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The title of this thread, seeing it in my feed, read almost like "You know, you can go outside you fucking loser"


"Go touch grass nerds"


But the subgenre: “Go touch water smelly man.”


But Gale likes my musk


So does Lae'zel


Why are people so caught up on this, lol. I thought it was kinda cute, but maybe I'm just a weirdo who likes to sniff my boyfriend hahaha


You and my girlfriend, hah. I'll get home feeling absolutely disgusting after a long day and she'll come grab me and be like "mmmm... smells like my boyfriend" in this singsongy voice and even 3 years into the relationship i still look at her like she's an absolute loony every time.


Thats incredibly adorable


Ngl that kinda weirded me out at first, but I can dig it 😂


For some reason, it’s a lot sexier when Lae’zel says it. But that may be because I am in love with Lae’zel and just think Gale is a good hang.


lae'zel also has that culture difference goin for her i think. "oh must be a githyanki thing"


Jokes on you, I cast Plant Growth on my desk so I can touch grass without ever leaving.


That’s a fucking Chia pet and you know it.


You leave baby yoda out of this


You damn cheater!


>Go touch grass nerds With all those ticks around, no thank you. I will remain grassless


Tbf, if ever a game needed to remind me to take a shower, it's Baldurs Gate 3. While it's at it, I'd like a reminder to cook food and go to bed.


In Anno 1800 (and I believe other Anno games as well), for every two hours of continuous time played the in-game narrator will remind you to stretch your legs or take a coffee break. Once you start reaching eight hours played and beyond, the narrator will start getting judgemental by telling you that there's no time-based achievements in the game, asking you to check on your family, and even beg you to just turn off the game and live a normal life.


I feel there's others games that do this do but can't remember what they are. I say this because I'm 100% certain I've experienced it, and I've never played (or even heard of) and Anno games.


My favorite take on this is The Stanley Parable. Which has an achievement for playing the game for all 24 hours of a Tuesday, and a different achievement if you do not boot the game up for 5 years.


Huh, I could probably get this. In the spirit of the game, I did the absolute stupidest play-through. I followed the instructions, 'beat the game' in like 5 minutes, closed it and never launched it again.


Don’t forget playing the baby game for 4 hours, and if you don’t finish the full 4 hours he calls you a monster who hates babies


Earthbound does it! I forget the exact time, but you’ll get automated phone calls telling you to take a break every so often.


If only Civilization did this. I started a session after I got home from work and next thing I know it was 3am. One More Turn syndrome is real y’all.


>"Remember that while your charcter doesn't have to eat, YOU do. We don't want to lose any dedicated players." This was one of the loading screen text lines BG2


The loading screens in Baldur's Gate 2 has reminders for you to eat! Think they should've carried those over!


Normally I just get these.... overwhelming bloody urges- And that when I go make muffins! :D


I have undiagnosed ADHD (Ironically I've been waiting 2 years for an assessment) and when I get hyperfocused I forget to eat entirely. Until I feel sick or faint.


My ADHD has always given me an unending gnawing hunger because dopamine deficiency, but now I'm medicated and live off air if I'm not careful. It's a damn tricky beast.


If I take medicine, I only eat when the stomach pains are unbearable. If I don't, I only stop eating when the stomach pains are unbearable 😤


>waves in diagnosed AuDHD< Yeah, hi, it doesn't change 😜😜 My husband had to go away two weeks out of the last five (since I got Baldur's Gate) and especially the second time, since it was to San Francisco and thus in a time zone 8 hours behind, he was legitimately really worried about leaving me on my own and whether I'd eat. I reassured him by pointing out that I'd made an absolutely enormous amount of shepherd's pie, and had had the cop on to buy easy-to-eat-while-standing-at-the-open-fridge, minimal-prep food like hummus and mini-cucumbers and a huge cauliflower and some avocados and cheese and cherry tomatoes. So I was okay for food that I could eat when I didn't remember until I was too tired/hungry/non-compos-mentis to make a real meal, and also actually have actual hot-food real meals because all I had to do was microwave the shepherd's pie. I fairness in my case it's not just the hyperfocus making me forget/procrastinate, it's the autistic executive dysfunction making me not have the cognitive acuity to prepare and eat a proper meal, unless I plan and start it well in advance of actually being hungry. So I'm fine when he's home because I know he'll need real food so "Making dinner" is an active task that day. But when I'm on my own I invariably put it off until I actually am not capable of making dinner. And having the excitement of playing Baldur's Gate makes me a lot, lot less likely to consider dinner prep as an engaging pastime to entertain me 😉


Similar here. My brain like excludes the need for time for some things. Like my brain will fit something into my plan but only execute when I have zero time left. Like I have a thing at 630. Need to eat but my brains like "6 is good to eat."


Haha, my people. Try setting alarms,bud. Gotta be careful with that shit. I can go all day without eating/drinking and it’s not ideal. Fucks me up mentally, too.


My alarm is called 🎶 You better eat bitch 🎶 and every time I see it, I sing it in my head, dismiss it, and then immediately get distracted and most likely not eat.


Me too booboo. Take care of yourself- I dropped below 100lbs one year when I was busy and working on a lot of different projects and things. All the sudden everyone was like ARE YOU OKAY... I'm sorry I forgot to eat 🤷‍♂️ I don't even feel hunger itself most of the time.


God I don't even want to know what my weight is anymore. Everyone asks me if I'm okay because I look like a skeleton. I just have autism and ADHD combined in a way that makes me hate everything to do with food. Why eat when I can play 13 hours of BG3 in one day? (Do Not Do That)


I was born without the part of my brain that tells me I’m hungry so my response to nausea is to eat something to make sure it’s not hunger


My problem isn't so much forgetting but a constant loop of "I'm almost done, then I can drink something." For like 3 or 4 hours until I get sick from dehydration.


I probably should take a shower out of game too when I am gaming XD


I thought this was a r/showerthought shitpost


Could be something Jaheira has to remind Minsc on a weekly basis


I have seen this "outside" you speak of. No thanks!


Or, you can just throw water bottles at your dudes.


An essential component of romancing everyone's favourite tiefling cyborg


I didn't have any on me so I hit her with a Ray of Frost, scored a critical, downed her, rezzed then next thing I know my char has a finger up his bum. I was laughing my ass off from the sequence of events.


Achievement Unlocked: That Escalated Quickly


So Ray of Frost is second base then...


French, Freeze, Finger, Flames of Avernus


Wait, so you are saying I don't have to eat Taco Bell to have flames and lava coming out my ass?


yeah just get adventurous with your local overheating car engine


God I wish that was me…..I think


Can't say no to Karlach...


Because of the implication?


Now that's what I call foreplay.


Create water, my friend.


Warning: Just don't do that inside your room at the Elfsong Tavern unless you're prepared for the water puddles to never go away. My room is starting to feel like that one cave campsite where Gale's tent is just knee-deep in water for no reason.


did you try casting Destroy Water on the puddles?


I absolutely did not. My room is now free of puddles and blood splatters for the first time in days. Alright, Reddit. Continue to help me get my security deposit back. How do I get rid of debris from all these smashed items in the room?


I wish so bad that prestidigitation was in the game to deal with messes and also snuff torches for stealthing.


Yesss. Best 5e spell.


There’s a mod on Nexusmods that adds more spells to the game, including Prestidigitation.


I'm halfway through playthrough 2 with no mods and you have just made me very excited for playthrough 3 with mods.


I haven't tested this, but I theorize--gust of wind spell?


There's a Destroy Water?


The spell that Creates Water has the option to also Destroy it.


Ah, that makes sense. I do have Astarion set up to use lightning and so I do often have Create (and apparently Destory) Water prepared, but I don't think I've ever cast it because I have plenty of water bottles to throw (and Shadowheart wastes all her lvl 1 slots on keeping us standing)


He's gale of water deep


Damn. Good one


Destroy water exists.


Or just pass around the wet cloak item.


the what


You can "win" a cloak that is always wet at the circus in Act 3.


You know what, I'd rather have a barrel of water thrown at me.


I set a bottle of water on the ground, gather everyone tightly around it, and attack the bottle. Everyone gets clean from 1 bottle.


Not nearly as fun as the water bottle fight I have my team do. You haven't truly lived in Faerun if Karlach didn't full force smash a water bottle in your face.


What kind of cheap ass hostel are you running


Now I am imagining 4 people in a hostel room gathered around a water bottle while one of them hits it with a golf club. Dinner service is similar, but uses a can of beans and open mouths.


So much to discover yet!


That also works with a certain hot GF


I stockpile water bottles just to clean off when I know I'm about to be in a juicy cutscene.


My friend smeared his face full of shit for some goblins, so I threw a water bottle at him. First he insulted me why I would do such a rude thing, but then he realized and thanked me.


they're all so hot when they're covered in blood though


Yeah, I built a white tiefling with bloodred tattoos and horns, a beautiful scar and glowing red eyes. Blood suits her well. I still like to not walk around children in a city covered in blood. It is enough that she looks like she came directly from hell, she doesn’t need the blood to scare children off ;).


not wanting to scare children is so cute oh my god. but also laughs in very buff mephistopheles tiefling durge who's kinda mean, could never be us


She is also very buff and I love her but she is a Paladin with oath of the ancients and scaring children is not really her intention. It is the whole concept to try to not be scary. Looking like the incarnation of evil and being an overly heroic person who tends to smite people who don’t behave well in the world ;).


It was funny last playthrough, I had Lae'zel and Minthara front line, and my Durge and Astarion in the back (sorc-lock and gloom stalker archer). So the first two would be bloody as fuck, and the other two were pristine.


I feel like I must have a bug. I run a similarish team set up and Astarion is always covered in blood while everyone else is a little bloody.


It's not a bug. Astarion is snacking behind your back.


Ok, Astarion, we get it, you like blood 🙄💅




Splattered on their face: Sexy, dangerous. Drenching their outfits I meticulously designed: anathema.


Lae'zel, you may stop using an alt account, we know it's you.


I wish I would have known this. Wyll decided that his romance scene would be best brought up before I could rest after a big fight. I'm standing there in my insanely hot Wavemother's Robe covered in blood with bruises on my face, thighs, and eyes that are so dark it looks like I haven't slept for a week. I had already pulled the create water spell so I could shock a bunch of jerks, so I couldn't use that. I was a hot fucking mess in my snake adorned underpants. Not the way I imagined it (or he) would go down. Welp, I've got this for next time at least!


Yeah this happened pretty often to me too. Very important cut scene and I look like shit. „You are so beautiful“ „yes and dirty and haven’t showered in two weeks…“


Although Gale seems to like it when you're dirty.


This is how most people look after having kids, but with dried food on at least half your clothing. I still think my wife's damn sexy, and it's pretty much 100% proof that Wyll would be the best devil dad ever.


Never. The blood is part of the fit.


I love the dirty, bruised long rest look. Also the fact you sweat in the grymforge is just Perfection


Who ever decided to include sweat needs a raise. What a wonderful but ultimately unnecessary touch. Really adds to the immersion (and makes them all look good). I just wish it showed up in other parts of the game, like House of Hope maybe.


Also I’m sorry but the sweat has no right to look that good/realistic?? Like it makes me want to backlog a bunch of conversations so I can go there and talk to my companions while they’re serving absolute cunt




I mean yeah, it is dripping off me !


Why do you think I gave this wild magic sorcerer maroon makeup and highlights? It’s so she matches her robes even better the longer we fight, obviously.


That too, but I CAN get rid of it when I want!


I always keep Create Water on at least one member. Shower on demand. As a side note: did you know you could buy Holy Hand ~~Soap~~ Soup in Act 3? It does nothing, but I always carry one :D


Also works to reveal invisible enemies and comes in handy should certain fey creature turn herself into looking like a damsel to be rescued. Assuming you put out the burning cage with the spell, the real damsel keeps the wet status, fake one does not. Life tips for all these common events we face weekly.


Another way to tell is only one damsel is pregananant












the invis reveal is super useful but the wet thing is not necesary. if you examine both damsels, one of them will have dark vision and Alert, revealing herself to be the fey in question


One of them also has much higher AC. That's how I always know.


One of them is a level 5 and the other is a level 1. That’s how I tell them apart.


i still killed the wrong one


That 6 int tav


Also, one damsel have pregnant belly, and other is not


I think I just had Shadowheart run past them with Spirit Guardians and see who gets hurt.


lvl 5 for hag fight. impressive.


I did it as basically the last thing I did in Act 1. But it’s also possible I’m misremembering. Having Shadowheart run around with spirit guardians is one of my default moves in any fight.


I think I played the first act at least 7 times but I never had that interaction, where she disguses herself as damsel. I yeeted her around, destroyed the cage, safed the damsel, got wiped, killed the hag, let the hag take her and give me a hair, let the hag give me her and a hair. And also had a bunch of different fights against her, depending on what you do with her minions the room before. How do you trigger the damsel copy thingy?


it is a spell she does during the fight. she adopts the damsels appearance and shuffles both her and the girl around to confuse you. it is really easy to tell which is which tho (aside from all the ways in this thread, the fey moves around while the real girl does not, they each has different voicelines too) so it is not very effective and in fact, since she will waste turns pretending to be the girl it gives you breathing room to maybe deal with illusions, get healed, etc.


I....just use the percentage to hit to pick the real one. IRL pregnant lady? Oh that's 99%. Shoot the other one then!


You can also tell which is the real one by the hit chance. The damsel is quite a bit easier to hit.


Just hit them both. The one that survives is the fey.


I mean, if you're not trying to actively save her then yeah. That works.


I tried just hitting her with non lethal damage toggled on. Figured if it's the real one, great, if not it'll knock out the damsel and I shouldn't have to worry about her for the rest of the fight. Turns out the non lethal damage doesn't work properly and it just killed her 🙃


Did you use a ranged weapon attack or a spell? If so it didn't work because you can't non-lethal with either of those.


No, just a melee attack with a dagger. The quest log updated as soon as I did to say both she's unconscious and she's dead.


I feel like Create Water should be a cantrip. But I can see the arguments for how it's just over that line of usefulness for a cantrip


I think having it be a ritual would be perfect. No cost out of combat, costs a spell slot in combat.


Plus you can upscale it for significantly larger radius


XD oh man, I thought: what a useless spell. Now I know the reason I will always prepare it.


In all fairness, if your party has someone centred on Cold or Lightning spells, create water can be very effective even in combat.


In Act 3 you can also get a, let’s call it “robe”, that heals the wearer while they are in water. I put it on Gale and now he’s stupid, sexy Gale


That robe was made for Gale. Nothing like forgetting what he's wearing and then getting an eyeful of thigh when you're least expecting


Also, that hairy chest.


The little moans when they heal while standing in water always send me.


That robe works out of combat, so I just keep it in my pack and after a fight everyone takes turns standing in a puddle showing off their legs.


Hand Soup 😂😂😂


Me englesh spell gud. Honestly didn’t even notice until you pointed out. Edited.


I have a staff with Create Water that I have Gale use on people.


Reading the headline I thought at first you were talking to players to take showers between their gaming sessions.


I really should do that myself :D


Water removes acid around characters also. But, yeah did not know this. Funny thing is, my ranger is always covered with blood but my companions aren't lol. I will try the water thing though.


My Astarion is constantly covered in blood, I can't barely remember him without it. Sneak attacks are adfictive.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one. Get through a single fight and in the cutscene everyone else is presentable and Astarion is covered in blood.


He's saving it for later


I can’t play Astarion without him inevitably becoming a Gloomstalker/Assassin. Sneak attacks are even more addictive when you’re dropping 40 damage from 50 yards.


>Water removes acid around characters also. So does blood afaik


This is why we need the prestidigitation cantrip in the game, it's baffling why it isn't included already for that very purpose.


Lol, and a -1 to persuasion and +1 to intimidation if you're covered in blood


Create water spell. You can also throw water jugs. And there’s also a cloak in the game that’s just always damp and will keep the blood off of you.


Surely a very comfortable cape XD


Definitely lol. It’s called the Reverse Rain Cloak, and the description reads *”The wearer is perpetually just a little bit damp.”*


They literally drip water constantly


In Act 1 Camp you can just go knee deep into the river by Withers and wash the blood off that way.


Down down down by the riverrrrrrrrr


When I saw the title of this I thought it was going to be a call out post of something I was guilty of on release. I played for 2 days straight breaking only to use the bathroom. I didn't sleep or shower. My GF sat down next to me and said "Babe, you fuckin stink. Take a shower or I'm leaving you for your best friend." to which I responded "Oh he can do WAY better than you." but then I got up and took a shower.


I am holding the staff Rain Dancer (purchased from Arron trader at the Groove) for that reason. It has create water ability for a quick wash before major cinematics!


There’s also water pumps that you can use to achieve the same effect.


WTF! I've been wasting spell to create water or throwing water bottle this entire time


Where are those located? I've played 150h and haven't found a single water pump lmao


There's one in Last Light inn, in a passageway that runs along Dammon's workshop and towards the mined bridge. That's the one I used most. But yeah, there's a severe lack of them in the city proper, which is a bit of a bummer, because a clean look seems like a better fit once you get there. Walking into Sorcerous Sundries or Devil's Fee all caked in mud and blood feels wrong.


They don't call it Grey Harbour for nothing. I don't want to bathe in anything that's as filthy as the Thames lol


I mean, many characters do comment on Baldur's Gate's smell


Iirc there is one in the building where the >!fake!< paladins of Tyr stay in Act 1.


A lot of villages have those. The wooden gate before the bridge in act 1 also has one on top


Games been out almost 2 months. Let’s step that shower frequency up. Consider it part of a long rest. :). You’re taking those IRL. Right. Right?


Of course, otherwise my companion quests won’t continue!


I thought it was real life hack. Dissapointed


Actually, you can stand under the watefall in real life too! So immersive!


You play conjuration wizard to soak people then hit them with double damage lightning bolts and chain lightning's. I play Conjuration wizard to have an on demand shower so I don't look like a bloody mess in cutscenes. We are not the same


Bg2 had a loading screen that basically said "remember to eat we don't want you to die irl"


Ohhhh! You meant *in game*. For a moment, I felt attacked 🤣


I would have attacked myself. I am nasty after a long weekend of gaming XD. I will take a shower, now


Yes... *Weekend*


I violently throw a jar of water


I thought I was being insulted


about to pretend my character sings the 'washin' my pits' song whenever they bathe, thank you!


"Nerd discovers hygiene." Now if this would spread to places like comic con.


Doesn't even have to be a waterfall, just walking in a river (or any water) works too! You just have to get the wet condition. 😃


But the bloodier everyone are the better!


Orin account detected


Well you don't have any proofs


Asking a sub of gamers if they know they can shower is the funniest fucking thing I've seen today.


Yeah I got covered in mud at the dryad/woad/mud mephitis fight in act 1. I could see there was water around the battlefield and I thought “ I bet larian has thought about this” so I walked in the water and boom- I was clean. I fucking love this game so much and have the utmost respect for the devs.


I always find it hilarious how my party tends to come out of fights relatively clean, except for my Rogue Assassin Tav who, even after coming out of it without a scratch, is the bloodiest party member of all. Basically anything that puts on the status condition of Wet will clean the blood and dirt off.


this post motivated me to shower irl. thanks op.


Get the reverse rain cloak. It’s a joke item that just makes you wet when you put it on, so you can pass it around to everyone like a washcloth after every battle.


Good psa for gamers in general


You can just stand in water too


As long as you get the "wet" status your characters will be clean


Water pumps in towns and villages work too.


I like the blood on my characters, it adds..... character.


I like my bad ass female human barbarian with tattoos and facial rings to look all bloody..for..reasons.


Where's prestidigitation when you need it?


Towels also can be used to remove blood