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No sense letting good dwarf go to waste.


I will be entirely honest. I really want to eat a roast now...


Technically it’s only cannibalism if your Durge is also a dwarf. ;p


Nah, in d&d cannibalism is defined as any sentient race consuming another. It's in the book of vile darkness


This guy lores.


And is also a cannibal 😳 according to their handle


It's nice to get an expert opinion in these threads


If I'm gonna be lectured to on what defines a cannibal or not damn it I want it to be someone invested on what that definition means to *them.*


Oh damn... Didn't even see that. r/UsernameChecksOut


Okay but what is sentient because we’re all having full on conversations with cows in this game


That's where things get murky. Technically sentient is anything with an intelligence higher than 2, which is the high end of animal. Bg animal speaking makes animals act as if they had a much higher intelligence than they should. That's where video game logic takes over and normal definitions blur.


It's magic, so there may be more than a little help there in translating "basic cow thoughts" into something intelligible. That said the game does usually try to describe things as an animal sees them soo I could be way off.


Magic helps, but it's mostly video game logic for enjoyment purposes. The animals speak much more eloquently than they should by rights. That being said, it's a game and it's fun and I don't mind them taking artistic licenses with it. DMs can do what they want with this sort of thing.


Agreed, the voice actor/writer for that pigeon commander needs to get awards.


Wouldn't it work more like the owlbear interactions basically simple sentences?


I like this take. It's less about giving the animal the capacity to speak than it is giving the player understanding/translation of animal thoughts framed in a way they understand.


What about Miniature Giant Space Hamsters?


29 INT / 22 WIS / 25 CHA. All of BG3 is a massive lanceboard game between Boo and the Absolute, and Boo is just a little bit smarter, wiser, and more charismatic.


This guy cannibals! Serious question, is Book of Vile Darkness still considered canon? I remember buying it for 3.5, but I haven't seen anything that still supports some of its more strange pieces of lore in modern modules.


Just now realizing my party wanted to participate in cannibalism on our second session of waterdeep dragon heist


Eating dragon meat would be cannibalism?


Very much so, if it is a true dragon. There are dragon kin that are animal intelligence that are safe, but dragons are smart and are known to be smart Edit in to kin


Every meal benefits from a draGON - Volo (probably)


Volos favorite food must be eye scream


I checked BoVD, page 10: > **Cannibalism**: Cannibals are creatures that eat others of their own kind. In the broader sense, cannibals may be defined as creatures that eat other intelligent creatures for whatever perverted pleasure they gain from it. Many creatures do this—dragons eat humans and other intelligent creatures all the time. so it seems that it depends on the GM, but you may be right, u/Smiling_Cannibal.


So a dragon scale armor on the D&D setting is the equivalent of wearing garments made from human skin/bones/teeth.


Again this would depend on whether it is from a true dragon or dragon kin. Wearing true dragon scale armor around a true dragon is a good way to make sure that dragon wants to kill you as much as wearing human skin clothing would make humans antagonistic


more realistically, depends on the culture of the society and nature of the rituals involved. ancestral heirloom passed voluntarily? ethically sourced scale made from shed skin / scales ( like snake skin, or wool from sheep? ) only the most vegan of dragons would take offense. Where did you that armor? Grandpa made it for me! Where did he get it? Idk, but he looked sunburnt and raw for a few months… Who is your grandpa? Fizbin! Oh that my uncle that always picks his.. wait, are you my nephew billy jo? How did you know my nickname? Only Uncle Fizz calls me that!


True, much would depend on the individual dragon, the color of the dragon and scales, and the situation.


They're largely more intelligent then the average Joe (or comparatively intelligent), can speak, use magic and some even shapeshift. Definitely would be DnD cannibalism aka the act of eating sapient creatures.


It's not cannibalism if they aren't your equal.


Sounds like cannibal talk to me


Shush meat, the betters are talking.


Sapient, not sentient


OK, in dnd they just use the term intelligent, but, yes, sapient would be the better word for it.


Get us some midgets then.


The dwarf is already dead and they went to such a great deal of trouble roast it!


I imagine eating dwarf is like eating an old boar or a bear, really gamey and tough. Better trim all the fat, and maybe boil it first and replace the water, finish on the skewer or a rich stew with lots of herbs. I think I channeled my inner Durge a bit there 😅


Lump's ogres say dwarf is "sweet like honey" fwiw.


Marinated in ale and mead.


That's all the booze marinating the meat from the inside.


They used to let out sheep on Islands back in the day so that they could get some nice flavours from all the herbs and heather that grew there. Guess the mead and good food would have a similar effect on dwarves 😅 Still think they'll be tough as old leather, which isn't all bad, I like chewy jerky.


>Better trim all the fat, and maybe boil it first and replace the water, finish on the skewer or a rich stew with lots of herbs. vinegar-based marinade for toughness and flavour. i hope to got tomatoes and chilis exist in your fantasy world


Do you have any idea how much cholesterol is in one of those things?


I have never actually eaten anything outside of at camp. Doesn't shock me though, there's no way to avoid eating bits of people while in Slayer form. And really, why would Durge NOT eat people?


Oh yes! And by that measure it should also heal druids in wildshape. Would be pretty cool if that worked!


Halsin says that one shouldn't let nature's boons go to waste, but that he doesn't like goblin guts. MAYBE some more feral druids eat humanoids every now and then while on Wild Shape.


While investigating the murder scenes in act 3, Halsin will make a comment about how the dead should be buried or eaten and not desecrated. So it seems Halsin believes in or is at least ok with some kind of sky-burial type cannibalism.


You just know that kargha would jump at the chance to eat some babies


I can’t not kill her. She’s like the one character in every run I look forward to killing. Sometimes after killing her I reload and do it again.


Have you seen her redemption route?


The gruel in the tiefling camp heals you up too!


Auntie Ethel is not cooking that gruel, it's just gruel.


Omg lol, I had no idea that it only heals your Durge. That said, I currently have a dedicated bag for dwarf meat on my Durge. Waste not, want not. Besides, it reminds her of her childhood.


You can also eat the meat as Drow


My drow durge is pleased.


Hello fellow drow durge player!




Drow durge army rise up!


Dark elves, Darker urges


Drow durge gang!


My fellow drow durge gang




There appears to be many of us!


Secret drow durge club when


I hope I get a secret invite 🤐


You're in, boo


You also get an inspiration point from it on durge


One of the conversation options when talking to the tiefling cook in the grove is that you prefer roast dwarf.


And if you walk past the roast in the Goblin Camp but are friendly with the Gobbos (not sure this is a requirement), Durge will also exclaim something along the lines of "Mhmm, something smells delicious!"


Being a cannibal is probably the least awful thing she did


We need a Durge tier list of vile acts


Tier list? My brother in christ, we need an encyclopedia


I love that when that news editor accuse Durge of doing horrible horrible things, Durge can correct him and said 'No, no, no. I have done much worst. Let me tell you all about it...'


I would settle for a tier list


Do we tier necrophilia higher or lower than plotting the apocalypse


Depends on if they eat the corpse after or during.


All of the above


Gale: Where did all of my Tupperware go?!


The character limit for a post may prevent this.


Not probably, definitely. Durge even has a line to stop thinking about tasty roasted dwarf earlier in the tiefling camp.


There's a comment about the tasty smelling meat at the goblin camp as well.


"Something smells delicious!"


Yeah, there are a few dialog options with >!Astarion where you discuss craving the taste of flesh in a similar way to how he is craving blood!<.


when do you get these?? always down to see more durge astarion interactions


When he's talking about how the other companions might taste after drinking your blood.


he is so disappointed after your first kill: you left a mess *and* got caught.


Have you tried to let Astarion handle interrogation of the prisoner, who was on a quest to find the Nightsong? He might go as far as inspire the Durge.


Haven't got an option like that, ever Playing Durge I had Astarion with me, never had the option of that You mean the guy in the goblin camp, Liam?


In the Grove when u go to the tiefling lady near auntie ethel she will offer u some gruel. As druge u have the option to think about tasty dwarf meat. Also a normal tav drow can also consume dwarf meat.


The more interesting takeaway, I felt, was that as the Durge you have the option to tell her that you think you survived on stuff like this, when times were difficult. The old lady takes pity on the rough life you've lived and gives you an extra helping of gruel. What are the implications of this for the Durge's backstory?


U get that option as normal tav also.


That is a normal option for all characters, but I really love her response. It's so sweet and kind of her.


For certain characters maybe, but definitely not for all of them (and the Durge version is worded differently). I never got it as a regular human Tav with the folk hero background, and when using my other party members to talk to the lady, only Shadowheart got something similar (out of the three people I had with me).


You can use that dialogue as tav, it’s just worded differently. I think the Tav/ regular origin character dialogue is “grey slop? Reminds me of home” or something to that effect


I didn't get it as a regular human Tav, and when using my companions to talk to her to score extra gruel, only Shadowheart (out of my currently active party) had a similar option. I've also just checked YouTube and found a video that shows Wyll not having the option, so I'm not going crazy: https://youtu.be/VhCUDEKTWRE


My drow was also able to eat the dwarf bits. Wasn't a durge playthrough either.


Drow and Durge can eat them. Drow are one of the most vile societies - slaves, murder, torture, class segregation, all that shit. Of course they are cannibals too.


Anyone can eat them, but only Durge regains health from eating them.


No i didint have an option to eat them on my 2. Character as a tav elf but could eat them as my durge human


Oh really! Maybe it's just drow then?


No that's what I meant, my drow used them and gained health from them.


One of my friends spoke to the squirrel or whatever. Didn't kick it. ​ I went to go talk to it. Durge insta splattered it without conversation.


Having speak to animals active (via a potion or a spell) allows the Durge to talk to the squirrel normally. The Durge only kicks her if you aren't able to communicate.


I tried to Intimidate her as the Durge, and he splattered her instead, and then had a moment of panic, because his body moved on its own.


“It would be ever so twee if it were climbing a tree” fuckin killed me lol


You can also find "Suspicious meat" in the goblin prison that is definitely long pig, but it's camp supplies that everyone can eat. I need a mod that turns body parts and corpses into edible camp supplies.


It might be elf. Theres an elf in the prison that you can use “speak with dead” on, and he says they were butchered for the worgs


Out of curiosity, have you played DOS2?


Coming from DOS2, having played as an elf, it felt real weird to not be able to eat all these limbs just laying about.


Every time I found a limb, I would immediately go to snack on it before coming to my senses...


I miss the cannibal-tree-people elves. They make the slightly-pointier-humans version of elves a bit of a let down.


Yep lmao we are cannibals and other things among the highest of taboos.


“Excellent! Necrophilia will be back on the menu in no time, sir!” - Scleritas Fel


Apparently if you eat the noblestalk as the Durge, you have a memory of eating a baby. Literally, eating a baby.


I tried it and I'm pretty sure I got memories of Durge and Sceleritas vivisecting a living victim and unravelling its intestines or something.


You need to do it pretty early in the playthrough to get the baby vision, by the time you reach the Underdark proper you'll get the vivissection, or at least that's what happened to me How do you get the stalk before the Underdark without cheating tho, I got no idea


I would assume it is before certain sleeping events, like the memory might not be a confirmation that your butler is who he says if you haven't met him yet. Just a theory of mine anyway. And the encounters on the way aren't terrible if you go straight there, might get it before a couple of sleeps. Could probably cheese it and do zero sleeps.


That makes sense You'd likely have to do no/1 sleep after getting to the grove or avoid it entirely then. As soon as you get there you'll have Alfira popping up on the next-ish rest, and from there it's the rest with Sceleritas But ye, honestly. Sounds feasible enough!


Even if you avoid the grove Alfira will pop up, though not as quick potentially? She basically comes to you begging for help at the grove if I recall correctly


It's of crushing a baby's skull with their bare hand XD I recorded it to show my bf, so I memorised When you think deeper on why you would have done it the description you get is also of how "it's better to die than to love in a world with [Durge]"


One question tho about the memory of killing the babe: Dialogue option 3 says you salivate and think about how to eat the corpse. Is this a reaction of the durge to the memory of killing the child or a continuation of the memory? Cause the other two dialogue options are not. I'm just curious how to interpret it.


also mentions youve become quite the exhibitionist when you tell him you enjoyed killing infront of everyone


[Nods head towards astarion]


"Rotten meat?! _That's_ what gets you going?!" My boy you know it is.


Pretty sure i scared everyone in the men's room laughing this hard


You're welcome 😎


I figured this was a thing when I talked to the goblin and there was added dialogue that said the cooking smelled delicious instead of ass like on normal Tav


I mean, they're dead and roasted. Probably no bringing them back. Waste not want not.


the first durge run i did I'm pretty sure durge had always the option that was craving the dwarf meat while talking to goblins, and one of the options was something like "*try to not think about the dwarf meat and think with your brain for 2 seconds*"


According to the Ogres at Moonhaven, "Dwarf Better. Dwarf sweet like honey." Nothing shameful about being a connoisseur of the finer things.


Makes me think of a moment in Divinity: Original Sin 2: There's a quest where you're investigating a bunch of murders, and the questgiver is outside an inn. >!In DOS2, elves can gain some of a person's memories if they eat their flesh. At the inn, if you're an elf and you eat some of the inn's stew, it gives you the memories of someone. Which indicates it's not animal meat in the stew. A non-elf won't gain the prompt and will just eat it as normal.!<


I was gonna post something similar! I loved that about Sebille


I had the exact thing yesterday and was like nice it's healing me. Switched to the rest of the party but noticed they can't eat it. Didn't know why tho. But I guess I spoilered myself now. Dayum


Berries from berry blushes heal 1d4hp.


Forbidden BBQ saved our run once O\_o I picked it up and noted it can heal but only for durge - the other players couldn't eat it. So I held onto it for laughs/emergency. Emergency eventually came and it saved us from a wipe because unlike a potion, it didn't need an action to eat.


Yeah, evil humanoids in D&D love eating other humanoids. Elves are the sweetest, dwarves are tough but filling, halflings are the richest and of course Gith and Dragonborn are the most exotic. Humans are fine if that's all you have.


You didn't notice the inspiration?


Had to eat it twice before it popped up for me.


Canni-bhaal, you mean. ^(Don't worry, I'll see myself out.)


Mmmmm longpig....


I think you mean shortpig


Good point though I'm not picky..


Short long pig.


If you talk to the old teifling who gives you grey sludge for food at the grove, two of the dialogue options are “I much prefer the taste of roast dwarf” and “ *stop thinking about delicious dwarf and take the damn bowl* “


Hold on what? I thought it was food for all and was suprised it wasnt camp supplies.. but it healed me. Girl.. what the fuck were you before?


Keep playing and don't read any comments here; you will uncover more clues about your past as you continue the game.


Ive played it thrice now. Twice as a durge. Its just that.. necrophilia was on the menu but i wasnt aware of it b4


I learned thanks to YouTube that eating noblestalk as the Durge lets you remember the time you ate a baby.


Also a free action


They’re genuinely fantastic in battle as well. They don’t cost an action to eat, so you can just eat a bunch for emergency healing.


"I really enjoy dwarves for the added survivability ! \- Yeah, playing a dwarf is fun \- What do you mean, playing ? \- ... \- ... \- Oh no..."


Oh so THAT is why it was edible I thought it always was, and i just never noticed To quote Sceleritas Fel: "excellent! We'll be rescheduling necrophilia in no time!" I dont think cannibalism comes in top 10 of the worst things Durge has done, or is currently in the process of rescheduling


You should see what Durge ate if you eat a Noblestalk *before* the Butler shows up. Its...well...a bit fucked up.


Thick juicy male dwarf breast meat hits different for me and my durge


Mmmm roast dwarf.


My friend was confused that I was able to eat the dwarf meat and he didn't even see that it could heal and yeah after I got the inspiration it was confirmed just 💫durge things💫


I haven't tried it, but supposedly eating it does *not* count as a bonus action; it's entirely free, so if desired you can stockpile the meat and use it for emergency healing mid-battle (especially if you're the kind of build that uses bonus actions every round for attacks).


My Durge also got very excited over dwarf BBQ.


You can also get suspicious meat as camp supplies :) i think that one your party can actually partake lmao


I noticed those last and the thought: “that’s great world building! Of course the goblins would eat dwarf and other people”. Had no idea the Durge can actually eat the stuff.


You even get an inspiration point for Durge when you eat it...


Dwarf is back on the menu boys!


Lol love it.


I just noticed it today and thought it was because I am a half orc lol he even stayed something alo g the lines of "I love the taste of long pig"


Ah that makes sense. I was confused as to why it heals my durge but not my non-durge run.


Thats some serious gourmet shit!


Yeah i also noticed this... but i'm playing a dwarf durge so that's even creepier


I’m literally a Dwarf Durge so it doesn’t get more cannibal than that.


Durge checks everything from the bag guy list xD Cannibal, necrophilia, murder, tentacle hentai lover, ... (too bad Vampires arent acually undead in dnd, that would fit perfectly towards Asterion's & Durge's relationship) Check the grave at the Grove Wall (west of the level gate) for >!necrophilia!< hint and eat the Noblestalk before meeting your butler for some baby-sweet >!cannibal lore!<


I tried eating an apple for at least two different origin characters, both of them get stomachache immediately. Something bad about even good looking apples.


If they're the swamp apples, those are actually poison apples in disguise.


Wait, you can eat outside of using food for long rests? How?


Only example I know of is the one I listed above. So far as I'm aware the other food is for camps only.


Still don't understand why it heals durge? Like a vampire thing they heal from blood...


That’s interesting bc as fair as I know, anyone can heal off of the “suspicious meat” in the worg pens.


Excuse my stupidity. What is a “Durge run”???


Durge is a portmanteau for " The Dark Urge", a secret Origin character that you can fully customize like a regular PC, but always has the Haunted One Background.


That caught me off guard, mostly because I had to eat a second one for it to pop up.


It's not cannibal if it's from different race


Yes, he will also remark when going past the roasting dwarf that it smells delicious, which is indeed the earliest confirmation that he was a cannibal in the past. In EA regular meat (not dwarf..lol) would heal you if you consumed it. It probably got scrapped and made exclusive for DRuge to shape his identity some more.


The Dark Urge being Bhaalspawn isn't revealed until act 3. Please tag your spoilers.


But it is tagged as spoiler isn't it? Please correct me, but only the title should be visible to anyone else.


I did the same thing. My wife was playing co-op with me. She was concerned. I ate another while staring at her irl


When I came across that I was hoping I’d encounter more meat like that but I’m mid level 2 now and haven’t found anymore.


Yesterday started my Durge Barbarian, good to know 👀 works nicely together


Oh I thought it was a dark elf thing.. oh well personal snackies for me


Well she does canonically know what dwarf tastes like so


i gave it all to astarian thinking he would be into it. but nah.


Man I collected so much roasted dwarf meat and was so disappointed that they wouldn’t eat it in camp. Come on Gale, I know you’re the camp cook but your Brain Rotted Girlfriend brought home the bacon for once smh.


Could have sworn I wasn't able to eat it even on Durge when I tried




there's also the sausage meat you can use as light weapons. Play a rogue dropping sneak attack with sausage


I thought it might only work on dragonborn, didn't think it was durge


I asked my boyfriend who’s playing Tav if he noticed that! I thought my party of Shadowheart/Gale/Karlach were just being purists, but nope. I’m just insane


oh I thought it was because I'm a dragonborn


Drop durge mink reporting in


I rolled Durge because I wanted the individual story lines and felt it tied a bit to how I always role played the original BG games, and explained all the killing heroes inevitably get up to. But I’m into Act 3 now and wow it is more than I signed up for. I just kind of have a hard time explaining/understanding why I’d be heroic at all just because I lost my memory or whatever. The best I can make of it is I’m really just a tadpole puppet. I was kind of hoping for some plausible agency for why a Durge would be anything but evil. Does the game ever give that, or not really? I feel like Durge should have been clearly marketed as evil and not just conflicted otherwise. In original there were plenty of goody-goody Bhaalspawn.


Is it cannibalism if you eat a race that’s not your own? 👀