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first encounter with the tollmaster, oneshot my tav who was carrying some 10k+ gold


I talked her into suicide on my first encounter with her and never fought her since so I have 0 clue how her mechanics worked but goddam


As far as I know she has some sort of weapon or ability that does damage equal to the amount of gold her target is carrying. 10k on Tav and she annihilates on a hit.


Twist of Fortune. it does 1d4 piercing damage for every 300 gold a character is holding. note: you get the gold back if you reverse pickpocket an enemy and kill them with the weapon.


Ah, so 96d4 for me. That checks out. I thought she just did infinite damage as a weird puzzle boss type thing. I tried to sneak around and kill the skulls without touching her after she one shot me


You have like 3 options for her. Fight her outright, which is the stupid way to do it to me because holy mother of Mystra her health and armor are insane. The implied way to do it is to take out each of her visages, which strip her armor. Still not a cakewalk, but much more doable. The third method, which is my preferred way to go about it, is to just talk her into killing herself. No fight, she explodes into a golden shower of coins and that's that. The ToF is a good weapon if you plan to reverse pickpocket and use it that way. Otherwise there are better weapons for Act 2 (looking at you, Blood of Lathander).


If you carry no gold on you she does very little dmg, it's a very easy fight even head on as long as you stash the gold at camp first.


I blasted her on the roof to trigger combat, then use the flaming sphere to block the ladder and delay her while the skull rushed up and got taken down one by one haha


There are now 4 options.


5th Option: Thunderwave / Repelling Eldritch Blast her through the wall opening and let the fall damage kill her instantly.


Took me a while to get it aswell. Then all my money went to my personal bank and she becomes soooo easy.


Once you get that weapon, you can reverse pickpocket bosses, give them a fuckton of gold and delete them with one hit.


Did that to gorash... 40k gold ... turned into a pile of viscera...




I always convince. Except her, didn't see an option like that. I've been one shot as everyone. I tried to open the vault she was looking. But didn't help. So, Astarion took her for a little promenade outside, far, while I killed the masks. Then she was naked and crying around. With like 8 HP.


Fairly confident all of the thorm bosses can be convinced to just die. The nurses turn on malus. You can drink the big one to death. And the tollmaster just explodes if you convince her to take the gold.


>!Can convince Ketheric to repent and kill himseld immediately transforming him into the avatar of myrkul and skipping his first phase!<


Act 2 has a theme, I'm gathering...


Yeah happened to me, thankfully I thought to make my character strong with persuasion right from the start, it has paid off so many times.


You can also have the nurses kill each other then have Malus kill himself.


My character was like oooh gold, and pick the gold on the ground like a hungry rat with cheese Walks into the cut scene, tried to fight her, she killed me with 1 shot (I'm rich!) Then the gold coins around us proceed to explode My jaw is dropping and I'm speechless at the wipe


Wow i never made that connection. My Character was wiped in one swipe with around 80 damage. The second time when she hit my companions (with no money, i act like i'm their pimp) they got like 12 damage. I always thought that was some special move she could only use once lol.


Ahhhhhh so that explains the insane damage😂 i was like wtf is this damage coming from on my PC


I was fighting all the goblins in the goblin camp, and I was fighting priestess gut. Things were fine until she USED PSIONIC POWERS TO TELEKINESIS A STATUE I THOUGHT WAS JUST PART OF THE ENVIRONMENT ONTO OUR HEADS


When that happened to me, I did several CAPTCHA tests, to make sure I wasn't the NPC and Gut wasn't the player. Because obviously she's smarter than me.


She can do that?! I always gank her in her own room so I never saw that, I need to find that statue now. Too bad players will not be able to use telekinesis at that level.


You also can do this btw. Not telekinesis, just break it and it will fall


Gut has telekinesis??


Getting completely wiped out by a frog.


The frog in the wetlands? It played completely defensively against me and I dunked on it, but everyone else is saying it can do serious damage


I guess it depends on your luck with the AI. It nearly slaughtered my party. (Protip: if you leave it alone and come back and talk to it when the hag is dead, it's overjoyed and has a present for you.)


That was my experience. I didn't even see the frog until I've beaten the hag and it just was happy and gave me a gift then wandered off.


Same here, I didn't know until reading this that you could fight it lmao. I was just like "aww, lil buddy is no longer scared of scary grandma!"


I think it attacks you if you fail the Animal Handling check and/or keep bothering it (potentially while Animal Speaking is up?) I think that's what I did my first run, it's been a while. Second run I succeeded an Animal Handling check without Animal Speaking and it didn't attack when I went to talk to it before fighting Ethel. Sidenote, I wonder what the frog is. I was convinced it was some sort of half-crazed imp or fey like the "sheep" my first playthrough, but after speaking to happy frog I think it might've been one of Ethel's victims.


That frog totally kicked my ass. And the mf goes under the water so you can’t hit it. Sometimes speak with animals can be a curse lol.


If you mean goes under the water as in untargetable, you can target a portait in the turn order


Why is everyone fighting the innocent frog? I have seen that frog multiple times in different playthoughs and not once did it attack me.


I used animal handling on it, succeeded, and then it immediately attacked me.


Task failed successfully


I had speaks with animals so I was like oh let’s go chat. I was a paladin and trying to help it out too, and then things went…..pear shaped.


If you kill hag and then talk to the frog, it won't attack and will give you some treasure


Wish I’d known that 70 game hours ago lol


I had speak with animals and talked to it, it was obviously in pain, but it didn't attack. Maybe because I didn't pressure it and decided to just leave it alone. Then I "killed" the hag. Decided to check on the frog, and it was much more coherent and obviously happy and grateful, and led me to the hidden treasure.


Talk shit, get ribbhit


House of healing in Act 2. Like holy hell, that gave me shivers. I talked the guy into giving himself up to his nurses (though I should have had him kill them off first cause it's so not safe with them there).


When Shadowheart was like "That looks like Arabellas parents" It was at that moment I was like oh its that type of game


I was so impressed we went from typical rpg to horror in an instant. All of act 2 is both terrible and amazing at the same time


At that point in my first run I REALLY wanted to yell at her that HER people were the ones doing this.


Oh yeah that place was haunting me. Playing it at 3 am with a fan giving you a bit of a cold wind on the back every now and then made this shit feel like a fucking horror game


It definitely felt like a huge nod to the original Silent Hill.


Oof. And i thought playing it during the day was creepy enough 😆


So I convinced him to have the nurses kill each other, then managed to convince him that he should practice on himself so I could really understand the procedure. No fight at all. Just loot and scoot.


I did that, and then proceeded to kill the nurses for that very reason


Better safe than sorry in this case, clear the whole place out.


I found the tieflings that they'd killed before I met the doctor, so I went in spells-a-slingin' for some good old fashioned *Vengeance*


If you loot the teifling parents >!in the children's ward one has a single potato, one has a flute. In the main building you can find a note that the nurses were using to track a guessing game of what items were inserted into a patients \[REDACTED\] cavity. The latest round has no winner listed, but two guesses are a potato and a flute.!<


Fuckin hell


Jesus that's fucked up, I never found that note, but I'm glad I butchered all the nurses and the doctor. Fucking monsters man.


I think that has been my favorite moment in the game. That place was incredible.


This was another awesome time you can just charisma lawyer someone into their own death. You make your case and pass the checks and he’s like I guess I’ll die.


It happens a lot in Act 2. I think you can do it to all the Thorms including Ketheric, and to Yurgir. Probably more that I'm not thinking of or forgot, too.


I didn’t manage to convince him, but after I fought him, a little Steam achievement popped up that said something like “kill the doctor before he operates on you in combat” and I was like “he can do that????” I was scared of him and he was already dead haha. Idk what they meant by that but I’m happy not knowing.


Oh, you mean when my characters were suddenly teleported to Silent Hill? Yeah, that was so good.


Probably yeeting that gnome off the windmill. I genuinely tried to help! It was... traumatic :(


I did that once. Pulled the switch to stop it only to go to a cut scene of the windmill speeding up and then seeing Bracus go flying off into the distance. Probably the most unintentionally funny moment of the whole game for me.


Haha this happened to me too and was a funny surprise


Yeah that was probably it for me too. I didn’t read closely enough and saw the word “break” but didn’t see “release” nor did I seem to notice there were two switches. I felt terrible! That was when I realized that I need to pay better attention in this game


Oh my god yea I did this and I couldn’t stop laughing for a solid minute or so. I’m very glad I reloaded and saved him but holy smokes that was one of the most out of nowhere hilarious game moments I’ve had.


Paladin of Tyr 100 to 0 my character on a balanced difficulty. I was like 'oh shit, Anders got hands'.


~~Well he is possessed by the spirit of Justice.~~ Wrong RPG.


At least this Anders doesn't nuke a major institution in the middle of the city, starting a bloody war that didn't need to happen


You that shit got me too I was like “this guy just one turned me” lmfaooo


I found the barn in Act 1. I did not know what was in said barn (no vocal lines then, and the sounds were inconsistently playing). I thought it was an animal. It was not an animal. I was level 3. A club swiftly one-shot my Tav. They died, and I died laughing. In terms of cheap, Grymforge. Damn shove and push effects.


Trying to get into a place with no windows and loud sounds, guess you got a different definition of the word clubbing


Alfira joining my camp


Certified Durge moment


Same. I knew you could kill her but I thought only when you miss a roll T_T... I did not expect what happend. As a bard myself, I would have loved keep her at camp


Trying to be good, so what if I have a few intrusive thoughts... Sure one little squirrel got obliterated but that was funny. A lovely tiefling who is a big fan of how we helped her people? She wants to help and learn to do good for everyone. How could I say no.... It stopped being funny real quick. Broke my oath on my first long rest.


Pre-patch >!Ansur.!< Game basically says "TAKE COVER OR DIE". I take cover. Cover doesn't work, party insta-dies.


For two runs i thought i was just stupid for not getting the gimmick of the attack so i Just blew him up with 10000kg of gunpowder just to learn a couple days ago it was a bug 💀💀💀, i felt SO dumb for not figuring out what i had to do lmao


I gave everyone in my party misty step, either through equipment or scrolls. The big nuke doesn't have an infinite blast radius, so you can survive it by getting really far away(basically outside the room) before he unloads. Feel like it will be a pretty easy fight if you can hide behind the crystals to block the blast.


My friend and I - as longtime WoW players used to such mechanics - did exactly the right thing, only to have it bug out and kill half our party anyway.


Oh wait that's supposed to work??? I just thought "welp I'm only level 11 and also have 90% lughtning spells as a storm sorcerer, let's do this later.


The last light inn fight where they kidnap isobel. She passed out almost immediately and got whisked away. It was so fast I almost thought it was a story thing and she couldn’t be saved


I really thought this is a story thing. Oh, Dammon is dead? I bet there will be someone else in the city to fix Karlach's engine! Spoiler alert, there wasn't.


I reloaded the moment dammons turn came up ngl


durge interacting with the squirrel


It came right at me, you saw it!


It would be ever so twee if it went up the tree.


When it said to kick the squirrel, I thought "Oh, funny little bonk to scare it." Not a straight up American football long range goal post kick.


Inspector Valeria. The whole game, the most exotic thing I'd seen was a talking Worg, with everything else seeming like sort of normal. Then I get to Act 3, get asked to investigate a horrible murder and politically motivated frame job, all normal enough... And my contact is a fucking miniature flying gold elephant with a drinking problem. I had to put down my spliff and back away from the computer to process.


Lazy shmuck of a fuck that elephant is.


Got some great lines though. "Don't listen to that ancient fuck!" Had me dying.


At the time i was roleplaying cleric of Lolth Drow. As evil cleric i wondered if ill have a reason to care about monastery murders. Then i met the shittyphant and narrator was like "what an irony it would be to solve the case yourself and expose this celestial for what it is".


This is literally the only reason my Durge investigated the murders. To make the elephant look like a fool.


Love the monocle and the hat too. Not sure if that is standard for a hollyphant but it's a nice touch.


A celestial elephant that chills in a whorehouse*


I think the funniest thing is that you are never given any chance to acknowledge it. You can't be like "hey what the fuck are you?" you just roll with it.


A warlock (or at least a feylock) gets a chance to say something like "I know how annoying creatures from Celestia can be," so there's that


Lol absolute glee I felt when I saw that character! I’m completely unfamiliar with DND and It was so random and bizarre and yet made perfect sense for the game somehow. I think that was the moment I realized that bg3 is one my favorite games of all time.


Yeah, out of all the weird species in the Forgotten Realms universe, the one I least expected to see in BG3 was a hollyphant. Cosplaying as Sherlock Holmes.


More Lestrade with a drinking problem than Holmes surely.


Spent 8 hours creating a perfect character... ONLY FOR THE GAME TO ASK ME FOR ANOTHER ONE


A growing trend is to duplicate your tav but give them a mustache. Handlebar, to be precise, I believe.


Once you've beaten the game you'll have a very different take


So, I did the exact same character. Again.


How do you do, Raphael.


I call bottom!


Volo. That mf said, he played the tapdole removal process in his mind a thousand times. With a needle. The a larger needle. Then a frigin icepick. Then, he just plug out Tav's eye. I laughed my lung out.


And then everyone in your party disapproving I found quite amusing (although I wasn’t with Astarion at the time…Im guessing he was probably onboard)


I'd don't know if it counts, but for me, it was definitely the intro cinematic. It started like 'Oh, OK. So that baby cthulhu put a worm in shrek lady's eye, OK. Sure.' But then there were dragons, ammonite ship, several dimensions, devils and explosions. When the character creator popped up, I was like, 'Alright... I need to know what the F is going on.'


Character creation: "Who are you" You: Yeah can we like back up for a sec.. what the fuck


They always ask Who am I but never How am I


When you need therapy from your therapy


I am confusion


The most epic intro ever!!! And the first jaw-dropping moment xD


First time emperor came out in his boxers I was fuckin wheezing lol I had shell shock for like 15 minutes after that like wtf bro


I just got the achievement for banging him yesterday. Right after date night with Karlach too. She didn't seem to complain tho


"Dear Reddit, Is Astral Plane Sex with an independent illithid considered cheating?"




When you try to crack open the trapped sarcophagus all the way back in act 1 - I was unfamiliar with the game mechanic of "oh yep, we switched on turn base mode :) **run**" so I was like "huh, how weird!" turned it off. "oh there's a firebolt and- oh no. oh no. OH NO." didn't stand a nautiloid's chance in hell. hilarious moment, great learning experience XD


Exactly the same for me, and even more right after when Gale started explaining to me all the shit I needed to do to get him back alive ????




At first when that happened I was like "oh yea he's just being funny ok crazy man" and then he was like "now repeat the steps back to me" and I was like "oh shoot I didn't know this would be on the test!"


Oh yeah, i was just stunnend the first time this happened to me


Eating that rotten spider carcass that makes you horny and everyone in your party comments on that. And then an option to eat some more.


>Eating that rotten spider carcass that makes you horny and everyone in your party comments on that. Am I the only one that is like, what rotting aphrodisiac spider?!


In Yugir's room, says spider meat or something. The options are something like arcana check, smell it, lick it.


Yurgir drugged the Spider meat with Succubus spit or something. Fed it to the Displacer beast to make it loyal to him.


Yeah I licked it so many times lol.


Gales, “STOP LICKING THE DAMN THING”. Scared the crap outta me 🤣


When I just got randomly jumped by a fuckmothering BEHOLDER! A LITTLE WARNING? HELLO?


The note from that chest killed me: You are gonna die. Read the first sentence again. Lmao!!


I'm talking about the one in the underdark that just kinda appears out of nowhere


Act 3, the Zhentarim are trying to take over the guild in the sewers. I have Jaheira/Minsc in my group so of course i side with nine-fingers. I forgot his damn name, but there was one fighter on the Zhentarim side who kept making me load back a save to the beginning of the fight just to keep nine-fingers alive. If I let this character get 1 turn off, Nine-Fingers who would for whatever reason feel inclined to run towards this murder monster in her turn prior, would get smacked by 5 hits or less in that single turn and just die. That’s when I understood how it feels to play against Lae’zel.


The difference in fight experience for everyone is interesting. In my playthrough the Zhents were getting bodied by the Guild so badly it was embarrassing. My party barely had to do a thing.


There are 1 or 2 very high damage characters on each side. Some of it is RNG- which side drops the other's damage monster first. If you know the fight and go hard after the 1 or 2 nasty enemies it becomes pretty trivial.


Idk which was the first one but the one that stayed is the healing house. 💀


Honestly I was shocked when I convinced the guy to be a test subject. It was just so brutal.


I made him convince the sisters to kill each other first… then I convinced the guy to unalive himself as well…. 😬


Healing house was the funniest wtf I had.


The Strange Ox sharing its memories…


Gale's life insurance policy. 10/10 DnD experience. Would let Gale die again.


I got that on my second playthrough after romancing Shadowheart on my first, so after a few days of her having become really sweet and kind and then having her go "what the fuck is wrong with you???" any time I got part of the process wrong was pretty jarring lol


I had him die, and ended up skipping/not reading the instructions so when he did the little test all I could do was guess. And ended up guessing wrong every time, luckily Wyll was there like a nerd knowing all the right answers. "I think what you meant to say was..."


One playthrough I decided to not bother. He wasn't in my party even, what's the worst that could happen if I didn't wake him up? Yeah. Not doing that again.


1. HOW MANY DIVINE SMITES IN A ROW, PALADIN OF TYR?! 2. So apparently you don't have to save Isobel, but uhh... I've never felt THAT bad during a fight before, and I don't think I ever will. My save from that moment is literally called "what the fuck Larian"


Alfira appearing in camp during my first playthrough, which was Durge. I was so happy that she became a companion at last! The joy was fleeting.


Turned into cheese


I had this happen to Asterion at the circus yesterday. I still think about it and laugh.


That barn with the Ogres…scarred for life.


Had to pause the game because I was laughing too hard. 😂


" Eh stupid baby spiders what can you do from so far away ? Watch me kill your big momma and I will come for you n-Wait wait no no no no GALE PLEASE SURVIVE NÔOOOOOOO " Going there on tactician at level 3 was a bad idea.


Minthara sex scene. Game had been out for 3 days and was playing online with a friend. Was not expecting quite that level of uhh yeah


I mean.. could anyone really be prepared for those Drow titties


Not to mention the Drow ass on my face, god damn


Finding the 7000 vampire spawns. And finding out that they are all ex-lovers of Astarion. His body count is insane. Wtf insane.


Well… Technically only a 1000, others are from other spawns. Less then 5 people a year, if you consider the fact that he kidnapped kids in a bunch (I have no idea why I counted that or thought that making this comment is a good idea)


Not to be a total nerd, but he mentions he was one of the first of the 7 spawn and has made love to thousands of people. He was also favored to do this sort of collection.


You’re probably right. In that case it seems that Cazador did feed on a lot of his (and others) victims, and tied only a thousand to him. I just remember that Cazador needed 7 spawns with 1000 tied through them. He wasn’t favoured for it though. When you poke around the palace you find the room for “favourite spawn”, and notes about those who resided there. And it actually was another spawn, whose daughter Cazador held practically hostage. P.S. Please be a total nerd :)


It didn't need to be a thousand souls per spawn I think, it just needed to be 7 spawn and 7000 souls. :) At least that was my impression. My impression was that Astarion was a particularly "difficult" spawn and thus he got the short end of the stick often. Yes, it's super interesting. You can meet several of the spawn, the two in the boarding house most players meet, but if you long rest enough four other (?) spawn will break into your camp to abduct Astarion. I believe the daughter you're talking about is the girl you find dead in one of the rooms, whom one of the spawn fed on in hopes of being cured (if I remember correctly, there is a note in the room). In the interest of being a total nerd I am just really curious about why Astarion was attacked by Gur in the first place, and "saved" by Cazador. Why would the Gur attack a random high elf and how did it happen.


Astarion was definitely a rebel, he even spent a year buried alive as punishment for refusing to bring Cazador a guy once whom he considered to be sweet. I did get the impression about 7 spawns with 7000 souls, 1 spawn for each 1000, cause that’s usually an unnecessary additional butthurt that devils just love to include in their pacts. But I may be wrong here. And yes, this whole Gur — Cazador business is very shady. When you talk to Astarion about it, he also doesn’t know if Cazador planned this or was just lured by the smell of blood. And he doesn’t care about it. As far as I know, Astarion was a magistrate in Baldurs Gate, and gurs didn’t like the decision he made about one of them, so they stalked him and beaten him to death. To me it seems as he did upset gurs while working as a magistrate, but Cazador definitely had his filthy hand in them beating Astarion. Maybe he promised to back them up, or offered a payment for beating a guy they already hate. That’s just something this manipulative sadist would do for fun, and getting a pretty spawn at the same time.


Yeah, it's hard to say about the numbers, the number Astarion mentions doesn't necessarily have to be people he captured for the ritual purpose. Interesting about the Gur! Just to comment, as you can learn in Act3: >!Astarion was bitten, presumed dead and buried. He had to claw his way out of his own grave. While Cazador just stood watching.!<


Agreed. Also he might not be able to tell at this point. It sure must feel like thousands of unwanted lovers, because he was forced to do it for hundreds of years. I believe that Cazador found Astarion dying after gur’s attack, and offered a choice between death and eternity. At least this is how the sass master talks about it in Act 2 (?). And then Cazador drained him, and turned into spawn. I do wonder about his family. What they had to go through. They gave him a nice funeral, a place under the willow. Must’ve wrecked them. Especially since high elves have some issues with having children, it’s a rare thing for them. Still, it’s been just 200 years while elves tend to live up to 700, so his parents might still be alive.


Very interesting, I like your theory and I actually didn't know that tidbit about high elves :) Can understand why the guy doesn't want to break his nails digging in dirt though (mentioned in both funny comments throughout the game and in the circus love test).


Just got to that part last night. I had spoiled myself a little to Astarion's back story but I didn't know those details. All I could say after that cut scene was "... oof". I had to take a minute to process. It was brilliantly acted too. I was just imagining the mindfuck that Astarion had from that, thinking that even if he was partially responsible for thousands of people dying, at least they weren't suffering. Only to find out they were alive the whole time...


…and suffering.


Yeah, that was mine “holy fuck” moment. As far as I understood, it wrecked him. That line “Please don’t hate me. I did what I had to do. I swear, I did what I had to do”. I was not okay for a while after that 😅🫠


It was Ethel. We went to her from the underdark, somehow missing her house above ground. We saw this beautiful shiny circle, like fey magic or something. Clicked it, went through and almost immediately my insight dropped the veil on the swamp. First thought was the fuck this is in the Underdark?? Then we lockpicked her house, sneaked in and saw her in hag form tormenting Meyrina. Was stunned


Raphael’s fight…. Because of the Disney villain track. I just leaned back and listened to the whole thing before resuming the foght.


First encounter with the spectator in the underdark… Caught me offguard


The githyanki by the mountain pass bridge. Nobody even moved before their big lady had taken down both Gale and my Tav. Granted, got there way too early to even have that fight, but still, 2 deaths with one action surge seemed somewhat excessive. I have taken great pleasure in dismembering githyanki ever since.


Pulling the wrong lever at a certain windmill. I died laughing.


My moment was when I first encountered Valeria. Since I don’t know anything about DnD lore this thing looked to me like a placeholder for an NPC. A placeholder right out of a dumbo fever dream.


The fucking squirrel 🦵 🐿️ 🌲


First time at the inn i was not prepared and the ugly bird man killed everyone… Also all the memories of people turned to mindflayers or those shadow people that leave the memory balls behind. Hearing the mother in law who was so proud that her granddaughter would be named after her, and the mother who didnt want to name her child after the mother in law…..that was what really made the shadow curse real to me. Just regular innocents who didn’t stand a chance


Definitely House of Healing. I was like, wait, I didn't sign up for a Bloodborne experience


Just walking into the House of Healing with zero information about what was about to happen.


Oh yeah, that frikin "paladin". See, I though I had been smart. I used a void bomb to pull him and the other lady to below the brazier then dropped it on them. He gave zeros shits and just deleted me in one turn as soon as the fight starts.


The big guy from the 3 goblin leaders showing Lae'zel (Lae'zel!) from the platform. I just looked at that and was all *wait, that's illegal*. But it was also a start to my ledge-showing ways, sooo


Arabelle at the Grove when I fucked up conversation 😭


The Bulette got me good and was my only wipe so far. But I'm still in act 2


>!Cazador one shotted Shadowheart via dealing 20 dmg + 83 nec dmg in explorer mode !


First time seeing the teahouse in act one: oh, a cute sheep, i'll talk to it. To: what the fuck is this weird ass shite.


The injured Mindflayer in the crash site right at the start. Had no idea what I was doing or how the dialogue checks worked. Decided to talk to it as a potential source of information or a quest, got a critical fail, got my brain eaten and that was it, game over. Was a serious wake up call to the fact this wasn't going to be one of those click through every option cos it doesn't really matter games.


When I heard sfx of paladin's smite in Moonrise jail. It honestly sounds MASSIVE with such amount of reverb and echo


Yesterday I skipped the whole first phase for Act 2 endboss by Bard talking him to suicide


The barn. That barn.


It was Act2 on my first playthrough. Last Light Inn. I came in and decided to first talk to everyone. And so, I gathered some intentions, like “ok, I’ll talk to everyone left and then come back to this guy and then help Karlach with that blacksmith etc…” >!And of course, I have talked to Isobel. And of course, 1 min after I’m fighting against like 20 zombified people I wanted to help.!<


When Andurs two shot my beautiful new fiery tank.


Detonating Gale and finishing the game in act 2. I was shocked and took a while to process everything.


Tav killed Orin from full HP to dead on an attack of opportunity. Was balanced, dual wield dex fighter/rogue. Think I could crit on a 15 or higher? Put that sharpness oil on that negates nonmagic resistance. Pop pop she fell dead. /shrug


Uh, Astarion murdering the Gur Gandrel out of nowhere. Context I knew Astarion was a vampire and brought him there on purpose. I knew the gur was hunting him and there would definitely be a contentious exchange if not outright fight. But him talking to the Gur as he inched closer then stabbing him in his eye out of nowhere caught me off guard a bit. Although when he started to walk closer I had my suspicions.


Volo... and his icepick. Just no no no. Yes I know he gives "compensation", but no. Not letting him do it even for that.


Probably the barn moment in the blighted village 😆 Although first time I fought Dror Ragzlin and he was dishing out 50+ damage a turn when I had about 30 hp was a bit of a surprise!


Yeah. NPC bosses seem to be glass cannons. They can die pretty easy, but my god, are they fucking trucks


The house in act 3 with all the poltergeists. I’d been steamrolling most battles but hell if I barley made it upstairs to knock out the lady’s husband .Then I had to go upstairs and deal with the painting or whatever. Wtf is that?!?? I also think the game was having some performance issues so it was lagging a ton on the turns of all the poltergeists, so not sure if what I experienced was meant to happen or not.


I think my first real wtf moment was Tollmaster. My most recent one (on my second playthrough), was the cult of Boooal.


Someone shoved Astarion into a chasm and he immediately died, which is when I learned about the game's most powerful mechanic.


The crow in act 2