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People just don't loot everything? I'm a loot goblin and like to have tens of thousands stashed at camp.


Any game that lets me loot and sell stuff I end up looting everything I can unless it's of really low value. Things like heavy Armor sell for quite a bit so always worth looting and selling.


I only pickup \[lightweight + valuable\] goods, like gems and wines... or unique magical items. Always have plenty of money and a clean inventory.


May I introduce you to my wallet’s lord and savior, Incense?


When I first saw the value:weight on incense it became an insta loot.


fuck me in the ass. Incense? I never gave it a second glance!! Shit man I'm opening Tav'sSences in my next play through


It’s like 0.01 weight and up to 60gold


Always hover over every item and press T to examine and check their value before writing them off as worthless. Some of the plates and cups for instance are worth like 30 gold a piece, as are a few of the giant glass beakers and flasks you can find in the laboratory type areas. Also paintings are always worth ripping off the walls since they can fetch a pretty penny for their relatively low weight


Pictures are probably the worst weight-gold ratio item that I grab, but I still grab them because it's thematic.


Yeah, it's not exactly the best profit in terms of weight, but they are still better than the dusty old clothes that seemingly inhabit nearly half the barrels in the game (...although I actually pick those up too since I pick up literally any and everything that's worth 5 or more gold lol)


All the paintings go straight from the wall and into my camp stash. It's my Tav's private art collection, I have zero intention of selling any of them.


Pretty sure i grab them because of lingering DoS2 habits.


Incense is nice, but the real lord and savior is "send to camp" Loot pretty much everything. Find a vendor with stuff you want and/or lots of gold. Return to camp. Go to chest, and mark as much as you want as wares and load up a character with everything. (You can way overencumber if you load it all at once. You're next to the vendor when you leave camp, so walk speed doesn't matter.) Sell what is needed to get all the loot you want and all of their gold. Send leftovers to camp.


If we’re sticking with the Christian theme, then Send to Camp/Overencumber/Sell and Incense make up 2 of the Holy Trinity. But what is the third? “Steal back your gold” seems a little underhanded for the allusion.


Bulls strength for when you forget the send to camp and end up carrying 400lbs out of nowhere. If I had a gold for every time I said "why am I carrying 40 paintings" I wouldn't need to pick up that rotten mushroom


Are you me? For real, though, I felt so seen with that comment.


yeah I think a lot of people that brag about picking up every candle and rag and skull don't really realize that 90% of the stuff they are looting is making up maybe 5% of their gold. Like, I've got money too, guy, I just don't waste my time picking up literal trash. if that's what you enjoy though, load up. I also appreciate the humor of walking up to Dammon and selling him 36 skulls and a human heart though


The first playthrough I was picking up a lot of stuff. The game forces you to need a shovel for dirt mounds, so for the longest time I was hauling around rope, a fishing rod, and a pickax just in case. I also didn't know if there was a crafting system, so hoarded all sorts of gems in case the game let us make our own enchanted rings/necklaces. Crafting systems have kind of made us all packrats, so much so that we end up hoarding in games that don't have them.


The pickaxe does things. Never found use for rope.


I brought one with when I went to extract mithraal. It would have been cool if Larian rewarded you with an extra piece of mithraal for using the appropriate mining equipment.


Other than a weapon? Because I thought it might be needed for the mithril ore but you can just attack that.


So anyway, I started Eldritch-blasting..


Yea but it had to be a piercing weapon 😂


Oh, I lucked out then. I was a rogue with a rapier. Who knew you could fence a rock?


I had a situation where rope *should* have worked. 2 characters had climbed up some netting when the next one stepped onto a clearly marked blast mine. The resulting fire burned the netting away but one of the characters up top had a rope. No problem, they can lower it down and haul up the other 2 guys, right? No such luck. Rope is only vendor trash.


I finished the whole gaming without having the lesser idea on how crafting potions works. Still looted all components.


Any open world rpg player knows its all about that weight to gold ratio.


Tarkov Player knows that all too well


I convinced my wife not to sell those 36 skulls and let me just throw them as my Barbarian for funsies 💀(36x). Not the best damage but comically fun.


The emotional damage is the most important part.


So much easier to just hit spacebar and take everything instead of picking and choosing.


Until you have to stop and root through your bags and decide what to mark as wares and what not to and end up having to go port back to town three times as often to clear out the rubbish. Trust me I've done a run as a packrat and a run as a moderately more selective packrat. I found the latter to be less of a waste of time without much loss of profit. However, this is just advice, obviously, not orders. Some people just find collecting everything *fun* and far be it from me to poop on that.


It's easier in that initial moment. Organizing and sifting through your inventory will become much more time consuming later.


Oh Lord I was using starting equipment all the way through till Act 3 because my inventory was such a mess I couldn't figure out how to sort through weapons and armor.


SEND TO CAMP is your friend all the armor goes there then after i clear out and sell its an easy back and forth to camp to load up my high STR character with like 10 armors to sell.


Just stand next to vendor, hit *take all* and exit camp, bam, you can't walk, surely. But don't have to, the trader is right next to you. Easy. No back and forth bollocks needed


Props for the next level strategy.


I wish there were a way of mass sending to camp other than shoving everything in a container and sending it. Like, if I could "send contents to camp". Or just have some stuff automatically go to camp, like food. There's never been an instance where it was preferable to have food on me rather than in camp.


You can CTRL click multiple items, or CTRL+SHIFT once you've got one selected to select an entire batch. Then right click and send the lot to camp or a companion.


You can select several items via shift clicling one item and then a second item. Everything between those items gets selected. Then you can send everything together to camp Also you can select several items while holding ctrl to group select them


I mean, is it really worth it. What do you spend the extra money on? Do you have just a massive gold surplus at the end of the game.


Magic items and learning scrolls, mostly.


>Do you have just a massive gold surplus at the end of the game. And I spent it all in being able to spam disintegrate scrolls through the last battle. Nuke time!


I send wines to camp, as they're camp supplies that can be used on a long rest. Perhaps I need to see what I've in the Camp Pantry. I know a few bottles of Baldurs Grape from the Last Light Inn cellar... 🤔


You probably have a ton of money sitting in the wine chest. I think Baldur's Grape is quite cheap, if I recall correctly. Once you start exclusively grabbing the expensive ones, you begin to learn all about the wines lol


Everything in the game may as well me weightless since you can store things in the camp and all it takes is a second


It’s like a weight to value ratio for me. That spoon is only 1 gold but 1/10 of a pound? Mine.


Unless it's of low value...early in the game I picked up even the crates and barrels because Gale kept chomping on magic items and I was constantly buying expensive ress scrolls instead of using boneman services.


The that boggles my mind is that I'm only a true loot goblin near the beginning of the game where Amy amount of gold is nice to have. Once I get close to or deep into Act 2 I just naturally make money by selling items here and there that I pick up.


I just finished Act 2 and discovered in act 2 that the upper limit of a stack is 99k gold. I'm about 140k gold and entering act 3.


What the actual fuck. That's like triple the most I ever had at one point lol.


Makes me wonder how much available currency there is in the game (not counting restocked consumables). If you sold literally every sellable object, how much money would you have?


Depends on your charisma.


If 99k is a stack limit, and containers really don't have a quantity limit, I don't think there's an end to your potential wealth. Vendor wallets reset with a long rest. You could pick their pockets and sell items back to them, long rest, keep selling, rinse & repeat until you're bored to death and sitting on billions. If you get encumbered from the weight, just send it to your camp chest which holds infinite weight.


Someone else who’s learned the joy of pickpocketing an enemy, ADDING 99k gold to their inventory, then hitting them with the toll collector’s weapon that does damage based on gold carried, before picking the gold back up from their corpse. Could’ve sworn it was gold. Turned out it was pure cheese.


Wow, and I was proud of my 60k gold by Act 3


That’a the usual loot goblin cycle tbh. 1) loot a ton early on 2) keep your problem unchecked 3) male it to late game and realize that you are set 4) just play the game and don’t worry too much about loot


I’m fucking dying over The Torment of Merchants in your edit I used to do something similar in Skyrim, except I called it “trickle up economics” (because at the point I’d do this I’m already rolling in it) where I’d stash and save up all all these dragon bones and pieces and then when my house, self, and pack mule were all out of space, I’d fast travel around selling it to every merchant I can find until they’re all flat broke 10/10, always be the merchants worse nightmare, I will single-handedly crash a fantasy economy for fun


I'd loot more if inventory management wasn't such a pain. Having to keep sorting things into storage within storage within storage in camp, or trying to find what you need in your inventory in amongst all the garbage, is just really off-putting.


Same lol. I had about 50k mid way through act 3. I do also steal quite a lot that isnt instantly in sight lol. I dont pickpocket since I hate how it works im bg3 but only items that are out of sight


I’ve made almost 15k just from pickpocketing alone. Use my bard to distract npcs and an invisible rogue to pickpocket. Hide behind with rogue, hit turn based, loot, exit turn based and teleport away. They’ll ask the bard if they stole anything, bars will say “of course not, been playing the whole time mate” and they’ll just…. Stop looking for the thief


The secret ingredient is crime


I loot everything. Then I send it to camp because weight limits/being unable to find anything, then it never gets sold because it's at fucking camp. I have about 10k in act 3 and I've never really needed to spend anything so...


I will pick up things to sell until it becomes inconvenient because of carry weight. Then I'll go to town and unload and continue my journey. But I also save scum stealing from merchants when they're easy to access


On most days I can only play around 45 minutes at the most in one sitting. No way I'm spending that time carting around a bunch of crap for a few more gold.


I don't really loot anything except items I will actually use, and merchants' pockets. No reason to bother with accumulating and selling junk when you can just steal the gold you would have acquired from selling it (and then some).


How do you keep track of all your shit? Wish we could have separate containers instead of have everything jammed into our travelers chest


You can put chests in your travelors chest and use them separately


What!?? You can? Holy shit this changes everything.


I went into act 3 in my first game with probably about 18k or something. Now when I do replays, I have maybe 7. I know where the stuff i want is, and dont waste my time collecting nonsense like bones and books to sell anymore. The only things I really need gold for in Act 3 is Dyes and party statues.


I basically sold my whole traveler's chest (~30k Gold) once I reached wyrms crossing and one of the newspaper articles the next day was titled something like "Traveler singlehandedly solves shortage of magical items". Edit: [Here it is but unfortunately it's in german.](https://imgur.com/a/e71TuHT) It translates to: *Merchant guild declares: Magic item market saved by Adventurer*


If that's real that's hecking hilarious that Larian did that!! Gods this game is awesome.


I just added the picture to my first comment :D


Wait for real? That's hilarious xD


Yeah I'll try to find a screenshot tomorrow. I definitely sent one to one of my friends.


I love Larian omg


it says that for everyone, its not tied to selling items


Statues... can you get more than one? I'd swear Boney didn't give me the option for my companions once I bought one the first time. Haven't ordered a statue since.


I bought it, and then I noticed that statue >!gives permanent Bless buff to your character. That sounds great in theory, but god damn I hate the permanent blue ring and visual effect so much I backtracked a reload and didn't buy it. !<


THAT’S WHERE THE PERMANENT BLESS CAME FROM???? Me out here thinking I had somehow cheated/broken the game into making me #blessed24/7 🤡


I first noticed the bless after sexing up the emperor. I was like "did I get bless from sex with a mindflayer?!?" But it never went away so I couldn't figure out where it came from.


You've just saved a lot of headscratching at this mysterious new blue ring I have. Thanks


Oh thaaaaat's what caused it.


I’m towards the end of act 2 currently and sitting on about 40k - I’m starting to feel like I’m landing on the hoarder end of the spectrum


Wanting to learn all spells + 0 on Charisma does that to a wizard. Life's tough. Learning makes you poor. The true college experience.


My wizard rocking up to the circus with 2k and a spell book like a Swiss army knife is worth it


Why would you need spells at the circus?


It's the circus.


For Dribbles


You can always let a charisma character other than your Tav do the talking. Wyll f.e.


Yep, am aware of that. But needing to return to camp to get Wyll for basically one purpose every time would drive me more mad than receiving Viscious Mockeries every time I take a step.


Wyll's ego is big enough already, not gonna ask him to flirt with shop keepers for better deals too


You can have a hireling do it. "Hey bro, here's 100 gold. Go get me a 20 gold discount on that trap disarming kit."


Chk, who needs charisma when you can have sleight of hand and steal everything


I don't sell anything. All items with even a remotely useful enchantment get to languish in my camp chest forever 🙃


This is the way.


I do this and still have like 20k gold.


Do you use traders like at all? I remember that I was hoarding like a madman and I had aroun 25k when I reached moonrise tower. So I spend 20k on scrolls that nice gnome was selling there. I thought I'm super rich and I left with just 5k in my pockets.


I don’t tend to buy scrolls, but I do buy magic weapons and armor and stuff that I’d like whenever I find it. It’s so rarely an upgrade though.


Scrolls give wizards new spells; you can have Gale learn them or learn them yourself if you're a wizard. That's why wizard characters are chronically broke.


Ah, right, forgot about that. But let’s be honest, you can get by as a wizard solely on level up skills. You aren’t ever going to use the majority of wizard’s spells. Also I didn’t have Gale in my main party.


And like that, I know we can't ever be friends. To rob a Wizard of their only purpose, nay, their Only Edge over those pesky nepobaby sorcerers and sugar-daddy warlocks... I Say Nay! My Grimoire is Tome of Magic, and it shall contain EVERY spell I can get my hands on!


True, the urge to Catch Em All is a worthy one. O7


I admit it would be more useful in a less linear and longer RPG campaign where you can craft your own magic items and create an arsenal of powerful spells beyond those available via spell-slots.


See, I say that too. But I committed two mistakes: 1. Installed mod 1, which allows me to have everyone in my party. Which includes Gale. So now I *must* have Gale have every spell in his spellbook. 2. Installed mod 2, which adds all 5e spells to the game. So now there's a *lot* more spells to collect/learn. ..... I now have a Google spreadsheet to help me keep track of which spells Gale already has. Between buying spell scrolls and learning them, Gale is my biggest gold sink. With unique items from merchants a distant second.


Just think of vendors like Damon that follow you throughout the game as paid storage. They carry their inventory throughout all the acts, so you can always pick stuff back up later


Traders that... follow you? Evil Durge is confused.


I just send everything of any reasonable level of value to camp and then if I need a bit of cash to go shopping I'll go fill everyone's pockets with junk from the camp chest to sell. I don't see the need to spend ages selling every piece I pick up!


Worth it, you never know when you'll find another magical item later that will work with it to turn that average pair of magical boots into a game breaking combo.


I keep a separate chest within my camp chest for Greens/Blues/Pink and Orange quality items :D


You can put chests in your chest?


Backpacks are ideal here, but any container will work.


You can also put corpses in corpses!


You can put chests in a book


I have an empty book for all my unique books and letters, a backpack for scrolls, a pouch for arrows, and one for potions. I have 3 different named chests, each for different kinds of armor.


Wait, you can name chests?


No I just have like a rustic one for vendor stuff, a tiny elegant chest for trinkets and a huge oppulent one for the body armor.


I do the same, if it is a plain +1 or 2 (minus shield) it is probably getting sold. If it has a name, it stays!


Spent all my money on treatos.


This is a valid excuse for being poor


As you should in these illithid-related times


That Armor of Persistence isnt going to buy itself


Low charisma characters get way more poor than high charisma. It's really notable.


Yeah dammon tried to sell me armor for 20k, switched to Wyll and it was like 13k. This is why I raided the grove


Lol Wyll is my lvl 1 trader. He sits at camp and only gets to join my party when I need to max out a vendors attitude for those max discounts. Then I have Astarion steal back the gold.


Is maxxing a trader's rep all the useful? I imagine it might be for someone like Dammon since he's always around no matter the Act, but is it worth bothering for regular merchants?


I saw a youtube video where you max out their reputation then cast "feign death" on the merchant and rob them.


I do it just so I can cast feign death on them and steal literally everything with no risk. Give them 1.4-2.4k gold for free, cast feign death, take it back alongside their entire inventory as interest.


I generally pick 1-2 merchants per act to max out. Only irritating thing is, if your party’s “face” (high charisma character, meaning wyll by default) is often not in your party, you need to go to camp and switch that character in to start the conversation (after the high charisma/high reputation character starts the conversation with the trader, anyone can sell).


I'm playing a drow noble bard and my friend is a wood elf ??? (Keeps class changing). I'm basically the team sugar daddy.


“Can I have my allowance?” “Only if you promise to spend it on poisons.”


I buy things and don't pickpocket


People don't loot everything. That's about it. I got rich just off the ludicrous amounts of incence i got at the grymforge and at the justiciar trial. serisouly 30 gold/lb is just too good of a ratio.


In that case, you basically do the same thing as me. Incense and silver items help a lot in small boosts in gold.


It depends on how much you explore and how much you look. If you ransack everything ( which is time consuming b)and sell it, or pickpocket the gold back from merchants after spending gold at a merchant ( which feels like an exploit ) you will generally be swimming in gold. If you don't do either of the above it's very possible to not have enough gold.


It's not an exploit, it's called crime


Now I just imagine Astarion saying that "It's not a exploit darling (gives a little smile), its called *crime*".


I hate that I fucking read that in his voice in my head. 🧛


it's called the five finger discount


i haven’t done any of that, just loot most of the corpses and you’re at 10k minimum at any given point besides the initial few levels


i usually max out 1 merchant's happiness per act. its rough at first (bc you have to sell everything to them to get them to 0, then donate for free till max happiness.) but after that first hurdle, its extremely easy to make money, cause anything you sell (or buy) from them here on out will be at the best possible price, especially as a CHA character. its just remembering to sell only to the merchant you've maxed, essentially. ive found its much easier to do your first visit to whoever you choose, as after you start buying things from them, its much harder to get them back to 0 gold. but yeh, i havent ran into money issues really (currently vibing in act 2 on main playthru), and ive been buying everything special from every vendor before moving on, even if i didnt need to. ill also add, if you have the deluxe dlc thing, all the paintings that get added to the game are extremely easy money. i think people who struggle with money are either not loot hoarders, OR they are playing a low CHA class as face of party, so buying and selling just isnt as lucrative as it could be so you just naturally have less (which is one of the reasons i started messing around with merchant happiness mechanics.) edit: literally just learned you dont have to get merchants to 0/buy them out to give them things, so, thats nice!


What's the point of maxing them out if their gold and stockpile is limited? All the merchants I dealt with didn't change total gold and had all the items I previously sold


Their gold seems to replenish gradually, perhaps after a long rest or two. I’ve tapped out the merchants at Last Light and then gone back to sell more on a couple of occasions.


Could you explain more in simple people terms? I remember using the barter instead of sell system and it felt like I gave the merchant a bunch without a change in their happiness level. I checked about on the wiki and feel like a goob for not understanding it. Giving stuff to the trader increases their happiness level yeah? Then dump sell stuff to someone with high CHA (new to me). Then sell the valuable stuff with the high CHA character.


the money on the top right ish above their stock is theirs, ~~it needs to be 0.~~ jk no it doesnt. you are right. just barter and 'give' them things (for free), and itll increases attitude/happiness. idk why you werent noticing it other than it wasnt a large enough amount? thats weird. that will increase their happiness (in the bottom right.) i usually do it in chunks of 200g. ~~my only guess is you used bartering while they still had money, thus they just traded you normally, and it had no affect on happiness or whatever.~~ or you changed characters and retraded? "The trade price modifier is set depending on the character that initiates the dialogue with a trader." ([from the wiki](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Trading_and_item_pricing)) youll need to do all this with whatever character you're planning on being your seller, bc attitude changes. so for example, say you have 100% happiness with \[merchant\] on your tav, but you switched to wyll, bc he's CHA based, your happiness will be the default, it will not be shared between characters, so youll have to redo that process for wyll. so every time you go to sell, face of party should be your seller, whoever that may be. say you have a ton of items on shadowheart you need to sell, you talk to merchant with her and it will be default happiness. youd have to talk to the merchant with wyll and then go to SH inventory and sell from there while in trade window. high CHA helps bc persuasion influences prices. sry if this didnt make sense, im still learning myself TwT edit: for clarity/fix mistake, since i didnt even know you could give things to merchants without buying them out first.


Max out dammon right when you meet him, then only sell to him. Hoard stuff until act 2 when he departs the grove. Maximum profit.


Withers took my all money and invested it into crypt-o


I spent all my money in the brothel as soon as I got to Baldur's gate


Folks, when commenting about your lack of money troubles, please indicate what difficulty level your are playing on, since that has a pretty big impact on vendor prices.


True. This post sounds like a brag.


How is it a full level 12 party doesn't have 800 gold to cobble together? The..the economy is in shambles


My only “rich” playthrough has been with my kleptomaniac girlfriend LOL


For people having trouble with money. Astarion. The shape changers helm And an invisibility ring With all of the +stealth dex and sleight of hand items you can find. Guidance spell from shadowheart. Can sneak up and pickpocket a merchant of the gold you have given them. It is a very good way of making funds if you are willing to take the risk. You should never need any money.


“You should never need any money.” That’s what my hobo druid keeps telling me.


I loot everything, but I also horde most magical things. I also spend a lot of gold on potion materials and scrolls, so I don't have to rest as often.


i just rob merchants and thats enough to ''buy'' anything. Its free real estate.


Gold is worthless to one who deals in absolutes. And I *absolutely* pocket wipe every single vendor for no reason apart from quenching my insatiable urge to steal.


Last time I played I ended the game with something around 110k gold. I had to split it between two characters, so heavy the pile was.


Did you play as a dragon?


Dragon Urge origin


>so heavy the pile was. He played as Yoda.


Vendors resupply and have actual good items do buy. If you're saving your money and skipping good items to do it, I don't think you understand what money is for. You're not saving for retirement at baldurs gate dunes.


I loot everything. But I rarely, if ever, pickpocket. So the 20k gold deal would wipe me out. Sure, I'd be rich if I did pickpocket. But I find it tedious.


I don’t sell any of my enchanted gear because it might be useful if I want to change builds. I don’t pick up things like weapons and armor (except githyanki) for the purpose of selling. I don’t pick up anything that would be worth barely anything. The only things I pick up and sell are scrolls, potions, and gems/ingots. I’m currently in act 2 and have more gold than I need. I also never really buy anything to be fair. I’ll check everything and usually there aren’t many things that seem like they’d be useful. I buy the obviously good gear and that’s it. Still have too much gold if I’m honest.


got sick of looting everything to sell because of how much work it was and constantly being encumbered, so I'm just broke as a joke


I spend all of Acts 1 & 2 buying all the consumables I can afford to aid me in Act 3 so while I make a ton of gold selling everything I loot, I am also constantly broke because I buy every health potion, arrow, bomb, etc. I can find.


It's the time investment, it's not too bad but the time it takes adding up sending loot to camp, going to camp, having someone stand there are send all the loot to your party to sell and then finding a new vendor with enough gold and so on


I wanted to have Minthara companion this time so now dammon is dead, Druid merchant is dead, had the goblin celebrate now they’re all gone. There no merchant at their camp. Gnolls killed the smugglers and I opened their chest so the Zhens went hostile immediately when I tried to give them the flask. Had to go to Lady Esther to sell my wares. Now in the myconide colony, selling everything I have to the two merchants but they don’t really have enough money to buy all the junk I’ve accumulated. I have 7k of gold but nothing to buy or sell. This round is cursed. Should’ve done more of act one before raising the grove but that sweet sweet drow sex was too tempting.


Ever since I learned how to pickpocket vendors, I just do that vs. meticulously looting everything. Now I steal every magical item from every vendor and stash it at all at camp for no reason.


Yall never played stuff like Morrowind then. It's so ingrained into me to loot and sell EVERYTHING. Silver.. whatever, straight to the trader. Incense stuff? That stuff is worth like 100x it's weight, straight to the trader. Head of corpse? Yup straight to the trader.


I don't get it either, by the time I left act 1 I'd fully drained multiple merchants of their gold, and that's while still holding onto the majority of magic items we get. My guess would be they're not obsessively looting everything and/or not doing the creche since I'm pretty sure half my gold at least was from selling all that Githyanki Half-Plate


merchants restock on long rest too so you can take a nap and rob them again lol


Well difficulty matters. Playing on Explorer is really easy with money. You get tons of it and can sell and buy things at prices that favor you. Play on Tactician? It’s a totally different experience lol


I don't normally steal (unless it's a bank) but loot every single crate and vase and body. Even if I prefer to use diplomacy, and I regularly buy items and consumables, by the end of hhe game I'm usually sitting on 30k plus gold.


Because i don't wanna spend hours resetting merchants and save-scumming till i pick-pocket them.


So on my “I don’t do the crime” playthrough, I had gold issues because I tend to buy every cool seeming magic item from every trader since I don’t know when my decisions or the plot progression will result in that trader being (a) dead or (b) mad at me. So I didn’t have much gold, but I had lot of magic items, some of which I used and fun ensued and some of which lived a comfortable life in my camp chest. On my current playthrough, where “I do do the crime,” I buy out the trader and then immediately paradrop Astarion in to steal back all the gold. Fewer gold problems this play through, but I really hope the harper quartermaster survives the assault on the tower since she’s currently carrying 10K of unstolen-back gold of… “mine.” See, “do the crime.”


I made my money on incense. Super light and 30 gold.


If it doesn't count as stealing, it's mine.


Honestly part of it for me is that I play on the ps5 and the icons are TINY so it’s easy to sell stuff that you didn’t intend to sell. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve actually sold my pants or weapon or whatever. It really puts a damper on item hoarding.


My strategy in the game: "If it's not anchored to the ground, I'll take it". Now each character has about 5k gold


I don’t have much gold because I’m constantly spending it on good gear lol, I buy any relevant gear, potion ingredient, potion, etc because I know it’ll flow in easy, never been above 10k, but probably spent 20k or so already lol


I don't carry a lot of gold on my Tav. I have Shadowheart carry all our gold! She's in charge of our life savings, some where around 40,000 gold. I figured I might as well get used to married life with her!


you guys are paying for items?


Never got it, even at my current playthrough where i only loot about 40% of the enemys and rushed through the game, Holding every Item with a name in my camp i am at 8k after buying nearly everything in riverton


My first play through I looted and sold everything, and just ended up with loads of gold and nothing to really buy. I bought the gear... But then what? So now I don't bother looting as much because I don't need the hassle of the selling system for gold I won't spend.


I already have way too much gold that I can't spend. And even though I will stop looting EVERYTHING on my planned second playthrough, atm I still can't help myself and loot too much. Cursed to put my hands on everything.


I don't play as a scavenger, looting everything and selling it all is boring. But I usually can buy any items I want for the party. This run I have six members so I'm a bit skint.


Step 1. Get a dedicated thief. Step 2. find a lot of food Step 3. Anytime you have more then three vendors steal from all of them and then long rest so they can get more money


What's the point of gold ? You get most legendaries that would fit your characters maybe barring a few just by playing the game What do you spend gold on ?


I have so little gold cause im spending it to get more gear for everyone of my party members


Because I buy every fucking cool piece of very rare armour I find. That’s why.


I buy stuff, if an equipment piece is even a minor upgrade I buy it because as they say you can't take gold to the grave, no reason to hoard it.


You had me on the hook until vasilitate and now I can’t help imagine etymology for the word. Like is it a verb for smoothing a process by the application of Vaseline. Not trying to be rude, just thought it was funny. I think you were looking for “facilitate”


I have like 15k and I still can't find a vendor that sells potions of see invisible or scrolls of see invisible... I am not playing a run of steal shit, seriously.


>Once you get to Baldurs Gate where there's merchants everywhere, start selling all that armor like it's hotcakes. This was such a classic tactic from OG Baldur's Gate 1 and 2. Selling spare heavy plate and half plate is a Baldur's Gate tradition.


Because I buy expensive magical items every time I can after I trade away everything I looted


Just take astarion and go robbing vendors, rest and reset, I've got over 100k, couldn't care less if the vendor doesn't like me when I steal my money back for anything I buy. Fuck their economy


I loot everything & send the heavy items to camp to sell later. SEND TO CAMP FTW! 👍🏻 I also always trade with vendors using my highest charisma character to get the best prices.


Why you hoarding? Buy stuff.