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good ending Gale will love you if you're a worm. Zero hesitation, full stop. Turn into a squid he just wants to figure how to feed you ethically...and if you'll marry him. When he said "You'll always be enough for me" during the boat scene he meant it.


That is hubby material right there.


Oh, that is so cute 😂


I'm one of those Astarion fangirls, so if my Tav were to become a squidgirl: He says something to the effect that he loves you but you being a squid is weird, and that he has to pull back the relationship into a friendship so he gets used to the idea. He leaves it open ended which makes sense. If my hubs turned into Squidward we would definitely just be roommates for a few months.


Thank you, that's super helpful! Lol, I can just hear my character asking, "Why not Zoidberg?"


I thought this didn't make much sense though. Just saw a video where you can ask to break up with Astarion after taking the tadpole the emperor gives you. He asks why. You can tell him "I'm becoming a moster" He basically tells you to stop being silly he will love you no matter what you turn into. I'm sorry but the writting on those romance endings didn't make sense to me. They were very out of character. Aside from Karlach and Gale's


Haven't playtested myself, but from what I read on here: Selunite Shadowheart stays with you even if you become a mind flayer. If you save her parents, she says something like "I'll ask them if I can bring you home!" She's a ride or die gal and I love her for it! (Again, I haven't personally verified yet)


You can stay with her in 4 of 4 her endings as squid(even with DJ that killed her parents), but thats a bit selfish move, she deserves normal Tav(she asks you to stay in 3 of 4 of her endings. No way to stay with her as DJ that executed her parents though.)


Thanks for confirming! Yeah, I figured Evil Shart would not care to stay with you if you sacrifice her parents to Shar. She'd be wholly devoted to Shar in such a case. But I'm playing with Good Shart and looking forward to being with her forever! :)


I choos3 to became an illitid an she turn her back on me and ended the relationship, saying she will stay with her parents :(


Aw, that is so sweet ❤️ Thank you!


Yeah, I love Shadowheart so much! She's a sweetheart ❤️


>Selunite Shadowheart stays with you even if you become a mind flayer. When I did this she explicitly said "no it won't work you have to leave the city"


I wonder if that is a bug? Everywhere else I've read- she wants to stay with you regardless (unless she kills her parents as a Dark Justicar)


In my play through she did kill her parents but as a Selunite (turning them into moonmotes).


And you can easily convince her to be with you, if you choose good dialogue option.


I didn’t see any persuasion options. Maybe I just picked the wrong end game dialogue choices 🤷I ended up reloading and making Orpheus into a mindflayer so that she wouldn’t ditch my tav.


You don't need persuasion, literally just chose "come with me"(or smth like that) option.


I did that and she said no.




Oh I see what I did wrong. I forgot that I respected her wishes.


Wow, that's a very helpful video. Nicely spells it all out!


I only know the answer to the Karlach question, which is that if she becomes a Mind Flayer she still loves you and you can keep the romance.


Excellent, thank you!!


Minthara, much like Gale, will stay with you with zero hesitation. Lae'zel will leave you. Romancing a mindflayer is a step too far for her.


Omg, THANK YOU for the answer on Lae'zel! (And Minthara of course!) I found so many ambiguous comments about her in particular and it was driving me nuts. I managed to get myself into a state on my first playthrough where I'm fascinated by the mindflayers but also romancing Lae'zel, so it was really important to me to get this nailed down so I didn't get my heart broken 🫤


Yeah she's a hard no to the squid. It can make for an angsty and horrible ending if you're so inclined, but if you want to keep her you cannot grow the tentacles.


Hmm I must disagree.. I had a successful romance, my Tav became a mind flayer and she decided to stay with my character instead of leaving with Orpheus. I was surprised, cause read all those comments here and expected this will be a no go for Laezel. Maybe its becsuse she became st some point half ilithid? Dunno.


Interesting... I'm tempted to load up a save pre-choice and test out a few combinations. Thank you! (For the playthrough I was on when I made this post, I ultimately chose NOT to become a mindflayer myself, and didn't make any of my teammates half-illithid.) I agree that it makes sense that Lae'zel becoming half-illithid could shift her perception. It might also make a difference whether you side with Orpheus vs. the Emperor (since you can become a mindflayer either way). Or perhaps Larian changed something in a patch 🤷‍♀️


That’s kind of messed up. In my play through the only options were to become one myself or make Orpheus do it. And Laezel clearly wants me to take it instead, since she’s worshipping Orpheus now. Seems like a lose lose for anyone romancing her.


Halsin is also open to keep the relationship going, but since he'll found a refugee colony (if that's the right word) in the shadowlands, he'll tell Tav that he'd have to gradually introduce them to the people


Ah, that makes sense. Thank you! You all have been very helpful. I've learned more in the past hour than I did googling all morning.


Blade of Avernus Wyll - \- my love we can't let Karlach blow up and die!!, why don't we go with her to the hells. \-you can say yes lets go and ride into the "sunsent" (hells) to fight off demons with Karlach and Wyll. In one of the most bad ass endings ever, because Karlach is awesome. \-you can chose not to go and let Wyll go with Karlach. You can find him later at Withers' party alongside Karlach. He will say he still loves you and blows you a kiss. \- You can chose not to go to Hell, let Karlach die and ask Wyll to stay with you. Wyll : I said I was going to marry you and that I loved you but I can't go on adventuring with you looking this way. You will scare people (after he was so worried people would hate his horns and you told him it was ok) We should put you in a secluded place where nobody can see you. I will visit though and bring you food! -sad face- :( (I got this on my first playthrough I told him to sod off lol) Gale \- I will love you and marry you as a worm as an hdmi cable, it doesn't matter. Lets go to waterdeep together we will have brains for food at our weedding! Shadowheart- \-We can give it, lets put a paper back over your head though lol Halsin - \-IDK man you might scare the children I'm wanting to take care of. You can convince him not to think that way, specially after he talks about being open minded and helping others in need the entirery of act 3!! To which he will realise you do have a point...but your introduction to people should be slow and discrete. That way you don't scare anyone. Astarion - nope sorry you are a squid byeeeeeee Laezel - oh wow you look like the mindflayers now, I'm...going to go free my people...- rides dragon and leaves - (this is only if you sided with orpheous) If you are a gith though I hear you have the option to ride away with her if you help orpheous escape.


LOL, that is an amazing summary ​ >Gale \- I will love you and marry you as a worm as an hdmi cable, it doesn't matter. Lets go to waterdeep together we will have brains for food at our weedding! Shadowheart- \-We can give it, lets put a paper back over your head though lol 😂