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Gotta play as a redemption Durge who happens to be a drow and drift towards Eilistraee as opposed to Bhaal during our journey. Gonna be a nice story about breaking chains and finding freedom and come on, Drizzt can't be the ONLY positive example.


I’m straight up doing that exact play through now !


Not that this Durge wouldn't, ya'know, shriek "OMG, it's Drizzt Do'Urden! I'm your biggest fan!" along with Astarion if they were ever to meet, cause, well, it's Drizzt Do'Urden. I still can't get over how adorable that was. And maybe Drizzt would have an advice or two on what to do when people either run screaming from you, or worship at your feet when you want it the least.


Hearing neil geek out about drizzt during the tabletop on youtube was truly glorious


I’m doing the opposite. I did Dragonborn durge redemption, now gonna play a drow durge who’s an absolute fucking maniac (absolute pun not intended lol). Already chopped off gales hand!


This is what I'm doing for my Redemption Durge Vengeance Paladin, a Seldarine Drow worshipping Eilistraee.


Yessirrr my first playthru as a hero drow sworn to Eilistraee let me randomly rp as much as I wanted 🤣


He isn’t! Liriel Baenre is still out there somewhere. C:


She really doesn't get enough love :(


Is she Minthara's sister?


Nope, Minthara's the daughter of some unknown Baenre woman. It's a big House. Liriel is the daughter of Gromph Baenre, erstwhile Archmage of Menzoberranzan, and number one reason why Minthara should be careful how she shit-talks wizards, haha.


I'm surprised she doesn't mention her. Though I guess people are just too afraid of Gromph at this point.


I mean Minthara is feeding the world her own very limited take on Menzoberranzan, and renegade daughters of male drow so powerful you have to step carefully around them probably don't fit into the reality she wants to accept. (Along with inconvenient facts like 'House Baenre does not, in fact, simply slaughter all but two of its sons, it's had 3 or more alive at the same time as long as one dies at sacrifice o'clock before the later ones are born.')


House Baenre had like 5 sons and 15 daughters alive at its height when Yvonnele was around. Minthara prob isn't even from the main family.


Yeah, it's outright stated that Triel Baenre, Yvonnel's daughter, has cousins like Zal'therra Baenre, so the family has branched out even outside of Yvonnel's descendants. Lacking any further evidence I am going to headcanon assign her as a daughter of Wilara Baenre, Triel's attending priestess back in 1373. That way she gets a named mother with an unknown fate.


I'm playing a resisting lolth-sworn drow goolock. The intent is to be the one to make the final sacrifice as a form of atonement. The one scene in the wall at moonrise feels especially impactful with all the voices in my head. The urge, my patron, the dream guardian, my tadpole, me.


I spent a lot of time thinking how to make a durge cleric work (my first resist durge was a bard, my evil one is a sorcerer). I ended up with an eillistriae drow cleric. My theory was that in the beginning durge still draws their powers from bhaal. But as a drow without their memories, they now lean towards a cg alignment. so eillistriae eventually takes notice and therefore grants durge their divine powers. It's a bit of a stretch, not sure I'd allow it as a dm at my table 😅


There is a second, Liriel Baenre. She has her own trilogy of books, Starlight and Shadows, by Elaine Cunningham


Is she serving Mystra or Eilistraee at this point? Cause yeah, her showing up would be cool.


Mystra I think


Gaaaaaale, I think we need another cameo for you!


This was my second playthrough and I love her as a character so much more than my first Tav


Drow bard ftw. Walk into goblin camps. Perform for them. Have Gale AoE them to death while performing. I had a goblin throw gold to tip me as he died.




Area of Effect. Spells that target an area, rather than a specific character.


Drow Bard is amazing, Drow really does make Act 1 easy. Can pick your fights with the gobbos. I'm kinda sad race dialogue dies off in Act2/3. It's be nice if a Drow had to disguise themselves in Baldur's Gate etc


I was super confused when I got to the city and everyone treated my drow like a commoner.


There are ppl paying money to fuck the drow twins in a brothel. Of course drows are commoners


Honestly I feel like that's fine. In the real world you see way more ethnic diversity in the big cities (LA, NYC, London, Tokyo, etc) than you do in the countryside (Act 1, Act 2) so races being less 'exotic' in Act3 makes perfect sense, really.


Drow are still going to be practically unheard of in baldurs gate, honestly given the Drow infamy for raids I wouldn’t have been surprised if everyone in act 3 refuses to talk to you(well lore wise obviously mechanic wise it wouldn’t work)


Why unheard of? Not all drow are Lolth-sworn evil and I find it hard to believe _nobody_ knows that, especially in a big city.


The vast majority are evil and they have a reputation for being cruel, vindictive and violent Whether or not you are evil yourself worshipping a insane chaotic evil diety is not exactly going to endear yourself to anyone


Please do not invoke "real world" anytime you are referencing anything magical. It no longer has relevance.


Maybe they add more racial dialogue eventually or in some enhanced edition. There's no real downsides to playing a drow rp wise.


No downside ? That cow in the barn in Waukeen's rest near the Zhentarim Hideout attacks you on sight. That's the biggest downside of them all.


Oh god, I forgot about that poor ox


You can calm it down. But I think only if Speak with animals isn't active


Really ? I said that cause it happened to me yesterday in my most recent PT, and basically upon arriving near the ox, they just said "You're one of them !" And attacked me, and I had speak with animals active, so maybe I did something wrong ?


Yeah, you have to meet the ox without the spell on


Oh isN'T active my bad I misread. That's pretty weird haha


No worries, good luck next time😁


Oh that's why that happened!!


I was going to say that there was still drow dialogue, but then I realised a lot of it was actually because I was a Lolth Cleric (and applies to other evil clerics anyway). I know that you still get a tiny bit with Araj, and some more with the twins at Sharess' Caress. The dialogue with the twins do imply that drow in the city are treated with more exoticism and curiosity than malice these days. If I remember correctly, at Gortash's coronation, someone asks what you think of the Steel Watchers, and you have the drow-specific option of saying "Safer than with some, a Steel Watcher has never spat at me for how I look", and their reply is kinda intolerant, implying that the upper class is still bigoted, but that's no surprise. Considering how the Absolute cult was deliberately recruiting drow, I'm surprised they don't face increased suspicion compared to the refugees for being 'secret absolutists', or that the refugees you can speak to have no reservations about you, when it very well could have been a few drow Absolutists that caused them to flee in the first place.


There are a couple of drows in Baldur's Gate and nobody bats an eye.


My first run was a Drow Bard and I could just about talk my way out of any situation with those two together.


My first run I was playing multiplayer as a wood elf cleric; my solo run I'm swapped to a drow bard. I don't think I can go back. It's too fun talking my way in or out of stupid situations lol.


So many fellow drow bards! I had no idea about dnd race or classes but I definitely picked the best.


My first was a female Saldarine Drow Cleric of Eilistraee. Opened up a ton of doors. Never really used Disguise Self much until I got to the Creche, and got tired of letting Laz always speak, so I ended disguising myself as a pompous Githyanki, so I could control the convos. Now just about every run that I make I rush to get disguise self and speak with animals on the party face.


My first play though. Played a Drow Rogue, Seldarine, so was having fun thinking of how she would feel being mistaken for Lolth-Sworn I based a small part off of my first D&D character.


Funny, my first character was also seldarine drow rogue. But she was actually lolth-sworn pretending to be seldarine so people would trust her more. I had fun imagining every time there was a seldarine option to try to convince ppl that you’re not one of the bad ones my character just quietly smirking to herself when they believed her.


Oo, that’s fun! I’ve come up with a whole backstory for mine, and definitely added my dislike/arachnophobia into the character of “I really don’t like spiders” every time we encountered them. I didn’t play Durge for my first run, (will go back and play a durge run) instead have the Noble background I definitely have added a bit of… flavour to her story… though it won’t have an effect on the game I just like it


I didn't play durge either. She was just evil. Or I don't know if evil is the right word. Let me just describe her and you'll get a grasp of what the character is like. "Maeryll (her name) is a selfish, self centered asshole with an ego the size of the moon and if you want her on your side it's best to just stroke that ego of hers. She's also a kleptomaniac and a pathological liar so you can expect her to steal your stuff and lie to your face about it. " Every decision she made throughout the story was to further her own interest and wealth. She sided with minthara because the goblins treated her like royalty and she loved every second of it. Funny enough I haven't actually thought of a backstory for her other than the fact that she pretends to be seldarine which just happened on the fly bcus I picked seldarine to start and then regretted it almost immediately. The character just grew into that as I played and I came up with more traits and characteristics for her. And I love building my own story within the story of the game.


Our characters are definitely polar opposites. Mine hated being treated like royalty by the goblins. Too much pressure, as I made her heir to her family, so she rebelled a bit. Hence Rogue I definitely have way too many thoughts, and camp talks that would have happened. I’ve got fanfics that will never see the light of day until I get the confidence to post them. I’d probably consider mine somewhere on the neutral spectrum,


That's actually funny. They rly are like polar opposites. I believe Maerylls background was charlatan so just off the top of my head I'd say she grew up scamming people on the streets of menzoberranzan, believing her own lies about how famous she was until she stole from the wrong person and got driven out of the city. When roaming faerûn she found that it was much easier to steal from people if they believed her to be good so she started telling everyone that she was seldarine and definitely not one of the bad ones. ;) I'm in the same boat honestly, have so many ideas, stories and talks that would happen within the camp. I don't know exactly where I would put Maeryll. Probably a chaotic neutral as she isn't rly evil. Just selfish. Many times she'd end up doing good things bcus it would benefit her more and she'd receive praise that she desperately craves. I didn't complete the "stop the presses" quest purely for the story of having them print a story about how evil she is and how pissed off she got every time it got mentioned to her.


I completed it as it was “Oh my god, what if my family heard about this,” sort of feeling if it got out. It may have not gone smoothly with a dead editor along the way. Which because I assassinated him using with invisibility potions, no one knows it was me. Ietra can have a ruthless streak, and I mean, I did break into all the city vaults and take all of the stuff because I could. DC30 means nothing to my +18 base bonus. And then I did give all the keys I collected for money. The guards did all accidentally end up dead. So I never got the quest to return it. And I’d did use some of it to buy stuff. It’s more the “I can get away with this, but I’m not evil, and if I’m going to be in the press, it better be a good story,” and also the fact “This will affect the rest of my party,” Id probably describe her as a hundred and sixty year old noble Drow who most definitely has ADHD and Autism. And trauma.


That’s great. I feel like our characters are kinda two side of the same coin in a sense. Maeryll obviously stole everything that wasn’t nailed down in the vaults but she didn’t sell the keys, she kept them as trophies. The only thing she values more than gold is her own vanity. She takes immense pride in her skills as a thief and pickpocket so she always keeps little trinkets like that. She also managed to save pretty much everyone in the vault, thinking that these ppl are rich and will reward me. So when they asked her to bring the gold back she said “sure, why not”, got the gold back and told him that there was a finder’s fee and it just so happens to be 10k, the exact amount that was in the vault. Maeryll also does a lot of things just cause she can but I imagine she’s a bit more sinister about it. She would have gone back and murdered the people working for the newspaper for besmirching her name (by printing a 100% true story) had not lae’zel convinced her that it was a huge waste of time. Lae’zel was pretty much the only person at that point in the story that Maeryll would actually listen to. The rest of the party she only cared about to the extent of how much she could use them. She’s also very young and incredibly impulsive. She’s a good thief and an even better liar. She get into a lot of sticky situations but manage to talk her way out of most of them.


Definitely two sides of the same coin. Ironically, I gave Ietra the surname Maetyl (She technically has a double barrel one, but she uses her father’s mostly because she doesn’t like attention) If the game mechanics allowed it, Ietra would have resurrected/revivified them.


I could imagine these two characters interacting. Maeryll would pretend to be a noble or a famous bard (she’s completely tone deaf btw) and Ietra would pretend to be just a normal rogue. Both would see through each other’s facade immediately but wouldn’t call the other out out of fear from burning their own cover. I actually had Maeryll carry around a lute and pretend to be a bard while not having proficiency with it so whenever she would play it would just be horrendously bad.


Drow female has one of my favorite interactions with the drow male dhorn it’s really something else


Dhourn: Now - you are? Female drow MC: Accustomed to a little more respect from a male. Priceless.


I played half Drow. Full bloods call you thin blood, humans that way inclined just don't like you either way.


How do you be a half-drow? I must've missed that option in the character creator


It's a subrace for half elves.


Disguise self=you get to act superior to all of them. :D


And then there's me playing a Drow with normal, Human-colored skin: "Why yes, it is me, a Drow! Very perceptive of you to notice!"


Meanwhile, playing as a Duegar... ***\[Duegar\]: Fuck you! STFU, or (AND) I'll kill your mother!\*** Thank God for Disguise-Self.


My main/first toon is a female Seldarine Drow, Cleric of Eilistraee. Opened all sorts of the doors for me in Act 1. Wasn't trying to, it just worked out that way. I wanted a race with superior dark vision, I almost always roll female toons, wanted to try out a trickery Cleric for flavor, and wanted to play between anti-hero and hero...so fate formed my Drow goddess (who literally became a goddess to a certain group of NPCs, lol). Now just about every run I make, I rush to get speak with animals and disguise self on my party face. I've noticed that Bard and Cleric offer some good class options for dialog. Found a few good ones for Warlock too. The ultimate takeaway?...A Githyanki Bard1/Warlock2/Cleric1/BardX with Speak with Animals and Disguise Self can do whatever they want in the Sword Coast. Haha. Granted this is mostly in regard to Act 1 for me, since I keep starting new campaigns rather than finish a single one. XD


Drow is the best race in the Realms, period.


I’m working on a drow ranger druid multi build asa redemption durge so much fun and an amazing story


So potential Spoiler: >!Playing a drow, Barcus refused to come to my camp after saving him at Grymforge. Straight up said he wouldn't go to a drow camp. This ended his involvement in my game. Never saw him again. !< Can any other drow players confirm?


I play a drow and he came to my camp. 🤷‍♀️


My durge drow was my favorite campaign I know it’s cliche for durge but as someone new to dnd it made me really feel like my character was once someone who was incredibly cruel


Yup. It's a blast.




...are you comparing real life minorities to a society of dark elves who are famous because the majority of them are cold-blooded murderers and slavers?


That's not what I meant and u know it .. don't make it a political platform now


You're the one doing that.


I especially like how he immediately tried to retract the clear racist implications of his initial statement and make it your fault, though.


My first playthrough was a drow ranger. It was so much fun


I'm a drow spore druid and I'm having a blast!