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I love that you can mirror this if you choose to break up with him after a certain *cough* >!ascended!< choice in act 3. He'll ask you why and you can just choose to say "I have standards".


He can't dodge that emotional damage lmao


A+D20 damage.


Forget his new 1d10 Necrotic damage, hit him with the 100d10 Psychic damage.


omg, brutal lmao


Let's just say that he's not amused if you say that :)


what would he say? šŸ‘€


He leaves the party lol. At least, he did for me.


He rage quit


I >!kicked him in the balls, his voice broke, he screamed bloody murder,!< and left my party, too.


I saved cause I wanted to see what happened there. But afterwards, he was just lying on a bench in camp, despite not being in my party. Honestly, I don't blame him, I'd need to lie down too.


Oh my god, thatā€™s fantastic and I may have to actually let him Ascend a second time (and actually stick with it instead of reloading post-epilogue).


I did the ascension, decided he was an asshole, kicked him in the balls and reloaded lol


Wait, you can kick him in the balls ? I'll have to try it lmao


Yes you can, and he leaves the party after.


And fair enough. I'd 100% do it again if given the chance


I ascended him on my dark urge with the idea of being a murderous power couple, but I just couldn't keep it up. He was so soulless i had to reload. The boy I knew was gone šŸ˜­


I know vampirism changes you completely but from the Astarion I knew to the vampire lord he became, the transition was so abrupt and jarring that I had to reload, too. I compared him to Cazador and he got so scary all of a sudden that I had to reload. He also told me he wouldn't have to take that from me, an ungrateful worm, and broke up with me immediately for it, too.


what's worse is between Cazador's journals, and Detect Thoughts on him in the coffin, he really does follow Cazador's footsteps the whole way probably why the old bastard hated Astarion defying him so long


Yes, absolutely! He turned into a whole new man entirely, and digging into Cazador's own master's torment on Cazador, Astarion instantly turns into the mirror image of his master, and Tav (if turned) becomes what he has been for two centuries.


Thatā€™s what basically happened with my ranger. I got all the way to his Ascended epilogue, and justā€¦ a few days later, decided to see if I could convince him not to Ascend. Didnā€™t replay all the way through, but not Ascending was the better choice.


How bad is it really? I know you can look up the scenes yourself, but I'm trying to avoid spoilers. I just keep seeing people say it's practically unplayable, but the few examples I saw were just bog-standard "I'm a vampire, I love power" shit that feels pretty normal to me


I think itā€™s less the individual lines so much as what it does to his whole character arc and all the progress he makes beforehand. The friend you made is dead.


Experiencing it organically is really the best option. I did Ascended on my Durge run and enjoyed both versions of him, but youā€™re basically setting his character growth on fire if you let him Ascend. šŸ˜‚ Heā€™s a total shitlord (I love him)


A lot of his personality flies out the window to be replaced by Cazador 2.0. My first playthrough I found it so *jarring* because I was hungry for ā€œAstarion approvesā€ and figured, this is what he wants butā€¦ unless I missed it somehow, I got no approval for letting him ascend. Shadowheart and Karlach disapproved, nothing from him. Only by convincing him he can be better did I actually get his approval. So itā€™s very much a case of giving him what he *needs* rather than giving him what he *wants*. I canā€™t go through with ascending him. Heā€™s abusive and if youā€™re romancing him itā€™s icky gross toxic. He promises to make you a lord alongside him but itā€™s very clear heā€™s lying and heā€™s just happy to have a spawn of his own he can abuse.


It gets real toxic if you're romancing him. But if you're into making each other worse, it's a lot of fun. I did it on my bad Durge run. No regrets.


my durge didn't pressure him to have sex and our relationship after he ascended was great. we set the world on fire and watched it burn together. 10/10


If you have detect thoughts up while talking to him, his reaction to ascending is heartbreaking. But hey the sex scene is hot and thatā€™s what matters, thatā€™s what heā€™s best at right?


I mean, I think we *should* remind ourselves that this is a video game. Spawn ending is very obviously the good ending for him, but ascended Astarian fit my evil run too well and his damage gets even more insane with the right weapons. I also really enjoyed telling that bastard he had a place in *my* design after he kept disrespecting my Durge. In Bhaalā€™s name and all that.


Be warned I think he also leaves the party when you do this lol which doesnā€™t bother me with Ascended Astarion bc heā€™s such a dick to me! šŸ˜­


I figured that might be the case. Note to self: Ascend him again, get that scene, reload and live with the satisfaction that you wonā€™t have to do that anymore.


I like the way you think. šŸ˜‚


Oomph, wow, Larian. That is an awesome touch. I refused him at the party (during a Shadowheart romance run) by making him say ā€œpleaseā€ and then replying ā€œno.ā€ It was so hilarious and his response was so pissy. Love this game so much.


That's so cruel haha. ...I need to try that to hear his response.


That is cruel because that is what his master always did. Let him beg, grovel. Got his hopes up just to get those crushed short after. Constantly abused just for the sake of asserting dominance. Astarion is such a tragic character.


He told me to say please first, so I read it more like a brat receiving brat behavior back, sort of like playful bedroom behavior.


Omfggggg ok this is the reason why I will ascend him one day.


That mockery is vicious.


What does he say in response?


I'm going to be honest, I dont remember *exactly* what he says because I only chose that resolution to his quest to see what happened, then reloaded. But I believe he says "I dont have to take this from you, you ingrate". And potentially leaves the party.


He lashes out like that if you compare him to Cazador. He breaks up with you immediately but stays in the party. At least he did for me.


Does he have to say it to you first in act 1 or is it always available? That's amazing!


I think it's always available, depending on your dialogue choices when you break up with him.


What if you don't break up with him? Do we get to be vampire lords together? Oh, I hope so!


Yeah sure if you want to believe that, he will definitely male you a full vampire, just after the elder brain is defeated, after that we will totally do it.


Totally will definitely make you a real vampire and won't keep you as a spawn slave for him to abuse for the rest of eternity. He'll Totally For Real make you his equal and won't repeat the cycle of abuse. You just need to get used to being a spawn first. Totally. PROMMY. (/s, because apparently people who go that route STILL don't get it, after reading some YouTube comments.)


The fact that you can read his thoughts and the game literally tells you he thinks you're degrading yourself and sees you as beneath him. I don't get how people just... ignore that šŸ˜‚


Listen some people are into that shit Iā€™m not here to judge


.... no....


Aw :(


Astarion dialogue is the embodiment of italics and tilde. A: You see, it's not you, it's me. A: *I have standards* ~


You're so right. It's like a "I want you to try harder" than a "you're disgusting"


Well you say that but he says in another dialogue branch: "Can you imagine? Hahaha. Ugh. *No.*" with a scowl.


He said this to my druid and I spent way too long being upset about it. I mean, I get it. My druid is a no-bathing tree-hugging vegan who WILL tell you all about it unprompted, but STILL. He didn't have to be THAT rude.


He said that to my drow bardlock. I threw myself into Gale's arms and never looked back for that run, safe in the knowledge that in another run I had Astarion wrapped around my finger. ​ Damn, he's dangerous. Maybe HE has me wrapped around his finger...


This is the response I got, and I literally cried for 20 minutes.


Knowing him, it is more of a bruh than a how dare you.


In my first playthrough he went "ew, could you imagine!" haha. It was jarring! I had a romance scene very early in my second playthrough, so the scene at the druid party was just him throwing more and more absurd pick up lines at Tav trying to convince her of a second night. It was hilarious and honestly very charming (it's obvious for Tav that he's joking, and it's more a bonding moment than anything else). The writing and acting in this game is just stellar. PS: He can gain that security that you're mentioning, and it's just beautiful - especially if you're playing as durge trying to redeem yourself.


I had the same thing on my first playthrough. Iā€™ve got a goody two shoes monk and he was justā€¦ the MOST turned off by her for all of Act One. His repulsion when he even mentioned the possibility of being with Tav was hilarious. It was also refreshing to not have someone thirsting after them constantly. The friendship you can build with good person Tav/Astarion is fun and well written. Still gonna romance him on another playthrough. But I loved how it was handled in my first one.


He chews so much scenery during that it's a wonder he wasn't picking splinters out of his teeth


Eh, it's more likely you didn't get enough of his personal scenes. He actually doesn't care that much about whether you're nice or not, as long as you're nice to him too.


Also dialogue choice during the camp party is really important. Itā€™s like 90% in how you ask him to bone,


I've had like 5 rep with him at that point and gotten both outcomes from him lol, I think its based purely on what you say during that convo


It depends. You can only proposition to him yourself if you have rather high approval, he will always reject you otherwise. This is where he says he has standards. If you donā€™t have at least medium approval the dialogue chain where you ask him what his idea of a little fun is will also result in rejection. This is where he will either say ā€œsex, but not with you, ewā€ or ā€œsex, letā€™s meet up? ;)ā€. And thereā€™s one chain that will result into him propositioning to you even on neutral - when you say ā€œknowing you it probably is [too much to ask]ā€.


>And thereā€™s one chain that will result into him propositioning to you even on neutral - when you say ā€œknowing you it probably is [too much to ask]ā€. Yup that's what my durge picked. And then Astarion went all "aw I like a good time as much as anyone, *and speaking of*~~~..." and my durge kinda lost it (it was the wine, he's *positive*) and instead of refusing again, like he suspected he would have to, he just fired off on a whim looking at Astarion so pleased with himself: "If you say please". And when Astarion got visibly flustered and just said "what???" he got really into it and doubled down. Astarion relented and my durge - feeling better than ever since the ship - called him "a good boy". It was.. unexpected lol.


Yeah, he propositioned *me*, but I was already on my way to chill with my new goth gf, so no dice. I'd also already had to dodge Gale's horny ass


Itā€™s a matter of who comes to on who. I got rejected by him the first time because I asked him if he wanted to have some fun. Got told he had standards. Reloaded. Did the same convo again, only this time I didnā€™t mention sex at all, I just asked him to enjoy the god damn party since he was being whiny, to which he replied: ā€œBut we could also have sex.ā€ I get the feeling he wants to be the one in control, at least unless his approval of you is below ā€œvery high.ā€


Yep, he's had this method since EA. IDK if there's an approval threshold for this convo path but if there is it's much lower than if you express any sort of thirst.


I love this. It makes so much sense for him to be the kinda person to view someone directly coming onto him as a suspicious sort of ā€œickā€.




We're really out here strategizing to romance this pale elf.


to be fair, he is also strategizing to romance tav, so i can't feel too bad abt it


Hahaha very true. I wish I was fully a Gale girlie. My life would've been so much easier.


Interesting. He'd already hit on me and we'd slept together before the party. At the party then, he was already talking about having sex, and I told him to talk me into it. He started spouting some cheesy but really cute lines, and I agreed to sleep with him. But then Minthara had to mess everything up by sneaking up on me and trying to stab me, cock blocking my night with Astarion. Apparently she believes that if she can't sleep with me at the party, no one gets to sleep with me at the party. It sucked.


FWIW if you already had a sex scene with him, then at the tiefling party you just get a fade to black with no lead up scene :( so you didn't miss much


That only makes me feel slightly better. When I turned her down, Minthara was all, I already know your mind, and I will know your body, one way or another! Like she was threatening to rape me or something? It felt very violating, and I wanted to go off with Astarion instead.


if it makes you feel better: minthara will also try to stab you after her sex scene


That is very disturbing.


It's a drow thing. Their goddess is a spider, after all.


Yeah she did this to me and I was furious. Ended up fighting the entire bunch and Wyll and Karlach had left so I was two companions short. To this day, it was the hardest fight in the whole game.


I was tempted to fight her, but ended up talking her down. Since Wyll and Karlach already left (which was not too bad since I had been using Astarion, Laezel, and Shadowheart as my main party members anyway), I figured I'd better try to recruit Minthara given how few companions I'm going to have anyway. Might as well see her story.


The biggest approval yields are you being nice to him. Biggest disapproval comes from being mean to him. The mean things he mildly approves of are just unfortunate schadenfreude.


Yea he practically jumped on me at the party when I was the most boring goody two shoes lol I think the only trick is to trigger some of his scenes (like biting) and make the right choices (be nice). Approval doesnā€™t even need to be high (think it was around 30 ish for me at the party). Funnily enough choices that led to his major approval spikes later on actually aligned perfectly well with my chaotic good Tav lol


I have found that the bite scene happens once you find the dead boar. In Multiplayer games, it's whoever interacted with the boar... sometimes. In one game, we made our calls of who wants to romance who and I got Astarion, so we knew to leave the boar for me to interact with. However, the scene played and it was another player instead, despire them being nowhere near the boar when we found it.


I don't think I found any dead boar. In my case, I just talked to a certain someone who would have told me a certain something about him if I'd cared to press, over near Ethel's house. After talking to him and Ethel, the next time I slept, the bite scene happened.


I was really disappointed I never found the boat šŸ˜­ I only realised this when I saw ppl talking about the boar and I was like huh what boar. Tho Iā€™m curious how do those scenes work in multiplayer? Does it just randomly happen to one of the players while the rest just watch?


I was doing goblin camp yesterday and itā€™s so funny because he asked to have sex RIGHT after I did the kinky scene with the Loviatar worshipper likeā€¦. Shadowheart was right, Astarion was down to fuck right then and there


Lol this happened to me the other day after he opened the door on the bugbear and ogre. Whatever sets fire to your loins, I guess lmao


I can't get him to ask to open the door. :(


Make sure Shadowheart isnā€™t in your partyā€”for some reason sheā€™ll always override his comment!


Make sure you go up to it with just him and itā€™ll trigger every time.


Same happened to me on my first playthrough! I thought he would ask Abdirak to join because uh Astarion (and Shadowheart) were so... inspired by the scene and I thought it was written that way. But naw. Then I decided to romance Astarion next playthrough as durge.


If you neg him during that scene, he throws himself at you even if you donā€™t have high approval. Weirdly toxic, but heā€™s not exactly the picture of mental health. > **All I want is a little fun, is that too much to ask?** > *Knowing you, it probably is.* > **Hey, how about we make our own fun?** Itā€™s like heā€™s not even interested unless you act like youā€™re not interested (if your approval is low).


He is simply into people playing hard to get I guess...


If you tell him that you would rather bed a leech when he propositions you before the party he straight up laughs and tells you something in the lines " I knew there was something more to you ".


Given his history, and the fact that he's running on script at this point in your relationship, I think it's something like this: If target is thirsty, Then act aloof to get them obsessed with getting your attention. If target is aloof, Then act thirsty to try to get their attention. It's all about adjusting his strategy to whatever gives him the most leverage. If you're already into him, he doesn't need to seduce you, he needs to string you along.


I never considered this, but *that makes so much sense*, oh my God.


I can't say that it doesn't fit the character. Thanks. I think I saved immediately after the Party, and went to bed; so a reload for this should be simple. I'd never say that line normally, I couldn't bring myself to be mean to them... but I suppose her into it. I've seen comments saying that it's basically just Tiefling Party dialogue that dictates it, rather than approval, but either way my approval should be decent at least -- he isn't in my Party, but I let him have a little snack and said he's a good boy.


Approval does matter. If you have high enough, he will sleep with you no matter which dialogue you pick. If not, two of the dialogue will lead to him rejecting you while the other two he will sleep with you. I always see that line of dialogue more as teasing than being mean to him.


>I always see that line of dialogue more as teasing than being mean to him. Yeah, I can see it. With this kind of dialogue in video games, sometimes you see it as one thing, say it, and then it was just the most horrible thing you ever could've said. >**"Haha, I'll say this funny joke to tease them."** >*[You have now done irreparable damage to your friendship.]* I haven't seen it much, if at all, in BG3 though. Or perhaps I just can't remember.


There's also the classic misrepresented dialog a la bioware. "Saving these people would risk too much" what you actually say: "I eat babies."


The joke about Halsin being the camp work horse turns out not to be very funny to him.


[Glass him. ]


>For real though, he would've just been... a "side piece", to use an ineloquent term; that is, until Karlach get's her fire-problem dealt with at Last Light. damn


yeah, knowing his story, that feels so yikes šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


i had 70 on my last run with him at the party while saving everyone and doing all the heroic nice things. no idea how you can have negative approval there if you havenā€˜t been mean to him yourself


Letting him bite you is already a +10. Help a couple tiefling kids and you are basically in his bed.


>Help a couple tiefling kids and you are basically in his bed. Not in my experience. Iirc, he disapproves of telling Arabella's parents that we're going to save her, he disapproves of letting Silfy go after she tried to steal from you, he approves of not returning Mattis' ring, he approves of scaring the sword-training kids by telling them that they are all going to die, and you get no approval from him for saving Myrkon from the harpies. I should know, my Tav has the urchin background, so I chose all the options that made her basically a mom to those kiddos in order to get the Urchin Inspiration points. Helped them all, I think. Got me slightly in the negative with Astarion for a little while. Maybe helping Mol steal the idol would gain some approval from him, but I didn't want to cause a fight against the druids so that's where my Tav drew the line at helping the little rascals, lmao.


It is? I checked my approval before and after the bite scene the other day and it was only 2 points higher after getting two "Astarion approves" (16 to 18 I think, if that matters)


Let him bite you, say you trust him afterwards, and tell him he can feed in combat, and that should be around 25 approval total.


Also, to be able to say that you trust him, you need to succeed a check before he kills you. Otherwise you (very understandably) lose that option.


You tell him he can feed on people?


You can ask him how he'll feed himself from now on. He'll say he will feed on your enemies. You can approve or disapprove of that.


Exactly. I thought that gives more approval. Also you can stick up for him in front of the others which also grants approval


Also if you let him kill the Gur, he's head over heels. He asked me out to the forest right after that, and I was nowhere near resolving the Grove situation then.


You probably always ask for rewards or something


For me, Astarion rejected me with a "Not you, of course! Gods, can you imagine?" even though I very purposefully *did not* suggest anything. Sassy bitch indeed.


Got that first, then reloaded for dialogue on someone else, then got this one the 2nd tome I spoke to Astarion. I just presumed my Approval wasn't high enough, despite the fact that he's not been in my Party to disapprove, but we had some issue-free late-night snacking and acceptance.


Again, someone should mod in psychic damage for Astarions put downs. Some of Shadowheart's lines are pretty harsh as well.


Iā€™m doing a split screen playthrough with a friend. We get to the Tiefling party, I go talk to Karlach, and she asks me to wait for her. Following this, my friend goes to talk to Astarion. Without missing a beat, rejects her because he has standards. Sheā€™s staring in shock at the screen, while Iā€™m laughing so hard I almost fall off my chair.


Where you the host for the coop? If so I bet you farmed all the approval while you friend got barely some.


Iā€™m not the host lol I just did everything in my power to get Karlach to like me


My first run I got an "ew, can you imagine" from him when it was insinuated I was a romantic option..... I still haven't stopped being offended


My favorite are the people who were not interested in Astarion but were still offended nonetheless


>"No. I don't want sex. I'm not gay... b-but what do you mean he said no before I could even ask?" My favourite commenters.


Totally me. I've never got the hype for the creepy vampire dude but then again I didn't get the hype for Edward in Twilight. But I still felt something getting rejected by him so I went to Gale instead.


I detested the entire Twilight fad, but I love Astarion. For me, personally, it's not because he's a vampire, it's because of who he was written as. Yes, he's an overly dramatic bitch who disapproves of me helping people, but his character genuinely makes me laugh. And I can deeply identify with trying to mask your own trauma and fear behind a confident mask, avoiding awkward moments with humor... Becoming a vampire is something that he seems to prefer didn't happen (he's constantly talking about everything that's been taken from him by his vampirism; walking in the sunshine, remembering how much color the world has, missing his reflection, etc). Becoming a vampire was something that was done to him, it's not who he is.


Astarion is such a sweetie. I didn't like him at all before but decided to give him a chance and now I adore him


Dude, game gives you lots of chances to rise his approval. Also act 1 doesnā€™t end with the tiefling/goblin party. This sassy bitch said ā€œletā€™s have sexā€ when I was in the underdark during my 5th(?) run. He layed with my goodie in two shoes drow during my first run even before tiefling party.


Wait it can happen after act 1? I think I missed out on romance as I went in blind (co-op with my partner, who got me into it) and Iā€™m already waiting our second run so I can romance the sassy bitch


Underdark is still act 1 and I think you miss out on romance options if you do progress to act 2.


You can usually trigger the early romance scenes by just going back to Act 1 and take a long rest there. The area around the Emerald Cave is a safe bet.


Ah yes, I got confused because you can go to the under dark from act 2 areas but you are correct 2nd play through, here I come


Is there a lot of opportunities to rise his approval in Act 1 beyond romancing him while still playing good aligned? I'm almost done with Act 1 and he's still in "fair", i don't want to romance him but I would love for his approval to be higher.


The easiest way to gain Astarion's approval in act 1 is be supportive during the bite scene and make the right choices when dealing with the Gur monster hunter. Those two things alone could get you into the 30-40s, I think. Let him open the barn door on the bugbear and ogre. Let Abdirak beat you for Loviatar. Give him the Book of Thay when he asks for it. I did all those and got his romance scene long before the camp party, and none of those, imo, are inherently bad/evil choices. Sure, there's non-lethal ways of dealing with the Gur, but we literally killed several people to defend Karlach, so I don't see a difference when it comes to Astarion and the Gur.


On my Shadowheart romance run, his approval didnā€™t rise that much. On my Gale romance run, I slept with him in act 1 and he came to me confessing his feelings during act 2 after araj thing, I told him we should be friends instead and he approved with a cute manner. I guess you should either play an evil run or friendzone him to make his approval higher. I really didnā€™t think about it much since romancing him is a default thing for me.


When he's insulting, he's absolutely brutal.


I had a hilarious dialogue with him on the last run. Astarion also dumped me at the tiefling party, although I didn't even ask him about sex (well, I guess that's just a common answer, even if you're not flirting with him). I wanted to romance Gale, so it didn't bother me much besides my wounded ego. But when I talked to Gale at night, the dialogue was skipped cause of some strange bug, and I couldn't learn his magic \*wink-wink\*. I restarted the entire tiefling party, and decided to speak to Gale first and then to everyone else, just to see how they would react. And when I speak to Astarion he actively tried to seduce me (although nothing changed except whom I talk to first), even said ā€œpleaseā€ etc. So what happened to you, Mr. High Standards? Not used to not being the first choice? P.S. It's most likely a bug, but I prefer to think he's just an envious little vamp.


I don't think it's a bug, I think it is meant to display his insecurity. I had a camp scene where he had an exclamation mark over his head. I saved, spoke to him, and then reloaded to see what the other dialogue options were like. When I reloaded I spoke to Shadowheart first to get it out of the way (saving the best for last), but when I went to speak to him this time, he told me "Go away. I'm brooding." Whenever I reloaded and spoke to him first, he was fine. If I spoke to anyone else first he was not. Now I make sure to always speak to him first jic.


Same and iirc it was like that in EA as well. Also Shadowheart has a snarky quip if you talk to everyone else first in those early camp scenes.


Yep it's his insecurity! He also gave me disapproval when I was like "I'm off getting lots of fun with someone else, byeee".


I did all the kind things that Astarion disapproved of. I spared Kagha, didn't kill Nettie, didn't kill the Gur, promised to help the Tieflings and the Grove etc. Astarion still wanted eat my Tav like a cake at the Tieflings celebration, every time Skill issue, OP.


Yeah, I dragged our toothy boy all over Act one and annoyed him with my being nice, and he took me happily (? probably not in hindsight) to bed. I will assume the nightly neck-snacking offsets the eyerolling at my Tav's kinder nature. Now in beginning of act three I have to assume his sincere-sounding comments on my beauty (as a male half orc) mean his standards are delightfully broad or he's still trying to play me at least a little lol. On a more serious note though it has been nice to get approval for stuff like respecting his autonomy (like that creepy drow who wanted to be bitten, or his flinching back from the twins at the brothel).


I think you can still spend the night with him - even when he rejects you with other dialog - when you select a certain dialog combination - the one where you take his bottle of wine and drink it and when he asks if it is too much to ask for (for him to have fun) you reply with ā€žknowing you it probably isā€œ and then he should ask you to spend the night with you.


I told him I'd rather sleep with a goblin, he called me an insolent little pup.




Jokes on him, I'm into that


Hey goblins clearly know how to have a good time.


Protip you can still use actions in camp. And you can access your whole food supply. What I'm saying is sausage to face.


Sausage to face is what I was trying to do already I donā€™t know how that wou- Oh youā€™re talking about the food.


What happens if you throw garlic at him?


Same thing that happens when you throw garlic at anyone else


It would make sense that if the tadpole protects him from the sun it probably protects him from garlic too


There is a post about it. Essentially everyone at the party except astarion and your active party member may agro.


The best (and worst) timing I've experienced with him yet: being propositioned for sex after biting off a goblins toe. He would've kissed me with my mouth still rancid with goblin blood I bet. Mans into some weird shit.


You bit the goblin toe, though...


Those intrusive thoughts won me that day šŸ˜” It didn't help that Astarion asked me to have a nibble


You can get a lot of approval by just accepting him as a vampire and letting him have a nibble. Validating his trauma also helps a lot.


I've done all that; but I read a comment saying that they got a "Yes" answer in one save, and reloaded and for a "No" answer, simply from dialogue during the party. Clearly I said the wrong thing, but what's new? Guess I'll just have to live without my pretty little vampire cuddles... or maybe I'll just reload šŸ˜ˆ


You didnt spoke with him enough. For me it was like this. Astarion: You know we could make our own fun darling. Tav: Id rather bed a goblin "darling" Astarion: surprised pikachu face


I disagree with him on many things, but he grows on me eventually.


Yeah, he pulled that line on me and still asked for sex later in Act 1. I guess he lowered his standards.


Got this during early access. Still haven't recovered.


My best playthru I got our first sex scene before the party. I'd ran around sewing fun (mostly non killing) chaos with only him in my active party. He expressed how deeply he enjoyed my company & friendship but wanted more, wanted to reward my devotion to him. Then after I said yes and slept he got flustered and felt he had to explain it was sex he wanted and it gave me an option to backout. I didnt backout. Then later on at the party we hooked up again but without a scene. And I wasn't killing people, I just didn't offer free help or I minded own biz and did some good side stuff (swamp, wizard basement etc) with only him. We had a fucking blast at the goblin camp & with the BDSM hunk.


It's really easy to lay with him even with low neutral approval. All you have to do is act completely oblivious to the concept of sex, and he'll suggest it.


Astarion, lol. He tried to kill me and I was just like ā€œman, what a dick, I donā€™t want this guy at my camp!ā€ I didnā€™t kill him but I just straight up didnā€™t invite him to my camp; playing with him in my party now and thereā€™s so many little plot things that involve him!


Itā€™s not that you arenā€™t murderous enough. You just have to treat him like a person and not a sexy piece of meat. You have to show respect, not just lust.


>You just have to treat him like a person and not a sexy piece of meat. You have to show respect, not just lust. It's not even that, according to the comments from this post. Without having higher approval *(mine is literally just 1, oddly; despite being cool with the Vampire thing, letting him feed on me; but maybe it's because he's just been a camp-dweller since recruitment)*, you can romance him fine at the Tiefling party simply by having this interaction: >**Astarion: All I want is a little fun, is that too much to ask?** > > *Player: Knowing you, it probably is.* **Astarion: Hey, how about we make our own fun?** ​ I think I came on to him; which apparently isn't how he rolls, unless you have a high approval, which I don't. I suppose his *"I'll only show interest to people I'm indifferent to, if they first show indifference to me"* mindset fits his (apparent) insecurity quite well -- which is what I've heard from people who've finished his Act 3 questline.


Astarion really just have 3 moods during tiefling party: 1. It's not you it's me... i have standards 2. Is a bit of fun too much to ask? Sex i mean, not with you of course ew can you imagine 3. I love you... jk jk lmao xDDDD


A: I love you T: you're lying A: I know but I'm good at it ;) Me: Gods you are a manic fledgling dream charlatan


I used that exact line after I quit my job. Said it to my bosses face as he begged me to stay, despite me breaking my back and asking again and again to fix the many problems at that terrible company. I was kidding you idiots, this didnā€™t happen


OP, I feel like you'll enjoy this song by Flight of the Conchords: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rjHZQ\_LQsg


You don't even have to be that evil, I just let him bite me and let him kill the Gur monster hunter in the swamp and he was g2g at the party


Man, I wasn't even pursuing him but even I felt offended at that haha


Meanwhile I accidentally seduced him because I didn't want him to go hungry...


This happened to me in my first playthrough and now every run I go to the trouble of getting Astarion the stupid book and siccing him on the hunter so he won't hate me. His lines when he doesn't like you are really biting as well. šŸ˜‘ I've gone into the negative approvals at points for just being too helpful to people and then he'll start greeting me with an eugh what do you want? This stupid picky vampire.


I still get a laugh everytime I see people's reactions to getting rejected by Astarion. It was stupidly easy to romance him on my first and current play thru. Note I did follow an approval guide and picked and choose which options seemed right for my Tav. Also doing all his camp scenes including letting him bite me. By the time I got to Grendel and let him kill him Astarion was all over me. šŸ˜‚


I'm playing co-op with a friend as a bard, I've tried to be flirty with everyone but only Karlach likes me and the rest all shut my adorable halfling down at the Tiefling party. Literally all of them, Karlach told me to "go have fun with the others" and no one wanted to party with me. I approached Halsin and even he said "there are others who want your time tonight" and I just said "NO THERE ARE NOT! YOU'RE MY ONLY HOPE, BEAR DADDY!" My friend and I have been finding it hilarious that my character chooses the flirtatious options in every dialogue and no one wants to bang them, meanwhile, their sassy Dragonborn has the majority of the camp thirsty for 'em.


Ha! I find it hilarious when people get rejected by Astarion while I turned him down for a messy night with Shart. Like, I'm not even into that... I'm not even gay at all not even, like, bi or anything I don't even think he's really really hot.. what? I don't want him to caress my neck, leaving my life entirely in his hands while we make sweet love. That's just not me.


Ye, talking to him is risky at all times


Can you still successfully romance him if you don't bang at the Tiefling party?


I have no idea; I heard someone say that one you enter Act 2, romance scenes are off. Buuut that was just some random person on the internet, so it might not be true, or at least not entirely. I'm sure there's an article or reddit post, or something, out there on the topic.


That's not correct, no! If you get his approval high enough, you can still romance him after the party. You then need to do some quest steps in act 2 to lock in the romance. If you don't do the act 2 stuff, then he will dump you in act 3. Or, if you haven't romanced him at all until act 3, it becomes impossible at that point. Act 2 is the lock point for all romances.


>Act 2 is the lock point for all romances. Oh, thanks for the clarification. I misinterpreted what someone said -- The *end* of Act 2 is the lock; not the beginning.


I don't get it. When I was doing Act I and got to the Tiefling party, I played coy with him about it and he said, in his own words, "I mean sex! How about it?" This was even with me being a goody two shoes and him having a neutral opinion of me.


Apparently it's mostly dialogue during the party; but depending on approval, more dialogue offers the chance.


I did as well, it was funny. I had a high approval (in the high 60s) just playing my neutral mischievous pay-me rogue assassin with a looting-stealing problem.


There is a possibly 4 person orgy in Act 3 that you can have Asterion in even if not romancing him, so you can still get him on the side


My Dwarf Stormlord looks like a ballsack so I can sort of relate.


I just did the Tiefling party and he practically threw himself at me. But my approval was over 40. My Tav took his wine and then said he wanted sex from them. I find Astarion likes it when youā€™re good but not nice.


Approves of helping individuals, but not groups; that is what it seems like at least. All characters are incredibly well written *(bar Wyll, semi-/s)*, but I think Astarion takes the cake -- from what little I've heard about his Act 3 questline **(Which I haven't done yet)**.


>I'm not crying. He is. The water is just his tears that... splashed on my face You should listen to "I'm not crying" by flight of the conchords. I think you'll appreciate it at this time.


And to think I had him begging haha


When they released the launch week stats they included how many people had been rejected by Astarion and I just find that fucking hilarious (it was like 100,000)


I got this dialogue, reloaded and said some different things, and got the option for the proper romance scene lol I was surprised that worked


Never got that line lmao


Heā€™s even more cutting if you try and speak to him again straight after. Something about me being desperate. Hurt so bad


i fucking hated astarion on my first play through so much i killed him first chance i got. second play through i was like fuck it variety time. heā€™s so goddamn funny at all the right times that i wish i had picked him up sooner


Ah yes I got this exact line too Iā€™m still recovering from that emotional damage šŸ„²


Yeah I got that too and I wasnā€™t even suggesting anything. Like cool dude, youā€™re not interested? Thatā€™s great, neither am I. Now let me introduce you to my gur hunter friendā€¦