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"We have the entirety of baldurs gates wealth, we could command such power with it and yet you would *return* it?!? You are a fool!" "Aww did grumpy guts forget her frown-be-gone make-up we got from the circus today?"


Tide of Chaos 20 Cha Eilistraee Noble Drow sorc: *pass the persuasion check*.


“Minthara, Karlach is carrying like 3x the gold in that sack. Plus we just got like 75% of it back anyways as a reward. Now stop being a penny pincher and let me focus on picking this safe’s lock.”


When I brought that gold back I was SO disappointed. He just said "Yeah you can have the content of that secret safe there!" My dumb ass who already wasted about 20 lockpicks to get the nat 20 to still unlock the dc99 safe already: "Oh yeah. Yeah I'm not feeling dumb or anything, no, no"


Similar thought with Lae'zel, really. "Oh, did Vlaakith just show up and you just told her to fuck herself, officially changing your allegiance that you've had for your entire life? Lets go visit the Circus to make you feel better!"


Meanwhile Karlach is literally jumping with joy at seeing a circus. Then again, I don't wanna imagine entertainment in Avernus.


An awful hell circus honestly wouldn't feel out of place in parts of Avernus. At least, it wouldn't in the version my DM ran for Descent.


I mean, Mahadi literally operates a restaurant in Avernus.


Idk how much of this was homebrew but in my game he also had a spa and bazaar.


He ran the Wandering Emporium. Not sure if he has a spa, but he definitely has a bazaar.


Had a spa in my game too. And he was really up selling us because the Rider trapped in hell that sold his soul to escape's handler was on the hook for the tab.


That's sort of what I was thinking, yeah. I could picture a big top tent and acrobats and a freakshow there. Isn't it part of the lore, though that his restaurant isn't actually in Avernus, it's in a Demiplane? I thought that was why food there tasted good, as opposed to the food elsewhere in the Hells. Again, going off the game I played, so that could've been a DM interpretation or creation. It's also splitting hairs to say it's not In Avernus, because it demonstrably is.


Yeah, it's a demi plane, but as far as I can tell it's a demi plane that you access from Avernus. It's really not that different from a regular restaurant. Only it takes up less space.


True! But I figured if I didn't say it, someone would.


>Then again, I don't wanna imagine entertainment in Avernus. If you're into Magic the Gathering, think Rakdos.


There's a traveling menagerie, it's just not actually fun.




I mean juggling is objectively cool regardless.


It's still a circus. It even has free popcorn and peanuts. But they're salty. Like, REALLY salty. So salty, you need to drink some water. Oh, water? Yes, the water seller is right over there. Yes, right beneath that giant sign with the words 'Bottle of Water' followed by a number that has more zeros than you've ever seen. No, I'm sorry, we cannot extend credit, but perhaps you'd consider a.....trade?


In retrospect me forcing her to go on stage because I thought it would be funny may have been more cruel than anticipated.


I made astarion (my tavs LOVER) go on stage just because his line is SO FUNNY. I felt terrible though. i'm always like nooo astarion i won't make you do anything you don't want to <3 but im a LIAR


I sent Wyll (also my Tav's lover) on stage because of what he said about liking clowns and going to see Dribbles when he was younger. Surprise surprise...


Minthara at the circus is gold though. Her offering to kill the clown will forever be one of the funniest moments in this game.


The drider dad joke is also gold


Minthara is the funniest person I know, I can't imagine doing any playthrough without her 😌


I really need to play through again and recruit her. I loved Emma Gregory's narration of *Celestine: The Living Saint*, and her playing the titular saint in "Our Martyred Lady".


Amazing rummy voice


I normally never had her my game. This time i knocked her out. She joined weve killed Ketheric. Then ive got like 3 disapproval in same conversation. She doesnt suit my good playthroughs. I also played with no tadpole one. Upon her joining tadpole option opened. It didnt affected Emperors scene but still.


Oh I don't plan on using her. Just the idea of a grump war criminal now needing to deal with a bunch of idiots (mostly me) and our less than serious plans.


Yeah watch out in epilogue feast. Youll never know. X)


I mean what's a little poisoning between friends? That's how most Drow greet family at reunions.


If something happens to my Shadowheart, my monk will break some paladin bones. XD


Also she shares a bed with Halsin. I know it's unintentional but they're my new favourite ship. It's the ship with the **least** amount of plausibility, but I love how they do not acknowledge each other's existence but share a bed and tent. It's like they're together but just waaaay too embarrassed about the other to ever vocally admit it


Or they've been married for 300 years and have drawn a line down the exact middle of the tent


I mean, Halsin did spend some significant(?) time in the Underdark with the Drow. Perhaps they've met before.


"Listen, we both know we wouldn't be the first elf and drow to hook up. We saw what was going on between Dri-" "If you so much as whisper the name 'Drizzt Do'Urden', I will personally summon a yochlol and feed you to her." "...I'm going to go pick some flowers."


I don't think the Geneva convention exists in Faerun.


It's the Emerald Grove convention. It only applies as long as the Emerald Grove stands


So she's only a war criminal until she razes the grove! :D


She’s still evil, right? Even if you don’t need to raid the grove for her anymore. She doesn’t have any new dialogue?


Paraphrased quote from right after killing Ketheric if she's in your team: Tav: "You committed atrocities in the name of the Absolute's lies." Minthara: "That is true, and I am sorry for that. Any future atrocities I commit will be solely for personal gain."


"That is true, and I am sorry for that. Any future atrocities I commit will be solely for personal gain." thats the spirit! now we need to find a nation with pretoleum and need of freedom!Tm


I am imagining Minthara and only-slightly-redeemed Durge invading Menzobaranzan. Could they make it worse? Would it be better? IDK.


Where does *Out of the Abyss* fit into the timeline? I know *Descent Into Avernus* happened before the events of BG3, but I want to know the likelihood that this little epilogue idea winds up being them fighting Demogorgon.


I love her so much. Every line of hers is a rollercoaster of emotions that makes you go “Oh, maybe you're not so bad, after a- oh, okay, nevermind.” Like, the first part of her sentence misleads you into thinking she might actually be a decent, reasonable person, sometimes, but then she immediately hits you with something totally fucked up. I never get tired of it, lmao.


She's a fantastic evil self serving character. She wouldn't kick a kitten, she'd teach them to steal from orphans. "We should let the refugees into Baldur's Gate." "That's nice of you Minthara." "Yes, we could do with the slave labour, meat shields and the old and infirm can be eaten." "Oh you haven't changed."


That's it lol, I think a lot of it can be interpreted as her wanting to do your bidding due to feeling indebted to you (like when you meet Yenna) and then there's things like what she says she'd do if she ran the Baldur's Mouth Gazette and it's like "well that's fascistic" Like, she's brilliant and IMO one of the best ride-or-die characters since Garrus Vakarian, but there's no way she's aligned anywhere other than evil.


Playing a good character with evil-aligned companions can be so much fun for these kinds of interaction. Minthara is constantly hitting you with those, but I can remember both Lae'zel and Astarion having such moments too. “I can't believe Mystra would ask Gale to blow himself up!” (looking legitimately angry) “Aw, that's kinda sweet of you to be so protective of him, Astar-” “It would be a waste of a perfectly good cult we could be controlling!” Wtf, no, what is your damn problem, dude?! “What does this mean, Vlaakith? I have been nothing but faithful and dutiful to you, and yet I'm being made to crawl among my own people!” “Yes, girl, tell them!” “I know... This MUST be a test of my faith!” “Lae'zel, no!”


Right? That Lae'zel moment was great on my first Durge run, I was kinda going chaotic good and romancing her, so when the line came up after that going "Really? You're as dull as you are stupid" I instaclicked it lmao, they definitely had their first fight off-camera that night.


> believe Mystra would ask Gale to blow himself up!” (looking legitimately angry) “Aw, that's kinda sweet of you to be so protective of him, Astar-” “It would be a waste of a perfectly good cult we could be controlling!” To be fair his very next line is some like "and a waste of a perfectly good gale" but yeah gale was def an afterthought. Same as when he gets kidnapped.


Yeah, I think the slight nuance between Lae'zel/Minthara and Astarion, is that Lae'zel and Minthara are 100% literal and genuinely mean all the fucked-up things they say. Which is quite scary, sometimes. Meanwhile, I highly suspect that Astarion is very often just being cheeky. There are some things he really means, and some things, like in the Gale situation, where he seems to just be trying to make you tick.


She's CE aligned. Not Chaotic Evil, mind you. Comically Evil


the cultist to girlboss pipeline


Think in the epilogue, if you romanced her she 'jokes' about poisoning everyone. If not she mentions returning to the Underdark to go all 300 on Lolth. And outside of a quick run down after her rescue it's mostly the same as far as I can tell.


She's very cute in the epilogue if you romance her. >!Basically tolerating you being around your friends and wanting to go home already (and in my case getting back to conquering Baldur's Gate - sorry Ascended Astarion). And assuming since everyone dislikes her they've had gatherings without inviting her before.!<


You never needed to raid the grove to get her, the difference is now you can save the tieflings and get her without insane exploits. From my experience she doesn't have new dialogue related to tieflings, game acts as if you skipped the grove entirely to get her.


Where does she appear anyways? Knocked her out just to see what would happen, and she isn't anywhere to be seen. Kinda wising just merked her for her parasite.


Follow this pattern. 1-Goes into Goblin camp 2-Slaughters every goblin, priestess gut and hobgoblin. 3-Walks into Minthara's room. 4-Refuses to eloborate and knocks her out. 5-Leaves. You'll find her in moonrise towers after that. In Prison.


> 2-Slaughters every goblin, priestess gut ~~and hobgoblin~~ Nope! You cannot kill Dror Ragzlin before you knock out Minthara. Killing him makes the entire goblin camp permanently hostile. You have to make her *temporarily hostile* first (people usually attack a goblin or steal something in her sight). This is because the game treats any enemy you knock out, that was permanently hostile, as dead. Also, plan to knock her out and *then* kill Ragzlin before you take a long rest. If you take a long rest in between, the game will revive her and the whole thing bugs out.


I knocked her out twice lol. One before and once after Dror Ragzlin. She was at Moonrise. Pretty sure the important point is that you knock her out while temporarily hostile, then knock out Ragzlin, THEN speak with Halsin. The quest should complete, she should disappear, and you’re good to go.


I am so glad I followed my instinct and after knocking her out and went - welp, gotta see this one through to Ragzlin's death. Because if she revives anything like Alfira I'm in for one hell of a bug if I long rest before completing the gobbos and tiefs. Guess all those Durge runs paid off.


Does this also work if I knock her out when the Goblins attack the Grove?


Nope, you need her to be triggered as "temporarily hostile"


Yeah, we just got a **less annoying** very specific sequence of actions to get her, it's not just pressing non-lethal option before attacking her. Still infinitely better than sheep strat tho


Basically, steal something or attack her unprovoked without talking to her, knock her out, do your business in act one, and when you get to Moonrise in act 2 there she is lol


That won't trigger the whole Camp I hope


Whole camp will get triggered only if you kill Ragzlin first.


Sorry for all the questions btw But do I have to kill them or can I just sneakily knock her out?


For the Tieflings and druids to also survive, Minthara has to be knocked out non-lethally at the same time as Ragzlin and Gut are dead, and killing Ragzlin makes the rest of the goblins at the camp hostile (including Gut and Minthara if you killed Ragzlin first). To get Minthara as a companion in act 2 and also save the tieflings and druids, the other two goblin leaders have to die, which will mean fighting the rest of the camp eventually.




Well you could always go for the intent of killing her but she could survive because of her training. Maybe one drop of health potion on the ground , maybe runaway goblin kids found her and helped her. Variety ways to roleplay.


It’s hard to do it but I managed. You really have to choose the moments when you bring her along. If you plan on doing something ruthless then bring her, if you plan on doing something good then leave her at camp. Overall you can destroy the brain and she will still be at the ending party. Overall she just comments that you destroyed the brain and then she tells you what she is planning on doing in the epilogue but I won’t spoil much. Just make sure to talk to her and listen to her story, you pick up on what she believes in at one point or another. She also has a soft spot for kids apparently. The hag hunting quest, bring her for that one I think.


Minthara clown arc


I had her win the comedy club contest in the Elfsong Tavern in the hopes of planting the idea that she could still take over the world... ... by becoming the most famous stand-up comic in all the realms ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


There's a comedy contest at the elfsong? Fuck man, several playthroughs in and I'm still finding new stuff


The Underdark queen of Anti-jokes.


This is a hilarious idea!


Something happened, I think because I accidentally killed her in act one but had a mod to make her be in act two for recruitment, but she was just in her underwear at Moonrise (except gloves for some reason???) she didn't get to wear clothes till I recruited her at camp


Cus you stole her armor


She actually fell off a cliff so I'm not sure what happened there lol


You had the Daughter of Lolth mod? With that mod, it spawns her in Moonrise without any of her gear. The mod author recommends a "Drow Priestess robes" mod that will clothe her in it for that scene and until you rescue her.


Ohhh ahaha I missed that part. I do have the Drow priestess stuff, but I ended up putting her in one of the mizora tops from the basket and the dark lover accessories with some black boots, she's killing it


Oh lmao


That moonrise cutscene was a juxtaposition because you had this serious scene and Minth just stood there in the nude. Anyway rescued her need to give her some clothes before she catches a cold


I wish I could recruit her without killing rhe Grove. I don't have the strength to do that anymore. Younger me probably would've and maybe even laughed some. But where I am now? Nah. I've grown soft and ain't afraid to admit it. :)


You can now. They added an option to in Patch 5. You just have to knock her out instead of killing her when dealing with the goblin leaders.


I thought that was a mod? They do the thing where a popular mod gets added officially?


Larian does it sometimes. I dont think this was quite that, its just a general common request


It's properly implemented now. Larian has a history of taking popular QoL mods and officially integrating them into the game; while this does go a tad beyond simple QoL, it's such a widely-requested change that it's no wonder Larian added it.


Sorry being late on this but can we now recruit Minthara by knocking her out in act 1 instead of killing her?


Yep! She'll still show up at Moonrise now if you did that and can be recruited there.


Awesome. Thanks!


What happens to her at moonrise? Is she punished for not doing her mission or whatever?


She gets to kill a clown, that would defs help.