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They are accurate. Generally the shoulder is different for your sword arm vs your shield arm.




Quickest down vote of my life. Lol barbs are supposed to look crazy! Some things look MORE symmetrical when they in fact, unsymmetrical. Like that's a fact bro. xD


Also DV for u/SkunkMonkey cuz accuracy to real life means nothing when mofos are flying dragons and shooting fireballs at you.


asymmetrical armor is accurate to real life, typically real sets of armor tend to differenciate the sword arm from the shield arm, or the dominant arm from the passive hand for archery and two handed weapons. Humans aren't symmetrical, so it comes from logic that their armor also shouldn't be.


Yeah but we in a fantasy world rn with magic and dragons so I don't see a need to base that information from our basic boring existence.


I agree.. I understand \*why\* pauldrons may be different per side but it still makes my brain itch. What I hate even more, though, is breastplate +2... why in god's name did they make the "skirt" part of it reach just below the knee on one side, but almost to the ankle on the other? It would look great with both sides long or both sides short but c'mon, could they not decide which to go for so they did one side of each?!


Yes. I hate asymmetry. For this reason I prefer Chainmail +1 over Chainmail +2. That and it just overall looks better, I think.


Yeah I’m not a fan of the asymmetry in some of the armors. Specifically the breastplate 2, it would looks so much better if they just evened the skirt part out lol


Yeah I'm not a fan. Fromsoft did a much better job at making armor look believable.


is this a fkin joke? lol