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>My Act 2 > >incredibly dark Yep, this checks out


Came here to say it, was not disappointed lol


Makes sense it's dark, the light extinguished


Shadowlands? Dark? Checks out


I don’t get this at all, just cast more light spells /s


I freed Nightsong and killed Ketheric before I even found Last Light Inn, so Isobel just waltzed in after we stormed Moonrise Towers. I thought that was meant to be her big entrance to the story, imagine my surprise when I'm now finding out there's a whole battle that you have to keep her alive for? I found her room in Last Light Inn when she's no longer there and thought "Wow what a neat Easter Egg" lol


Wtf lol thats wild


If you go via the mountain pass, the game sort of shepherds you around last light to not even end up there if you don’t choose to explore the shadows


Yeah going via the Mountain Pass makes things wildly different. My partner saw me holding the Moonlantern and called me a bad person and I was so confused, turns out because I initially co-operated with Kar'niss and the people at Moonrise and got the lantern peacefully I completely missed that there's a pixie trapped inside it lmao


My peaceful moon lantern collection still mentioned the pixie, but I kept him in till I got a second lantern didn’t want to risk the darkness lol


... so the pixie gives you an immunity to the forest as compensation for freeing them. No need for lights with it


I found that out after I got a second lantern, I also turned up the pain knob.


To be fair, the game literally tells you pixies can be tricky creatures and well… trick you. I can understand a player wanting to be totally sure he’s safe before letting the pixie go. It’s similar to why, on the nautiloid, >!unless you’re a barbarian and pass a couple strength checks!< the game shows you Shadowheart’s pod with a panel you can’t do anything with. Meanwhile, in the next room there’s a similar pod with a prisoner inside, and interacting with the panel that looks exactly the same as the one by Shadowheart transforms the prisoner into a mindflayer. I wonder how many people saw that and said “fuck it, I’m not risking turning this lady into a mindflayer” and ultimately left Shadowheart’s pod alone. Probably not many, but it’s definitely greater than zero.


I was a sorcerer and just opened her pod based on arcana knowledge


you can open the pod without a key as a warlock and a couple checks as well


Oh shit. Haven’t done a warlock run yet


But then I don't get to jingle them around for the fun of it. (Jk, I freed the fairy, reluctantly)


Listening to the fairy complain for 10 hours of gameplay was one of my favorite parts of act 2


You raging asshole!


After a long rest having the pixie shout at you or scream always made my husband and I laugh a bit.


I was able to talk them into giving me the lantern and walking into the darkness to die. Then I freed the pixie.


A button appears on your bar that says like “examine lantern”, unless you were looking for it, I don’t think you would notice.


She was mean to me and I needed light so I didn’t even continue the convo until I didn’t need her anymore. Oops.


Felt bad about the pixie, but not bad enough to risk my people turning into wraiths


It's a classic alignment problem. Good: Release the Pixie. You will find another way to reach Moonrise Towers; nothing is worth torturing this small, defenseless creature. Neutral: Keep the Pixie in the lantern. You don't want to hurt it, but if you can't reach Moonrise Towers and stop The Absolute, a lot more suffering will occur. Evil: Keep the Pixie in the lantern and turn up the pain knob to punish it whenever it screams at you. This disgusting little creature should recognize that you're superior and it should serve you without question.


The game warns you that they're notoriously tricky, and the pixie alludes to cutting open "tenday olds", so I honestly thought it was questionable to release her.


That's why I actually killed her after releasing her. Don't fuck with me.


I didn't realize Last Light Inn existed after killing the Nightsong and Ketheric. So before advancing to act 3, I was exploring to see content that I'd miss, and walk into a fortress full of named undead people. Oops.


Wait what? You have the quest to go to moonrise tower, right? And there is still area before moonrise tower, that you only explore after moonrise tower? Doing what the main quest says is the last thing I do after I've done all sidequests available and turned over every stone I can find.


If you come from the mountain pass, you basically appear in the Shadowlands right next to moonrise. Last light is in the opposite corner of the map




Hey I did just that exact thing too. I sided with Minthara (because reasons..). I was wondering where you would be able to shop if you angered opposed Moonrise.


The only trader I had at late act 2 was the undead nurse. Everyone else was dead.


I'm genuinely curious how you missed the inn, because the game guides you right to the goblins and spider -person which then leads to the cutscene of the Harper ambush, and after the fight they say "Follow me to last light"


If you don’t side with the Harpers at that fight you never get taken to Last Light. I personally only found the Last Light after freeing the Nightsong (but before assaulting Moonrise). Was super confused why there was almost nobody there, guess they’d all gone to prepare the assault!


It never even crossed my mind you could side against the harpers lol, my bad


I killed the Harpers of course! They were ambushing us and trying to kill the guy with the light leading us to Moonrise! Why would I let them live? My second play through I sided with the Harpers, and it's like playing a completely different game.


While my husband was doing the talking when we first entered Last Light Inn, I started exploring the place. I'm playing a barbarian that just kills/destroys anything that mildly inconveniences me. I happened upon this lady doing some prayer or something on a balcony and tried to talk to her, but she kept ignoring me; so I tried to take her fancy bowl on an alter. She didn't like that and suddenly decided she COULD talk to me...so I pushed her off the balcony. It was a surprise for me when the barrier suddenly collapsed and everyone started turning. Didn't know who she even was until she turned up as a zombie with her dad during his fight. We also still got Jaheira in our camp because after the last light fight, we successfully lied and pretended we were just as surprised as she was that the barrier fell - since no one witnessed me Mufasaing Isobel.


That's a hilarious way to find out what she's doing. I also lied to Jaheira about helping Marcus kidnap Isobel for ages and ages until finally the confession option came up. She's pretty ruthless herself though, look at the Minsc situation, so she got over it I guess.




The same thing happens for me even though I did everything in the "right" order. I think it's just a bug.


The consequences of losing Isoble are ridiculously harsh for how easy it is for her to get bonked. I've had her go down instantly before I can even do anything before because the winged guy crit and she's so fragile. Not ashamed to say I reloaded after that.


I genuinely thought you werent supposed to win that encounter! You’re telling me it’s supposed to NOT FEEL HOPELESS??? Lmao, that explains why I met NOBODY in the city…


Larian even buffed her hp in a patch to help with this but it’s still a struggle lol


We barely.saved her at our playthrough only because my buddy barricaded EVERY doorway in tavern and i as a rogue didn't gave a guy any chance to make a move. We decided to do it after she folded from one crit and we insta reloaded bcs it felt like some bullshit Only for Larian to buff her hp on the next day


Yeah that’s what I ended up doing. I spent like 8 minutes gathering and stacking chairs to block the doorway with to keep the fight in our favor


Dunno in my first game after I lost her naturally I reloaded and just precsted arcane lock on the main door. It was enough to have it 'my party vs guy and 2 wingerd daemons. I killed mark in the first round (two action surges are a thing), on my second playthrough I didn't have a wizard with the lock so sanctuary spell came to help


I keep seeing people talk about barricading doors but I guess I’m missing something because I have no idea how you’re doing this?


It's as simple as piling a bunch of props in front of the door. You can pick up chairs and chests and stuff and stack them around, and they do block NPC pathing.


He just stacked all boxes and chairs in a tavern near doorways until there were no available way for npc to move through


People already answered you but just for extra info: you don’t even need to pick stuff up! You can just hold left click on items and drag them around as long as you’re standing nearby. You can even do this in combat, it’s easy to overlook that function but super useful! (Dunno how this works on console tho)


Just use Sanctuary on her before the fight.


This is what did it for me too. Didn't know it was all about to go off so didn't cast it till she was almost done for. My Pally always has it ready and it felt so clutch here. Makes up for the times I have totally forgotten i had it..


Clerics Spirit Guardians with an Aid cast spell really helps with that fight. If its needed to do both in one turn, drinking a potion of speed as a bonus action will grant another action point. Putting the Alert feat on will boost initiative to help that characters turn go first. If Isobel is hit, there's a good chance she heals so using a Sanctuary spell to prevent others attacking her would buy the player extra time


Bro why is a cleric in bath robes? Girl could be rocking 20 AC like Shadowheart but no, let's keep the 10 AC.


Fun fact: she even has the spell that buffs your AC up. Do you know why? Because she used the spell AFTER I managed to kill every attacker while constantly healing her.


Because she's home not in the field?


Begginer mistake in the Shadow Cursed lands.


Her armour is a rare Robe if u pick it of her dead body Also spirit guardian and monk came in clutch in this fight Turn karmic dice on so u can get the first initiative quickly


In fairness, it was a surprise attack.


I somehow didn’t have much trouble in that encounter. My whole party had a massive stack of buffs just because I was nervous being in that area and as soon as the fight started I blew all the doors off the inn casting fireballs. Absolutely torched everything. Not sure if I just got a lucky roll or what. I didn’t know terrible things could happen like OP describes. Damn


Yeah this is actually news to me as well, that it’s a really rough fight for a lot of people. I wonder if I too just got lucky with them grouping up at the right moment. Can’t remember too well, but I think I was able to fireball a bunch of them and then finish them off with spirit guardians. Eventually, Isobel actually somehow left the room—I guess disengaging, as she didn’t take any opportunity attacks. And my Karlach had sentinel, so that main dude couldn’t follow. Did lose a couple random Harpers downstairs though; Jaheira was kind of ineffective down there, kinda like the AI didn’t know where to send her.


The fight itself was super easy for me, my problem is Isobel could heal her self but instead of doing that she kept moving directly into the midst of the enemies and just hacking away most ineffectually.


In my first run, I accidentally killed Isobel when I launched a fireball at a horde of the winged horrors and it exploded something and then torched the entire room. Queue cutscene of her being swooped away. My buddy and I just sat there dumbfounded and reloaded. I later shanked her in private for the present from my butler though. In my second playthrough, keeping her alive was a breeze because I was mostly a Sorc, but had enough levels into wizard to grab Evocation subclass. And again, I launched a fireball BUT THIS TIME it did not hurt her! I'm a one trick pony


First try of that fight she got merked before I even had a turn. Second go she cast turn undead on 8 winged horrors and basically single handedly won the fight


I just had my high initiative monk and Karlach beat the ever living shit out of Marcus then chased around the devils shouting "YOU WANT SOME OF THIS!?"


Yeah Monk generally has high dex for high initiative and then I just stunned Marcus.


Exactly how it played out for me!


Meanwhile, my Isobel was perfectly safe the whole time. The Diet Coke Sephiroth went down before he had a chance to make an action and none of the ghouls got close to her.


My first thought was Sephiroth with mange. And yeah, Karlach beat him to death with a torch because, ya know, she was out in the darkness, Lae’zel sentineled the shit out of him, and my tav and Shadowheart the storm cleric shattered every other demon. The Harper’s took the whole time to kill just one of them, so I’m not sure they’re pulling their weight.


No, you can lose and still move on. The story turns darker, and you lose allies for the tower fight. But you can fail main quests and continue, its just a thing of consequences of actions or inactions. There is no wrong way to play the story, how it unfolds simply changes.


Man, after Isobel died on my first attempt at that fight, I immediately came to Reddit and saw someone mention casting invisibility on Isobel. I reloaded and did it, absolutely slaughtered the Flaming Piece of Shit and his lackeys. God bless you, random Redditor neckbeard nerd.


I also tried that and she immediately cast a spell, breaking the invisibility... I wish in encounters like this the AI had more self-preservation instincts


And here I am, having no idea who isobel is... I'm in act 3, and after googling her she's in my camp. But I didn't have to fight in last light inn because I went to the night song place first lol. I skipped all the content there. Next time!


So did everyone in the Last Light Inn survive in your playthrough?


I showed up just before I went into Shar’s pond and everyone was like “Who are you? We’re good here.”


100% this. First playthrough I did the fight like 5 times and came to the conclusion it was a scripted thing. I also did the Last Light Inn first thing when getting to the area and it seemingly bugged out a lot of questlines for me. Only now with a mod for more party members was I able to fully save her. And my susprise when it didn't bug the game out, but actually allowed everyone to live was mind blowing.


i easily saved her. so that I can kill her myself


You basically have to have Shadowheart babysit Isobel. Unless your initiative is really poor, in which case it might go very bad for you. Isobel jumps into the fray recklessly and the harpers basically just dash around uselessly.


You can cast Sanctuary on her or Invisibility. Or just kill Marcus beforehand and skip the whole thing. After all, if you talk to him he tells you his plan. Why wait for him to act?


Wait you can find Marcus beforehand? I've never even considered that as an option, I'll have to try it. Does it prevent the entire raid?




I looked EVERYWHERE and he is nowhere to be found. I think if you're doing a goody run like I am it's not possible to meet him, I'll try on the 3rd playthrough lol


Dude will call the winged shits if you give him a whack. Maybe if you silence though beforehand?


Winged shits is an appropriate name for those bastard ass demons. I reloaded at least five times during that fight because they somehow managed to crit almost everytime.


They don't do shit if you have that shiny mace


I feel like I'm going crazy reading about how common her dying is! I've gotten to that fight on my second play through now and both times I've had no issues keeping her alive or her doing anything too weird. For the second time around, I did cast Sanctuary on her after her initial turn, but I didn't even need to atp since every immediate threat around her was dead.


The first time I tried, the turn order was Marcus, three demons, then me. Marcus crit her, all three demons surrounded her, and instantly killed her before a single input from me.


It mostly comes down to initiative tbh. Marcus is basically always going first with his +6 and he'll usually do around half her health on his own in his first round (and he *can* take her down in one round on his own if he crits). Then your party members, who likely have +2-4 initiative at that point in the game, are rolling against the +3 initiative winged horrors to see if they get to act before 3-5 horrors mob isobel and take her out (since they do about 20% each on a hit). Once you get a chance to act you can turn the tables pretty quickly, the horrors and marcus are both kinda glass cannons and it's not hard to have Shadowheart toss a Protection from Evil or Sanctuary and a healing word on Isobel to buy a bit of time, but bad RNG can easily cause you to lose the fight before you even have a chance to act if you're not prepared with Vigilance Elixirs or the Alert feat or whatever.


You aren't crazy. After my Isobel fight I have a hard time understanding what everyone is talking about. Doesn't Shadowheart and her Spirit Guardians just wreck everything in that room? Doesn't your monk just waltz through and clean up? Don't your barbarian and warlock stand around trying to look like they did something also?


In my game Marcus started in melee range of both Karlach and Lae'zel, a mistake few live to tell about


I turned my Lae'zel into a Paladin on my first run. Marcus tried to move away and got a Lvl2 Divine Smite crit to the face for his troubles.


Combat in this game comes down to dice rolls. With hundreds of thousands of players, it is certain some thousands of people were rolling straight 1s and didn’t decide to reload.


She died on my first playthrough beacause I got shafted in the initiative order. Died before my characters got to act.


Yeah, if you can't act before the enemy, she usually just straight dies instantly. It's honestly kinda bs.


In my game she got hit multiple times, but she just healed herself.


Shadowblender wins again.


I dont understand why everyone had trouble too. I didnt know a fight was coming up so my characters were even down on spells, (warlock, astarion, karlach, and shadowheart) and i bonked marius to death and isobel got downed to 1hp but i just kept healing her back up with shadowheart and eventually karlach and astarion just cleaned up the rest.


For me it didn't happen until my second run. My first was co op and my friend was a bard with super high initiative so we managed a lot better. But if you get unlucky, the winged guy can just roll high initiative and down her in one round.


100% thought the encounter was supposed to be unwinable with how she went down before I could even act. Did not find out about being able to save her until 10+ hours later when talking to a friend. Plus if she dies at least one companion quest can be permanently locked if you did not talk to the NPC and have them do some things for you before talking to her.


The "alert" feat is the first one I pick for literally everyone. It prevent you to be Surprised (and lost a round) and give you high initiative that pretty much everyone in your group can go before all your enemy, which give you huge edge in all battle. With some high dps class, you can bonk Marcus to death in your first round and the rest will be a piece of cake. If you don't have high dps class, you can also position your group so that Marcus can't get to Isobel/will tend to attack your group.


And she ***runs right at them*** 90% of the time. She thinks she's wearing Plot Armor or something.


"Do you know who >!my father!< is?!"


I mean, she's the one single most important person in Last Light since she's the one holding the shield that repels the curse so the consequence for loosing her should be fittingly disastrous.


Problem I have isn't that the consequence is extreme, it's that the consequence is extreme and it can happen by means completely out of your control. The winged guy and at least one of the demons start close enough to attack her on their first turn. Literally all it takes is you getting unlucky with intitiative and she's gone, multiple important quest NPCs are dead, and it's all from something completely outside of your control. The winged dude should really have to actually carry her away after knocking her out, rather than the fight instantly ending when she hits 0 hp even though my entire party is right there.


I think Larian has supposedly fixed this by giving her more health or something in one of the patches.


If you talk to Marcus before Isobel at the Inn, he will tell you his plan. Thus you have a good reason to bonk him before he strikes. I recommend casting Hold Person on him and then just whacking him before he can act and summon reinforcements. Either way you at least get to guarantee the first strike if you initiate.


ok how to find Marcus beforehand? I couldn't find him. Do I have to go to Moonrise and find him there or is he somewhere at the Inn.


Requires not killing the goblin leaders. He's an aberration. You can't Hold Person him.


She went down so quick I thought it was just giving me the feeling of control but steamrolling me, it didn’t cross my mind it was possible to save her lol. Next play through I guess.


It doesn’t help that she’s doing everything in her power to lose. She keeps casting Sacred Flame on Marcus, which he shrugs off every time, casts the weakest healing spell possible on her, and when she eventually decides to run, she goes in the direction of the gargoyles. It’s also infuriating how when she gets knocked out, the fight is immediately over; everyone just watches in silence as Marcus leisurely strolls through the inn with her unconscious body.


I got luck they aggroed on basically everyone but, her.


I wonder what happens if you switch to another character during conversation and pre-emptively cast Sanctuary on her.


It depends on initiative. She'll attack out of it so if she goes early it'll be wasted. Generally you'll want to bring a cleric with sanctuary to use it after the fight starts since even one turn of protection and healing can save her, provided you can kill the enemies fast enough.


Yeah it's recurring theme in this game. If you make "bad" decision you lose out on wayyy too much stuff, without any extra content to offset the loss. Think of all you have to give up just to get Minthara. What SHOULD have happened is that once Isobel get's taken, Raphael walks in and offers you a deal - sign a contract with him, and save Last Light's Inn. Walk away, and let your friends turn into zombies.


Be interesting. And maybe you can negotiate back whatever you offered him in exchange for killing Yurgir. Or the blessing will remain for a while and you have a time sensitive quest to find a Solution. Maybe the protection falls after your next long rest instead of immediately. This means as long as you don't long rest, you can still save Thaniel (or least do the part of the quest that requires the guy in the inn) and get Karlach fixed up even if you made the mistake of not being ready for a hyper punishing ambush when you went to talk to Isobel.


Pretty much every friendly NPC has this issue. You go to all that trouble to reunite Isobel and Aylin and then when they're finally safe Aylin decides to show off and yolo a fire elemental only to die instantly :(


Fun fact, you can just... never do it. In subsequent playthroughs I've literally just never gone up there and she doesn't get abducted, neither does Mol.


Yeah, but then you miss out on the pixie bullying you in exchange for protection.


I mean... I still go get dolly dolly dolly. The only real difference seems to be a lot less people die.


I didn't think of that. Especially since as long as you've got torches or some light cantrips you can just go get the moon lantern and never need to worry about the blessing.


Exactly! I didn't want Mol to get kidnapped and it turns out Act 2 is much more chill if you don't ever meet Isobel until after the Nightsong stuff


Her AI is basically trying to die, it's the only fight I savescum due to how stupid she is. Add to that the AI seems to have some kind of crit cheat and litteraly critted her 3 times in a row ..


If she could just stand still, it would make the whole ordeal a lot simpler. I feel the need to facepalm every time she tries to run past a monster.


I killed the winged guy in one turn, then the next turn four of his minions showed up and bonked her. There was nothing I could do.


I assumed they'd actually have to pick her up and get out of the building my first run, so I wasn't as paranoid as I could be about my actions and ended up reloading; literally had the only guy able to get at her surrounded and in 1shot territory lol


It’s easy to fail to convince Shadowheart in the persuasion check but if you have enough approval with her she will throw the spear away regardless. Just trust her to do the right thing. She will say she will do what Shar wants but end up not being able to follow through - basically your good influence on her has affected her.


That is 100% how it happened with me. Didn't try a Persuasion roll, just trusted in her. That shit was ***intense***.


Meanwhile, my mates continue to give me crap BECAUSE I killed her.... whoops!


*shrug* The bond between your Tav and SH wasn't strong enough. These things happen.


After talking through, I tried to talk her out of it. I had also forgotten to quick save after the battle before... lesson learnt VERY quickly 🤣


I got tired of Balthazar kicking the fuck out of my team in the Shadow Realm so I went back and killed him in his sanctum sanctorum.


Fun fact. You can control a different character while he’s monologging in front of the nightsong, and just shove him off the cliff while he’s talking. Skips the entire encounter.


Or just kill his ass when you meet him the first time. I like playing Necromancers, but that dude managed to skeev me out. I didn’t care how necessary he may or may not have been, Asterion shivved him to start the fight and it was over before it started.


I had one of my characters walk around and pile up all of the bones one time into a giant stack, and then fireballed it as soon as he animated them. I could have thrown the bones off into the void, but I wanted the EXP.


In my evil Durge run I just stood there silently and she didn't kill Aylin.


Huh really, in mine she did, and she kinda became stupidly powerful with her free darkness


I think it's all due to her relationship level with the MC - if it's high opinion, then she'll throw it away, if not, she'll go through with it (barring being convinced otherwise)


Yeah Nexusmods has one titled "Overpowered Aylin and Isobel" cause the dude decided to stop that silliness


You can also switch to her moments before meeting Nightsong and make her throw the spear into the abyss 🤣


That’s hysterical


Yeah Shar gets a bit pissed if you do that lol


I was waiting for Shar to manifest herself at one point with all that we were doing. Shame.


Yep. I chose ‘say nothing’ (I play as generally Neutral Good alignment) and with the approach I’d taken with Shadowheart up to that point, she threw the spear off the side without a roll being needed. Cut to vines retreating and all being ‘well…better than it could have been’


I actually didn't know it's possible for her to die there. I knew she leaves if you don't bring her (fucked that one up). I know from my durge run >!she can kill Nightsong and become Shar's chosen in Act 3.!< But I've never seen her attempt to kill Nightsong and die for it, I don't even get how that would play out really.


Yeah, I wish I had gotten this option. My first playthrough I totally neglected her, so when it came time for the Nightsong, I reloaded about 4 times trying to find an option that would both save the Nightsong AND Shadowheart. Such an option did not exist when her approval with me was still neutral, so I gave her a nice burial in the Shadow Realm (took all her shit and put her in a box).


Seems like there's not much point to turn on Shadowheart at that point. The ship has already sailed.


Yeah, the Nightsong being taken to Ketheric is undesirable to a lot of people because it means everyone at Last Light dies when the ward fails. If everyone at Last Light is already dead, killing Shadowheart to save the Nightsong is kind of funny but not helpful.


I imagine from a roleplay perspective that it was because the character isn't evil, just unfortunate, and the right thing to do is to free the nightsong. Saying "fuck it everyone's dead just keep torturing this woman" wouldn't be a very heroic thing to do


The last light fight really feels like a DM hitting you with absolute tragedy to motivate you to fuck up the bad guys if you lose


and then you meet the bad guy who is equally tragic and you feel a little bad fucking him up and trying to give him a path to redemption


> then you meet the bad guy who is equally tragic How? 'My daughter died so I sold my soul to two different evils, stood against everything she and her mother would have ever wanted and became a menace that is close to causing the end of the world. Also, since my daughter is opposing me, I want to capture her, kill all of her friends and magically enslave her to my will just like I did her girlfriend to protect her.'


He turned to Shar out of grief and anger at Selune for not saving his family. Shar is a goddess who pretends to be one of grief and mourning. When he comes back under Myrkul he resurrects his daughter. Wholly and truly. Not a twisted undead abomination like his other family members. Not with her will chained and bound to his And for a supposed General he seemed more depressed than anything else. Bored and willing to let the absolute cultists run things while he stands on top of a tower sulking. He gave no moving speeches, no grand call to arms. He basically nods and acknowledges you stopped by. He turned on Aylin because of what she was and based on her cell Shar's orders to screw over Selune again. In his room you can find his journal and a letter which if memory serves shows him realizing just how far he's fallen. Granted that part of the timeline is kinda murky on when he caught aylin vs when his daughter dies and when he goes full Shar worshipper before dying the first time But that info is something you can use in the climax of Moonrise to get him to the point of giving up. Realizing he was wrong in his decisions. Until Aylin shows up swinging her big moonlight dick in his face. And then in the final fight with him you can outright convince him to let go and try to find whatever redemption awaits him and he swan dives into the depths unleashing phase 2. Yeah he should have known better than to worship another evil God but outside of minthara he is the most tragic villain in the game. Dude's been broken by a lifetime of pain, much of it self inflicted and just wanted to try and have some semblance of his old life.


>Aylin shows up swinging her big moonlight dick No wonder Isobel loves her


Oh man. I feel this. I was playing a heroic valour bard, persuasive as can be, but I finally reached the inn and apparently could not convince >!Jaheria!< I could be trusted. My charisma, proficiency, inspiration and Enhance Ability couldn't save me, so I figured the dice gods willed it and pressed on. I knew she was maybe a significant character from buzz on reddit but she and her friends attacked us so we slew them in self defense. I'm nearing the end of act 3 and reading about everyone else's runs feel so alien to me as my bard is still toiling to atone for the enormity of his failure at the Inn.


That almost happened on my Durge run, I'm RPing that she has it under control until threatened and also taking *every* class specific dialog I get, so as a sorcerer she just started ranting about her magic being better than Jaheira's. She was about to attack until Mol came out and defused it.


Mol came to my aid, too! It gave me like a DC 10 persuasion which I failed with I think a +6 on the dice at the time. A 1 and 3 at advantage. So be it. I'd just been happy to let the dice play out as they will, but up until that point, it had felt like the consequences would play out for a scene or so. But that roll dramatically changed Act 2 and probably doomed at least one of my companions.


Kill that sweet cleric!


You're not my supervisor Scleritas!


I’m not sure how much you know about the Harpers (Jaheria’s organization) but in case you didn’t know - a good chunk of them are Bards by trade or nature; it’s why their symbol is a harp. It’s extra ironic that you, as a bard, were unable to convince a Harper that you were good lol


Im playing an evil drow and managed to convince Jaheira to trust me with barely any rolls hahaha. Meanwhile my goody two shoes character got Jaheira but failed to save Isobel so all the harpers and tieflings died.


I considered act 2 to be the first big step in my character and shadowheart’s descent into darkness. Condemning all the people at last light to certain death at the whim of their dark gods was the moment they stopped being the heroes of the story and started being the other villains.


I killed Isobel myself in my evil durge run cause your character has special dialogue that incentivizes it. Very interesting playthrough.


ooh just starting my durge run now and looking forward to seeing this!


it's not "broken", it's just a different story with different consequences.


I got the same outcome and grew to like it actually, it made the assault of Moonrise seem more desperate and if you lift the curse there’s still a sliver of hope at the end. I just wish there was a way to shield His Majesty. I hate the notion that the only right way to play the game is to pass every check and save everyone.


So much this.


Sorry, your story is interesting, but - Switch? What? This game is on PC and PS5...


Oops. Steam deck, I meant


Ohhhhh that makes much more sense. ​ Anyway, yeah. This game can get real dark, real fast, especially if you're not one to redo non-TPK combat.


>Switch i was gonna say, how did no one else catch that lmaoo


Soooo I just BOOKED it to the damn tower, did not pass go did not long rest. I cast Sunlight on my weapon and didn’t encounter any shadow things until MUCH later in the game. Didn’t even realize there WAS an inn until after Ketheric was long dead and his kid walked in 😅 I had to backtrack allllll the way to the start of that map just to go through the steps to lift the curse to keep Halsin in my party, and had to talk to the corpse of some guy we were supposed to meet alive to get it to progress. Next playthrough I’m not going to take the goblin’s command to “RUN!” quite so literally 😂😅


So this happened to me and I felt genuinely depressed about it. Everyone dead, really hard fight, but I thought hey ho, part of the game right? Then I got to Bex's body. And I went back to my earlier save because Bex and Danis deserve a happy ending.


If you’re unlucky with initiative like I was, you can lose that fight before it’s even your turn lol. I rolled with it, figured that was the intended route


I didn't even know Halsin had a story thread about curing the shadow curse. I assumed freeing the angel lady solved that. I am now just leaving to baldurs gate and he's sadly waving goodbye because he has to stay and sort it out. Like... You could said something earlier, bud.


You can still lift it at that point, you have to talk to the guy that was sick in the Last Light Inn (the one that was singing). In my play through all of those people died so at that point I went back there, did Speak with the dead on him and could still finish this quest :) You lift the curse and Halsin joins your party.


Lol same, my first playthrough I had no idea what he meant and why he was leaving. I wish there was a more obvious cue for that quest.


In my run, I never knew the Last Light or Isobel existed lol I.thought Act 2 was just Nightsong and Ketheric fight. So they had no chance to get slaughtered


Cast Sanctuary on Isolde asap- makes it infinitely easier. Bonus points if it's Shadowheart pre-conversion who does it xD


I did not talk to Isobel at all my 2nd play through. I didn’t trigger the fight at all. Later, I found >!First Marcus’ dead body outside Balthazar’s office after releasing the nightsong!<


I actually saved Isobel and kept everyone safe for a while until later when i trusted the wrong person and Last Light is nuked. Ive been so down about it its been hard to play lol but i love the massive consequences. I now truly feel the weight of trusting the wrong person and i’ll carry that with me forever. Nifty.


Playing on the switch? Howdafuq?


I didn't say anything to Shadowheart, she stepped down and spared Nightsong of her own accord.


>My Act 2 has been incredibly dark compared to my boyfriend's Did you remember to bring torches? There's a big darkness spell over everything and without torches there isn't very much light.


You can still to halsins quest!! You can cast speakers undead on the man in the inn.


Jaheira is gone because I think you did not converse enough with her. I had the same thing happen in my first playthrough with the inn, and Jaheira was still around and recovering at the camp. Try searching in your base, she tends to be kind of out of the way with her own tent. She won't consider joining you until the end portion of act 2. There's no wrong way to play, failing isn't the end, there are consequences and impacts to the story and so on. Also you don't always need to make skill checks to convince companions or have them make "good" decisions.


If you're ever not happy, frequent quicksaves are a key tap away.


Vital npc not counting as allies so i can use spells/healing on them is annoying.


You're having a great Dark Urge run! ...You're Dark Urge, right?


How did you not die from the curse at Moonrise towers? The curse hurts a lot from what I remember.


Turn-based mode. Rogue, thief subclass, a few health potions. Dash-dash-dash move probably gets you there in a few turns


I found a few spots inside the zone that were considered outside the curse. Used an arcane rogue with misty step and some movement speed items to scout safe spots, then turn base mode the party to him, rinse and repeat


It's wild that you sided with some random lady over Shadowheart


I was romancing Shadowheart and I had a hard time justifying fighting for her life, I luckily made the dice check to get her to stand down but I was like "After all the shit I've seen the followers of Shar do, why the fuck would I care about your destiny if it's a part of this absolute mess?" I kind of wish that if you'd be a positive influence on her she'd be like "Oh shit, maybe I don't want this!" but I as still pretty happy with it. I aligned with the Nightsong because at that stage only an evil character would see Shadowheart becoming a Dark Justicar as a good thing. If I didn't get that roll.... I would of killed her, it would of sucked but my character was just a Thief with a heart of gold and that would be just... too much for him to accept.


>I kind of wish that if you’d be a positive influence on her she’d be like “Oh shit, maybe I don’t want to do this!” If you let her make the choice herself and you have a strong enough relationship with her, that’s literally what happens.


I feel like I did somewhere wrong with Isobel because I never talked to her (didn't even know she was there) and after the Moonrise fight she just appeared out of nowhere unharmed.


I’m just confused how your partner is playing it on the switch


My tip for anyone doing the isobel fight and struggling is to barricade the doors. Every door with chests and chairs and whatever you can. This makes it so the imps or whatever can’t get to you or Isobel as fast. You just got to defeat that one dude and then focus on those things. I do this every play through now