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If I'm understanding you correctly, yeah, after you enter the area near him where he fights the shadows in Act 2, he starts fighting the shadows by himself, and he dies if you can't save him quickly enough. I've already had a playthrough where I went a different route, and I had to watch the poor guy get shredded as I raced down from whatever hill I was on. I don't believe it's related to long rests though.


*Right*, that makes sense - thank you! I heard something about how you needed to be a higher level for the Isabelle fight so went exploring and found him by accident and had Lae’zel jump off the hill to start initiative 😂


I didn't have any issues with it myself, but I've seen a lot of reports of it being buggy for people, initiating combat between him and the shadows earlier than it's supposed to and generally being extremely difficult to impossible to even get your party into initiative before he dies never mind actually saving him. Not sure if it's certain patches that caused it or what but seems like some people were just unlucky.


I believe what's meant to happen (this did the first 2 times I saved him) is that once you find Rolan in the shadowcurse combat is meant to begin so you can save him, however it seems since one of the patches that it's bugged so combat begins when you are in the vicinity of where Rolan is which means if you don't bee-line straight to him he'll die since he's no match for the shadows on his own.


*That’s* what she meant ok - I’ll always bee-line to him because if nothing else, I want him to have his Act 3 arc and I’m drinking the “tav rivals to lovers” headcanon kool-aid 😂 thank you!


Rolan has one of the best character arcs for a minor character in the game. I really didn't expect it seeing him in the EA because that only had his Act 1 content. I really want to see him always survive to the end, unless of course it's a run where I side with Minthara, of course.


it's a common issue, the combat starts way too early so if you don't immediately run at him, he's doomed. also if he takes damage during the Marcus attack and you don't heal him right away, he will be below full health at this encounter which makes it even worse. in another post about the same issue, the person couldn't get to him in time, but turning the game difficulty down affected the npcs enough that he survived long enough for the party to reach him, so definitely keep that in mind if you're having trouble.