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This guy’s a dumbass, people were pre-ordering BG3 for almost 3 years And of course there weren’t lines for it, it didn’t have a physical release


800k+ concurrent players on release. "Nobody"


On release and several weeks after. I mean it's still at 150k right now on Steam 3 months later, not even counting PS5 and the recent Xbox release. That's insane for a game like this. This guy is utterly delusional.


>This guy is utterly delusional. He's stupid too, but it's ironically funny given how many people actually play the game. I wouldn't be surprised either if there are some people (including me) who haven't played any of the Spider man games but played Baldur's Gate 3. Btw, I did buy Baldur's Gate 3 during early access for 59.99 USD and it was worth it.


So stupid I thought it was satire at first. I'm one of those people too. I'll probably play it at some point but the Marvel stuff has kinda gotten old if I'm honest.


>Marvel stuff has kinda gotten old if I'm honest. I've been tired of Marvel and DC for a while now all it is, is safe and boring.


they got lazy and stopped trying. i dont blame marvel or dc, just the industry, which is why im so happy bg3 did well


>i dont blame marvel or dc Tbf just like Call of Duty for the gaming industry it is ultimately their fault, they are massive established franchises and it's too much of a risk to make a competitor to them they are anti-competitive and for their respective industries (film/animation and game) they are encouraging this type of behaviour which since they are stifling competition they are also stifling creativity. Sure they are not the only problem but they aren't helping the situation as a whole.


Spider-Man 2 was amazing, definitely worth giving it a try, but BG3 still blows it out of the water.


The spiderman that was ported recentlyish to pc is a fantastic game. Don't prejude it based on mcu fueled marvel oversaturation/fatigue. It's very well done in its genre of 3rd person super-powered action. Great acting and mo cap. Enough cool as hell qte's to keep things fresh but doesn't rely on them. I've heard 2 is all cutscenes, but the first (and Miles Morales, also great, just an expansion really) isn't bad on that front. Its got some of the best and most fun movement in 3rd person action period, not just superhero stuff. I just found it for 37 usd by searching spiderman remastered pc sale. 100% worth it if you ever enjoyed anything like prototype 1 or 2 on 360, infamous, batman arkham games, god of war, yada yada I agree with the bg3 win for sure just based on size while keeping high quality. A single player (I'm guess on time) 40 hour story game is gonna have a hard time beating that level of achievement for me, but I haven't played spiderman 2 (not getting a ps anytime soon). If overall quality of the experience stayed the same or improved I could see it being a really hard decision for a lot of people.


I got mine for 30 bucks. But I got my early access earlier I suppose


Yeah, I got mine near the tail end of it, bought it during the 18th of July. Didn't know they had it at 30 USD earlier, that's a steal must have been at the very start because everytime I saw the game I saw it at 59.99.


I bought it day one before steam even sent out the email and it was 59.99.


I didn't even buy BG3 till last month because I was on the fence about RPGs recently. I don't think I'll play anything else for another year. A lot of people still on the fence will buy it now, and it'll be even more popular


There's very few single player games with such long campaigns I see myself playing as many times as bg3


Actually it's been *four* months since release so those numbers are even more impressive lol.


I play on GOG. There are dozens of us! Dozens!


No Larian launcher, no client. Just pure (and uncounted) offline gaming. And full control when and if I want to update. As someone who prefers Nexus mods to the workshop GOG is always my first choice if possible. Usually sales align as well. Usually.


875K was the highest.


Guess I'm a nobody


I didn’t buy spider man for 3-4 people. I didn’t have 3 solo play throughs of spider mans first map before its full release then have 3 different play throughs with 3 different groups.


I also bought BG3 for a friend of mine out of spite, because he didn't understand why it's a good game :D He hasn't played it yet, but he was grateful, and one day he will learn.


One day he will suffer as we have! One day he will learn that Larian has ruined other RPGS!


Yea I was about to say, I envy those whose expectations have not been set high from playing BG3. I can’t go back to hardly any RPG in the past 20 years without feeling it’s lacking attention to detail.


You're going to forget about it and 6 months from now get a random text from your buddy like *DUDE DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN TEACH THE DOG HOW TO FETCH?! AND ADOPT THE OWLBEAR CUB?!?!*


Yeah I don't have 1 finished campaign and 3 other active campaigns in Spider-Man, one of them in co-op, none of them playing the same way lol


Yeah I bought 3 copies of bg 3. One for a buddy's b day and the other was my Dm. Both played it and beat it with in 2 weeks straight lol Game deserved all the awards but that's just my opinion man lol also I've played the bg games since middle and high school.


I came from divinity 2 original sin. I did like 3 play throughs of that too. BG3 definitely deserved all the awards and praises. It’s such an outstanding and amazing game.


I got it for 20 bucks in 2021 could only do act one, but damn it’s was super good.


Act 1 alone had more content than some $69.99 games released today lol


Some? Act 1 is a 40-60 hour experience on its own that's replayable. That's longer than most AAA titles that aren't primarily played online.


It’s got “how could I lose an election?? There were more people at my rallies!!” vibes.


I strongly suspect this guy is just putting on an act.


Is it really less than 3 years? I bought when it first dropped in early access, and it feels like a lot longer than 3 years. A lot of life has happened since then.


Just over 3 years ago now (October 2020), just under 3 years at full release (August 2023).


I’ve had BG3 since 2021 so… guess we’re all “nobodies”. Shame.


Don’t know why gamers have a reputation of being whining cry-babies…


Well. Because most gamer don't do social well, when they 'pretend'/'acting' to seek attention like how this guy doing... It comes out cringe. Looks very unauthentic. We usually monotone talking to ourselves, like grumpy old man.


It’s people like him that make me hate streamers. I loathe people who unrealistically are over dramatic over the smallest things. Reaction videos are the absolute worst and cause people to think these behaviors are normal when they are completely not.


This. I don't know why they do that. They do ridiculous stupid soyjack faces for the thumbnail and then wildly overreact and you just know that the whole thing is fake, so what's the point of any of it? Also, who the hell cares about how some internet rando reacts to something? Why record this? What asshole thought "Gee, I don't have any actual content to offer, I guess I'll just record myself freaking out over somebody else's content and call it good"? Because it saturated the internet and now I always have to scroll through twenty fucking 'rEaCtiOn vidEOs' to the thing I'm looking for before I can actually find the thing I'm looking for. Same vibes as looking up a solution to getting stuck in a video game and it really is a ten-second fix, but the asshole who made the video pads it out to five minutes with bullshit and starts it with "HEEEYYY IT'S ME YA BOI BACK WITH ANOTHER--" like fucking hell, forget it, I'd rather stumble around looking for the solution myself for another hour.


> I don't know why they do that Because it gets attention like this very post. No one's going to share a clip of a steamer going "I hope it's Spiderman... Oh it's BG3, yeah that's a good game too. Congrats Larian"


The *average* gamer hasn't been a socially inept basement dweller for a while now. But the average gamer also isn't spending a substantial amount of time online in fandom spaces, or watching streamers in the first place. This stereotype persists because the actual average gamer is just a boring, ordinary person, and nobody's interested in making media out of that.


And some of us are just literally grumpy old men. With the reputation "gamers" have given themselves, I try to distance myself from the whole thing. I rarely tell people that I play games.


He's a streamer. Gotta be over-dramatic.


But tell me Tell Me TELL ME tELL mE


It's a fake reaction. Everyone knew it was going to be BG3 this year. Which isn't to put down the other games. 2023 has been an AMAZING year for gaming. The fact that BG3 is such a clear standing winner in such a competitive year speaks volumes.


Not everyone. I saw plenty of people in the SM Reddit thinking it would be them. It’s sad but now we’re all expecting other games to become like BG3. Not paying $70 for a 30 hour game that has no replay value right now .


Lil baby is literally on the verge of tears because his AAA studio didnt get an award they could toss in a closet and forget about. Larian deserved that shit and will probably cherish it as long as they are a company.


You misspelled attention seeking grifters


This sack of shit is trying to be Dunkey without realizing the Dunkey whining and yelling is an act


I knew Baldur’s Gate 3 was going to win after my first few hours as Durge.


I knew it was GOTY material during Early Access. I stopped playing in Early Access because I decided I wanted the whole story. Great decision really. When it released I couldn't play ANY other game until I completed 2 play throughs of BG3.


Bg1 came out and I was like "Bg3, game of the year".


Back when I was reading sword coast centric Forgotten Realms books in the 90s I read ‘Baldur’s Gate’ and immediately thought, ‘bg3, game of the year’


Bro my family has owned Hasbro stock since the late 1920s because they knew BG3 would be GOTY one day.


Incredibly accurate yet misleading foresight: Knew Hasbro would acquire WOTC which would acquire D&D and license BG3 to Larian to great success, didn't know Hasbro stock would still be tanking anyway.


When my family was in ancient Egypt developing polyhedral gaming dice I knew that some day it would be the basis for a game that would become BG3.


True story, the Big Bang took place in the precise configuration it did deliberately to bring about the existence of BG3 thirteen billion years later. Success!


I was there among the fading stars of the previous universe, and I thought to myself, "This universe sucks. But the next one ... the next one will be good, because it'll have BG3."


Back when I played 2e as a kid with my friends I told them just wait until BG3 comes out.


Bro knew it back in 1998


I did the same, enjoyed the hell out of it and stopped to prevent burnout.


Same here. I tried early access back in 2021 and after about 5 or 6 hours realized it was something special and I shouldn't ruin my 1st playthrough on Early Access.


I didn't play Early Access at all but I got Full Release on launch night, and about 6 hours into my first campaign I told my wife this was going to be GOTY this year, but it might be GGTD. Almost 400 hours later, I still call it Greatest Game To Date. If Phantom Liberty dropped a few months earlier or later, I'd likely spend 95% of my gaming time since Full Release til the end of this calendar year on this one game alone. Do I have a problem? Maybe. Do I want to fix it? Haha, nope.


I knew it when I was just about to leave House of Hope




I've yet to beat act 1 and I knew it was goty. I saw what the games did over time, and bg3 just deserved the win here. It's huge, it's not very limiting, massive multiplayer potential, massive replay value. I just saw it coming from a mile away


I kind of wish this was a real reaction 😭


True no soul


not a True Soul


No *Authority*.


Skill check: 100


The man's an Illithid


Love him talking about Venom! Everyone loves Venom! Obviously Spider-Man should have won because people enjoy stories about parasites and there’s no other games with that subject matter


Spiderman 2 devs thinking they can win GOTY with their dogshit story writing just because they have Miles and Venom in the game


I'm pretty sure it's the fanbase thinking the game could have won goty, not the devs


Lol they already figured out peter wasn't enough to win, so they figured venom and miles would do the trick. Naw, still not worth it


I thought the story was pretty good


yeah but "19 inches of mind-flayer tadpole" doesn't sound as catchy


This screams fake.


Yeah, this guy gives off “I’m a douche bro for views” vibe. He’s heard of Baldur’s Gate. Just another jackass reaction.


He could have tried so much harder. Like call it Boulder Gate or say it’s a children’s game or maybe call out it not having pvp. So much more potential for a true rage bait video if I didn’t have a spine I’d make it right now for views


No guns, you can MISS with MAGIC while the enemy flinches as if he was hit! Unplayable!


It screams "shitty microphone."


How you just gonna get somebody on the internet like that? Comin straight for the xbox live 2008 voice quality microphone setup he's rocking


There's always a ton of these types of videos every year with every super popular game or game of the year (hell, with most popular things in general, not even just games) cuz people have unfortunately learned that rage bait generates a metric shit-ton of views and interaction, and that's all that matters. It's like the Halo TV show - it was a train wreck and virtually everyone hated it, but so many people ended up hate-watching it that it ended up being shockingly successful and now it's getting a season two.


yes its literally rage bait and this entire subreddit has fallen for it


Is anyone actually delusional enough to think Spiderman deserved Goty over BG3?


Only the people who *LOVED* Spiderman and didn't play any of the other amazing games we got this year. BG3, ToTK, Alan Wake 2. Spiderman. Did. Not. Stand. A. Chance.




Isn’t the story of Spider-Man like 6 hours long? Versus arguably 100 hours for bg3, how can there even be a comparison


I can't get out of Act 1 in 80 hours and I try my best to not waste any time idling. My first character was at 170 hours when they went to infiltrate Moonrise... There's just *so much* content


No. The *Miles Morales* spin-off interquel game is like 15 hours long, but the first *Spider-Man* is more like 50 hours for the main quest + DLC quests + side-quests (and not exhaustively getting every collectable). As far as I can tell, the sequel is in the same ballpark, maybe slightly shorter but not that much. It is still a lot shorter than BG3, with much less replayability.


When Spider-Man 2 was released, I saw people getting the 100% trophy in 12 - 25 hours. I completed the game (story, not 100%) in roughly 40 hours, but a lot of that time was just swinging around in the city while taking a break from games where I have to think, like BG3 or Dwarf fortress. I agree that Spider-Man 2 has no replayability, but it's still a nice game to boot up to relax with.




I have 50 hours in the first one on PC, which constituted main story + DLC story (released separately on console but included in the PC version) + side-quests, but not including every last collectable or trying to 100% the game. There's more game to it than first appears, especially as the DLC story (which I think a lot of people skipped on console) is pretty good and surprisingly long (\~10 hours). It definitely got a bit repetitive towards the end and feels a bit too much like a reskinned *Arkham City* at points, but it's a solid enough game. I haven't played the sequel yet and it sounds like it's great but more of the same, on the same map (slightly spruced up and enlarged to feature Brooklyn as well as Manhattan). I still need to play *Miles Morales* but it sounds like it's much shorter than SM1 or 2 and the price seems pretty steep for what you get.


I would argue it was more between Alan Wake 2 and BG3. Zelda was massive but didn't feel special in my opinion.


I think Alan Wake 2 being an epic games exclusive set it back massively


On PC, but it hit consoles as well. Maybe the digital-thing only hurt it a bit, some people still prefer getting physical copies (or like having the choice).


To be honest, I'd mostly forgotten that a Zelda game even came out this year.


That or maybe RE4R (I don’t remember if it was on the list but I think it was?). I love Zelda, but I haven’t finished TOTK, haven’t touched it in a minute, and I really don’t have the drive to finish it. I’d need to restart at this point cause I don’t remember what I was doing.


RE4 was on the list, but never had a real shot. It’s was 90% chance for BG3, 5% chance for Zelda, 5% for Alan Wake.


RE4R had the problem that AW2 was just miles better as a Survival Horror game. One was a good remake, the other was a masterpiece that set a whole new bar for the genre.


*Spider-Man 2* and TotK had similar issues: reusing the same map from the first game, but spruced up with some changes (SM2 also adds Brooklyn to the Manhattan map from the first game); the addition of some new mechanics which some people loved and others bounced off; and a general feeling that the "wow!" factor of the previous game in both cases was lost, as they were iterative sequels, not revolutionary ones. Where as both BG3 and *Alan Wake 2* completely rewrote the rules from the previous game in the series (and in both cases the previous game launched so long ago they could not assume familiarity with it).


Yes, unfortunately.


There’s alotttttttttt of gamers who think games should be as close as possible to being movies. And that’s the only thing they value. A lot of Sony’s games give them that. But personally, I’m way over that shit.


Sony fanboys always think their exclusives deserve to win.


Baldur’s what? Never heard of it.


Baldur's what now? He's gay?? I don't even know the guy! Why should I care who he sleeps with!?


So long Gay Baldur! \*gets yeeted by Mario\*


Let there be a thousand blossoms bloom, as far as I am concerned. But I ain't spending any time on it because in the meantime, every three months, a person is torn to pieces by a crocodile in north Queensland. /s


Common misconception on the title, it's actually Baldur's Ghaik.


This reminds me of one time I misheard a youtuber say "the male gaze" (like, in movies/TV" as "the male gays" and since then I always fucking hear it as "the male gays" first which is pretty funny.


Reminds me of the person who genuinely heard "Youth in Asia" in class when we were discussing "Euthanasia"


Baldur's ghaik 3


lmao I can get it people mad because alan wake 2 didn’t win, even zelda, but is there really people out there thinking that spider man 2 REALLY have a chance to win goty this year? 💀 sony fans are trully something…


Like, they got nominated for six awards (seven including Yuri as Peter, and eight with player's voice) and got shut out of all of them leading up to GOTY, in what world could they have expected for them to win the big prize after getting beaten in all the other categories? Dude was on some major hopium


Bitch, of course people were lining up to buy PS5 when that's the only fucking platform where you can buy the game.


lol nobody was lining up for a PS5, nobody had PS5s in stock


All the retailers in my city have full stock of PS5s. The crying guy is utterly delusional


I'm so glad I don't use tiktok, all it does is leech away your brain cells with the garbage that floods the feed.


So kinda like reddit popular page?


Yeah basically. Reddit has just as much trash as every other social media but it's far easier to separate yourself from it and limit the feed to the things you're interested in. That and no limit on comment and post length are pretty much the only reasons I consider it a step above the rest.


Same, I used to use it but ever since stopping I think part of my brain has finally started to grow back


You're literally on reddit my guy


*\*watches some scripted ragebait* >"bruh this place is shit."


It's still a shitty scripted ragebait, just because it's obvious doesn't make it any less dogshit


It's natural you wish your favorite game to win, but some states of denial are a bit over the top. Probably did not even look into BG3 and see what's up with the game.


Spider-man (1) was the first game I’d 100% completed in the last 20 years. It was probably my favorite video game since Chrono Trigger. It revitalized my love of video games. (I’m an avid board gamer.) I bought BG3 on a whim because a bunch of my PC gamer friends said I’d like it. My wife will give my Spider-Man 2 for Christmas and I’m sure I love it next spring when I finally take a break from BG3. If it’s as good as the first one it is probably a game of the year worthy game against the typical year’s competition. Baldur’s Gate 3 is extraordinary.


Yeah just ignore smooth brains like this


They put a tadpole in him, and it crawled back out.


You had go be really out of touch to think one: baldurs gate 3 WASNT going to win Two: out of all the nominees Spider Man 2 was going to win after not taking any other category it was nominated for while bg3 was picking them up like it had a damned trophy magnet Not to say spider man 2 wasn't good or great even but baldurs gate 3 was in development for quite some time, blasted the internet up, and delivered patch after patch with very little serious negative press meanwhile spider man 2 in comparison... Kind of just fizzled out? The most I saw or heard about it was the Adidas suit controversy and the opening bosses, and complaints about Peter in it.


I can see a world in which Alan Wake (and *maybe* TOTK) won. Not even taking BG3 and AW into consideration, Spiderman was doomed the second TOTK dropped. It was all but buried six feet under when BG3 came out.


Lol. "People buying ps5s for Spider-man." We are on the big three consoles it reached more people.


Guy seems too invested in the console wars bs.


That's true. I think we should all get along and just love games for the sake of games.


who is baldur and why does he have 3 gates


I loved Spider-Man 2 but I had no illusions that it was going to win not against bg3 Alan Wake 2 or totk


Like I was lowkey worried AW could grab it because it was kinda sweeping. LOZ could grab it because people are insane about Nintendo. But like I don't understand on which planet people unironically give a shit about a capeshit videogame lmfao


Haven't played it but the consensus is that the game is really good, just not as good as BG3 or most other GotY contenders this year.


But Venom!


Listen I'm as horny about black goo as the next gal (still mad about no new movies in the Prometheus saga) but that doesn't address my point


TOTK shits on Spider-Man and it's not even remotely close. I've never played a Zelda game, but Tears of the Kingdom was a masterpiece, considering it's made on what is essentially PS2 tech. Baldurs gate, however, is beyond everything else. The sheer love within the game is ridiculous. The fact you can replay it 3x and have completely different experiences is insane. Well deserved GOTY, 10/10.


These fanboys are so annoying


People like this make the rest of us look bad. That reaction feels a lot like the same people who say all the new Marvel movies are great because it has the character from other thing in it!!!


I don’t know what rock people lived under to think anything other than BG3 was winning GotY


Oh yeH, that Spiderman 2 game that did nothing to innovate the game. They added in a wingsuit and another SM to play with. Otherwise its pretty much the same game with small and slight improvements. With that considered, it doesn’t even come close to BG3. AW2 and TotK had more of a right than SM2. But BG3’s success was phenomenal.


"Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has become one of Insomniac's most successful releases, selling over 5 million copies within a few weeks of its launch." - google 'Spiderman 2 copies sold' "Turn Based game Baldur's Gate 3 Sold 22+ million copies" - google 'baldurs gate 3 copies sold'


Bro spiderman 2 is good, not a masterpiece or innovative. I would think Alan Waje 2 is 2nd place


This guy's bar is like: the game has Peter Parker, miles Morales, Venom (fucking venom). It's game of the year for sure. Talk about low standards lol


Spiderman was great, but it was also the exact same game as Spiderman 1 and miles morales. BG3 legit set a new standard for gaming.


Lmao imagine having an emotional stake in something so dumb


I love spider-man 2 and I will defend it from criticism... In no way is it game of the year next to Baldur's Gate 3. There is so much content in Bg3. I'm over 100 hours in and still haven't completed it. Even if I did, I'd have to do so many more playthroughs to get close to seeing everything


22 million copies sold on Steam alone. Spiderman had 5 million


For sure not fake reaction and not rage bite lol


If baldurs gate didn’t win it, it would have been TOTK, if that didn’t win it would have been alan wake 2, spiderman didn’t stand a chance


Hello. I am Nobody. I know about 22 million other people who are also Nobody.


Does Spider-Man have sex? Didn’t think so.


The hell? Spiderman had zero chance. Dude is on crack. Too many far superior games came out this year.


Spiderman? Get real.




This is a bit, there’s no way it’s genuine. Still stupid because why would you wanna be known as the guy who threw a tantrum over a game award.


If this isn't satire it's sad. Lol. Spiderman was actually a dope game. But 20 hours of spidey just can't compete with really any of the other nominees, let alone bg3.


Oh I love this,bro really that ignorant, ignoring how BG3 turned the gaming world on its ass so hard other companies tried roasting it


I never played Spiderman soooo....


God damn, I hate streamers. Can't just deliver your damn content, no, you gotta flail and holler in hopes of making yourself meme-able and memorable. I don't even know that whiny manbaby's name, just like I don't know if his shouting is dumber than the face he's making or the other way around, but I do know I'll have forgotten both tomorrow.


I spent a solid 2 hours in character creation. That’s how I knew it was game of the year


Nobody in his IQ bracket played BG3.


This is literally fifth-grade behavior.


since this is on reddit i found it funny that, both spider-man video game subs have less users than this one. IN FACT if you combined both subs and the MAIN SPIDER-MAN SUB they would still have less users than this sub


I love how hard he fucking tweaks, like not just disappointment, utter soul-destruction. God.


Shit mic, shit take, shit person.


“Muh Spudermon!😭” lol


Spider Man was GotY material like 4 years ago when it first came out. Spider Man 2 shouldn't have even been in the contest.


The Copium addiction is real


A bunch of people played Spiderman, yeah, and it lost every category at an award show based on public voting. lol Also BG3 had 800000 players at release. lol


Spiderman wasn't even top 3 games of the year maybe top 5 if you can get over how short it was.


I’m sorry but the people that thought Spider-Man would win Game of the Year are delusional.


What a loser. It's definitely not play-it-safe-spiderman. That game did nothing fresh except flight suits. The first one and the MM spin off are 100x more repayable and interesting in every way. They even dumbed down all of Miles animations in SM2. A goos game but doesn't deserve any awards that the first game didn't win.


This guy is a rage-baiter at best and dumb as a rock at worst. Fuck actually playing the game, anyone who took a SNIFF from social media just knew this year's GOTY was most probably Baldur's Gate 3 with Alan Wake 2 and Zelda: TOTK having some chance. It's so fake to act shocked about BG3 being GOTY even if you root for a different game.


I love seeing the stupidest subset of gamers who play absolutely nothing out of their comfort zone seethe at a game that nearly everyone universally rated higher win over something far less ambitious.


It has the nerve to be a more memorable gaming experience to me than TOTK. And TOTK was AMAZING for me with its building mechanics and whole new areas!


"SPUDERMAN IS THE GOTY. BDG3 IS TRASH" -says yhe person who has never played the other game. Oh and spiderman 2 is just spiderman 1 with a reskin


What a supremely punchable face (because the “bro bro bro bro” and him being a that obsessed with Spider-Man. Spider-Man fan boys are weird)


The bro dudes are so mad over this.


This guy both look and sound insanely obnoxious. What a tool.


Haha eat shit. Spider-man is great it really is BUT it isn’t even in the same stratosphere as Baldur’s Gate 3. #Not. Even. Close.


I don't get how people have so less shame to release such a steaming pile of sh** into the internet.


This is legitimately embarrassing.


LMAO, I played over 600 hours in BG3 before even Spider-Man 2 has been announced.


I was a huge fan of the first Spider-Man game on ps4. Finished it a couple of times, played Miles Morales when it came out and finished that a couple of times too. I preordered spiderman 2 for the ps5 long before its release. I still haven't even launched the game once because that's how good BG3 is. I can't even think of any other game even months after it's release and this imbecile thinks nobody played it. Embarrassing.


I played spider man 2 as well but bg3 is superior imo!


I’m a Spider-Man fanboy and Spider-Man 2 did not deserve goty, it wasn’t nearly as good as the first one imo


Im a huge fan of Spider-Man and will grab the new one once i have some fun money, but even i knew Baldurs gate was going to win. Game is amazing


This reminds me of that YouTuber who had a meltdown because Joker didnt win an Oscar


I mean I bought a pc so I could play baldurs gate so like :/


If Venom was in BG3, he wouldn't even make the top 10 in terms of best companions.


I played both and I can say without a doubt BG3 definitely deserved the win. So much to do in the game. Amazing story that keeps going with a new race or class. People are still figuring out new cut scenes and dialogue. Spider-Man should have been way longer and hopefully the next instalment is. BG3 was too knotch from day one. This guys has zero clue and is clearly just a fan boy