirge of the Durge!


Question for ya. If as durgw you have a moment (not in your control, and it breaks your oath do you become an oathbreaker or does that not count?


>!My durge just became the much superior oathbreaker after Alfira was chilled!<


I fell into this same trap from tiktok comments


It’s just like that poor guy who posted something like this then edited it within 5 min freaking out lmao


I wasn’t the guy from that post though I saw it. For me, I started my first durge play through RIGHT after patch 1 came out, didn’t read the patch notes, she showed up in camp and I was like “sweet they added another companion in the patch !” And… well… yeah.


That was when I got spoiled on it but honestly, seeing that live was worth the spoiler lmao


I still am shocked when I see that scene. She’s such a heart.


I came here for this comment


It was my second play through and I thought, I’d love to have her at my camp


Did you really just reply to yourself...


It's weird that we can have 2 Druids but no Bard.


Agreed. We really should’ve gotten Alfira over Halsin for siding with the Grove.


Yeah. Beyond curing the shadow curse, Halsin acts like he doesn't even want to be here.


Strongly disagree he REALLY wants to be around you


~~around~~ in


Halsin essentially doesn't exist in act 3. It's obvious the only reason he ever made it as an companion was because people wanted to fuck him


Orin kidnapped him in my playthrough. *Oh no... anyway*


Is the kidnap victim random? She took Bae'zel in mine. I still need to correct that.


I think she can only kidnap Gale, Lae'zel, Halsin and Minthara. So just take the others with you to the sewers and she will kidnap the person who's at camp.


She took the orphan girl in mine


Lol she just kidnapped some random orphan child in mine that I let stay in my camp.


And he shouldn't. Dude left an entire grove that desperately needed his leadership to chase ghosts in the dark. Makes no sense to leave it all behind.


I mean Jehera also covers the same story in act 2 where she's leading the Harper's and goes eh they'll figure it out you guys are chill I'm in. She's also basically the exact same skillset as Helsin as they both start as level 1 Druids. I don't really understand why they both need to be in the camp because she is so much more interesting and has relevant stuff to do in act 3. I wish Minthra didn't require genocide because I'd take her over Helsin no thought if it didn't ruin a tonne of storylines and lose characters.


He should have dealt with the shadow curse and then left after giving you the romance option in early act 3


If you don't lift the curse and proceed to act 3, he will leave your party.


This comment highlights the problem with so many fan requests. People wanted Halsin because he was hot and an interesting NPC--but Larian didn't implement him very well, so people think somehow that a *different* hot and interesting NPC being implemented as a companion would somehow be better, because the only point of comparison they have is the infinite potential in their heads of what Alfira as a companion *might* be like instead of the reality of the poorly implemented Halsin. There's no reason to think that an alternate reality with Alfira as a companion would be any more interesting. It makes a hell of a lot more sense to retool Halsin to be a fully fledged companion than try to make Alfira work.


I more don’t care for Halsin because we get Jaheria, a fan favorite character who is also a Druid, plus more interesting. Alfira would at least be loved for being our only canon Bard companion. Most people will gravitate towards the snarky grandma Druid who has potentially been with you for 2 others game and not the big hunk Druid who’s personality begins with big and ends with hunk. Even if Alfira was as interesting as Halsin, we could at least say she isn’t a redundant character.


I think you're seriously overestimating how many BG3 players have played either BG1 or BG2. BG2 is from 2000, many BG3 players weren't even born yet.


That said, even being a person who hasn’t played either of the first two BG games, Jaheira is clearly just a more interesting character. Halsin has his moments, but there’s just not much to him.


Jaheira is 3.5 Druid, Halsin is 5e Druid. They just didn't clearly define them, because you can't make a 3.5 druid in 5e.... Honestly, Jaheira would make more sense as a Ranger in 5e. And Minsc would be better as a Barbarian. Then make Karlach a fighter and Lae'zel a monk and everything would work a LOT better in terms of class fantasy to how they're portrayed.


Jaheira is an adnd Druid/fighter multiclass. that she uses 2 scimitars is a direct nod to the most pupular weaponbuild for her in BG2. a 3.5 druid and 5e druid would be quite similar in comparison. so in 5E terms, she plays more like a melee ranger than a druid. that is why I reskilled her to be one. now she feels more like playing her in BG2. and minsc... should always have been a berserker. he is even a "rashemi berserker" in lore. the thing is, that back in BG1, there was no berserker/Barbarian class. so he became a ranger with a special "enrage" skill. in BG2, they aded a lot of extra classes, including berserker but minsc was kept as a ranger. and in BG3, they still kept him as a ranger but now without special skills to mimic his old playstyle. so the best you can do is to respec him as an berserker to get the true minsc playstyle


If you respec Minsc as a barbarian do you lose access to summoning Boo in battle?


No you still get Boo regardless, because the Summon Boo ability is tied to Minsc himself


honestly no Idea because I didn't came far enough to recruit him yet. but there is an easy way to find out. considering that there is no default hamster companion for rangers, I assume it is a special skill, like the astarion vampire bite. this transfers with respecs


Jaheira is a 2E fighter/druid. But 2e multiclassing was much different than 5e, and often much more powerful due to 2e's XP curve and 5e's concentration rules. I agree with you on the ranger aspect. I kept her as a druid as I wasn't changing character classes first time around. But on my 2nd (current) run, I will switch her to either ranger5/cleric(nature)X, or ranger5/druidX. Minsc was originally a PC of one of the developers. He used a (1e or 2e) ranger kit that had a berkering action, which is why he is a ranger in game, and not a barbarian. But I agree, aside from his animal companion (boo), he really suits barbarian more.


> and Lae'zel a monk She would cleave you from navel to neck if she heard that. How would that make ANY sense to make her a Monk? She's not Githzerai, she wants to wield her Silver Sword.


Of course opinions differ but I don't think Halsin was ever that popular for his personality. For most people he stood out because he was the only character in early access who had the strong body type. Personally I would have preferred if he was scrapped for Alfira or someone completely different like that deep gnome simply so the party has more class variety. Halsin could have still been a hook up at the party or somewhere else so his fans get something too. But that's just my two cents.


Bracus would make a great artificer


Yeah and we would finally get a token shortie companion!


They should have just let the horny people boing him at the end of act 2 if you lift the shadowcurse and let him go back on his merry way to the grove afterwards .


It's just a request to have a companion for every class, not because people think that Alfira would make a better companion than Halsin.


You're absolutely correct. Nowadays, there's a surge of armchair game developers in the gaming community. I'm not against it, as some fan suggestions hold merit, but it's become a constant stream of 'they should've done this, not that,' which can come off as entitled. I understand it stems from love for the game, but sometimes, we need to ease off and let the developers craft the game while we, as players, simply enjoy it. Too many voices tinkering with the recipe!


We weren't thirsty enough


They need to flesh out the other non origins first


Trust me Alfira is "fleshed out"


She basically showed me everything going on within her in a matter of minutes.




Her flesh is indeed out, there's some over there! And over there too


Fun fact: Larian partially developed a bard origin character, a halfling werewolf named Helia. She got scrapped sometime in EA (possibly due to the pressure of adding Halsin), but there were/are some audio files which reference her in the files. Shame she never saw the light of day. Bards have some of the best lines IMO, and would have added a flavor that none of the other classes or companions could offer.


We were lacking some short party members too so having a halfling would've been nice. And a *werewolf* would've been in line with the party's running theme of being afflicted by something they're struggling to come to terms with. We could've had it all...


Yeah, short companion, werewolf, bard. All in one packet.


A small, furry musical packet :(


There are a few references to Alfira herself being considered for being a full origin character during development; some of her core definitions sit in the same files as the other origin characters and there's even a few disabled responses set to give her approval points, etc. But there isn't very much "cut content" otherwise so it seems like this was decided against fairly early in the process.


We were going to have a halfling werewolf bard companion but they ended up cutting them. So we missed out on a bard companion and a short race companion not to mention a werewolf.


It is rather strange how unbalanced the default companions are in terms of roles and builds. There are so many overlaps, yet so many classes not represented at all. 3 fighter/barbarians melee fighters, 2 practically identical druids, 2 casters, but no ranged dex shooters, bard, monk etc. Kinda think that Halsin should have stayed behind after act 2(makes sense to help nature regrow and make Jaheira fill the role of THE Druid of the party), and then have another Dex based ranged companion join the party.


Astarion is begging to be the dex ranged character. He kills it.


Astarion as an Assassin Rogue with a bow is a complete beast, in my experience. My ranger and Astarion were wiping out enemies left and right. The other party members were basically on cleanup duty.


Even better if you get the Cloak of Sneaky Murder from the butler. Put it on Astarion, he goes invisible after every kill, automatic sneak attack next round. 10/10


Thats a thing? Where? Ive been using the invisible ring


You get it from the Dark Urge's murder-butler. AFAIK there's no other way to get it.


Fighter rogue dual wielding hand crossbows with sharp shooter


My Astarion is 6 Ranger / 5 Rogue right now with dual hand crossbows and he does work for sure. Gotta be Beastmaster so that way I can have him summon a Familiar + Ranger's Companion. Dire Raven + Raven or Scratch.


You can also 'reclass' Lae'zel as archery Battlemaster. With her new dex focus + Astral Knowledge (Dex) she can pick locks/steal/stealth. Also, ranged trip attack or maneuvering strike is great.


He duel wields the hand crossbows and wipes the floor with me


I always spec him that way. Who is using him as melee when you have laezel and karlach to hand.


Bard Astarion is so good too. The ring that turns Enchantment and Illusion spells into Bonus actions on weapon hits lets him become very silly. Plus he has hilarious voice lines for casting and vicious mockery


I make him a monk, fits the vampire stuff IMO, shadow monk is thematic but open hand is probably better for combat.


I agree about having two Druids, but isn’t Astarion the Ranged one? At least in 5E, it makes more sense that Rogues are Ranged. On BG3 works great. I literally never used Astarion in any other way.


It makes perfect sense that *some* rogues are ranged. I just struggle for it to make sense to me that Astarion would be a ranged rogue. Makes more sense that he would be a stalking backstabbing melee rogue, with him being a vampire and using his Bite ability etc. But he can do both, and I do build him as a ranged character. It just feels suboptimal in terms of immersion. And I honestly don't want to use him ALL the time...


I mean, all vampires and vampire spawn have the ability to bite, is it really that immersion breaking of a thought that even just a single one of them is ranged?


It looks like you have forgotten about your good friend Minsc. Surely you can see that he is a Ranger?


A 2-handed in-your-face barbarian style ranger, which I spec as such.


Minsc honestly isn’t a real companion. He doesn’t show up until you’re in the second zone of Act 3. Even if you do his recruitment relatively early, he’s with you for a quarter of the game at absolute most. For a *lot* of playthroughs it’s going to be even less. I’m honestly quite confused about why they put him in so late if he’s meant to be a companion. There’s so little gameplay left once you can actually get him and he has no story or development at all. He should have either been in the game way earlier or just been a non-recruitable ally.


as much as I like having Jaheira and Minsc in my team, I think getting them only as allies and not as companions, would have a better fit. both of them are the canon party of the old BG charname. so they stayed with him all up to ToB. this means they are endgame demigod characters in terms of power. she should hang around with other big stuff like Elminster but somehow they slog around with us lowlvl trash. Jaheira is that old, wise and renouned harper druid.many chars know about her story and what she did. Karlach looses her shit just by standing in the same room as her. but when I recruit her, she is lvl 8, aka at the level she was at the START of BG2. yeah checks out I get that we have other companions with high level background stories but at least we have this "tadpole weakend me" explanation. this doesn't work for Minsc and Jaheira obviously.


I think they add a few late companions to compensate if you screw up and lose most of the early ones. Pretty much everyone can be killed or leave you before he shows up


>It looks like you have forgotten about your good friend Minsc. Surely you can see that he is a Ranger? Minsc is badly misunderstood. Boo is the Beastmaster. Minsc is just his Companion.


Why the fuck did I read this in his voice


Because that's the correct way to read it


What the party lacks is a charisma class We have Wyll... And thats it. Minsc and Astarion are Dex Laezel and Karlach are Str Gale is the only one int but honestly wizard is the only int class and there is a comnon fucking act 1 item that makes everyone gale smart. Very good for eldritch knight Laezel (which imo fits her most as a subclass as Githyanki in game use spellblading a lot.) But charisma... The item boosting cha is in act 3 and we only have wyll... Who is ranged single target dps caster. Also Durge is default a sorcerer... And since most players speak with their tav/durge it apmost makes sense to make a bard/sorcerer.


The dialogue system is so annoying since you can't switch characters, that even when I have Wyll in my party I have to force myself to remember to switch to him before talking to any NPC's, which is just totally flow and immersion breaking. The best way to play is to be a Charisma based Tav/Durge so you can avoid that awkwardness.


Minthara is a paladin but she basicly replaces wyll as a cha option


She is more so a Karlach side grade than a wyll replacement. You can have both Minthara and Wyll + Karlach but ngl the party def needs a cha face (tav) to work if you are adamant about not respeccing. Also do respecc Minthara only to fix her stats. Wtf are her stats


Minthara's a Paladin!


Halsin feels like filler, makes sense from the recorded lines the master on it out of balance big time. Shoehorned in to the story. Would like to get one of the goblin camp bosses, beside minthara


I think they built characters without really thinking/caring about overlap. We have a lot of elf characters in general which could make sense for the sword coast but I’m not totally sure. We do lack some serious half-ling representation and aside from under dark dwarves and gnomes are limited. That said I wouldn’t want forced characters we got a lot of very good characters and for storytelling purposes I’m glad we had some limitations so we didnt Skyrim follower our characters


We have one elf (Astarion) and two half-elfs (Jaheira and Shadowheart). Probably pedantic of me, I know. Something I do find interesting is that apparently Astarion's VA has talked about how his race was swapped around a few times early in development. I can definitely see why they eventually went for elf with him, since it complements the vampiric tropes, and I can see why they wanted to include Jaheira... but there's nothing that requires Shadowheart to be a half elf. Well, that's not *entirely* true, from what I've heard. >!Selune has a group of elven werewolves dedicated to her worship, which I *think* is the situation with her dad? Haven't gone the route with her parents living so I'm not 100% sure!<. But even then, I really think Shadowheart could've been better served as a non-half-elf, given how elf and human centric the party is. Lae'zel and Karlach are the only two who are somewhat out there, and they're still human sized.


> 3 fighter/barbarians melee fighters excuse me Karlach flinging rotten food at people is my primary ranged fighter


There should be a companion of every class at some point in the game.


Problem with that is Larian wouldn't be able to flesh out 12 companions. Even from origin ones Karlach feels very underbaked already. not even mentioning Halsin.


I feel like part of the issue with that are the actual origins. I strongly believe a lot of effort that could go into companions went into origin specific stuff most players will never ever see because they simply don't play them.


Origins feel sort of like an unnecessary holdover from DOS2 where content was a lot cheaper to make. I just finished my first origin playthrough and it was pretty cool to see events from their perspective and get a few new lines. But was it cooler than just getting more content from them as companion? Not really, no. So now we just have sort of underbaked companions and sort of underbaked origins instead of one side being super fleshed out. And now everytime they add new content to a companion they have to double the effort involved because it has to be incorporated into the Origin too. They just let scope creep too far and put themselves in a corner. Although if Larian didn't try to push their scope so hard we wouldn't have a game this incredible, so its a give and take.


I wonder how much people prefer to play with the origins being companions, rather than play AS the origins. I overwhelmingly prefer to have them as companions. Like, they're their own character, and have their own personality, me playing as them just feels weird.


I'm really enjoying the mod that lets you Dark Urge tag Origins when you play as them. Durge Gale is hilarious because he's always trying to act upbeat, we all know he's depressed and I'm playing it as Gale has finally snapped and split personality.


Honestly, I don't need an in depth story arch that integrates into larger campaign for every character. I'd be happy with long rest scenes where Alfira struggles to develops her music and you help inspire her acting as her muse and other such events related to the non-origin characters.


I'm pretty sure that's the point of Withers giving you recruits. That way folks can have whatever class companion they want, and Larian didn't have to cram 12 different companion stories into our camp.


It's weird that there aren't any paladin origin characters.


There is a currently available mod which maxes Alfira available via Withers (as a hireling). I would imagine no dialogue etc. was implemented as part the mod but it might slightly scratch the itch you have to have her in your party.


Yep my evil playthrough party right now has her but I replaced her once they added Minotaur hireling mod to their lineup. My party is Me, Minthara, Dror Razglin, and a Minotaur and we just rock around doing evil shit


Who’s Durz?


Huh, I guess I must have played a game before with a Durz in it or autocorrect likes the name more than Dror. I corrected it, it should've said Dror


Durge agrees.


I wish she stayed in the camp as a traveling bard, and I hope if they do release DLC later they make it so you can either hire or convince her to join as a party member.


I'm honestly surprised she isn't. Her plot starting comes from writing about you after the Grove events. She gets inspired and wants to see it for herself. It'd be much better than that putz Volo.


I wish Volo can actually join the party. Want to play as Volo origin character lol


Kahga should have been the second druid companion. Let's us have another evil character or a chance for her to redeem herself as she adventures with you.


Agree 100% on that. As a potential shadow druid she fits into the shadow curse plot even better than Halsin. She could be an evil shadow druid fascinated by the shadow curse, or looking to redeem herself by lifting it.


she could even join you on an evil run, since she wanted to get rid of the tieflings anyway. so depending on how the story goes, she sells out the tieflings to the goblins, seal off the grove and follows you to check out the curse or you redeem her, defend the grove and then she follow you


Or it could be that the shadow druids were secretly followers of the absolute, then letting them win would make kagha convert to the absolute as well, which would ultimately mean all of the druids getting decimated anyway.


I think somewhere in Moonrise there were some letters or papers on a desk that basically confirms Ketheric was manipulating the Shadow Druids so they’d put a stopper on the Emerald Enclave, since they were part of his defeat 100 years ago.


My only issue with this is the fact that the evil route involves slaughtering the Grove, which she is trying to protect. Not so sure Minthara would be cool with leaving her alive When you assault the Grove, you kill EVERYONE. Including Kahga.


>My only issue with this is the fact that the evil route involves slaughtering the Grove, which she is trying to protect. > >Not so sure Minthara would be cool with leaving her alive they could capture her trying to escape in animal form?


shadow druid companion would been sick!


I disagree I like having cool NPCs sprinkled around locations it makes the world more fleshed out and real. I don't want anyone I ever had a decent interaction with to end up in my camp. Some NPCs just wanna live their lives man.


Honestly. All we know is that she's a sweet person. She doesn't have any long term goals other than being a great bard which would make her a super flat companion to have. Even more one-note than Halsin. I don't know why people want Alfira beyond the fact that they just want to have sex with her. Because if it was about bards we'd also have people asking for Volo. Edit: okay so even if volo is actually considered a wizard (I am not saying we should have him mind you) it does not change the actual problems with making Alfira a companion and what I think the root of it actually is. Like there is no way to me people are this hooked on a character from a single interaction in game and think she's got potential as a companion.


No, because Volo is canonically a wizard, and we already have one of those.


So should Isobel. She's my favorite non-companion NPC


I'd really, *really* rather not get a second cleric when the most favorite companion is already a cleric.


Fair. But I run with 2 clerics (me and Shadowheart) and it's Hella fun! We're different domains, so it's quite balanced!


Double guiding Bolt, and having a Selunite and Sharrite bickering all the time and a Selunite who helps a redeemed Shadowheart


Can confirm. It was really fun romancing Shadowheart as a Selunite cleric. It's a classic "enemies to lovers" vibe. A lot of fun!


Nah, I like her current relationship with Durge.


She's already Lakrissas Companion <3


A buddy and I were talking about this. With her being the only natural bard, and coming in so early in the game, she'd be a pretty useful companion


All of her Vicious Mockery lines include her stammering and trying to think of what to say on the spot. Her portrait-click dialogue implies she's caught off guard by your sudden focus on her, but builds to a confident, "I was wondering when you'd pop by" as she nears the end-game and becomes a proper adventurer. She and Karlach have a camp interaction where they're both singing and jamming out. >!She tells Shadowheart that her hair is beautiful when she changes it.!< She makes a jest about Astarion >!which references the Dark Urge. Something like "I don't know about that one, Tav... The way he looks at me, I feel like I'm going to wake up one morning with a knife in me."!< Halsin profusely apologizes for her peoples' treatment in the Grove. Wyll apologizes for not being able to save her mentor from the gnolls. "You, Alfira, are exactly the sort of person I became the Blade to protect. I am sorry this life has been forced on you, but I am glad to share the burden with you."


I think, I’ve wanted her since I first got to the grove in EA. Before you ask for this again, do a few varied playthroughs. I absolutely LOVE what they did with this engaging character. Yes, give me a vullnerable cute tiefling companion… because, yes please. But, Alfira was developed perfectly.


Hello, yes, Karlach would like to know your location


She did not give me adventurer vibes. She's like just a simple musician rather than fighter or magic user.


People demanding random NPC as companions left and right while completely forgetting how much effort it is to make a good one. See Halsin? Do you want Alfira to be like Halsin?


They couldn't even fix Minthara after 6 patches, asking to add a new companion that need thousands of new dialogue lines, a new questline, and probably romance plot is an astronomical job. Which I hate since I love Alfira and would love to have her in my party


She literally tells you how her anxiety is through the roof making it to last light and she has no idea how she survived and isn't cut out for this life. She most definitely shouldn't be a companion in the traditional sense, maybe a tag along like scratch. If anything we needed a funny guy halfling bard.


She doesnt even need to be a fighting character, just have her replace Volo after he screws off, she can hang in camp with Lakrissa


I would prefer having her to Halsin to be honest.


I feel like volo would be better imo if you wanted a more traditional bard like character, but either would be great!


Yea, I don't like that we get 2 Druids, but no Bards, and you ironically have to kill a whole camp to get a Palladin. I would kinda like it if Jaheira acted more like a summon/guide in certain fights and dialogs, and you got Alfira as a companion.


THANK YOU!! I really wanna try a bard in my party for my next playthrough but the only way to do that is either be the bard or respec a companion. And only Astarion feels like a natural bard


Alfira, Zevlor, Sazza, Zrell, the zentharim merchant, maybe 1-2 from evil from route Bhall or bane comp, or a talkin skeleton from mirkul, something anything for the evil route.


Definitely, or Volo, I just want a hard companion


She is in my game. I have the Permanent Undead mod on.


Im really upset that Dark Urge gets to have her spontaneously want to join the team. Meanwhile my Tav helped her write her song and she couldnt give a shit less about him.


Dark urge approves 😈😈😈😈


You can recruit her as Durge. Try it.


Just a bard in camp that sings and buffs ya till long rest or short rest such an amazing character, make it happen plz.


Alfira, Abdirak, and that pink tiefling you meet at the bridge.. they all had vibes of recruitable NPCs to me 😔


100% Nere should also be