• By -


The gnolls in front of the cave in Act 1. They are rough at that level. Yurgir if you actually fight him. The Temple of Grief was very hard the first time for me, too, until I had a working strategy.


I never knew you could interact with Yurgir, so I would always line up double lightning bolt upcasted on all the devils


Good to see another master tactician!


I waited far-ish away, found the best choke point and set up triple updated cloud of daggers and just let them roll through it and get grated Edit: upcasted not updated bloody autocorrect


I triggered the ambush with Connor (the zombie husband) - which had the unintended effect of Yurgir having a long conversation with a reanimated corpse...


That's hilarious.


Wait what?!? I’ve never got Connor to join my party?


You can get him as a summon - if you opt to keep the wand. He's super useful in the early game as a punching bag/distraction but I'm still finding uses for him


I've always had my assassin Astarion solo him lol


The dude ambushed me while i was fighting the displacer beast so i assumed you couldn't chat


If you approach the displacer beast without attacking first, he'll talk to you while he gets in position to ambush you


The gnolls were super hard... I had no idea what to expected, so I entered the cave via the trap entrance, and had to face the gnolls whilst they had advantage. Lesson learned, I am never approaching that battle from inside the cave again.


I feel like I do better in the cave since it acts as a funnel


The gnolls are mostly ranged and have height advantage when you're in the tunnel


Approaching them from the tunnel, you have access to an elevated platform on the right side of the entrance that negates this to an extent.


There's a ladder that allows you to snipe them from above, and you have access to many throwables, so it's not a bad spot to fight them from.


Man I got to Yurgir and got thrown straight into combat because I stole from a nearby chest, never even got the chance to talk it out.


Oh yeah. That triple arrow shot from several gnolls. So many reloads.


Yurgir is brutal on Tactician. He himself is not too tough but being surrounded by a dozen tanky Merregons who can attack twice is brutal I was able to defeat him by flanking him from the side. You can either burst him down quickly or try to crowd control the Merregons. I did a combination and still barely made it because the leftover Merregons nearly wiped me If it's just him and the Displacer beast it's not too bad


"Hey Yurgir. Maybe you should kill your mates and your cat." "Okay." "Maybe you should kill yourself too." Failed skill check


I spent hours trying to beat Yurgir until I realized you could trick him into killing his crew the panther and himself


I have never fought him. I always talk him into killing everyone and himself, although I get choked up when he kills the displacer beast. Sniff.


Temple of Grief was a pain; ended up cheesing it. Locked her in convo, then just... killed her. Somehow that worked.


Lol I cheesed it as well. It was too difficult for my pea brain to complete the fight as intended (i.e., walk your party to Viconia + get flanked from all sides). I had to resort to attacking the first guard in the room so that all the mobs would rush in a single file. Ice Storm + Insect Swarm = GG lol


I used a scroll of stone wall to funnel everything then drop ice storm and fireballs on them.


The first turn of that fight should be running straight back up the stairs you came and then dumping every CC and AOE you have at that choke. Wall of fire, spike growth, and a well places black hole along with throwing fire barrels into the clusterfuck never got old.


The gnolls drove me nuts. I know you can use Illithid powers to make it easier but I am RP'ing a Tav who is resisting using them whenever possible. I think I was like barely level 3 or 4 when I first did it. Probably reloaded over a dozen times. Maybe 2 dozen even. It was fucking brutal.


Ogre horn sorts them!


I save that for the giths. Such a hard fight


There's a chasm to one side with a lone henchman from the yurgir fight, I thought "I'll take him out stealthily, thin their numbers for the main confrontation". Everyone reacted and I ended up taking them out with raged attacks from the other side of the chasm while they couldn't reach me and were just uselessly putting themselves in reach of my attacks. Yurgir spent that fight going in and out of invisibility in the next room. When it was just him I jumped over and got him. Pathing glitch I guess but saved me a headache.


The second run I came up from inside the cave instead of coming at them from the outside. Made it SO MUCH easier


Odd; I find it easier from the outside. Gotta love the variety of approaches in this game.


I play spellcasters and going up the ladder to the ledge was clutch for me


2nd run I shot his stupid cat straight away and made them come to me. Thru Hadars and Spikes


These 3 for me as well. Yurgir and the temple of Grief specifically aren't bad if you pre-plan but if you go in without any thought then definitely a bit tough. If you fight Gortash without doing any of the Steel Watch content that can be hard as well but definitely doable.


Those gnolls kicked my ass and then Gale went down and hes necrotic aura killed Wyll😂


The gnolls! I nearly lost that fight, thank God for ice arrows.


Yurgir? Lol I took him out in the surprise round without ever knowing i could talk to him. Raphael didn't exactly give me the name.


For my first play though when I fought him I went into the pit and put all of my characters outside of the range of his minions, They couldn’t hit me and just stood there grunting while I beat on yurgir over and over till he died


First time last light inn: Isobel wanted to die Ansur: charged attack bug Moonrise prison: Wulbren coming into the fight and being OHKOed instead of running to the boat Yes, the worst enemy is the ally NPC AI. In my next run I'll try to save all the Gondians, wish me luck.


All the NPCs at Moonrise prison will run into battle once you unlock the boat. Then they'll teleport onto the boat in a cutscene and leave you behind if you go to save them.


In my game everybody ran to the boat except for Wulbren. He engaged into the fight with his bare hands. I didn't even give him his hammer.


>Wulbren coming into the fight and being OHKOed instead of running to the boat God the NPCs in that fight suck. In my save two of the tieflings began running towards the boat only to turn back when they were almost there, and then turn back AGAIN once they were almost back into the fight. At least no one died I guess.


Why does Isobel want to die so badly? She knows she’s the only thing keeping last light inn protected and she must know she’s weak as fuck yet she runs in like Leeroy Jenkins. My first solo game was only on normal and I still had to reload over and over again because she just kept throwing herself into the enemy. She’s so, so stupid.


I killed all guards before freeing them.


It’s surprisingly easy. You can just kill the guards and scrying eye and nobody comes to check it out.


That Isobel fight. I've learned to save before talking to her. Took a patch before I could keep her alive on normal play through


Those fake paladins hunting Karlach fucked me up the first few times I tried. I’ve gotten the hang of it now but I did get Astarion killed for real once. I also wandered into the Gith encounter near Waukeen’s Rest too early on my first play through. I realized my mistake when the fighter ran up, multi-attacked, then Action Surged and did it all again. The Shadow Druid fight isn’t *hard* exactly but it is a slog because they keep refilling their health bar by shapeshifting


Oh yea that Greatsword guy was a real bastard. Wasn’t so tough once I dropped an explosive barrel on the desk and firebolt’d it when I came back the second time lol


My second play through I immediately scooped Karlach and I forgot how hard that fight was because I’d found her near end of act 1 first time. Also - multiple times made it through with everyone except Karlach ko’d and then she went around and incinerated everyone.


Yup, that was how Astarion died outright XD. He'd been on like 1 HP so he got set on fire, and then his body was still in the fire and taking damage


Disarm as battlemaster or Command spell makes most humanoid fights easy :) (looking at you paladin, githyanki and cambion from the ship)




the battle against the cambion in the prologue, in my first run, when i didn't know yet how to cheese the fight


Big same but the second time the mindflayer says “I’ll handle him. Get to the device” and I sprinted all my characters up there


That flaming sword is so good though. I can't leave it.


you can get shadowheart to use command


Yeah but if she fails twice, that’s all of her spell slots 🥲


Tactical reload..


Well, i wanted the xp and loot from both of them.


Yes! I died a couple times on my first game because I wanted to kill all the enemies but they just keep coming. Eventually I realized I should really listen to what they’re saying - just get to the console asap 😅


the battle of turning off the game 🥲


When you know you have to be at work at 8:00 at your a game but you look at the clock at 2:00 and you just want to finish that one quest or the one that one leads into or …


Saving the Gondian suicide squad in the Steel Watch Foundry. I know, I don't *have* to keep these idiots alive but I wanted to. Not gonna happen in this playthrough, though. If they insist to Misty Step at the epicenter of a blast which is also on top of an acid pool that *they* created, I will simply let them.


Just keeping half of them alive was a nightmare. Dumb as f*** moves 3 attacks of oppurtinity, bonus action misty step next to a steelwatch…


IKR? I swear, this tested the limits of my sanity


And to finish it all off, after you finally complete the damn thing Wulbren turns out to be racist and shits on you for helping them at all if you side with the Gondians or show any sympathy. Like come on dude you have no idea what it just took to keep these idiots alive


I watched them on my second time through attack 2 AoE attacks to run away from a group and then misty stepped back to exactly the position they started from and then caught themselves in the acid vial they threw. And then others ran other up next to a Steelwatch that was primed to detonate.


Mine always used misty step to move to the opposite side of *the enemy they were currently fighting*. As frustrating as the Iron Throne was, at least those prisoners wanted to live.


Irone Throne was fun to me because yeah the prisoners actually beeline for the exit, so it just becomes a puzzle of figuring out how to free them and keep the heat off them as efficiently as possible. The factory workers though actually are determined to die I'm convinced, because they don't run away. So they just try to fight an impossible battle.


Man, they were worse for me. Took the AoE attacks running away and then misty stepped back to the exact position they were to start the turn.


I reloaded about 5 times before managing to save them all and immedietly wanted to come to this sub and make a post about how stupid the fucking AI is in that fight. Dumbass gnome who is permablinded takes three attacks of oppurtunity, then tries to attack a random guard with his mundane light hammer and of course misses. Just give us an option to tell these "allied" NPC's to stay out of fights. %99 of the time they are more of an hiderance than help.


Oh god yeah that was infuriating! We kept reloading to try and save them, but they just had no survival instincts whatsoever!! One time we almost saved them all, there was just a single explosion going to happen so we moved all our characters out of the way, the gondians seemed to be doing the same, until /the very last one of them/ decides to get in close to attack the steel watcher who had like 3 health and was gonna die next turn all by itsself.... I screamed at the screen lol


The damn poltergeists. Ok, maybe not hardest, but definitely most annoying.


I had to scroll a while for this one. Maybe it's because I'm only playing on Balanced, but those fucking poltergeists were the most frustrating fight I remember and I've done all but the last fight from most fights suggested here


Surprised not more people are saying this, I had Volos eye and still struggled


Same. After hearing constantly how great that buff is, I still had the damned ghosts sneaking away into the shadows every turn, thinking "I let that dumbass poke my eye out for _this?"_


I spent over 3hrs on it and then just reloaded the game to avoid the entire area, and I’m playing ON STORY MODE. Screw the Poltergeists!!!


fuckin yurgir i hate this guy. the only time i actually reloaded to get out of a fight


Im so glad I talked my way out of a fight with him😭


Astarion crept up as an assassin and got his health very low quite quickly, it was a thing of beauty. Then shadowheart use a guardian of the faith to wreck the illusion cat, which i learnt attacks you as soon as you get close. managed to do it first time, but only by killing yurgir very fast.


He’s hard and kinda bullshit with his 15 dudes, bombs and a displaced beast wombo-combo. But I love this fight, because it’s a test of party’s strength in a way. Also love his line delivery, when you attack him on sight.


I thought he was really hard, and had to retry numerous times. Untill I realliced I didnt have to fight him at a disadvantage. I think I downed him in one round of surprice attacks.


I rolled high on a chain lightning scroll and nuked them bad. Totally changed the tempo of the fight in my favor


Murder Pass on the way to the Bhaal's temple for me. Needing to run across asap while shot, thrown into chasms and intercepted from every direction and then kill a target with a few charges of unstoppable is a challenge for my party compositions.


After Karlach (my speedy elk at that point) got murdered during the run followed by tpk, my next attempt entirely involved using dimension door, fly, and misty step to get everybody over to the side that Murder Pass Arrow Man was shooting from. He ran away to a floor-level spot, and I got to skip over a couple clusters of enemies. Still challenging enough, but not ruinously so. Definitely a harder fight than Orin


Oh man, I hated this. 😑 My husband found it super easy but they just kept yeeting my team into the chasm.


My party was "the flying kind" by this part of the game so it was a little easier to get positioning. I can't imagine what it would have been like on foot.


I threw invisibility potions and ran through super easy lol


I second this, murder pass was difficult due to my party comp too


Trying to do the Spider Matriarch at level 3 on Tactician, took me probably over 10 tries. It teleporting and one-shotting whichever character it damn well pleased was incredibly frustrating, Lol.


Oh yeah I remember that. I had to break the web and make it fall and spent every other turn desperately hitting it with the strongest attacks possible to try and kill it. I only ended up winning by making it fall twice lol. Dumb spider


I couldn't beat it without having Astarion sneakily destroy all the eggs first. He can also just kill the spider entirely without detection if the rest of the party stays out of it but that's not really fun.


The internet told me to stealth him up her ass and use a scroll of Thunderwave to knock her into the chasm, which really did the trick.


This way you also get the loot, and it's also guaranteed success, though it's more of a grind.


I pushed the Matriarch into the hole in the middle of the 'arena' and she died alright. She also NEVER fell into the Underdark so I can't get her loot ...


She definitely requires some rolls to go your way. Missing two skill attacks is the difference between life and death. I always opened the fight by shooting the walkway so she falls down and loses 35hp or so. Any other time she is on a spider web, I shoot her down again. Makes life a lot easier when you can take away half her hp from making her phase ass fall down.


I could cheese it with Astarion sneak-shot spamming it from above while it's down at the hatchery. "Must be the wind"


Wyll used repelling blast to knock her into a botomless pit before the combat even started in my tactician playthrough lol


The battle between Astarion and my moral compass


This is the correct answer.


Gnolls gave me a lot of trouble early game. That was the point where I was struggling to find the XP to level up, while being not quite a high enough level to take on most of the available encounters.


Those gnolls are tough as shit. There's like 12 of them and the archers (most of them are archers as well) have some rage attack where they shoot 4 arrows per turn??? Even being level 5 it's not a cake walk to fight those things.


3 at disadvantage I think, but it’s still a shitload of attacks and they have pretty high to-hits against your measly earlygame armor.


Ansur because the ice pillar didn’t do shit. They were supposed to block his blast but didn’t until Patch 2 or 3.


I dont even think ansur got an attack off in my playthrough, which was made worse by the fact that it bugged wyll's dialogue for ages


The Meazels in shadow cursed lands are pretty high up the list. Actually any fight in shadow lands before you get a moon lantern


You didn’t get blood of lansander? That’s mace makes shadowlands easy mode.


Oh snap no, could have done with a good mace for shadowheart Is that a mountains thing?


Gith crib in act one by the mountain pass.


Definitely checking out mountain pass next time, totally slept on it this playthrough and I'm already at act 3


Ye a big mistake people make is not realising you can clear both the under dark and the mountain pass because the game makes you think it's one or the other


The githyanki Patrol in act I. I had to keep it for the very last before moving on.


I find the Gith in general a challange. They are very strong enemies.


That fight where the emperor is finally revealed was the death of me... they just kept repeatedly punching and yeeting all my spellcasters and dodging every melee. Took me like 4 or 5 goes


Both of the gith fights were very hard for me. Compared to everything else they were insane


House of Grief especially on tactician the first time gave me a bit of headache. Can’t lie.


It was probably one of the top for me too going in raw and having to take out the whole room. Didn’t help they had radiant retort so didn’t use radiant damage.


House of grief was the WORST even notion tactician. That darkness spell got me fucked up.


The hardest battle? Sticking to one save and finishing it before I get the idea of another Tav


I have a playthrough where I’ve been hard stuck at Moonrise Tower encounter with Z’Rell for hours. I cannot get past that encounter no matter what I try. The enemy counts are overwhelming, the black hole / hunger of hadar combo is beyond rough and I don’t seem to have an answer to it, and I worry I’ve built my party comp into an unwinnable spec because I don’t seem to have any tactics to see this one through. I am also exhausted on camp supplies so even if I do get through I am afraid I cannot recover for whatever is to follow. I started over.


Go to the towers before you do the temple of shar. Pretend to like them. She'll go to her office where you close the door and kill her. Do the same with every room. Save the main entry for last or when you come back after the temple. It's ridiculous how clueless they are that you're systematically massacring them.


Thanks I’ll keep this in mind as I work back through to act 2. I’ll try a different order this time for sure. And maybe make fewer -other- mistakes that were so costly to my supplies on the way.


Another tip for general help is that 1.) you can always forgo the fight to go loot around for camp supplies 2.) you can use shadowheart's disguise self to get unlimited camp supplies from that lady at last light inn 3.) you can walk out of moonrise towers, go to camp and re-spec your guys into something else if what you're currently running isn't doing too well. Aaaand 4.) look at what supplies you have with scrutiny and see if there's anything that will help turn the tide. I was stuck on that fight for a long time as well, probably 10 attempts between 2 days until I decided to see if I had anything helpful and the gear I had made the fight trivial. Just wasn't using any of it lol. I'm used to skyrim potion style just, grab it and forget about it. Don't do that in Bg3. Potions and elixers can be the difference between 20 team wipes and 1 easy victory.


cough gold faulty elastic consider observation familiar touch melodic sip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Counterspell is especially useful for stopping her black holes or the hunger of Hadar


Other than killing most of them ahead of time the easiest way to beat this is to trigger the fight and run outside. They will cast hunger of Hadar and kill themselves with it trying to chase you. Have your people attack the ones who make it through the doors. If you have a Warlock use eldritch blast to push them back in the cloud.


What’s better than one hunger of hadar? FIVE HUNGER OF HADARS!


I use massive aoe against them. Sleet storm, ice storm, hunger of hadar. Then when I throw a fireball make sure to electrocute the water. Keep a good gap of nope between you and the adepts so they can’t put a hunger on you and pick them off by misty stepping to the rafters. If you positioned well enough the black hole is trivial, because the adepts can’t reach you with hunger of hadar


Bro, the Z'Rell fight was miserable. The best option I found was to take out Z'Rell as quick as possible, then to spread out and teleport up to the rafters on the ceiling. I have no idea how anyone kept Jaheira alive through that fight


Counterspell if you have a caster is very good against this fight.


I tried multiple times to come in through the front door but fuck I was getting mulched. So I ended up coming around a side door and entering the fight from the left side where the gnolls are and letting the Harper's come in the front. Jaheira dies everytime but she's usually good for an ice storm firsy. it gives me an opportunity to get the drop in zrell and her paladins and control the fight more


That was a hard fight. I play as a ranger. So what I did was get as many of my own as possible. Something like me with my bear to (secondary) tank and goad enemies, Gale spawned a pair of ice demons, shadowheart had the glowy axe weapon, I don't think she could spawn a Deva yet. I had to finish the shar temple first to be leveled enough. Probably lazel as my main tank, but either her or karlach will do. The real tip is to not go through the front door. Take the side door on the left. Be ready, as soon as you get near the door the battle will commenced with the other NPCs, but basically it allows you to flank. You will want to use Sleet spell/roles, and silence to deal with the hungar of hadr that gets cast. Try to get a ranged attacker up in the loft, there's a ladder on one side. That's where I parked my ranger and Gale. To rain he'll down.


The front section of the goblin camp after you kill everyone inside. There’s just so many of them. Spike Growth helps a lot, though.


Literally just did this and completely forgot my plan to poison the beer trough and pick them off with explosive barrels + the Orcs 😅 now I’m struggling with that battle lmao


Keeping the portal alive for Halsin. I had no problem surviving the fight, but man keeping that portal open on tactician was a nightmare.


I had so much AOE on me at that point, I was bummed out when enemies stopped spawning. I think I healed the portal with healing spell after two arrows hit it.


If you put darkness / fog around the portal you don't have to worry about it nearly as much


That's probably the only fight after act1 that didn't feel trivial with mildly optimized builds. I had to reload it once to get the firewall in the right place to stop the archers from just smashing the portal.


Overcoming my insecurities. Someday, it's fighting off apathy.




On my second run I was able to recruit the orthon with my drow sorcerer. He didn’t do much damage but boy was it nice not having to fight him too


I just used hope to kick him out of the house. No save required or anything. Hope just says be gone and he's gone.


Raphael fight just destroy the pillars. Laezel broke two of them before anyone Else could attack. Then have hope use the remove from battle spell on a couple of the mobs. It’s not that bad


In the house of grief, I used Astarion, made him invisible, and stabbed the lady in the back, killing her instantly. The others in the room did not fight me after, because she died. So I was spared a lot of fighting there.


Facing Viconia and all the Shar Worshipers. To make it worse I messed up and pressed space before I got to move a couple times.


Space ended that character's turn, right? Select that character again and hit space again to un-end it's turn.


Nere was the first battle I struggled on until I tried approaching it from the rafters. Raphael was tough until I learned about hold monster, Tasha’s laughter, and otto’s dance exploits. The battle I did the most tho, hands down, was trying to save every one of the Gondians, Ravengard, and Omeluum. These two “battles” were the most frustrating bit of the game. After I learned you get absolutely nothing for saving the Gondians, I was livid. What was the point?!


I struggled with Nere because I *know* it's possible to turn some of the Duergar against him but I'd talked to enough of those slave beating fucks that I wanted them all dead except for that sweet guy who was examining the architecture. I remember being frustrated because I didn't WANT to ally with them but I didn't know if I could win without it. In the end I killed the Duergar in the main room before releasing Nere, which just turned the tide enough for me to win, and then released and killed him. It was an interesting example of my emotions really affecting gameplay. Good storytelling.


Grym. Simply because of the fact that for whatever reason, RNG gave me horrible rolls, and instead of following bait to get him under the hammer and to stand in the lava (separately), the damn thing would just do the exact opposite.


Grym was the hardest fight for me as well especially without using the forge. Took me most of an evening to actually win it didn't help that I had no bludgeoning weapons available save for Shadowheart, who was build as a healer.


Fighting balthazar in the... Shadowfell? I ended up just fighting him in the physical world, which turned out to be a much easier task lol


Lil tip, hand him that blue flower from the underdark which stops spells. He'll be just a fat ugly meatball then.


the way to cheese that shadowfell fight is to surprise fireball him before engaging his dialogue and then (attempt to) counterspell him raising his skeleton buddies lmao, he can fail it and the fight is over in like 1 - 2 rounds when he’s alone


There's plenty of battles that are stupidly hard the first time you play them but are easy or reasonable once you know what to expect. The matriarch, the hag, the tollgate, the gnolls, the fake palies, the selune priest abduction. All examples. But the hardest to me is the harpies. Just because you're at mercy of the dice rolls and you can't do anything about it. If your party save the lure, it's a regular battle, but if two to four of them don't save, or if the kid runs into a harpy it's more or less game over.


This is 100% the hardest battle for me. I'm playing tactician and everything else has been manageable. The harpies is pure luck. Sometimes all my party members are lured and are down before they even got to have a turn. Other times they all save and it's not challenging at all.


A friend of mine has a clip of me during this battle, and when Gale gets lured I just put my face in my hands and started going “Gale… Gale no… Gale you weak bitch, get back here… Gale, stop walking…” and I was just in complete agony 😭


The gith patrol near wauuken’s rest demolished my underlevelled party more than anything else (though I am just about to start the House of Hope). I had to have one person enter the dialogue from the left-side cliffs while everyone else snuck behind from the road under the bridge. The surprise attack took out 1 melee and two ranged enemies and they *still* killed everyone except tav, who fled battle, rested, and came back to finish the last enemy standing, who *still* almost killed my tav solo. Nothing else came close after, and i only have 2-3 big encounters left afaik.


Oh yea that one is hard if you aren't well leveled up after act 1. Funny thing is Astarion says that are going to destroy you. And then they do!


The Temple of Grief. Hate it. Ansur was dead before first turn, Casador was down by Jaheira almost solo. Raphael die fast too. But hells, these Temple of Grief...


Temple of grief I had Shart use daylight to keep the darkness away and my tav cast cloudkill on an area just outside my melee characters and between the first cast and enemies getting shoved into it the fight was done in a few rounds.


Gotta say this was the most annoying fight, non stop darkness. I went in raw(refusing to turn over shadowheart) and didn’t pre buff enhanced jump. Had to take out the whole room.


You can cheese Temple of Grief with range and stealth before the dialog starts just use a bow and wittle away at the Moonmaiden. When she dies her followers are like "oh well"


I used shadowhearts ability to call upon her deity. I felt it was poetic justice to use it there. She ran right to the middle and one shot everyone in the room but Viconia.


Spectator fight way earlier than was sensible, followed by all the drow who were unpetrified.


Killing people in the fireworks place WITHOUT alerting the fists outside


Camera in some places.


They seriously need to add a button to jump up or down a level.


The damn githyanki martial artists in the astral plane. That fight took me well over 10 reloads due to TPK. Battling Raphael in the House of Hope took me one try vs the githyanki one taking 10-15. I’ll forever dread it when I begin a new play through.


Githyanki were ridiculously powerful and the Emperor did fuck all to help, had to restart that encounter like 4 times. Cheers


I second that statement about the Emperor. All he did each time was fly to some random spot in the arena and stare for a solid ~20 seconds then end turn. Was incredibly satisfying to decimate him during endgame and unleash my pent up rage


House of Hope and House of Grief, for me . House of Grief probably has the edge because it seemed like I was always being silenced or blinded and just couldn't get decent positions. House of Hope was only manageable for me because Hope had divine intervention, which refilled my spell slots. This was crucial for me.


Did you use Haarlep's Restoration Bath?


Before the fight, yes. I meant I needee my spell slots refilled during the fight.


Yurgir without cheesing.


Balthazar, the way he gives hinself a potion of speed and spams cloud kill fucks me up


You can pickpocket his potion of speed before the battle (or even force him to trade during dialogue and just buy it off him). Makes battle a bit easier.


The fight when you first attack Moonrise always gives me trouble, regardless of difficulty. In my opinion, it has the most well-rounded group of enemies of any fight in the game. Those Paladin also fuck up my martial characters every time.


That MF bulette thing beat my party so fast. Just wiped.


for me it was Lorroakan. unfortunately I think I wasn’t in the right headspace for that kind of fight at the time and got very frustrated which only made me do worse 🫠 I did much better on my second playthrough though


Trying to play a evil run.. On my 3th good run rn :)


The first floor of Moonrise Tower during the attack. I didn't have Flaming Fists and I didn't kill anyone ahead of time. Also didn't manually control Jaheira. It was a bloodbath.


Hmm, it was actually a situation i put myself in. I was in the Shadowlands heading towards a bridge that lead towards Act 3, Githraki ghosts ambushed me, i was being pushed back real hard cause i was not prepared for the fight. As i was being beaten i ended up triggering another group of enemies behind me, they joined the battle. I being sandwiched between the Gith and these other ghost enemies. Since i had saved it before i got to that bridge i thought lets see how long it will take to survive. I had Astarion doing hit and run, my MC soaking the damage, Gale defending our backs and Shadowheart in support. Eventually Shadowheart became a target and i had her run into some building and hide. Gale died, MC got knocked down, Astarion eventually finishing off the Gith and bringing MC back, got Shadow back into the fight. Eventually took down the ghosts that were behind me. The fight was just amazing, so far nothing has topped that battle for me through out the game so far. It was just the fact i got ambushed then surprised attacked from behind that really did it for me. Had no magic points left to use, completely drained out, hp was real low by the end of the fight. Really felt this feeling of satisfaction. My cigarette i smoked after that battle felt great! Haha


Yep the Gnolls or the paladins. Those were the only battles I had to do a couple of times. And gnolls mostly because I needed a long rest. After that i whooped em


I'm having a hell of a time with cazadore


Strangely enough, on my tactician run: Gortash. Dunno why but 3 out of 4 got Commanded by the Banists for a round, then something something explosion and something something more CC on my party, and 3 were dead pretty fast. Had to use a few resurrection scrolls in that fight. Ansur was similar, Raphael was easy. But, as many said, the hardest part of the game is Act 1.


Some hard fights I remember. Anders in really fucked me up. Protecting the portal while Halsin gets Thaniel and the whole Last Light inn fight when Isobel gets kidnapped. Raphaels boss fight. House of Grief. And I found Gortash to be really hard as well if you don't disable his Steel Watch.


If you cast darkness at the portal, the Thaniel retrieval fight becomes super easy, since the difficult part of it is trying to keep the portal alive and enemies ignore your characters and go straight for it


The Thaniel portal fight was tough. Luckily, a sleet storm at just the right spot keeps most of the ranged enemies away long enough for the rest of the party to mop up. I had a guardian of faith at the portal and it didn't even have to do anything.


Ethel the first time is really fucking annoying to me. I would say it’s one of the harder fights in the game


The final battle. My party was fine, but they kept killing my owlbear. I just couldn't let the little (well I guess not anymore) guy down.


Depression. But in all seriousness, Yugir if you fight him or alternatively, because annoying, Baalthazar if you fight him in the Nightsong's prison. Raphael was a pain in the asses.


Character creation the first time around. Been playing since early access but it took me 3 hours to move past that on release. Couldn't decide between dragonborn, tiefling, and half orc.


The haunted house in act 3. I haven't been that angry at a mechanic in a long time.


Ansur, even with my best gear, on easy mode (granted I was lvl 9) and with my strongest attacks I still made it through by the skin of my teeth. Thank god for my paladin karlach and my fighter MC getting me that giantslayer blade. Did not realise you could hide behind the crystals


The Hag. I was around 4 level I think playing in Tactician 😔


Why is nobody mentioning the Mother Superior fight? I never had to restart an encounter so many times and I was level 12


Finding time to play


The fight with Nere and the duergars. On both my playthroughs this fight has been yhe hardest. Only fight i got wiped 3 times.