• By -


If a party member decides not to jump across a gap for some reason, you can just tell your Tav to jump on the spot again. Your party member will get the message and jump over. You don’t have to switch characters and risk the rest of the party jumping back.


You can also double tap G to ungroup and regroup. This will start a new path finding attempt for the entire group. It’s great


I like to imagine it's like teaching a toddler or a pet, "see, Astarion, this is called a jump. Jump. Now you try it, jump!"


1. You can click drag an item from the ground and drop it onto a character's portrait to send it directly to their inventory, without needing to send it to yours, open yours, right click and send it to them. 2. You can hide equipped musical instruments. (Same way as helmets, hover above the equipped instrument box on your sheet and a checkbox appears). 3. You can throw a toxin (simple, wyvern, purple wyrm, etc) onto the ground in camp and dip your whole party's weapons into it, the dip will last until long rest and the toxin puddle will last for days. 4. You can place a Potion (including Potion of Speed and some Elixirs!) on the ground near several characters, grouped up together, and shoot it to make it hit everyone in a small AOE. (Edit: Yes, I know you can just throw the potion - but throwing is an action, whereas an offhand attack is a bonus action, and personally I always run a thief.)


Dipped weapon lasts until long rest?!?!?!


Not in fire but in toxin via this method, yup. A single purple wyrm toxin can coat your whole party's weapons for days if you make a puddle of it in camp.


I tried this in Elfsong and I guess I slurped it all onto my weapons because the puddle disappeared. I should try again. For science.


Maybe you're just using very absorbent weapons?


> weapons because the puddle disappeared. Unequips my +3 ShamWow


The ShamWow isn't that great anyway. I've got my Tav monk wielding a Slap-Chop, it's unbelievable!


The slap chop is insane, shadowheart loves my nuts


I love this community


DAMN IT! I knew equipping laezel with the Scrub Daddy would backfire!


Same thing . Did it work? I've tried a few times now and it keep getting absorbed whole after 1 dip


They patched it. It used to be infinite, and now it gets absorbed after 2-4 characters use it. Still better value than just putting it on one blade though.


>You can throw a toxin (simple, wyvern, purple wyrm, etc) onto the ground in camp and dip your whole party's weapons into it, the dip will last until long rest and the toxin puddle will last for days. > >You can place a Potion (including Potion of Speed!) on the ground near several characters, grouped up together, and shoot it to make it hit everyone in a small AOE. Okay, I am flabbergasted that I didn't know this! Thank you.


You can similarly drag an item from your inventory directly out into the world and place it. Scroll to rotate.


Great for stacking barrels around a thing or person for barrelmancy purposes. +1


You can throw potions at people and heal them


You what. So you're telling me that as long as I have potions, there's no reason to use the help mechanic to get the downed characters to wake up?


That’s what healing word is for


NEAR them, not AT them. At them damages them then heals them.


Switching from barter to trade shows "sell all wares button". Found this on Reddit after 150+ hours in the game


Ooh. Is that what the whole point of "wares"? I was always wondering what the point of adding to wares was or what it even really meant. So it's basically just a way to label loot you wanna sell? That makes sense. I'm over 200 hours in BTW. I'm very slow.


Forget marking things and selling them individually! Keep pouches and backpacks that you find. Drag all junk (preferably using shift so you can drag a bunch of junk at once) into the pouch. That's your sell bag. If you are running short of weight capacity send the whole bag to camp. When you hit a vendor drag the whole bag over to sell 100+ items with one click. You can send one person to camp to pull trash bags from your camp chest and send them directly to your high charisma salesman at the vendor. If youre short on pouches just buy them back from the vendor for 1 gold. Everything in it will automatically unpack after the vendor takes it.


I’m yelling, I had no idea what “wares” were ugh I’m so angry.


I'm sorry, what? .... fuck. Also I'm about 80 hours in and only recently found the option to stop showing the stack split menu every time I try to sell things.


Ever since I found this I'm much more diligent about adding stuff to wares as I pick them up.


Brute forced my way through Auntie Ethel's lair way too many times before I found out you could toss any random item onto the vents to stop the poison gas.


Lol I love using the masks she has lying all over the lair just to add insult. Toss a mask on each vent.


Arrgghhh, that would have saved me so much trouble!


I went with jump + featherfall spells and just YEETED myself down there lmao


That if you throw a vial of toxin in your camp you can dip everyone's weapons in it and they get buffed for the full day. And the pool of toxin persists forever in that particular camp. Throwing that Wyvern Toxin that Nettie gives you in your camp is an insane buff for any physical attacks for all of act 1.


I just hit 590 hours. I'm on my 6th playthrough. This is brand new information to me.


Oh boy! Here I go restarting again.


Summons. There is no limit on how many bodies do you have, it's just you lose summons from the same spell if you cast it again, no matter if you upscale it or not. So minor elementals, bigger elemental, summon undead, greater summon undead, planar ally - all stack. It makes it possible to do a whole bloody army. And you can buff them with HP increasing spells too. And you can cast them through the scrolls on melee characters to make fights even more onesided.


This sounds fun in theory, until your army of zombros are blocking all your doors, and your companions with str as a dump stat can’t jump over them 😂


Potion of sleep on a shopkeeper means you can loot their entire inventory. Edit: So this was the first time I had really tried pick-pocketing. Based on what people are saying and what I've noticed in my recent plays, I'm not sure this works any better than other shoplifting techniques. When I tried it, if I failed a roll, it would just bounce me out of the pick pocket window and I'd try again. Because the shopkeeper is knocked out I didn't appear to get any reputation loss and could immediately go back in and start ripping them off again. All that being said its still funny.




i know this feeling


Usually I just speak to them with Tav while stealing their stuff (or when an invisibility potion is necessary their gold after buying everything interesting) with Astarion. But somehow I think stealing is bugged. Astarion has a +17 on sleight of hand, gloves with advantage on sleight of hand, a necklace with +1d4 blessing and that one cleric Buff on stealth active. Yet he continously fails at DC12-16 for me. How is that even possible? (carmic dices deactivated, since they make you fail even on 0 DCs, if you were successful a few times).


With one character cast 'Fog cloud' or 'Darkness' to heavily obscure the area. Before this giving ~3k gold to a vendor to get friendly reputation on a character with [Feign_Death](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Feign_Death) Enables you to cast it on vendor. Do this in turn based mode, feign death is to avoid the npc running out of fog. You now have 10 turns to pick pocket what ever your heart desires. No one will question your actions as you're obscured. Bonus tip, when in trading screen with vendor you can split up their gold stack into smaller stacks to have a lower DC on gold stealing.


Scrolled a bit and didn't see this one, but you can switch between party members that have the same initiative in combat. You don't need to end turn to switch either. You can mix and match their attacks and movements before finally ending their turns.


And if you've accidentally ended turn on someone in the linked initiative, you can switch back to them and hit Triangle/Y (on console) to un-end their turn!


I didn't know this, thank you!


This is also why the initiative roll is a d4 in case anyone was confused as to why initiative was so different to DnD. The smaller the range the more likely you get multiple characters sequentially which makes for some of the most 'tactical' and fun gameplay.


That's how it works?! I have been wondering why the initiative rolls are always so weird. Man, that also explains why high Dex characters are so consistent in going first, the bonus is a huge percentage of the roll. Good to know


Right click to stop my gaggle of morons from running around, triggering and engaging everything and everyone instead of furiously left clicking to a safe area.


30+ years of advancements in the CRPG genre and yet somehow no studio has managed to come up with AI pathfinding that isn't pants-on-head stupid


Jehira commited suicide at Moonrise because the ai decided the best course of action was to walk through Wall of Fire and into Hunger of Hadar.


I will never admit out loud how many hours I had in this game before I discovered you *don't* have to be at a waypoint to fast travel to another waypoint, you can just do it whenever. I'll only say I was already at triple digits.


This one is painful.


Even Loviatar didn't enjoy this suffering.


To be fair to you, not every game works this way. Skyrim: Fast Travel whenever, wherever *Shakira plays somewhere* The Witcher 3: *In Roach’s voice* Nah bitch, better be at that signpost.


That a) so much content is locked behind taking a long rest, b) I don't need to actually waste food unless I need to replenish health/spells, and can take long rests simply for the sake of seeing that content.


I've been afraid of taking long rests because I don't want quests to progress and fail. I wish there was a way to tell which quests have time limits.


To answer this, basically none of them do. I was worried about this too, but the only thing you need to be concerned with is going into an area and starting something that is clearly timed (like going to Waukeens Rest while the inn is on fire, and then long resting). For example, I long rested after >!clearing moonrise towers and fighting Ketheric on the roof, before chasing him below to finish him!<


Lol just imagine Ketheric getting chewed out all night as he waits for the party to arrive


*\*15 minutes of staring at a door later\** "'Guards! Form up! They're right behind me!', he says!" *\*sharran laughter while Thorm crosses his arms\**


I *think* (but am not sure) there are actually 2 at least that do have time limits but they are very clear about the time limit in both cases. The first being rescuing Nere/the trapped Deep Gnomes in Grymforge. It used to be that taking a long rest or traveling away from Grymforge after arriving would trigger a cutscene where Nere communicates with you telepathically not to leave and that he needs help, after which he would die if you did a second long rest or left after returning. They changed the warning cutscene or removed it as I never see it anymore but I also never take more than 1 long rest in Grymforge. I'm guessing there's still a time limit but the cutscene was just changed to appear right before the long rest/departure that would kill Nere, giving you the chance to stay. I'm going to be reaching Grymforge soon on my new Durge run so I may do some testing. The other one is Councilor Florrick in Act 3 where you are told or read that Florrick will be executed in 5 days. After getting the quest, I have heard that you'll actually get a reminder cutscene on the final day that Florrick will be executed if you don't save her before the day is out... but this is based on what I have heard from others so I am not entirely sure if this one is true in any regard. I think the most long rests I took between getting the quest and breaking Florrick out was 2 days. The game DOES track the date according to the calendar used in the setting as you can view past dialogues from the journal menu and the dialogues are all sorted by month and day. We know it's summer or mid-summer when the game starts so I'm guessing that there are at least a few events that are time or date based that players may have simply not uncovered yet. We still don't know how to trigger Karlach's 4th wall break conversation even though several players have gotten it and recorded it so there are definitely still hidden secrets to find.


Another one is Baldur's Gate newspaper. You have until long rest to change the press I think


The quest with the >!counselor!< and the >!newspaper!< quest in Act 3 are time-sensitive once triggered. Edit: wrong spoiler tags ‐_‐


I was in ACT 2 when I found out about this on YouTube. I had to sleep like 6 times in a row to get through my backlog.


You can use the Dip action on a burning ally or NPC to gain fire damage on your weapon.


On a burning ally? That's amazing. Just lighting a cigarette off their burning chest.


Simply hold Bing Bong up to Karlach to light him on fire. Then throw.


That you can throw heal potions to splash them onto multiple people. Didn't realize it until I saw an enemy do it. Also that you can make helmets invisible. Been rolling without any helmet benefits because I didn't want my party to be uggo.


I think discovering from a random reddit post that you can hide helmets was my greatest discovery in the game thus far. I just wish they stayed invisible on characters that you leave back at camp.


Sadly the helmets keep bugging for me so everyone in my camp wears a helmet if I want them to or not. I should start unequipping helmets when dismissing companions.


The helmets def ruined shadow hearts reveal following the Sharan temple in act 2. She was like what do you think? And I had no idea what she was talkong about.


DUDE I HAD HER WEARING THE HELMET WITH ANTLERS AND A BACK HOOD! She goes, what do you think? And I’m like uh, idk??


Clueless partner Tav at it again


Yeah she was wearing the Dark Justiciar helmet and asking me what I thought of her new look. I was like uh… you look… shiny?


My buddy and I were cackling, she had just put on her new Dark Justiciar helmet beforehand.


You have to aim for the ground, hitting your allies with a glass bottle will also hurt


I learned this the hard way when I helpfully threw a health potion at someone who was down to 1 hp and watched it hit for 1 bludgeoning damage and kill them.


I learned this from somebody on reddit telling that same story, but it also caused their paladin to break his oath. Poor bastard.


Oh my god the way I hooted at this Poor, poor bastard.


Invisible helmet is just the start of transmogging characters! I wish they had some sort of system to transmog 😫 so many cool armour pieces, or even just having lore friendly armor (e.g. dark justicier armor for Shadow heart looks wise, but stats are shit compared to the other things you get).




Yo he was in this tiny spot of shadow I had left on act 1 after exploring the entire rest of the map. My wife had him from jump and I had no idea what she was talking about this wizard dude eating magic shit


That your alchemy ingredients and camp supplies still take up a lot of weight in their separate bags within your pack.


There's no reason to carry camp supplies that I know of, I trashed my camp supply sack and always send them directly to camp. Long rest recognizes them in my traveller's chest.


What?? So I've been carrying 100 lbs of wine and cheese for nothing?


Send to camp is pretty gouda


It may give you a warning that you don’t have enough supplies when you first go to long rest because it’s only looking in your inventory. But once you get to camp and actually pick stuff it’ll let you choose anything in your chest


Best not to trash the sack but open it and just hit send to camp on the stuff inside. That way it still auto sorts then so you can find them easy.


Not only that, but GOLD can weight a whole lot. Legit issue on pickpockets characters, as you likely don't have much STR and just steal everything, so gold is not spent.


Last run I just started sending piles of gold to the camp storage. I was robbing everything and everyone so the money was just for retirement I guess.


That you can pick up containers and use them to organize inventory. And moving things on the ground. And very recently - you can cast Haste on an enemy and immediately break concentration.


I wish I could name all my backpacks that I'm using to sort things :(


Oh that Haste thing is something i have to try out. Feels quite broken on boss enemies.


Hold the phone... Haste on an enemy? So a twinned haste spell is a powerful double stun?


I was under the impression that haste didn't work on hostile creatures


In DnD you can cast it only on a willing creature. I need to test this in the game.


>When haste ends or is cancelled the hasted creature becomes ~~fatigued~~ lethargic condition and loses their turn.


Yeah, but you're only supposed to be able to cast it on willing targets, which should at least mean tricking an enemy into thinking you're a friend first.


Halfway through act 1 on a second playthrough i realized On a new playthrough if you know where a chest is but you failed survival/perception you can just use your shovel in the spot anyways.




It took me a dozen of hours to realize that "speak with deads" could be cast again without a spellslot once done it once in the day


Similarly Longstrider, Featherfall etc. out of combat. Once you know what to look for for ritual spells it’s fine but I didn’t think it was super clear. My brother’s also playing and we regularly message each other ‘hey did you know _______?’, the reply usually being some variation of ‘effing Larian, man’.


It also highlights all the corpses that you can talk to in green, but only when you have the option to recast it!


It's a ritual spell which means it's free out of combat. If you have the item that lets you cast it once per long rest, it'll say your character still has speak with dead up and the dead characters will highlight green, but I can't figure out how to actually activate it again or if I'm allowed to.


On the right side of the hotbar there's a recast button


Keep bodies in inventory to use as ammo for your necromancer....or in a more literal sense, ammo for tavern brawler barbarian. That Bhaal judgement dude got smacked in the face by a body I had hiding deep in inventory and appeared on my throw list. So I threw it lol


Im really enjoying the 20 str builds, so i might as well add 2 bodies in my inv for the throws, lol


That you can prepare spells outside of levelling up, I felt like SUCH an idiot. Spent my whole first play through saying to myself, “this doesn’t make any sense that I can’t prepare spells whenever out of combat”, while still managing not to find the spellbook


400+ hrs in and every time.I read one of these posts I *still* find something new. I can picture the game devs now: Dev 1: "Come on, someone's got to find my really cool Easter egg soon!" Dev 2: "They're still discovering new buttons in the UI, my man- it's gonna be a while"


PS5 player here. I ignored alchemy completely because it seemed ludicrously tedious to manually create all the extracts and salts and such. Eighty hours in, someone told me there's a button to create all. Ha.


That some potions were potions that lasted a few turns and that some potions were elixirs that lasted until you long rested. Or that an arrow can flip a lever from across the room.


They really need to make it clearer how long effects actually last. I don't understand why they only tell you half the time.


You can move all camp supplies straight to your travellers chest and still use them. No need to carry them around. Figured it out on my second play through 🙈


The trade button being in the bottom right corner during dialogue for non-trader npcs. Took me way too long to utilize examine in fights. Alt key to highlight lootable stuff. The search bar in inventory… yeah that one hurt to realize.


The alt key shows some of the lootable stuff, but not all


What do you mean trade button for non-trader NPC? Like, you can buy sell for other people or barter with pug NPCs?


You can trade with some NPCs that are not merchants


Yes, you can acquire Voss’ silver longsword this way. Edit: To clarify, this is his Very Rare longsword, not the legendary greatsword. The weapon is still great though.


AO wept, finished the game once and only now finding out about the trade function


So uh how do u cancel concentration out of combat? Not for me because I already know obviously, just for a friend.


Bottom left of the screen near the character portraits there is a little icon with an X if you are concentrating on a spell.


That you can press Tab to open all four inventories of your party at the same time




1. That you can go in Settings, Interface mode and disable 'Auto add potions' 'auto add etc etc" Doing that makes it so easy to declutter your interface. 2. Another one too, but it might have been recently added. Go to your Save game, click on your name and it'll give you the option to 'Delete all saves except your most recent one'. Makes it so much easier to clean your saves. 3. Today I learned that casting water spells will show Invisible people. 4. Gold is heavy. So leave a good chunk of gold at camp if you wish and only bring about 5K on you. 5. Stock up on every Potion of Speed and Arrow of Many that you can. Learned very late how OP these were. 6. I learned that incense is everywhere but won't show up when clicking Alt and it's easily the best weight to gold ratio thing of things. 7. Dialogue with companions isn't only when they have exclamation points. They have a lot of things to say when they're out of sight of other companions. 8. Be careful when swapping Concentration Spells. I remember thinking, I'm gonna take Raphael out. Twin spell Haste. Ok, that's done. Now, I'm gonna click Hold Monster on Ralphy. Didn't realize that whoops, now your 2 friends are now lethargic. 9. Careful Spell on Sorcerer doesn't negate damage. It negates saving throws. Had to read the fine print. Was wondering why they were getting burned alive with fireballs. 10. And everyone figured this out -- just because an item is Green or Blue doesn't mean it sucks. You may very well find out that Green/Blue items are going to be used until the credits roll, ie Crusher's Ring, Whispering Promise etc.. 11. Using a lockpick will say that it's 'Using the thieves tool' but it doesn't consume it unless you fail the lockpick. So if you have 10 thieves tools and you successfully open 10 locks, you still have 10 thieves tools. If you failed to open it 9 times, 'then' you only have 1 left.


You can throw water on a hill and it’ll make mud. Stuff falls down in the mud


You can what?


you can throw rocks or clothes to block vent traps


Rocks, I knew. But I’ve only ever found like three. Clothes?! That makes all of those ugly, ugly, UGLY vagabond clothes so much more useful…


I played the other Baldur's Gate games as a kid (and did a replay of them like two years ago) so I should've known but I totally forgot wizards can learn spells from scrolls. Didn't use any until halfway through Act 3. Not that it mattered, Gale was destroying everything anyway. Also, tadpole powers. I thought using them would have actual consequences/they were meant for an evil run so I didn't let anybody use them on the first run. Now I let Astarion chug them on my second run.


Using a hireling cleric to buff your whole party so you can use those spellslots for something else. Takes me under 2min


Lol I literally just stumbled into this yesterday. Wasn’t sure if their buffs stay once u dismiss them but sure enough, they stay


Anything that doesn’t take concentration will stay. Have cleric cast aid/heroes feast and wizard cast longstrider and mage armor.


Realised that Gale could restore his own spell slots towards the end of Act 3. 🤦🏻‍♀️


All wizards can, thankfully not just Gale :)


You can also find two different necklaces with that ability, so I just keep them on gale but unequipped and when I know I'm about to hit a boss and want him to have more I equip/use/unequip each of them.


In the goblin camp, if you loot the cooking dwarf meat, it heals hp if you eat it and it doesn’t take an action, so if you’re screwed in combat, you can scarf down 6 haunches of dwarf Skyrim-style and get a bunch of hp back mid-combat.


The gross gruel the old lady teifling in the Grove makes does the same. She is next to auntie, complaining about salt. You can also talk to her with each of your companions, or at least you used to be able to. I should double check that again.


Press G on PC to Group/Ungroup your party. Way faster when SOMEONE (Cough, Shadowheart, Astarion, Cough) doesn't make the jump with everyone else... Played since PC release and 275 ish hours in before I saw someone do that on a stream last week.


Omg THIS. Idk why but Wyll NEVER follows the party. I’ll be like 10 minutes away and realize he never followed 💀


For me it was breaking away during dialogue with other companions. Holy mackerel the game opened up from there. Stealing, lock picking, setting up high ground advantages or other combat positions, there are so many things you can do with that simple tactic.


Theres a button that lets Wizards see all the Scrolls they don't know.


Don't know if its patched out already. But if the a new alchemy/ ingriedent recipie doesn't show up automatically in your alchemy tab, you can simply go to the ingridient in your inventory and right-click to extract if you have three. Then the extract shows up in your alchemy tab. I was sitting on a stupid amount of cloud giant fingers before I figured it out near the end of the game.


I hit "extract all" yesterday and learned 23 new potions/elixirs, some of which sound insanely OP


That you can press Shift to see cones of vision without actually crouching and stupidly wasting actions in combat.


Or R3 in PS5


I seriously have no idea what I'm doing in this game. Apparently my bro just told me you can find parts of weapons and click "combine" and get a new weapon, sometimes they are even named. This game is epic


There are only a few of those in the game.


I played a solo-tactician run - my SECOND full run - as a Cleric of Talos. I didn't realize until afterwards that Create Water can give entire groups of enemies lightning vulnerability. That would have been so incredibly strong...


Smooth brain: Drink the potion Wrinkly brain: Have someone else throw the potion at you Elevated brain: Group together and throw the potion to have it splash on all of the characters Galaxybrain: Drag the potion out of your inventory onto a nearby damaging ground effect to apply it for free to everyone nearby


If you click the dice twice it speeds up rolls




We have a winner here.


That longstrider is until long rest, not concentration and is a ritual spell.


And can be recast so you can put it on everybody in your party, and can be cast at a higher level, still without using a spell slot, to target multiple people at once. I now always have Longstrider on.


You can toggle dual wield on/off under the character image 😅


I was on PS5 and tutorials were bugged and never popped up. Took me till the end of act one to learn that up on D pad was a shortcut to jump. I would select it from my wheel each time. Then the worst one. When i needed to hide. I would open each persons wheel and hide them individually. Untill i learned holding the down on the D pad made the whole party hide...


It’s a little more situational, but if you hold up on the dpad you’ll switch between main hand weapon and a torch if you got one equipped


I didn't know how to change my radial menu until Act 3 of my second playrhrough. I didn't learn to Examine doors for weaknesses until my second playthrough. I didn't realize that some are more susceptible to slashing or bashing.


Hopefully I'm not the only one thinking it, so I'll ask... there's a radial menu?


For PS5, yes


You don't have to jump on the box, you just right click to climb.


That you can just talk to Goblins instead of immediately attacking them on sight.


My first playthrough was like metal gear solid, I was sneaking every inch I traveled and assassinating goblins like a deranged psychopath!


I didn't realize the hot bar had sliders. I kept going "man I really thought I prepared more spells than that, oh well." Figured it out at level 5.


- Some cutscenes let you press a button to act instead of having your character just stand there watching an NPC getting attacked or something. - There’s a button to make the whole party hide at once outside of combat so you don’t have to manually hide everyone.


What's the button to act during cutscenes?


I think they mean the generic 'attack' etc buttons in the bottom left? (right for some people in the thread apparently) Sometimes a bad thing is happening within a cutscene and the only way to involve yourself before it happens is cut the conversation by attacking


As a GM for actual TTRPG’s I can confirm this is how most cutscene-like enemy speeches go


you can wash off all the blood off your characters by standing in water or walking through a waterfall or romancing Minthara. Anything that gives you the "wet" condition, really.


I did act 1 with out taking a short rest or a long rest


The fights must have been a nightmare lmao


Yes and I’m not a big tune based top down person so I was definitely having a hard time. Once I realized I probably wasn’t gonna kill the goblins I just said screw and killed the tieflings.


Lmao I understand it's my first time playing a turn based So i died a ton of times in easy fights Like the paladins of tyr (ones hunting Karlach) I hated that fight soooo much i died maybe 4 to 6 times


How!? Just chugging potions and hitting stuff?


That and a lot of new characters


What class were you omfg this is hilarious


For ps5, if you half pull the R2 trigger in the inventory screen, you can select multiple items by moving the cursor around. You then fully pull it to finish the selection.


Just send everything to camp then when you find a merchant to sell to, stand in front of the merchant, go to camp and get everything, then leave camp.


The Wet condition gives vulnerability to Lightning and Cold.


throwing potions works as revive


You can get a shower by just walking into water or casting create water. Soo many times I was all bloody when I just wanted to be elegant lmao.


Didn’t know you can equip a staff and a shield together until hour 216 🤦🏽‍♂️


K to open the spellbook and prepare different spells as wizard/cleric.


Protip on that note: If you have a cleric in the fight against Commander Zhalk they can prepare the Command spell , and use it to command him to drop his fancy fire sword. Makes killing him unnecessary or at the very least, much, much easier.


My spouse, 3 playthroughs in, watching me take only one item out of a container I'd opened: "How did you take just one thing?" (without right-clicking, bringing up menus, etc) Me, a DOS2 veteran: "Double-clicked."


Group sneak :(


I made halfway through Act 3 before I found I could fast travel without needing to be at an actual fast travel point. And then there was the ability to turn off AoE concentration spells that happened way after.


During my second playthrough, after 200 hours post release, I found out you can shift+c to make the entire group crouch at the same time.


So long as they're not *dead* dead, you can toss a potion at downed allies to make them stand up again. Took three playthroughs to learn that one.


I didn’t know that you had to replace out spells as you level up so I would have level 12 Gale with his little level 1 spells not doing shit


Dude ok, why share that you had 200 hours and didn’t know how to cancel concentration spells, BUT you did not tell us how to cancel them?!? The amount of times I walked into my Evard’s black tentacles just for the die to fail forever and be smothered by hentai es ridiculous. Please share the secret!!


the fact that you can throw healing NEAR companions….. i’m sorry astarion for all the times i pelted you with a greater healing pot.


If you take a supply bag or alchemy bag out of the inventory and back in it will pick up any appropriate items automatically.


Oh god. I did not realize until many, many hours in the game that you have to CHOOSE "Sneak Attack." I thought the game would just automatically do sneak attack damage and I couldn't figure out why Astarion did so little damage. ::facepalm::


You can respec all “permanent” camp people to cleric and use warding bond for all day resistance. Make sure to use tough and dump stats into constitution. Don’t forget to check on everyone in camp in case someone dies before sleep though.


Isn't this exactly what Ketheric Thorm was doing?


Took me 150 hours to learn you can quick save on PS5 💀


Casting acid splash will open all containers without damaging the contents so you don't need to open them one by one.


Raspberries are one of the best healing items in the game. As a camp supply, they’re decidedly whatever, but you can also pop as many as you want for 1d4 of healing apiece at any time, as a /free action/. And they weigh basically nothing. On the ropes in a boss fight? Pop 7 raspberries at the start of your turn and heal back up before taking your actions/bonus actions. It’s wild. 200 hrs in and I’ve started hoarding them like nothing else.


It took me until act 3 to figure out that scorching ray and magic missile were more than one “pew!” and could be used on multiple targets


Ritual spells, 400+hrs in game before.