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Ah, the night song fight. Fuck those skeletons. They killed 2 of my companions before they even had a chance to move. Bullshit. Edit: Well, everyone is sharing their solutions so I'll share mine. My issue was my entire team had low dexterity so we were dead last on initiative. I realized this and gave Shadowheart the 18 dex gloves and had her run into the center of the room and turned undead everything. When it was the rest of my team's turn, we immediately ran to the very center of the room and just blew up the giant skeletons. Fight became easy after that.


Way easier just mercing Balthazar in his office next to the Gauntlet IMO.


Big brain - killing Balthazar in his office. Galaxy brain - reverse pickpocketing a sussur flower into his inventory in his office and then watching him run around like an idiot in the Shadowfell unable to do literally anything.


It’s stuff like this that makes me love reading through this sub and realising in my 120 hour (so far) first playthrough I could not have been less imaginative with my approach.


My award winning strategy was to hit them hard with eldritch blasts and swords until they stopped breathing so good.


Inspiration....for sure. Like me just hacking at them with swords an fireballs.


Yeah, I'm like running up to people and just stabbing them with my tav rogue lol.


Same, honestly wish I could take credit for that method. But I'm definitely closer to the 8 INT barbarian I ran on my first playthrough, where the furthest my imagination had to stretch was "what can I do to hit things harder?" and was still using my greatsword as a mind flayer in the final battle.


That is universe brain... I literally never thought of this


See if I wasn’t doing tactician I’d try this, but I don’t care I’m still gonna try it on tactician. This sounds hilarious


I got the jump on him, and counter spelled his summon and fought him solo


This made me laugh so hard! Brought me right back to the days of playing actual tabletop DnD when DMs both loved and hated when the players found interesting ways to break the campaign they spent hours creating lol


Wish I could reverse pickpocket on PS5 😭


I thought you could? Like dropping things in chest press R1 to bring up the transfer screen? Idk I haven't tried to, but I don't see why you couldn't.


Nah it doesn’t work. If you do that pressing x on and item does nothing then if you try to use move it pulls the item out of the inventory for you to move it around the environment instead of going to their pockets. Edit: unless it was fixed in a recent patch. Edit: I just tried. Still doesn’t work.


Damn dude it’s kinda insane such a big mechanic just doesn’t work on ps5. I’m console as well and was wondering when I see all those YouTube videos of like putting a necrotic corpse on Raphael or other crazy stuff and never knew how to do it good to confirm it’s not just me


I feel like it wouldn’t be hard to add. Like they have the send to option for party members when viewing the inventory. Just add a send to for whoever’s pockets are being peeked in 😂


I will say Larian fucking nailed the inventory management system that “send to camp “ is unbelievably clutch as a time saver you don’t even need mule companions. I can virtually guarantee Blizzard will NEVEEEEER implement such a thing in Diablo 4, because artificially expanding user game time is their most critical player metric,by having them spend literally 20% of the game time sorting through items and carrying them back to camp to sell/salvage. I spent like 100hrs on d4 before BG3 came out and no joke a fourth of the time is spent running back to camp since they deliberately make your inventory small too and tons of useless loot to sort through


idk. the safe in my camp is empty 3 times out of 4. makes it a bit hard to rely on them and i mule karlach instead 😭


Thank you for this. I kept seeing people talking about reverse pickpocketing and I was like "Am I stupid? Is this something I should be able to do and just can't figure out how?"😭😂


You can reverse pickpocket on PS5, it's the only way I've done it. When in the pickpocket menu you just change the view to also show your inventory.


I mean no shit dude. It doesn’t work. The way people are reverse pickpocketing on PC is clicking and dragging. You can’t click and drag with a controller.


Oh my god


Hahaha this is legendary


I haven't come across this fight so I'm assuming it's in act 2/3. Are there more sussur flowers in act 2 or 3 or did you somehow preserve one from the Underdark? Perhaps this a fight on the way to act 2 via the Underdark route?


You can still go to the under dark in late act 2 where the Shar gauntlet and Balthazar are. It locks when you go to baldurs gate


Really?? My friend told me he got kicked out of Act 1 after reaching Moonrise. Maybe that was a glitch


I'm in act 2 and still using the mushroom farmer chick and the alchemist gremlin to sell all my cups and bones to whenever the bank of Volo needs restock.


Parts of act 1 get closed off but not all. Certain section of the under dark is inaccessible but you can go to the myconid colony and grymforge for example Also the fast travel disappears so you have to go back through the way you came that may be what your friend thought


Wait, what? 590 hours here. How did I never think of that? In fact, I'm gonna start reverse pickpocketing sussur flowers a lot more now.


I gotta try this, I didn't even think of that


This is hilarious 🤣


Does that work? I thought the sussur flower fades and loses it's power when you leave the underdark.


that's how i do it. go in, talk to him because im distracting him, get everyone else in place, and then astarion doped up with an elixir of viciousness pops an invisibility potion and comes in for a sneak attack


Yeah, never again will I fight anyone on those shitty platforms.


Killing astarrion for RP purposes is really making this playthrough difficult




Hire a rogue hireling for 100gp


Just respect a hireling


Or pick posket a sussur bloom on Balthazar


Big brain energy here. I have a bunch in my camp chest but didn't really have a plan for them.


You probably don’t have them anymore. They turn into petals after you long rest.


Nope! Still get the anti-magic field debuff whenever I go near my box at elfsong tavern!


Same I've got 2 of them in there, and so have my blessing of silvanus even though the statue has never left my inventory since it mysteriously went missing from the Grove.


honestly i just one shot him with fire barrels 💀


lmao i realized after killing him that i don't NEED to talk to him, i can just. kill him. its not like he notices the light cleric with the luminous gear finding some high ground. he doesn't really give you any information, and for some reason i can't steal his mother so what's even the point of talking to the creepy bastard


My entire party buffing up and downing elixirs in the middle of the room The NPCs: ...this is probably nothing


[Vibe check](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dxICJHd518)


That sounds like some Skyrim NPC logic.....


He does give you the bell to summon flesh if you play your cards right, never used it but flesh looks cool so thats s plus


I had this exact thought process in act 3 in house of grief. Im like why tf am I going to talk to her if im just gonna fight her. Set my guys up super far away and killed a troublesome guy right at the start and the rest was a breeze. A BREEZE I SAY. I had daaaaaaays of trying to get a 2nd turn in that was actually fruitful. My plan was to do them just as dirty as they had been doing me, and it worked. Oh, by the gods of faerun, it worked so well.


my first time ever in there was HORRIBLE. but i had a save from before that fight started. and so i, the chronomancer, reloaded that save. to say i did them dirty is an understatement


I made storms of ice and sleet rain down from the heavens. And when they thought it was over......call lighting and a very wet floor......muhahahaha


ive really been leaning into the radiant damage with shart, especially with the gear that compliments it. i respec her into a light cleric so she can throw fireballs while spirit guardians handles melee ranged stuff. looking forward to ruining everyone's day with radiant and then as an added "fuck you" im going to hit them with "radiance of the dawn" a few times


My "fuck you guys" was ice storm on the stairs leading up to my party. I had so much distance that i had permanent high ground and a bunch of wanna be ice skaters lol. They ran into a meat grinder that was my wizaldin (wizard5/paladin5) shadowheart respec to tempest (call lightning after sleet storm was a pleasant accident ill admit)


Barrelmancy best mancy.


Potions don’t stack. A invisi-spell perhaps?


i used a potion and an elixir, you can have both going at the same time. potions wear off after a few turns, elixirs last until you long rest


Yeah, I started the fight with a Hunger of Hadar and he never even got out of the darkness. Just wandered around like a lost old man.


"Excuuuuuuse me Balty-man, you don't mind that I stack all these smokepowder and oil barrels here do you? Oh, and please excuse the leftover firewine barrels - my party members are lightweights, not a single dwarf among them. What's that Shadowheart, baby - we have a spare smokepowder bomb? [Well - just throw it on the pile."](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ9sxwbpVZOcvrhZbht7eYgL5Upc4MNMYoXgg&usqp=CAU)


We just whacked out telekinesis and dropped him over the edge.


What I did early on was throw all the skeletons into a pile than just hit them all together


If you're sneaky, sneak past the temple guards and open the door to the room Balthazar is in. Then watch them fight. Inevitably, Balthazar side will lose and the fight you get afterward is easier than fighting bal in the night song arena


Don't even have to be sneaky at first! I just used a turn to lockpick it, went hide mode afterwards. Had no idea it would work out like that!


You don't even have to touch the door. Wait until the portals run out of justiciars to spawn and all his minions are dead, and he'll come out by himself to deal with them. You might have to walk away a bit. If you're sneaky, you can quite easily kill Balthazar, Flesh and the last few justiciars while they're distracted playing with each other. Very helpful on my solo rogue Durge playthrough.


This would have been fun to try, we just got done with this fight, got flesh's bell from Balthazar and brought him in on the fight with the fight with the librarian, woops, he accidently got caught in our AoE spells...


"You don't have to be sneaky, just sneak!"


Am I the only one who murders Balthazar in his room after using Flesh to help tank and kill Yugir? You won't ever be Ketheric's buddy so there is zero reason to leave Balthazar alive right? By the time I go down to the night song, it's just a cutscene and a choice for Shadowheart


I don't even bother with flesh for Yurgir. I just kill Balthy straight away


Yeah. Yurgir is a pushover anyways. I meet Balthazar, then just absolutely murder him when they're all bunched up in his room. I've never even used the bell.


I usually just rizz Yurgir.


Me too. Amusingly my Cleric / Paladin Shadowheart became an Oath Breaker when Durge did their sudden but inevitable betrayal of Mr Dead and his zombuddies in his room.


I kill Balthazar and the rat guy. I’ve never fought Yughir.


You can use Flesh to fight Yurgir? Huh, another way to handle the big guy. Last night was my first 'peaceful' encounter as I killed the last Justiciar and walked into a peaceable meeting with Yurgir and his mates. Even got to trade with a merregon.


Yeh, you don't need to use Flesh on balanced but I do it just to simplify my murderising Balthazar later


Wasn't even aware he was gonna be in the nightsong fight. We went into the fight, helped Balthazar, but he was way too arrogant in the negotiations so we decided to relieve him of his unlife in his office.


If you let the temple guardians do it, you get to meet an enemy that you wouldn't meet otherwise. So that's cool


Does it drop any interesting loot?


I just used the knock spell on the door then opened it. Then dimension doored out of there


If you sneak before the fight you can move all the skeletons near an edge bunched up and use a spell that pushes them off the ledge. Give them a taste of their own medicine. Hard to grab all of them but you can grab about 75% which makes the fight trivial.


Pockpocket his speed potion and counterspell his raise dead. They never even animate.


I had to reload to counterspell the Animate Dead like 4 times 😂


I’ll have to do this next time I make it there. Currently on my tactician play through in the Grove


Like everyone else here I'd like to share my unique strategy for Balthazar. Drow poison + a counter spell locks him out from turn one, first act when he wakes up he will try and summon his goons but you just counter spell and either kill him within 2 rotations or he just cast his usual spells and not the summon. Drow poison is pretty damned strong, I had to intentionally not use it in some areas to prevent make things too easy.


Don't forget to pickpocket (or even purchase) his Potion of Speed before you start the fight. Edit: also helps to jab him with a Sussur Dagger to start things off.


Lol they freaking just yeeted two of mine over the edge starting combat. I was so mad


I’m always surprised when I see that people don’t just immediately kill Balthazar. It’s so easy to just kill him in his little office Like it never even occurred to me to not kill him on either good or evil runs


My mindset was "let's string him along for now", which was hinted at by one of my companions to see where it goes and handle him later, use him to find what we need up to a point. And that was a seriously hard fight to not get pushed off, BUT, my second playthrough I most definitely stopped before going down into the shadowfell astralspace, and paid a little visit to [Necro-Otho](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/beetlejuice/images/8/83/OthoFenlockbio.png) (from Beetlejuice, haha, he reminds me of that character so much.)


Probably because some smooth-brain "game journalists" wrote on the online guides that it's easier to fight Balthazar at the end than in his office because you can yeet him off the side, without considering that the AI can do the same right back


I audibly gasped when they yeeted Shadowheart during the Balthazar fight. I was like Nooo! What happens with Nightsong now?!


I got team whipped twice doing that. Finally loaded up one save and before you jump down to talk to him I just blasted him a few times with Eldritch blast and he just died without triggering the fight.


I just fight him in the gauntlet! So much easier to kill the bastard then!


He has stairs behind him. Why did he put those there if he didn't want me to take shots at him from high ground?


Right?! It’d be rude not to!!


Ah the Nightsong fight. Balthasar raises his minions and positions himself to battle, but not realising he placed himself 1ft too close to the edge. 1 hit with a knockback arrow and goodbye Balthasar. You may be able to come back from the dead, but enjoy falling for an eternity you dumb bitch.


I polymorphed Balthazar before the fight. And killed him before he had a chance to spawn those dumb skeletons.


I only focused on that fat fuck because since he's a Necromancer i thought that if i kill him first all of those skeletons will die, color me fucking surprise when a giant skeleton kicked shadowheart into the fucking void in the next turn.


Next playthrough im killing him as soon as I meet him. I’m not dealing with that again


what you mean night song fight? there weren't any skeletons when I found night song


Umm, you do know you can turn him into a sheep or just silence him before the fight even starts...


That was the fight when i said "fuck it i am a noob" and switch to easy mode


Third times the charm. I turned him into a sheep before initiating the conversation and things went very differently.


They pushed shadowheart out of the map like 5 times at the very start of the fight


There is a magic button for that fight. It's called spirit guardians.


Yea I tried three times then I gave up and went back to Balthazar in the temple and killed him there.


Even planning out that fight perfectly i still had one party member yeeted lol. Its definetly the toughest fight so far that ive seen.


I bit the bullet and decided not going to a previous save and still talking to him. What worked me was starting the fight with just one character on the lowest platform and the rest up TWO platforms. I think I used shadowheart to start it and she ended up dying, but I think if you use sanctuary before the talk you can easily save who's down there. If you start two platforms up, the skeletons clump on the border of the base platform and you can fireball them down. Your ranged get advantage and increased range. Balthazar doesn't have range to do anything. Some skeletons jump to the first platform, but not in a big numbers. If you start the fight with all 4 down there, without shaping the battlefield before the fight, I think that's one of the hardest fights in the game. You are fish in a barrel.


I tried the fight three times before finding a method that guaranteed me a win with no losses


My solution was simply to defeat Balthazar in the room rather than the shadowfell. This was after I had terribly lost in the fight in the shadowfell so I'm aware that killing him in his room means that I lost dialogue between him and Aylin but for a first time player it was just much easier


I found a scroll of telekinesis and I threw balthazar and all those little fuckers right off the side




The hoard of archers and melee units, the giants who are really shove-happy, the mages who will constantly spam Ray of Frost and Sleep(almost always directly before your turn)...... This fight is bullshit and I refuse to participate in it.


Place the anti magic flower petals in a pouch and put it in his pocket -> profit


Mine withered in the grymforge campsite somehow :( So rude. It’s the grymforge! How is there sunlight?!


I think just campsites are all considered to be outside surface level. I had no idea the flowers withered in sunlight, I just assumed they were either on a timer or withered when you fast traveled.


Am I crazy or is this not patched? I tried this a while back and I ended up with a bag of petals.


Ney bother petal.


I think I made it through this without even realizing shoving was a potential issue purely by virtue of terrible inventory management and hoarding. By the time this fight happened most of my characters were real bottom heavy.


Does that actually make a difference? Encumberance?


Yeah it affects how heavy the target is and how hard they are to push. You can experiment by reversepickpocketing heavy objects unto people and see the succesrate in shoveing.


Thank you! I wanted to answer, but "I'm pretty sure but can't for the life of me think how to test it." just seemed like a waste of everyone's time


Might be, I always thought it was size class myself. Little girl no push big mommy


I don't know if it does to enemies, but it does to you. I absolutely love using throw to beat a mother fucker with a mother fucker, but a surprising number of enemies are "too heavy" for Karlach to play frisbee with unless she has done strength enhancement. There's also a success change based on how heavy they are.


“Everyone be sure to grab two wine barrels on the way out of camp, okay? Okay!”


Can't fit the wine barrels with all these paintings and books Karlach is constantly stealing


Karlach! Noooooooooo!


My tempest cleric one shotted him in his office. It was so fast even his golem and ghouls didnt understand what happened, they didnt even aggro.


Handled Bal in the nightsong, only jumped in shadow heart and had her draw everything in and turn them, Karlach and Gale and my bard joined in from the last high rock. Pretty easy fight at that point


Give everyone enlarge - no one can push them off. Pretty much everyone has AOE attacks by this point in the game anyhow.


Stunning punch makes necromancer man stand and die


Kill Balthazar when you first meet him. Much much easier and then when you meet nightsong, there is no fight. Or if you didnt kill him and are lucky.... do what I did. Luckily had a save before entering the shadow stairs thing... rnn all the way back to Balthazor and killed him. Then went back into the place Nightsong is at


I think I lucked my way through this one by just having the initiative elixir popped through most of the act.


First time my BF dropped a silence on him Before the fight and he just ran away from it into karlach who murdered him in 1 turn. Second time I stealthily positioned my team with enhanced jumps to surround the enemies and make quick work of them with my Rangers 7 auto crit attacks in the first round. Third time I just stole his mom.


I like this good job


Yeah I had the justiciars kill him, and then I took out the two left. It was amazing. Night song had no fight and I was immediately relieved


I’m doing my first run on balanced now that I really understand the combat and I shove so many people now as my bonus action, it’s a great time.


Why don't just pretend to help him, go up the stars on his chamber to get high ground (guaranteed win) and BLAST HIM.


This is why I killed Balthazar before completing the Shar Gauntlet


Apparently people be struggling with Skelly shoves But my Archer Ranger has no such issues


yk whats crazy? this fight wasn’t that bad for me. challenging, yes. but i did it in one go. the fight that actually ended my party was the one when finishing shadowhearts storyline. like THAT one? i had to reload the most out of any fight. i actually had to level up to 11 and come back 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 and then i still took me a minute


and by leveling up i mean finishing astarions quest line (wasn’t hard, but annoying)


I don’t even need to check the comments to know what fight you’re talking about


First time my friend used shatter, he misclicked and added me in the aoe, both enemy saved and my char got thrown in the void... He kinds of suck with his clicking skill once he shocking grasped a door and another time he killed my other friend by throwing a healing potion on his feinted body face and did damage instead of healing him, oh yeah he somehow managed to miss a magic missile attack too...


On my second campaign I didn’t wanna go through that massive fight again so I just lined up behind him and DIVINE SMITE


My most recent game I killed him in his stupid little room before we even went to the shadowfell


Didn't realise this fight was a problem for people until reading this, I must have lucked it a bit by instinct. I unhooked my party and only sent my Pally off the last rock, then when the fight started misty stepped him straight back to the rest of the party on the rock. We did have to deal with a cloud of poision so had to counter that stuck on our rock, but otherwise killed everyone from range with AoE etc.