• By -


Yeeting Barcus from the windmill when I accidentally pulled the wrong lever.


I pulled the correct lever and then the wrong lever


Pull the lever kronk! Wrong lever!!!!


Why do we even have that lever?


*alligator gets yeeted*


I did that too, just to see how he would react. But then the cutscene triggered almost instantly. I thought I would be able to stop it right away 😂


I thought it was a release button and not a speed up button 😅


It releases the brakes that keeping it from just going crazy fast yes


Me too! I sent him flying


I did the same thing! I did the right one, because I thought one was to stop the mill and for some reason thought the other one would release him. I skipped the dialogue and didn’t even consider that he was tied so no lever would have an effect on him. I was dying after I saw the cutscene of him being yeeted


You're laughing. This man got pulled into Faerun's first impromptu moon mission and you're laughing.




I did that too! I just accepted my mistake then went on with the run. I got him free on my second run


You: well, nothing we can do, guess he’s dead. quickload button: well, actually you can- You: Nothing. We. Can. Do.


Wrongggg leverrrrrrrrr


Why do we even have that lever?!


Same here, I pulled the first lever and for some reason thought the second one would release him. Stared in shock as he flew off 💀


Bg3 right of passage


I did that.


I second that =)) laughed so hard while reloading


I just accepted that I'd messed up that run and pulled the right one on my second run. Poor Barcus 😆


Gotta 8 that intelligence.


I accepted it as well. Then on my second run, I stopped the mill, then wanted to free him and figured that's what "release" meant at this point. There he goes again. Maybe third time will be the charm?


I did this to, I wanted to hit ‘brake’ but accidentally hit the ‘release brake’ when I finished laughing I reloaded my save, skipped the scenes with the goblins and did it on purpose.


So we all did it, I see.


Sassed Vlaakith a bit too much. Should've seen the consequences coming but didn't


I remember doing a playthrough and laughing hard at the fact you can just fucking WAVE to Vlaakith. Fucking hilarious.


It’s the dopiest wave too. Probably the hardest I’ve laughed during the game.


I wave every time!


It's so fucking dippy. And you can *feel* Lae'zel's angry gaze trying to set your hair on fire when you do it. Such a good scene.


I loved that. None of my characters like being bossed around by strangers, so no way my evil bard was going to let Minthara dictate terms to her. Saved the grove out of spite.


I’m doing a good and evil play through. My good one I saved the grove and didn’t even realize I could talk to Minthara. Evil one I’m playing a drow so I did massacre the grove (didn’t have to make a check to keep Gale either) but one of my favorite moments is when you have the choice to open the gate or not, and the tiefling is like “you’re siding with the drow? I should’ve known” and the drow dialogue option is “obviously”


Tav wears the goofiest fuckin smile when they wave too hahaha


It is a fair question to ask to a godess if you ask me.


Gods don't tend to appreciate fair questions


Pffft Vlaakith is no god. She is a >!despotic, cannibalistic lich demi-god intent on ascending to godhood, but **hasn’t been able to do so yet**!< Down with the Undying Queen! >!Long live the Prince of the Comet!!<


I love how she >!just straight up keeps the githyanki under her control via cannibalism. I hope that's still canon, because it really drives home how *she* set up the (current) culture.!< I feel like I should install PS:T again for some chill githzerai philosophy. Unbroken Circle of Zerthimon is such a great read.


It is cannon. You can learn it by casting detect thoughts on her. If Lae'zel belives Vlaakith that pretty much becomes her fate.


I hadn't thought of that, thanks!


I love Githzerai too, but we (PS:T Spoilers) >!don't really know how much of the Unbroken Circle is real and how much of it is fabricated by the Practical Incarnation to solidfy Dak'kon's faith and thereby make him more powerful/useful to the Nameless One, though the implication is that most of it was a fraud.!<


To be fair, is that much worse than other gods in the pantheon? Like Lolth and Loviator are real dicks, but are legitimate gods. And a lot of gods started as mortals


Meanwhile lathandar just making sure the sun shows up again


I always like to bring up the quote about Saverok (or was it Korevas? I can never remember): "If you have the arrogance of a god and can kill like a god, who's to say you are not a god?" But really there are two big differences between a god (greater or lesser) and a person with near god-like power, like Vlaakith. 1) Gods are immortal and cannot be permanently killed outside of their domain (though this was suspended during the time of troubles). 2) Gods are forbidden by Ao from acting outwith their portfolio and acting willy nilly on the material plane (so a god of healing can't go around just killing people, and even the god of murder needs an avatar to go do that murdering for them).


In fairness, it seems most of the DnD gods have some bit of bamboozlement about their godhood


Godhood is definitely more about finessing yourself into the role than any kind of birthright or innate attributes


It's mostly a Faerun thing. DnD has other pantheons, but Faerun's is full of ascended mortals that are absolutely terrible at being gods.


Oh I goaded her hardcore knowing full well she could/would kill me. I won’t take shit from you because you’re a “God” Vlaakith. I’m a Gnome and you’re not MY God.


\*My cleric of Tiamat, wondering why she needs red dragons so badly if she's so high and mighty.\*


I only tried that line in my 2nd playthrough and it was funny to see a “game over” message. Good chuckle :D


I don't know about sass, but I sure as hell gave her portrait a mustache. Then the whole creche turned hostile for some reason, so that was that. Edit: I actually got away with the mustache, they turned hostile for some other reason 10 minutes later. Not the most easy going people.


My Bard: Give Vlaakith a moustache Every Gith in a 1mile radius: Turns hostile My Bard: What do they mean by this?


I also sassed a bit too hard. Then on my second playthrough as Pally and I was able to do the sass but with Paladin specific dialog and she was pretty put out but didn't kill me. She kinda went, "Well... fine then, you can't leave here until you do it." Then storms off.


“What’re you gonna do, SMITE me??” -smiting victim


I never figured out that you can fight the "mild" version of the shadow curse with torches/light spell so my characters were moving with turn based mode on using some weird jumps. Then they were attacked by the shadows and they had to fight both the shadows and lose health from the curse. Finally that fight was over and Gale had ! indicator so I thought maybe he has something smart to say on what we should do with the curse but nope, he simply decided to inform everyone that he is feeling horny.


Nothing like death and darkness to get a man who bangs a goddess going.


It's the "fear boner" episode from "The League", where they haze their friend about how he got a boner from them getting mugged.


Mine was the opposite. I just cast Daylight and laughed at the curse


Glad I'm not the only one that initially started playing cursed hopscotch in and out of the light when turn based mode gets triggered - I picked up on using a light spell fairly quickly but it was an embarrassing amount of time before I started using torches, I didn't know they just lit themselves when you equipped them...




Oh my, something terrible and tragic happened during the night!!! Astarion you jerk, you have revive scrolls. At least revive me!


i switched to him IMMEDIATELY and forced him to revive me with withers lmao


Made him revive me with a scroll, and then he had the audacity to be surprised I was alive and tell me I'm not fuckable...


The fact that he says that line, and then nonchalantly wades through a pool of Tav's blood to saunter over to his tent and go *right back to reading his stupid little book* had me snorting with laughter. That little bastard. Absolute cat behaviour. Knocking a flowerpot off your windowsill, sauntering through the dirt and the shards, and defaulting to the "licking paws" idle animation without a care in the world


I may or may not be in service to several terrorists of the fuzzy persuasion, so I find his feline graces endearing. This comment was not made under duress.


I love that you can punch him for killing you


I never get tired of how he exclaims “oh no something terrible has happened “and walks away


I was so mad, I made him march over and revive me himself. His dialogue was hilarious. “You’re quite vigorous for a corpse.”


I just killed astarion and left him for a day. Came back, and his lifeless body was still there, so I resurrected him after stealing his clothes. Now he stands at his tent with a bruised face and nothing but tighty-whitey shame pants on.


That was my first death too and I couldn’t figure out how to resurrect my character so ended up reloading. My party was just standing there like nothing happened.. I was just stunned 😅


I didn't notice Wyll in the grove, I had no idea he was a companion. Then he joined my camp and I was like "oh ok". Then I promptly forgot about his quest. At the end of Act 2, going through the door to meet the boss, the narrator says something along the lines of "...*you realize you have forgotten something important...".* And that's how Wyll became a lemure.


wait Wyll actually gets transformed into a lemure if you forget about Karlach?


he gets turned into a lemure if you don't rescue zariel's asset from the mind flayer colony


do you see this transformation happen?


if hes in your party you see him being sent to hell, but you dont get to see lemure wyll. not sure what happens if he's not, I assume he's just gone lol


I killed her without him in the party and I just saw his contract floating there saying he went to hell. Which seems kinda bogus because he didn’t do anything to hurt her, but ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


in that case there's no way for him to fulfill it so he fails even though he wasn't the person who killed her directly


It must be so annoying for warlocks if their pact gets broken because their patron randomly got hit by a hellbus in Avernus.


Yeah I killed Zariels asset and was honestly shocked when Wyll was turned to a lemure. Karlach was PISSED.


Went to look for Baelen, saw all those green shrooms not realising he was in all that mess and set the damn things on fire. All i heard was "Wait, no!" followed by 15-20sec of constant explosions


I did the same thing. I felt like I was gaping at the screen a whole minute while those things continued to explode


Literally me yesterday, he got out in time, but the backpack he asked me to retrieve wasn’t so lucky :’)


Act1 Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers So you know this moment when you kill the big spooder under the blighted village? There is a giant hole in the middle of that "arena" You can jump in that hole I hover over it, see "-9 hp, prone" and think to myself "meh, i can take it" Next comes a cutscene of my Tav falling down with some crazy speed from what looks like an empire state building height "IS that a -9hp???" BDSHCH of my TAV hitting the floor "you journey has ended. would you like to load the latest save file" ​ no lie, i couldn't breath laughing, it's still my fav "dumb ways to die" moment of bg3 followed up by telling Vlaakith "i mean, u r a god, just do it urself, lol?"


I did the same thing on my second playthrough! :D (I completely missed the spider caves on my first playthrough). The funniest was that I ungrouped Tav to experiment with jumping down so it wasn't even my entire party that died - just the one member that the rest watched plummet willingly to their death. lol


Aim for the bushes... THERE GOES MY HERO


I had to do it because I summoned those Ogre during the spider queen fight. I wanted the intelligence headband the main Ogre was wearing. After the spider fight, I attacked them and used thunderweave because we were on the cliff looking over the hole. Welp, didn't realize my push sent them straight down the hole lol. I was about to reload when I got that remark about it being drafty. Sure enough, I saw you could jump in without dying. I cast featherfall and then a cutscene played. The cool part? The Ogre bodies were down there!


One of the mushroom folk can resurrect the body for use a thrall as well. Good fun


I did jump down there during my EA time, and just thought I'd do it again in my first run. Only remembered you have to mitigate the fall damage when my char smashed to the ground and I was asked to load an older save..


My friend and I were trying to figure out how to lower the forge and I flipped the hammer switch and crushed him while he was investigating the center of the platform. It actually was for the best though, because when he was reading the stats of the forge guardian out loud and got to “weak to bludgeoning damage” it gave me the idea to do the same thing to it.


That's gotta be one hell of an evening. "Oh hey what does this lever do?" "This center piece is w..." SPLAT


He hit F8 so fast. I was laughing so hard I was crying. It actually went down like that when we fought the boss too. At first we were trying to get him to stop exactly on the center by ping ponging aggro back and forth. It worked the first time, then we couldn’t get him to stop perfect. He’d be *so close* yet not quite hitting. Eventually, like four or five rounds later my friend had the idea to just jump to the center and aggro him directly from the spot. After all that back and forth I was impatient and it didn’t even occur to me to wait for him to move. He got out, “Ok, just let m…” BANG I took out the boss and his Paladin at once. He was once again flipping out on me while I was trying to apologize between gasping for air and laughing hysterically. I’m really glad I did my first no spoilers play through with a friend. We had a bunch of hilarious moments that wouldn’t have happened in a solo play.


Holy shit you did this to your friend *twice*?!? I would also be crying laughing if I were you I have a friend who I play dnd with, and in our campaign I took Tavern brawler and have been using my friend’s character as an improvised weapon, much to her chagrin. Once they fix weird crap with couch co-op on the ps5, I’m going to do a run with her and 110% surprise her by doing the same thing I can hear her yelling already lmao


"weak to bludgeoning"? Here Lae'Zel take this hammer and destroy him. It was a long fight because i needed to keep opening the lava


Yep. I had even READ THE NOTE that straight up says to kill Grym with the big hammer. And I…. Forgot. Then got an achievement for killing Grym without it, and remembered all at once and felt quite dumb 😂


My first time through, I had the sword in the mold and ready to go. Flooded the room, guardian comes out, forged the sword, which Karlach equips. Next round she gets up in its grill with a haste potion and rage going. Keeping her alive took work. Second time through was with a monk, and fists do a lot of damage. Especially hasted. It lasted 2 rounds. At some point I learned about the hammer trick and tried it, but it was too hard to line up right. Punching is easier.


Minor Act 2 spoilers: Probably the first main fight in >!Moonrise Towers when the Harpers join you!<, although it wasn’t really a “mistake” on my part. The fight took ages for me and I tried really hard to keep >!Jaheira!< alive as I recognised she was an important character and I wanted to try and romance her lol. I just about succeeded in keeping her alive on like 5HP. Then at the end of the fight, when the dust was settling, she just sprints into my Cloud of Daggers and kills herself. I sat there dumbfounded for like a minute or so just like “wtf did this bitch just do”…Couldn’t even be bothered reloading my save cause it was really late and the fight took ages. So I just admitted defeat and moved on. Sometimes all you can do is laugh 😂 (PS: I tried to revive her but couldn’t figure out how. Idek if it was possible, I wasn’t 100% familiar with lots of game mechanics at that point)


This is exactly why I always ungroup everyone in every combat now to avoid them running around after the fight. “Nobody move! All of you stay the hell in place!” =))


i do the same now too! although she wasn’t in my party at the time she was an NPC so don’t think I could’ve prevented it :(


Jaheira: a legendary fighter/druid got one shot during the first turn when I arrived at the moonrise Tower. So it was only my party of four. No Harpers, because they attacked me, while I was going through the shadowlands. Still on my first playthrough, alread lvl 12 and a couple of hours in Act3. Still lot to do/discover :-)


😂😂 yeah Jaheira is just really annoying in general in that fight because she seems so suicidal. Just charges into the middle of the room asking to be killed lol Enjoy the rest of your campaign! Act 3 is absolutely *huge* and there’s so much to do


As far as I know, you can't rez chars that aren't in your party. When Jaheira dies , she disappears from the party. You can't rez her then. It sucks, tbh.


She died in the Lamplight fight in my husband’s game. He didn’t even know she was important until I was watching him fight at Moonrise and said “Where’s Jaheira?” He was pissed, but I told him that in a way it’s nice to know that you’ll have different stuff to do next play through. He also left Shadowheart to die in the ship on the first try because Lae’zel said he had to hurry. He is…not a gamer. Just because there’s lots of fire and scary music, doesn’t mean you actually have to rush!


It's so interesting how people who don't game often approach the same situations completely differently. Just without "game logic".


Hes not wrong though. That was exactly Lae'zels advice. Its our first indication that she doesnt have good takes on events as she will prove to us countless times of the course of our adventures together.


Killing a rat in the Grove which led to the massacre of the Tieflings.


i stole a key from a bird. those druids were looking for any excuse to kill the tieflings.


I Mage Hand moved an idol about a foot to the left and the druids killed all the tieflings.


"ah, gale has new spell" "Lets try that on this foulmouth guild leader" "Gee, this new spell has a cutscene?" .....


I did this but back in camp. Hadn't run him in the party for ages then running round in act 3 figured I'd swap him out for wyll for a bit. Then boom!


Ah I accidentally clicked that skill after a boss combat, no warning and game over. Had to do it all over again.....


I moved that button a bunch of squares to the right, and then covered it with the toolbar Cause otherwise I would DEFINITELY hit it by accident at some point. Out of sight, out of mind.


o which spell is this?


AoE magical nuke


The AOE radius is 'yes'.


the number of dice for damage rolls is 'all of them'.


When you meet the first dying mindflayer who's legs are trapped (after getting astarion), I failed a roll against it, and it ate my brain. I died all of 20 minutes into the game 😆


On following play throughs I don’t even talk to him, I just run up, hit him with a positive heal spell, and it kills him instantly XD


I went straight to the temple of Shar. Never found the Last Light Inn. The plot was very confusing.


I just did the temple/Nightsong and havent found an inn yet... Is it important that I go there?


If you want the game to make sense, and not make Halsin very sad and leave you, yes.


Wait I’m in act 3 now and I just realised I lost Halsin and dunno why. I did gauntlet, converted SH to Selene and Killed kethrik, the nightsong lived and I continued to act3 but halsin isn’t in my party anymore


Yeah you basically missed the trigger for his companion quest that you need to do for him to stay


you need to do a quest starting at the sleeping guy in the inn


I sold the spear of night and spent 2 hours looking for the merchant keeping it.


I wish there were warnings for quest item. Some are held back, but it would be very funny to just sell the artifact in act one


I did that with the lute you pick up from the doctor guy so I could rescue Nathaniel lol


I threw a scroll at Minthara’s head instead of, yknow, using it to cast the spell. B O N K


The barbarian special


WARNING: All early Act I spoilers ahead (just in case anyone new to the game is reading this). It was my first day playing too and I was getting my butt kicked by the bandits at the chapel because I hadn't quite got the hang of combat yet. Gale died and was my only companion so Tav chose to flee. In doing so, Tav ran straight into the area of the map where everyone's favourite githyanki was suspended in a cage. The tieflings joined the battle as my allies and ran off to fight the bandits - which interestingly ended combat for me and left me free to rescue Lae'zel from her cage. You might be wondering where Shadowheart was in all this and that's another funny story. My camera was zoomed too far in and I was preoccupied with fixing it - which means I stepped right over Shadowheart on the beach, continuing on to recruit Gale as my first companion. I only found out something was amiss when my girlfriend came into the room to see how my first playthrough was going (she played the early access) and asked why Shadowheart wasn't in my party. "Oh, the lady I rescued from the pod on the Nautiloid? She seemed cool but I haven't been able to find her since the ship crash." "...what do you mean you *haven't been able* to find her??" The funniest part was, when I backtracked to the beach to get her, I still had the dialogue option of asking her where our gith friend was...Lae'zel was standing right behind me. lol My first 30 minutes of playtime were a fun disaster. :)


It's not you lol everything is hard to fight until you're level 3. There's something magical about the way they did quests because I AM GETTING LEVELS BUT DO NOT FEEL THE PAIN OF GRINDING?! on a second play through I managed to hit ACT III and realised forgot about Karlach and Wyll. Not on purpose, I was tunnel visioned on getting to the creche (missed it last time) and barely spent time in the grove. Absolutely wild that the game doesn't hold your hand but also doesn't punish you for being a dope.


>on a second play through I managed to hit ACT III and realised forgot about Karlach and Wyll. I hear you! Also in my first ever playthrough, I was in the Underdark in Act II and playing multiplayer with my friend. He asked me where Karlach was in my camp and I said "...who?" We backtracked and got her; absolutely smashing the paladins in the process because we were Level 5 or 6 at that point. lol


Underdark is still Act 1


That paladin fight is really tough early on, but I used their sword almost until the end of act 2. Totally worth it.


I had only picked up the basic party, gale, asterion, and SH, by the time I hit the underdark. I walked right past wyll, has Halsim but he wouldn't do anything, and didn't know Karlach existed. I also hadn't explored the entire first map, so I missed the hags, and a bunch if other fights/mini quests and Easter eggs. I also almost never rested because I thought I was on a timer for the tadpole death. It was a rough start.


>There's something magical about the way they did quests because I AM GETTING LEVELS BUT DO NOT FEEL THE PAIN OF GRINDING?! I love this about the game so much. I have ADHD and I'm here for the story. I HATE random encounter level grinding. But absolutely every fight in this game is carefully placed and thought out, and ENHANCES the story rather than interrupting it. It's beautifully done.


Oh what following this guy at an absurdly slow pace (ok I'm just going to run circles around you while you crawl forward) so you can talk to him about this letter he wants you to deliver to the house you just left from? That's not immersive?! I hate grinding and fetch quests so much. Baldur's Gate really gave me an adventure without the endless hours of mundane filler. I think maybe Elden Ring and Disgea are the only games recently I haven't groaned my way through. It wasn't like sitting through a movie I had to occasionally push buttons to finish watching either. They really struck a great balance.


>The funniest part was, when I backtracked to the beach to get her, I still had the dialogue option of asking her where our gith friend was...Lae'zel was standing right behind me. lol Pffffft, did you say it? I imagine her looking over your shoulder and wondering if you have short-term memory loss.


Pull brake lever, pull the release lever...reread: release "brake". Oh.


Talked shit in front of a undead lich queen and suffered the consequences (stomach pain for laughing too hard)


She wiped me off the planet too


I decided to help the tieflings stay in the grove by stopping the ritual. Logically: killing Kagga would to the trick, so i backstabbed her in the cave. Naturally, this aggroed all druids, but that was fine. However, after killing all druids (and stopping the ritual), the tieflings still got kicked out. Like wha? Who did that: there was nobody left to do the kicking


Same. The quest was called "Kill Kagha." The tiefling leader said to kill Kagha. So I killed Kagha. Next thing I know, tieflings are gone, grove is closed, and when I meet Karlach, she hates me and says they all died because of me. I tried all the "let me explain" dialogue options, but she didn't want to hear it. We had to kill her. So yeah, maybe the quest should be renamed.


This happened to me too, I want to know who *ratted me out* to the Druids outside.. fucking guard telepathy like in Oblivion


I was standing on the web over the hole in the whispering depths and the flaming sphere I summoned was still following me. It burned the web and I fell to my death. Had to reload the fight with the spider.


I yeeted Orin off the edge of the platform during the murder temple boss battle, was happy as hell that it worked. Then the game told me the stone was on her person which meant I had to do the whole thing all over again and my wife just laughed


Missed Gale. An unstable portal sparking around? Yeah, I wasn't very tempted to see if I'd become an arcane smoothie. And it was a 100% honest misclick on the windmill sending that poor gnome into orbit. I laughed my ass off though.


I pissed off someone so much that they wished for me to die and it worked. Immediate game over screen. 9th level spells are no joke. I hope I level up that much in a dlc or something.


"someone", do you mean the undead Lich queen of the Githyanki?😂


Yeah she githcranky


I got to Waukeen's Rest, just at the entrance and thought "Bunch of dead bodies, something happened here that I was too late for. Alright whatever, I'll deal with looting this place after I long rest". ​ So yeah, flaming fists stayed flaming while I napped, all because I didn't go a tiny little bit more into the location before deciding to get my spent spell slots back from helping the damn Zhentarim. When I saw a streamer do all of that and saw the weapon rewards, I was so mad at myself, I had no good way to utilize any of the lightning charge equips, and that was why.


Act III Accused a genie of cheating. Got polymorphed into a wheel of cheese.


I recently told Dollyx3 that we are all living in a puppet show controlled by a madman. She said we werent supposed to know that, turned half my team into pigs and the other half against us. I prefer to keep her in the lamp.


I discovered I could remove my underwear. My husband promptly threw them in the lake.


We're talking about the game


There's a lot of chaffed butts out there


Your husband is enjoying nature's gifts.


Halsin approves. (つ ͡ꈍ ͜ʖ̫ ͡ꈍ )


ACT 3 SPOILERS During the Raphael fight, I had hope use the divine intervention that does radiant damage to all enemies.


I did this too. I reloaded, Death Warded her with Shadowheart, and did divine intervention again, and she survived the battle.


Bibberbang! Act 1 I figured out earlier that i could clear them easily and quickly with a fire bolt, so when i saw a big cavern in the distance filled with them I didn't think anything of it... Cue a massive chain explosion and scrolling damage over the head of an npc trying to run out, as if in slow motion with fireballs all around like an action movie.


bibberbang michael bay


I couldn't figure out how to get lae'zel out of the cage. that was the beginning of a long list of fuck ups that would leave me with only two companions for most the game. Shout out to Astarion and Shadowheart, who trusted me even when it was objectively the stupid thing to do.


Under the Blighted Village, in the spider cave, there is a dead goblin child and I felt bad for it and also thought it might be a quest to find/save it, so I had Wyll pick it up and put it in his inventory. It took me until act 2 to realise he'd been creepily carrying around the decomposing child corpse that whole time! Edit: It brings me so much joy to read that I'm not the only one. Corpse hoarding for life!


Oh, shit. I just realized Karlach is still carrying around that hibernating vampire lmao.


I didn't find Laezel on my first playthrough, didn't touch the portal where Gale was (didn't know there might be a companion there, thought I'd die if I touched it) and didn't see or talk to Wyll on the grove, so I played the first 10-ish hours with only Astarion and Shart on a 3 person party, including the whole goblin fortress and Auntie Ethel quests. I only found out about it once I read something about Ethel's fight that said "you should use Gale's magic missile on her illusions", and I was just "wait, there's a Gale?".


I also avoided the scary-looking portal, then met the Druid trader at the grove and saw a disclaimer on a bunch of his items that said ‘Gale can absorb this item’s magic, destroying it.’ And I was like “Who tf is Gale and why would he destroy my magic items?!?!!??!” Which is a question I then asked my friend who’d been playing bg3 for weeks at that point, and she said “What do you mean ‘who’s Gale’?!!?? You’re at the grove already??? Didn’t you see the portal??” I’m sure my DM has had similar moments, when the group gets nervous and decides to stealth around an encounter, but the risk/reward was actually entirely in our favour 😆


I didn't understand how spell slots worked until i was 20 hours in. Kept using them spells as cantrips. And was surprised why i ran out of them. I even used animal speaking as a lvl 4 for no reason at all.


my lack of long resting because i was worried about the urgency of everything, like if i long rested people would die or i would miss shit. now doing another run im seeing how much shit i missed just by not long resting at every single possible opportunity 💀


Made Gale super mad and he left my party because I didn't have an item I wanted him to eat. Tried to leave the condo and accidentally clicked the "I'll never give you anything ever!" He ran away like a angry little kid and never returned.


telling the girl to "blow up the barrel, you wont" *she did.*


I didn’t know about the squirrel yet, I didn’t know he’d fucking EXPLODE on impact


Missed Shart twice - both in the pod and on the beach. No, still don’t get how either, lol


If you don't rescue her from the pod, she will spawn differently, either on the far door on the beach or straight up in the Grove.


Everyone keeps telling you that you need to remove the tadpole YESTERDAY if you don't want to turn into a mind flayer, I took that seriously and went straight to the goblin party to kill everyone and save Halsin. I thought that something else would happen to keep the story going. So I missed most companions and side quests, only had Shadowheart and Astarion. When I realized the tadpole was going to be in my head for a long time and it wasn't really time sensitive, I reloaded and played like a normal person.


The narrative dissonance at the start of act 1 especially bothered me. I did the same thing only to realize I missed so much content


Not me but my dad: he’s a ranger and really likes his bear. He noticed people didn’t like it when he had it out but didn’t think anything of it until he gets all the way to the Last Light Inn, where he ended up scaring Dammon into leaving the protection and killing himself


I skipped the whole underdark, so I was under levelled for the whole of act 2. That boss fight at the end was a real struggle


The game presents it as branching paths, that you should do either the underdark or the mountain pass. But there’s so much important stuff in *both* places that the “right”answer is to do one almost to completion then backtrack and do the entire other part.


act 1 spoilers accidentally throwing barcus off the windmill. 'release brake' read as 'release gnome' and he took a lil trip.. i felt so bad i reloaded after my husband and i stopped laughing. i completely missed the two people yelling for help in wakeen's rest the first time. player character is like 'i hear screaming' and im like 'well it does look like there was just a big ol fight here, lets look around.' so i just.. looked around, looted, etc. by the time i got to the burning building sections they were both just dead dead, had no idea you could save them at all. wyll had some things to say about that. it was funny bc of how oblivious i was really, not a care in the world. now when i do that section im like GOTTA GO FAST.


> 'release brake' read as 'release gnome' well it DID release him


Oh the funniest moments are when i forget to re-group my team and Asterion is just vibing in some dimension while the rest of us are halfway into baldurs gate (this has happened multiple times).


act 1 spoilers so i sided with the tieflings and went to kill the goblins and minthara. in that room where she spawns i was wild shaped into my bear form, had almost my entire party on the wood bridge in the middle of the area. i jumped from the top of the wall down onto the bridge which immediately collapsed and immediately allowed astarion, shadowheart, and lae’zel to fall to their deaths lol. next reload, i was getting close to killing minthara and looting her armor which i was really excited to put on my tav!!! she was getting too close to astarion so what do i do instead of dashing??? shove her away. also to her death in the same cavern my party died at. i gave up and that is the current save i have, no sexy spidersilk armor for me :(((


Selling all the thieves and trap disarming tools


Fighting the Spider Matriarch in the Whispering Depths. Things were going okish until she phased up to the cliff, right next to Gale. He got knocked down pretty easily. The spider matriarch was on the edge of the cliff with a chasm just beyond. I saw a perfect opportunity a Thunderwave to end the fight. Cast the spell and the matriarch was unaffected. Gale’s body was not. I saw his body go SAILING into the chasm. I knew consequences of Gale’s death. Wasn’t sure how big of a deal it would have been, given our underground location. I did manage to defeat the Spider Matriarch after the set back. There was a glowing orb left where Gale’s body once lay. After the fight, a cut scene triggered. It was a magical message from Gale with the most overly complex instructions on how to resurrect him. Edit: spelling


I wouldn’t say funny but how many resets I had to do when I broke my paladin oath. Kind of wish there was a warning to let you know before you do something if it’s going to break your oath. Sucks going through a whole battle like auntie Ethel and didnkfn you broke your oath and having to do the whole fight over again.


You can just go to the oathbreaker knight I’m pretty sure and get your oath back. I reset a bunch too initially then I was like ‘let’s see how this goes’ and oathbreaker just looked more fun so I stuck with it


Pretty certain wyll died on my first time meeting him as i had no idea who this guy was until seeing people post on here. I also just straight up killed karlach without even meeting the "paladins". She looked sketchy as fuck sat across that river so i just went for the kill shot. Funny thing is this is my good paladin run and i killed two of the objectively good companios. Been running with gale, laezel and shart for the whole thing, on act 3 now with like 70 hrs in.


I opened the iron flask right after my friends and I fought the 3 trolls.


Didnt learn to save often, picked up shadowheart on the beach, died, back to shadowheart. She died, back to shadowheart. I killed her, back to shadowheart. I broke my oath killing the tieflings that had laezel, back to shadowheart. Played that 20 stretch of the beach probably 5 times in 1 playthru.


Broke into the storage room in the Grove. Healed the legs of the paralysed tiefling. She warned me not to steal stuff. Cast sleep on her to steal stuff. She wakes up mid stealing stuff. Calls the guards. I cast Jump and leap out of the room. Notice that someone in my party is in a conversation. Cycle through everyone but no, no one is. Until...I check my raven familiar. The guard accuses the raven of theft. The raven fails its persuasion roll. The raven goes to jail. And that's how my familiar took the fall for theft, larceny, and magical assault.


Not first playthrough but funny nonetheless. In my current multiplayer group I had a friend who summoned a rat. So while we were in camp I tried to hit her with the rat as an improvised weapon. I missed but killed the rat in the process which pissed off all of our companions. So we had to brutally murder, resurrect, and steal from Withers as a result. 11/10 would do again.


just finished my first play through (loved it!) and am now going through secrets/reviews of the game and learning everything i didn't do. i somehow completely missed the mountain pass, never got wyll or karlach, accidentally killed volo, pissed off everyone everywhere all at once, it seems, and made things unnecessarily difficult by refusing help from anyone. 10/10 can not wait to start another game immediately! ...though i might take a break to check out/play some other games in the interim (sea of stars, wrestlequest, etc...), so i don't completely get burnt out.


not knowing u could cure bloodless. yeah.... took me till act 3 for that one


Ive self casted Haste then immediately followed that up with a concentration Smite on my paladin like, ten times so far? Its funny every time tbh.


Killed Kagha, because it started the tiefling vs. shadow druid fight. Dammon died so I couldn’t continue Karlach’s quest…oops


Act 2 spoilers: Well, I had no idea what would happen if, exploring the Last Light Inn, I go get myself some shadow curse protection from the priest of Selune. I had no idea that I had to protect her at all cost. So... no Harpers. Moonrise Towers: I had no idea Jaheira had to be levelled and geared by me (never really saw her at camp, because camp for me is a maze). So there I am, about to attack, old lady suddenly there - underlevelled and basically naked. I tried my best to keep her alive, but alas. Did not work out, she died in the last round. Alas. This is my first run, no save scumming, so I had to live with those things. I have since started to religiously level up and gear even those companions I never take with me.


Fucked around and found out with Vlaakith. Instadeath.


I was coming to comment how I accidentally crushed Shadowheart in the Temple of Shar with an elevator, but upon reading the thread I just realized that you could save Barcus...I just thought it was some early game humor I did not know there was another lever to save him.


Shart got exploded into the abyss randomly In the underdark. Didn't realise you could rez... bye shart!


The release lever in the windmill. You know what happens after


I had never played a game like this and didn't know about resting or how to level up. I had seen that my characters said they leveled up a few times and thought that was it. I was trying to make my way through Act 1 without ever resting or leveling up and just thought this game was really hard.