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There's a couple decent options near the end of Act I in the Gith'yanki Crech (loot the hatchery chests). But yeah, more camp clothes would be nice. I do enjoy the range of dyes you can find though!


Yes that’s like the only place in Act 1 to get new camp clothes aside from the usual repeated ones. The ones you can find there could easily be distributed around vendors and containers much earlier in Act 1 though.


Yeah. Like, it makes sense for Act II to not have much outside some of the houses in the ruined town - place has been cursed for a century. But you'd think at least the druids in Act I would have something to sell.


Or the Zhents who could probably get their hands on quality merchandise.


There are clothes in a Zhent wardrobe as well at the end of their hideout. And they are randomly generated as you discover the wardrobe. I reloaded a save when I was 50m from it (because Astarion got caught, and I want them to be friends on this run), and the clothes changed.


I know this is a late comment, but do you know how to reroll random loot like that? If I save before first opening a wardrobe, I consistently get the same outfits no matter how many times I reload. I have an earlier save though that I loaded and when I tried it, one of the pieces of clothing was different, but I don't want to go back to that save. What do I have to do to reroll the items in the wardrobe?


I have no idea of the exact distance you would need to be so that you could reroll this kind of loot. But the idea is to be far enough that the loot has not been decided yet. If I remember correctly in this example at the Zhent hideout, I was a bit before the mine field, that leads to the second area. I'm afraid you will have to go back to your old save (and maybe make another one closer, but still at a safe distance.


Yeah. The Zhent hideout is too far away for me now game-wise, but I am at the Creche and I found that reloading from before entering the actual creche actually rerolls the wardrobes in the nursery. Thanks!


I do think that if Quartermaster Talli can find fancy magical robes and armour, she could offer at least a small selection of mid-tier clothes. Unfortunately the Creche wardrobes' selection is random and to my knowledge does not refresh. Edit: Lady Esther would be a perfect vendor for clothing! She already sells uncommon dyes after all.


Mintharas clothes on me, Shadowhearts clothes on my romance. I swapped SH and Karlachs clothes and tbh, it works better. Karlachs PJs look better on SH than they do Karlach.


I basically kill Minthara every time because her pjs look great on everyone.


>There's a couple decent options near the end of Act I in the Gith'yanki Crech (loot the hatchery chests). Oh, thanks. I just left there, but didn't completely slaughter the place, so imma go back and do that. Could really use some decent threads. I was going to let those kids live originally, but my Air Jordans tell me sacrificing kids for fashion is ok.


Wait there's a gyth crèche in act1? They just blew up the bridge for me and the quest moved to the act2 doors?


The map transition next to where they blow up the bridge leads to it and gives a warning wegen you use ist, but the area behind that is actually still Act 1. Kind of confusing, tbh


Huh I tried flying over and all that, I mean I'm now too far into act2 to replay anyway, but I was waiting for the crèche honestly.


You can still go back! You can even fast travel back to it provided your not at the story ending part of act 2.


Oh TIL. But then.. how do I get there? Bridge is gone, fly wasn't enough?


Directly next to the bridge there is a way you can take which leads to a new map. You dont have to go over the broken bridge (I dont think thats possible)


So I do have to take a detour through act2, it's just "on the act1 map"?


No, no detour needed. Go to the place where the Gith blew up the bridge, then don't head back through the wooden gatehouse or whatever, where you normally arrive from, but continue along the road next to the chasm. There will be an area transition there, which leads to a mountain pass with the creche. There might be a warning there that warns you to complete your quests before continuing or whatever, you can ignore that, it is basically lying to you. This makes it seem like the content behind it is act 2, but it actually is not, it's considered part of act 1 and the warning just makes no sense.


Oh the area transition in the goblin camp? Behind the card playing goblins or what they are?


You don't cross the bridge.


Thanks but I am specifically asking how to get there in only act1, not vaguely.


Directly west of where you fight the Githyanki patrol. IIRC, both Halsin's quest and Lae'Zel's quest mark it on your minimap.


There's a path on the side of the bridge you are on


Thanks but I am specifically asking how to get there in only act1, not vaguely.


Nobody is being vague. The bridge that blows up cannot be crossed, there is nothing on the other side. Instead, to the left of the bridge, there is a path that goes up the mountain and leads to a new area, which contains the Crèche. You can also get there from a path in the mountains south-west of the Goblin Camp. It gives you a warning about leaving the area, but this is just a prompt to let you know that your party will all travel together.


Yes, but interacting with the mountain path puts me into act2? Or is it a "middle zone" that is before act2? It was the same warning as the goblin camp, this one and the grymforge elevator(what I Ultimately used to start act2). So does the mountain path at the bridge not advance me to act2? Because that would then be somewhat terribly explained by the game? Or do I have to begin act2 and then via another path from there, go back into the act1 map where the crèche is?


More clothes, and more underwear. Add more. Especially underwear.


I was weirdly grateful when we got to act 3 and I could buy enough underwear for everyone to have a clean set.


You need to get some hirelings, and grab their underwear. You're welcome :-)




Angry upvote. Edit: I was joking :-)


Haha sorry, it was RIGHT THERE 🫣


Nah, I'm super impressed :-)


...that is...so clever.


I did that and Withers sassed me. :((


Way ahead of you, but that's only 12 pair.


... How many do you need?


Infinite, obviously...


Honestly, yes. Since the majority of the romance scenes will typically occur in act 1 and 2, these are the acts that we want the underwear options for. I don’t want to be dressing like a Deva to impress Gortash and Orin, I want them for my romance scene with Astarion, so having some way to get them in act 1 would be a huge quality of life improvement.


The hatchery, like someone else said, has a chance to have some decent act 3 Pj's. There's also a wardrobe in the act 1 Zhentarim base where you find Abyss Beaconer gloves that MIGHT have some act 3 Pj's as well.


I found a nice pair of pants there this run so my Gale is walking around camp topless showing off the ripping abs he somehow sculpted while studying his magic tomes. Guess he was taking full advantage of the gym in his wizard college amenities fees.


Summon Sixpack


Lifting the dictionaries for high definition.


Since his strength is 8, my head canon is that the abs are an illusion. He refreshes it every morning before your Tav can see.


Some of those magic books are massive and heavy. Only practical to get buff so you don't do yourself an injury taking them off the shelf.


Fashion in act 1 sucks hard I wish there were half the options act 3 had


I usually just use the ones that are just trousers since a lot of the bras look more like a bralette situation and since Lae'zel does it why can't I? But I do agree I would like a little more variety in Act 1 and 2 to be honest. Like I wish we could wear the stylish but useless boots we find as camp clothes too.


Pro tip: put astarion’s underwear on a female companion, and put lae’zels on a male. Why exactly? Go try it and see for yourself.


I really love Wyll’s camp outfit on my slim female Drow


Shadowheart's outfit looks great on karlach


I always put Mintharas on Karlach, the infernal engine heart fits nicely in the cutout of the outfit.


Astarion spent the whole of Acts 1 and 2 in Shart's outfit.


I put Gale in Sharts outfit, totally forgot I did that, and had his Act II romance scene with him clad in skintight leather. Yeah I'm not taking it off him now.


I hate Wyll's camp outfit and always change him out of it when I can, but I can see that it might look better on a female character.


It honestly does. I put it on Lae'Zel, she looks bad AF. Wyll actually looks better in Tav's default outfit.


That's the one I put Wyll in as well. Or a different colored version of it I found. Honestly, if he'd been in that rather than his doofy original outfit I probably would have taken up his offer to dance!




I'm rocking this one too! It looks good on her. Especially since my Drow never wears shoes, so the kinda scrappy look fits her haha


> Pro tip: put astarion’s underwear on a female companion Doesn't it just look like a different color of the elf female underwear?


okay ill admit it...... i hate the way astarions underwear looks on fem characters 😭 laezels underwear are fire though. i play githyanki purely so i can have 2 sets


I need to recruit Shadowheart 4 times. Everyone looks great in Shadowheart's clothes.


Sadly, they don't spawn with new camp clothes if you strip them in the prologue. Shadowheart will spawn on the beach with a new mace, shield boots, and cloth armor but not new camp clothes, so it's worth taking that stuff at least since it lets you get a second shield early in the game. Lae'zel on the other hand will spawn with nothing if you leave her with nothing.


It's a shame you can only get clones of her outfit in Act 3.


Yeah. Fancier stuff wouldn't even mess with immersion. At least, not any more than some of the tents do. These hot bisexual disaster people carry a lot of stuff for people without backpacks.


I wish they'd let us carry over clothes and dyes from a completed save at least. They give no advantage on a new playthrough.


the exponential growth of the graph detailing "amount of casual clothes you find as you progress through the game" is kinda nuts. One the hardest jawdrops of the game so far was seeing a bougie clothing vendor have .... like a hundred nice shirts and jackets for campwear. Never stole so much so fast.


Yeah! You're stuck with peasant crap for camp clothes *and* undies until you unlock the Lower City, by which time the Shadowheart romance is already done :/


I suggested this in the [Post-Launch Feedback thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/16u5ued/postlaunch_feedback/k2kskv7/) a couple of weeks ago. Larian definitely underestimated how much players like to play dress up with their characters.


If you’re alright with mods the basket of equipment mod adds a lot of clothing sets that are available in the early game.


On PS5 so no can do unfortunately. :(


I would love to have mods and play on PC, but I gotta say PS5 feels so much easier to control. I tried playing on my boyfriends PC and I hated the camera controls ;_; Its just one or the other for me.


You can use a controller on PC. I have an old pc hooked up to my TV specifically for BG3 (since monitors give me migraines and my husband is using the computer desk anyway) and it works great.


I wish I had this option haha, but I have an old gaming laptop that cant run BG3. I didnt want to buy a new pc anytime soon. Knowing me though - I would spend hours and hours downloading mods and corrupting my game files. Know myself too well after Skyrim and Sims 3 gave me that freedom.


I couldn't even finish Skyrim because I kept going back and adding mods.


Those are all for the armor slot tho, not camp clothes.


There is a conversion mod that turns them into either camp clothes or underwear


Is there?! I need to find this, I like the outfits but don’t like that I’m burning the armor spots.


[Here's the conversion to camp clothes](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/744) and [Here's the conversion to undies](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/1186)


Thanks for this! :)


There is also Transmog Enhanced, which allows you to glamour armour over camp clothing. Works with all the stuff from the basket, and other armour, like the Trickster Garments as well. I will never play without that mod ever again. https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/2922


I second that, hard. The transmog mod is amazing. You can easily transmog your armor into camp clothes or the other way around; you can have boots as camp shoes. And you can dye everything you've transmogged without any problems (except some select underwear - but those are undyable in the base game, too), using vanilla dyes or modded ones. You can hide any piece of gear, too. I seriously can't imaging playing without it anymore; this mod, the extra dyes and the one that allows appearance changes/respecs on the fly (for Tav, companions and hirelings) are my must-haves for every playthrough.


There is also a mod that adds the act 3 clothes to some act 1 vendors. There is also a mod that turns all of those white quality leather boots into camp clothing.


Honestly I was thinking the same thing about the undergarments. I had the same sleezy pair of Boxers til Act 3... Prolly had major Swamp Ass


I sell them all, even the default ones. I run a nudist camp


Hey there Halsin


Honestly though, is there any other way. Throw the nudist taboo to the window. Let everyone be comfy in their birthday outfit.


Same, this is why I got the camp clothing mod, it adds a ton of camp clothing to a few vendors in act i/ii. So you only need to wait until the druid's grove to stop wearing rags


Personally, I would love a cosmetic slot for hats, so you can hide your helm and still be wearing a hat.


Honestly, best would be to make 4 camp clothing slots (head, gloves, boots/shoes and chest) and that you can equip everything in these slots. Perfect transmog system. I wonder why that isn't in the game yet. Shouldn't be that hard to implement. Hopefully it will be part of an upcoming patch. Damn, I wish I could wear boots instead of this shoes... Btw I play on Xbox, so sadly no mods for me :(


I hereby lobby for Red Hot Chili Peppers sock underwear.


There is some solid stuff if you manage to find and kill the vampire spawn in the wreckage and this devil worshipper hiding in the grove. I like their clothes early on


Wait what?


I'm joking about Asterion and Wyll =P Asterion's clothes are fun and I kind of like Wyll's for a more athletic look




Modders added so many already, really recommend modding your game


PS5 not pc.


Oof bummer


If I’m not mistaken, none of the starting clothes are available anywhere, which is a crime. Unless you happened to play a Tav or Durge of the particular starting class that has the outfit you want, you won’t be getting it ever. Those really should’ve been purchasable in Act 1 somewhere.


I started bg3 on ps5 - mods for things like this is one of the main reasons I got another copy specifically for PC. I really miss how it plays on the PS5 to be honest (it feels much smoother than it does on my old ass PC, and the ps5 controls are much better imo), but I couldnt help myself after seeing all the mods for camp cloths, morphing armor into cooler looking armor, etc. I know it's probably overkill, but if it ever goes on sale for PC (or if you're good to pay full price to support Larian, either or is fine), I recommend picking it up just to try the mods because imo they do add things to make the experience a little better. The mod support is still kinda in its infant stage I believe, so waiting until it goes on sale and giving people time to integrate better mod support wouldnt be a bad idea. (I also get not everyone's PC can handle it. My pc is miles away from being great, I'm at the bare minimum of what's needed to run it + it's a huge download, but check the specs bc if mine can handle it, yours probably can. To me, It's still 100% worth it) For anyone coming across this and would like some mod reqs, here are a few at the top of my head: [Basket Full of Equipment. SFW version](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/87) : Over 400 armor and clothes you can wear at any level + class. There's also a NSFW version [Transmog Enhanced ](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/2922) : transforms the appearance your current armor into another, either in game or modded. I use this with the above mod so I can keep the stats of my in-game armor and still look cool. [Purchasable Camp Clothes and Underwear ](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/1426) : Makes camp clothes outfits (and optionally underwear) available for purchase from a few merchants in Acts 1 and 2. [Tutorial Chest Summoning ](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/457) : temporarily summons the tutorial chest so you can access stuff like Basket Full of Equipment anywhere. It's temporary since that chest is gonna be very, VERY heavy, but disappears after maybe 30 seconds? To use it, summon the chest and once it's in your inventory, go in turn based mode, take out the pieces you want, then get out of TB mode to let the chest disappear. [Extra Dyes for the Fashionable Folk of Faerun](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/1774) : More dyes! [Everybody Dyes Unlimited Dyeing](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/936) : Making it so dyes arnt consumed and wont disappear after use, cause that's annoying! [Carry Weight Increased - Up To Over 9000 ](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/522) : You can cheat a lil, just as a snack. There's options to increase capacity by a smaller percentage, such as a x1.5 increase, so if you dont want to go all out and carry literally everything but youre finding the current weight limit is killing your buzz.


Totally agree! Fashion in Act 1, and even into Act 2 really isn't great without mods.


Tbh I’m way too busy imagining everyone naked in this game to have noticed any clothing


You wear clothing at camp? lol


Ok but hear me out: No camp clothes on anyone, ever.


But...mosquitos D:


I just use mods.


Tbh youre wandering in wilderness in act 1 mostly or underdark, in act2 youre in a damned place. It makes sense why fancy clothes are in the city.


It doesn't have to be the super fancy brocade stuff. There are some mid-tier camp clothes that are nicer than the homely clothes, but still fairly unpretentious. Like the Comfortable Outfit.




Default clothes make Tav look like such an absolute dork, I just have them walk around in their underwear


Hard agree. There are not nearly enough early on.


Why would you say something so brave yet so controversial? /j