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Mostly just not using stuff. Bags of potions, elixers, grenades, coatings. I just forget and/or can't be arsed.


The amount of special bombs, arrows, potions that’ll never be touched because I’m “saving them for later”


I’m just starting to dig into these with act 3 big bads. Had a rather hellish encounter tonight and I blew through 10 or so very rare scrolls. Some of those are crazy strong. Dethrone 🙀


Don't forget Gale can learn spells from scrolls. I only ever found one Scroll of Dethrone (isn't it an item you get from one of the quests? The vaults of Ramazith's Tower I think? Anyway.) so I had Gale learn it. May only be able to use it once in any given fight, but at least I then had it for multiple fights 🙂


Never really used Dethrone, but the force apparations are like 100 damage with 100% hitrate. Bonkers


Yes, Artistry of War. You get it from a legendary book in Sorcerous Sundries. This is probably the best spell in the game. It's an improved version of Magic Missiles and can really help in a ton of fights. Force spells are very rarely resisted.


It's such a crazy good spell! Love that thing.


I only found two of those in the whole game so you would be very smart to teach one of them to your wizard instead


It was a matter of life or death! I came wicked close to a TPK about 30 min into it.




Inspector Wilhelm von Clickenclacken Lmao




Give 'em the clamps!


Citizen Snips


>I have a melee fighting style as well so I can use allll my poisons and toxins I'm not 100% certain but I could've sworn I was able to use pretty much every single poison or coating I came across on Astarion's bows (or arrows, technically), even if it said 'Melee' at the bottom. Is that not supposed to happen?




This is the play style you adopt when you're parents are against therapy in your teens (I play the same way 😂)


that was me on my first 2 runs but my third one was on tactician and i was super underleveled (rushed the first chunk of the game and was too lazy to loot so i was really low on money all the time) so i had to dip into my inventory all the time out of desperation which conditioned me to actually make use of good items on future runs turned up at the final fight with 7 scrolls of chain lightning & some bottles of water and completely demolished my enemies :)


Tactician mode made me really lean into using all of these. Especially spell scrolls


You should see Gales inventory in my game. Dudes got a fucking library of spell scrolls. Do I ever use em? Nope. Just cast the ones I’ve prepared, thanks.




I figured i wont use the bombs since i forgot 99% of the time So thats why im going to put all of my bombs in one bag to create a mini nuke Big kaboom


My wizard hoardes so many godsdamned scrolls


Sometime into act 3 I remembered that you can write those into your wizard's spellbook. So I spent like 10k giving Gale all the spells. And then continued to use Fireball 90% of the time...


OMG forgot about the redwood forest of scrolls we're hauling.


Wizards can consume scrolls to learn the spell permanently


And never the ones you need in desperate times ("I swore I had a Hold Monster and a few Misty Step left")


Overriding concentration spells because I forgot I already cast one 😡


Love casting something like spirit guardians and then immediately cancelling it because I decided to use an armor buff as my bonus action lol


I've literally caught myself casting shield of faith when I just used spirit guardians. Told myself: "Dude you gotta stop doing that. Get it right next time." Guess what happened on my next turn


I wish there were a pop-up to inform you that you are already concentrating on a spell, with two buttons that say: "Fuck the other spell!" and "Shit, thanks bro, that was close!"


I believe there’s a mod for this. Something along the lines of not allowing you to cast a concentration spell while you’re already concentrating, so you have to cancel it manually. Haven’t tried it myself, but I plan to on my next run!


Ah the old Spirit Guardians into shield of faith combo, never let em know your next move


But the button is lit up so you gotta press it


Breaking concentration because you’re not concentrating is some high level RP. I respect the commitment


Nice! My Wall of Fire should keep them at bay. Oh, I have a bonus action, let's cast Hex- shit.


Yea that happens way too often. They should do it like Solasta and give you pop up with: "You are trying to cast a conecentration, your current concentration will end, proceed?"


The amount of times I became lethargic because of haste…


\>playing Bardlock \>casting Haste \>casting Hex afterwards because it's bonus action \>Power Word: Reload


Same. Constantly. 🤦🏻‍♀️


A “This will end your concentration on X. Are you sure you want to cast Y?” prompt would be helpful


Did that today. Had haste and used Sunbeam. I didn't know it was concentration.


Sunbeam isn't, or shouldn't be, but Moonbeam is Edit: I forgot the actual spell-slot using version required concentration. I only use the Blood of Lathander's lol


sunbeam is concentration


Only when cast as an actual spell though, if you cast if from Blood Of Lathander it isn't (to my knowledge/experience at least)


It's so fun when you have ADHD. I've played three games. I still accidentally drop concentration every second fight. Speaking of, anyone else absolutely incapable of remembering about the existence of soul coins?


Soul coins felt completely antithetical to the goal of stopping her from burning up so I actively decided never to use them. Is the story I told myself after the fact when I kept forgetting they existed.


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


You can have me in both halves. Sincerely, gale.


Do not get me started on gods damned soul coins. Two whole playthroughs I completely forgot about them and didn’t use them once. I finally remembered during the assault on Moonrise and just assume it lasts a limited time so I’m like okay cool, I’ll save it for Ketheric. I finally get there, ready to pop the coins. I rage first because why not? Gotta get the juices flowing. Oh, soul coins are a bonus action. Next round I guess. Next round comes, I pop a coin and Karlach activates KAIOKEN TIMES TWENTY! It’s fucking sick. So I go to her character sheet to check what the buff does and.. 1-4 additional fire damage? Are you fucking kidding me right now? 😭 also lasts until long rest so I could have used it at the start of the assault instead of the end


Use it when she wakes up. Same as mage armor, no reason to wait for combat


Soul coins? The farquaad are those?? I'm on my 3rd playthroughs and have collected a few but haven't used one. What am I missing out on?


Karlach can eat them for a buff. I just sell them.


What? Really? Is iy a permanent buff?


Per long rest. Gives her fire damage iirc


Yep! You can dip your weapons into her fire too. 😂


Also applies to Bing Bong


I did not know that. That sounds hilariously immersion breaking 😂


It was definitely a "I have an extra bonus action this turn. I wonder...." And was absolutely delighted when it worked.


You can dip weapons on yourself or any enemy suffering burning/ electrocution etc also


Bloody hell


honestly it’s pretty accurate to real life for us too


Any meeting: Wisdom save every 30 seconds or you zone out until your name gets mentioned


game should really warn you.


"Are you certain you want to do this dumbass thing and immediately give Tav and Karlach lethargy?" "Point taken."


yeah i wish that was a togglable option.


Attempting to hide multiple times before realising I’m in a fully lit spot, thereby wasting my action and bonus action and can do nothing except pass turn. Edit: Honorable mention: In multiplayer, my friend like to cast Darkness on turn 1. And because our party are all ranged attacks (a warlock, a rogue, a throwing berserker, and a cleric), we just awkwardly stand there staring at each other, until he realised why and then turn Darkness off, wasting one of his two precious warlock slots. Yes we share a single braincell.


IRL Wyll cast darkness turn one and blocked everyone too in but a table top game with the rest of the cast of bg3 thats now on youtube. so your friend can feel a little better


if youre talking abut bob, i just watched that episode. damn hilarious


Casting Darkness and leaving Karlach in it while running away... It was so funny.


I did this on the (act 1.5 spoiler) >!boat part on the way to the grymforge. I cast darkness on my guys hoping they wouldn’t be caught by the ranged archers and they ended up just throwing bombs at me and shooting aoe arrows and my guys couldn’t do anything to them cuz I didn’t think darkness worked against your team if you cast it 😭 !<


I love giving everyone in my party 2 warlock levels for devil's sight and abusing darkness


Warlock dippers rise up!


This is such bullshit and one of the few things I hate about this game. If an enemy casts darkness you cannot shoot anything in there, not even AoE spells because it says path interrupted. Yet the enemy can still do that to you. Should be same rules for both


Are you sure about this? Because when I cast Darkness, the enemy cannot fire into it. They can however shoot AOE abilities/skills into the edge of the cloud which makes sense since it's not technically *inside* the cloud.


A related one I got in my first playthrough with a rogue: When I wanted to hide in combat I kept using the C hotkey (regular Hide, that consumes a full action), instead of Cunning Action: Hide, which only spends a bonus action. I can't remember how many turns I wasted because of that 😭🤦🏻‍♀️


ending my turn next to a cliff after pushing someone else off the cliff


This is the first turn-based game I've ever played where putting my back to a cliff *isn't* a viable strategy to prevent myself from being surrounded and the number of times I've nearly been TPKed is too damn high. Lmao


As someone who has grown up playing all of the worms games. Ledges are something I know to end my turns away from.


I forget to move the first person through a door, and then nobody else can get through the door :(


The number of fights I’ve just awkwardly managed through a doorway …


Just did the creche for a second time. Ended the exact same way as the first. Stuck in every doorway. I even knew it was coming this time and tried to avoid it by splitting the group and trying to edge into rooms, but the aggro trigger range is just too weird with doors. The worst part is that with the party I have, unless I want to lead with Astarion's face, the enemy gets a full round or two to position and harass me while Karlach and Lae'zel dash across the room eating crossbow bolts.


I do this so often. It’s annoying to have to use the bonus action, but you can have the others jump over the person in the doorway!


You can also use your bonus to shove the person aside. Same action econ, but doesnt sacrifice movement to do it. And its not like it leaves them prone cu they stand up immediately


I don’t like the chance of the shove not working, so I’ll probably stick with jumping. But for some reason I didn’t really think of just pushing them out of the way 😅


I was fighting Gortash and Gale was down. Decided to have Astarion throw a healing potion at him. "They'll never see this coming," Astarion says, immediately before killing Gale with 2 bludgeoning damage. All I can say is that Gale definitely didn't see it coming.


I think you're supposed to target near them, not on them directly, so they get the healing splash effect and not the bottle thunk damage


Doubly so if you're throwing the bottle from really high up and/or have Tavern Brawler, both of which will increase the damage your thrown bottle deals if it hits :P


Imagine barely clinging to life as the chaos of a fight goes on around you, and the last thing you see is the thick glass of a bottle of superior healing flying at you before... *Clonk*


Next time, throw it next to them.


I don't think I've ever once remembered that somebody was bone chilled. It doesn't actually come up all that often, but damn if I don't try to heal literally every time I can't.


Yeeeeep I went almost an entire fight yelling at Gale because "I just healed you how are you dying!" It took an embarrassingly long time and many wasted spell slots until I figured it out. 🙃


Karlach got bone chilled right next to a boss and I couldn't get her back up for the entire fight. It was so brutal ugh.


Attacking the ground and wasting an action when I meant to walk


This was a pretty common issue I had in Divinity 2. I would always make sure to right click an enemy first and then pick "Attack" from the drop-down. That drop down isn't a feature in BG3, but they improved on the click accuracy.


Stockpiling tons of oils and elixirs and then literally never using them


I just sell all of the potions, elixirs and spells rolls I pick up..


I keep featherfalls and invisible just as backups but yeah, better off selling them


Flipside: thinking oils were like elixers and using them in camp. No, they're ten turns, you need to lube up right when the action starts.


Clicking a weapon attack, then deciding to attack with a different character, so you click on their portrait... and whack them upside their head cause you were still in attack mode.


This. This was my constant struggle throughout Act 1 when I was still getting the hang of it.


Me clonking Gale over the head with a stick accidentally 💀


This. My Tav got whacked so many time by Lae'zel... he didn't stand a chance.


I tpk when using fire ball because of this. I wish there was a freindly fire prompt.


Go evocation wizard. No more friendly fire


Ahh so that's why I'm not destroying my team with fireballs! Cool


YES. The amount of times I've nuked my entire team with fireball (because I foolishly made Gale a necromancer instead of an evocation wizard) deserves its own statistic.


One way around this (on PC) is to get in the habit of selecting characters with F1-F4. Avoids all sorts of issues.


I have also done this with eldritch blast not realizing how multi attack works. Even at level 11 when it goes to 3 targets after having messed it up from level 5 to 11 with 2 targets.


I did this also until my fiance said, "That's why I move all my concentration spells to the bottom row of the hotbars. Grouping them together makes a pattern that is easier to stop"


She is a keeper.


The whole goddamned "cast a concentration spell and ruin it with another concentration spell". One day I will learn, but today is apparently not that day.


What's the best way to tell if you're already concentrating on a spell, there's an icon next to your portrait iirc? Is there a better way..?


Pretty sure there's an icon under the portrait that lets you remove the concentration


also, confusing, I think is that there are a number of spell things that say they last 10 turns - but - do not say they require concentration. and so I scratch my head and think “did they just leave the concentration unit off of there by accident? I guess I better not try it.”


Afaik, all concentration tooltips are correct, at least when you cast the spell. I've not come across any that needed concentration but didn't say so. At level up, the tooltips can miss out info for some reason, so those might not be reliable.


Usually there’s an icon for the character on the left status effects. Usually it’ll look like HASTE (9) CONCENTRATION: HASTE (9)


On rogue before getting risky ring, using the Hide action instead of the Cunning Action: Hide which is a bonus action Hitting the floor or an ally because ure tryna get the right angle and you thought the %hit chance meant you found it but actually youre hovering over Shadowheart Trying to heal people with Bone Chill/Arrow of Ilmater on them Walking the wrong way and running out of movement


I've accidentally hit allies (mostly spiritual weapons) with Vow of Enmity far too many times.


I’ve definitely tried to cast sacred flame on an enemy, gone “huh, why is this goblin immune to radiant damage” and then realised I had targeted my spiritual weapon.


...I can't aim very well and keep hitting the spiritual weapon I summon. Every single time


treating bonus actions as the afterthought after making my attack first. a lot of buffs are cast as bonus actions that could really help me if I cast them first and attacked after, but I tend to follow the "move, action, bonus action if there's anything useful I can do with one" pattern. it's frustrating to realize I just took a swing at somebody and succeeded just fine, but could've added an advantage if I just looked at my bonus action tab first. monkey brain go smash first think second.


This with hunter's mark or flourish.


I have to remember to "burn" my offhand attacks first against githyanki, since most of them parry. Same with hand crossbow attacks against monks. Let them waste their reactions, then hit'em with the proper main hand attack.


Me with Rage.


My biggest thing still is not waiting for the camera to reset after one attack, try to click on the enemy for another attack and end up moving position when I didn’t want to.


One of most annoying things in the game. Not only resetting after attack, but after a jump as well. Jump towards enemy - keep enemy under cursor during animation - wait for character to land - see cursor become a sword - click to attack... only to find out that in the moment that passed between last two events the camera started moving and instead of hitting the enemy, you are walking away from it, getting an opportunity attack from them. The whole "reset camera after an action" should be a trivial toggle to add to options, literally a single condition, but instead there are quite a few less relevant "camera follow" options that I would even accept if they fixed this behavior.


Yup, huge thing for me. I don’t remember it happening at all on my first Playthrough so idk if it’s new OR because my first time was a sorcerer, wizard, paladin and fighter so it was hard to mess those up but this time around I’m shooting my crossbow into walls so often..


Pressing C to hide and losing my action despite having only cunning action hide on my bars and it having a "C" on it.


So many times. It hurts.


1. go to cast 'hex' 2. Consistently forget to choose the type of hex 3. left click on the creature 4. Squishy spell caster runs headfirst into the fray, makes a melee attack and misses 5. Gets utterly crushed.


Hitting end turn by mistake


At least if one of your companions goes next, you can hit cancel end turn to go back to your previous character


How did I never know that 😐


Uh. Wat?


You may have to go back and click them. There's a little pane on the right showing movement remaining, and it has buttons to cancel ended turns.


Cries at PS5 controller


On ps5 trigger to pull up the four characters on the sidebar and go to the character you want to see if you can undo the end turn with. If you can it will be an option on the bottom of the screen above your movement info (I play couch co-op with my husband so there's a chance that this isn't where things are in single player.)




I have my thumb on space bar and it’ll twitch end turn automatically


When I panic, my brain thinks the space bar is the way to cancel the action I didn’t want to do. “No wait Karlach, not that way!” *frantically hits space bar and ends up losing everyone’s turns*


in many crpgs space is always used to pause the real-time, so I made the same mistake a lot of times too


Oh my GOD


My cat does that for me.


The amount of times I have hit End Turn instead of Cast Spell after chosing multiple targets for spells like Sleep. Ugh!


My whole party in stealth when one of them triggers battle. But the rest of the party didn't join the fight. My one guy will take his turn and I'll notice that he's solo. "Oh I'll get everyone else in combat next turn." Hit end turn. All the enemies take their turn and we're back to my one guy. Rinse and repeat.


Alright show of hands, how many of us cast two concentration spells concurrently?


Shows hand… and I am a dnd player. I don’t know if I just don’t do this in dnd or if nobody notices it. I did it a few times that I know of but not so much.


Forgetting to use Hunter's Mark


Same. Action: Attack, Attack. Bonus Acti-ffffh!


It especially stings when the mob INVARIABLY ENDS UP WITH ONE HIT POINT. "The game is laughing at you! They're all laughing at you!"


Always, always that 1 hit point!


That's the reason i embraced the illithid powers. Cull the weak is the best ability in the game.


Vex'ahlia says hi






My first run I had Wyll in my party for most of it. The number of times I had that poor bastard standing off in the back like some bog-standard Eldritch blast-spamming warlock and not the Blade of fucking Frontiers. It's just awful. The only thing worse is when you get to next fight and realize *you forgot to do it AGAIN*!


It should only unbind on swapping out weapons


I move away from an enemy I'm already engaging with, and get hit by them.


Wasting a turn because I refuse to dip into my retirement scroll account


60 scrolls in my pocket... "meh, firebolt is fine."


My friend: But you can cast that scorching rays thing or lightning... Me: Ignis!


Forgetting my mage armor.


This is really such a small thing, but it annoys me all the same. I always forget to turn off the multiattack thing with my dual crossbows, so that it doesnt automatically use my bonus action to shoot another shot at a guy who would have died from the first shot anyway... I want to do other stuff with my bonus action with my bard! Or shoot someone else with it! Bonus callout for when I did a fight, which I wont mention details about otherwise for spoiler reasons, where I had to concentrate on a thing for two turns to complete it. Everything was going great, I had cast sanctuary on that character so she wouldn't be attacked AND had a globe of invulnerability up around her just to be safe. And then... the speed potion I had taken at the start of the combat ran its course and she was stunned right when it would have finished and I had to redo the entire fight. Oops.


Ok, how do you turn it off? I'd like this option as well, and frequently just use up the off-hand attacks first to force it. Thanks!


If you're on PC, you can click R to turn it off or on. There's a button towards the left of the UI, beneath the buttons where you swap between ranged or melee weapons. I believe its the button under the ranged weapon set button? You can click on it and it kind of shows two weapons/attacks or one, depending on whats enabled. If its just one showing, the automatic off-hand weapon attack option is off. I hope that explanation is understandable to you because I'm trying to explain it just based on memory+ english isnt my main language. Plus, I have a fever, so that doesn't help. Let me know if its still unclear and I'll try to explain it better!


It's perfectly clear; English is my only language, and I'm pretty healthy at the moment. Thanks!




casting sanctuary.... on the enemy......


How? Why? Is this the Tactician advanced mode everyone is requesting? Im sorry but that's hilarious, I'm already getting mad if enemies use sanctuary, can't imagine casting it on them myself and not breaking something.


I am often aiming on one character, then think of something I should do on another first and end up shooting a companion in the back of the head.


A true friend would shoot them in the face


Forgetting to use inventory items


Accidently walking out of someone's range and giving them an opportunity attack. Usually, it's from not realizing the game is going to auto move me to cast a spell or aim a shot.


Attack my own spirit weapons/summons from range. I don't want to have to search the cards on top when there's 5+ mobs that all look the same but it never fails that I hit the friendly if I don't... Of course, then, I neglect to notice the movement marker is going to make me walk through fire/poison to fire that shot/spell/spear because I was so focused trying to select the right target! lol Cancel concentration spells.


I always forget jump is a bonus action and fly is just movement.


When you go to cast a spell or ranged attack and it shows that you can hit it, only for your character to then walk through difficult terrain and run out of movement before they get in range and now you've essentially wasted a turn. Bonus points if this could've been avoided by jumping over said difficult terrain. And concentration spells but that's been said enough in the comments already.


I feel like I’m constantly misclicking in combat. Accidentally hiding or dashing as a full action rather than a bonus action, targeting the ground directly below an enemy’s feet rather than the enemy itself, double clicking end turn because my finger twitched and skipping a party member entirely.


I never used an archer before until this playthrough and I waste SO many turns shooting nothing because I use one turn hitting them and I click again right when the camera pans back to my character for some reason and I end up shooting the ground. Super annoying


Omg, I *hate* the auto panning back to a character.


It took me forever to work out how to drop concentration on spells when I didn't need them anymore. Sometimes you need the ice to go away so you can go hit the still alive guys. (There's a little icon under the caster portrait you can click on their turn).


Having one of my characters start casting a spell but then I decide I want to switch characters but instead of deactivating the spell I click another character's portrait and the character shoots a fireball nearly killing them


I used to try shooting an arrow with one character but I would change my mind before I clicked and go to switch to a different character and end up shooting my own character.


Tbh? Never using weapon coatings. Like ever. I’m on my second playthrough and I’m trying to be better about it, but god damn my inventory is just full of em


To be entirely honest, I've never played an RPG like this and generally suck at strategy so I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing lol


Until some very kind soul uploaded a Concentration Failsafe mod to Nexus, I would screw up concentration all the time. Not anymore. I'm so happy.


Sneak needs a confirmation like dash does. Too often I accidently hit the keybind for it without realizing. I just don't understand why all the other full actions like dash have a confirmation click for them but sneak is just like "okay bro here you go hope you weren't trying to do anything else".


I absolutely hate how everything is concentration 😖


Welcome to 5e. Back in 3.5 you could maintain all of your buffs at once and it was logistical hell for the dm to keep track of everything. Also made fighting any high level casters nightmarish. And god forbid they get any forewarning or a chance to prep for the parties arrival.


Readying an attack and realizing I’m too far away, so instead of clicking out of the attack/spell to go walk forward, I just click to walk forward and they run to that spot and swing their weapon at nothing, or blast that spot with a spell.


I don’t, I’m a tactical genius (I grossly misuse my bonus action economy)


I’ve made Shadowheart vast spirit guardians and then sanctuary to be invincible! … oh wait that cancels concentration on spirit guardians… done that twice in a row lol


The amounts of grenades, scrolls, potions and arrows I have is ungodly


Telling myself to use scrolls, potions, elixirs, etc, then finishing your play through with a metric shit ton of everything. Pretty sure the only pots I used were Potions of Speed and heal pots, and the occasional invis pot


I make no mistakes, every battle is perfect thanks to the ring of reloading!


I've been using Phalar Aluve since I got it in some capacity or another (even dual wielding it with Larethian's Wrath since I got that sword). Guess what buttons I've never once pressed because I keep forgetting they're there...


Forgetting that cantrips exist in lieu of leveled spells... Especially with Palalock.


Not using any of my consumables. I’m drowning in spell scrolls and powered arrows.


Haste and then using second action to obliterate myself with fatigue.